Environmental Project Final-1
Environmental Project Final-1
Environmental Project Final-1
This proposal addresses the opportunities for Nzega District Council to
conserve its environment and increase food security for the promotion of
people’s livelihood. The proposal outlines the initial plan in undertaking the
project and setting initial cost estimates to complete the project. In
particular, it outlines the value opportunity that exists in the properties
market and suggests how to invest on different infrastructures that will
enable the proposed project to be implemented. It also sets out financial
projections and analysis in order to provide financial and economic
justification for the proposed project investment.
The main Promoter of the proposed project is Nzega District Council, which
is a Local Government Institution under the President’s Office Regional
Administration and Local Governments (PMRLG).
The proposed project will be modern machines and other project facilities. It
has been designed to accommodate different facilities such modern
slaughter, auction market, agro processing factory, construction of charco
dams, waste management facilities, ground water facilities, bare foot
tourism, parking yard, warehouses, general business, and administration
block Public toilets, forest processing facility.
Total estimate project cost is 14.092 billion and its financing will be
through long-term loan and equity (land value).
In view of the above information, it can be concluded that the sought project
is technically and financially viable. Therefore the proposed project is
recommended for funding and immediate implementation.
Nzega District Council is one of the eight Districts Councils of Tabora Region.
The major goal of the Council is to create an enabling environment, which
will enhance capacity of the Local Government to deliver services to the
people efficiently and effectively in socio-economic activities.
The GDP for Nzega district council is 400,000/= per annum which is
relatively low to poverty line. Thus economically and socially the people of
Nzega depends mainly on available natural resources to carry out life
processes such as fuel, cultivation and grazing as the result these activities
increases environmental degradation leading to food insecurity.
Nzega District covers an area of about 6,589 square kilometres and located
between 32 30’- 33 30’ longitudes east of Greenwich and latitude 3 45’–5
00’ south of Equator.The District borders Igunga District in the East, Uyui
District in the South, Kahama District in the West and Shinyanga rural
District in the North. According to National Population and Housing Census
Report of 2012. Nzega District Council is estimated to have total population
of 478,066 and the total number of households is 79,678 while 6 is the
average household size, population growth rate is 2.9% per annum. With
Nyamwezi, Waha and Sukuma as main ethnic groups; however there are few
other tribes in the District.
Main economic activities in Nzega District Council include cultivation of food
and cash crops in an average of 1,600 square kilometres. Food crops
include maize, paddy, cassava, sweet potatoes, legumes and sorghum. Cash
crops are cotton, tobacco, groundnuts and Sunflowers. The District Council
also engaged in livestock production with a total number of 469,186 cattle,
209,200 Goat, 48,503 sheep, 464,729 Poultry and 1,173 pigs. Fishing
activities take place on small scale for domestic consumption and local
informal trade.
According to the 2005 poverty and Human Development Report for
Nzega District Council it indicates that the percent of its people living
below basic needs poverty line by 35%. The per capita income is
estimated to be Tshs. 400,000/=
Nzega District Council like other Districts in the country undertake all
issues pertaining to community development and provision of social
services including recreation in few available centres which actually
lack essential social services.
-Public Latrines
-Electricity installation
-Pasture establishment.
The project shall include different activities which include use of available
local resources and technology to produce different products and services,
through infrastructures of charco dam, auction market, ranch, forestry and
adding value along chain by using warehouse, installation of agro-
processing machine for processing, grading and packing and transportation
to market.
The daily human activities on both planted and natural forest trees harvested
without replacement mainly depend on the population density. Deforestation
increase the vulnerability of soil erosion as it leaves the land bared. The reason of
deforestation is for agriculture activities, charcoal making, firewood and timber
2.1.4 Opportunity
The whole district land is conducive for cashew nut and Mangoes cultivation
due to prevailing favorable condition. Cashew nut and mangoes is known to
be an easy crop to cultivate, it is planted even into exhausted soils. Other
opportunities include available markets, accessibility and farmers’
awareness to the crop usefulness. The plan is to involve different stake
holders such as small scale, middle and large farmers, research, religious
and financial institutions, input supplier, transporters and Tanzania Cashew
nut Board
2.1.5 Activities
i. Sensitization of farmers and other stakeholders on importance of
cashew nut in the district.
ii. Establishment of cashew nut seedling and distribution
iii. Capacity building to farmers and extension officers for production.
iv. To invest on processing industries.
v. Sensitize and establish co-operative societies
vi. Collection of crop cess
vii. Monitoring and evaluation of the project.
One seedling of cashew nut is expected to produce 6 kgs and products will
increase with years up to 40 kgs. 1 acre consists of 28 plant population
hence will produce 198 kgs per acre. 83886 acres will produce 14,092,848
kgs at just first year.
