Cleric Spells

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D&D 3.

5 CLERIC SPELL LIST This is a list of the spells available to clerics, taken from Chapter 11 (Spells) in the D&D 3.5 Players Handbook (PHB). I have compared it with the corresponding list in the 3.0 PHB (second printing, with the official errata applied), and highlighted the significant changes in blue text. The symbol in the left-hand margin signifies a spell that has changed in some way; signifies a spell that is new in D&D 3.5. signifies a spell that existed in 3.0, but was not on the cleric spell list there. Finally, a number in the left-hand margin signifies that a spell had a different level in 3.0 (for example, mass heal was moved from level 8 to level 9). If there is no symbol in the left-hand margin for a spell, then it has not changed at all in the revision (except for the page number in the PHB where it is described). Greyed -out spells are those that have been either renamed, moved to a different level or removed from the cleric spell list entirely. General Notes Calling and summoning spells: When you use a calling or summoning spell that calls an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it is a spell of that type. Illusion spells: If Disbelief appears in the Save(s) column then a character studying the illusion or interacting with it in some fashion is entitled to a Will saving throw. If successful, the character realises the illusion is false. Figments and phantasms revealed to be false still remain as a translucent outline. If any viewer su ccessfully disbelieves an illusion and communicates this fact to other viewers, each such viewer gains a Will saving throw with a +4 bonus.

Detection spells: Each round, you can turn to detect things in a new area. These spells can penetrate barriers, but are blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. Healing (cure) spells: These spells deal damage to undead rather than curing them. Undead can attempt a Will save to take half damage. Inflict wounds spells: These spells heal undead rather than damaging them. Magical traps: A Rogue (only) can use the Search skill to find these traps and Disable Device to thwart them. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level. to more detailed information in the description for this spell in the PHB.

(H) (I) (T)

() Refer

LEVEL 0 School conj.


Name [descriptor(s)] Create Water

[water] (H) (D) (D)

Details Creates wholesome, drinkable water Cure 1 hp damage Detect presence and strength of magical auras

Comp. V,S V,S V,S

Time 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action

Range Close Touch 60 ft Close Touch Touch Touch 10 ft. 10 ft.

Cure Minor Wounds divination Detect Magic



Target/Area/Effect Up to 2 gallons/lvl of water 1 creature Cone emanation 1 creature/object, or a 5-ft. cube 1 creature 1 creature 1 object 1 object
(up to 1 lb.)

Duration Instant Instant Conc., up to 1 min/lvl (D) Instant 1 min

(or until discharged)



Pg. 215 216 219 219

Will half


divination Detect Poison divination Guidance necro. Inflict Minor Wounds evocation Light [light] trans. trans. Mending

Detect presence of poison in a creature, object or area V,S

Wisdom or Craft (Alchemy) check (DC 20) to identify specific poison.


Subject gains +1 competence bonus on a single attack V,S roll, saving throw, or skill check Inflict 1 hp damage V,S Touched object glows like a torch
Bright light for 20-ft. radius; dim light for additional 20-ft. radius.

Will negs Yes


238 244 248

Instant 10 min/lvl Instant Instant 10 min/lvl 1 min 1 minute


Will negs Yes


Repair a small break or tear in an object

Cannot restore a broken magic items powers.

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)

253 267 269

Purify Food and Drink divination Read Magic abjur. trans. Resistance Virtue

Makes contaminated food or water fit for eating and drinking Read magical writing (one page per minute)
Can identify a glyph of warding (DC 13), greater glyph of warding (DC 16) or any symbol (DC 10 + spell level) with Spellcraft.

Food and water

(up to 1 cu.ft./lvl)

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

Personal You Touch Touch 1 creature 1 creature

Subject gains +1 resistance bonus on saving throws Subject gains 1 temporary hit point

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Will negs Yes

(h) (h) (h)

272 298

Fort negs Yes


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

LEVEL 1 School ench.


Name Bane Bless


[fear, mind-affecting] [mind-affecting]

Details Enemies suffer 1 morale penalty to attacks and saving throws vs. fear
Counters and dispels bless.

Comp. Time V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M


Range 50 ft 50 ft Touch Close Close

Target/Area/Effect Enemies in range You + allies in range 1 flask of water 1 living creature
(max. 5 HD)

Duration 1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl Instant 1d4 rnds 1 round

Save(s) SR Will negs Yes Yes


Pg. 203 205 205 208 211


Allies gain +1 morale bonus to attacks and saving throws vs. fear
Counters and dispels bane.

trans. necro. ench.


Bless Water Cause Fear


Turns 1 pint of water into holy water Target becomes frightened

If the Will save succeeds, the target is merely shaken for 1 round. Counters and dispels remove fear.

1 min 1 action 1 action

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)


Will part


[fear, mind-affecting]

[language-dependent, mind-affecting]

Subject obeys a single command (choose from the options below) to the best of its ability and at its earliest opportunity
Approach: On its turn, subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round (provoking attacks of opportunity as normal). It may do nothing but move during its turn. Drop: On its turn, subject drops whatever it is holding. It cant pick up any dropped item until its next turn. Fall: On its turn, subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes appropriate penalties. Flee: On its turn, subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round (provoking attacks of opportunity as normal). It may do nothing but move during its turn. Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless. If the subject cant carry out the command on its next turn, the spell fails.

1 living creature

Will negs Yes

divination Comprehend Languages conj.


Understand any spoken or written language

You must touch the creature or the writing. Written material can be read at the rate of 1 page (250 words) per minute. (H) [evil]

V,S,DF 1 action V,S V,S,M


Personal You Touch Touch 30 ft. 60 ft. 1 creature 1 flask of water Cone emanation Cone emanation

10 min/lvl Instant Instant 10 min/lvl Conc., up to 10 min/lvl (D) Will half


212 Yes


Cure Light Wounds Curse Water

Cure 1d8+1/lvl

(max. +5)

hp damage

1 action 1 min

215 216 217 218 218 219 219 220 224

Turns 1 pint of water into unholy water Determine the condition of creatures near death Detect presence of creatures, objects or spells of the specified alignment

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

necro. Deathwatch [evil] divination Detect Chaos (D) Detect Evil (D) Detect Good (D) Detect Law (D) divination Detect Undead (D) evocation Divine Favor ench.

V,S 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Detect presence and strength of undead auras You gain a +1 luck bonus per 3 lvls to attack and weapon damage rolls Target becomes shaken
Does not protect against fire or cold damage. (at least +1, max. +3)

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

60 ft.

Cone emanation

Personal You Medium Touch 1 living creature 1 creature

Conc., up to 1 min/lvl (D) 1 min 1 min/lvl 24 hours Will negs Yes Will negs Yes
(h) (h)

[fear, mind-affecting]

225 226 227 241

abjur. abjur. abjur.

Endure Elements Entropic Shield Hide from Undead

(invisibility to undead )

Subject avoids harm from hot or cold environments Ranged attacks at caster have 20% miss chance Undead cannot perceive warded creatures
If a warded creature attempts to turn/rebuke undead, touches an undead or attacks any creature, the spell ends for all recipients. Nonintelligent undead get no saving throw. An intelligent undead gets one saving throw against the entire spell.

V,S 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You Touch 1 creature/lvl

1 min/lvl (D) 10 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes



Inflict Light (I) Inflict 1d8+1/lvl (max. +5) hp damage Wounds Invisibility to Undead hide from undead


1 action


1 creature


Will half



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

trans. trans.

Magic Stone Magic Weapon

Stones become +1 projectiles, dealing 1d6+1 damage

Against undead, the stones do double damage.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Touch

Up to 3 pebbles 1 weapon

30 min

(or Will negs until discharged) (h,obj)

(h,obj) (h,obj)

251 251

Weapon gains +1 enhancement bonus to attacks and damage

If caster or casters deity is of good alignment, the weapon is considered blessed.

1 min/lvl

Will negs Yes



Obscuring Mist Prot. from Chaos


Misty vapor obscures all sight beyond 5 ft.

A creature 5 ft. away has concealment (20% miss chance). Against attacks from creatures of the targeted alignment, the subject gains +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. Attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the subject are blocked. Summoned or conjured creatures not of the spells alignment cannot touch the subject (subject to SR); this effect ends if the subject attacks or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.


1 action

20 ft. Touch

Spread, 20 ft. high 1 creature

1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl

258 Will negs

(h) Yes (h)


Magical barrier surrounds and moves with the subject: V,S,DF 1 action


Prot. from Evil


Prot. from Good


Prot. from Law


abjur. abjur. abjur. conj.


Random Action Remove Fear Sanctuary Shield of Faith

Subject gains +4 morale bonus against fear effects

If already suffering a fear effect, that effect is suppressed. Counters and dispels cause fear.


1 action

Close Touch Touch Close

1 creature + 1 10 min additional per 4 lvls

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

271 274 278 285

Opponents cannot directly attack subject

Subject cannot attack without breaking the spell.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M 1 action

1 creature 1 creature 1 summoned creature

1 rnd/lvl 1 min/lvl 1 rnd/lvl


Will negs Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

Subject gains +2 deflection bonus to AC

Additional +1 bonus per 6 levels (to a maximum total of +5).

Summon Monster Summon an extraplanar creature to act as directed The creature attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you I

V,S,DF 1 round

can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. A summoned creature cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

LEVEL 2 School ench.


Name [descriptor(s)] Aid [mind-affecting] Align Weapon



Details Subject gains +1 morale bonus to attacks and saves vs. fear, plus 1d8+1/lvl (max. +10) temporary hp Weapon takes on specified alignment
Has no effect on a weapon that already has an alignment. Cant be cast on a natural weapon (e.g. unarmed strike).

Comp. Time V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Range Touch Touch

Target/Area/Effect 1 living creature

Duration 1 min/lvl


SR Yes

Pg. 196 197

1 weapon or 50 1 min/lvl projectiles (in contact) Instant

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)

Animal Messenger divination Augury

Learn whether a particular action will be good or bad

Base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1%/lvl (max. 90%).

trans. trans. ench.


Bears Endurance Subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution


V,S, 1 action M(25+), F (25+) V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You


Touch Touch Medium

1 creature 1 creature 20-ft. spread

1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl Conc. up to 1 rnd/lvl (D) 2 hr/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

203 207 207

Bulls Strength Calm Emotions


Subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Strength Calm agitated creatures

Mind-affecting spells and effects are suppressed. Any aggressive action or damage dealt to a calmed creature immediately breaks the spell on all calmed creatures.

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

Will negs Yes

evocation Consecrate


Imbues area with positive energy, weakening undead: V,S, Charisma checks to turn undead receive +3 sacred bonus. M (25), Undead in area suffer 1 sacred penalty on attacks, damage, saves. DF Undead cannot be created in or summoned into affected area.
If area contains an altar/shrine to casters deity, above modifiers are doubled. If area contains an altar/shrine to any other deity, the spell instead curses the area, cutting off the connection with the associated deity, and does not grant the above bonuses/penalities relating to undead. Counters and dispels desecrate.

1 action


20-ft radius emanation


Cure Moderate (H) Cure 2d8+1/lvl (max. +10) hp damage Wounds evocation Darkness [darkness] Object radiates shadowy illumination in 20-ft radius
(healing) All creatures in area gain concealment (20% miss chance), even those with darkvision, low-light vision etc. Normal lights are incapable of brightening the area, as are light spells of lower level. Higher-level light spells are not affected. If the object is placed inside or under a lightproof covering, the spells effect is blocked until the covering is removed. Counters and dispels any light spell of equal or lower level.



1 action 1 action

Touch Touch

1 creature 1 object

Instant 10 min/lvl

Will half


216 216

necro. conj.

Death Knell
[death, evil]

Delay Poison

Kills a dying creature; caster gains 1d8 temporary hp, +2 STR and +1 effective caster level Subject becomes temporarily immune to poison
Does not cure any damage already inflicted by poison.


1 action

Touch Touch Close

1 living creature
(with 1 hp or lower)

V,S,DF 1 action V,S, M (25), DF 1 action

1 creature 20-ft radius emanation

10 min. per Will negs Yes HD of target 1 hr/lvl Fort negs Yes
(h) (h)

217 217 218

evocation Desecrate

Imbues area with negative energy, strengthening undead:

Charisma checks to turn undead receive 3 profane penalty. Undead in area gain +1 profane bonus on attacks, damage, saves. Undead created in or summoned into area gain +1 hit point per HD. If area contains an altar/shrine to casters deity, above modifiers are doubled. If area contains an altar/shrine to any other deity, the spell instead curses the area, cutting off the connection with the associated deity, and does not grant the above bonuses/penalties relating to undead. Counters and dispels consecrate.

2 hr/lvl


trans. ench.

Eagles Splendor

Subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma

CHA-based spellcasters do not gain any additional bonus spells.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 round

Touch Medium

1 creature All creatures in range

1 min/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

225 227

Endurance bears endurance Enthrall [sonic, Captivates all in affected area while caster continues language-dependent, to speak or sing

Up to 1 hour Will negs Yes


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

divination Find Traps necro. ench.


Use Search skill to find traps as a Rogue can

You gain +1 per 2 lvls (max. +10) insight bonus on Search checks for traps.


1 action

Personal You Touch Medium Touch 1 corpse 1 humanoid 1 creature 1 creature 1 object
(up to 10 cu.ft./lvl)

1 min/lvl 1 day/lvl 1 rnd/lvl Instant Instant Instant 1 min/lvl Instant


230 Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

Gentle Repose Hold Person


Protects remains of a dead creature from decay Target freezes, paralyzed; can take no actions
Each round on its turn, the target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect (full-round action, no attack of opportunity).

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S V,S V,S 1 action

235 241 244 272 252 259 271

Will negs Yes Will half Yes

necro. conj.

Inflict Moderate Inflict 2d8+1/lvl (max. +10) hp damage Wounds (I) Lesser Dispel magical effects reducing one ability score, or Restoration cure 1d4 points of temporary damage to one ability
Also eliminates fatigue, and improves exhaustion to fatigue.

3 rounds Touch 1 action Close Touch Close

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

trans. trans. conj.


