Nguyen Hoang Phuc TopCV - VN 240724.04010

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Nguyen Hoang Phuc

Back-end Developer PHP-Laravel

📞 0777575100 ✉ [email protected] 🔗  12 Ddistrict. Ho Chi Minh City


Back-end PHP, Laravel

Front-end ReactJs, JavaScript,Tailwind, Bootstrap, redux (saga, toolkit), React-Hook-Form, Axios

Database MySQL

Tool Git, Jira, Figma

Language English (read and understand documents)


Fashion shop
( 8/2023 - 9/2023 )

Project objectives Enhance teamwork, proficient in programming language PHP

Introduce: Project 1 (School Practice)

Project Description GitHub:
Achievements: Scored 7.0 in the project defense and reinforced basic PHP knowledge.

team size 4

Position in project Back-end

Product Management: CRUD, create attributes, create product customizations.

Invoice Management: Update status, update quantity, add products, and filter orders.
Cart Page: CRUD.
Responsibility in project
Product Page: Filter products.
User Management: Manage roles, update user details and block accounts.
Payment: Momo.

Technology description Bootstrap, PHP

Tiktok UI
( 5/2023 - 7/2023 )

Project objectives Acquainted with the framework reactJs and API

Introduce: Building an TikTok Website Using API

Project Description
Achievements: Learned react-hook, form handling with react-form-hook, Axios, fetch API,
basic usage of Redux and Redux-Saga for login/logout functionality, and component

Team size 1
Position in project Front-end

Search: By video.
Account: Login, logout.
responsibility in project Video: Watch videos, post videos (with thumbnails from video timestamps), like and unlike
videos, and control video playback with a scrollbar.
User: Follow and unfollow users.

Technology description ReactJs, SCSS, Rreact-hook-form, redux-saga, Axios

Fashion shop
( 7/2023 - 8/2023 )

Project objectives Acquainted with the framework Laravel

Introduce: Building an E-commerce Website (Laravel Exercise)

Project Description Achievements: Learned to use Eloquent, controllers, routes, Blade components, seeding, user
authentication (using Laravel's Auth), authorization (using Gate and Policy), form validation,
handling user requests, repositories, events, and queues.

Team size 1

Position in project Backend

Product Management: CRUD, filter (quantity, date), sort, attributes, soft delete/restore.
Invoice Management: Generate invoices, add products, confirm/edit orders, filter/sort, queue
notifications, soft delete/restore.
Product Reviews: CRUD, filter/search, reply.
Category Management: CRUD, search (creator/category), hierarchy, sort, soft delete/restore.
Brand Management: CRUD, search (creator/brand), filter/sort.
Menu Management: CRUD groups/submenus, hierarchy, create links (categories, brands,
Responsibility in project
Slider Management: Sort by position, CRUD.
User Management: View details, CRUD, soft delete/restore, block, filter/search
(role/orders/date/name/email), sort, and assign roles.
Statistics: Totals (orders, out-of-stock, accounts), counts, top products/categories.
Cart Page: CRUD.
Payment: Momo, VNPAY.
Data Backup: Daily.
Settings Page: Manage logo/icon and website info.

Front-end: JQuery, Bootstrap

Technology description
Back-end: Laravel PHP,


I have spent one year learning fundamental languages such as C++, Java, PHP, and JavaScript, and another year studying ReactJS and
I am diligent, willing to work full-time, have a strong team spirit, and am eager to learn new technologies to become a fullstack developer

I want to use my web development knowledge and skills to create an exceptional user experience. I strive to build a unique and engaging
website that attracts many users and optimizes the interface and features to enhance my application.


FPT College 2022 - Now

My major is web design back-end (PHP Laravel) ©

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