Alivar Jennifer D.

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January 2024



Background of the Study

It is advise that the foundation of Technology and Livelihood Education

(TLE) belaise on the needs of its learners because TLE plays a crucial role in

transforming unskilled men and women into skilled ones an applied field called

Technology and Livelihood Education combines knowledge from various

pertinent disciplines to assist individuals and families in bettering their way of

life and society it generates knowledge and applies ideas from other fields

Technology and Livelihood Education aims to give students a head start in

learning during the secondary years as they get ready for senior high school

since home economics is primarily a skill subject covered by TLE the teacher

must involve the students in authentic contextualized and experiential teacher


The state's policy is to institutionalize the ladderized interface between

Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and higher education to

open the pathways of opportunities for career and educational opportunities,

according to RA 10647, an Act Strengthening the Ladderized Interface

between Technical- Vocational Education and Training in Higher Education,

which was signed into law on 21st of November, 2014.


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the

academic performance in TLE of Grade 8 students at Matalam High School

during the school year 2024-2025. The following are the specific issues:

1. What is the academic performance of Grade 8 students in the 1 st and

2nd quarters of the school year 2024-2025?

2. What are the factors influencing Grade 8 students' academic

performance in TLE in terms of

a. personal;

b. as well as

c. factors related to school

3. Is there a significant difference in academic performance between

Grade 8 students in the first and second quarters?

4. Is there a link between academic performance and factors such as

personal, family, and school life?


Objectives of the Study

Generally, the study aims to assess the factors affecting the academic

performance in TLE of Grade 8 students at Matalam High School.

Specifically, it sought to:

1. determine the academic performance of Grade 8 students in TLE based

from 1st and 2nd quarter, S/Y 2024-2025.

2. identify the factors affecting the academic performance of the students

in terms of:

a. personal;

b. home; and

c. school related factors

3. evaluate the significant difference between the academic performance

of Grade 8 students in TLE based from 1st and 2nd quarter.

4. correlate the significant relationship between the academic

performance and factors in terms of personal, home and school.


Significance of the Study

The results of this study would be significant to the following:

Department of Education.

Parents. Knowing the academic performance of their children, may let

them realize their vital role in developing their child’s positive attitude towards

learning. This may also serve as an eye-opener to the parents on how they

could help their children become efficient in terms of reading, writing,

comprehending and other skills.

School Administrator. This study may serve as a guide for their

academic performance in TLE by providing the assistance required by both

the teacher and the student.

Students. This study will help the students identify the factors that

affect their academic performance in TLE. By knowing these factors, it will

help them to be guided on how to improve their academic performance in TLE.

TLE Teachers. The findings of this study may serve as a guide for

them to improve their TLE instruction by identifying the students' needs. It also

assists teachers in assessing students' strengths and weaknesses in TLE.

Future Researcher. Other characteristics not studied in this study

could be included in future studies by future researchers. Furthermore, the

outcomes provided as a point of comparison for them.


Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The factors influencing the academic performance of Grade 8 students

in TLE at Matalam High School, Poblacion, Matalam Cotabato for the 1 st and

2nd quarter of S/Y 2024-2025 will be examine. The researcher identified

academic performance using secondary data such as the 1 st and 2nd quarter

grades of TLE respondents. Personal, home, and school factors are the only

ones consider in this study. This study's respondents will be limited to Grade 8

students at Matalam High School and the teacher teaching the TLE subject.

Operational Definition of Terms

The following definitions were defined operationally for better

understanding of the study.

Automaticity - is the ability to recall automatically certain rote-memory facts

such as math facts. Automaticity is demonstrated by the ability to recall

math facts within two seconds of the visual or auditory presentation of

the fact.

Addition – the process or skill of calculating the total of two or more numbers

or amounts.

Arithmetic Skills – refers to students' ability to solve mathematical problems

using the four fundamental operations of addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and division.

Basic Facts of Addition – those equations utilizing the addition symbol '+' in

which two single-digit values are added together to produce a total.

Basic Facts of subtraction - The number of objects in the group decreases

using the minus or subtract symbol '-'.

Fluency – refers to the development of numerical sense and the ability to

choose the best way for the task at hand; the ability to apply a skill in a

variety of situations.

Problem Solving Skills – refers to the ability of the pupils to solve a particular

problem. These include schema knowledge, encoded statements,

algorithm knowledge, heuristics, arithmetic skills, and comprehension.

Reasoning – refers to the process of applying logical reasoning to a situation

in order to determine the best problem-solving technique for a particular

challenge, as well as developing and describing a solution using this


Subtraction – refers to the ability or skill of taking one number or amount

away from another.



The low performance of Filipino pupils in mathematics is one of the

current challenges in the Philippines' mathematics education. Teachers in the

Philippines have a difficult time assisting youngsters in learning maths. The

Philippine daily Inquirer stated on May 23, 2010 that the Philippines ranked

41st out of 45 nations in mathematics in the 2003 Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). For the past decade, Filipino

students' performance in national and international mathematics assessments

has deteriorated, posing a huge challenge to Philippine education. The

problem was attributed to kids' low reading comprehension, according to the

Department of Education. The results of one diagnostic study (Basic Number

Abilities: Why Pupils Fail in Math) revealed that students tested had

widespread and persistent misunderstandings about several basic

elementary-level number skills.

All pupils are bright, according to John Malkevitch (2012) in his AMS

Mathematics and Art feature column, and incorporating the arts into math

allows artistically gifted pupils to shine. Art activates the right brain, which is

crucial to learning arithmetic concepts and language for right-brained pupils


(who are frequently left-handed). Furthermore, art activities are enjoyable for

everyone, and since true learning is related to emotion, it makes it logical to

include art in math lessons wherever feasible. Arts in Math (AIM) are a simple

and straightforward method of teaching that attempts to help students recall

basic mathematical facts while enjoying the arts.

Gerster (2009) and Van de Walle (2004), based on current

mathematics education literature. Without counting, students should gradually

answer basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20. When it comes to

designating more diverse target groups, though, there is less agreement. To

begin, there is the question of how to teach fundamental addition and

subtraction. Should the objective be to retrieve all key facts as rapidly as

possible, or should "derived fact procedures" such as those described by

Dowker (2014) also be considered?

These "reasoning methods" by Baroody, Purpura, Eiland, Reid, &

Paliwal (2015) are based on the relationships between facts. A youngster who

already understands 6+6=12 might solve 6+7 by adding one using a derived

fact technique (DFS). Scholars like Van de Walle (2004) and Gerster (2009)

urge the consideration of rapid ("in roughly 3 seconds,"), p. 156, (2004) easy,

and correct use of such procedures as part of fact mastery. On the other hand,

I believe that memorizing at least the first ten number combinations by heart is

critical, (Schipper, 2009).


The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) also

state explicitly that "by the end of grade two," students should "know from

memory all sums of two, in what ways they should integrate drill into their

basic facts instruction." This paper contributes case studies of two Austrian

teachers and their respective classes as a starting point for future research

considerations. As will be documented, these case studies represent two

significantly different ways of dealing with drills within a teaching approach

focused on conceptual understanding, Gaidoschik, M. and Thomas, A. (2017).

Mathematics has a practical benefit since it is used in a variety of fields

such as agriculture, architecture, and music. Agyei et al. (2013). Teachers

should be commended for helping students enhance their proficiency in the

topic. Many mathematical ideas are developed or defined on the foundation of

addition and subtraction. Students' dexterity in these two procedures improves

their success in other arithmetic areas.

On November 6, 2015, the researcher met with primary six students

from Offinso State "A" and discovered that they have difficulty adding and

subtracting six- and seven-digit numbers.

Misconceptions about mathematics on the part of students and

teachers, teachers' inability to apply practical-oriented ways in teaching, and a

lack of enthusiasm and motivation are all factors that contribute to students'

difficulty with addition and subtraction.


Some kids grasp mathematical ideas immediately, while others require

more time working with numbers to truly comprehend what they represent.

Mathematical curriculum difficulty later in life is most often the outcome of

pupils' failure to gain competency in the early elementary grades (Pool, Carter,

Johnson, & Carter, 2013). Although there is broad agreement on the need for

primary pupils to increase their math fact fluency, there are differences in how

this should be done. Some experts say that new concepts should be clearly

taught, and pupils should be given a variety of learning methodologies to

maximize their achievements (Poncy, McCallum & Schmitt, 2010). There does

not appear to be a one-size-fits-all technique for assisting pupils in acquiring

the necessary math fact fluency. There are many ways to help students

practice math fluency. However, many teachers often only offer one way of

practicing during class time.