Make Whole Owls Wisdom

As mending, but repairs any number of breaks

Cannot restore a broken magic items powers.

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h) (h,obj) (h) (h)

Subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom

WIS-based spellcasters do not gain any additional bonus spells. 1 creature paralysis is negated; 2 creatures each receives another save with +4 resistance bonus; 3 or 4 creatures each receives another save with +2 resistance bonus.

V,S,DF 1 action 1 action

1 creature Up to 4 creatures
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes Will negs Yes


Remove Paralysis Free target(s) from temporary paralysis or slow effects V,S


Resist Energy
(resist elements)

Subject gains energy resistance 10 against specified energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic)
Resistance increases to 20 at caster level 7, and 30 at caster level 11. Does not stack with protection from energy.

V,S,DF 1 action


1 creature

10 min/lvl

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)


evocation Shatter


Destroy all nonmagical brittle objects in affected area

Objects weighing more than 1 lb/lvl are not affected.

V,S,DF 1 action


5-ft radius spread 1 object

(up to 10 lb./lvl)


Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)


Destroy single solid object (regardless of composition) Deal 1d6/lvl sonic damage (max. 10d6) to a crystalline creature Subject gains +1 deflection bonus to AC,+1 resistance V,S,F bonus to saves; half of any hit point damage suffered (100) by subject is transferred to caster Suppresses all sound in affected area V,S
The effect is immobile unless cast on a mobile creature or object. [sonic]


Shield Other

1 action


1 crystalline creature 1 creature

Fort half 1 hr/lvl


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)




1 action

Long Close Medium

evocation Sound Burst

Deal 1d8 sonic damage and stun creatures for 1 rnd

Successful save negates stunning but does not affect damage.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

20-ft radius emanation 10-ft radius spread Magic weapon of force (appropriate to
casters deity)

1 min/lvl Instant 1 rnd/lvl


Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

279 281 283

Fort part Yes Yes

Speak with Animals evocation Spiritual Weapon Melee weapon attacks foes as caster directs
[force] Attack bonus is casters BAB + WIS modifier; deals 1d8 + 1 per 3 lvls (max. +5) hp force damage (critical as weapon type). Weapon can be switched to a new target each round (move action).


divination Status conj.


Caster can mentally monitor the position and general condition of subjects Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creature(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-2 creature, or 1d3 level-1 creatures. II
Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .


1 action

Touch Close Close Close

V,S,DF 1 round

1 creature per 3 lvls Summoned creature(s)

(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 hr/lvl 1 rnd/lvl 24 hours 1 min/lvl


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

284 286

abjur. ench.

Undetectable Alignment Zone of Truth


Conceals subjects alignment from all forms of V,S 1 action divination Affected creatures in area cannot speak deliberate and V,S,DF 1 action intentional lies
Affected creatures are aware of the enchantment.

1 creature or object 20-ft. radius emanation

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

297 303

Will negs Yes

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

LEVEL 3 School necro. necro.

Name [descriptor(s)] Animate Dead


Details Creates up to 2 HD/lvl of skeletons and zombies

Can control up to 4 HD/lvl of undead created via this spell.

Comp. V,S,M

Time 1 action 1 action

Range Touch Touch

Target/Area/Effect 1 or more corpses 1 creature

Duration Instant Permanent



Pg. 198 203

Bestow Curse

Place a curse on the target creature

Example curses: 6 effective decrease to an ability score (to a minimum of 1); 4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance each turn of losing its action. Counters remove curse.


Will negs Yes


Blindness/ Deafness necro. Contagion [evil] evocation Continual Flame


Target becomes blinded or deafened (casters choice) Infects target with chosen disease () Object becomes a permanent, heatless torch
Can be covered and hidden, but not smothered or quenched.


1 action 1 action 1 action 10 min 1 action 1 action

Medium Touch Touch Close Touch Touch

1 living creature 1 living creature 1 object Food and water for 1 day 1 creature 1 object


Fort negs Yes Fort negs Yes

206 213 213 215

Instant Permanent 24 hr Instant 10 min/lvl


Create Food and (creation) Water conj. Cure Serious (H) (healing) Wounds evocation Daylight [light]


Sustains three humans or one horse per level for 1 day Cure 3d8+1/lvl (max. +15) hp damage Object sheds light as bright as full daylight in 60-ft radius, and dim light for additional 60 ft. beyond
Creatures that take penalties in bright light also take them while within the radius of this magical light. However, this spell is not the equivalent of daylight for the purposes of creatures that are damaged or destroyed by bright light (e.g. vampires). Counters and dispels any darkness spell of equal or lower level.


Will half


216 216

evocation Deeper Darkness


As darkness, but object sheds shadowy illumination out to 60-ft. radius

Daylight temporarily negates deeper darkness (and vice versa). Counters and dispels any light spell of equal or lower level.


1 action


1 object

1 day/lvl




Dispel Magic
These spells cannot be dispelled by dispel magic: any Instantaneousduration spell antimagic field curses from bestow curse forbiddance (unless dispellers lvl is at least as high as casters) forcecage geas (or lesser geas) globe (or lesser globe) of invulnerability* mark of justice Otilukes resilient sphere* Otilukes telekinetic sphere* prismatic sphere/wall wall of force * unless a targeted dispel is used

Targeted dispel: Cancel spells on one object or creature

Make a successful dispel check (1d20 + caster level, max. +10) against each ongoing spell currently in effect on the target (DC 11 + spells caster level) to cancel it. Against a magic item, make a successful dispel check against the items caster level to suppress all of the items magical properties for 1d4 rnds. For an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (e.g. summon monster), make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured it.


1 action


1 object or creature



Area dispel: Cancel up to 1 spell on each object/creature in area

For each creature or object that is the target of ongoing spells, make a dispel check against the spell with the highest caster level. If that fails, make dispel checks against progressively weaker spells until one is dispelled or all checks fail. Magic items are not affected. For each ongoing area or effect spell centered within the area, make a dispel check to cancel the spell. For each ongoing area or effect spell overlapping the area, make a dispel check to end the effect, but only within the area of the dispel magic. For objects or creatures that are the effect of an ongoing spell (e.g. summon monster), make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured it, in addition to attempting to dispel spells targeting the creature or object.

20-ft. radius burst

Counterspell: Disrupt spell being cast

Make a dispel check to counter the other spellcasters spell. (T)

1 spellcaster V,S,M


Glyph of Warding

Blast: Deals 1d8 per 2 lvls energy damage

Spell is targeted or centered on the intruder.

(max. 5d8) Damage is dealt to intruder and to all within 5 ft. of intruder.

10 min


Spell: Discharges a chosen spell (3rd level or lower) Ghostly image of a hand leads someone to you () Inflict 3d8+1/lvl (max. +15) hp damage V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action 5 miles Touch

1 object, or up to 5 Until sq.ft/lvl discharged Ghostly hand 1 creature 1 hr/lvl Instant

Ref half



(as for spell discharged)

evocation Helping Hand necro. Inflict Serious Wounds D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Will half


239 244

evocation Invisibility Purge divination Locate Object abjur.

Negate all forms of invisibility within 5 ft/lvl of caster Indicates direction to object (specific or generic)
To find a specific object, it must have been observed first-hand. Lead blocks the spell. Creatures cannot be found using this spell.

V,S 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You Long Circle centered on caster Touch 10-ft. emanation

(from touched creature)

1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl


245 249 Will negs

(h) Yes (h)

trans. trans.

Magic Circle As protection from chaos/evil/good/law , but V,S,DF 1 action against Chaos [law] encompasses a larger area and lasts longer. Can be focused inward rather than outward to imprison a called Magic Circle creature not of the spells alignment. against Evil [good] Magic Circle against Good [evil] Magic Circle against Law [chaotic] Magic Vestment Armor/shield gains +1 enhancement per 4 lvls (max. +5) V,S,DF 1 action
Regular clothing can be enchanted (counts as having armor bonus 0).

10 min/lvl



1 armor or shield

1 hr/lvl Up to 10 min/lvl 8 hours


Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)

251 252

Meld into Stone


Caster and equipment meld into single block of stone

Stone must be large enough to accommodate caster and equipment, and equipment must weigh no more than 100 lb.

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

abjur. ench.

Negative Energy Protection death ward (level 4) Obscure Object Mask object against divination and scrying Prayer

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch 40 ft.

1 object
(up to 100 lb./lvl)

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

258 264


Protection from Energy Remove Blindness/ Deafness Remove Curse

Caster and allies gain +1 luck bonus on attacks, weapon damage, saves and checks; foes suffer 1 penalty on same Subject gains temporary immunity to specified energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic)

V,S,DF 1 action


All allies and enemies within range 1 creature

1 rnd/lvl


10 min/lvl
(or until discharged)

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)


(prot. from elements) Spell is discharged after absorbing 12/lvl (max. 120) hp damage. Takes precedence over resist energy.


Cure normal or magical blindness or deafness (casters V,S choice)

Counters and dispels blindness/deafness.

1 action


1 creature


Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)



Free object or creature from curses

For a cursed shield, weapon or suit of armor, the spell does not remove the curse from the item but merely frees the victim from the items effects. Counters and dispels bestow curse.


1 action


1 creature or item


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)



Remove Disease

Cure all diseases afflicting subject

Also kills parasites such as green slime. Undead take 1d6/lvl damage (max. 10d6); undead vulnerable to sunlight (e.g. vampires) take 1d8/lvl damage (max. 10d8). Constructs/inanimate objects take 1d6 per 2 lvls damage (max. 5d6).


1 action 1 action

Touch Medium

1 creature Ray

Instant Instant

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)

271 275

evocation Searing Light

Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 per 2 lvls (max. 5d8) dmg V,S



Speak with Dead


Corpse answers up to 1 question per 2 lvls

Does not get a Will save if creatures alignment was same as casters. Cannot be cast on the same corpse more than once per week.

V,S,DF 10 min

10 ft.

1 corpse

1 min/lvl

Will negs


trans. conj.

Speak with Plants Stone Shape


Sculpt stone into any desired shape

30% chance that any shape including moving parts doesnt work.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 round

Touch Close

Stone/stone object, Instant

(up to 10 + 1/lvl cu. ft.)


Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creature(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-3 creature, or 1d3 level-2 creatures, or 1d4+1 III
level-1 creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 rnd/lvl


trans. trans.

Water Breathing Water Walk


Subjects can breathe water freely

Divide the duration evenly between all affected creatures.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Touch Medium

Living creature(s) 1 creature/lvl Wall

(up to 10 ft./lvl long and 5 ft./lvl high) (S)

2 hr/lvl 10 min/lvl 1 rnd/lvl


Will negs Yes

(h) (h) (h)

300 300 302

Subjects can tread on any liquid as if solid

If submerged, subjects are borne toward the surface at 60 ft./rnd.

Will negs Yes


evocation Wind Wall


Vertical curtain of wind deflects arrows, small flying creatures, and gases
Arrows and bolts automatically miss; other normal ranged weapons have 30% miss chance.


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

LEVEL 4 School trans. trans. conj.


Name [descriptor(s)] Air Walk [air] Control Water


Details Subject can tread on air as if solid

Maximum upward or downward angle is 45 degrees, at half-speed.

Comp. Time V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

Range Touch Long Touch Touch Medium Close Close

Target/Area/Effect 1 creature
(Gargantuan or smaller)

Duration 10 min/lvl 10 min/lvl Instant 1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl



SR Yes

Pg. 196 214

Raises or lowers an area of water ()



(up to 10 ft./lvl x 10 ft./lvl x 2 ft./lvl) (S)

necro. abjur.

Cure Critical Wounds Death Ward

Cure 4d8+1/lvl

(max. +20)

hp damage

1 creature 1 living creature Ray 1 creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will half


215 217 221 221 222 224 224

Subject gains immunity to death spells and effects, and to energy drain and other negative energy effects
Negative levels the subject has already gained are not affected.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

Dimensional Anchor divination Discern Lies abjur. Dismissal

Block target from extradimensional travel Know when subject deliberately lies
Each round, you may concentrate on a different subject.


V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M


Banish an extraplanar creature

Save DC = spells DC creatures HD + casters level.

divination Divination evocation Divine Power abjur. trans. trans. Freedom of Movement Giant Vermin

Provides advice for specific proposed actions

Base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1%/lvl (max. 90%).

10 min

1 extraplanar creature Personal You Personal You Touch Close Close Touch 1 creature Up to 3 vermin
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Conc., up to Will negs 1 rnd/lvl Instant Will negs Yes Instant 1 rnd/lvl 10 min/lvl 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes
(h) (h)

Caster gains a fighters base attack bonus, +6 enhancement bonus to STR, and 1 temporary hp/lvl Subject ignores magical impediments to movement
Can move and attack normally while underwater. Automatically succeeds at resisting grapples and escaping pins.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M, 1 action DF V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 10 min

233 235 251 243

Turn normal vermin into giants

Can be cast on three centipedes, two spiders, or one scorpion. New size of vermin depends on caster level ().

Yes Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h) (h,obj) (h)

Greater Magic Weapon evocation Imbue with Spell Ability

As magic weapon, but +1 enhancement bonus per 4 lvls (max. +5) Transfer up to 3 currently-prepared spells to subject
Only clerical abjuration, divination, or conjuration (healing) spells can be transferred. The maximum number of spells that can be received depends on the subjects HD (1-2: one 1st-level spell; 3-4: two 1stlevel spells; 5+: two 1st-level and one 2nd-level spell). The imbue with spell ability spell slot cant be refilled until the subject has used the transferred spells or is slain.

1 weapon or 50 1 hr/lvl projectiles (in contact) 1 creature Until (must have at least INT 5 discharged
and WIS 9) (D)

Will negs Yes

necro. conj.

Inflict Critical (I) Inflict 4d8+1/lvl (max. +20) hp damage Wounds Lesser Planar Ally Request deity to send elemental/outsider


1 action

Touch Close

1 creature 1 called creature

Instant Instant

Will half


244 261

(max. 6 HD) The creature sent is at the deitys choice. You may ask the creature to perform one task for you, and it may request some service or payment in return (negotiation takes 1 round). Does not cure any damage already inflicted by poison.

V,S,DF 10 min X (100) V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M


Neutralize Poison Detoxifies poison in or on a creature or object Poison Repel Vermin Restoration Touch attack deals 1d10 CON damage immediately, and 1d10 CON damage one minute later
Fortitude save DC is 10 + casters level + casters WIS modifier.

Touch Touch 10 ft.

1 creature/object
(up to 1 cu.ft/lvl)

Instant Instant 10 min/lvl Instant

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (two saves needed) (h,obj)

257 262 271 272

necro. abjur. conj.


1 living creature Emanation from caster 1 creature

Fort negs Yes Will negs Yes Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

Keep out or damage vermin (crossing deals 2d6 dmg)

Vermin must make a Will save to cross the barrier. Creatures with HD less than one-third caster level automatically fail.


As lesser restoration, but also provides other benefits:

Dispels negative energy levels and restores 1 drained experience level to the subject (only if the time since the creature lost the level is less than or equal to 1 day per caster level). Cures all temporary ability damage, and restores all points permanently drained from a single ability score. Eliminates any fatigue or exhaustion suffered by the subject.

3 rounds Touch

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

evocation Sending abjur. Spell Immunity

Transmit message

(25 words or less) to a known subject Subject can reply (25 words or less) immediately. If the subject is on another plane, there is a 5% chance that the sending does not arrive.

V,S,DF 10 min V,S,DF 1 action

Any Touch

1 creature 1 creature

1 rnd 10 min/lvl Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

275 282

Subject gains unbeatable SR against one specified spell or spell-like effect per 4 lvls
Spell specified must be no higher than 4th level.


Status 2 Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creature(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-4 creature, or 1d3 level-3 creatures, or 1d4+1 IV
lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

V,S,DF 1 round


Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 rnd/lvl



divination Tongues

Subject can speak and understand any language


1 action


1 creature

10 min/lvl

Will negs


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List

LEVEL 5 School abjur. Name [descriptor(s)] Atonement Details Remove burden of evil acts/misdeeds from subject
Atoning for deliberate misdeeds costs the caster 500 XP.


Break Enchantment

Frees victims from enchantments, transmutations and curses

Make a check (1d20 + caster level, max. +15) against each magical effect currently affecting the target (DC 11 + effects caster level) to break it. For cursed magic items, the DC is 25. The spell does not remove the curse from the item; it merely frees the victim from the items effects.

Comp. Time V,S,M, 1 hour DF, F (500+) V,S 1 min

Range Touch

Target/Area/Effect 1 living creature

Duration Instant


SR Yes

Pg. 201


1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)



Circle of Doom divination Commune

mass inflict light wounds Deity answers one yes/no question per level


Dispel Chaos

Caster gains +4 deflection bonus to AC against creatures of the specified alignment

On a successful melee touch attack against an extraplanar creature of the specified alignment, you can choose to drive the creature back to its home plane (Will negates, SR applies). This use discharges and ends the spell. With a touch, you can automatically dispel any one enchantment cast by a creature of the specified alignment, or any one spell of that alignment (no save or SR); this discharges and ends the spell. (Spells that cant be dispelled by dispel magic are unaffected by this spell.)

V,S,M, 10 min DF, X (100) V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl


Personal You

1 rnd/lvl

(or until discharged)


Dispel Evil

[good] [evil]

Dispel Good Dispel Law trans. Disrupting Weapon


Weapon becomes deadly to undead

Any undead (with HD up to casters level) struck must make a Will save or be destroyed (no SR applies). (max. 15d6)


1 action


1 melee weapon

1 rnd/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)


Ethereal Jaunt 7 evocation Flame Strike [fire] Divine fire deals 1d6/lvl damage
Damage is half fire, half divine power.

V,S,DF 1 action V 1 action

Medium Close

(10-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)

Instant 1 rnd/lvl

Ref half


231 211


Greater Command
[language-dependent, mind-affecting] [good]

As command, but affects multiple creatures

At the start of each commanded creatures action after the first, it gets another Will save to attempt to break free from the spell. Each creature must receive the same command.

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes

evocation Hallow

Designates a site, building or structure as holy

The site is guarded by a magic circle vs. evil effect. Charisma checks to turn undead gain a +4 sacred bonus; Charisma checks to rebuke undead suffer a 4 sacred penalty. Any dead body interred in the site cannot be turned into an undead. A spell effect* can be fixed to the site, lasting for 1 year. Counters but does not dispel unhallow.

V,S,DF 24 hours Touch M


40-ft. radius emanation from touched point




Healing Circle mass cure light wounds Insect Plague Summoned locust swarms attack all creatures in affected areas
Swarms remain stationary after being summoned.

V,S,DF 1 round V,S,DF 10 min V,S 1 action V,S V,S,F 1 action 1 action

Long Touch Close Close Touch

1 swarm of locusts per 3 levels (max. 6)

(must be contiguous)

1 min/lvl Permanent Instant Instant Instant Yes Yes


244 252 216 244 262

trans. conj.

Mark of Justice Mass Cure Light Wounds Mass Inflict Light Wounds Plane Shift


Designates action to trigger bestow curse on target Cure 1d8+1/lvl (max. +25) hp damage for each subject Inflict 1d8+1/lvl hp damage on each target

1 creature 1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will half

(healing circle)

necro. conj.


(max. +25)

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will half


(circle of doom)

Move subject(s) to another plane

Subjects appear 5d% miles from intended destination.

1 creature

(or up to 8 willing creatures joining hands)

Will negs Yes

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List



Raise Dead

Restores willing soul to life

Subject loses a level (or 2 CON points, if 1st level) when raised. Cures 1 hp damage per HD, cures normal poisons and diseases, and raises to 1 any ability scores drained to 0. A creature turned to undead or killed by a death effect cant be raised. Constructs, elementals, outsiders and undead creatures cant be raised.

V,S,DF 1 min M


1 corpse
(dead no more than 1 day/lvl)





Righteous Might

Casters size increases to next size category

Height x 2, weight x 8; you gain +4 size bonus to STR, +2 size bonus to CON, +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Size modifier for AC and attacks changes as appropriate for new size category, as does face and reach (but not speed). All equipment worn or carried is also enlarged. Melee and projectile weapons deal more damage (but not thrown weapons; any enlarged item leaving your possession instantly returns to normal size). You gain damage reduction 3/evil or 3/good (depending on whether you normally channel positive or negative energy). Damage reduction increases to 6 at 12th level, and 9 at 15th level. If insufficient room is available for full growth, you attain maximum possible size and may make a STR check (with your increased STR) to burst any enclosures in the process (if you fail, you are not harmed). Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack.

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl



divination Scrying

Observe subject from any distance away

V,S,DF 1 hour


Magical sensor

1 min/lvl

Will negs Yes


Will save DC is modified by casters knowledge of target (). If target is on F another plane, it gets a +5 bonus to its Will save. If the save succeeds, you (100+) cant attempt to scry that subject again for least 24 hours. The scrying sensor has the casters full visual acuity. These spells have a 5% chance per caster level of operating through the sensor: detect magic, detect chaos/evil/good/law, message.

necro. abjur. conj.


Slay Living


Kill target creature

Successful save inflicts 3d6+1/lvl damage instead.


1 action

Touch Touch Close

1 living creature 1 creature Summoned creature(s)

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Instant 1 min/lvl 1 rnd/lvl


Fort part Yes Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

280 282 286

Spell Resistance

Subject gains SR of 12 + caster level

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 round

Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creature(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-5 creature, or 1d3 level-4 creatures, or 1d4+1 V
lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

necro. ench.

Symbol of Pain

(T) Creatures suffer 4 penalty to attacks, saves, checks (symbol: pain) Penalty lasts 1 hour after the creature moves away from the symbol.


Symbol of Sleep(T) Creatures

(of 10 HD or less) sleep for 3d6 x 10 min. [mind-affecting] Sleeping creatures cannot be woken by nonmagical means. (symbol: sleep)

10 min or longer () 1 action

0 ft.
(60 ft. active radius)

1 symbol
(must be in plain sight and in a prominent location)

Until triggered, then 10 min/lvl 1 min/lvl

Fort negs Yes Will negs Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

290 291 296

divination True Seeing

Subject sees all things within 120 ft. as they really are V,S,M
Can see through normal or magical darkness, notice secret doors hidden by magic, ignore blur and displacement effects, see invisible objects or creatures, see through illusions, see the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things, and see into the Ethereal Plane. Subject can also determine the alignments of creatures at a glance. (250)


1 creature

evocation Unhallow


Designates a site, building or structure as unholy

The site is guarded by a magic circle vs. good effect. Charisma checks to turn undead suffer a 4 profane penalty; Charisma checks to rebuke undead gain a +4 profane bonus. A spell effect* can be fixed to the site, lasting for 1 year. Counters but does not dispel hallow.

V,S,DF 24 hours Touch M


40-ft. radius emanation from touched point




Wall of Stone

Create wall of rock, merging into adjoining rock surfaces

Wall is 1 in. thick per 4 lvls (area can be doubled if thickness is halved). Each 5-ft. square has 15 hp/in. of thickness, with harness 8. Break DC is 20 + 2 per inch of thickness. If wall is shaped to entrap creatures, they can avoid it with successful Reflex saves.

V,S,DF 1 action


Stone wall, area up Instant to one 5-ft. square/lvl (S)


* The following spells can be tied to a hallowed or unhallowed site: aid, bane, bless, cause fear, darkness, daylight, death ward, deeper darkness, detect evil/good (as applicable), detect magic, dimensional anchor , discern lies, dispel magic, freedom of movement, invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove fear, resist energy, silence, tongues, zone of truth. The spell can apply to all creatures, creatures which share the casters faith/alignment, or creatures with a different faith/alignment to the caster (casters choice). SR applies as for the normal spell, but ignore its normal duration and area. Tying a spell to a hallowed or unhallowed area requires additional material components, costing 1,000gp per level of the spell.

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


LEVEL 6 School trans. Name [descriptor(s)] Animate Objects Details Objects can be commanded to attack foes
A Medium object counts as 2 Small objects; a Large object counts as 2 Medium objects, etc. Cannot animate objects carried or worn by a creature.

Comp. V,S

Time 1 action

Range Medium

Target/Area/Effect 1 Small object/lvl

Duration 1 rnd/lvl



Pg. 199

abjur. abjur.

Antilife Shell Banishment

Hemispherical barrier keeps out living creatures Banish one or more extraplanar creatures
You must present at least one object or substance that the target hates, fears or otherwise opposes. For each such object presented, you gain +1 on your caster level check to overcome SR and +2 on the saving throw DC.

V,S,DF 1 round V,S,F 1 action

10 ft. Close

Emanation from caster 1 or more extraplanar creatures

(up to 2 HD/lvl) (max. 30 ft. apart)

10 min/lvl Instant


Yes Will negs Yes

199 203

evocation Blade Barrier


Vertical curtain of blades deals 1d6/lvl (max. 15d6) damage to any creature passing through
If the barrier is evoked where creatures are, each must make a Reflex save to avoid the wall (ending up on the side of its choice). Barrier provides cover against attacks made through it.


1 action


Wall of blades, 20 ft. high (either a

flat plane up to 20 ft./lvl long, or ring with radius of 5 ft. per 2 lvls)

1 min/lvl


Ref half




Create Undead

Create a ghoul, ghast, mummy, or mohrg Reveals the most direct route to a specified location Seals area against all extraplanar entry, and entry by creatures of differing alignment to caster:
If alignments differ with respect to either law/chaos or good/evil, a creature is hedged out and takes 6d6 points of damage. If alignments differ with respect to both law/chaos and good/evil, a creature is hedged out and takes 12d6 points of damage. Optionally, the abjuration can be locked by a password. Creatures of differing alignment to the caster can avoid damage by speaking the password. Additional material components cost 1000 + 1000/cube.


1 hour


1 corpse 1 creature 60-ft. cube/lvl


Instant 10 min/lvl Permanent Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

215 230 232

Etherealness 9 divination Find the Path abjur. Forbiddance


3 rounds Touch

V,S,DF 6 rounds Medium M

(1500 + 1500 per cube)

Will half



[language-dependent, mind-affecting]

As lesser geas, but can affect any living creature

Subject suffers 3d6 damage each day it is prevented from obeying the geas, and must make a Fortitude save each day or become sickened.

10 min


1 living creature

1 day/lvl

(or until discharged) (D)



abjur. abjur.

Greater Dispel Magic Greater Glyph of Warding Harm Heal

As dispel magic, but max. +20 on dispel check Blast: Deals 1d8 per 2 lvls energy damage
Spell is targeted or centered on the intruder.


1 action 10 min

Medium Touch

see dispel magic

Instant Ref half Yes


223 237

Unlike dispel magic, this spell can affect curses from bestow curse, and geas/quest, lesser geas, and mark of justice. (greater dispelling ) (T) (max. 10d8) Damage is dealt to intruder and to all within 5 ft. of intruder.

Spell: Discharges a chosen spell (6th level or lower) Negative energy deals 10/lvl Positive energy cures 10/lvl
(max. 150) hp damage On a successful save, targets hit points cannot be reduced below 1. Against an undead creature, harm acts like heal. (max. 150) hp damage Also ends any and all of these conditions: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, stunned. Against an undead creature, heal acts like harm.

1 object, or up to 5 Until sq.ft/lvl discharged 1 creature 1 creature Instant Instant

necro. conj.


1 action 1 action

Touch Touch

(as for spell discharged) Will half Yes Will negs Yes
(h) (h)

239 239


Heroes Feast

Feast cures all diseases, sickness, and nausea; grants V,S,DF 10 min (+1 hr) immunity to poison and fear, 1d8+1 per 2 lvls (max. +10) temp. hp, +1 morale bonus to attacks and Will saves
Feast takes one hour to consume; if interrupted, the spell is ruined.


Feast for 1 creature/lvl 1 creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)

12 hr

Yes (h)


trans. trans.

Mass Bears Endurance Mass Bulls Strength

Subjects gain +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution Subjects gain +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Close Close

1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h) (h) (h)

203 207

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List



trans. necro. trans. conj.


