ELP Lab Manual Exp-2
ELP Lab Manual Exp-2
ELP Lab Manual Exp-2
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
Experiment - 2
Verification of Network Theorems (KVL, KCL, Thevenin's/Norton’s Theorem)
(1) To verify Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) on a given
passive network (Fig. 1).
(2) To obtain Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of network given in Fig. 1 at the load terminals (A-B)
indicated in the same figure.
(3) To obtain Norton’s equivalent circuit of network given in Fig. 1 at the load terminals (A-B)
indicated in the same figure.
S. No Components/Instruments/ Meters
1 (a) Breadboard, Connecting wires, Passive components,
(b) Voltmeters, Ammeters, Digital Multi-meter,
(c) Digital Storage Oscilloscope,
(d) DC power supply
If “Ik” is the current flowing through resistance (Rk) then the power dissipated in it is:
PRk Rk I k2 (3)
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
R1 R2 A
I1 I2
Vin +
_ I6 I7
I4 R4 R6 R7 RL
I3 I5
DC Power Supply
R3 N3 R5 N4
(Note: (a) Measure the currents (I1, I2,….) using “Ammeter” or “Multi-meter”,
(b) Measure the voltage across resistance (R1, R2,….) using “Voltmeter” or “Multi-
Two Terminal
V0 Load
Linear Circuit
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
Two terminal Load
Linear Circuit Vth
V Load sources effect
equal to zero
Fig. 3(a). Equivalent circuit to measure Fig. 3(b). Equivalent circuit to measure
Thevenin’s voltage: Vth (Load: RL). Thevenin’s resistance: Rth (Load: RL).
Vth +
_ RL IN Rth RL
Fig. 4(a). Thevenin's equivalent circuit (Load:
Fig. 4(b). Norton's equivalent circuit (Load: RL).
Note: All resistance values are in ‘Ω’, voltages are in ‘Volt’ and currents are in ‘Amp’.
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
4) Set the input DC power supply to desired value (e.g. 12 V); by slowly varying the “Knob” (coarse
variation knob).
5) Measure voltage across each resistor using Multi-meter (keep the Multi-meter setting to ‘DC’ mode).
6) Measure voltage across each element and tabulate it in the observations Table-2. Formulate all
possible loops (meshes) and verify the Kirchhoff's Voltage Law. Repeat the same process for all
such loops (meshes).
7) Measure the current in each branch connected to nodes (as shown in Fig. 1) and tabulate it in the
observations Table-3. Verify Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) at all nodes. Repeat the same process
for all such nodes of Fig. 1.
8) Obtain the Thevenin's equivalent circuit (shown in Fig. 4(a)) and compare the measured ‘Vth’ and
‘Rth’ with analytically computed values.
9) Verify the theorem by measuring ‘Vth’ and ‘Rth’ across load terminals (RL of the network given in
10) Obtain the Norton's equivalent circuit (shown in Fig. 4(b)) and verify the theorem by measuring ‘IN’
and ‘Rth’ across load terminals (RL of the network given in Fig.1).
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
(Important Note: Choose Vin: 10 to 15 V in steps of 1.0 V; Identify the reasons for deviation in KVL,
i.e V
k 1
Rk 0 )
(Important Note: (a) For current IRk computation use resistances given in Table-1 (Row No. 2 entries)
and voltage magnitudes given in Table-2
(b) Identify the reasons for deviation in KCL, i.e I
k 1
k 0 )
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
Total Power
Dissipated in
all Resistances
P= R k I 2k
K 1
Power drawn
from the input
power supply
Important Note: (i) Use Table-3 observations for “Current” computation of Table-4 (3rd-row)
(ii) Identify the reasons for deviation in power PS P
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
Thevenin's Theorem: According to this theorem (Fig. 4a), one can replace the entire linear bilateral
passive network by an equivalent circuit that contains only an independent
voltage source in series with an equivalent resistance (Table-5) such that the
current-voltage relationship at the load is unchanged.
Norton's Theorem: This theorem (Fig. 4b) is identical to “Thevenin's Theorem” except that the
equivalent circuit is an independent current source (Table-5) is in parallel with
Norton resistance (Thevenin’s resistance). Therefore, the Norton equivalent
circuit is a source transformation of the Thevenin equivalent circuit.
[1] Edward Hughes, “Electrical and Electronic Technology”, 10th Edition, Pearson/
Prentice Hall.
[2] Smith and Dorf, “Circuits, Devices and Systems”, 5th Edition, Wiley Publishers.
M. Veerachary
ELP101 Laboratory Semester-I: 2024-25
(24/07/2024 ~ 14/11/2024)
(Important Note for Report submission: Use A4-size plain white sheets for “Report” preparation)
M. Veerachary