What is Math Fact Fluency?

The ability to recall the solutions to simple math facts automatically and

without hesitation is known as "math fact fluency." Fact fluency is achieved by

a lot of work, with the purpose of mastering fundamental math facts. Automatic

recall of information requires both conceptual comprehension and the capacity

to solve facts properly under untimed settings. After gaining the knowledge

and capacity to solve the facts, the learner needs to practice them in order to

be able to answer them fast and properly. The average speed of automated

fact recall is under two seconds per fact (Spear-Swerling, 2006). Students who

can solve arithmetic facts quickly are better equipped to complete advanced

math problems quickly. Students who lack fluency are more prone than fluent

students to skipping prescribed arithmetic assignments because they believe

the tasks are too difficult to accomplish properly (Poncy et al., 2010). Because

students learn in different ways and at different speeds, teachers must be able

to present mathematical skills in a variety of ways.

Rote memorization

Drills and practice are one way of aiding children in mastering basic

math skills. This may be done with flashcards or written exercises, and it can

be a (Van de Walle, 2006). Every day, many students are shown flashcards to

help them remember knowledge or given a worksheet with 20 to 100

questions and problems that must be solved within a certain amount of time.

Teachers spend time teaching particular tactics to assist pupils to retain

information before they are evaluated on the content, such as the nine tricks

employed in addition. When adding any one-digit number to nine, pupils are

advised to write down the number that is one less than the one they are

adding to nine and place a one in front of it (Larson, 2001). Students are then

given worksheets to practice this ability again and over until they have

mastered it.

Drilling and writing information in this manner may be an efficient

strategy to improve arithmetic fluency (Pool et al., 2013; Strother, 2010). Some

say that this is an outdated approach to teaching arithmetic fact fluency, yet

data shows that students who use flashcards and written practice on a daily

basis grow more fluent at a quicker rate than students who use alternative

methods (Clements & Battista, 1990). Although this improves arithmetic fact

fluency, it does not assist the pupil in comprehending the meaning of the

numbers (Strother, 2010). One technique to improve math fluency is to write

the solutions to math facts rapidly on a regular basis, but there are other

options as well.

The Importance of Automaticity Development

The idea of automaticity is crucial to pupils' overall mathematical

achievement. Automaticity in mathematic facts has been found to be a

predictor of performance on general mathematics assessments in several

studies (Stickney et al., 2012). Not only does automaticity aid in general

arithmetic, but information-processing theory backs up the idea that

automaticity in math facts is essential for success in many higher mathematics

fields (Woodward, 2006). Students are more likely to endure high cognitive

loads and produce erroneous work if they don't have the capacity to obtain

facts directly. Calculations like finding common denominators while adding

and subtracting fractions become increasingly difficult as arithmetic complexity


rises beyond single-digit multiplication. Lin and Kubina (2005) discovered that

just 13% of the 155 kids tested could perform fundamental multiplication

concepts fluently. Even fewer kids, 3%, were able to solve the more difficult

multiplication problems with ease.

According to Woodward (2006), decades of studies reveal that kids who

are academically underachieving, as well as those who have learning

difficulties, have a hard time acquiring automaticity. When working with single-

digit fact problems, research on elementary-aged kid’s shows that individuals

with learning difficulties are more likely to use counting procedures than direct

retrieval. Students that do not achieve automaticity rely on a variety of

counting procedures. The outcomes are quite similar whether the kid has a

learning handicap or not. Students begin to fall behind in elementary school

and this tendency continues into secondary school math. Cumming and Elkins

discovered that primary school pupils who were solving simple addition

problems made the greatest mistakes in a fact miscalculation rather than the

addition procedure (1999). This backs up the assumption that fluency in basic

facts, whether addition or multiplication, has an impact on a student's

mathematical advancement.

To begin with, it is critical to comprehend the concept and features of

math fact fluency. How can we tell if a pupil actually knows his or her

arithmetic facts? Gina Kling, a math education researcher and author,

emphasizes two key characteristics of fluency:


Fluency necessitates pupils' noticing linkages and employing

techniques. It is not only about how quickly a student provides a solution, but

also about the strategies they utilize to produce that response and how flexible

their thinking is.

Fluency, on the other hand, should not necessitate rote memorization.

