Algorithm Based Approach To Headache.5
Algorithm Based Approach To Headache.5
Algorithm Based Approach To Headache.5
A bstract
One of the most commonly encountered scenarios in any healthcare setting is a patient presenting with a headache. Yet, the
assessment, diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders can be challenging and burdensome for even specialist doctors in
medicine, psychiatry, oto‑rhinology, neurology and so on. Apart from saving patient’s and doctor’s time as well as money, this
article will buy leading time for better outcome and management of certain difficult headache disorders. The aim of this review is
to simplify the approach to headache diagnosis for an early and proper referral. Literature search was done on PubMed and Google
Scholar using key words. Only studies which were in English were considered. Sixty‑one articles published from 1975 to 2022
were reviewed after screening for inclusion and exclusion criteria. It is very essential that a primary care physician is aware of the
classification of headache. Red flag signs of high‑risk headaches are essential for proper referral. It is also essential that we rule
out secondary headaches as they are more life threatening. Vulnerable populations such as geriatric and paediatric populations
require expert attention in case of headache disorders.
DOI: How to cite this article: Ravan JR, Pattnaik JI, Samantray S.
10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1553_22 Algorithm-based approach to headache. J Family Med Prim Care
© 2023 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 1775
Ravan, et al.: Algorithm‑based approach to headache
the following key words: primary care, migraine, headache, ICHD third edition (beta version)
treatment, cluster, tension type. Most articles were published Primary headaches
from 1970 to 2022, and only English language was considered. Although primary headache disorders are not life threatening,
Only online articles were included in the review. they are responsible for high disability‑adjusted life years (DALY)
and morbidity. The true magnitude of public health burden of
Data extraction (data collection process): The information headache has not been fully acknowledged until now. Headache
extracted included the types of headache, their prevalence, causes huge loss to society indirectly through loss of work
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their classification, diagnosis and management. Also, time. Like any other chronic disorder, headaches cause loss
information about diagnosis and management of various of quality of life, disability and morbidity at an individual
types of headache in special populations based on age group level. [7] DALY due to primary headaches can be reduced
was also included. by early identification [Figure 1] and swift evidenced‑based
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Study design: Systematic reviews, meta‑analysis, randomised PRIMARY HEADACHE SECONDARY HEADACHE
1. Tension-type (with & without 1. Infections (systemic/ HIV/ post-infection/
controlled trials (RCTs) as well as other narrative reviews were tenderness- peri-cranial) meningitis)
included. Case series and case reports were not included. 2. Cluster headache 2. Vascular (A-V fistula/post-CVA/
3. Migraine (with & without non-traumatic SAH/malformations/
aura, retinal, periodic aneurysm/TIA)
Epidemiology and Classification symptoms in children)
4. Other (exercise, sexual
3. Head trauma (subdural/epidural/
whiplash/ neck injury/ post craniotomy)
activity, cough) 4. Decreased CSF Pressure
Primary chronic daily headache syndrome has been divided into 5. Increased CSF pressure (SOL/
hydrocephalus/ idiopathic raised ICT)
chronic TTH, migraine, new daily persistent headache (NDPH) 6. Addiction- drug intake & withdrawal
and hemicranias continua (HC). They comprise almost 98% of (sildenafil /alcohol /estrogen withdrawal/
medication overuse)
all headache disorders.[6] Although secondary headaches are more 7. Others (ENT/ophthalmology)
serious and can end up in life‑threatening scenarios, most of 8. Psychiatry- somatization/depression.