A total of Tshs 212,887,950 required for establishment, management,
and conducting of monitoring and evaluation of the project.
S/ Item Kgs/lts Price/kg Costs
1 Seeds 3330 5000 166,030,000.00
2 Tubes 9298 2750 25,569,500.00
3 Sheets 290 1500 435,000.00
4 Chemicals 50 lts 20,000 1,000,000.00
5 Fuel 2000 2500 5,000,000.00
Sub total 193,534,500.00
10 % 19,353,450.00
Grand total 212,887,950.00
Secondly, use of innovation and technology will help to address the challenges on
sustainable forestry and protection of endanger species. Some of the approaches
will include shift from harvesting of large amount of Mninga, introduction of more
efficient processing delinking end-use products from raw wood characteristics and
enforcement of Forestry Management Act, 2002, Environmental Management Act,
2004 and District Bylaws.
Another approach will be use of machine for thermal treatment of wood; this is
more like recycling where pieces timber or raw wood will be treated to meet a
higher quality standard, by reducing moisture, sugar and changes on its colour.
Cyprus timber can be treated look like Mninga product as indicated in figure 1
Figure2. State of art wood processing technology
Irrigation by diverting water from Ibole season river has proved inefficient due to the fact
that, frequency of water flow in the river is limited and is of few days when it rains,
resulting to drought during the cultivation period in wet season hence failure of crops.
Water flow in Ifumba main canal is worse as compared to Bugesela main canal. A
conflict of water harvest is experienced between villages of the two irrigation areas due to
inadequate water supply. The villages of both sides propose and are requesting assistance
for provision of a better way of supplying enough and reliable irrigation water to their
fields. They propose a dam construction at reconnaissance survey to be carried out at the
proposed site to assess its suitability for the dam construction.
Basic plan of the district is to construct dam and irrigation infrastructures for the potential
area of about 2000ha. This will be achieved after development of the scheme area by
doing the following activities.
2.2.6 Activities
i) Construction of irrigation canals to irrigate 1200 ha.
ii) Construction of drainage structures
iii) Construction of water control structures and distribution structures along the
iv) Construction of farm access and services roads.
v) Improving of irrigation water management and better agricultural practices
involving soil and water conservation measures
vi) Prepare tender documents and carry out tendering process.
2.2.7 Construction of Kanolo dam
Kanolo irrigation scheme is an existing scheme constructed between 1995 and 1996 by
the Central government under supervision of small- holder Development Program in
Marginal Areas (SDPMA).The Program was financed by an International Fund for
Agriculture Development (IFAD). Can irrigate 600 Ha of paddy at Kanolo, Nata and
Mwamalulu villages. Kanolo irrigation scheme is located Nata ward. The scheme is
located 35 Km from Nzega District Headquarter. Irrigation by diverting water from
season river has proved inefficient due to the fact that, frequency of water flow in the
river is limited and is of few days when it rains, resulting to drought during the
cultivation period in wet season hence failure of crops. The villages propose and are
requesting assistance for provision of a better way of supplying enough and reliable
irrigation water to their fields. Activities
vii) Construction of irrigation canals to irrigate 600ha.
viii) Construction of drainage structures
ix) Construction of water control structures and distribution structures along the
x) Construction of farm access and services roads.
xi) Improving of irrigation water management and better agricultural practices
involving soil and water conservation measures
Nzega district council particularly Nata and Lusu wards faces problem of
post harvest losses due to shortage of warehouses, processing machines,
drying places. Farmer also faces problem of market to their products hence
low prices. In order to reduce negative social-economic impacts to farmers
and consumers it need to improve post handling methods/techniques,
storage and storage facilities.
2.3.1 Opportunities
Nyasa Division in which Nata and Lusu wards are one of the leading largest
paddy producer. In 2014/2015 to 2015/2016 seasons Lusu, Mwasala and
Nata Wards produced about 15571 Tons of paddy. Therefore average
production of paddy per year is 5190.33. The presence of main road is
another opportunity for easy transportation of inputs and marketing of
processed crops products.
2.3.2 Project impacts
The major impact of project is to produce better quality rice products from
crops for human consumption. Improved livelihood of individuals employed
directly in the project through acquired income and sustains food security.
Along with the project following direct impacts will be observed.
Agriculture product value addition
Increased income to farmers
Increase the District council's revenue.
Employment opportunities to the community.
The project intends to increase production of paddy and add value by
processing crop produces to get high quality rice products
Available land
Centrally located thus serves nearby seller and buyers from Uyui
District, Igunga District and Tabora Municipality.