Mass Cure (H) Moderate Wounds Mass Eagles Splendor Mass Inflict (I) Moderate Wounds Mass Owls Wisdom Planar Ally

Cure 2d8+1/lvl

(max. +30)

hp damage for each subject


1 action

Close Close Close Close Close Close

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Instant 1 min/lvl Instant 1 min/lvl Instant 1 rnd/lvl


Will half
(h) (h)


216 225 244 259 261 287

Subjects gain +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma

CHA-based spellcasters do not gain any additional bonus spells.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes


Inflict 2d8+1/lvl

(max. +30)

hp damage on each target

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will half


Subjects gain +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom

WIS-based spellcasters do not gain any additional bonus spells.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 10 min X (250) V,S,DF 1 round

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)


As lesser planar ally, but up to 12 HD of called creatures Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-6 creature, or 1d3 level-5 creatures, or 1d4+1 VI
lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

Called creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

necro. ench.

Symbol of Fear Symbol of Persuasion

(T) [fear, mind-affecting] (symbol: fear) (T)

Creatures become panicked for 1 rnd/lvl Creatures become charmed (as charm monster) for 1 hr/lvl
(max. 20d4 HD) Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first; no creature with 9 or more HD is affected.


10 min or longer ()

0 ft.
(60 ft. active radius)

1 symbol
(must be in plain sight and in a prominent location)

Until triggered, then 10 min/lvl

Will negs Yes Will negs

290 290

[mind-affecting] (symbol: persuasion)

necro. trans.

Undeath to Death Kills 1d4/lvl HD of undead creatures Wind Walk


V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Medium Touch

40-ft. radius burst You + 1 creature per 3 lvls You + 1 willing creature (Medium or smaller) per 3 lvls

Instant 1 hr/lvl

Will negs Yes Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

297 302

Caster and allies transformed into misty vapor (as for gaseous form) and can travel 600 ft./rnd
Subjects can regain normal form and transform back to vapor as desired (each change takes 5 rounds).


Word of Recall

Transports caster and allies back to known sanctuary

Designated area of arrival can be no larger than 10 ft. x 10 ft. You and allies can each carry objects weighing up to maximum load. A Large creature counts as 2 Medium creatures, etc.

1 action



Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


LEVEL 7 School Name [descriptor(s)] evocation Blasphemy

[sonic, evil]

Details Kills/paralyses/weakens/dazes non-evil creatures ()

If on your home plane, non-evil extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).

Comp. V V,S V,S,F


Time 1 action 10 min () 1 action 1 action 1 action 10 min

Range 40 ft. 2 miles Close 40 ft.

Target/Area/Effect Duration Spread centered on Instant caster Circle centered on caster 1 creature 4d12 hr () Instant


SR Yes

Pg. 205 214

trans. necro.

Control Weather Destruction


Change weather conditions in local area () Kills target creature and destroys remains
Successful save inflicts 10d6 damage instead. Targets equipment and possessions are not destroyed.

Fort part Yes Yes


218 220 227 272

evocation Dictum

[sonic, lawful]

Kills/paralyses/slows/deafens non-lawful creatures ()

If on your home plane, non-lawful extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).

V V,S V,S, X (500)

Spread centered on Instant caster 1 rnd/lvl Instant

trans. conj.

Ethereal Jaunt Greater Restoration

You and your equipment shift to the Ethereal Plane As restoration, but also provides other benefits:
Restores all drained experience levels to subject (only if the time since the levels were lost is less than or equal to 1 week per caster level). Restores all points permanently drained from all ability scores. Removes all mental effects such as insanity, confusion, etc.

Personal You Touch 1 creature

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

divination Greater Scrying


As scrying, but casts faster and lasts longer

All spells noted under scrying can be cast reliably through the sensor, as well as read magic and tongues.


1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action

Any 40 ft. Close Close Touch

Magical sensor

1 hr/lvl

Will negs Yes Yes Will half


275 242 216 244 269

evocation Holy Word

[sonic, good]

Kills/paralyses/blinds/deafens non-good creatures () V

If on your home plane, non-good extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).

Spread centered on Instant caster 1 creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)


necro. conj.


Mass Cure (H) Cure 3d8+1/lvl (max. +35) hp damage for each subject Serious Wounds Mass Inflict (I) Inflict 3d8+1/lvl (max. +35) hp damage on each target Serious Wounds Refuge Prepared token teleports its possessor (and equipment up to max. load) to casters abode when broken Regenerate Subjects severed body parts grow back
After spell is cast, regeneration takes 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the subject; otherwise it takes 2d10 rounds. Also cures 4d8+1/lvl (max. +35) hp damage, and eliminates any fatigue, exhaustion, or nonlethal damage suffered by the subject.



Instant Instant Until discharged Instant


1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will half


1 object 1 living creature

V,S,DF 3 rounds Touch

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)


abjur. conj.

Repulsion Resurrection

Creatures cant approach caster

If caster moves closer to an affected creature, it is not forced back.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 10 min. M


As raise dead, but cures all damage to subject

Will work on victim of a death effect, or one turned undead then destroyed.

Up to 10 ft/lvl Touch Close

Emanation from 1 rnd/lvl caster 1 corpse, or portion Instant thereof (dead no more
than 10 years/lvl)


Will negs Yes Yes


271 272 287


Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-7 creature, or 1d3 level-6 creatures, or 1d4+1 VII
lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

V,S,DF 1 round

Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 rnd/lvl



Symbol of (T) Creatures become stunned for 1d6 rounds Stunning [mind-aff.]
(symbol: stunning )



Symbol of (T) Creatures suffer 3d6 Strength damage Weakness (symbol) evocation Word of Chaos Kills/confuses/stuns/deafens non-chaotic creatures ()
[sonic, chaos] If on your home plane, non-chaotic extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).

10 min or longer () 1 action

0 ft.
(60 ft. active radius)

1 symbol
(must be in plain sight and in a prominent location)

Until triggered, then 10 min/lvl

Will negs Yes Fort negs Yes

291 291 303

40 ft.

Spread centered on Instant caster

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


LEVEL 8 School abjur. Name [descriptor(s)] Antimagic Field Details Suppresses (but does not dispel) all magic, and prevents the functioning of magical items
Wall of force, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, or another antimagic field are unaffected.

Comp. Time V,S,DF 1 action

Range 10 ft.

Target/Area/Effect Emanation from caster

Duration 10 min/lvl


SR ()

Pg. 200


Cloak of Chaos

As protection from law, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of lawful alignment. If a law-aligned creature succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker is confused for 1 rnd (Will negates).


1 action

20 ft.

Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster 1 corpse 20-ft radius emanation 1 creature/object 80-ft radius spread


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)


Create Greater Create a shadow, wraith, spectre or devourer Undead [evil] abjur. Dimensional Lock Prohibit extradimensional travel into or out of affected area divination Discern Location Find exact location of a known creature or object
Only mind blank successfully blocks this spell.



1 hour 1 action

Close Medium Any Long Medium Close Touch 20 ft.

Instant 1 day/lvl Instant 1 rnd Instant Instant 10 min/lvl


215 Yes 221 222 () Ref half Yes 225 231 261 Will negs Yes
(h) (h)


V,S,DF 10 min V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 round

evocation Earthquake evocation Fire Storm conj.



Intense tremor shakes localised area

Damage and applicable saving throws depend on the terrain ().


Deal 1d6/lvl

(max. 20d6) of fire damage to all creatures Natural vegetation and plant creatures can be excluded from damage.

2 10-ft. cubes/lvl

abjur. abjur.

Greater Planar Ally Greater Spell Immunity Holy Aura [good]

As lesser planar ally , but up to 18 HD of called creatures As spell immunity, but can be applied to spells of 8th level or lower As protection from evil, but with these improvements:
Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of evil alignment. If an evil-aligned creature succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker is blinded for 1 rnd (Fort negates).

V,S,DF 10 min X (500) V,S,DF 1 action V,S,F


Called creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 creature

282 241

1 action

Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster 1 creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)




Mass Cure Critical Wounds Mass Inflict Critical Wounds Mass Heal 9 Shield of Law

(H) (I)

Cure 4d8+1/lvl

(max. +40)

hp damage for each subject hp damage on each target


1 action 1 action

Close Close

Instant Instant

Will half


215 244

Inflict 4d8+1/lvl

(max. +40)

1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

Will half


As protection from chaos, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of chaotic alignment. If a chaotic-aligned creature succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker is slowed for 1 round (Will negates).


1 action

20 ft.

Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)



Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-8 creature, or 1d3 level-7 creatures, or 1d4+1 VIII
lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

V,S,DF 1 round


1 rnd/lvl



necro. ench.

Symbol symbol of pain, symbol of sleep, symbol of fear, symbol of persuasion, symbol of stunning , symbol of weakness, symbol of death, symbol of insanity Symbol of Death (T) Creatures within active radius are slain V,S,M 10 min 0 ft. 1 symbol Until Fort negs Yes 289 [death] (symbol: death) Only slays creatures whose combined current hp do not exceed 150. (5000+) or (60 ft. (must be in plain sight triggered, active and in a prominent Symbol of Insanity Creatures become permanently insane (as insanity) Will negs 290 longer then radius) location) [mind-aff.] (T) ( ) 10 min/lvl (symbol: insanity) Unholy Aura


As protection from good, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of good alignment. If a good-aligned creature succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker takes 1d6 temp. STR dmg (Fort negs).


1 action

20 ft.

Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


LEVEL 9 School necro. necro. Name [descriptor(s)] Astral Projection Energy Drain Details Projects caster and allies into the Astral Plane Target gains 2d4 negative levels for 24 hours
After 24 hours, target must make a Fort save for each negative level to prevent permanent loss of a character level. Undead instead gain 2d4x5 temporary hp for 1 hour. 6

Comp. V,S,M

Time 30 min 1 action

Range Touch Close


Target/Area/Effect You + 1 willing creature per 2 lvls Ray

Duration () Instant


SR Yes Yes

Pg. 201 226


Etherealness Gate

As ethereal jaunt, but you can take allies with you Calling: Summon extraplanar creature(s) to your service Planar travel: opens a gateway to another plane Kill one corporeal creature per round
A particular creature cannot be targeted more than once.


1 action

Touch Medium



V,S, 1 action X (1000) V,S V,S V,S V,S, X () V,S,F

(1000 per HD)

You + 1 willing creature per 3 lvls () Gateway

(5 to 20 ft. diameter)

1 min/lvl Instant



228 234

evocation Implosion

1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 round

Close Close () Close Long Close


Mass Heal

As heal, but can affect multiple creatures

Up to 250 hit points can be restored to each creature.

Up to 4 corporeal creatures 1 or more creatures

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Conc., up to 1 rnd/lvl Conc. Fort negs Yes

(up to 4 rnds)

243 239 254 281

Instant () Permanent Conc.

(max. 10 rnds) (D)

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

evocation Miracle necro. conj.


Request a deitys intercession () Traps soul in gem, preventing raising or resurrection

() 1 corpse
(dead no more than 1 rnd/lvl)

() Will negs ()


Soul Bind


Storm of Storm cloud rains acid, lightning and hail ( ) Vengeance Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-9 creature, or 1d3 level-8 creatures, or 1d4+1 IX
lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .


V,S,DF 1 round

360-ft. radius storm cloud Summoned creature(s)

(max. 30 ft. apart)


285 288

1 rnd/lvl



True Resurrection

As resurrection, but no portion of body is needed provided the subject can be unambiguously identified
Subject suffers no loss of level, CON, or prepared spells after being raised.

V,S,DF 10 min. M

0 ft.





Spells Without Somatic Components Most spells, as can be seen from the tables above, have both verbal (V) and somatic (S) components. The following list shows which cleric spells lack somatic components. V components only (no S/M/F) 1 Command 3 Blindness/Deafness 5 Greater Command 6 Geas/Quest 6 Word of Recall 7 Blasphemy 7 Dictum 7 Holy Word 7 Word of Chaos V+M/F components (no S) 0 Light 2 Darkness 3 Deeper Darkness 4 Tongues

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


CLERIC DOMAINS General Notes Each domains granted power(s) are listed above its spell list.
(x) (+) ()

These spells are not on the standard cleric spell list. These spells are on the standard cleric spell list, but at a higher level. These spells are on the standard cleric spell list, and at a lower level.

Turn/Rebuke Earth/Air Creatures (Su) : 3+CHA per day: Rebuke/command air creatures, or turn/destroy earth creatures, in the same manner as a cleric turns/rebukes undead.


1 2

Obscuring Mist Wind Wall

[air] (+)

Misty vapor obscures all sight beyond 5 ft.

A creature 5 ft. away has concealment (20% miss chance).


1 action

20 ft. Medium

Spread, 20 ft. high Wall

(up to 10 ft./lvl long and 5 ft./lvl high) (S)

1 min/lvl 1 rnd/lvl Yes

258 302


Vertical curtain of wind deflects arrows, small flying creatures, and gases
Arrows and bolts automatically miss; other normal ranged weapons have 30% miss chance.

V,S,DF 1 action

trans. trans. trans. evoc.

3 4 5 6

Gaseous Form Air Walk

[air] [air]


Subject becomes insubstantial and gains DR 10/magic

Subject can fly at 10 ft./rnd with perfect maneuverability


1 action

Touch Touch

Subject can tread on air as if solid

Maximum upward or downward angle is 45 degrees, at half-speed. (x)

V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action 1 action

1 willing corporeal creature 1 creature

(Gargantuan or smaller) (up to 40 ft./lvl radius, 40 ft. high)

2 min/lvl


234 Yes

10 min/lvl 10 min/lvl Instant Fort negs


196 214

Control Winds

Change wind direction and speed ()

40 ft./lvl Cylinder Long

trans. evoc.

7 8

Chain Lightning (x) Bolt deals 1d6/lvl electricity damage (max. 20d6) to V,S,F [electricity] primary target; extra bolts hit secondary targets, each dealing half as much damage as the primary bolt did Control Weather Change weather conditions in local area () V,S Whirlwind
[air] (x)

Primary target + 1 sec. target/lvl (each

within 30 ft. of primary)

Ref half



Cyclone deals 3d6 dmg to Large or smaller creatures

Cyclone moves 60 ft./rnd, under casters direction (standard action). Medium-size or smaller creatures that fail their Reflex save must make another or be picked up bodily, taking 1d8 dmg/rnd (no save); carried creatures can be ejected whenever caster wishes.

