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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Degree of
Major in Mathematics


June 2023

Chapter I



One of the foundational disciplines of the Filipino educational system is

mathematics. It is in fact one of the most difficult subjects on the curriculum.

Throughout the past few decades, researchers have been effective in pinpointing

the various factors that significantly influenced pupils' achievement, particularly in


Information is used in mathematics to represent and solve problems across

all disciplines. It is a vast interdisciplinary field with a potent arsenal of tools for

comprehending the universe. Given its relevance in education and many

occupations, it is believed to be the foundation in practically all parts of academics.

Given this, it is essential to possess sufficient mathematical proficiency to improve

the world.

However, according to Duque and Tan (2018), there are concerns about

how competence in mathematics would be attained, how this mathematical

perception would endure after the students encounter several lessons, and how

the students grasp all the mathematical ideas and methodologies over the course

of several years. Since there are numerous factors that can influence a student's

performance, a few examples include environmental considerations (Andamon,

2018), sociological factors (Cordova, 2018), students' motivations and self-efficacy

(Saligumba 2018), teaching processes and strategies. The need to stress these

factors is necessary to reduce the rate of the students' aptitude for mathematics.

Even though there have been many innovative teaching techniques established

recently, and even if mathematics is an enjoyable topic for certain students,

performance in the subject remains poor since most students find it challenging,

intimidating, and disheartening.

Moreover, there are worries that youngsters in underdeveloped nations are

not learning enough math. Less is known about the state of mathematics education

because of the emphasis on enrollment and literacy. Between 56 and 62 percent

of students have learned the fundamentals of mathematics in the remaining

quarter of the countries. This evidence further testify that mathematics education

is indeed one of the problems encountered by teachers. This problem is rampant

in developing countries including the Philippines.

On the National Achievement Test (NAT), the outcome is extremely low,

especially in the discipline of mathematics where it scored 28.7%, the lowest of all

subjects for the academic year 2014–2015. Given that it fell short of the passing

standard specified by the National Educational Testing and Research Center, this

demonstrated that pupils genuinely do not acquire a mastery level of

comprehension in mathematics (NETRC).

Another piece of evidence according to Lucas (2019) is the fact that the

Philippines has never participated in an international assessment of basic

education since the new K–12 curriculum was established. The Programme for

International Student Assessment, or PISA, is a triennial test that evaluates the

reading, math, and science skills of 15-year-old students from across the world.

The outcomes in the Philippines are dismal. The lowest reading scores and

second-lowest math and science scores were achieved by pupils from the

Philippines. Children in the Philippines are nearly through with junior high school

at the age of 15, demonstrating unequivocally that the country's basic education

has serious problems in the early years.

Additionally, knowledge itself is becoming more specialized and expanding

exponentially. The way we learn social interactions is changing as a result of

information and communication technology. Today's businesses place a premium

on work ethics, perseverance, shared management-making, data sharing,

cooperation, improvement, and speed. Being able to connect, exchange, and

utilize information to comprehend difficult problems, adapting and innovating in

accordance to new needs and changing conditions, and controlling and extending

the power of technology to develop new knowledge are all key components of

success in today's world.

Schools, instructors, and classrooms must be changed in ways that would

support kids in acquiring the creative and teamwork skills they will need to thrive

in both the workplace and in life to meet these difficulties. Every teacher wants

their students to succeed in the profession by having the skills, knowledge, and

learning preferences that the society and workplace of the 21st century have

identified as essential. As students become more adept in critical thinking and

problem-solving techniques, their learning becomes deeper. These skills are

different from standard academic abilities in that they do not hugely depend on

content knowledge itself.


Teaching students to enjoy math is a difficult task for math teachers. Every

kid can succeed and achieve in this area, though. We should encourage students

to learn the material independently using the internet connections that are

available to assist them advance. It’s their initiative to perform studies to boost their

education. The 21st century world demands a fundamentally different attitude. To

participate effectively in the increasingly complex societies and globalized

economy that characterize today's world, students must be able to think critically

to name just a few necessities.

The country's K–12 curriculum aimed to establish Filipinos holistically with

21st century skill. As it has become apparent that conventional educational

institutions have generally failed to prepare students to address these problems,

the global education community has been more outspoken and active in support

of the essential changes. The adoption of the fourth Sustainable Development

Goal and the Education 2030 agenda, which binds nations to guarantee that

students gain expertise and abilities regarding topics like equitable development,

equality for all people, human rights, worldwide citizenship, and others, is the most

significant culmination of several initiatives and studies around the wider topic of

"21st century skills."

The said 21st century skills is supposedly a tool to boost students

achievement in all learning areas particularly core subjects like Science and Math.

This framework has been integrated into the curriculum since 2013. Students must

have these skills for them to function well in the real world. The Assessment of

Santos (2021) proved that traditional teaching methods are less effective

compared to collaborative and constructive which are anchored to the new

curriculum. It is supposedly a goal of the K to 12 to increase students’ learning yet

its students continuously attain low academic scores in National tests like NAT.

Locally, the mean percentage score of the First Quarterly Examinations

conducted at Mansalay District in School Year 2022-2023 resulted 59.91% which

did not reach the standard level of Mean Percentage Score which is 75%. The

following data shown reflects that the students of Mansalay District have difficulty

in understanding math concepts particularly the Grade 11 Students. Thus,

teachers were instructed to identify all the issues that affects Mathematics learning

and prepare an intervention plan to mitigate the learning circumstances.

Hence, this study aimed to determine if 21st century skills as well as the

dimensions of learning has positive relationship with Mathematical competence.

The result of this study would be a great help to teachers particularly in strategies

appropriate for their learners while attaining the goal of the K to 12 curriculum.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the study determined the 21st century skills, dimensions of

learning and Mathematical competence of Selected Grade 11 Senior High School

students at Mansalay district. This would serve as a basis for the formulation of an

intervention plan.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following research questions:

1. To what extent do the 21st Century Skills are manifested by Grade 11 Public

Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of:

1.1 critical thinking;


1.2 creativity;

1.3 collaboration, and

1.4 communication?

2. To what extent do the following dimensions of learning are manifested by

Grade 11 student in terms of:

2.1 student engagement;

2.2 assessment of student learning;

2.3 classroom management, and

2.4 pedagogy/ methods?

3. What is the level of mathematical competence of selected Grade 11

students in terms of:

2.1 understanding;

2.2 computing;

2.3 applying; and

2.4 Reasoning.

4. Is there any significant relationship between the level of 21st century skills

and Mathematical competence of Grade 11 students?

5. Is there any significant relationship between the dimensions of learning and

Mathematical competence of Grade 11 students?

6. Is there any significant difference on level of 21st century skills of Grade 11


7. Is there any significant difference on the dimensions of learning of Grade 11


8. Is there any significant difference on the Mathematical competence of Grade

11 students?

9. What Mathematical Intervention Plan can be proposed based on the findings

of the study?

Statement of the Hypotheses

The following are the hypotheses to be tested in the study:

1. There is no significant relationship between the level of 21st century skills and

Mathematical competence of Grade 11 students.

2. There is no significant relationship between the dimensions of learning and

Mathematical competence of Grade 11 students.

3. There is no significant difference on level of 21st century skills of Grade 11


4. There is no significant difference on the dimensions of learning of Grade 11


5. There is no significant difference on the Mathematical competence of Grade

11 students.

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the Study

This study was confined on the correlation between 21st century skills,

dimensions of learning and Mathematical Competence of Grade 11 students at

Mansalay district. This focuses on 21st century skills in terms of critical thinking,

creativity, collaboration, communication, and as well as the dimensions of learning

in terms of student engagement, assessment of student’s learning, classroom


management, methodology/ pedagogy as perceived by the respondents. This

study also determined the effects of 21st century skills, dimensions of learning and

Mathematical competence of Grade 11 students through quarterly assessment.

This is limited to the perceived responses of 265 Grade 11 students who

are enrolled during school year 2022-2023.

The 265 respondents were guided accordingly to assure the reliable and

correct responses from them. All items in the questionnaire and skill test were

explained thoroughly for the respondents to properly give their honest responses.

The challenge encountered by the researcher was the retrieval of data. The

researcher needed to assure its’ completeness to properly tabulate the data.

The study is only limited to the 4c’s of 21st century skills. Other 21st Century

skills such as problem solving, perseverance, information literacy, technology skills

and digital literacy, media literacy, global awareness, self-direction, social skills,

literacy skills, civic literacy, social responsibility, innovation skills and thinking skills

were not covered in this study.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would benefit the following persons:

Students. The output of the study could be a guide for them to equip the

necessary skills to enhance their mathematical competence and therefore,

participate effectively in the increasingly complex society.


Teachers. The findings of the study could be a baseline for them to think of

a possible way to completely think of the best possible way to enhance the

mathematical skills of their students. Furthermore, the findings could help them to

plan, to create and to intensify strategies related to 21st century learning to assure

the quality of mathematics education in their respective schools.

Curriculum Designers/ Education Specialists. The study could be a

springboard for the creation of additional policies related to Mathematics Education

and Twenty First century Learning. They might see the gaps of existing policies

and they could soon address the deficiencies of these policies related to

Mathematics Education that will be based on the findings of the research.

School Heads. The findings of the study could give them a quick view on

the status of the learners in their respective schools. Through the findings of this

research, they might see the needs of their teachers and the finding could be a

springboard to address the professional deficiency of Mathematics teachers.

Future Researchers. The finding of this study could be a reference for

other research, and this can be baseline source of information for other related


Theoretical Framework

Behaviorist theory proposed by Johnson Wattson (2015) asserted that all

behaviors should be attained through conditioning, that occurs when there is

interactions with the environment. Environmental signals are said to be the product

of human conduct of human activities. This states that conduct, irrespective of

one's interior mental understanding can be systematically and impartially

analyzed. Strict behaviorists contend that regardless of one's genetic history,

character traits, or internal thoughts, everyone can be trained to complete any

activity, within the limits of one's physical ability. Only the right instruction is


The behaviorist approach is applied in a math class where the teacher

covers prior material and assignments before modeling fundamental problem

solving and letting the students practice it in their seats. This pedagogical approach

is an illustration of behaviorist theory. The common method of teaching

mathematics is traditional in line with the behaviorists' theory.

Connectivism theory of Jean Piaget as cited by Santos (2017) stated that

contends that learners should successfully combine ideas, theories, and

background information. Connectivism supports learning that happens in settings

other than one-on-one interactions. The study is related to connectivism theory

because it relies heavily on concepts that technology must be integrated with

learning spaces to continuously foster effective learning outcomes. 21st century

skills particularly ICT must be included in all classrooms as much as possible.

Constructivist Learning Theory by Dewey as cited by Way J (2019) stated

that learning comes from prior knowledge and students learns best when they are

given a chance to develop personal understanding of a certain lesson based on

their experiences and reflection on them. The whole concept of utilizing innovative

teaching strategies is aligned on the constructivist learning theory which allows the

form of guided discovery to take place in which the teachers promote a learner

centered environment and avoids a direct instruction or the traditional way of

teaching. The teachers provide variety of activities that allows the learners to

inquire, discuss, understand, analyze, and reconstruct the new knowledge they


Constructivism is said to be a student-centered approach in teaching and

learning. 21st century learners should become constructivist because they should

construct knowledge by themselves through the help of teachers. This the main

reason why the K to 12 curriculum was born. It is the framework of the curriculum

that we have today.

Cognitive method developed and introduced by Piaget (1936) asserts that

cognitive development is gradually developing based on biological maturation and

mental procedures.

Relating it to the current study, a cognitive viewpoint suggested that a

behavioral examination of education is frequently insufficient to understand how

instruction affects learning. Behavioral and cognitive strategies are still integrated

in education today. The ability to understand and give solutions is where this idea

is mostly used in mathematics education.

Discovery learning takes place when learners are instructed to construct

research independently. Three educational objectives are achieved by teachers

through exploration learning. These are independent research, understanding and

learning information.

The current study is related to this theory because Mathematics is a subject

that can be taught best using discovery approaches. Teachers as facilitators of

learning must let student discover mathematical ideas and concepts on their own.

Conceptual Framework

In view of the following presentation and discussions, the conceptual

framework hereunder is constructed:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

21st Century Skills of Selected

Grade 11 Public Senior High
School Students at Mansalay
District in terms of:
1.1 Critical Thinking
1.2 Creativity
Level of Mathematical Competence
1.3 Collaboration
of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior
1.4 Communication
High School Students at Mansalay
District in terms of:
2.1 Understanding
Dimension of learning in terms 2.2 Computing
of: 2.3 Applying
2.4 Reasoning
1.1 Student engagement,
1.2 Assessment of student
1.3 Classroom
management/ Culture?
1.4 Pedagogy/Methods

Mathematical Intervention Plan

Figure 1. Hypothesized Relationship and Differences between and among

the Variables

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study. The research

focused on determining the level of 21st century skills and dimensions of learning

which are the independent variable of the study and Mathematical competence

of Selected Grade 11 Senior High School students at Mansalay district which is

the dependent variable. The result of the differences and relationship of these

variables served as the basis in constructing a Mathematical intervention plan.

The one headed arrow represents the relationship between the

dependent and independent variable. The two headed arrow on the other hand

represents the significant difference between the sub factor of the dependent and

independent variables. The broken arrow signifies the output or the implication of

the study.

Definition of terms

To establish clearer understanding of some technical terms used in the

study, the following terms are operationally defined as follows:

21st Century Skills. These are sets of skills needed to be obtained by

learners. This is generally used to refer to certain core competencies that promotes

believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world. This term

refers to the different important skills needed to be learned by the students in


Applying. This terminology is defined as the ability of the learners to

transfer knowledge into concrete examples and integrate it in real life scenarios.

Assessment of Student Learning. This term refers to assessment, which

is designed to evaluate student learning and assess what they have learned at the

end of a period. This is also used in the research as a process of assessing

students’ performance through a written test or examination.

Classroom Management/ Culture. This term is defined as the set of

behavior, norms and culture of learners in a classroom. This is further defined as

how teachers develop students’ behavior in classrooms.

Computing. This term is defined as the ability to rum mathematical analysis

and computation to derive at an exact and correct answers.

Creativity. This pertains to one of the 21st century skills that is supposed to

be developed by the learners aiming to let them think outside the box. This enables

the learners to create ideas in a very creative way.

Critical Thinking. This pertains to the process of thinking and processing

information using higher order thinking skills. This is also defined as the process

of vigorously and competently conceptualizing information.

Collaboration. This refers in the study as a way of working with peers. This

is a process of doing something with others to produce a meaningful concept and


Mathematical Competence. This pertains to the mathematical ability of the

students. This is how learners integrate mathematical thinking to solve a variety of

problems in everyday situations.


Mathematics Intervention Plan. This terminology refers to Mathematics

activities that was employed to mitigate issues on learning related to Mathematic

subjects. This is also a tool to help teachers and learners to capture Mathematics

learning competencies the easiest way possible.

Reasoning. This term refers to the ability of the learners to give

justification to ideas and mathematical concepts.

Student engagement. This refers to the level of attention and desire that

students show they learn things which has direct relevance to the degree of

motivation in education.

Understanding. This term is defined in the study as the ability to

comprehend in mathematical concepts and ideas. This further means the

capacity of the learners to understand mathematical problem and situation.


Chapter II


This chapter displays all summary of related literature and studies which

are both significant to the study.

Related Literature

Critical Thinking

Making decisions based on knowledge and communication that has been

gathered while employing enough thought and reasoning is referred to as critical

thinking. It relates to the capacity for critical thought and deft judgment in

determining what information or communication is pertinent in a certain situation

(Gut, 2011). A crucial 21st-century talent is the capacity to sort through the volume

of incoming data to create your own point of view (Dede, 2010). Employees need

to be able to think critically to establish an independent perspective or opinion that

is well-founded in the specific subject (Voogt, 2018).

Critical Thinking (CT), according to Alsaleh (2016), has been acknowledged

as one of the most significant thinking abilities and as one of the most significant

markers of the effectiveness of student learning. The aim of teaching should be to

encourage students to become sensitive, observant, introspective, critical, and

challenge discrepancies within the courses offered to fully address the gaps in

education, namely rote memorization vs the encouragement of critical thinking


abilities (Edmonds et. al., 2018). The chances of students successfully establishing

their own set of critical thinking abilities are higher when they can explain their

understandings in minute writings. Students have limited opportunity to build their

capacity for critical thought when memorization alone is the expectation in the

classroom without encouraging these abilities (Yuen et. al.,2006).


The generation of original and possibly beneficial ideas for goods, services,

or processes is a key component of creativity (Cummings, 1996). Employee

creativity is emphasized as a requirement for long-term organizational

performance (Houghton, 2008), therefore it becomes apparent that companies

must possess this ability to lead or adapt to change.

Creativity is a valuable ability since it generates original, fascinating ideas

that are specific to a single person or group of people. We employ creativity in all

aspects of daily life, including problem solving (Santos, 2017). Being creative

throughout your life will enable you to approach issues from many perspectives

and come up with solutions. A person's life may be made better by being creative

by giving them more perspectives on how to discover the world. Those that are

creative will be able to find new and fascinating things throughout their lives.

Individual thinking and creative approaches influence how these

dimensions interact, and as a result, they may be represented and found in a wide

variety of ways (Sternberg, 2010). The creative phenomenon has therefore been

investigated using a variety of methodologies, sometimes stressing the individual,


the process or the result, the environment, or even the interplay between two or

more of these elements, suggesting that there are several ways to define creativity

(Wechsler, 2012).

According to a humanistic viewpoint, the creative person has the awareness

and skills to respond to crises in transforming ways (O'Hara, 2017). As a result, it

is possible to see the creative person as someone who is working toward self-

actualization and acquiring traits associated with mental health, such as subjective

well-being, resilience, optimism, quality of life, and other elements stressed by

positive psychology (Suarez, 2015). Amabile (1996) proposed that motivation and

a particular field of knowledge should interact for creativity. So, creative people

would work to promote their intrinsic drive, viewing this as a crucial factor to affect

a person's capacity to exhibit their skills (Subotnick, Olszewski-Kubilius, & Worrell,

2011). When creative people are pursuing a highly stimulating job, they experience

these times of intense attention and great participation during which they forget

about deadlines or surrounds. This condition is known as the "state of flow"

(Csikszentmihalyi, 1997; McCoach & Flake, 2018).


In accordance with Selwyn (2019), figuring out the norms that influence our

behavior is the first step in understanding how to collaborate. Our key principles at

Selwyn serve as a framework for how students collaborate both individually and in

groups. Each of our principles serves as an example to students of the qualities

required for productive teamwork. Successful collaboration involves good listening

abilities. Students must develop their listening skills to function well in groups.

Students at Selwyn acquire active listening techniques via deliberate instruction

and practice in the classroom, as well as through observing instructors and staff

members modeling these techniques for them. Working together is a test of

curiosity. This implies that in addition to developing their listening skills, students

also need to master the art of posing inquiries that encourage in-depth

understanding and participation. Questions that invite meaningful responses are

open-ended and promote engagement. Negotiation abilities are necessary for

collaboration. A skilled negotiator is able to recognize and explain common ideas

and areas of group agreement, as well as control her own pace within the group

discourse and group activity. She also has mastered active listening abilities.

Successful negotiators and collaborators also possess the leadership qualities

required to encourage and inspire others to realize a common goal.

Work is evolving to be increasingly specialized, multidisciplinary, and

knowledge-based. Employee collaboration is necessary due to work complexity

because no one person can have the necessary knowledge and abilities (Wang,

2010). As a result, teams of individuals performing complementary responsibilities

and tasks are increasingly used to complete work (Dede, 2010; Fraser & Hvolby,

2010). Workers frequently rely on others to do their responsibilities (Bronstein,

2003). They require a thorough awareness of their own tasks as well as those of

their cooperating partners in order to perform interdependently.


Communication abilities, which involve the capacity to communicate

information while ensuring that the meanings are successfully expressed by taking

into consideration the audience and medium, are crucial in the expanding service

industry (Ananiadou & Claro, 2009; Katz, 2007).. To succeed in today's social

world, one must be able to properly balance their wants and ambitions with those

of the greater community (Voogt et al., 2013). Employers need candidates with

communication skills due to the interdependence of our global economy (Levy &

Murnane, 2004).

Student Engagement

Willms, Friesen and Milton, (2009) explained in their study the importance

of student engagement especially in Mathematics. Historically, promoting

achievement, positive behaviors, and a sense of belonging among all students

have been the main goals of student involvement. The majority of attention on

student involvement, however, is given to high school students because this is the

age group when disengagement is most common. In order to address or

reengage/reclaim a minority of largely socioeconomically disadvantaged kids who

were at danger of dropping out of high school, student engagement was primarily

intended to. In contrast, Bundhick MJ, (2014) examined the development of

student involvement and its function in fostering a variety of desired outcomes,

including academic outcomes like improved success and less dropout, as well as

different well-being and life outcomes. Nonetheless, there is a lot of

disengagement in schools. This could be partly because there is not a

comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding how students are

engaged in the classroom or how teachers can actively encourage student

engagement in the literature.


Assessment of Student’s Learning

Stated on the Resilient Educator, authentic assessment methods for

Mathematics would be used for teachers. This demonstrated how evaluating a

student's capacity to apply what they have learnt in mathematics to a "real world"

situation forms the basis of genuine evaluation. Math examinations that are

authentically assessed place more emphasis on a student's analytical skills, their

capacity to integrate what they have learned, their inventiveness, and their writing

and spoken communication skills than rote learning and passive test-taking.

Performance assessments, quick investigations, open-ended questions, portfolios,

self-assessment, and multiple-choice questions are six strategies for including

realistic evaluation of arithmetic in the classroom. In this type of learning

environment, students learn persistence, self-regulating behaviors and reflection,

participation, and a particular enthusiasm for learning different kinds of scholastic

material. Traits such as thinking and reasoning, allowing the students to work alone

or in smaller groups, teaching them how to use symbols, tables, graphs, drawings,

calculators, and computers, as well as attitudes and dispositions, were also


Classroom Management

Ahmad (2020) stated in his study the importance of classroom management

in mathematics class. It helps teachers to impart knowledge and assist pupils in

realizing their full potential. It is essential to stress that teachers work hard to keep

the classroom atmosphere disturbance-free in order to guarantee that learning


objectives are met. The technique comprises controlling the learners' behaviors

and actions and inspiring them to participate in class activities. Hence, maintaining

order in the classroom has become crucial to the teaching process. The current

study attempted to ascertain how students felt about classroom management in

mathematics classes, which included setting up the classroom, enforcing rules,

managing students' conduct, communicating with students, and effectively

organizing the class. The findings indicated that students thought the professor

did a good job of managing the class. To ascertain how each of the five factors

influences arithmetic performance, more research is necessary.


The grasp of mathematical ideas, procedures, and linkages was increased

by Moschkovich (2015). It involves more than simply knowing formulas or facts; it

also involves being able to apply mathematical ideas appropriately and link newly

learned ideas to previously known ones. Researchers have created a variety of

computer-based feedback tools and scaffolds to support students' conceptual

growth and address any potential misunderstandings. For instance, Yang et al.

(2012) used an inductive discovery learning strategy to build online learning

materials in which students were given identical instances with a different critical

feature of the idea. This approach was used to guide students' discovery of the

patterns of concepts. Students were given suggestions by McLaren et al. (2017)

to address their typical misunderstandings regarding decimals. They ran a

research in which they used the game to substitute seven lectures from

conventional maths classrooms. Their findings demonstrated that an educational


game might enhance learning performance and pleasure more effectively than a

traditional teaching strategy.


Computing is procedurally fluid, effective, precise, and suitable. This strand

has a direct link to conceptual comprehension since it is not feasible to grasp a

mathematical notion without controlling the methods underlying it. Students must

understand calculating principles (such as place values) and perform the method

accurately to increase procedural fluency. To combat practice's monotony,

researchers created a variety of digital games. For practice with arithmetic

expressions, Chen et al. (2012) created the Cross Number Puzzle game. In the

game, players might work together or separately to solve a complex mathematical

conundrum. Their research revealed that low-ability pupils in the collaborative

setting improved their arithmetic abilities the most. Moreover, Ku et al. (2014)

created mini-games to hone students' capacity to mentally calculate. They

demonstrated that the mini games might boost students' confidence in

mathematics while also enhancing their ability to complete calculations.


The capacity to frame a problem into a mathematical form in order to solve

it is known as applying. It is the ability to effectively use previously taught concepts

and techniques in a new setting. In order to help students, convert word problems

into equations step-by-step, some researchers created multilayer computer-based

scaffolds (González-Calero et al., 2014), but other researchers identified the issue

of over-scaffolding. There may not be enough room for pupils to improve their skills

and too much scaffolding. Many experts suggested enabling pupils to ask for

assistance when answering word problems to prevent this issue (Roll et al. 2014).

For instance, Cheng et al. (2015) developed a Scaffolding Seeking method to

motivate primary children to answer word problems independently by expressing

their thoughts first, as opposed to receiving and perhaps abusing scaffolds. Other

research (Li, 2014) emphasized the necessity for instructors to possess abilities

that may help their students build their problem-solving skills, which may fit their

demands connected to strategic competency. According to Fang's (2012) findings,

the most crucial abilities are problem-solving and using a variety of tactics to tackle

various types of mathematics difficulties. These skills align with the strategic

competence strand. According to Evans (2012), problem-solving skills significantly

increased among middle and high school mathematics instructors who took part in

an alternate credential program.


Adaptive reasoning was characterized by Moschkovich (2015) as logical

analysis, reflection, and justification of one's own answer. It is the capacity to

defend the method and/or solution chosen. This element shows how capable a

pupil is at reasoning, reflection, justification, and explanation. According to Shriki

and Patkin (2016), teachers must possess fundamental teaching techniques in

order to help students improve their ability to give mathematical reasons and

explanations, as well as their mathematical thinking and reflecting skills. When


teachers use their teaching abilities in a variety of ways, such as conducting

mathematical proofs, making estimates and predictions, identifying analogical

correspondences that represent potent reasoning mechanisms, and applying

intuitive, inductive, and deductive thinking, the adaptive reasoning strand can


According to several studies, instructors must help students acquire

adaptive reasoning abilities, including higher-level thinking abilities and the

capacity to get over challenges using mathematical reasons and proofs (Polly,

2011 and Superfine, 2014). Additional research in the same field (Al-

Khateeb, et. Al. 2012) revealed that pre-service mathematics teachers have poor

thinking skills in modeling, estimation, criticism, guessing, symbol expression, and

justification, but have intermediate abilities in induction, reasoning, and

mathematical proof. It was clear from Fang's (2012) study that teachers needed to

improve their abstracting and generalizing skills.

Related Studies

The 21st-century abilities go beyond digital skills; the list of skills provided

is far longer (Lacson, 2017). Furthermore, unlike digital talents, 21st-century

abilities are not often supported by ICT. The seven fundamental talents that we

identified are technical, information management, communication, cooperation,

creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. Ethical awareness, cultural

awareness, adaptability, self-direction, and lifelong learning were also named as

five contextual competencies.


The study reflected that 21st century skills are not just about pure technology

skills, but it is a combination of different lifelong skills that needed to be mastered

by different learners. Furthermore, the research implies that 21st Century skills are

needed to master different learning areas.

Based on the findings of Yueming (2016), for pre-service teachers, the

studies revealed a three-construct scale with innovation and problem solving,

cooperation, and technological utility, and for in-service teachers, a one-dimension

scale with cross-functional skills. According to this study, various scales should be

employed to assess the confidence of pre-service teachers and in-service teachers

in imparting twenty-first century abilities.

21st Century skills should also be imparted to pre-service future teachers

because they are the one to provide quality learning to students. If using 21 st

century skills mean providing quality teachers, therefore it also means producing

quality learners.

Also, Chai’s (2015) demonstrated that, in comparison to students'

judgments of the learning processes, the subscales that assess students'

perceptions of critical thinking, creative thinking, and real problem-solving were

more significant predictors of their knowledge generation efficacy.

The study reflected that problem solving is amongst the most important

aspect and scale to measure students’ 21st century skills. It is indeed vital that

research about these matters should be created and understood.


Way (2019) asserted that effective teacher interactions focus largely on

mathematical thinking (Cheeseman, 2009), and that monitoring student progress

and providing prompts or extension is effective for supporting student motivation

and engagement (Clarke, 2002; Hackenberg, 2010; Sullivan et al., 2006).

This means that teachers are the primary developer of Mathematics competence

through student motivation and engagement.

Student engagement play a vital role in developing learners’ capabilities. It

is a driving force that help learners to elicit their potentials particularly in developing

mathematics subjects. Student engagement should be promoted in teaching and

learning for it helps learners t nourish other related skills as well.

Challenging students to communicate both orally and in writing in

mathematics class help deepen their conceptual understanding, improve

mathematics performance, and reduce anxiety towards mathematics (Lumibao,

2016). This study was undertaken to determine the effect of mathematical

communication on the mathematics performance and anxiety. Hence

mathematical communication is effective in improving students’ achievement,

conceptual understanding, and reducing anxiety.

The study signifies how important communications in learning is. It helps

learners to develop conceptual understanding by asking questions, seeking

answers to their own questions, and giving priority to peer-to-peer works.

Communication furthermore helps students to discover facts.


When teaching mathematics, critical thinking skills can be used, practiced,

and enhanced by effective cognitive methods (Huang, 2016). Critical thinking can

enhance creative problem-solving options by encouraging students to seek new

strategies when solving mathematical problems. Mathematics teachers know the

importance of mathematical reasoning, for it builds the skills required for higher-

level mathematics.

Since Mathematics is one of the major subjects in the country, teachers

should focus more on developing and mastering Mathematics through critical

thinking. It allows learners to think wiser and deeper to help them grasp concepts

and skills. Critical thinking plays a vital role in the development of Mathematics

concepts for it touches the cognitive development of learners.

Marder (2023) asserted that establishing a well-organized classroom

conducive to learning is a key element of high-quality teaching. However, less is

known about the degree to which the classroom management process is affected

by the specific students in the classroom. In a well-managed and orderly

classroom, teachers spend a limited amount of time on non-instructional activities,

which allows for an optimal use of the allocated learning time. Since the amount of

“time-on-task” is a critical condition for students' learning (Praetorius et al., 2018;

Schwab & Elias, 2014), classroom management has most consistently been

associated with students' academic achievement.

This study explained how classroom management affects student learning.

Cleaner and organized classrooms help learners grasp concepts freely and full of

understanding. It’s the ability to focus more makes it easier for them to understand

what is being asked and how it will be solved. A cleaner environment also means

a peaceful way of giving knowledge through teaching and learning.

The study of Santos (2017) has a lot to say on this for according to his study,

students must really obtain creativity skills for it is vital in teaching and learning

process. Since creativity produces unique, exciting ideas that are particular to a

single person or group of people, it is an important skill. Creativity is more than just

being artistic or creative; it also entails the ability to see everyday objects from

several perspectives.

We use creativity to solve problems and in all facets of daily life. Being

creative can learners come up with solutions and be able to look at problems from

various angles throughout their life. Being creative can enhance a person’s life by

enhancing their thoughts on how to explore the world. Those with a creative spirit

will always be able to discover fresh and exciting things.

Moreover, Selwyn (2019) asserted that effective collaboration requires the

ability to listen. For students to work well in groups, they must improve their

listening abilities. Students learn active listening skills through focused instruction,

practice, and observation of teachers and staff members modeling these skills for

them in the classroom. Curiosity is put to the test while cooperating.

This suggested that in addition to honing their listening abilities, students

should also learn the skill of asking questions that invite thoughtful reflection and

active participation and engagement. Collaboration unleashes students’ potential

to develop communication skills as well.


Chapter III


This chapter displays the methodologies of the research study, the research

design and the procedures used in gathering data, the sources of data, the

sampling design and the statistical treatment used in interpreting the data.

Research Design

The study utilized a descriptive- comparative-correlational design.

The descriptive correlational study is a study in which the researcher is

mostly drawn in determining and describing relationships among variables, without

seeking to establish a causal connection (Ermida, 2012). In this study, 21st century

skills, dimensions of learning and Mathematical competence were described.

A correlational research design investigates relationships between

variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them,

(Bhandari, 2022). In this study, the researcher determined the relationship

between twenty first century skills, dimensions of learning and Mathematical


As defined by Buchi (2016), comparative method tries to reach conclusions

beyond single cases and it also aims to determine difference between two or more

variables. This research design was utilized to assess the difference between the

responses of the respondents in the level of 21st century skills, dimensions of

learning and mathematical competence.

Research Locale

The research study was conducted on the four (4) public secondary schools

in Mansalay District. The public schools included are Don Pedro High School, Fe

del Mundo National High School, Manaul National High School and Balugo

National High School. These schools were chosen because they are the public

institutions delivering Senior High School Programs at Mansalay District.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were 265 randomly selected from 784 total

population of Public Senior High school student in Mansalay disctrict. They are

composed of 58 SHS students from Balugo National High School, 33 from Don

Pedro High School, 134 students from Fe del Mundo National High School ad 40

from Manaul National High School.

Sampling Technique

Cochran’s formula was used with precision level + -5, confidence level of

95% and estimated proportion of 0.5 was used to determine the actual number of

the respondents of the study.


The researcher utilized the proportional stratified random sampling. Hayes

(2019) defined stratified random sampling as a method of sampling that divides

the member of population into smaller subgroups called strata. The basis on

determining the strata depends on the possible respondents’ shared

characteristics such as income and gender. This sampling further highlights the

differences in attributes of the respondents from different strata. The proportional

stratified means that the sample strata is in parallel with the population strata.

To assure the fair selection of respondents the researcher used fishbowl

method. This method assured that all members of the population would have equal

chances of being part of the sample.

The list of all respondents, the population and the sample are shown on the

table below:

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents of the Study

Mansalay District Secondary Schools Population Sample

Balugo National High School 171 58

Don Pedro National High School 97 33

Fe del Mundo National High School 397 134

Manaul National High School 119 40

Total 784 265


Research Instrument

The study utilized a self-made questionnaire and skill test as the main

instrument in data collection for this study, which was divided into three (3) main


The first part is composed of eight (8) items related to 21st century skills in

terms of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication.

The second part is composed of items related to the dimensions of learning

in terms of student engagement, assessment of student learning, classroom

management/ culture and pedagogy/methods.

The third part is composed of items related to the Mathematical competence

of selected Grade 11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in

terms of understanding, computing, applying, and reasoning.

Scaling and Quantification of Data

In quantifying the descriptive responses of the respondents in the

questionnaires about 21st century skills, dimensions of learning and Mathematical

Competence, the four -point likert scale was utilized:

Table 2
Quantitative Value, Statistical Limit and Descriptions
Quantitative Value Statistical Limit Description

4 3.50-4.00 Very High

3 2.50-3.49 High

2 1.50-2.49 Low

1 1.00-1.49 Very Low


Table 3

Scaling for Mathematical Competence

Quantitative Value Statistical Limits Description

4 3.50-4.00 Exemplary
3 2.50-3.49 Proficient
2 1.50-2.49 Developing
1 1.00-1.49 Emerging

Validation of the Research Instrument

The draft of the research instrument was constructed, and it was presented

to 3 panel of experts for some comments, suggestions and revisions. The panel of

experts was composed of Master Teachers. The research instrument was revised

based on the corrections and suggestions given by the panel of experts. The

finalized copy of the questionnaire was reproduced after the approval of the

research panelists and the expert validators.

Reliability of the Instrument

With regards to the reliability test, the study used Cronbach’s Alpha.

Analysts frequently use Cronbach ’s alpha to determine and test the reliability of

newly constructed research tool. This helps them assess the quality of the tool

during the design phase before its actual administration.

The correlation value based on the results from Cronbach’s Alpha Table is

shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Cronbach’s Alpha Table

Cronbach’s Alpha Internal Consistency

α>0.09 Excellent
0.09>α>0.08 Good
0.08>α>0.07 Acceptable
0.07>α>0.06 Questionable
0.06>α>0.05 Poor
0.05>α Unacceptable

Table 5

Computed Reliability of the Research Instrument

Cronbach's N of
Variable Alpha Items Interpretation
Part 1: 21st Century Skills
A. Critical Thinking Skills 0.817 8 Reliable
B. Creativity 0.738 8 Reliable
C. Collaboration 0.866 8 Reliable
D. Communication 0.877 8 Reliable
A. Student Engagement 0.827 8 Reliable
B.Assessment of Student Learning 0.738 8 Reliable
C.Classroom Management 0.822 8 Reliable
D. Methods/ Pedagogy 0.825 8 Reliable

Data Gathering Procedure

Upon testing reliability of the tool, a letter of request signed by the Dean of

Graduate studies was sent to the School’s Division Superintendent of Oriental

Mindoro to ask permission on the conduct of the study. Upon approval, the

researcher sent back the letter to the respective principals of each Secondary

school in Mansalay District to allow the conduct of the research study. The

researcher secured an approval letter signed by the research adviser. After the

approval of the permit, the researcher administered the questionnaires together

with the skill test to the selected Grade 11 students last May 8, 2023 at Fe del

Mundo National High School, May 9, 2023 at Don Pedro National High School,

May 10, 2023 at Manaul National High School and May 11, 2023 at Balugo

National High School. The researcher guided the students in answering the items.

The researcher retrieved the questionnaires, ensured that no items were left

unanswered and immediately tabulated and tallied the data using an appropriate

statistical tool. All responses given by the respondents were kept confidential.

Ethical considerations

To ensure the secrecy of the research, the researcher utilized voluntary

participation of the respondents. The results remained anonymous and

confidential. Approval to conduct the study was prepared. The results underwent

careful and strict analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools used to compute, analyze, and evaluate the null

hypothesis are as follows:

Frequency and Percentage was utilized to describe the Mathematical

Competence of Grade 11 students at Mansalay district.


Weighted mean was used to determine the 21st century skills, dimensions

of learning and Mathematical Competence of Grade 11 students at Mansalay


The Spearman Rank Coefficient was used to evaluate the strength of the

correlation between independent and dependent variables. It was used to

determine if there is a significant relationship between 21st century skills,

dimensions of learning and Mathematical Competence of Grade 11 students at

Mansalay district.

The Friedman’s Test was utilized to test significant difference between the

responses on 21st century skills, dimensions of learning and Mathematical

Competence of Grade 11 students at Mansalay district.


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analyses and interpretation of the organized data

collected from the groups of respondents.

1. Extent of the 21st century skills manifested by Grade 11 Public Senior High

School Students at Mansalay District

1.1 Critical Thinking

Table 6 showed the mean extent of the 21st century skills manifested by

Grade 11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of

critical thinking. As shown, the mean responses for critical thinking in all the

indicators were consistently described as high. Thus, showing that the

respondents manifested the use of critical thinking in solving Mathematical


The indicator “I can look for reasons, explanations, and meaning and seeks

new information to broaden understanding about normal probability distribution.”

obtained the highest mean of 3.31 described as high. The result simply showed

that students tend and has the ability to look for relevant information, gather

important data, identify major reasons, and look for explanations to process

Mathematics problems.

The overall mean score of 3.15 showed that students evidently proved that

learners know how to manifest and use critical thinking skills to solve mathematical

problems. Furthermore, it implied that students could analyze and process data

and information through critical thinking to arrive at conclusions and exact


The result was in parallel to study of Alsaleh (2016) which stated that

students who use critical thinking to arithmetic not only understand how to solve a

problem, but also why it works. Students also employ critical thinking when

choosing the most effective approach to a problem. Critical thinking is important

and one of the key factors to understand Math Problems. It also revealed on his

study that students with great critical thinking skills can easily work on Mathematics


Table 6

Mean Extent of the 21st Century Skills Manifested by Grade 11 Public Senior
High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Critical Thinking

Items Mean Rank Verbal

I can…… Description
1. make decisions and solve
problems involving normal
probability distribution using good, 3.20 2.5 High
comprehensive reasoning, and
2. gather and analyze information
from a different set of sources and
individuals to fully understand a 3.19 4 High
problem involving normal probability
3. proactively anticipate needs and
prioritize action steps in solving the 3.20
2.5 High
problem involving normal probability
4. correctly summarize and interpret
data with an awareness of personal 3.01 7 High
biases that may impact outcomes
5. strategize and create tactics to
deal with math problem involving 2.98 8 High
normal probability distribution
6. create inferences to solve a
problem involving normal probability 3.13 6 High
7. look for reasons, explanations,
and meaning and seeks new
information to broaden 3.31 1 High
understanding about normal
probability distribution.
8. use instinct as a guide to search
for evidence and acts on intuition
3.14 5 High
only with knowledge of risks
Overall Mean: 3.15 Description: High

1.2 Creativity

Table 7 below showed the mean extent of the 21st century skills manifested

by Grade 11Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of

creativity. As gleaned on the table, all items under creativity were consistently

described as high. Thus, it reflected that students were able to think of the best

and unique way to comprehend and understand lesson related to probability


The indicator, “I can solve a problem involving normal probability distribution

on my own before asking someone.” ranked first and obtained the highest

computed mean of 3.19 described as high. This result further implied that the

student respondents are independently seeking for ways to address word

problems related to their lesson.

Furthermore, the overall computed mean of 2.98 was described as high.

This clearly manifested that learners were able to be more critical and creative in

addressing Mathematics problems. They were able to use existing knowledge and

turn it into a meaningful information that help them understand and comprehend

Mathematics problems. In addition, students manifest creativity by thinking of best

strategies fitted to their abilities, look at different angles and perspectives, identify

and search for relevant information and create own solutions and formula. This

way students were able to easily answer Mathematics problems as easy and

creative as possible.

The study of Santos (2017) has a lot to say on this for according to his study,

students must really obtain creativity skills for it is vital in teaching and learning

process. Since creativity produces unique, exciting ideas that are particular to a

single person or group of people, it is an important skill. Creativity is more than just

being artistic or creative; it also entails the ability to see everyday objects from

several perspectives. We use creativity to solve problems and in all facets of daily

life. Being creative can learners come up with solutions and be able to look at

problems from various angles throughout their life. Being creative can enhance a

person's life by enhancing their thoughts on how to explore the world. Those with

a creative spirit will always be able to discover fresh and exciting things.

It is also in parallel to Cognitive Learning theory asserted that students learn

best when given the opportunity to construct their own understanding of a

particular lesson based on their experiences, creativity, and reflection on them.

Learning is said to originate from prior knowledge. The constructivist learning

theory permits guided exploration and avoid direct instruction or traditional

methods of teaching, provides the foundation for the entire idea of adopting

creative teaching practices unleash the creativity of learners in their own phase

and way.

Table 7

Mean Extent of the 21st Century Skills Manifested by Grade 11 Public Senior
High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Creativity

Items Mean Rank Verbal

I can…… Description
1. solve a problem involving normal
probability distribution on my own 3.19 1 High
before asking someone
2. come up with solutions I haven’t
2.77 8 High
considered before.
3. give feedback on each idea and
3.12 2 High
then improve it.
4. think of better ideas inside and
outside the box to solve problems
3.05 4 High
involving normal probability
5. use intuition as well as logic to
make decisions and create ideas to
2.94 5 High
solve problems involving normal
probability distribution.
6. challenge assumptions and ask
hard questions to discover what is 2.83 6 High
7. make connections between old
3.06 3 High
ideas to produce new insights.
8. make unusual associations or
connections between seemingly 2.88 7 High
unrelated or remote ideas.
Overall Mean: 2.98 Description: High

1.3 Collaboration

Table 8 shows the mean extent of the 21st century skills manifested by

Grade 11Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of

collaboration. The table clearly showed that almost all the indicators in

collaboration are consistently high. This result clearly manifested that students

were able to work as team or groups to produce best outputs and to learn

probability distribution the easiest way.

The item “I can acknowledge and respects team member’s perspectives

and differences.” ranked first and obtained the highest mean of 3.52 described as

very high. This result implied that students were able to learn with groups and

peers while treating each other with respect, tolerance and understanding

differences of one another. Through this, learners would be able to learn

harmoniously together. Other indicators were described as high. The overall all

mean of 2.98 described as high implied that students manifested high collaborative

skills because they were able to work in teams and groups while achieving one

goal, set team goals and objectives and encourage full involvement of members in

all group activities and reports.

The study of Selwyn (2019) asserted that effective collaboration requires

the ability to listen. For students to work well in groups, they must improve their

listening abilities. Students learn active listening skills through focused instruction,

practice, and observation of teachers and staff members modeling these skills for

them in the classroom. Curiosity is put to the test while cooperating. This

suggested that in addition to honing their listening abilities, students should also

learn the skill of asking questions that invite thoughtful reflection and active

participation and engagement.


Table 8

Mean Extent of the 21st Century Skills Manifested by Grade 11 Public Senior
High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Collaboration

Items Mean Rank Verbal

I can…… Description
1. share knowledge about
probability distribution among 3.25 6 High
teachers and students.
2. involve all team members in the
presentation of final project/ outputs
3.24 7 High
to topics involving normal
probability distribution.
3. set a team schedule and track
progress toward goals and 3.06 8 High
4. establish team standards to make
agreements on how the team works 3.26 5 High
5. acknowledge and respects team
member’s perspectives and 3.52 1 Very High
6. help and manage team conflicts
3.41 3 High
is solving the problems.
7. offer assistance to others in their
3.34 4 High
work when needed
8. share my ideas and knowledge to
help team solve problems and 3.45 2 High
Overall Mean: 3.32 Description: High

1.4 Communication

Table 9 showed the mean extent of the 21st Century Skills manifested by

Grade 11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of

communication. As can be gleaned on the table, the responses consistently

described as High. This implied that student respondents manifested high


communication skill for they can comprehend Mathematics problems easily if they

communicate with peers and teachers. This is reflected in its overall computed

mean of 3.12 described as high.

The table further showed that the item “I can share ideas and insights to

help others finish their task.” ranked first and obtained the highest mean of 3.35

described as high. This result implied that students have the ability to communicate

with other learners and peers to share their existing knowledge and insights about

the topic. High capacity to exchange of conversation related to the topic enable

them to concretize their knowledge related to the topic. Other indicators were also

described as high and obtained mean between 2.97 to 3.21. This result clearly

indicated that students manifested communication skills that enable them to

express their thoughts, report findings in class and present information in clear and

precise way.

These findings were in parallel to the study of Diloyan (2017) stating that

when teacher-student communication is effective, both parties gain: the students'

level of passion would increase and the instructor would have a significant impact

on the child's learning. People learn more readily with the aid of effective

communication, which also enhances the bond between teacher and student and

fosters a happy learning environment. Using communication for a variety of

purposes, such as to inform, instruct, motivate, and persuade, while utilizing

multiple media and technologies, and being able to judge their efficacy and assess

their impact, is what is essential in day-to-day life as learners.


Table 9

Mean Extent of the 21st Century Skills Manifested by Grade 11 Public Senior
High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Communication.

Items Mean Rank Verbal

I can…… Description
1. clearly and completely address
alternative or opposite perspectives 3.17 3 High
or design solutions
2. give accurate answers to
2.99 7 High
audiences’ questions and queries.
3. express and explain my answers
3.13 4 High
in class.
4. adapt a communication style
appropriate for the purpose, task, or 3.08 5 High
5. present all information clearly,
2.97 8 High
concisely, and logically
6. use appropriate body of language
3.03 6 High
when presenting
7. communicate effectively with
3.21 2 High
peers to finish the task given.
8. share ideas and insights to help
3.35 1 High
others finish their task.
Overall Mean: 3.12 Description: High

2. Extent of the dimensions of learning manifested by Grade 11 student

2.1 Student Engagement

Table 10 reflected the mean extent of the following dimensions of learning

manifested by Grade 11 student in terms of student engagement. As can be seen

on the table, all items were almost consistently high in all indicators for student

engagement. This is reflected in the overall computed mean of 3.25 described as

high. This result implied that Grade 11 learners are well-engaged and hooked in

their Mathematics class. This further means that the students were able to

participate in class discussions, share relevant learnings to class, join different

class discussions and activities, pay attention to facilitators and more.

Based on the table, the item “I enjoy learning new things in class.” got the

highest computed mean of 3.65 described as very high. This result tells that the

students are totally paying attention to their class activities by learning new

mathematics concepts. Other items obtained the mean scores between 2.64 to

3.43 and all described as High. The result clearly manifested that students are

engaged and focused in learning Mathematics in class.

This result has something to do with Willms et al.’s (2009) study that

fostering student engagement and involvement in class makes is a better way to

enhance Mathematics learning as easy as possible. It asserted that high school

students receive the majority of focus regarding student engagement as they are

the demographic where disengagement is most prevalent. Student involvement

was primarily designed to address or reengage/reclaim a minority of mostly

socioeconomically disadvantaged children who were in danger of dropping out of

high school.

Table 10

Mean Extent of the following Dimensions of Learning Manifested by Grade

11 student in terms of Student Engagement

Items Mean Rank Verbal

1. I enjoy learning new things in
3.65 1 Very High
2. I am an active participant of
3.25 5 High
school activities.
3. I participate in class regularly. 3.32 4 High
4. I share my insights and thoughts
3.08 7 High
in class
5. I pay attention to all important
3.38 3 High
details discussed by my teacher.
6. I jot down important notes and
3.43 2 High
details in my lecture notebook.
7. I ask questions whenever I
3.25 6 High
wanted to clarify things.
8. I participate in academic
competition in school such as Math 2.64 8 High
quiz bee before.
Overall Mean: 3.25 Description: High

2.2 Assessment of Student Learning

Table 11 shows the mean extent of the dimensions of learning manifested

by Grade 11 student in terms of assessment of student learning. As reflected in

the table, the students affirmed that their respective teachers do their best to

assess the needs in learning of their students. This is evident to the computed

mean score of 3.32 described as high. All responses for assessment of student

learning were almost consistently high.

The item, “When I do not understand a topic, my teacher tries to explain it

in a different way” obtained the highest mean of 3.52 described as very high. Other

indicators obtained the mean of 3.21 to 3.39 also described as high. The results

manifested that teachers are greatly doing their job particularly in giving

assessments and feedback to the performance of their learners. Teachers’ jobs in

assessing student learning includes reflections, student motivation and student

enrichment. Furthermore, the result showed that the teachers highly observed

proper assessment in Mathematics subject as evidenced by its obtained mean


The result is in consonance to Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. It

is asserted that students tend to study more if they were rewarded with high grades

and if teachers continuously monitor student’s performance through assessment.

Students seems to refrain from learning when not properly assessed. Furthermore,

math exams that are truly assessed focus more attention on a student's analytical

abilities, their capacity to integrate what they have learned, their creativity, and

their writing and spoken communication skills. There are six ways to include a

realistic evaluation of math in the classroom: performance assessments, fast

investigations, open-ended questions, portfolios, self-assessment, and multiple-

choice questions.

Table 11

Mean Extent of the following Dimensions of Learning Manifested by Grade

11 student in terms of Assessment of Student Learning.

Items Mean Rank Verbal

1.My teacher encourages me to
reflect on how I can improve my 3.35 3 High
2. After examining my test results,
my teacher discusses the answers I 3.28 6 High
gave to the test with me
3. My teachers inquire what went
3.21 8 High
well and what went badly in my work
4. My teacher encourages me to
reflect on my learning process and
3.39 2 High
to think about how to improve next
5. When I do not understand a topic,
my teacher tries to explain it in a 3.52 1 Very High
different way
6. During class I have an
opportunity to show what I have 3.22 7 High
7. My teacher makes me aware of
the areas I need to work on to 3.29 4.5 High
improve my results
8. I am aware of the criteria by
which my assignment will be 3.29 4.5 High
Overall Mean: 3.32 Description: High

2.3 Classroom Management

Table 12 shows the mean extent of the dimensions of learning manifested

by Grade 11 students in terms of classroom management. As can be gleaned from

the table, all responses were described as high. This further implied that the school

manifested a conducive learning environment and classroom to foster effective

learning. This is evident to the overall computed mean of 3.39 described as high.

The table further showed that the item “My learning environment builds trust

and healthy relationships between teacher and students, and peer-to-peer among

students” ranked first and obtained the highest mean of 3.50 described as very

high. This implied that the learning environment where the students were exposed

were able to provide healthy relationship between other members of the school.

This finding is in lined to the definition of classroom management of Hernandez

(2018), stating that classroom management is not only about the classroom

structure itself but it is also about classroom climate like healthy intrapersonal

relationship of one classroom community to others. Other indicators obtained the

mean scores between 3.29 to 3.48 and described as high. This reflected on the

ability of the classroom managers and teachers to ensure holistic development of

students by providing a good classroom environment. This would benefit both

students and teachers to ensure the effective transfer of knowledge. Furthermore,

the results implied that classroom management is not only about proper handling

of students’ classroom attitude and behavior. It is the orchestration of the learning

environment of a group of individuals within a classroom setting.


Table 12

Mean Extent of the following Dimensions of Learning Manifested by Grade

11 student in terms of Classroom Management.

Statements Mean Rank Verbal

My learning environment…. Description
1. is clean, well-lighted and well-
3.32 7 High
2. has rules and regulations to be
3.46 3 High
3. do not tolerate negative behavior
3.48 2 High
of other learners.
4. fosters an environment that
supports academic, social, and 3.35 5.5 High
emotional learning
5. facilitates a structured and
organized environment where 3.29 8 High
students can focus on learning
6. builds trust and healthy
relationships between teacher and
3.50 1 Very High
students, and peer-to-peer among
7. maintains attention and fosters
3.35 5.5 High
motivation and engagement
8. gives equal opportunities to
3.36 4 High
different learners despite diversity.
Overall Mean: 3.39 Description: High

2.4 Methods/Pedagogy

Table 13 reflects the mean extent of the following dimensions of learning

manifested by Grade 11 student in terms of methods/pedagogy.

As shown on the table, the indicator, “My teacher makes connections

between mathematics and other disciplines.” ranked first and obtained the highest

mean score of 3.48 described as high. This implied that teachers are doing a great

job to make sure that there is an integration of subject within and across the

curriculum areas. This result affirmed that the teachers are consistently aligning

their teacher methods to what the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

want them to do. The PPST dictates the different objectives and standards that

teachers should possess and that includes teaching strategies and methodologies.

Other items obtained computed mean scores ranging from 3.34 to 3.46 all

described as high. Thus, this indicated that the teachers possess teaching

strategies fitted to the needs of the learners and to the curriculum. In addition, the

result showed that teachers really prepare, perform well, and carry out their

lessons at their finest. Teachers should be characterized by a firm high level of

differentiation and integration of cognitive and non-cognitive aspects. They had the

superior knowledge and capacity to identify what strategy fits all learners, hence

prepare multiple strategies for better learning of students (Bhagoliwal, 2012)


Table 13
Mean Extent of the following Dimensions of Learning Manifested by Grade
11 student in terms of Pedagogy/ Methods.

Statements Mean Rank Verbal

My teacher….. Description
1. take students’ prior
understanding into account when 3.35 6.5 High
planning curriculum and instruction.
2.develop students' conceptual
3.38 4 High
understanding of mathematics
3. make connections between
3.48 1 High
mathematics and other disciplines.
4. lead a class of students using
3.34 8 High
discovery approach.
5. listen/ask questions as students
3.46 2 High
work to gauge their understanding.
6. uses variety of learning materials
3.35 6.5 High
to cater learning needs.
7. anticipates learners diversity
through the use of differentiated 3.36 5 High
8. level his/her teaching methods to
the mathematical ability of the 3.42 3 High
Overall Mean: 3.39 Description: High

3. Level of Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior

High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of:

3.1 Understanding

Table 14 shows the level of Mathematical competence of selected Grade

11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of


The table indicated that 176 out of 265 or 66.42% of students demonstrated

an exemplary performance in understanding the problem. This is being followed

by 75 or 28.3% who are proficient. Next, is the group who are still developing which

is composed of 13 students or 4.91%. The remaining students, or 0.38% are still


The result showed that the majority or more than half of the students can

exemplarily understand the given skills test related to probability distribution. This

further implied that most of the learners can comprehend the problem. This is

evident to the computed mean of 3.60 described as exemplary.

The result of the study may be redirected to Bloom’s Taxonomy stating that

understanding is the second level next to remembering. It integrates the ability of

the learners to make use of the concepts that they remember and use it to solve a

specific problem. Understanding is one of the basic and easiest among other levels

in bloom’s taxonomy. Although this is one of the lowest, it should still be given

emphasis because the higher levels can be attained if the lower level was

mastered. Tafur (2018) also suggested that to obtain high mathematical

competence, students must learn to understand what they are doing.


Table 14

Level of Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior High

School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Understanding

Scores Frequency Percentage Description

4 176 66.42% Exemplary
3 75 28.3% Proficient
2 13 4.91% Developing
1 1 0.38% Emerging
Total 265 100%
Mean: 3.60 Exemplary
3.2 Computing

Table 15 reflects the level of Mathematical Competence of selected Grade

11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of computing.

As can be gleaned on the table, 117 out of 265 or 44.15% of the

respondents perform exemplarily in skills test in terms of computation. This is

followed by 99 students or 37.36% who performed proficiently. Next are 47

students or 17.74% who are developing. Only 2 students or 0.75% are still

emerging in computational skills.

The data revealed that less than majority can perform exemplarily and

proficiently in computation. This is evident to the weighted mean of 3.25 described

as proficient. This result is in lined to the findings of Nayan (2018) that most of the

students can compute properly if they know what process is of doing so and if they

were able to conceptualize computational process. In his study among STEM

students, it was revealed that almost half of the students are good in computational


Table 15
Level of Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior High
School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Computing

Scores Frequency Percentage Description

4 117 44.15% Exemplary
3 99 37.36% Proficient
2 47 17.74% Developing
1 2 0.75% Emerging
Total 265 100%
Mean: 3.25 Proficient

3.3 Applying

Table 16 shows the level of Mathematical competence of selected Grade

11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of applying.

As shown on the table, 86 out of 265 or 32.55% of the respondents

performed proficiently in skills test. This is followed by 73 or 27.55% of the

respondents who performed exemplarily.69 or 26.04% are still developing. Lastly,

there 13.96% of the students who are still emerging. The overall mean is 2.72

described as proficient. The table clearly showed that although the mean was

described as proficient, students should still enhance application skills of the

lesson for many of the respondents are still under developing and emerging.

Though students were able to successfully compute mathematical problems, it is

revealed that most of them are struggling on how to apply these lessons in real-

life situations.

The result was anchored on the study of Santillan (2019) stating that

learning is not learning if the students were not able to identify the lesson’s use in

daily life. Students should be able to perform both in computation and application.

Table 16
Level of Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade Eleven Public Senior
High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Applying

Scores Frequency Percentage Description

4 73 27.55% Exemplary
3 86 32.45% Proficient
2 69 26.04% Developing
1 37 13.96% Emerging
Total 365 100%
Mean: 2.72 Proficient

3.4 Reasoning

Table 17 deals with level of Mathematical competence of selected Grade

11 Public Senior High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of reasoning.

As reflected on the table, 153 out of 265 respondents or 57.74% were able

to reason out exemplarily. 66 or 24.91% of the entire respondents were proficient

in reasoning skills. There are still 25 or 9.43% who are still developing in this skill.

Finally, only 21 respondents or 7.92% are still emerging. The overall weighted

mean is 3.32 described as proficient. This result implied that almost all of the

respondents were able to reason out and explain their answers because almost all

of them fall under proficient and exemplary.

This finding can be supported or backed up by the study of Magararu

(2019), stating that if the students were able to get Mathematical concepts, then

students were also able to explain and reason out their answers. In addition, only

14.29% of students score highly on all reasoning indices and have strong

mathematical reasoning skills. Up to 60.00% of children with medium mathematical


reasoning have been able to submit conjectures, gather evidence, and give

justifications. These kids, who have a reasoning score of 25.71 percent, were only

able to make conjectures and still had some questions (Ramadhany, 2021).

Table 17
Level of Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior High
School Students at Mansalay District in terms of Reasoning

Scores Frequency Percentage Description

4 153 57.74% Exemplary
3 66 24.91% Proficient
2 25 9.43% Developing
1 21 7.92% Emerging
Total 265 100%
Mean: 3.32 Proficient

4. Relationship between the level of 21st Century Skills and Mathematical

Competence of Grade 11 students
Table 18 shows the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation results between

21st Century Skills and Mathematics Competence of Grade 11 students.

As can be gleaned on the table, critical p value for Critical thinking versus

understanding (.000), computing (.001), reasoning (.000) and applying (.000)

failed to exceed the .05 level of significance. This, therefore mean that there is

significant relationship between the 21st century skills in terms of critical thinking

and the indicators for the Mathematics competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is


This result further implied that critical thinking ability of learners is directly

related to the indicators of Mathematical Competence. This means that if the


learners manifest high level of critical thinking, therefore it guarantees a high level

of Mathematics competence.

This study is directly aligned to the study of Huang (2016) stating that when

students were properly equipped with critical thinking skills, it will surely enhance

their confidence in solving Mathematical problems. Thus it assures that learners

were able to comprehend and understand Math skill problems properly.

The table also reflected that the p value for creativity versus understanding

(.000), computing (.004), reasoning (.011) and applying (.000) is lesser than the

.05 level of significance. This therefore means that the null hypothesis is rejected,

thus, there is significant relationship between the 21st century skills in terms of

creativity and the indicators of Mathematics Competence.

This implied that all indicators for Mathematics competence were directly

related to creativity. Creativity skills enable learners to think of different strategies

creatively to deal with different Mathematics Problems. De Vink (2021) also

revealed in his study that divergent and convergent methods are considered

creative way on dealing problems, thus students who are properly equipped with

these are good Mathematics problem solvers. Divergent thinking is directly related

to Mathematics performance.

The p value for collaboration versus understanding (.000), computing

(.000), reasoning (.000) and applying (.000) also failed to exceed .05 level of

significance. This means that there is an existing relationship between the 21st

century skills in terms of collaboration and the indicators of Mathematics


This means that collaboration skills is directly associated with all indicators

of Mathematics competence. Collaboration enables learners to improve their

Mathematics performance. If they are exposed in group activities where they can

collaborate better, then it gives an assurance that students will also perform better

in Mathematics.

According to Klang et al. (2021), collaborative learning approaches boost

students’ capabilities to understand Mathematics problems. Peer tutoring and

other strategies that promotes collaboration are better to use in Mathematics

learning compared to individual or solo works.

Finally, the p value of communication versus understanding (.002),

computing (.005), reasoning (.007) and applying (.018) is less than .05 level of

significance. This means that there is significant relationship between the 21st

century skills in terms of communication and the indicators of Mathematics

Competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

The result further implied that communication skills give an assurance that

students will perform better in Mathematics competence. Communication skills

nourish the students’ ability to solve problems related to Mathematics. Lomibao

(2016) revealed in her studies that Mathematics communication helps students to

understand conceptual data. It helps leaners understand how Mathematical

concepts works.

Generally, the data revealed that there is significant relationship between

the extent to which the students manifest the 21st century skills and their level of

Mathematical Competence through skills test. This signified further that the

students’ Mathematics competence is directly related to their manifestation of 21st

century skills. The 21st century skills that they manifested give an assurance that

they would perform best in Mathematics skills test as a measure for Mathematical


Table 18
Correlation Results Between 21st Century Skills and Mathematics
Competence of Grade 11 Students

Variable Understanding Computing Reasoning Applying

.277** .206** .214** .263**
Critical Coefficient
Thinking Skills p value .000 .001 .000 .000
N 265 265 265 265
.258** .175** .157* .238**
p value .000 .004 .011 .000
N 265 265 265 265
.285** .256** .232** .209**
p value .000 .000 .000 .001
N 265 265 265 265
.191** .173** .164** .146*
p value .002 .005 .007 .018
N 265 265 265 265
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

5. Relationship between the level of Dimensions of Learning and

Mathematical Competence of Grade 11 students
Table 19 shows the computed correlation between Dimensions of Learning

and Mathematical Competence of Grade 11 students.

As shown on the table below, the p value for student engagement versus

understanding (.000), computing (.000), reasoning (.000) and applying (.000)

failed to exceed 0.05 level of significance. This indicated that there is a significant

relationship between the dimensions of learning in terms of student engagement

and the indicators of Mathematics competence.


This further reflected that student engagement has something to do with all

indicators of Mathematics competence. Thus, student engagement can be a tool

to unleash student’s potential in Mathematics subjects. This result is parallel to the

findings of Way (2019). He asserted that student engagement is categorized inti

three, emotional, behavioral and cognitive aspect. The cognitive aspect of student

engagement allows learners to understand concrete mathematics problems and

use collaborative learning approach.