The market place is located 9.8 Km from Tabora - Nzega trunk
road and accessible in all weather conditions.
Good co-operation with police force and often assure security
against customers’ properties.
The auction located 0.5 Km from the electric grid. Apart from already established proposed layout also other needs includes:-
Parking infrastructures
i) Motor Vehicles
ii) Motor Cycles
iii) Bicycles
iv) Oxcarts
Shades ( 3x5) m2
(10x5) m2
Slaughter facility ( Slaughter house, Hides and skin shade, Drainage
and Condemnation Pit)
Establishment of permanent water sources and its distribution to
different points within market area.
Waste disposal points
Wash rooms (Latrines/Toilets)
Water and feed troughs
Fencing of whole market area.
Electric installation
Construction of collection yard to connect the load and unloading rump
Construction of dipping facilities.
Police post
The intervention stimulates Nzega economy and open room for employment
to different Tanzanian’s particularly Nzega natives. Stakeholders will be
paying land rent, service levy and other dues as per by-laws, national rules
and regulations.
Along with land renting livestock farmers shall be allowed to keep domestic
animals basing on the recommended carrying capacity and in so doing
grazing pressure will be reduced hence low land degradations. The producers
shall be directed to produce commercially by adhering to all technicalities
laid in contract and at large the national Acts, regulation and By-laws
The whole ranch of about 43,012 Ha (106,000 acres) will be divided into
block farms of 1000Ha Separated by road networks/pathways. Every block
shall be contracted to one producer and will be supplied by all essential
inputs for smooth running of product
Establishment of 16 Km morum road from Igusule village to Kisasiga
Main articles, waste collection points and waste collection vehicle. In order to
manage waste produced especially domestic waste the establishment of waste
collection points is not avoided. These points will include centres of Ndala,Bukene