10 min () V,S,DF 1 action

2 miles Long

Circle centered on 4d12 hr () caster Cyclone (10-ft. wide at 1 rnd/lvl (D) Ref negs Yes
base, 30 ft. wide at top, and 30 ft. tall) ()

214 301


9 (summoning)

Elemental Swarm
[cast as air spell only]


Summon multiple air elementals

2d4 Large elementals, then (after 10 minutes) 1d4 Huge elementals, then (after another 10 minutes) 1 greater elemental. Each elemental has maximum hit points per HD.


10 min


Summoned creatures
(max. 30 ft. apart)

10 min/lvl



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Animal friendship (Sp): 1/day. Speak with animals (Sp): 1/day. Knowledge (nature) is a class skill.


1 Calm Animals (compulsion) [mind-affecting]



(total HD up to 2d4+1/lvl) become docile All subjects must be of the same kind. Only dire animals and animals trained to attack or guard are allowed a saving throw.


1 action


(with INT 1 or 2) (max. 30 ft. apart)

1 min/lvl

Will negs Yes


ench. ench.

2 Hold Animal (compulsion) [mind-affecting] 3 (compulsion) 4


Target freezes, paralyzed; can take no actions

Each round on its turn, the target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect (full-round action, no attack of opportunity).


1 action

Medium Close

1 animal 1 animal

1 rnd/lvl 1 rnd/lvl


Will negs Yes Will negs Yes

241 224


4 (summoning)

Dominate (x) Target animal obeys silent mental commands V,S 1 round Animal [mind-affect.] Repel Vermin Summon (x) Summon natural creature(s) to fight or act as directed V,S,DF 1 round Can summon 1 level-4 creature, or 1d3 level-3 creatures, or 1d4+1 Natures Ally IV
[summon animals only] lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon natures ally I.


Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 rnd/lvl



div. abjur. trans.

Commune with Nature Antilife Shell Animal Shapes


Gain knowledge of surrounding territory

In outdoor settings, the spell operates to a radius of 1 mile/lvl. In natural underground settings, the range is 100 ft/lvl.


10 min

Personal You 10 ft. Close Emanation from caster 1 willing creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Instant 10 min/lvl (D) 1 hr/lvl


211 Yes Yes


6 7

Hemispherical barrier keeps out living creatures


V,S,DF 1 round

199 198

As alternate form special ability (see Monster Manual), V,S,DF 1 action but can affect multiple creatures
HD of new form can be no more than caster level (max. 20), or subjects HD, whichever is lower. All subjects must take the same kind of animal form. A subject may resume its normal form as a full-round action.


8 (summoning)

Creeping Doom Summon (x) Summon natural creature(s) to fight or act as directed V,S,DF 1 round Natures Ally VIII Can summon 1 level-8 creature, or 1d3 level-7 creatures, or 1d4+1
[summon animals only] lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon natures ally I.


Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 rnd/lvl






As polymorph, but caster can assume the form of any single nonunique creature or object
New form can be from Fine to Colossal size, with up to 1/lvl HD (max. 25). Incorporeal and gaseous forms can be assumed. You gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the assumed form (but lose your own supernatural abilities). You also gain the type of the new form in place of your own. You can become just about anything you are familiar with, and can change form once each round as a free action (either immediately before your regular action or immediately after it, but not during it).


1 action

Personal You

10 min/lvl



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Cast all [chaotic] spells at +1 caster level.


Prot. from Law


Magical barrier surrounds and moves with the subject: V,S,DF 1 action
Against attacks from lawful creatures, the subject gains +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. Attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the subject are blocked. Summoned or conjured non-chaotic creatures cannot touch the subject (subject to SR); this effect ends if the subject attacks or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.


1 creature

1 min/lvl


Will negs

Yes (h)





Destroy all nonmagical brittle objects in affected area

Objects weighing more than 1 lb/lvl are not affected.

V,S,DF 1 action


5-ft radius spread 1 object

(up to 10 lb./lvl)


Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)


Destroy single solid object (regardless of composition) Deal 1d6/lvl sonic damage (max. 10d6) to a crystalline creature As protection from law, but encompasses a larger area V,S,DF 1 action and lasts longer.
Can be focused inward rather than outward to imprison a called non-chaotic creature.


Magic Circle against Law [chaotic] Chaos Hammer

[chaotic] (x)


1 crystalline creature 10-ft. emanation

(from touched creature)

Fort half 10 min/lvl Will negs

(h) Yes (h)



Damages and slows non-chaotic creatures

Lawful creatures take 1d8 per 2 lvls (max. 5d8) damage (or 1d6/lvl, max. 10d6, for lawful outsiders) and are slowed for 1d6 rounds. Neutral creatures take half damage (successful save reduces this to one-quarter) and are not slowed.


1 action


20-ft. radius burst


Will half
(and negates slow effect)




Dispel Law


Caster gains +4 deflection bonus to AC against lawful creatures

On a successful melee touch attack against a lawful extraplanar creature, you can choose to drive it back to its home plane (Will negates, SR applies). This use discharges and ends the spell. With a touch, you can automatically dispel any one enchantment cast by a lawful creature, or any one spell of lawful alignment (no save or SR applies); this discharges and ends the spell. (Spells that cant be dispelled by dispel magic are unaffected by this spell.)

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl

(or until discharged)



Animate Objects

Objects can be commanded to attack foes

A Medium object counts as 2 Small objects; a Large object counts as 2 Medium objects, etc. Cannot animate objects carried or worn by a creature.


1 action


1 Small object/lvl

1 rnd/lvl


evoc. abjur.

Word of Chaos
[sonic, chaos]

Kills/confuses/stuns/deafens non-chaotic creatures ()

If on your home plane, non-chaotic extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).


1 action 1 action

40 ft. 20 ft.

Spread centered on Instant caster Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart) (D) (h)

Yes Will negs Yes


303 210

Cloak of Chaos

As protection from law, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of lawful alignment. If a creature of lawful alignment succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker is confused for 1 rnd (Will negates).


9 (summoning)

Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-9 creature, or 1d3 level-8 creatures, or 1d4+1 IX
[cast as chaos spell only] lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

V,S,DF 1 round


1 rnd/lvl



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Death Touch (Su) [death]: 1/day: Make a successful melee touch attack against a living creature, then roll 1d6/lvl; if the total at least equals the creatures current hit points, it dies.

necro. necro. necro. necro. necro. necro. necro. necro. necro.

Cause Fear
[fear, mind-affecting]

Target becomes frightened

If the Will save succeeds, the target is merely shaken for 1 round. Counters and dispels remove fear.



1 action 1 action 1 action

Close Touch Touch Touch Touch Close Close Close Close

1 living creature
(max. 5 HD)

1d4 rnds

Will part


208 217 198 217 280 215

2 3 4

Death Knell
[death, evil]

Animate Dead

Kills a dying creature; caster gains 1d8 temporary hp, +2 STR and +1 effective caster level Creates up to 2 HD/lvl of skeletons and zombies
Can control up to 4 HD/lvl of undead created via this spell.

1 living creature
(with 1 hp or lower)

1 or more corpses 1 living creature 1 living creature 1 corpse 1 creature 1 corpse 40-ft. radius spread

10 min. per Will negs Yes HD of target Instant 1 min/lvl Instant Instant Instant Instant Instant Fort negs Yes Fort part Yes Will negs Yes
(h) (h)

Death Ward Slay Living


Subject gains immunity to death spells and effects, and to energy drain and other negative energy effects
Negative levels the subject has already gained are not affected.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S V,S,M


5 6 7


Kill target creature

Successful save inflicts 3d6+1/lvl damage instead.

1 action 1 hour 1 action 1 hour 1 action

Fort part Yes

Create Undead Destruction


Create a ghoul, ghast, mummy, or mohrg Kills target creature and destroys remains
Successful save inflicts 10d6 damage instead. Targets equipment and possessions are not destroyed.


218 215 298

8 9

Create Greater Undead [evil] Wail of the Banshee

[death, sonic]

Create a shadow, wraith, spectre or devourer



Scream kills 1 creature/lvl within affected area

Creatures closest to the caster are affected first.

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Smite (Su): 1/day: Make a single melee attack with an additional +4 attack bonus and additional damage bonus equal to current cleric level.

necro. evoc.

1 2

Inflict Light Wounds Shatter [sonic]


Inflict 1d8+1/lvl

(max. +5)

hp damage


1 action

Touch Close

1 creature 5-ft radius spread 1 object

(up to 10 lb./lvl)

Instant Instant

Will half


244 278

Destroy all nonmagical brittle objects in affected area

Objects weighing more than 1 lb/lvl are not affected.

V,S,DF 1 action

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

Destroy single solid object (regardless of composition) Deal 1d6/lvl sonic damage (max. 10d6) to a crystalline creature Infects target with chosen disease () Inflict 4d8+1/lvl (max. +20) hp damage Inflict 1d8+1/lvl
(max. +25)

necro. necro. necro. necro. trans.

3 4 5

Contagion [evil] Inflict Critical Wounds Mass Inflict Light Wounds Harm Disintegrate

(I) (I)


1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action

Touch Touch Close Touch Medium

1 crystalline creature 1 living creature 1 creature 1 creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Fort half Instant Instant Instant Instant Instant Fort negs Yes Will half Yes Will half Will half Yes Yes 213 244 244 239 222

hp damage on each target

(circle of doom) 6

Negative energy deals 10/lvl


(max. 150) hp damage On a successful save, targets hit points cannot be reduced below 1. Against an undead creature, harm acts like heal.

1 creature Ray

Ranged touch attack deals 2d6/lvl damage

(max. 40d6) Successful save inflicts 5d6 damage instead. If reduced to 0 hp, target is entirely disintegrated, leaving only dust (a disintegrated creatures equipment is unaffected). Against an object, no more than one 10-ft. cube will be disintegrated.

Fort part Yes


evoc. evoc.

8 9

Earthquake Implosion


Intense tremor shakes localised area

Damage and applicable saving throws depend on the terrain ().

V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

Long Close

80-ft radius spread


1 rnd Conc.
(up to 4 rnds)

() Fort negs Yes

225 243

Kill one corporeal creature per round

A particular creature cannot be targeted more than once.

Up to 4 corporeal creatures

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Turn/Rebuke Air/Earth Creatures (Su) : 3+CHA/day: Rebuke/command earth creatures, or turn/destroy air creatures, in the same manner as a cleric turns/rebukes undead.

trans. trans. trans. trans.

1 2 3

Magic Stone

Stones become +1 projectiles, dealing 1d6+1 damage

Against undead, stones do double damage.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Close Touch Medium

Up to 3 pebbles 10 ft. sq./lvl () Stone or stone object,

(up to 10 + 1/lvl cu. ft.)

30 min

(or until discharged)

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)

251 280 284

Soften Earth (x) Turns natural stone to clay, or earth to sand or mud Creatures in mud must make Reflex save or be stuck for 1d2 rounds. and Stone [earth] Stone Shape Sculpt stone into any desired shape
[earth] 30% chance that any shape including moving parts doesnt work. (T)(x)

Instant Instant 1 hr/lvl Ref part Yes

Spike Stones

(cant be disabled using the Disable Device skill) A creature sustaining damage must also make a Reflex save or have its land speed slowed by one-half. Penalty lasts 24 hours or until the creature receives a cure spell, or another character takes 10 min. to dress the injuries and makes a Heal check against the spells DC.

Rocky ground, stone floor etc. gains hidden spikes; deals 1d8 piercing damage per 5 ft. moved, and restricts movement to half through the area

1 20-ft. square/lvl




Wall of Stone

Create wall of rock, merging into adjoining rock surfaces

Wall is 1 in. thick per 4 lvls (area can be doubled if thickness is halved). Each 5-ft. square has 15 hp/in. of thickness, with harness 8. Break DC is 20 + 2 per inch of thickness. If wall is shaped to entrap creatures, they can avoid it with successful Reflex saves. (x)

V,S,DF 1 action


Stone wall, area up Instant to one 5-ft. square/lvl (S)


abjur. evoc. trans. conj.

Stoneskin Earthquake

Subject gains DR 10/adamantine

Spell is discharged after absorbing 10/lvl (max. 150) hp damage.


1 action

Touch Long

1 creature 80-ft radius spread


10 min/lvl
(or until discharged)

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

284 225 245 226

7 8

(+) (x) (x)

Intense tremor shakes localised area

Damage and applicable saving throws depend on the terrain ().

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S 10 min

1 rnd 1 min/lvl 10 min/lvl

(D) (D)


Iron Body Elemental Swarm

9 (summoning)

Casters body becomes living iron (similar to iron golem) () Summon multiple earth elementals
2d4 Large elementals, then (after 10 minutes) 1d4 Huge elementals, then (after another 10 minutes) 1 greater elemental. Each elemental has maximum hit points per HD.

Personal You Medium Summoned creatures

(max. 30 ft. apart)

[cast as earth spell only]

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Cast all [evil] spells at +1 caster level.


Prot. from Good


Magical barrier surrounds and moves with the subject: V,S,DF 1 action
Against attacks from good creatures, the subject gains +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. Attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the subject are blocked. Summoned or conjured non-evil creatures cannot touch the subject (subject to SR); this effect ends if the subject attacks or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.


1 creature

1 min/lvl


Will negs

Yes (h)





Imbues area with negative energy, strengthening undead:

Charisma checks to turn undead receive 3 profane penalty. Undead in area gain +1 profane bonus on attacks, damage, saves. Undead created in or summoned into area gain +1 hit point per HD. If area contains an altar/shrine to casters deity, above modifiers are doubled. If area contains an altar/shrine to any other deity, the spell instead curses the area, cutting off the connection with the associated deity, and does not grant the above bonuses/penalties relating to undead. Counters and dispels consecrate.

