45 Mustiko 1974-1980

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Journal of Education Research 1974

The Role of the School Principal in

Managing Teacher Human Resources for
Merdeka Curriculum Implementation: Case
Study at SDN Sugihwaras 01
Mustiko Setyaning Budi1 , Uci Ulfa Nur’afifah2, Novia Rahma Rista Utami3
(1,2,3) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, STKIP Modern Ngawi, Indonesaia

 Corresponding author
([email protected])


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai peran kepala sekolah dalam
mengelola SDM untuk mengimplementasikan kurikulum merdeka. Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Peneliti melakukan pengumpulan
data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Peneliti berusaha memahami makna
peristiwa serta interaksi dengan melibatkan kepala sekolah dan guru, sehingga peneliti dapat
memahami konsep serta peran kepala sekolah dalam mengelola SDM guru untuk
mengimplementasikan kurikulum merdeka di sekolah dasar. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa kepala sekolah menerapkan kegiatan home visit sebagai upaya untuk membina hubungan
kekeluargaan dengan guru. Kepala sekolah menjadi figur inspiratif dengan berbekal pengalaman
melalui partisipasi dalam lomba kepala sekolah inspiratif. Kepala sekolah bersama guru
menciptakan iklim kerja yang kondusif dengan menumbuhkembangkan rasa memiliki terhadap
sekolah. Kepala sekolah melibatkan guru dalam menciptakan program Sugih Waras yang
mendukung implementasi kurikulum merdeka. Pelaksanaan implementasi kurikulum merdeka
membuat guru lebih professional melalui berbagai macam kegiatan pembinaan maupun pelatihan.

Kata Kunci: Peran Kepala Sekolah, Pengelolaan SDM, Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka


This research aims to obtain an overview of the role of school principals in managing human
resources for Merdeka Curriculum Implementation. This research uses a descriptive qualitative
approach with a case study design. Researchers collected data through observation, interviews and
documentation studies. Researchers try to understand the meaning of events and interactions by
involving school principals and teachers, so that researchers can understand the concept and role
of school principals in managing teacher human resources for Merdeka Curriculum Implementation
in elementary schools. Research findings show that school principals implement home visit
activities as an effort to foster family relationships with teachers. School principals become
inspirational figures armed with experience through participation in inspirational school principal
competitions. The principal and teachers create a conducive work climate by fostering a sense of
belonging to the school. The school principal involved teachers in creating the Sugih Waras program
which supports Merdeka Curriculum Implementation. The implementation of the Merdeka
Curriculum makes teachers more professional through various kinds of coaching and training

Keywords: Role of the Principal, Human Resource Management, Merdeka Curriculum Implementation

Journal of Education Research, 5(2), 2024, Pages 1974-1980

Journal of Education Research 1975

The Merdeka Curriculum was officially introduced by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) on February 11 2022 via an online platform on the
ministry's official website. The Merdeka Curriculum is designed to be simpler, more concise and
flexible with the aim of supporting learning recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic which caused
learning loss (Kemendikbudristek, 2022). Implementation of policies related to the Merdeka
Curriculum aims to respond to the need to improve human resources and improving the quality of
education in Indonesia (Vhalery et al., 2022). Mulyasa (2023) emphasized that educational
institutions have a big responsibility so they need to make preparations, one of which is by
improving the quality and quality of education.
Improving the quality of education from the elementary (school) level is the main focus in
implementing policies. The principal as the main leader at the school level has a very important role
in making this happen (Waty, 2022). The role of the principal is considered a dynamic aspect of
status which is realized when a person exercises the rights and obligations in accordance with his
position (Siregar, 2022). The principal, as the main figure of the school organization, plays a crucial
role in communicating values and hopes to all school members. Therefore, the school principal has
a fundamental responsibility in designing, managing and motivating all elements in the school in
order to maintain the smooth running of the organization, especially in facing new educational
policy changes from the central government.
The success of a school is largely determined by the managerial quality of the principal
himself, especially his ability to build a conducive working atmosphere (Malaikosa, 2021). As a
school principal leader, he is expected to be able to handle all components of education so that
they work together to create an institution that is trusted by the community as a forum for
improving the quality of human resources (Ritonga & Fadhli, 2020). The quality of human resources
in schools must be able to be managed and improved properly by the school principal so that the
vision, mission and goals of the school will be achieved according to the expectations of all
residents and the goals of the school (Abrori & Muali, 2020). The leadership of the school principal
has a big influence on improving the quality of human resources in schools in creating a conducive
work climate.
Based on the results of a preliminary study, in the 2023/2024 school year, SD Negeri
Sugihwaras 1 experienced a change of principal. With a new principal, SD Negeri Sugihwaras 1
again won competitions held at the sub-district level. In fact, SD Negeri Sugihwaras 1 participated
participate in activities carried out by the Madiun Regency government as a representative from
Saradan District. Therefore, based on existing phenomena and supported by previous research, the
researcher took the title of the role of the school principal in managing human resources for
Merdeka Curriculum Implementation in elementary schools. This title was chosen by researchers
as an update to previous research and to understand the role of school principals in managing
human resources in the school environment for the successful Merdeka Curriculum