Instead, pupils should either have a genuinely remembered truth or be able to

create that knowledge through a highly efficient, automatically performed

approach. A learner has mastered a math fact if they can provide an answer in

less than 3 seconds, either from recollection or through the use of a highly

efficient approach application (Kling & Bay-Williams 2015).

According to Kling, fluency is created when children have the

opportunity to proceed through three developmental phases through the

creation of reasoning methods. In general, children begin by answering math

facts by counting (Phase 1), and then proceed to apply reasoning skills to

deduce unknown information (Phase 2), and finally mastery of their knowledge

(Phase 3). If students just learn arithmetic facts as rote facts (i.e., skip Phase

2), they may miss out on critical conceptual understandings, putting them at a

disadvantage when seeking to participate in more complex math tasks (Kling

& Bay-Williams 2015).

According to teaching scientist Claire Cook, "fluency permits us to

retrieve and utilize math knowledge with certain automaticity, having

internalized it from earlier experience." "It's not about memory in the sense

that a master chef doesn't choose the appropriate components in the proper

ratios because he remembered recipes, but rather because he knows what

he's doing at that level without having to think about it too hard or explicitly."

Premature speed drills and other rote memorization-heavy activities

should be substituted or augmented with techniques that foster thinking and,

in many situations; math anxiety should be replaced with math optimism.

Thanks to learning science research, we've identified a range of techniques

that promote kids' acquisition of conceptual understandings, reasoning

abilities, and fact fluency—all in a math-positive learning environment. We've

purposefully incorporated such strategies into Everyday Mathematics, a

program based on decades of learning research. Everyday Mathematics uses

the following research-based methods to increase fact fluency and build math


Theoretical Framework

This research is based on C.S. Dweck's idea. Fixed IQ theorists are

students who believe that their aptitude is fixed, possibly from birth, and that

there is little if anything they can do to enhance it. They think that ability stems

from natural talent rather than from the gradual acquisition of skills via

education. Whether you can accomplish anything with minimal effort or never

will, "it's all in the genes," so you may as well give up in the face of hardship. "I

can't do arithmetic," for example. Students think that aptitude and success are

attributable to learning, and learning takes time and effort, according to

Untapped Potential theorists. When faced with a challenge, one must strive

harder, adopt a different strategy, seek assistance, and so on.

The research is likewise based on incremental theory. According to this

notion, students' intellects are flexible and may be improved with effort.

Problem-solving is the backbone of mathematical instruction. Mathematicians

who learn via problem-solving increase their capacity to think, reason, and

solve difficulties that they face in the real world. A recent study has revealed

that self-enhancement and self-criticism have different moderating effects.

When students' efforts were judged to be a failure, self-enhancement amplified

the effect of incremental beliefs, while self-criticism strengthened the effect of

incremental beliefs on attempts following a perceived success.



Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Fluency in Solving
Basic Facts of
Socio- Addition and
Demographic Subtraction

Difficulty in
Sex Solving Basic
Facts of Addition
and Subtraction

Figure 1 A schematic diagram shows the relationship between the socio-

demographic characteristics and pupils’ fluency and difficulty in
solving basic facts of addition and subtraction.



This chapter presents and describes the essential elements of the

research process, such as research design, locale of the study which includes

location and brief profile of respondents, sampling method, research

instrument, data gathering procedure, method of data analysis literature cited

and survey questionnaire.

Research Design

The study will use descriptive-correlation research design. The

Comparative-Correlation technique will be used to compare relationship

between the socio-demographic characteristics, pupils’ fluency and difficulty in

solving basic facts of addition and subtraction.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted at Katidtuan Central Elementary School in

Kabacan North District, Kabacan, Cotabato.


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be bonafide grade six pupils from

Katidtuan Central Elementary School Academic Year 2021-2022. They were

all treated as respondents for the test that was administered to determine the

fluency in basic facts of addition and subtraction they found difficulties.