V,S, M (25), DF

1 action


20-ft radius emanation

2 hr/lvl




Magic Circle against Good


As protection from good , but encompasses a larger area and lasts longer.
Can be focused inward rather than outward to imprison a called creature not of the spells alignment.

V,S,DF 1 action


10-ft. emanation
(from touched creature)

10 min/lvl

Will negs

Yes (h)



Unholy Blight


Damages and sickens non-evil creatures

Good creatures take 1d8 per 2 lvls (max. 5d8) damage (or 1d6/lvl, max. 10d6, for good outsiders) and are sickened for 1d4 rounds. Neutral creatures take half damage (successful save reduces this to one-quarter) and are not sickened.


1 action


20-ft. radius spread


Will half
(and negates sickening effect)




Dispel Good


Caster gains +4 deflection bonus to AC against good creatures

On a successful melee touch attack against a good extraplanar creature, you can choose to drive it back to its home plane (Will negates, SR applies). This use discharges and ends the spell. With a touch, you can automatically dispel any one enchantment cast by a good creature, or any one spell of good alignment (no save or SR applies); this discharges and ends the spell. (Spells that cant be dispelled by dispel magic are unaffected by this spell.)

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl

(or until discharged)


necro. evoc. abjur.

6 7

Create Undead

Create a ghoul, ghast, mummy, or mohrg Kills/paralyses/weakens/dazes non-evil creatures ()

If on your home plane, non-evil extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).


1 hour 1 action 1 action

Close 40 ft. 20 ft.

1 corpse

Instant Yes

215 205 297

[sonic, evil]


Spread centered on Instant caster Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart) (h)

Unholy Aura


As protection from good, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of good alignment. If a creature of good alignment succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker takes 1d6 temporary Strength damage (Fort negates).

Will negs Yes



9 (summoning)

Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-9 creature, or 1d3 level-8 creatures, or 1d4+1 IX
[cast as evil spell only] lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I.

V,S,DF 1 round


1 rnd/lvl



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Turn/Rebuke Water/Fire Creatures (Su) : 3+CHA/day: Rebuke/command fire creatures, or turn/destroy water creatures, in the same manner as a cleric turns/rebukes und ead.

evoc. evoc. abjur.

1 2

Burning Hands

(x) (x)

Deal 1d4/lvl fire damage

(max. 5d4) Flammable materials burn; extinguishing them is a full-round action.


1 action 1 action

15 ft. 0 ft. Touch

Cone burst Flame in casters palm

(as bright as a torch)

Instant 1 min/lvl

Ref half

Yes Yes

207 265 272

Produce Flame

Thrown (120 ft) or melee touch; deal 1d6+1/lvl fire dmg

Each attack reduces the remaining duration by 1 minute.

(max. +5)

Resist Energy

() (resist elements)

Subject gains energy resistance 10 against specified energy type (cold or fire)
Resistance increases to 20 at caster level 7, and 30 at caster level 11. Does not stack with protection from energy.

V,S,DF 1 action

1 creature

10 min/lvl

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)


Wall of Fire

[fire] (x)

Creates immobile, opaque curtain of flame

One side (casters choice) deals 2d4 fire damage to creatures within 10 ft. and 1d4 fire damage to creatures within 20 ft. (each round). Wall deals 2d6+1/lvl fire dmg (max. +20) to creatures passing through it (double dmg to undead). Any 5-ft. length of wall taking 20 points of cold damage in a round goes out (do not divide cold damage by 4, as is normal for objects). If wall is evoked where creatures are, each takes damage as if passing through it (no save).

V,S,DF 1 action


Wall up to 20-ft. high

(either a sheet of flame up to 20 ft./lvl long, or a ring with radius up to 5 ft. per 2 lvls)

Conc. + 1 rnd/lvl




Fire Shield
[fire / cold]


Protect against fire or cold-based attacks

(casters choice) Caster takes half damage from attacks of the specified type; if the attack allows a Reflex save, the caster takes no damage on a successful save. Melee attackers receive 1d6+1/lvl (max. +15) damage of the specified energy type (SR applies).

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl




Fire Seeds



Acorn grenades: Deal total of 1d6/lvl damage

(max. 20d6) (divide damage dice among up to four grenades as desired) Ranged touch attack (max. range 100 ft.); each acorn deals 1 hp of splash damage per die and ignites combustible material within 10 ft.


1 action


Up to 4 acorns

10 min/lvl
(or until used)

Ref half
(creatures struck directly get no save)



Holly berry bombs: Each deals 1d8+1/lvl damage

Placed by hand and ignite on command if caster is within 200 ft (5 ft. radius burst); ignite combustible material within 5 ft.

Up to 8 holly berries V,S V,S V,S 1 round 1 action 10 min Medium Medium Medium 2 10-ft. cubes/lvl

Ref half Instant 1 rnd/lvl 10 min/lvl


evoc. conj.

7 8

Fire Storm Incendiary Cloud [fire] Elemental Swarm

[fire] (+) (x)

Deal 1d6/lvl

(max. 20d6) of fire damage to all creatures Natural vegetation and plant creatures can be excluded from damage.

Ref half Ref half

Yes Yes

231 244 226

As fog cloud, but also deals 4d6 hp/rnd fire damage

Cloud moves away from caster at 10 ft./rnd; by concentrating, caster can move it up to 60 ft./rnd

20-ft. radius spread, 20 ft. high Summoned creatures

(max. 30 ft. apart)


9 (summoning)


Summon multiple fire elementals

2d4 Large elementals, then (after 10 minutes) 1d4 Huge elementals, then (after another 10 minutes) 1 greater elemental. Each elemental has maximum hit points per HD.

[cast as fire spell only]

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Cast all [good] spells at +1 caster level.


Prot. from Evil


Magical barrier surrounds and moves with the subject: V,S,DF 1 action
Against attacks from evil creatures, the subject gains +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. Attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the subject are blocked. Summoned or conjured non-good creatures cannot touch the subject (subject to SR); this effect ends if the subject attacks or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.


1 creature

1 min/lvl


Will negs

Yes (h)



2 (compulsion) 3




Magic Circle against Evil [good] Holy Smite

[good] (x)

Subject gains +1 morale bonus to attacks and saves V,S,DF 1 action vs. fear, plus 1d8+1/lvl (max. +10) temporary hp As protection from evil, but encompasses a larger area V,S,DF 1 action and lasts longer.
Can be focused inward rather than outward to imprison a called creature not of the spells alignment.

Touch Touch

1 living creature 10-ft. emanation

(from touched creature)

1 min/lvl 10 min/lvl Will negs


(h) Yes (h)

196 249


Damages and blinds non-good creatures

Evil creatures take 1d8 per 2 lvls (max. 5d8) damage (or 1d6/lvl, max. 10d6, for evil outsiders) and are blinded for 1 round. Neutral creatures take half damage (successful save reduces this to one-quarter) and are not blinded.


1 action


20-ft. radius burst


Will half
(and negates blinding effect)




Dispel Evil


Caster gains +4 deflection bonus to AC against evil creatures

On a successful melee touch attack against an evil extraplanar creature, you can choose to drive it back to its home plane (Will negates, SR applies). This use discharges and ends the spell. With a touch, you can automatically dispel any one enchantment cast by an evil creature, or any one spell of evil alignment (no save or SR applies); this discharges and ends the spell. (Spells that cant be dispelled by dispel magic are unaffected by this spell.)

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl

(or until discharged)



Blade Barrier

Vertical curtain of blades deals 1d6/lvl (max. 15d6) damage to any creature passing through
If the barrier is evoked where creatures are, each must make a Reflex save to avoid the wall (ending up on the side of its choice). Barrier provides cover against attacks made through it.


1 action


Wall of blades, 20 ft. high (either a

flat plane up to 20 ft./lvl long, or ring with radius of 5 ft. per 2 lvls)

1 min/lvl


Ref half



evoc. abjur.

Holy Word
[sonic, good]

Kills/paralyses/blinds/deafens non-good creatures () V

If on your home plane, non-good extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save). [good]

1 action 1 action

40 ft. 20 ft.

Spread centered on Instant caster Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart) (D) (h)

Yes Will negs Yes


242 241

Holy Aura

As protection from evil, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of evil alignment. If a creature of evil alignment succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker is blinded for 1 rnd (Fort negates).



9 (summoning)

Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-9 creature, or 1d3 level-8 creatures, or 1d4+1 IX
[cast as good spell only] lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

V,S,DF 1 round


1 rnd/lvl



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Cast all healing spells at +1 caster level.


1 2 3 4 5





Cure Light Wounds Cure Moderate Wounds Cure Serious Wounds Cure Critical Wounds Mass Cure Light Wounds Heal

(H) (H) (H) (H) (H)

Cure 1d8+1/lvl Cure 2d8+1/lvl Cure 3d8+1/lvl Cure 4d8+1/lvl Cure 1d8+1/lvl

(max. +5)

hp damage hp damage hp damage hp damage hp damage for each subject


1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action 1 action

Touch Touch Touch Touch Close Touch

1 creature 1 creature 1 creature 1 creature 1 creature/lvl

(max. 30 ft. apart)

Instant Instant Instant Instant Instant Instant

Will half


215 216 216 215 216 239

(max. +10) (max. +15) (max. +20) (max. +25)

Will half


Will half


Will half


Will half


(healing circle)


Positive energy cures 10/lvl

(max. 150) hp damage Also ends any and all of these conditions: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, stunned. Against an undead creature, heal acts like harm.

1 creature

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)



Subjects severed body parts grow back

After spell is cast, regeneration takes 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the subject; otherwise it takes 2d10 rounds. Also cures 4d8+1/lvl (max. +35) hp damage, and eliminates any fatigue, exhaustion, or nonlethal damage suffered by the subject.

V,S,DF 3 rounds Touch

1 living creature


Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)



8 9


Mass Heal 9 Mass Cure (H) Cure 4d8+1/lvl (max. +40) hp damage for each subject Critical Wounds True Resurrection Mass Heal As heal, but can affect multiple creatures
Up to 250 hit points can be restored to each creature.


1 action


1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)


Will half




1 action


1 or more creatures
(max. 30 ft. apart)


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


All Knowledge skills are class skills. Cast all divination spells at +1 caster level.

div. div. div.


1 2 3 4

div. div.

Detect (D)(x) Detect presence of secret doors, compartments, Secret Doors caches, etc. Detect Thoughts Detect and eavesdrop on surface thoughts of nearby [mind-affecting] (D)(x) creatures Clairaudience/ (x) Hear or see as if you were at a specified location Location must be known, but line of effect is not needed. Clairvoyance Divination Provides advice for specific proposed actions
Base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1%/lvl (max. 90%).


1 action

60 ft. 60 ft. Long

Cone emanation Cone emanation Magical sensor

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M


Conc., up to 1 min/lvl (D) Conc., up to Will negs 1 min/lvl (D) () 1 min/lvl (D) Instant 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes
(h) (h)

220 220 209 224 296

10 min 1 action

Personal You Touch 1 creature

True Seeing

Subject sees all things within 120 ft. as they really are V,S,M
Subject can see through normal or magical darkness, notice secret doors hidden by magic, ignore blur and displacement effects, see invisible objects or creatures, see through illusions, see the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things, and see into the Ethereal Plane. Subject can also determine the alignments of creatures at a glance. (250)

div. div.

6 7

Find the Path Legend Lore


Reveals the most direct route to a specified location Bring to mind legends about an important person, place or thing Find exact location of a known creature or object
Only mind blank successfully blocks this spell.


3 rounds Touch

1 creature

10 min/lvl Instant

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

230 246

div. div.

8 9

Discern Location Foresight


V,S, () M(250), F (50) V,S,DF 10 min V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

Any Touch

1 creature/object 1 creature

Instant 10 min/lvl Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

222 233

Sixth sense warns of impending danger to subject

If caster is subject, he gains +2 insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Cast all [lawful] spells at +1 caster level.


Prot. from Chaos


Magical barrier surrounds and moves with the subject: V,S,DF 1 action
Against attacks from chaotic creatures, the subject gains +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. Attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the subject are blocked. Summoned or conjured non-lawful creatures cannot touch the subject (subject to SR); this effect ends if the subject attacks or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.


1 creature

1 min/lvl


Will negs

Yes (h)



2 Calm Emotions (compulsion) [mind-affecting]

Calm agitated creatures

Mind-affecting spells and effects are suppressed. Any aggressive action or damage dealt to a calmed creature immediately breaks the spell on all calmed creatures.

V,S,DF 1 action


20-ft. spread

Conc. up to 1 rnd/lvl (D) 10 min/lvl

Will negs Yes



Magic Circle against Chaos


As protection from chaos, but encompasses a larger area and lasts longer.
Can be focused inward rather than outward to imprison a called creature not of the spells alignment. (x)

V,S,DF 1 action


10-ft. emanation
(from touched creature)

Will negs

Yes (h)



Orders Wrath

Damages and dazes non-good creatures

Chaotic creatures take 1d8 per 2 lvls (max. 5d8) damage (or 1d6/lvl, max. 10d6, for chaotic outsiders) and are dazed for 1 round. Neutral creatures take half damage (successful save reduces this to one-quarter) and are not dazed.


1 action


Burst filling 30-ft. cube


Will half
(and negates daze effect)




Dispel Chaos

Caster gains +4 deflection bonus to AC against chaotic V,S,DF 1 action creatures

On a successful melee touch attack against a chaotic extraplanar creature, you can choose to drive it back to its home plane (Will negates, SR applies). This use discharges and ends the spell. With a touch, you can automatically dispel any one enchantment cast by a chaotic creature, or any one spell of chaotic alignment (no save or SR applies); this discharges and ends the spell. (Spells that cant be dispelled by dispel magic are unaffected by this spell.)

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl

(or until discharged)


ench. evoc.

6 Hold Monster (compulsion) [mind-affecting] 7


As hold person, but can affect any living creature Kills/paralyses/slows/deafens non-lawful creatures ()
If on your home plane, non-lawful extraplanar creatures are banished for at least 24 hours (Will negates, with a 4 penalty on the save).

V,S,DF 1 action V V,S,F


Medium 40 ft. 20 ft.