This research uses a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is research used to examine
the natural conditions of an object, where the researcher acts as the main instrument (Sugiyono,
2023). Natural conditions reflect the situation as it is, without any intervention that could affect
the scientific nature of the research object. This research uses a descriptive method because it aims
to describe or describe the phenomena that occur at the research location. This research was
carried out at SD Negeri Sugihwaras 1 based on new things discovered by researchers related to
the role of the principal in managing human resources in the school. There are two data analyzed
in this research. The first data is data about the role of school principals in managing human
resources. The scope of the data includes the role of the principal as a leader and as a creator of
the work climate. The second data is data about the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum.
The data will be divided into three details, namely planning, implementation and obstacles. These
data are data resulting from observation, interviews and documentation activities. After the
researcher collected the data, the researcher carried out data analysis. In data analysis, data analysis

Journal of Education Research, 5(2), 2024, Pages 1974-1980

Journal of Education Research 1976

guidelines and data analysis procedures will be explained which will describe the role of school
principals in managing human resources and planning, implementation and obstacles in
implementing the Merdeka Curriculum.


The school principal plays an important role for Merdeka Curriculum Implementation at
schools. There are several indicators in optimizing the role of school principals as leaders and as
creators of a work climate. Based on existing indicators, researchers discovered new things at the
research site, namely SDN Sugihwaras 01. The research findings are detailed in the following table.

Table 1. Reseacrh Findings

Indicator Research Findings

The school principal's efforts as a
leader are in improving leadership
The principal carries out activities home
and followership relationships to
optimize of Merdeka Curriculum
The leadership style of the school The principal shared his experiences
principal in Merdeka Curriculum from participating in the inspirational
Implementation. principal competition.
The school principal made changes by
bravely speaking up to the local village
government regarding improving the
The school principal's efforts as a
school environment.
leader in creating a conducive work
The school principal holds coaching
climate culture to support improving
activities for support the successful
the quality of human resources in
Merdeka Curriculum Implementation
schools which supports the
which is also participated in by human
successful Merdeka Curriculum
resources from other school teachers in
one group.
The principal created a “Sugih Waras”

Table 1 shows the research findings in research conducted at SDN Sugihwaras 01. The school
principal's efforts as a leader in improving leadership and followership relationships to optimize the
implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum were carried out by providing home visit activities. The
home visit activity also aims to foster family relationships between the school principal and existing
teacher resources. Procurement of home visit activities is based on the human resource
background of teachers at SDN Sugihwaras 01.
Before the current principal took office, there was a vacancy in the position of principal at
SDN Sugihwaras 01. This vacancy meant that the existing teachers were accustomed to running
independently without the role of the principal. To restore and change this habit, the principal of
SDN Sugihwaras 01 finally held a home visit activity. Home visits are carried out by the school
principal regularly every month. The principal takes turns visiting the teacher's residence to
strengthen the family relationship. From the home visit activities carried out by the principal, the
teacher human resources felt like they had a leader again. It is easier for school principals to
coordinate with teachers regarding the implementation of planned policies. Thus, the home visit
activity can improve leadership and followership relationships to optimize the implementation of
the Merdeka Curriculum.
The leadership style demonstrated by the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 in implementing
the Merdeka Curriculum is a source of inspiration for existing teacher human resources. The
principal shared his experiences from participating in the inspirational principal competition. This