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1776 Volume 12 : Issue 9 : September 2023
Ravan, et al.: Algorithm‑based approach to headache
symptoms that are mostly established by consensus reports hemicranias, which are trigeminal autonomic cephalgias, are rare
and observational studies. Thus, they may not be unequivocally among children.[34] TTH is also seen in children with a prevalence
precise in determining the severe underlying aetiologies among of 5%–25%, and the age on onset is equivalent to 7 years. It
patients with headache. Hence, patients showing features of may be precipitated by various psychosocial stressors as well
secondary headaches should be examined and investigated as comorbid psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and mood
thoroughly to rule out any high‑risk pathology. Various illnesses.[35] In the paediatric group, secondary headaches occur
radiological examinations are available to make this task easier, mostly due to acute infections such as sinusitis, upper respiratory
such as CT scan and MRI. MRI is much more sensitive in tract infection (RTI), systemic infections and so on. In a few
identifying smaller lesions.[9] cases, they may be due to chronic intracranial illnesses such as
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1777 Volume 12 : Issue 9 : September 2023
Ravan, et al.: Algorithm‑based approach to headache
Detailed ENT, ophthalmological, psychiatric
and neurological evaluation
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a. Seizure,
b. visual acuity, Refer to
c. localising NEUROLO
sign, GIST
d. vomiting but to rule
a. Periodic and
no nausea, out SOLs
a. Pulsating, e. papilloedema
b. peaks over a. Reduced
b. Explosive a. Severity-
hours to days, vision,
and non- mild to Refer to
c. relieved b. conjuctival
fluctuating moderate OPHTHAL-
by rest, congestion
c. duration- b. Pressing MOLOGIST
d. aura, c. Pupil- dilated
short c. Duration- Secondary to evaluate
motionless, and fixed
d. Onset- min to headache for glaucoma
e. associated d. Cupping of
nocturnal weeks
with nausea, disc-increased
(50%) d. Bilateral
vomiting, Refer to
e. Pain-free
photophobia, ENT
intervals, Vertigo,
phonophobia to rule out
restlessness dizziness, BPPV/
f. M:F = 3:1 nystagmus labrynthitis/
a. Depression,
b. suicidal Refer to a
CLUSTER TENSION c. substance
meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess, brain tumours, SOLs, nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as
idiopathic intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus, vascular paracetamol and/or ibuprofen adjusted to paediatric doses.[39]
malformations and others. [36,37] It has also been seen that For acute management of migraine with and without aura
unhealthy lifestyles lead to increased incidence of childhood among children, triptans can be given along with NSAIDs.
headache, for example, high parental expectations, increased For nausea and vomiting, domperidone, prochlorperazine
academic pressure, overinvolvement in extracurricular activities, and cyclizine may be added.[40] For trigeminal autonomic
increased screen time, cut‑throat competitions, poor nutrition cephalgias (TACS), high‑flow oxygen at 12 L/min has been
and reduced sleep.[38] Red flags and the approach to headache recommended. [39] Prophylactic management of primary
evaluation among children are similar to those of the adult headaches is more or less same in children as in adults.
Headache in Geriatric Age Group
Management of Childhood Headache The prevalence of headache in older population is around
Non‑pharmacological management 12%–50%.[41,42] Headache among elderly population is mainly
due to primary headache such as migraine and TTH. However,
The child is advised to stay in a dark and quiet room in order to
the risk of secondary headache increases among elderly.[42,43]
rest. Sleep and hydration often help.[35] SMART is an acronym The risk of dangerous or high‑risk headache rises 10 times
which consists of various lifestyle modifications that can help among those aged 65 years and above.[42] It has been observed
in the management of childhood headache. that secondary aetiologies such as vascular events cause sudden
deaths among elderly, especially intracranial haemorrhage,
Pharmacological management rupture of aneurysm and cervical arterial dissection. In
First‑line acute pharmacological treatment of primary the presence of red flag signs, investigations among elderly
headaches, especially TTH, among children involves population may vary and they should comprise various blood
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1778 Volume 12 : Issue 9 : September 2023
Ravan, et al.: Algorithm‑based approach to headache
Almotriptan, rizatriptan, eletriptan, frovatriptan, sumatriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan
Naproxen (250-500 mg orally 12 hourly, maximum dose‑ 1 g/day)
Ibuprofen (200-800 mg orally 6-8 hourly, maximum dose‑ 2.4 g/day)
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Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1779 Volume 12 : Issue 9 : September 2023
Ravan, et al.: Algorithm‑based approach to headache
Table 2: Contd...
Type of primary headache Treatment available
Non‑pharmacological Psycho-behavioural treatments:
treatment[26] EMG biofeedback
Relaxation training
Cognitive-behavioural therapy
Cluster headache Triptans
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Secondary headaches
Primary headache
h. Mental health disorders[7]
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1780 Volume 12 : Issue 9 : September 2023
Ravan, et al.: Algorithm‑based approach to headache
i) Worsening pattern
j) Rapid/sudden onset (thunderclap headache, peak in intensity within Non-pharmacological management of childhood headache
seconds or minutes)
k) Headache associated with systemic disease (fever, rash)
l) Headache precipitated by exertion/cough/sexual intercourse Peculiarities of primary headache in elderly
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examination [Table 1]. It is equally important that we identify Financial support and sponsorship
the red flag signs and do the needful.
Limitations Conflicts of interest
This review only includes the studies written in English language; There are no conflicts of interest.
so, several data are not included due to language constraint.
Also, only reports available online are included in the study.
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