Deliverable D2.4 Final Release of The SDK
Deliverable D2.4 Final Release of The SDK
Deliverable D2.4 Final Release of The SDK
Deliverable D2.4
Final Release of the SDK
Version: 1.0
Due date: 28.2.2018
Delivered date: 22.3.2018
Dissemination level: PU
The information in this document is provided ‘as is’, and no guarantee or warranty is given
that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The above referenced consortium
members shall have no liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct,
special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials
subject to any liability which is mandatory due to applicable law.
This report is funded under the EC H2020 5G-PPP project COHERENT, Grant Agreement
No. 671639.
Executive summary
This deliverable accounts for the final public release of the COHERENT Software
Development Kit (SDK). The SDK fully supports both Wi-Fi based and LTE-based Radio
Access Networks (RANs). The entire code has been released under different open-source
Two coherent SDKs have been released: the 5G-EmPOWER SDK and the FlexRAN SDK.
The former is being promoted through the Twitter channel (
and a Google Analytics account has been created in order to track website access statistics.
The later is also being advertised across within the OpenAirInterface users, which has shown
an increase of 10 active members per month. Moreover, both platforms are also currently
used within few other H2020 projects, namely H2020-SESAME, H2020-5G-ESSENCE, 5G-
Picture, SliceNet among the others) as well as the DA2GC (Direct Air to Ground
Communications) EIT Digital project.
The full documentation of the COHERENT SDK for both the Central Controller and
Coordinator (C3) and Real-Time Controller (RTC) has been made available on respective
websites and linked from the COHERENT official web portal. The documentation includes
step-by-step instructions on how to setup a fully programmable heterogeneous Wi-Fi and
LTE network, starting from open source software components and off-the-shelf devices.
Tutorials on how to implement basic control and coordination applications on top of the
programmable controller are also available.
Table of contents
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 3
List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Programming Abstractions........................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Wi-Fi Programming Abstractions ............................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 Light Virtual Access Point (LVAP) .................................................................................. 8
2.1.2 Light Virtual Network Function (LVNF).......................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Transmission Policy (TXP) ............................................................................................... 9
2.1.4 Virtual Port (VP) ............................................................................................................... 9
2.2 LTE Programming Abstractions............................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Low-level Primitives ....................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Statistics Manager ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 RRC measurement .......................................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Control Delegation and Policy Reconfiguration ............................................................. 11
2.2.5 High-Level Primitives ..................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Converged Abstractions ......................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Converged RAN Slicing Abstractions ............................................................................ 11
2.3.2 Network slicing in 3GPP ................................................................................................. 12
2.3.3 COHERENT slice descriptor .......................................................................................... 13
2.3.4 Converged Handover Abstractions ................................................................................. 15
2.3.5 Converged Network Graph Abstractions ........................................................................ 16
2.3.6 Link performance abstractions ........................................................................................ 16
3. Software Architecture ................................................................................................................ 20
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.2 The 5G-EmPOWER Platform ................................................................................................ 21
3.2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.2 Multi-tenancy and RAN slicing ...................................................................................... 22
3.2.3 Supported platforms ........................................................................................................ 24
3.3 FlexRAN and OpenAirInterface Platforms ............................................................................ 25
3.3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.2 Multi-tenancy and RAN slicing ...................................................................................... 25
3.3.3 Supported platforms ........................................................................................................ 27
4. Tutorials ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 C3 Tutorials (Wi-Fi/LTE) ...................................................................................................... 28
4.1.1 Mobility Manager (Wi-Fi) .............................................................................................. 28
4.1.2 Mobility Manager (LTE)................................................................................................. 28
4.1.3 Traffic Steering (Wi-Fi/LTE) .......................................................................................... 28
4.1.4 Multicasting (Wi-Fi) ....................................................................................................... 28
4.2 RTC Tutorials (LTE) .............................................................................................................. 29
4.2.1 RRM application ............................................................................................................. 29
4.2.2 Spectrum Management Application ................................................................................ 30
4.2.3 Monitoring App ............................................................................................................... 31
5. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 32
References ............................................................................................................................................. 33
List of abbreviations
AP Access Point
BSR Buffer Status Report
C3 Central Controller and Coordinator
CMI Control Module Interface
CQI Channel Quality Indicator
LVAP Light Virtual Access Point
LVNF Light Virtual Network Function
MAC Multiple Access Control
MCS Modulation and Coding Schemes
OAI OpenAirInterface
RAN Radio Access Network
RRU Remote Radio Unit
RT Radio Transceiver
RTC Real-Time Controller
SDK Software Development Kit
1. Introduction
The report accounts for the final version of the COHERENT Software Development Kit (SDK) which
has been released to the general public on June 12th, 2017 (in conjunction with the EuCNC 2017) and
July 11th, 2017 (in conjunction with the ITU workshop 1). Two SDKs have been released as follows:
1. 5G-EmPOWER SDK: providing full support for Wi-Fi and LTE based RANs (non realtime);
2. FlexRAN SDK: providing full support of LTE based RAN (realtime and non-realtime).
The capabilities of the COHERENT SDK have been presented at EuCNC 2017 where a load-aware
SDN-based handover between two CommAgility small cells has been demonstrated. Moreover, RAN
sharing/slicing coordinated by a radio resource management (RRM) control app has been
demonstrated at the ITU workshop 2017. In addition, new network apps have been developed to
support spectrum management, multicasting, mobility management, and traffic steering.
A reference implementation of both the COHERENT Central Controller and Coordinator (C3) and the
COHERENT SDK is made available by 5G-EmPOWER 2. 5G-EmPOWER is a Multi-access Edge
Computing Operating System supporting lightweight computing virtualization solutions and
heterogeneous radio access technologies. The 5G-EmPOWER platform currently supports both open
(srsLTE) and commercial (CommAgility) small cells as well as any Wi-Fi Access Point that can run
the OpenWRT operating system. The entire 5G-EmPOWER platform has been released under a
permissive APACHE 2.0 Licence for academic use 3 . FlexRAN 4 is a Flexible and Programmable
Platform for Software-Defined Radio Access Networks that allows fine-grain monitoring, control and
coordination of the underlying RAN following the SDN principles. It currently supports
OpenAirInterface 5 and is released under MIT license, subject to be changed in future release.
The 5G-EmPOWER based implementation of the COHERENT SDK is being advertised on Twitter
and a Google Analytics account has been created in order to track its usage. Both Twitter and Google
Analytics show a steady increase in the number of visitors and users. More specifically, the Twitter
account currently has 46 followers while Google Analytics shows an average of 50 unique users per
week in the last 30 Months. The FlexRAN implementation of the COHERENT SDK is also being
advertised across different communities, namely on-going H2020 projects as well as
OpenAirInterface user base, which has shown an increase of 10 active members per month.
The full documentation of the COHERENT SDK has been made available on both the 5G-
EmPOWER GitHub wiki 6 and FlexRAN gitlab wiki 7 . The documentation includes step-by-step
instructions on how to setup a programmable RAN starting from open source software and off-the-
shelf components as well as coding tutorials and developers’ resources. We decided not to duplicate
such information in this deliverable in that it could become either obsolete or incorrect by the time the
deliverable is public. The Wiki represents the single point of entry for the COHERENT SDK.
In Section 2 we introduce the COHERENT Wi-Fi and LTE programming abstractions. Section 3
reports on the proof-of-concept C3 and RTC reference software implementations. Section 4 describes
the available tutorials. Finally, Section 5 concludes the deliverable providing a possible development
roadmap of the COHERENT SDK beyond the end of the COHERENT project.
2. Programming Abstractions
This section reports on the high-level programming abstractions supported by the COHERENT SDK.
The section will first describe the Wi-Fi and the LTE programming abstractions separately. Then the
converged RAN slicing abstractions will be introduced. Table 1 and 2 provide an overview of the
currently available programming abstractions and their level of support in the COHERENT SDK
through the 5G-EmPOWER and the FlexRAN platforms.
The original LVAP abstraction was already presented in [1]. However, during the course of the
COHERENT project the abstraction has been extended in order to support:
1. Wireless link-diversity [2, 3]. This allows clients to be attached to more than one Wi-Fi AP in
the uplink direction. This also required to extend the LVAP concept in order to allow
chaining with LVNFs.
2. Multi-channel [4]. The original LVAP concept requires all Wi-Fi APs to be tuned on the same
channel severely limiting spatial re-use. With this extension, the native Wi-Fi Channel
Switching Announcement feature is used in order to migrate LVAPs across different
3. The Shared LVAP concept [5, 6, 7, 8]. This extension allows LVAPs to be shared among
multiple wireless clients, as opposed to the original mechanism where one LVAP is created
for each client. This has been done in order to support multicast applications in that multicast
frames must share the same BSSID. The handover API remains unchanged. However, when
shared LVAPs are used the actual handover is not seamless and the standard Wi-Fi handover
is used.
Besides these major extensions, the LVAP abstraction and its implementation have been significantly
overhauled during the COHERENT project. Some minor but relevant extensions are the support for
the 802.11n version of the Wi-Fi standard, the implementation of a two-phase commit protocol for the
LVAP migration aimed at improving the handover reliability (in particular in multi-channels setups),
and in general several data-path performance improvements.
Each network function corresponds to an Image and consists of a Click script together with some
additional information such as the number of input/output ports, and the list of Click handlers 8
exposed by the Image. Handlers are used in order to manipulate the internal state of the LVNF. For
example, in the case of a Firewall LVNF, specific handlers shall be defined in order to allow the
network operator to add/remove firewall rules. In the ETSI terminology, the handlers essentially
provide the interface for the Operator's Element Management Systems (EMS).
The extension has been introduced [3], in order to support arbitrary packet processing on LVAP
traffic. So far, its main use has been to support the removal of duplicate traffic when wireless uplink
diversity is enabled. However several other applications can also be envisioned [9].
Handlers are access points through which users can interact with elements in a running Click router or with the router as a whole.
Although an early version of the TXP was already introduced in [2], such version has been
completely revisited in order to support wireless multicast transmission policies as well as
differentiation between 11g and 11n TXPs.
2.1.4 Virtual Port (VP)
LVNFs do not define which kind of traffic they should process. The VP abstraction allows developers
to define the logical sequence of LVNFs that a certain portion of the flow-space must traverse. Each
Virtual Port, is associated with one, and only one, LVAP or LVNF and is mapped to a physical
network interface (e.g. a port of an OpenFlow switch).
Developers need not to know the physical port id and the data path id. Instead, they can perform
LVAP/LVNF chaining by using their Virtual Ports. The translation from Virtual Ports into forwarding
instructions is performed by the Intent Compiler and by the Path Computation Engine.
The virtual port abstraction has been introduced during the COHERENT project in order to allow
LVAP/LVNF chaining [3, 9].
To control and manage the BS user-plane (UP) actions, the RAN Runtime API is introduced to
provide a set of functions that constitute the southbound APIs. These functions allow the control-
plane (CP) to interact with the UP in five ways:
These API calls create a separation layer between the LTE RAN and runtime system on top and can
be invoked either by the C3 or RTC through the FlexRAN control protocol or directly from the
runtime if control for some operation has been delegated to it. Table 3 provides a list of some
exemplary RAN-specific API calls. Note that the runtime is in charge of retrieving the cell and user
related information from the underlying eNodeB such as cell bandwidth, and user Reference Signal
Receive Power (RSRP) and Reference Signal Receive Quality (RSRQ) through the API calls, and can
trigger events when a state changes, e.g.UE attachment or the radio link failure timer is expired. In
addition, such API calls may be related to the NFs, resources, UEs etc. belonging to a particular slice
[10]. It can be seen that different types of network applications, ranging from pure network
monitoring to network control and optimization, can be implemented using the provided abstractions.
We introduce below some applications on top of FlexRAN controller. Specific Control Modules are
introduced to get abstracted information and support control applications. These control modules are
designed in an extendable manner and they are completely agnostic to the underlying access
measurement in three modes: (1) event driven where measurements are sent when the requested
event occurs, (2) periodical allowing UE to periodically transmit the RRC measurement report to the
controller via the base station, and (3) triggering where base station is being triggered using a
predefined threshold defined for some parameters within the measurement report.
Both control delegation and policy reconfiguration of FlexRAN protocol messages indicate the
control modules to be modified using YAML syntax, as shown in the figure below.
constitute a good framework for the definition of a converged programming abstraction. Here we will
concentrate on the abstractions required for the definition and fundamental operation of network
Looking at the activity in 3GPP concerning network slicing, TR 28.801 [11] is a 3GPP technical
report which investigates and makes recommendations on management and orchestration of network
slices. Aligned with ETSI NFV view, capitalization also on the work about management and
orchestration of VNFs,, 3GPP TR 28.801 defines a network slice instance as “a set of network
functions and the resources for these network functions which are arranged and configured, forming a
complete logical network to meet certain network characteristics”. The concept of network slice spans
three layers: the service layer, the network slice instance layer and the resource layer. TR 28.801
focuses on issues stemming by the application of the slicing concept to wireless networks, for instance
impact on slice management when sharing network slices among multiple parties, relationship
between network slices and evolved Self Organizing Network (SON) capabilities, etc. In the
following we recall the fundamental phases of the life-cycle of a network slice. For further
information, the reader shall refer to TR 28.801 [11].
Figure 1 shows a block diagram description of the life-cycle of a network slice instance as in TR
28.801. Before the instantiation of a network slice, there is a preparation phase in which the network
environment is prepared, the network slice template (i.e. the definition of the network slice through its
main features) is defined. In the instantiation, configuration and activation phase, the network slice
instance is instantiated and configured (meaning that physical/infrastructural resources and network
functions are reserved, instantiated, and configured) starting from the information contained in the
network slice template; the network slice is also activated, meaning that the traffic is directed through
it. During the run-time phase, typical activities of network slice management are done: the network
slice is able to report parameters about its status which is supervised by the network slice
manager/orchestrator, which can take decisions and actions about the modification of certain network
slice parameters for the optimization of some performance criteria. The final decommissioning phase
contains all the activities necessary for deleting a network slice, like termination of network functions,
reconfigurations for freeing dedicated or common resources, etc.
In the context of COHERENT, the preparation phase includes, for instance, preparation of the
physical infrastructure, basic configuration of eNodeBs and APs, especially of parameters which are
not configurable on the fly, not enough flexible, like standard or hardware constraints (which should
be exposed by the virtualized RAN) or regulatory constraints for spectrum. Examples of these
parameters may be the change from FDD to TDD or vice versa which impact on the definition of the
control / reporting cycles and are typically not configurable on the fly, the change of frequency
carrier, if the RF is not sufficiently flexible to enable a reconfiguration on the fly, etc..
As recalled in Section 2.3.2, we need a way to define a network slice. In the context of COHERENT
we call this tool a network slice descriptor, which is substantially equivalent to the network slice
template in 3GPP. For sake of completeness we report here also the definition of a similar concept
given by NGMN, the Network Slice Blueprint [10]:
“A complete description of the structure, configuration and the plans/work flows for how to
instantiate and control the Network Slice Instance during its life cycle. A Network Slice Blueprint
enables the instantiation of a Network Slice, which provides certain network characteristics (e.g. ultra-
low latency, ultra-reliability, value-added services for enterprises, etc.). A Network Slice Blueprint
refers to required physical and logical resources and/or to Sub-network Blueprint(s).”
The COHERENT slice descriptor is a first step towards the NGMN network slice blueprint, and,
through its parameters, defines a converged RAN slice abstraction, since it is used for instantiating
slices both for LTE and Wi-Fi. It is defined in the preparation phase of the network slice life-cycle
and it is used for defining and partially configuring the network slice. Certain parameters can also
describe capabilities for the slice management during run-time.
It is a unique identifier of the RAN slice. In LTE it is mapped to the PLMN ID. In Wi-Fi it is mapped
to the tenant ID, i.e. the SSID.
It is a list of RAN nodes belonging to the slice (it defines the spatial location of the slice) with the
corresponding supported technologies.
If RAN nodes are LTE eNodeBs, the RAN element ID maps to global Cell IDs, or the eNodeB unique
identifiers, like eNodeB ID in 3GPP standard, or target area identity (i.e. all the eNodeBs covered by
an MME).
If RAN nodes are Wi-Fi APs, it maps to AP ID (i.e. MAC address of AP).
It is a list of available frequency carriers and bands for each RAN node, plus a default value for initial
Services ID list
It is the list of identifiers of the services which the RAN slice can support, with corresponding KPIs.
This list indicates the traffic types that the slice supports and can be used to configure or to choose the
type of scheduler that will be used inside the slice.
In case of LTE, the profiles of the traffic types corresponding to their ID are mapped to the set of QCI
LTE can support (e.g. Public Safety QCI). In New Radio (i.e. 5G radio in 3GPP terminology), the
mechanism is different, since session IDs can be used for mapping traffic to slices.
In case of Wi-Fi: the profiles of the traffic types corresponding to their ID are mapped to possibly
preconfigured sets of constraints on Wi-Fi main parameters: back-off, transmission opportunities,
MCS selection, DCF parameters, etc.
A slice management policy is defined as a set of parameters which identify how the slice should
behave with respect to other slices.
Currently, the slice management policy may contain part of or all the following parameters:
• Priority,
• Guaranteed data rate,
• Guaranteed resources,
• Max/min delay,
• Packet loss,
• Life time.
Priority: indicates the level of priority among slices. The main idea here is that resource and
performance isolation is guaranteed for slices with equal priority. In case of different priorities,
isolation may be broken, in the sense that slices with lower priority can see their guaranteed resources
be allocated (totally or in part, according to a special repartition agreement) to slices with higher
priority. This concept is used in particular for enforcing high priority to slices supporting public safety
applications. It is to be used in crisis situation and should not be used in normal situation.
Guaranteed data rate (e.g. in Mb/s): it is the minimum reserved cumulative data rate for the whole
slice. The data rate is calculated over correctly received packets, not sent packets. The data rate is an
average one, for instance measured in an interval of time, depending on the capability of the
infrastructure. The way in which this guaranteed data rate is calculated depends on the technology of
the RAN nodes. In run-time, for instance, in LTE, the HARQ ACK/NACK or ARQ reports/ Buffer
Status Report (BSR) messages could be used to understand if packets have been correctly received
and hence estimate if the target guaranteed data rate can be supported with the currently available
Guaranteed resources (e.g. in Hz): it is the minimum physical band reserved to the slice. For Wi-Fi,
this metric maps to minimum percentage of airtime reserved to the whole slice. For LTE, it maps to a
specific set or number of physical resource blocks and subframes dedicated to the whole slice. As an
example, the exact set of subframes and PRBs can be specified by a 2-dimensional mask (or two 1-D
masks, one for time and another for frequency), which is then repeated in time. Notice that here a
correct reception is not assumed, but only the availability of spectral resources is guaranteed.
Max/min delay: it is the maximum/minimum guaranteed delay over the RAN slice. For all the
technologies it is important to define the exact interface at which the latency is measured (MAC
sublayer, network layer, etc). In LTE: the hardware must be able to time stamp the packets, in order to
evaluate the latency, which could not be the case for all devices. Certain settings, like the RLC mode,
the number of transmissions for HARQ, load of the system, etc. influence the value of the latency.
This parameter could be useful for slices supporting real-time services or critical communication
Packet loss: it is the maximum allowed packet loss for the whole slice. In Wi-Fi it is mapped to frame
error rate, while in LTE it could be mapped to the MAC PDU error rate. The use of this parameter
depends on the possibility of retrieving this information from the RAN nodes.
Life time: is it the time interval during which the policy is applied. The end of the life time of the
policy can also be specified upon an event, e.g. until a new policy is applied or the slice is released. In
Wi-Fi, this metric can be equivalently mapped to the number of frames of the time interval. In LTE, it
can be mapped into a number of frames or subframes.
Notice that the slice management policy could be used to fill certain information about the service
profiles supported by the slice. If these profiles are defined independently, a validation check should
be done between them and the slice management policy, for trying to spot and to avoid possible
It is the typical number of supported users, or a maximum one, depending on the use case.
It is a way to understand how much resources are needed by the slice (e.g. small cell case), especially
at the instantiation phase.
Multicast/broadcast support
It states if the slice supports multicast/broadcast services (yes/no), and if yes, the corresponding policy
format is dependent on the applied RAT for the moment..
In Wi-Fi, this parameter is mapped to multicast, while in LTE it is mapped to eMBMS. This field is
currently not supported in the COHERENT SDK.
The actual API calls for the Wi-Fi and the LTE handover are quite similar. For example, performing a
handover in a Wi-Fi network is a simple matter of assigning a new value to the cells property of an
LVAP object:
lvap.cells = cells
Here cells is a list of Wi-Fi cells available in the network. Notice how one AP can have one or more
cells. Cells can be filtered using the Network graph API:
lvap.cells = self.cells().filterByAddr(lvap.addr).sortByRssi().first()
This call will fetch all the cells available in the network, will filter the ones that have measurements
for a specific LVAP, and will sort the list by decreasing RSSI. Then the first entry in the list is taken.
The resulting list can be also empty, in which case no handover is performed.
Similarly, performing a handover in a LTE network is a simple matter of assigning a new value to the
cells property of an UE object:
ue.cells = cells
Here the variable cells is a list of LTE cells available in the network. Notice how one eNodeB can
have multiple sectors and each sector can have multiple cells (i.e. carriers).
If a device is both a Wi-Fi station and an LTE UE it is possible for the programmers to navigate from
one to another, for example the following lines fetch a UE object instance from an LVAP instance and
ue = lvap.ue
lvap = ue.lvap
The mapping between the two instances is transparently kept by the controller which monitors all the
relevant S1AP procedures.
Notice that when a mapping between an LTE UE and a Wi-Fi station is found, all the Wi-Fi traffic is
tunnelled trough the S1 interface to the LTE EPC.
A Wi-Fi/LTE RAN consists of association links from users to corresponding associated APs/eNodeBs
and candidate links from users to candidate APs/eNodeBs. Instances of the NIF operate locally on
each AP/eNodeB as well as on the controller. This distributed approach to aggregation of network
state information introduces low overhead compared to an approach of sending raw metrics directly to
a centralized unit for processing.
The performance of an association link is represented using a RAT agnostic abstraction: measured
MAC layer throughput. A probabilistic abstraction of this throughput captures the underlying
variation in its performance. The probabilistic abstraction is represented as an empirical cumulative
distribution function (ECDF). The probability of throughput being less than a required threshold is
reported as the QoS violation probability with the aim of maintaining this below a defined tolerance
level. The estimated performance on a candidate link is represented using a RAT agnostic abstraction:
attainable MAC layer throughput. The estimate of attainable throughput is obtained using an
estimation model that is specific to each RAT [13]. A probabilistic abstraction of this estimate is
captured in the attainable throughput ECDF, and the probability of attainable throughput being less
than a required threshold. This is reported as an estimate of QoS violation probability on candidate
This abstraction over candidate links is used as input to RTC/C3 for decision making (eg. user-AP
association). Mobility management using such an agnostic abstraction of the current and potential
performance combines the process of performing associations based on physical layer parameters (eg.
RSSI/RSRP/RSRQ) and load balancing by presenting a single abstraction which captures the
performance as seen by the user application. Our approach of applying probabilistic attainable
throughput to do interface selection and make mobility management decisions has been evaluated in
detail in our technical paper that has been submitted and is under peer-review [14]. In performed
evaluations, our approach reduces the number of handovers between interfaces by 35 times along with
reducing performance violations by 20% and 116%, compared to the state-of-the-art and naïve
baselines (still under use in e.g. enterprise Wi-Fi) respectively.
Figures 2 and 3 show block diagrams of the input metrics used and the output abstractions obtained in
a Wi-Fi and LTE NIF. The NIFs take as input RAT specific (Wi-Fi or LTE) and RAN specific
(eNodeBs or APs with different capabilities and current status) metrics along with user/service
defined requirements and provides a unified abstraction that represents current and potential link
performance as an agnostic, comparable, and probabilistic abstraction.
𝐹𝐹𝜆𝜆 Wi-Fi/LTE
𝐹𝐹𝜌𝜌 Wi-Fi/LTE
3. Software Architecture
3.1 Overview
In this section, we will first briefly recall the general COHERENT architecture and terminology. Then
we will introduce the 5G-EmPOWER platform and the OpenAirInterface RTC which are two
reference implementations of the COHERENT C3 and RTC components respectively.
The SDK described in this deliverable provides the APIs used for implementing control and
coordination tasks on top of the C3 and of the RTC. An SDK is typically defined as a set of software
development tools that facilitate the creation of software components. In the specific case of
COHERENT, the COHERENT SDK provides programmers with a high-level interface to their
Software Defined Mobile Networks as opposed to the very low-level interfaces exposed by single
network elements (i.e. the southbound interface).
We refer the reader to COHERENT D2.2 [12] for the system architecture, the complete description of
the COHERENT semantic model for Wi-Fi and LTE networks, and the associated functional
components and interfaces. The COHERENT architecture is depicted in Figure 4.
The following components are defined in [12]. For clarity reasons they are recapped in this report:
• Radio Transmission Point (R-TP): R-TP is a radio access point implementing full or partial
RAN node functions while rest of functions are offloaded to and handled by the vRP. An R-TP
may include control plane functions.