and Nata the estimated costs are shown below :-
In order to manage domestic waste effectively there is need for proper means of
transport including waste collection vehicle and waste compacting machine for
handling waste
3330 5000
2 cashew nut kg 16,650,000
3 (Mangoes) kg 3330 5000 16,650,000
4 Mninga s 1,500,000 75,000,000
5 Tubes kg 18596 148,768,000
6 kg 580 5000 2,900,000
7 litre 100 20,000 2,000,000
8 litre 8000 2500 20,000,000
Total 281,968,000
2 Storage facility (2blocks) m2 700,000 420,000,000
3 parking yard (15trucks) m 2
0 50,000 50,000,000
4 Office block m2 650,000 162,500,000
5 Fence m 2
0 110,000 110,000,000
Total 1,792,500,000
S/ Uni
n Description t Qty Rate Amount
1 Priliminaries m 29,000,000 29,000,000
2 Access road km 30,000,000 45,000,000
3 Embarkment m 3
0 20,000 840,000,000
4 Spillway m2 60,000 9,000,000
5 Water trough m 25,000,000 25,000,000
Total 0
2 Access road km 30,000,000 45,000,000
3 Embarkment m3 0 20,000 840,000,000
4 Spillway m2 60,000 9,000,000
5 Water trough m 25,000,000 25,000,000
Total 0
S/ Uni Qt
n Description t y Rate Amount
1 Priliminaries m 1 29,000,000 29,000,000
3 paved area m2 0 50,000 50,000,000
4 parking aprox.(150) m2 0 50,000 50,000,000
5 Slaughter m 2
700,000 0
226 567,000,00
5 Shops 108 m2 8 250,000 0
100 110,000,00
9 Fence m 0 110,000 0
Total 1,275,500
s/ Uni Qt
n Description t y Rate
4 Meat processing area m2 0 700,000 700,000,000
Total 1,207,000,000
87 25,000,00 2,175,000,0
3 Internal acess road km 0 00
6 26,141,66 156,850,00
4 Drilling 6 water well no 7 0
1 150,000,0 150,000,00
5 Acess road item 00 0
1 30,000,00
Milk collection centre item 0 30,000,000
Total 000
ite 29,000,0
1 Priliminaries m 29,000,000 00
construction of
collectiion 90,000,0
2 point (15) no 6,000,000 00
construction of Dumps 100,000,00 300,000,
3 (3) no 0 000
4 dump office(3) no 5,000,000 00
Total 000
No Item Cost
7 Ranch 2,961,850,000
8 Waste management
Subtotal 10,452,298,000
12 Contintigency 420,000,000.00
Subtotal 3,640,000,000.00
GRANDTOTAL 14,092,298,000.00
4.0 Revenue Projections from different sub
4.2.Revenue Projection for waste management Bukene, Nata and Ndala centers in
Nzega District
4.3. Establishment of charco dam and paddy allied value addition infrastructures.
N FY FY Price(Ts
o Item Unit 1 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5 h.) FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5 TOTAL
1 Construction Bags(Padd
41,25 6875 82500 96250 110000 1000
of 2 charco y) 41,250,00 68,750,00 82,500,00 96,250,00 110,000,0 + 398,750,000
dam (Kanolo 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
and Lusu)
3 Installation of Bags 9000 9000 90000 90000 90000 3000 270,000,0 270,000,0 1,350,000,000
Processing 0 0 00 270,000,0 00 270,000,0 270,000,0
machine( Proc 00 00 00
essing of
TOTAL 354,167, 418,333, 2,070,277,000
000 396,944, 000 439,722,0 461,111,0
000 00 00
4.4. Revenue Projection for Ndala auction market and Kisasiga meat industry in
Nzega District
S/ 1Income Total Tsh
no Item No Price Tsh Tsh Y2 Tsh Y3 Tsh Y4 Tsh Y5 Tsh '000'
By using Payback period method for five (5) years at 7 % discount rate cash flows
of each project above has been discounted and its viability has been shown as
Year Tshs
1 487,440,000.00
2 584,928,000.00
3 2,350,776,933.00
4 4,140,022,752.00
5 5,957,345,332.00
TOTAL 13,520,513,017.00
Year Tshs
1 454,489,056.00
2 508,536,403.00
3 1,905,539,782.00
4 3,256,541,897.00
5 4,413,201,422.00
TOTAL 10,538,308,560.00
The initial total cost of the project is Tshs 281,968,000.00 is expected to be paid
back within the first year .Therefore the project with this initial is viable for the
period 5 years .
1 510,932,000.00
2 613,118,400.00
3 735,742,080.00
4 882,890,496.00
5 1,095,468,592.20
TOTAL 3,838,151,568.20
After discounting at 7% discount rate for 5 years cash flow is :-
Year Tshs
1 330,189,894.10
2 345,103,113.60
3 349,433,554.90
4 332,341,887.60
5 324,944,921.70
TOTAL 1,682,013,371.90
The initial cost under payback period method is expected to be paid back within
the third year; therefore the project is viable for period of 5 years.
Year Tshs
1 143,136,000.00
2 171,763,200.00
3 206,115,840.00
4 247,339,008.00
5 296,806,809.60
TOTAL 1,065,160,858.00
Year Tshs
1 133,460,006.40
2 149,330,926.08
3 167,077,499.90
4 194,556,863.70
5 219,874,484.00
TOTAL 670,222,280.18
The initial cost under payback period method is expected to be paid back within
the third year; therefore the project is viable for period of 5 years
5.4. Charco dam Lusu Project
Year Tshs
1 354,167,000.00
2 396,944,000.00
3 418,333,000.00
4 439,722,000.00
5 461,111,000.00
TOTAL 2,070,277,000.00
Year Tshs
1 330,189,894.00
2 345,103,113.60
3 349,433,554.90
4 332,341,887.60
5 324,944,921.70
TOTAL 1,682,013,370.20
The initial cost under payback period method is expected to be paid back within
the third year; therefore the project is viable for period of 5 year
Year Tshs
1 354,167,000.00
2 396,944,000.00
3 418,333,000.00
4 439,722,000.00
5 461,111,000.00
TOTAL 2,070,277,000.00
Year Tshs
1 330,189,894.00
2 345,103,113.60
3 349,433,554.90
4 332,341,887.60
5 324,944,921.70
TOTAL 1,682,013,,371.00
The initial cost under payback period method is expected to be paid back within
the third year; therefore the project is viable for period of 5 years
In 2018/2019:
The fare most investment will include administrative cost, creating awareness,
mobilization , tree planting, improving Ndala auction market, establishing timber
factory and construction of charco dam at Lusu. All these activities require about
5,350,978,000 /= out of the total cost.
In 2019/2020:
The investment will include construction of Kanolo charco dam at Nata wards,
improvement of Kisasiga ranch and its infrastructures, construction of warehouse
for paddy storage and installation of paddy processing machine. All these activities
will cost 4,667,320,000/= out of the total cost
In 2020/2021:
In 2021/2022:
The investment will include construction of meat factory at Nata . This activity will
cost 1,207,000,000/= out of the total cost
In 2022/2023:
The investment will include follow up of the project including monitoring and
evaluation. Assessment of the impact of the project in District. All these activities
will cost Tshs 800,000,000/= out of the total cost.
Stakeholders/livestock farmers from Nzega will be given first priority to invest and
run production
The project duration shall be 5 years and a grace period of 10 years before start