Journal of Education Research, 5(2), 2024, Pages 1974-1980

Journal of Education Research 1977

behavior was carried out by the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 to show that experience is the
best teacher. With the experience that the principal has, the principal wishes to inspire existing
teacher human resources. In terms of In this case, the principal shows an attitude as an inspirational
leader. This attitude is implemented with the hope that if teacher human resources can be inspired,
then teacher human resources will show creativity in planning and implementing the
implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum.
School principals as leaders in creating a conducive work climate culture also strive to
improve the quality of human resources in schools. These efforts can support the successful
implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum. The principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 held coaching
activities to support the successful Merdeka Curriculum Implementation. Examples of coaching
activities that are held include coaching related to guidelines for the substance of managing the
performance of school heads and teachers. This activity has never been held by other schools in
the same cluster, so teachers from other schools in the same cluster took part in coaching activities
at SDN Sugihwaras 01. The activities held were based on regulations issued by the Ministry of
Education and Culture regarding the rights of school institutions to hold activities that support
success implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum. These coaching activities show that the school
principal plays a role as a leader who can create a conducive work environment because he is able
to form family relationships with other schools.
In optimizing his role as a leader who is able to create a conducive work climate, the principal
of SDN Sugihwaras 01 is able to make new changes. The principal made new changes bravely speak
up to the local village government regarding improving the school environment. Apart from
showing his responsibility as a leader, this behavior also shows the courage of the school principal.
Environmental improvements are proposed to the local village government because SDN
Sugihwaras 01 is always affected by waterlogging during the rainy season. This disrupted the
learning process at school, so the school principal spoke up to the local village government. The
problem that had existed for a long time was finally resolved with the courage of the school
principal. The efforts made can create a conducive environment that fosters feelings of comfort at
school, so that it can support a conducive work climate culture.
Apart from improving the physical environment carried out by the school principal, a new
program was also created, namely the "Sugih Waras" program. This program was created as an
effort to support the implementation of an Merdeka Curriculum related to human resources in
schools, including school principals, teachers and students. In fact, students' parents are also
indirectly involved in the program. This program is a routine activity that is held once a week,
namely on Saturday. The “Sugih Waras” program emerged from the idea of the principal who took
the name of this school. “Sugih Waras” comes from two Javanese words. “Sugih” means rich, while
“Waras” means healthy.
The activity that represents the word "Sugih" is an entrepreneurial activity, namely market
day. In market day activities students act as producers and consumers. Students practice buying
and selling directly accompanied by their respective class teachers. In this case, teachers train
students to become entrepreneurs. Then, activities that represent the word "Waras" are activities
related to physical fitness, namely sports activities. The activity carried out was group exercise.
Group exercise activities are carried out in the morning after the class bell rings. This activity was
attended by the school principal, teachers and students. After the group exercise activity was over,
the market day activities began. Through the "Sugih Waras" program, it is hoped that the human
resources at SDN Sugihwaras 01 will become rich and healthy people, whether in science or
otherwise so that they can improve their quality as humans. By improving the quality of existing
human resources, it can support the success of implementing the Merdeka Curriculum.

The Role of the Principal in Managing Teacher Human Resources at SDN Sugihwaras 01
The school principal must be able to position himself as a leader in the school organization
he leads. In his role as a leader, the principal tries to create good interpersonal relationships by
being more task-oriented and subordinate (Saputra & Ramadan, 2023). Task-oriented and
subordinate relationships prioritize common interests. Shared interests can occur if the school

Journal of Education Research, 5(2), 2024, Pages 1974-1980

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principal is able to optimize his role as a leader and creator of the work climate in the school.
The school principal has an important role as a leader, so optimizing the role of the school
principal must be carried out carefully (Abrori & Muali, 2020). In this case, the principal needs
teacher involvement, so the principal must be able to manage his educators. Teachers must be
involved because human resource management is closely related to the management of individuals
in the organization, so that these individuals contribute to achieving goals (Suryana & Iskandar,
2022). The task- and subordinate-oriented interpersonal relationships implemented by the
principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 are carried out by placing each existing human resource in a
position or task according to their competence. Determination of tasks is discussed in meeting
activities. Deliberation needs to be carried out in every position or task determination so that it is
accepted in a happy manner (Abrori & Muali, 2020). However, the capabilities of each existing
resource remain the main consideration.
The principal is also a leader who is likened to being a driving force in the successful
achievement of school goals. The role of the leader will determine where and what the organization
he leads will become (Abrori & Muali, 2020). Organizational success is largely determined by the
role of leaders who are able to mobilize their human resources (Suryana & Iskandar, 2022). The
principal who determines the center point and rhythm in the school must be a source of inspiration
for teachers (Suryana & Iskandar, 2022). The principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 inspired teachers
with his experience through his participation in the inspirational principal competition.
School principals who are able to lead well are also expected to be able to create a conducive
work climate. This is in accordance with research by Malaikosa (2021) which states that the success
of a school is largely determined by the leadership ability of the school principal, especially the
ability to build a conducive working atmosphere. Apart from school principals, teachers also have
a role in creating a conducive work climate (Ritonga & Fadhli, 2020). Therefore, the principal of
SDN Sugihwaras 01 created a home visit activity as a means to build good relationships with
teachers and their families. It is hoped that the home visit activity can be an example of a positive
activity that supports the creation of a conducive work climate culture.
School principals with all their competencies and skills must help teachers to create a
conducive work climate. Synergistic efforts between school principals and teachers are very
necessary in that matter. In accordance with research conducted by Ritonga & Fadhli (2020), which
emphasizes that school principals and teachers are colleagues who cannot be separated and must
always have the same vision and mission in creating a good working atmosphere. Another effort
made by the school principal was to start implementing school discipline, especially time discipline.
School principals apply time discipline as a method for improving human resources that supports a
good working atmosphere (Saputra & Ramadan, 2023). The principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 tries
to be a good example for teachers. With various efforts made, the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01
demonstrated his role as a leader and was able to create a conducive work climate.

Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum at SDN Sugihwaras 01

The implementation of an Merdeka Curriculum in elementary schools cannot be separated
from the role of the principal as the highest policy maker in the school. The formulation of planning
for the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum is carried out in a meeting activity. In the
meeting held, the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 first shared perceptions regarding the
implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum. The school principal directs the school community to
have the same perception about the essence of the Merdeka Curriculum (Isa et al., 2022). If the
perception between the school principal and teacher human resources is the same, it will make it
easier to formulate plans for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum.
Learning planning in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum needs to be well understood by
teachers, so that school principals must optimize their role. The school principal has a central role
in implementing the concept of independent learning in elementary schools (Suryana & Iskandar,
2022). The principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 builds good cooperation with existing teacher human
resources. Collaboration needs to be carried out because it is the key to the implementation of the
Merdeka Curriculum (Isa et al., 2022). The cooperation carried out in meeting activities results in a
joint decision. The results of the annual meeting of SDN Sugihwaras 01 with the jointly agreed

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agenda for planning the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, namely: (1) preparing a
teacher development program; (2) development of teaching materials; and (3) guidance for the use
of ICT.
In its implementation, the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 played his corporative logic. School
principals must be able to play their corporate logic by prioritizing efficiency, risk management and
predictive capabilities (Megayanti & Asri, 2022). Therefore, the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01
acts like a chief executive officer (CEO) in a company. Based on research, it is also known that the
head SDN Sugihwaras 01 school schedules activities related to the Merdeka Curriculum in
accordance with central government policy. This is in accordance with research by (Isa et al., 2022)
which emphasizes that the scheduling of activities in the Merdeka Curriculum is carried out so that
the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum is carried out effectively and efficiently in
accordance with the Merdeka Curriculum policy.
The principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 is making efforts to optimize teacher competency.
School principals as drivers of change can make breakthroughs in schools (Megayanti & Asri, 2022).
School principals implement policies that support the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum
(Suryana & Iskandar, 2022). The principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 invites teachers to take part in
limited training and webinars. The principal must involve teachers in training both carried out at
school (in house training) and outside of school to improve their professionalism and to impart the
results of the training to other teachers (Abrori & Muali, 2020). The principal of SDN Sugihwaras
01 also provides guidance to support Merdeka Curriculum Implementation. This coaching is related
to substantive guidance in managing the performance of teachers and school principals. The school
principal plays the role of resource person and consultant in these activities.
The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum has been running for approximately two
years. In the implementation process, it turns out it is not as easy as imagined. Various obstacles
arise and require in-depth analysis and solutions to achieve national educational goals within the
framework of an Merdeka Curriculum. Existing obstacles must be responded to with a critical and
comprehensive approach, especially by parties who have an interest, especially school principals
as leaders in educational units. The obstacles that occur in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum
at SDN Sugihwaras 01 originate from teacher human resources in mastering IT and providing
supporting facilities. Obstacles in the aspect of IT mastery by teacher human resources are faced
by creating peer teaching activities (peer tutors). Peer teaching activities (peer tutoring) are carried
out to increase teacher understanding and help teachers understand what they do not understand.
School principals are required to be able to bring their institutions into institutions that are
competitive and able to follow the movement of technological advances (Ritonga & Fadhli, 2020).
Therefore, the principal of SDN Sugihwaras 01 made peer teaching (peer tutoring) activities more
effective. In the aspect of supporting facilities, the school principal has proposed compliance with
the relevant agencies. It is necessary to provide adequate facilities (Ritonga & Fadhli, 2020).
Obstacles in the aspect of fulfilling facilities to support Merdeka Curriculum Implementation at
SDN Sugihwaras 01 are just waiting for a decision from the relevant department.

Merdeka Curriculum Implementation can run well by optimizing the role of the school
principal, especially in managing human resources. The principal as a leader must establish good
relationships with teachers so that a conducive working atmosphere can be formed. The principal
strives to create good interpersonal relationships by being task-oriented and subordinate. With the
efforts made, the principal continues to base it on the competence of the teacher. Teacher
competency is developed through various coaching activities carried out by the school principal
and from outside the school. The synergy formed between the principal and teachers can lead the
school to achieve the desired school goals.

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Journal of Education Research, 5(2), 2024, Pages 1974-1980

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