• Virtual Radio Processing (vRP): vRP is a computing platform allowing for centralised
processing of full or partial RAN node functions (including the data plane and the control plane)
offloaded from one R-TP or multiple R-TPs. A vRP may include control plane functions.
• Radio Transceiver (RT): RT is a logical radio access entity with full RAN node functions,
which is the flexible combination of R-TP, vRP and RTC functions. A set of RTs is forming a
radio access network which is coordinated and controlled by C3. Some examples of RTs include
LTE eNodeB in cellular networks or Wi-Fi APs in WLANs. An RT could be composed by one
vRP (virtual device) and one or more R-TPs (physical devices). For example, in the Cloud-RAN
architecture the R-TP coincides with the RRH, while the vRP coincides with the BBU pool. In
some particular cases like D2D, RT could be an UE acting as a relay node.
• Transport Node (TN): TN is the entity located between RTs and core network. A set of TNs is
forming a backhaul/fronthaul network whose data plane can be configured by the C3. A network
switch is an example of Transport Node.
• Central Controller and Coordinator (C3): A logical centralised entity in charge of logical
centralised network control and coordination among entities in RAN based on centralised network
view. C3 could be implemented with distributed physical control instances sharing network
information with each other. Sharing network information among C3 instance creates the
logically centralised network.
• Network Slice: A network slice is defined as a collection of specific network services and RAT
configurations, which are aggregated together for some particular use cases or business
applications. A network slice can span all domains of the network: software programs running on
cloud nodes, specific configurations of the transport network, a dedicated radio access
configuration, as well as settings of the 5G devices. Different network slices contain different
network applications and configuration settings.
5G-EmPOWER is a reference implementation of the C3, but it also targets Lightweight NFV
Management and Orchestration and Multi-access Edge Computing. The details of these features are
out of the scope of this document and are thus omitted.
The entire software stack has been released under a permissive APACHE 2.0 for academic use and is
available at the official 5G-EmPOWER website: Documentation and
tutorials are available in the associated GitHub project: Commercial use of the platform is regulated by the APACHE 2.0 License.
The communication between the 5G-EmPOWER MEC-OS and the data-plane device happens over a
persistent TCP connection. The definition of the protocol and of the various messages is too verbose
for this report and has been made available online under the same licence as the rest of the platform:
version: 1.0
- name: WTP1
description: human readable description
hwaddr: 00:00:00:00:00:01
latitude: 46.0702531
longitude: 11.1216386
- interface_id: 1
hwaddr: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
available_airtime: 50
channel: 11
band: HT20
- name: WTP2
description: human readable description
hwaddr: 00:00:00:00:00:02
latitude: 46.0702531
longitude: 11.1216386
- interface_id: 1
hwaddr: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
available_airtime: 30
channel: 36
band: HT20
The 5G-EmPOWER slicing API follows the slicing abstractions presented in Section 2.3. In this
section, we briefly report on the YAML descriptors used to instantiate new Wi-Fi / LTE network
Figure 6 reports the resource manifest advertised by the 5G-EmPOWER OS for a network composed
of two Wi-Fi APs. Notice how, the acronym WTP used in the manifest means Wireless Transmission
Point and is the term used by 5G-EmPOWER to refer to standard Wi-Fi APs.
Each of the WTP advertised in this manifest comes with the following set of properties:
1. The physical address of the device.
2. A human readable description of the device.
3. The geographical position of the device.
4. The list of wireless interfaces available on the device together with their operating channel,
band, and physical hardware address.
5. The percentage of downlink airtime that is currently not allocated to any slice.
Figure 7 reports the resource manifest advertised by the 5G-EmPOWER OS for a network composed
of one LTE eNodeB. Notice how the acronym VBS used in the manifest means Virtual Base Station
and is the term used by 5G-EmPOWER to refer to standard LTE eNodeB.
version: 1.0
- name: VBS1
description: human readable description
hwaddr: 00:00:00:00:20:E1
latitude: 46.0702531
longitude: 11.1216386
- cell_id: 10
prbs: 6
available_prbs: 3
frequency: 2660 # MHZ
- cell_id: 20
prbs: 25
available_prbs: 20
frequency: 3660 # MHZx
Figure 7 LTE Resource Manifest.
Each of the VBS advertised in this manifest comes with the following set of properties:
1. The physical address of the device.
2. A human readable description of the device.
3. The geographical position of the device.
4. The list of cells available on the device together with their operating frequency, and total
number of physical resource blocks.
5. The number of physical resource blocks that are currently not allocated to any slice.
The above resource manifests essentially advertise the resources that are available in the physical
infrastructure. The slice owner can then either use the web-based management dashboard exposed by
the 5G-EmPOWER OS or interface directly with the 5G-EmPOWER REST. The latter option is
particularly useful if the administrative commands are originating from a network service
orchestration platform.
