Slice Manager

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5GCity Slice Manager

Version Authors Date Comments

1.0 Alfonso Egio 1 September 13, 2019 First version

[email protected]

5GCity Slice Manager 1


High level description of 5GCity Slice Manager component regarding its architecture, work-flows
supported, northbound and southbound APIs.

5GCity Slice Manager 2

1 Purpose of this document 4

2 Implementation details and list of deprecated modules 4

3 Architecture 5

4 Models and entities 5

4.1 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 Compute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.3 Physical Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 OpenStack Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.5 OpenStack VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.6 RAN Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.7 Chunkete RAN Infrastructure Chunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.8 SWAM Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.9 Slice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.10 Network Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.11 Network Service Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5 Work-flows 9

5GCity Slice Manager 3

1 Purpose of this document
This document aims to provide a high level explanation about 5GCity[1] Slice Manager implementation[2],
interfaces and work-flows. It includes a description of the components it manages in order to support
different demos performed in the development kick-off, EUCNC 2018, the first H2020 project review,
ICT 2018 and 5GCity Bristol Hackathon: Hack the 5GCity: new smart apps in 5G world [3].

2 Implementation details and list of deprecated modules

Although in the demos some integration with some i2CAT box controller prototype was carried out,
final Slice Manager implementation uses i2CAT developed RAN Controller[4] in order to manage the
Network Access Devices (either LTE or WiFi).

Please notice that some implied modules kept in the source repository (for demo backwards com-
patibility ) are being deprecated leaving place for the RAN Infrastructure related modules and Multi Tier
Orchestrator (MTO)[5] able to handle fog05[6].

Deprecated modules:
• SDNWifiAccessPoint
• VirtualWifiAccessPoint
• CaptivePortalInstance

Modules replacing them (generic implementation):

• RANInfrastructure
• ChunketeTopology
• TopologyPhysicalInterfaceType
• TopologyPhysicalInterfaceWiredConfig
• ChunketeChunk
• SWAMService
• NetworkServiceInstance

5GCity Slice Manager 4

3 Architecture
Slice Manager API consists on a REST interface regarding different kind of resources described in
detail in the following section. In figure 1 there’s a representation of the Slice Manager architecture at
a module level.

Following the diagram, controllers at the left represent a layer containing the REST API endpoint
controllers (inherited from flask restful.Resource) (located in src/api folder). The controllers
manage tasks as payload data validation and interfacing with business model modules to persist newly
created entities and also produce JSON-based views.

Business logic layer (business) manage the operational logic of the Slice Manager and its main
functions apart from supporting business model restrictions, include interfacing Mongoengine mod-
ules in order to support data persistence and also trigger southbound clients API calls when needed
(OpenStack / Open Source Mano / Netopeer / i2CAT Box).

Folder named models contain Mongoengine Documents regarding the relational model of the Slice
Manager; apart from containing document definition, modules on this folder also contain some busi-
ness logic regarding predefined document post-deleting behavior using Mongoengine signals.

4 Models and entities

4.1 User
Each entity in Slice Manager is associated to a user that can be POSTed through the user endpoint
of the API. Although the component keeps track of a user-resource relational model it does not care
which user can access which resource. Therefore 5GCity AAA is the module which filters which user
can make which call regarding which resource. Slice Manager only keeps track of this user-resource
association in order to provide AAA filter-like queries. In addition it should be noticed that Slice Manger
does not care about which user correspond which role: Neutral Host Owner, Slice User, ... this also is
being controlled into the AAA module business logic.

4.2 Compute
Corresponds to an OpenStack compute node; since the compute already should exist to work with it
through the platform, the proper way to handle POSTing a new compute into the platform should be to

5GCity Slice Manager 5

Figure 1: Slice Manager current application at module level; User modules not included since each
entity is associated to a user implicitly.

5GCity Slice Manager 6

register it. Some Neutral Host Owner can therefore register its compute nodes in order to allow other
users (Slice Users) to create Chunks/Virtual Quotas over it. To register an OpenStack Compute Node
controller administrator authorization credentials are needed.

4.3 Physical Network

Represents an OpenStack Physical Network and corresponds to an OpenStack Neutron Controller
linked to a physical ethernet interface present in the compute host (where the Virtual Deployment Units
of the Network Service can be deployed ).

4.4 OpenStack Project

This entity should be considered as a virtual computational space that isolates one slice user from
another from the point of view of OpenStack controlled CPU/HD/RAM + Network resources. In terms
of 5GCity; the OpenStack Project is associated to a single compute node controlled by an OpenStack
controller; the way this association is handled can vary depending if the not explored yet feature[7]:

nova aggregate-set-metadata <aggregate_ID> filter_tenant_id=<tenant_ID>

works as expected with Queens version or we can set this kind of restriction logic on the Slice
Manger business layer.

4.5 OpenStack VLAN

Represents a first element of the transport layer to handle service isolated operation between differ-
ent slice users. Logically should be linked to an OpenStack Project in order to be handled (so there’s
a first implicit topological relation between the particular compute’s project and this VLAN entity ); in
other words, this OpenStack VLAN requires to be linked to an OpenStack project using a compute that
is also linked to VLAN corresponding physical network; in case those conditions do not met some error
handling would be required.

4.6 RAN Infrastructure

Represents a set of Radio Access Network devices controlled by a RAN Controller that exposes a
northbound API; Slice Manager supports controlling different RAN infrastructures. RANInfrastructure
controller admits posting data regarding a controller including its name, location, and authentication

5GCity Slice Manager 7

schema. Each infrastructure has a defined topology that can be queried in order to list all the wireless
hardware elements controlled by the system, type of interfaces and capabilities, WiFi, LTE, etc.

4.7 Chunkete RAN Infrastructure Chunk

Once listed elements in a particular topology of a RAN Infrastructure, slice manager API allows the
developer to request a Chunkete Chunk as a way to select a set of interfaces and links belonging to
the topology in order to group them logically with the aim of deploying some service in the future.

4.8 SWAM Service

Taking a chunkete chunk as starting point, slice manager’s SWAM service API allows the developer
to call a POST endpoint in order to deploy a wireless connectivity service for end user devices; please,
take into account this can be done in order to test the system and in the normal operation workflow
will be implicitly done at the time a network service instance over a slice that contains an OpenStack
VLAN and also a Chunkete Chunk is requested; this while automatically configure VLAN tagging in
SWAM Service wireless devices matching the OpenStack segmentation id in order to allow end user
traffic to be properly sliced over the data-center physical network (see sections below ).

4.9 Slice
Basically contains an array of previously created Chunk pointers (OpenStack VLANs, OpenStack
projects, Chunkete Chunks over RAN Infrastructures, etc ...) Current implementation does not limit the
amount and type of chunks that the slice can contain (anyway it does not provide some topological
support nor validation). This document is focused on defining current slice implementation regarding
OpenStack and RAN Controller entities in order to bring focus on details and particularities to extend
this Slice definition to other software or hardware artifacts implied in the project.

4.10 Network Service

Consists on an Open Source Mano package descriptor regarding a Network Service referencing
one or more VNF package descriptors. Right now should be pre-provisioned using Open Source Mano
dashboard or command line interface. After this pre-provision is done, using its Open Source Mano
id the service developer can register it using Slice Manager API in order to allow some other user to
instantiate it through Slice Manager.

5GCity Slice Manager 8

4.11 Network Service Instance
It is the instance of a Network Service registered in Slice Manager. Since it’s the simplest Network
Service used for development purposes; the Network Service Instance business logic layer checks for
at least an OpenStack Project and VLAN to be included in the slice supplied by the user.

In addition as mentioned before, if the slice contains also a Chunkete Chunk over a RAN Infrastruc-
ture, concurrently to the deployment of the NFV Network service over the Multi Tier Orchestrator, slice
manager is going to request the RAN Controller a SWAM Service configured according to the same
VLAN tag of the OpenStack VLAN. In case everything is properly defined and created, Slice Manager
requests the Network Service instantiation to Open Source Mano; keeps polling on its deploying state
and in case everything goes fine, it attaches the VM to the OpenStack VLAN using direct calls to Open-
Stack API and configures the internal machine interface to provide transport layer from the machine to
the wireless appliances in order to process end user traffic.

5 Work-flows
Figures in the document include also all detailed work-flows current implementation including the
data implied in each call. Please note that by convention if an action is managed in case error / success
further workflow steps correspond to KO / OK arrows. In case there’s some kind of failure, the workflow
ends using a KO path.

Non-explicitly asynchronous workflow management is also noticed when necessary.

[3] bristol/
[4] Chunkete SRS, Ricardo González, February 2019

5GCity Slice Manager 9

Figure 2: OpenStack Compute Registration workflow

5GCity Slice Manager 10

Figure 3: OpenStack Physical Network registration workflow

5GCity Slice Manager 11

Figure 4: RAN infrastructure registration creation workflow

5GCity Slice Manager 12

Figure 5: OpenStack Project creation workflow

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Figure 6: OpenStack VLAN creation workflow

5GCity Slice Manager 14

Figure 7: RAN infrastructure registration creation workflow

5GCity Slice Manager 15

Figure 8: Network Service Manual on-boarding over Open Source Mano

5GCity Slice Manager 16

Figure 9: Previous on-boarded Network Service registration in Slice Manager

5GCity Slice Manager 17

Figure 10: Slice creation (collection of chunks) only implicit topology like VLAN-OpenStack Project
relation (also not being currently validated, can create a Slice of an OpenStack VLAN and OpenStack
Project not linked through the same physical network resulting in a useless Slice.)

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Figure 11: Network Service Instance creation workflow

5GCity Slice Manager 19

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