Sampling method

Simple random sampling was selected and used in the selection with

an equal allocation of 50 pupils will be in determining the respondents of the


Research Instrument

The instrument to be used in the study is a questionnaire from the

worksheets of by D Links Site for Kids and problems solving from

K5 Learning: Reading & Math for K-5 Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word

Problems. It is composed of three parts. The first part focuses on the socio-

demographic profile of the respondents which includes sex, the second part is

composed of twenty items each of addition and subtraction within three to four

seconds per item to determine the fluency of the respondents in solving basic

facts of addition and subtraction and the third part is composed of a self-made

survey questionnaire to determine the pupil’s difficulty experience in solving

basic facts of addition and subtraction.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following procedure will be followed by the researcher to gather the

data needed for the study: A letter of permission will be sent to the Schools

Division Superintendent to allow the researcher to conduct the study. Upon

seeking approval, the researcher will have a courtesy call to the principles of

Katidtuan Central Elementary School. It will be followed by identifying the

respondents by means of drawing lots. It will be administered by the

researcher and retrieved afterward for encoding, tabulating, interpreting, and


Method of Data Analysis

The socio-demographic profile, the learners' fluency, and the difficulty

experienced in completing fundamental addition and subtraction problems will

all be described using descriptive statistics such as frequency distributions,

percentages, and weighted means.

The Pearson-Correlation Test will be used to explain the considerable

association between socio-demographic characteristics, which is sex, the

fluency and the difficulty experienced in solving basic facts of addition and


The T-Test will be used to illustrate the strong association between

fluency and difficulty experienced in solving basic facts of addition and


Rubrics for Solving Basic Facts of Addition and Subtraction

Use of Correct answers


The student is able to

The student may use correctly identify the
aids to help him/her answers.
solve a problem.

4 The student does not The student completes

need manipulative or the task without any
aids to help solve the mistakes.
Student is able to do problem.
the skill independently

3 The student uses one or The student may have a

two manipulative or aids few mistakes, but is able
to help solve the to self-correct when they
The student is able to problem (touch points, are pointed out.
complete the skill but number line, counters or
still needs aids to help a picture.)
get the correct

2 The student does not The student made a few

independently seek out mistakes and needs
a manipulative or aid to help to fix some of the
Student gets the basic help them, or needs mistakes.
concept, but needs teacher assistance to
teacher support. remember how to use
the aids correctly.

1 The student is unable to The student made many

use any of the aids in mistakes and is not able
(Needs Improvement)
place to help them to self-correct any of
The student is not able solve. The student is not their answers.
to complete the task independent in this skill.
independently and
needs to be re-taught
the skill in a different


Bay-Williams, J., & Kling, G (2014). Enriching addition and subtraction fact
mastery through games. Teaching children mathematics, 10(4), 362.

Bay-Williams, Jennifer M., and Gina Kling. “Enriching Addition and

Subtraction Fact Mastery through Games.” Teaching Children
Mathematics, vol. 21, no. 4, 2014, p. 238.,

Bay-Williams, Jennifer M., and Gina Kling. “Math Fact Fluency: 60+ Games
and Assessment Tools to Support Learning and Retention.” ASCD and
NCTM: 2019.

Duhon, G. J., House, S. H., & Stinnett, T. A. (2012). Evaluating the

generalization of math fact fluency gains across paper and computer
performance modalities. Journal of School Psychology, 50(3), 335-345.
doi:10.1016/j.jsp.2012.01.003. ETA Hands to Mind (2010). Why Teach
Mathematics with Manipulatives? Research on the benefits of
manipulatives. Retrieved January 9, 2015, from:

Gaidoschik, M., Fellmann, A., Guggenbichler, S., & Thomas, A. (2017).

Empirische Befunde zum Lehren und Lernen auf Basis einer
Fortbildungsmaßnahme zur Förderung nicht-zählenden Rechnens.
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 37(1), 93-124.

Kling, G. (2011). Fluency with basic addition. Teaching children mathematics.

18(2), 80. Koshmider, J. W. & Ashcraft, M. H. (1991). The development
of children’s mental multiplication skills. Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology, 51, 53-89.

Kling, Gina, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. “Assessing Basic Fact Fluency.”

Teaching Children Mathematics, vol. 20, no. 8, Apr. 2014, p. 488.,

Kling, Gina, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. “Three Steps to Mastering

Multiplication Facts.” Teaching Children Mathematics, vol. 21, no. 9,
2015, p. 548., doi:10.5951/teacchilmath.21.9.0548.

Larson, Nancy. (2001). Saxon Math 2. Houghton Mifflin Math. Saxon


Mong, M. D., & Mong, K. W. (2010). Efficacy of two mathematics

interventions for enhancing fluency with elementary students. Journal of
Behavioral Education, 19(4), 273-288.National Governors Association
Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School.

Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

Washington DC:

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000). Principles and

standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.

Poncy, B.C., McCallum, E., & Schmitt, A.J (2010). A comparison of

behavioral and constructivist interventions for increasing math fact
fluency in a second-grade classroom. Psychology In the Schools, 47(9),
917-930. Doi:10.1002/pits.20414

Pool, J., Carter, G., Johnson, E., & Carter, D. (2013). The use and
effectiveness of a targeted math intervention for third graders.
Intervention In School & Clinic, 48(4), 210-217.
doi:10.1177/1053451212462882 Rocket Math.
(Retrieved October 15, 2014).

Strother, S. (2010). Developing Fact Fluency in Mathematics. Lee Pesky

Learning Center: The Educator. Winter, 2010. Vol.5. Retrieved from

Van de Walle, J. (2006). Elementary middle school mathematics: Teaching

developmentally. Boston, MA. Allyn & Bacon. Retrieved from

Van de Walle, J. (2006). Teaching student-centered mathematics: Grades K

3. Boston, MA. Pearson Education, Inc.

Van de Walle, J. (2006). Teaching student-centered mathematics: Grades 3

5. Boston, MA. Pearson Education, Inc.

Woodward, J., & Baxter, J. (2006). The effects of an innovative approach to

mathematics on academically low-achieving students in inclusive
settings. Exceptional Children, 63.

Republic of the Philippines

Kabacan, Cotabato


Part I. The socio-demographic profile of the respondents.

Instruction: Please provide the necessary information by checking the choices that
corresponds to your answer.

Name: (optional) ________________________________________________

Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Part II. Solving Basic Facts Test Questionnaire

Direction: Solve each basic math fact carefully. Show your complete and organized
solution if needed in the space provided for each item.

Addition Basic Facts

1. 5 + 4 = 11. 1 + 6 =
2. 4 + 1 = 12. 5 + 7 =
3. 3 + 3 = 13. 0 + 9 =
4. 3 + 9 = 14. 12 + 2 =
5. 11 + 2 = 15. 12 + 0 =
6. 6 + 3 = 16. 3 + 1 =
7. 6 + 5 = 17. 11 + 3 =
8. 9 + 11 = 18. 10 + 0 =
9. 0 + 4 = 19. 9 + 10 =
10. 12 + 2 = 20. 0 + 8 =
Subtraction Basic Facts

1. 19 - 9 = 11. 6 - 0 =
2. 16 - 7 = 12. 11 - 1 =
3. 16 - 8 = 13. 7 - 2 =
4. 10 - 2 = 14. 13 - 8 =
5. 11 - 7 = 15. 9 - 5 =
6. 8 - 8 = 16. 14 - 6 =
7. 20 - 10 = 17. 11 - 8 =
8. 5 - 3 = 18. 8 - 5 =
9. 15 - 9 = 19. 5 - 3 =
10. 12 - 7 = 20. 7 - 1 =

Part III. Self-Made Survey Questionnaire in Difficulty Experiences in Solving Basic Facts

Direction: Using the scale below check the appropriate column that describes your
difficulty experiences in solving basic facts.

How will does this statement describe your difficulty experience in solving
basic facts of addition and subtraction.


Difficulty Experience in Solving Basic Facts 3 2 1

1. I could hardly use a number line to solve basic facts.
2. It is hard for me to use my fingers or bunny ears strategy to solve
basic facts.
3. It is difficult for me to solve basic facts using only my head or
mental ability.
4. It is difficult for me to solve basic facts without using a calculator.
5. It is hard for me to solve basic facts if no one coaches me.
6. It is hard for me to solve basic facts using Ten Frame Tiles.
7. I could hardly use sticks or lines to solve basic facts.
8. It is hard for me to solve basic facts by using count on or count
9. It is difficult for me to recall the steps for solving basic facts.
10. I could hardly remember how to use the four fundamental
11. It is hard for me to estimate the answer.
12. It is difficult for me to use symbolic and non-symbolic mathematical
representations in the basic facts.
13. It is not easy for me to write the answer in a complete sentence.
14. It is difficult for me to figure out the correct answer.
15. It is not easy for me to solve the basic facts in addition and
subtraction by using patterns and connections.

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