Figure 8 reports a slice creation descriptor built using the information contained in the previous
manifest. As it can be noticed the descriptor includes the network SSID and PLMNID. The descriptor
also specifies the use of three RAN devices: one LTE eNodeB and two Wi-Fi APs. For each device, a
certain amount of resources are requested. The 5G-EmPOWER OS checks if the request made by the
user can be accepted according to the available resources.
version: 1.0
Name: TrentoOfficeNetwork
Description: Human-readable description
PLMNID: 22293
SSID: TrentoOffice
- name: VBS1
- cell_id: 10
resource_blocks: 6
- name: WTP1
- interface_id: 1
airtime: 10
- name: WTP2
- interface_id: 1
airtime: 10
version: 1.0
enb_slices :
- name: VBS1
cell_id: val
service_types: [“name1”, "name2", "name3"]
- name: VBS2
cell_id: val
service_types: ["name2", "name3"]
service_policy :
name1 :
UL :
requested_vrbg: val
requested_rate: val
requested_latency: val
requested_priority: val
requested_isolation: val
DL :
requested_vrbg: val
requested_rate: val
requested_latency: val
requested_priority: val
requested isolation: val
Figure 10 LTE Slice and Resource template.
version: 1.0
node_function: "eNodeB_3GPP"
eutra_band: val1
downlink_frequency: val
uplink_frequency_offset: val
N_RB_DL: val
- trigger_measurment : val
- x2_ho:
ttt_ms : val
hys : val
ofn : val
ocn : val
ofs : val
ocs : val
off : val
filter_coeff_rsrp : val
filter_coeff_rsrq : val
- dl_scheduler:
behaviour: <callback>
n_active_slices: val
slice_maxmcs: [val1, val2, val3, val4]
slice_percentage: [val1, val2, val3, val4]
slice_rb_map: [val1, val2, val3, val4]
- ul_scheduler:
behaviour: <callback>
n_active_slices_uplink: 1
slice_maxmcs_uplink: [val1, val2, val3, val4]
slice_percentage_uplink: [val1, val2, val3, val4]
slice_rb_map_uplink: [val1, val2, val3, val4]
It can be seen from the template that there are two cells, named VBS1 and VBS2, that offer different
types and number of services (e.g. VBS1 has 3 slices of different types). Each service is described by
a set of policies that will be applied when a slice is created or updated, both in terms of radio
resources, performance, priority, and isolation. Such a template will be then mapped to a BS and Slice
descriptor that defines physical BS parameters, and the slice-specific resource allocation policy as
shown in the yaml file below. Note that each segment of the descriptor is handled by the
corresponding control module.
In addition, the FlexRAN SDK supports spectrum sharing across different BS by maintaining
different information and policies in form of knowledge base retrieved from different sources, which
are briefly described below:
- General policies: describing the available frequencies in each country with max transmission
power among other parameters.
- Sensing data: describing the neighbouring operators and their respective operational
- Operator policies: describing the available licensed frequency information (power mask,
sensitivity) as well as the leasing conditions (such as min lease time, and cost).
- LSA policies: which is similar to operator policies but it is applied in the LSA bands.
- Rules: defines the criteria and cost functions to determine the best candidate frequencies to
be shared.
As a result, the candidate frequency will be pushed to the underlying BS in form of a yaml file similar
to Figure 11.
1. Virtual RAN OAI (VRO) The runtime system can provide multi virtual points (radio access)
for same physical RAN which are then communicate with controller through FlexRAN
protocol. These points can be emulated on top of RAN by runtime system to provide the
virtual access here.
2. Virtual Core OAI (VCO) The runtime system in the core network (MME, S/P-GW, HSS)
can communicate with an OVS switch controller. These can provide also the virtualization
on top of every runtime system.
4. Tutorials
A set of tutorials have been prepared in order to guide new developers through the process of creating
new applications using the COHERENT SDK. In this section we will first report on the available
tutorials for the C3 and then on the tutorials for the RTC.
A tutorial for writing a simple “Hello, World!” network app can be found at the following address: In this
section, we will briefly report on some of the tutorials available on the Wi-Fi providing the relevant
pointers. This is done due to the fact that tutorials are updated on a daily basis and any information
provided in this report would be inevitably outdated after a few weeks.
The control applications require and run on top of OAI 15 and the FlexRAN 16 platform described in
Section 3.3. The RTC is configured by default to provide support for real-time applications as long as
a Linux kernel >=3.14 is available. It provides also a REST northbound API for controlling the
developed applications (for example the RRM app) using Pistache library.
We provided Store 17 , an SDK environment for network application developers to write their
application completely independent of and decoupled from FlexRAN controller with an SDK
separation layer. This lets application developers to write their applications on their preferred
language using these network apps. This is also a very good fit for RAT agnostic scenarios where the
application developer does not need to care about underlying RAN technology and can write his/her
applications using just the RAN statistics, data to create mathematical models and analysis.
SDK provides two modes of operation test and sdk mode. In test mode, input data are taken from pre-
existent JSON files. In the repository, the interested reader/programmer can find sample data on
eNodeBs’ configuration and capabilities, UEs’ configuration and capabilities and logical channels’
configuration and capabilities. Moreover, the JSON files contain various statistics of parameters
belonging to different layers, e.g. for MAC layer CQI and BSR statistics are available. These files can
be modified during the execution of the apps to simulate varying situations, like UEs competing for
the channel resource or channel conditions varying over time. In SDK mode, the application
dynamically gets the same information from the FlexRAN platform which reports the parameters
directly from a running cellular system on OAI. The applications are explained in following
subsections. These applications are all written in Python.
