Green House Gases (GHGS)
Green House Gases (GHGS)
Green House Gases (GHGS)
The gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called Green
House Gases (GHGs).
1. Methane (CH4)
2. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
3. Water vapour (H2O)
4. Nitrous oxide (N2O)
5. Chloro flouro carbons (CFCs)
6. Tropospheric Ozone (O3)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is
primary GHG emitted
through human activities.
Its concentration is increasing
rapidly since 1960s ( Refer
It is naturally present in
atmosphere as part of carbon
Human activities e.g. burning
of fossil fuels, deforestation, Figure: Atmospheric CO2
burning of waste, change in Image courtesy: NOAA ESRL
land use pattern, (
transportation, electricity
production increases the In March 2020, the concentration
concentration of CO2. of CO2 in the atmosphere was 414.50
ppm (NOAA).
Jan 21’: 415.24 ppm
Methane (CH4)
Methane is very effective is causing
warming as it absorbs infra red
radiation of different wavelength.
It is 28 times more powerful than
CO2 at trapping heat (infra red
radiation) in the atmosphere.
The atmospheric residence time of
methane is approximately 9 years.
Water vapour (H2O)
Sources of CFCs: