Hysteresis Control of The Pseudo Boost PFC Converter
Hysteresis Control of The Pseudo Boost PFC Converter
Hysteresis Control of The Pseudo Boost PFC Converter
Aleksandra Lekić-Vervoort Milovan Majstorović, Leposava Ristić Dušan Stipanović
Intelligent Electrical Power Grids (IEPG), The Department of Power Converters Coordinated Science Laboratory
Electrical Sustainable Energy (ESE), and Drive Systems, University of Illinois
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Delft University of Belgrade [email protected]
Delft, Netherlands Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected] [email protected], [email protected]
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where Vm is its amplitude and ω0 is its frequency. This be designed to operate at the end of the switching period in
converter can operate in 6 different subsystems [9] described subsystem 4 [10]. Thus, for the positive input voltage vIN > 0
in the state space matrix form as: ẋ = Ai x+Bi , for i denoting the converter produces switching sequence e 1 → 2 → 3 → 4,
i-th operating subsystem. where with e 1 is considered any of the subsystems 1, 1∗ and
Representing conducting transistors and diodes as a series 1 ∗ ∗. For the negative input voltage, the switching sequence
combination of an ideal voltage source and a resistance, becomes e 1 → 3 → 2 → 4.
annotated as rq and VQ for the transistor and rd and VD for the The equilibrium of the system over the whole time period
diode, and assuming that the conducting bidirectional switch q x1 = iL1 = 0, x2 = − 2 and x3 = M Vm , where
T0 is then
S is represented as VS = VQ − VD ≈ 0 and rs = rq + rd , the R 2L1
M = 2Re and Re = d2 TS , for d ∈ [0, 1] being assumed
following matrices can be derived [9]: constant duty-ratio in the steady-state.
1) Subsystem 1: If diodes D1 and D2 are turned off, then
only switch S is conducting and the system matrices are: III. H YSTERESIS LYAPUNOV C ONTROL
rs vIN For the switching system, such as AC-DC Pseudo Boost
− L1 0 0 L1 converter, it is desired to find the common quadratic Lyapunov
A1 = 0 0 0 , B1 = 0 . (1)
1 function of the form:
0 0 − RC 0
V (y) = yT P y, (5)
2) Subsystem 1∗: If at moment t = t0 , vC1 (t0 ) −
rS iL1 (t0 ) ≥ VD1 , then diode D1 turns on and the system where y = x − x for the equilibrium point x. A common
matrices are given by quadratic Lyapunov function is desirable due to its continuous
differentiability [11]. For the quadratic Lyapunov function (5)
rs rd1
− L1 (r s +rd1 )
− L1 (rrss+rd1 ) 0 one can compute its derivative to obtain
A1∗ = C1 (rrss+rd1 ) − C1 (rs1+rd1 ) 0 ,
V̇i (y) = yT Qi y + yT By1 , (6)
0 0 − RC
h 0
iT where Qi = ATi P + P Ai , Byi = 2 P (Ai x + Bi ) and i ∈
vIN rs VD1 VD1
B1∗ = L1 + L1 (rs +rd1 ) , C1 (rs +rd1 ) , 0 . {1, 2, 3, 4}.
Using the calculations for the equilibrium from the previous
3) Subsystem 1∗∗: If at moment t = t0 , −vC1 (t0 ) − section x = [0 − x23 x3 ]T , where x3 = M Vm and defining
vC0 (t0 ) + rS iL1 (t0 ) ≥ VD2 , then diode D2 turns on and the matrix P = p diag{L1 , C1 , C0 } for any p > 0, the time
system matrices become derivatives of the Lyapunov function are as follows:
− L1 r(rssr+r − L1 (rrss+rd2 ) − L1 (rrss+rd2 )
d2 ) 2 x3 y3
A1∗∗ =
− C1 (rs1+rd2 ) − C1 (rs1+rd2 ) , V̇1 (y) = 2p −rs y1 − + (vIN − rs x1 ) y1 − ,
C1 (rs +rd2 ) R R
− C0 (rs1+rd2 ) − R R+r s +rd2
y22 y2
C0 (rs +rd2 ) (rs +rd2 ) C0
rs rd1 2
− 3+
V̇1∗ (y) = 2p − y1 −
vIN rs VD2
B1∗∗ = L1
− L1 (rs +rd2 )
, − C1 (rVsD2
+rd2 )
, − C0 (rVsD2
+rd2 ) . rs + rd1 rs + rd1 R
4) For subsystem 2, S is turned off, D1 is turned off, D2 rs (VD1 − x2 ) VD1 − x2
+ vIN + y1 + y2 −
is turned on, and the corresponding system matrices are as rs + rd1 rs + rd1
follows: x3 y3
− ,
− L1 − L11 − L11
vIN −VD2 R
A2 = C11 0 0 , B2 = 0 . (2) rs rd2 2
1 1
V̇1∗∗ (y) = 2p − y1 − −
C0 0 − RC0 0 rs + rd2 rs + rd2
y 2 (R + rs + rd2 ) 2y2 y3
5) Subsystem 3 represents switch S being off, D1 is on, and − 3 − + vIN y1 −
D2 is off, resulting in R (rs + rd2 ) rs + rd2
(VD2 + x2 + x3 ) (−rs y1 + y2 + y3 ) x3 y3
− L1 − L11 0
vIN +VD1 − − ,
L1 rs + rd2 R
A3 = C11 0 0 , B3 = 0 . (3)
0 0 − RC1
0 V̇2 (y) = 2p −rd2 y12 − 3 + (vIN − VD2 − x2 − x3 ) y1 −
0 R
6) Subsystem 4, which is a discontinuous current inductor
x3 y3
mode, is characterized with all switches turned of and: − ,
0 0 0 0
V̇3 (y) = 2p −rd1 y12 − 3 + (vIN + VD1 − x2 ) y1 −
A4 = 0 0 0 , B4 = 0 . (4) R
0 0 − RC 0
0 x3 y3
− ,
In order to minimize THD, the averaged value of the input R
inductor current over one switching period TS = 1/fS has the y x3 y3
2 V̇4 (y) = 2p − 3 − . (7)
sinusoidal form, hiL1 iTS = vIN2Ld1 TS , if the converter should R R
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Similar result is obtained for vIN < 0, when the system has
switching sequence e 1 → 3 → 2 → 4. We can introduce the
limit for switching between subsystems e 1 and 3 like:
V̇e1 (y) − V̇3 (y) =
S turns off when it becomes V̇e1 (y) − V̇2 (y) = 0. With this parameter ρ can be estimated as:
approach we are limiting the duration of the operation in the 2px3 vIN (t)
subsystem e 1 and the time instance of the switching between ρ(t) = . (13)
subsystems e 1 and 2. As it is shown in our previous work [9],
Using previously determined hysteresis formula (13), the
when the switch S is turned off, system stabilizes itself and
complete switching law is defined as:
switches always in the subsystem for which is Lyapunov func-
tion derivative minimal. Thus, switching between subsystems ρ
if S = 1 and iL1 > 0, iL1 > switch to S = 0,
in the off state of the switch S does not need to be further px3
controlled. if S = 1 and iL1 < 0, iL1 < switch to S = 0,
AC-DC Ćuk converter switches from subsystem e 1 to the
if S = 0 switch to S = 1 if t = n TS , n ∈ Z. (14)
subsystem 2 when:
One realisation of the proposed hysteresis controller is
V̇e1 (y) − V̇2 (y) = depicted in Fig. 3, where it can be seen that the switches
denoted as S are turned on with the constant frequency fS
= 2p y12 (rd2 − rs ) +y1 (−rs x1 + VD2 + x2 + x3 ) using short pulse on the set input of the SR flip-flop, triggered
| {z } on the edge. Control logic from equation (14) is used to reset
the flip-flop and that way adjust the duty-ratio to obtain desired
x3 hysteresis.
= 2p y1 VD + = ρ(t), (8)
which gives maximum value of the inductor current being: For the pseudo boost PFC depicted in Fig. 1, whose circuit
parameters are given in Table I, the simulations were per-
ρ(t) formed when it was controlled by the PID controller and by
y1,max (t) = x3
. (9)
2p VD + 2
the proposed hysteresis-based switching controller, and then
the results are compared and discussed.
This result is presented in the Fig. 2, where is visible how the In Fig. 5 are depicted waveforms for the PID controlled
equation (8) influences behavior of the inductor current. pseudo boost PFC constructed for the desired duty-ratio
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Fig. 3: Hysteresis controller implementation.
Fig. 4: PID controller.
In this paper, a construction and a validation of the hys-
In order to obtain the same steady-state operation of teresis Lyapunov controller for the special pseudo boost PFC,
the pseudo boost PFC, it is necessary to determine the are provided. Application of the Lyapunov control stems from
hysteresis waveform from equation (13). With the same the proven fact that the internal converter’s dynamics shows
circuit’s parameters as before, the required hysteresis is great correspondence with the switching according to the
ρ(t) =
2pVm sin(ωt)
= 128 sin(ωt) W, for some p = 1. Sim- minimum among the set of Lyapunov derivatives. Thus, this
ulations are done for the case of hysteresis controlled pseudo hysteresis controller is implemented such that the switching
boost PFC and the obtained startup transient waveforms are of the external control, applied to the controlled switches,
depicted in Fig. 6. As it can be seen from the diagrams in employs the same principle. In this work not only that the
Figs. 5 and 6, the hysteresis controlled converter shows smaller technical derivations are provided but the hysteresis control is
overshoot on the inductor current iL1 and capacitor voltage verified by the relevant simulations using PSIM c software.
vC1 , which decreases the stress on the used switches (diodes Additionally, simulation results for the pseudo boost PFC
and transistors) and also the price of the setup, since it requires that compare THD values for the PID controlled and for the
components for the smaller currents/voltages. hysteresis controlled converter are provided where they show
The same simulation results are analyzed with respect to a clear benefit of using the proposed control design.
THD in both cases: with PID and with hysteresis controller. As
it can be seen from Fig. 7 in the steady-state is visible the full
impact of the use of hysteresis control. Namely, from the THD This work was partially supported by the Ministry of
diagrams depicted in Figs. 7, it can be seen that there are two Education, Science and Technological Development of the
benefits when using the hysteresis controller. First, it can be Republic of Serbia through project TR33020.
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