1 living creature

1 rnd/lvl


Will negs Yes Yes

241 220 278


[sonic, lawful]

1 action 1 action

Spread centered on Instant caster Up to 1 creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl in a 20-ft. radius burst, centered on the caster Summoned creature(s)
(max. 30 ft. apart) (D) (h)


Shield of Law

As protection from chaos, but with these improvements:

Against all attacks, subjects gain +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 resistance bonus on saves. Subjects gain SR 25 against creatures and spells of chaotic alignment. If a creature of chaotic alignment succeeds with a melee attack against a warded creature, the attacker is slowed for 1 round (Will negates).

Will negs Yes



9 (summoning)

Summon Monster Summon extraplanar creatures(s) to act as directed Can summon 1 level-9 creature, or 1d3 level-8 creatures, or 1d4+1 IX
[cast as lawful spell only] lower-level creatures. Summoned creatures act as described for summon monster I .

V,S,DF 1 round


1 rnd/lvl



D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Good Fortune (Ex) : 1/day: May reroll any one roll just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if its worse than the original roll.

abjur. ench. abjur.

2 (compulsion) 3

Entropic Shield Aid [mind-affecting] Protection from Energy Freedom of Movement Break Enchantment

Ranged attacks at caster have 20% miss chance Subject gains +1 morale bonus to attacks and saves vs. fear, plus 1d8+1/lvl (max. +10) temporary hp Subject gains temporary immunity to specified energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic) Subject ignores magical impediments to movement
Can move and attack normally while underwater. Automatically succeeds at resisting grapples and escaping pins.

V,S 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You Touch 1 living creature Touch 1 creature

1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl



227 196 266

10 min/lvl
(or until discharged)

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)

(prot. from elements) Spell is discharged after absorbing 12/lvl (max. 120) hp damage. Takes precedence over resist energy.

abjur. abjur.

V,S,M, 1 action DF V,S 1 min

Touch Close

1 creature 1 creature/lvl
(max. 30 ft. apart)

10 min/lvl Instant

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

233 207

Frees victims from enchantments, transmutations and curses

Make a check (1d20 + caster level, max. +15) against each magical effect currently affecting the target (DC 11 + effects caster level) to break it. For cursed magic items, the DC is 25. The spell does not remove the curse from the item; it merely frees the victim from the items effects.


6 7 8

Mislead Spell Turning Holy Aura Moment of Prescience Miracle

(x) (x)

abjur. div.

As greater invisibility with caster as subject, and also creates illusory double of caster Reflects 1d4+6 spell levels back at their caster
Only non-touch spells that have you as a target are turned.

1 action


V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

You + 1 illusory double Personal You Personal You

Conc. + 3 rnds 10 min/lvl 1 hr/lvl


255 282 255

(or until expended) (or until discharged)


Gain +1/lvl (max. +25) insight bonus on a single attack roll, opposed ability/skill check, or saving throw
Can also be applied to AC against a single attack. Cant have more than one moment of prescience active at same time.


Request a deitys intercession ()

V,S, X ()

1 action







D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Use scrolls, wands, and other items with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of half your cleric level (minimum 1). For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack. 1


Nystuls Undetectable Aura Nystuls Magic (x) Item registers to detect spells etc. as if nonmagical, or a Aura specified kind of magic item or subject to a specified spell
An examiner casting identify (or similar) must make a Will save to recognize that the aura is false and detect the items actual qualities.


1 action


1 object
(up to 5 lb./lvl)

1 day/lvl



div. abjur.

2 3

Identify Dispel Magic


Determine all magical properties of a single object

Includes how to activate (if appropriate) and how many charges left.

V,S,DF 1 hour V,S 1 action

Touch Medium

1 object 1 object or creature

Instant Instant

243 223

These spells cannot be dispelled by dispel magic: any Instantaneousduration spell antimagic field curses from bestow curse forbiddance (unless dispellers lvl is at least as high as casters) forcecage geas (or lesser geas) globe (or lesser globe) of invulnerability* mark of justice Otilukes resilient sphere* Otilukes telekinetic sphere* prismatic sphere/wall wall of force * unless a targeted dispel is used

Targeted dispel: Cancel spells on one object or creature

Make a successful dispel check (1d20 + caster level, max. +10) against each ongoing spell currently in effect on the target (DC 11 + spells caster level) to cancel it. Against a magic item, make a successful dispel check against the items caster level to suppress all of the items magical properties for 1d4 rnds. For an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (e.g. summon monster), make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured it.

Area dispel: Cancel up to 1 spell on each object/creature in area

For each creature or object that is the target of ongoing spells, make a dispel check against the spell with the highest caster level. If that fails, make dispel checks against progressively weaker spells until one is dispelled or all checks fail. Magic items are not affected. For each ongoing area or effect spell centered within the area, make a dispel check to cancel the spell. For each ongoing area or effect spell overlapping the area, make a dispel check to end the effect, but only within the area of the dispel magic. For objects or creatures that are the effect of an ongoing spell (e.g. summon monster), make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured it, in addition to attempting to dispel spells targeting the creature or object.

20-ft. radius burst

Counterspell: Disrupt spell being cast

Make a dispel check to counter the other spellcasters spell.

1 spellcaster V,S,DF 10 min Touch 1 creature

(must have at least INT 5 and WIS 9)


Imbue with Spell Ability

Transfer up to 3 currently-prepared spells to subject

Only clerical abjuration, divination, or conjuration (healing) spells can be transferred. The maximum number of spells that can be received depends on the subjects HD (1-2: one 1st-level spell; 3-4: two 1stlevel spells; 5+: two 1st-level and one 2nd-level spell). The imbue with spell ability spell slot cant be refilled until the subject has used the transferred spells or is slain.

Until discharged

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)


abjur. abjur.

5 6

Spell Resistance Antimagic Field Spell Turning Protection from Spells Mordenkainens Disjunction

Subject gains SR of 12 + caster level Suppresses (but does not dispel) all magic, and prevents the functioning of magical items
Wall of force, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, or another antimagic field are unaffected.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch 10 ft.

1 creature Emanation from caster

1 min/lvl 10 min/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

282 200


abjur. abjur.

7 8

(x) (x)

Reflects 1d4+6 spell levels back at their caster

Only non-touch spells that have you as a target are turned.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M 1 action (500), F (1000) V 1 action

Personal You Touch Up to 1 creature per 4 lvls 40-ft. radius burst

10 min/lvl

(or until expended)

282 Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

Subjects gain +8 resistance bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities Dispels magic and disenchants magic items
1%/lvl chance to destroy an antimagic field; if the field survives, no items within it are disjoined. 1%/lvl chance to destroy an artifact, in which case the caster must make a Will save (DC 25) or permanently lose all spellcasting abilities.

10 min/lvl






Will negs


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Rebuke Plant Creatures (Su) : 3+CHA/day: Rebuke/command plant creatures, in the same manner as an evil cleric rebukes/commands undead. Knowledge (nature) is a class skill.




Plants entangle all creatures in affected area

Entangled creature can break free and move half normal speed with a successful Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 20) (full-round action). Reflex save needed each round to avoid becoming entangled.

V,S,DF 1 action


40-ft radius spread

1 min/lvl


Ref part () Yes



trans. trans.

2 3

Barkskin Plant Growth

(x) (x)

Subject gains +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor

Bonus increases by +1 for every 3 levels above 3rd (max. +5).

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Long

1 living creature

10 min/lvl

203 262

Overgrowth: Vegetation becomes thicket or jungle

Speed in affected area is 5 ft. (or 10 ft. for Large or larger creatures). You may designate places within the area that are not affected.

trans. conj.

Command (x) Plants (control plants) Wall of Thorns


Enrichment: Raise productivity of normal plants over the next year to one-third above normal Target(s) will not attack; may be given spoken orders
You must win an opposed Charisma check to convince an affected creature to do anything it wouldnt normally do.

mile V V,S 1 action 1 action Close Medium

Circle (100 ft. radius), Instant or semicircle (150 ft.) or -circle (200 ft.) All normal plants in range Plant creature(s) 1 day/lvl
(up to 2 HD/lvl) (max. 30 ft. apart)

Will negs Yes


211 300

Barrier of thorns damages any creature passing through it

Moving through the wall inflicts (25 AC) damage per round (DEX and dodge bonuses ignored). Movement requires a successful Strength check (DC 20); a creature can move 5 ft. for every 5 points by which the result exceeds 20. Any creature within the area of the spell when it is cast takes damage as if it had moved into the wall, and is caught inside. Chopping at the the wall with edged weapons creates a safe passage 1 ft. deep for every 10 minutes of work. A wall of thorns is unaffected by spells that affect plants.

Wall of thorny brush (up to one 10-ft.

cube/lvl) (S) (min. thickness 5 ft.)

10 min/lvl


Repel Wood


Pushes away wooden objects along path from caster

Objects are repelled at 40 ft/rnd. Fixed objects large than 3 inches diameter are not affected. A creature being dragged by a shield can unlimber it as a move action and drop it as a free action.


1 action

60 ft.

Line emanation from caster

1 min/lvl




Changestaff Animate Plants


Animate: Plants attack designated target(s)

A Huge plant counts as 2 Large plants, etc. You can change the plants designated target(s) as a move action.

1 action


1 Large (or smaller) plant per 3 lvls All plants in range Up to 2 HD/lvl of plant creatures
(max. 30 ft. apart)

1 rnd/lvl 1 hr/lvl 1 min/lvl 7 days


Entangle: Plants entangle all creatures in area trans. conj.

(creation) 8

Control Plants Shambler

(x) Command plant creatures via vocal communication (command plants) After the spell is over, subjects revert to normal behaviour. (x)

V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action

Close Medium

Will negs


213 277

Shambling mounds aid in combat or serve as guards

If created only for guard duty, the shamblers cannot move outside the spells range, and the duration becomes 7 months. The shamblers have resistance to fire (as normal shambling mounds do) only if the terrain is rainy, marshy or damp.

1d4+2 shamblers
(11 HD each) (max. 30 ft. apart)


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Protective Ward (Su) [abjuration]: 1/day: Touch grants subject a resistance bonus equal to the casters cleric level on his next saving throw; duration 1 hour, or until used.

abjur. abjur.

1 2

Sanctuary Shield Other

Opponents cannot directly attack subject

Subject cannot attack without breaking the spell.

V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Close

1 creature 1 creature

1 rnd/lvl 1 hr/lvl

Will negs Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

274 278


Protection from Energy Spell Immunity Spell Resistance Antimagic Field Repulsion Mind Blank Prismatic Sphere
(x) (x) (+)

Subject gains +1 deflection bonus to AC,+1 resistance V,S,F 1 action bonus to saves; half of any hit point damage suffered (100) by subject is transferred to caster Subject gains temporary immunity to specified energy V,S,DF 1 action type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic) Subject gains unbeatable SR against one specified spell or spell-like effect per 4 lvls
Spell specified must be no higher than 4th level.


1 creature

10 min/lvl
(or until discharged)

Fort negs Yes

(h) (h)


(prot. from elements) Spell is discharged after absorbing 12/lvl (max. 120) hp damage. Takes precedence over resist energy.

abjur. abjur. abjur.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Touch 10 ft.

1 creature 1 creature Emanation from caster Emanation from caster 1 creature

10 min/lvl 1 min/lvl 10 min/lvl


Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

282 282 200

5 6

Subject gains SR of 12 + caster level Suppresses (but does not dispel) all magic, and prevents the functioning of magical items
Wall of force, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, or another antimagic field are unaffected.

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)


abjur. abjur. abjur.

7 8 9

Creatures cant approach caster

If caster moves closer to an affected creature, it is not forced back.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S V 1 action 1 action

Subject is protected from all mind-affecting spells and effects, as well as all divination spells and effects As prismatic wall, but surrounds caster on all sides

Up to 10 ft/lvl Close 10 ft.

1 rnd/lvl 24 hr


Will negs Yes Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

271 253 264

Sphere centered on 10 min/lvl caster




D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Feat of Strength (Su) : 1/day: Gain an enhancement bonus to STR equal to your cleric level; activated as a free action; duration 1 round. 1


Endure Elements Enlarge Person

(x) Targets size increases to next larger size category (enlarge) Height x 2, weight x 8; +2 size bonus to STR, 2 size penalty to DEX (min. 1), 1 size penalty to attacks and AC. Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack. Counters and dispels reduce person.


1 round


1 humanoid

1 min/lvl


Fort negs Yes


trans. trans. abjur. trans.

2 3 4

Bulls Strength Magic Vestment Spell Immunity Righteous Might

Subject gains +4 enhancement bonus to Strength Armor/shield gains +1 enhancement per 4 lvls
(max. +5) Regular clothing can be enchanted (counts as having armor bonus 0).

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Touch Touch

1 creature 1 armor or shield 1 creature

1 min/lvl 1 hr/lvl 10 min/lvl 1 rnd/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h) (h,obj) (h) (h)

207 251 282 273

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h)

Subject gains unbeatable SR against one specified spell or spell-like effect per 4 lvls
Spell specified must be no higher than 4th level.

Will negs Yes

Casters size increases to next size category

Height x 2, weight x 8; you gain +4 size bonus to STR, +2 size bonus to CON, +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Size modifier for AC and attacks changes as appropriate for new size category, as does face and reach (but not speed). All equipment worn or carried is also enlarged. Melee and projectile weapons deal more damage (but not thrown weapons; any enlarged item leaving your possession instantly returns to normal size). You gain damage reduction 3/evil or 3/good (depending on whether you normally channel positive or negative energy). Damage reduction increases to 6 at 12th level, and 9 at 15th level. If insufficient room is available for full growth, you attain maximum possible size and may make a STR check (with your increased STR) to burst any enclosures in the process (if you fail, you are not harmed). Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack.

Personal You


abjur. evoc.

Stoneskin Bigbys Grasping Hand



Subject gains DR 10/adamantine

Spell is discharged after absorbing 10/lvl (max. 150) hp damage.