This application can be useful to a mobile network operator or any service provider (OTTs) for
specifying RRM QoS/QoE policies. Different high level QoS/QoE components can be defined.
This application can be used also for public safety applications, since it is possible to set slice priority
values that guarantee resource pre-emption for critical services in case of heavily loaded systems.
This means that an operator can implement its own RRM functions to enforce its own policy to the
underlying RAN network.
𝑖𝑖=1(1 − 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝_𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖 /𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚_𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝_𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖 ))
where the Total Weight is the sum of cost ratio calculated for every MVNO corresponding to every
cost metric. Param_name is the name of the metric to use. In descriptors, these metrics are defined as
price, bandwidth, frequency_high, frequency_low, min_lease_time, duration_lease and the Sum cost
will be the total sum of all costs for that specific MVNO.
Different yaml file templates are provided for different policy types. These input files are
operator_policy, lsa_policy, general_policy, enb_assign, sensing_data, rules.
Operator policy contains a list of offers. In simple words, some operator can share a spectrum with a
specific rules defined by operator. Some parameters related to operator_policy template are 1) name
of operator 2) minimum frequency 3) maximum frequency 4) busy, to indicate if the bandwidth is
occupied by another operator 5) idle 6) power mask (for interference channels) 7) minimum lease
time 8) maximum lease count 9) maximum time to live (time to leave this band when we detect) 10)
price 11) sensing sensitivity (in dBm).
Parameters related to lsa_policy are similar to operator policy but without breakdown option “busy”
and “idle”.
Parameters related to general_policy can be very high policy like specific to a country or government,
which are provided by law, 1) minimum frequency 2) maximum frequency 3) frame type 4)
maximum tx power.
Parameters related to enb_assign deal with grouping of eNodeB infrastructure: 1) group MVNO; 2)
Cell id.
Parameters related to sensing data are related to detection of different eNodeB which are not
connected to controller and can be seen even as neighbouring eNodeB.
Finally parameters related to rules are: 1) MVNO group; 2) pattern, specific pattern model for pricing
and bandwidth usage for specific MVNO; 3) cost, a table in which we can set a weight of each
parameter of offer (in line to default pattern) - when we use our own pattern, this values will be
ignored; 4) operator_preference, preference for the spectrum owner, may prefer to have specific
preference in some situations; 5) criteria, a table with limits for specific parameters, for example in
parameter “price” we can set minimum, or maximum price for spectrum (in the same way we set
limits for other parameters); 6) frequency_preference, to specify preferred bands (for example if we
can transmit on 3.5 and 2.6 we would prefer 2.6).
Throughput at the user is the considered QoS metric. Throughput is observed in sliding windows on
multi-RAT links in the network. A histogram of measured throughput captures the variability on
traffic bearing links in the network in a RAT-agnostic manner. The QoS requirement at the user is
given by the equation below. Here, ρ is the measured throughput, 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡ℎ is the required level of
throughput for a user, and α is the tolerance level for throughput being less than the required level.
When this condition is violated the user creates a trigger indicating that the QoS requirement has been
𝑃𝑃(𝜌𝜌 ≤ 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡ℎ ) ≤ 𝛼𝛼
When the serving link is not able to provide the service guarantee required by a user, candidate links
need to be evaluated as target links for the handover. Attainable throughput is the throughput that is
estimated to be achieved on a candidate link from the same or different RAT. This is obtained from
base metrics of channel quality and network load along with estimation models specific to each RAT
considered. Details of the estimation method and models are provided in Section 4.4.1 of deliverable
D3.2 [13]. Attainable throughput not only evaluates the throughput expected to be achieved on a
candidate link, but also the impact on throughput of users sharing that radio network. The base
metrics required for the estimation of attainable throughput are also maintained in sliding windows to
capture their variability under the dynamic network conditions. When a trigger is received from a
user, a histogram of attainable throughput is evaluated on all candidate links to find a target base
station (general for any RAT) that is estimated to satisfy the probabilistic QoS requirement of the
triggered user and the users the target base station already serves. This condition is given by the
equation below. Here, λ is the attainable throughput.
𝑃𝑃(𝜆𝜆 ≤ 𝜌𝜌𝑡𝑡ℎ ) ≤ 𝛼𝛼
This way association decisions can also be made with the objective of satisfying probabilistic
guarantees on QoS. This application uses the statistics manager application to obtain the required base
metrics. This RAT-agnostic AQuaMet monitoring application is implemented on top of the FlexRAN
SDK which is also agnostic to the underlying network access technology.
5. Conclusions
In this report, we accounted for the release of the final version of the COHERENT SDK. The SDK
builds upon the 5G-EmPOWER platform developed by CREATE-NET and on the FlexRAN platform
developed by EURECOM and is made available under different open-source licenses.
The platform is currently witnessing an increasing popularity as demonstrated by its adoption by other
H2020 projects and by institutions not directly linked with the COHERENT project.
The substantial enhancements for the platform beyond the end of COHERENT are planned:
1. To add support for more LTE and Wi-Fi commercial platforms;
2. To allow users to deploy the complete COHERENT software stack using modern
virtualization technologies, i.e. Containers;
3. To enlarge the user base of the COHERENT SDK by organizing tutorials, hands-on sessions,
and summer schools.
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