1 action

Touch Medium

1 creature 10-ft hand

(see Bigbys interposing hand )

10 min/lvl
(or until discharged)

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

284 204


Hand can grapple one opponent per round

BAB = caster level + spellcasting modifier + 10 (STR) 1 (size Large). Grapple bonus is same except with +4 size modifier instead of 1. The hand holds but does not harm creatures that it grapples. Can bull rush (as Bigbys forceful hand ) with +16 on Strength check, or interpose itself (as Bigbys interposing hand ).

V,S,DF 1 action

1 rnd/lvl




Bigbys Clenched Fist



Hand can move

(60 ft.) and attack once per round BAB = caster level + spellcasting modifier + 11 (STR) 1 (size Large). Deals 1d8+11 damage; creature struck must make Fort save or be stunned for 1 round. Can bull rush (as Bigbys forceful hand ) with +15 on Strength check, or interpose itself (as Bigbys interposing hand ).

V,S,DF 1 action


10-ft hand

(see Bigbys interposing hand )

1 rnd/lvl





Bigbys Crushing Hand



Hand can crush selected opponent

Grapple bonus = caster level + spellcasting modifier + 12 (STR) +4 (size Large). Deals 2d6+12 dmg on each successful grapple check. Can bull rush (as Bigbys forceful hand) with +18 on Strength check, or interpose itself (as Bigbys interposing hand ).

V,S,M, 1 action DF


10-ft hand

(see Bigbys interposing hand )

1 rnd/lvl




D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Greater Turning (Su) : 1/day: As for normal turn/rebuke attempt, except undead that would be turned/rebuked are destroyed/commanded instead.

abjur. trans.

1 2

Endure Elements Heat Metal

[fire] (x)

Subject avoids harm from hot or cold environments

Does not protect against fire or cold damage.


1 action

Touch Close

1 creature

24 hours

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

226 239

Affected metal damages those who touch it:

Round: 1 2 3-5 6 7 Damage: None 1d4 2d4 1d4 None Affected creature takes minimum damage if not wearing metal armor and the metal its carrying is under one-fifth of its weight. Otherwise roll damage as normal. Cold dmg cancels out damage from this spell on a point-by-point basis. Counters and dispels chill metal.

V,S,DF 1 action

Metal equipment of 7 rounds Will negs Yes (see table at left (obj) (obj) 1 creature per 2 round-by(unattended lvls (max. 30 ft. apart); for round nonmagical or 25 lb/lvl of metal description of metal gets effects) no saving within 30-ft. circle


Searing Light

Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 per 2 lvls (max. 5d8) dmg V,S
Undead take 1d6/lvl damage (max. 10d6); undead vulnerable to sunlight (e.g. vampires) take 1d8/lvl damage (max. 10d8). Constructs/inanimate objects take 1d6 per 2 lvls damage (max. 5d6).

1 action







Fire Shield
[fire / cold]


Protect against fire or cold-based attacks

(casters choice) Caster takes half damage from attacks of the specified type; if the attack allows a Reflex save, the caster takes no damage on a successful save. Melee attackers receive 1d6+1/lvl (max. +15) damage of the specified energy type (SR applies).

V,S,DF 1 action

Personal You

1 rnd/lvl



evoc. conj.

5 6

Flame Strike Fire Seeds

[fire] (x)

Divine fire deals 1d6/lvl damage

Damage is half fire, half divine power.

(max. 15d6)

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M 1 action

Medium Touch

(10-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)

Instant 10 min/lvl
(or until used)

Ref half Ref half

(creatures struck directly get no save)

Yes Yes

231 230


Acorn grenades: Deal total of 1d6/lvl damage

(max. 20d6) (divide damage dice among up to four grenades as desired) Ranged touch attack (max. range 100 ft.); each acorn deals 1 hp of splash damage per die and ignites combustible material within 10 ft.

Up to 4 acorns

Holly berry bombs: Each deals 1d8+1/lvl damage

Placed by hand and ignite on command if caster is within 200 ft (5 ft. radius burst); ignite combustible material within 5 ft.

Up to 8 holly berries V,S,DF 1 action 60 ft. Line from caster 1 rnd/lvl

(or until all beams used)

Ref half Ref half

(and negates blinding)





Beams each deal 4d6 damage and blind creatures

Can evoke 1 beam/rnd (standard action); total 1 beam/3 lvls (max. 6). Creatures vulnerable to sunlight take double damage. Undead, oozes, slimes, mold and fungi take 1d6/lvl damage (max. 20d6); undead vulnerable to sunlight (e.g. vampires) are destroyed on a failed save.







Radiance deals 6d6 damage and blinds creatures

Creatures vulnerable to sunlight take double damage. Undead, oozes, slimes, mold and fungi take 1d6/lvl damage (max. 25d6); undead vulnerable to sunlight are destroyed on a failed save.

V,S,DF 1 action


80-ft. radius burst


Ref half
(and negates blinding)




Prismatic Sphere


As prismatic wall, but surrounds caster on all sides

1 action

10 ft.

Sphere centered on 10 min/lvl caster





D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Free Movement (Su) : Ignore all magical effects that impede movement (as for freedom of movement); activated automatically as needed; lasts a total of 1 round/lvl per day (not necessarily consecutive rounds). Survival is a class skill. 1

trans. div. trans.

1 2

Expeditious Retreat Longstrider (x) Caster gains +10 enhancement bonus to base land speed V,S,M
Other modes of movement (climb, fly, swim, etc.) are not affected.

1 action

Personal You Long Touch Circle centered on caster 1 creature

1 hr/lvl


249 249 Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

Locate Object Fly


Indicates direction to object (specific or generic)

To find a specific object, it must have been observed first-hand. Lead blocks the spell. Creatures cannot be found using this spell.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

1 min/lvl 1 min/lvl


Subject can fly with good maneuverability

Flying speed is 60 ft. (40 ft. if wearing medium or heavy armor); can ascend at half speed and descend at double speed. If the spell expires or is dispelled while the subject is in flight, the subject drops 60 ft. per round for 1d6 rounds, then falls normally.



Dimension Door Teleport


Transport self and allies to any location within range

You cannot take any other actions until your next turn. A Large creature or object counts as 2 Medium creatures; a Huge creature or object counts as 2 Large creatures, etc.

1 action


1 willing Medium (or Instant smaller) object/ creature per 3 lvls Instant

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)




Transport caster and allies to designated location

Chance of arriving safely depends on knowledge of destination ( ). You and allies can each carry objects weighing up to maximum load. A Large creature counts as 2 Medium creatures, etc.

1 action

100 You + 1 willing miles/lvl creature (Medium or smaller) per 3 lvls 1 creature

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)


div. conj.

6 7

Find the Path Greater Teleport Phase Door


Reveals the most direct route to a specified location As teleport, but no range limit and no chance of offtarget arrival Create ethereal passage through wood/plaster/stone
Only accessible to caster unless a triggering condition is set.


3 rounds Touch 1 action Any

10 min/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h) (h)

230 293

(teleport without error ) Must have at least a reliable description of the destination.




1 action 30 min

0 ft. Touch

You + 1 willing Instant creature (Medium or smaller) per 3 lvls 5-ft x 8-ft opening, 1 usage per 10 ft. deep (+ 5 ft. two levels
deep per 3 additional lvls)

Will negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

261 Yes 201


Astral Projection

Projects caster and allies into the Astral Plane

You + 1 willing creature per 2 lvls


D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills.


1 2 3

Disguise Self Invisibility

(x) Change casters appearance (+10 bonus to Disguise) (change self) An interacting creature can make a Will save to recognise the illusion. (x) (x)


1 action

Personal You Touch Touch 1 creature/object

(up to 100 lb./lvl)

10 min/lvl 1 min/lvl 1 hr/lvl

(D) (D)

222 Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj) (h,obj)


Subject remains invisible until it attacks Hides subject from divination and scrying
To overcome, divination user must succeed at a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against DC of 11 + your caster level (or 15 + your caster level if this spell was cast on yourself or an item currently in your possession).

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M


245 257



1 action

1 object or creature

Will negs Yes



4 Confusion (compulsion) [mind-affecting]


Affected creatures become confused ( )

Any confused creature which is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,M


Medium Touch

15-ft radius burst 40-ft radius emanation You + 1 illusory double 1 30-ft. cube/lvl

1 rnd/lvl 1 hr/lvl

Will negs Yes

212 229


False Vision


Divination (scrying) into affected area receives false image (as major image) defined at time of casting
The image can be changed as desired by concentration. While you are not concentrating, the image remains static.

1 action


6 7

Mislead Screen Polymorph Any Object Time Stop

(x) (x)


As greater invisibility with caster as subject, and also creates illusory double of caster Illusion hides area from direct observation and scrying
Scrying attempts automatically detect the specified image, with no save. Direct observation may allow a save (as per a normal illusion).


1 action 10 min

Close Close Close


Conc. + 3 rnds 24 hr () 1d4+1 rnds

(apparent time)

Disbelief Disbelief Fort negs Yes

(obj) (obj)

255 274 263 294

trans. trans.

8 9

(x) (x)

As polymorph, but changes any object or creature into V,S,DF 1 action another () Time seems to stop for all but caster V 1 action
Cannot target others with attacks or spells while time stop is in effect. You are undetectable while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an antimagic field, or by a protection from chaos/evil/ good/law spell, or by a magic circle, while under the effect of time stop.

1 creature/object
(up to 100 cu.ft./lvl)

Personal You

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Free Martial Weapon Proficiency (if needed) and Weapon Focus feats with deitys favoured weapon.

trans. evoc.

Magic Weapon Spiritual Weapon


Weapon gains +1 enhancement to attacks and dmg

If caster or casters deity is of good alignment, the weapon is considered blessed.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action

Touch Medium

1 weapon Magic weapon of force (appropriate to

casters deity)

1 min/lvl 1 rnd/lvl

Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)

251 283

Melee weapon attacks foes as caster directs

Attack bonus is casters BAB + WIS modifier; deals 1d8 + 1 per 3 lvls (max. +5) hp force damage (critical as weapon type). Weapon can be switched to a new target each round (move action).


trans. evoc. evoc. evoc.

3 4 5 6

Magic Vestment Divine Power Flame Strike Blade Barrier

[force] [fire]

Armor/shield gains +1 enhancement per 4 lvls

(max. +5) Regular clothing can be enchanted (counts as having armor bonus 0).

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S 1 action


1 armor or shield

1 hr/lvl 1 rnd/lvl Instant 1 min/lvl


Will negs Yes

(h,obj) (h,obj)

251 224

Caster gains a fighters base attack bonus, +6 enhancement bonus to STR, and 1 temporary hp/lvl Divine fire deals 1d6/lvl damage (max. 15d6)
Damage is half fire, half divine power.

Personal You Medium Medium Cylinder

(10-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)

Ref half Ref half

Yes Yes

231 205

Vertical curtain of blades deals 1d6/lvl (max. 15d6) damage to any creature passing through
If the barrier is evoked where creatures are, each must make a Reflex save to avoid the wall (ending up on the side of its choice). Barrier provides cover against attacks made through it.

Wall of blades, 20 ft. high (either a

flat plane up to 20 ft./lvl long, or ring with radius of 5 ft. per 2 lvls)


7 (compulsion) 8

Power Word, Stun 8 Power Word, (x) Target becomes blinded Blind [mind-affecting] Duration of blindness depends on targets current hp: Power Word, Blind 7 Power Word, (x) Target becomes stunned Duration of stunning depends on targets current hp: Stun [mind-affecting] Power Word, Kill

1 action


1 creature
(must have no more than 200 current hp)

(see text at left)



50 or less: Permanent; 51 to 100: 1d4+1 min.; 101 to 200: 1d4+1 rnds.

ench. ench.

8 (compulsion) 9 (compulsion)


1 action 1 action

Close Close

1 creature
(must have no more than 150 current hp)

(see text at left)

Yes Yes

263 263

50 or less: 4d4 rnds; 51 to 100: 2d4 rnds; 101 to 150: 1d4 rnds.

Target is instantly killed

1 creature
(must have no more than 100 current hp)


[death, mind-affecting]

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


Turn/Rebuke Fire/Water Creatures (Su) : 3+CHA/day: Rebuke/command water creatures, or turn/destroy fire creatures, in the same manner as a cleric turns/rebukes undead.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Obscuring Mist Fog Cloud


Misty vapor obscures all sight beyond 5 ft.

A creature 5 ft. away has concealment (20% miss chance).


1 action 1 action

20 ft. Medium Touch Long Long 60 ft. Medium Long Medium

Spread, 20 ft. high

1 min/lvl

258 232 300 214 243 212 196 242 226


Bank of fog obscures all sight beyond 5 ft.

A creature 5 ft. away has concealment (20% miss chance).

trans. trans. evoc. evoc. conj.


Water Breathing Control Water


Subjects can breathe water freely

Divide the duration evenly between all affected creatures.

V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S,DF 1 action V,S 10 min

Raises or lowers an area of water ( )

(x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

20-ft radius spread, 10 min/lvl 20 ft. high 1 or more living 2 hr/lvl Will negs Yes (h) (h) creatures Water (up to 10 ft./lvl x 10 min/lvl (D)
10 ft./lvl x 2 ft./lvl) (S)

Ice Storm


Hail deals 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 cold damage

Listen checks are at 4 and movement halved within affected area.

(20-ft radius, 40-ft high)

1 full round Instant 1 rnd/lvl Instant 10 min/lvl


Yes Ref half Yes


Cone of Cold [cold] Acid Fog [acid] Horrid Wilting Elemental Swarm

Deals 1d6/lvl cold damage

(max. 15d6)

Cone burst 20-ft. radius spread, 20 ft. high Living creature(s)

(max. 60 ft. apart)

As solid fog, but also deals 2d6 hp/rnd acid damage Deals 1d6/lvl
(max. 20d6) damage to living creatures Water elementals and plant creatures take 1d8/lvl (max. 20d8) dmg.

necro. conj.

Fort half


9 (summoning)

Summon multiple water elementals

2d4 Large elementals, then (after 10 minutes) 1d4 Huge elementals, then (after another 10 minutes) 1 greater elemental. Each elemental has maximum hit points per HD.

Summoned creatures
(max. 30 ft. apart)

[cast as water spell only]

D&D 3.5 Cleric Spell List


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