Moreover, the p value for assessment of student learning versus

understanding (.002) and applying (0.12) also failed to exceed 0.05 level of

significance. This result is found statistically significant and 5% level of significance

with 264 degrees of freedom, thus there is significant relationship between

dimensions of learning in terms of assessment of student learning to Mathematic

competence in terms of computing understanding and applying, thus, the null

hypothesis is rejected. In addition , the p value for assessment of student learning

versus computing (.139) and reasoning (.204) exceeded the 0.05 level of

significance respectively making the result statistically insignificant with the

degrees of freedom 264. This implied that there is no significant relationship

between dimension of learning in terms of assessment of student learning to

Mathematics competence in terms of computing and reasoning, thus, the null

hypothesis is accepted.

This implied that computing and reasoning are not being affected by

teachers’ assessment of student learning. This means that although teachers do

their jobs properly and uses different strategies in assessing student learning, still

it will not give an assurance that students will have an exemplary performance in

Mathematics competencies in terms of computing and reasoning. It depends on

the students on how they will work it out. Santos (2016) asserted that there are

teacher factors that do not affect students’ learning. It further reiterates that

learning is not solely on part of teachers. Student factors is more related to student


The table also reflected that the p value of classroom management vs.

understanding, computing, reasoning, and applying ranges from .000 to .002 failed

to exceed the 0.05 level of significance. This implied that there is significant

relationship between the dimension of learning in terms of classroom management

and the indicators of Mathematics competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is


The result implies that classroom management is really a factor in learning

Mathematics. This means that the better classroom the students were exposed,

the better performance in Mathematics. Marder (2023) stated that classroom

management is really a determinant of having good Mathematics performance. A

clean, safe and motivating learning environment helps students concentrate more

in learning tasks that leads to development, growth and maturity in solving


Finally, the p value for methods/ pedagogy versus understanding,

computing, reasoning, and applying ranges from .000 to .009 also failed to exceed

0.05 level of significance. This implies that there is significant relationship between

the dimension of learning in terms of methods/ pedagogy and the indicators of

Mathematics competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

This indicated that methods/ pedagogy employed by teachers in teaching

enable learners to perform better in Mathematics. Teacher factors such as

strategies really affects the capability of learners. After all, teachers are facilitators

of learning. Jasmin 2018 stated that teachers’ strategies are very vital in

developing students’ performance. Teachers should employ different strategies to

cater the needs of each and every learner.

Generally, the results implied that only assessment of student learning is

not directly related to dimensions of learning in terms of computing and reasoning.

This further means that as teachers continuously and effectively assess and

monitor students’ progress, it could not directly affect students’ computational and

reasoning skills. Other manifestation of student engagement, assessment of

learning, classroom management and methods/ pedagogy have anything to do

with Mathematical competence. This also means that generally, dimensions of

learning are factor that influence Mathematics competence through skills test.

Table 19
Correlation results between Dimensions of Learning and Mathematics
Variable Understanding Computing Reasoning Applying

.330** .214** .189** .356**
Student Coefficient
Engagement p value .000 .000 .002 .000
N 265 265 265 265
Assessment .189** .091 .078 .155*
of Student
p value .002 .139 .204 .012
N 265 265 265 265
.269** .194** .299** .284**
Classroom Coefficient
Management p value .000 .002 .000 .000
N 265 265 265 265
.210** .160** .270** .269**
Methods/ Coefficient
Pedagogy p value .001 .009 .000 .000
N 265 265 265 265
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

6. Difference on level of 21st Century Skills of Grade 11 Students

Table 20 shows the significant difference on level of 21st Century Skills

Using Friedman's Test. As can be gleaned on the table, the computed p value of

.000 does not exceed the significance level of 0.05 with a degree of freedom 3.

This further implied that the result is statistically significant which means that there

is a significant difference on the level of 21st century skills of the student

respondents. Thus, reject the null hypothesis.

The result further indicated that every respondents have different extent of

manifestation on the different indicators of 21st century skills. This could be due to

fact that every students have differences and they have different coping

mechanisms in the different 21st century skills.


Table 20
Significant difference on level of 21st Century Skills Using Friedman's Test

Test Statisticsa Interpretation

N 265
Chi-Square 177.982
Df 3
P value .000

Table 21 shows the Post hoc analysis using Wilcoxon Signed rank Test with

Bonferroni Adjustment. From the computation using the chi-square test, it was

found that there is significant difference on the level of 21st century skills of the

student respondents. Due to this finding, Post Hoc analysis was employed to

determine where the significant differences lie.

Considering the comparison between critical thinking versus creativity and

collaboration, the computed p value of .000 failed to exceed significance level of

0.05. This means that they are statistically significant thus, critical thinking is not

comparable with creativity and collaboration. On the other hand, critical thinking

compared to communication are statistically insignificant since the computed p

value is exceeds the significance level of 0.05. This means that critical thinking is

comparable to communication skills because they are found statistically


Looking at the comparison between creativity and collaboration, creativity

and communication and collaboration and communication, their p values of .000

do not exceed the 0.05 level of significance making it statistically significant. This

further means that there is a significant difference between then and so they are

not comparable with one another.


The findings of the study implied that there are some compared variables

that showed similarity in the extent of manifestation. This maybe because students

were exposed in different learning locations, and that they have different learning


Table 21
Post Hoc Analysis Using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with Bonferroni
Adjustment (a = 0.05/ 6= 0.0083) for 21st Century skills.
Creativity Collaborati Communicati
Collaborati Communicati Communicati
- Critical on - Critical on - Critical
on – on – on -
Thinking Thinking Thinking
Creativity Creativity Collaboration
Skills Skills Skills
Z -7.177b -7.361c -1.073b -11.081c -5.334c -7.940b

p value .000 .000 .283 .000 .000 .000

Interpretati Significa Not

on nt Significant Significant Significant Significant Significant

7. Difference on the Dimensions of Learning of Grade 11 Students

Table 22 shows the computed difference on the extent manifestation on the

dimensions of learning of grade 11 students using chi-square test.

The computed p value of .000 failed to exceed the 0.05 level of significance

at degrees of freedom 3. This further implies that the results is statistically

significant. This means that there is a significant difference on the extent of

manifestation of the different dimensions of learning as assessed by the student

respondents. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Considering the result, it clearly implied that the responses of the students

differ. This could be because they are being taught by different teachers, they have

different learning styles, they are from different learning areas and their teachers

have different ways on assessing their students’ progress.


Table 22
Significant Difference on the Dimensions of Learning of Grade 11 Students

Test Statisticsa Interpretation

N 265
Square Significant
Df 3
p value .000

Table 23 shows the post hoc analysis using Wilcoxon Signed rank Test with

Bonferroni Adjustment (a = 0.05/ 6= 0.0083). Since table 21 confirmed that there

is an existing significant difference on the manifestation of the different dimensions

of learning, post hoc analysis were utilized to identify in which area the significant

differences lie.

Considering the result of the post hoc analysis, assessment of student

learning versus student engagement, classroom management versus student

engagement, methods and pedagogy versus student engagement and methods

and pedagogy versus assessment of student learning obtained a p value ranging

from .000 to .004. These p values failed to exceed the 0.05 level of significance

making the results statistically significant. It means that there is a significant

difference on the manifestation of dimension of learning, thus making them

incomparable with one another. On the other hand, classroom management

versus assessment of student learning and methods/ pedagogy obtained a p value

of .157 and .556, respectively. These values exceeded the 0.05 level of

significance making them insignificant. This means that there is no significant

difference between these variables. Thus, these variables and comparable with

one another.

Table 23
Post Hoc Analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with Bonferroni
Adjustment (a = 0.05/ 6= 0.0083) for Dimensions of Learning
Assessmen Pedagogy
t of Student Classroom Methods/ Classroom -
Learning - Manageme Pedagogy - Management Assessme Methods/
Student nt - Student Student - Assessment nt of Pedagogy -
Engageme Engageme Engageme of Student Student Classroom
nt nt nt Learning Learning Management
Z -3.083b -4.552b -5.909b -1.415b -2.905b -.573b

p value .002 .000 .000 .157 .004 .566

Interpretatio Not Significan Not

n Significant Significant Significant significant t significant

8. Significant Difference on the Mathematical Competence of Grade 11


Table 24 shows the significant difference on the Mathematical Competence

Using Friedman's Test.

Based on the results, the computed p value of .000 failed to exceed the

significant level of 0.05 making it significant. This further implied that there is a

significant difference on the Mathematical competence of the student respondents.

Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Considering the results, the student respondents differ on how they perform

in Mathematics competence through skills test. This could be based on the fact

that every students have different level of capacity and understanding on how to

deal with the Mathematics problem and how they put meaning on it.

Table 24
Significant difference on the Mathematical Competence Using
Test Statistics Interpretation
N 265
Chi-Square 160.521
Df 3
p value .000

Table 25 reflects on the Post hoc analysis using Wilcoxon Signed rank Test

with Bonferroni Adjustment (a = 0.05/ 6= 0.0083) for Mathematics Competence.

Since table 24 showed that there is significant difference on the level of

Mathematics Competence among grade 11 students, the post hoc test was utilized

to determine which variable is comparable to others.

It can be gleaned on the table that the comparison between reasoning and

computing obtained a p value of .208 and comparison between applying and

reasoning which exceeded the 0.05 level of significance making it statistically

insignificant. This further implies that there is no significant difference between

these two and they are comparable variables. On the other hand, other variable

comparisons obtained a p value of .000 which failed to exceed the 0.05 level of

significance, thus there is significant difference between these variables.


Table 25
Post hoc analysis using Wilcoxon Signed rank Test with Bonferroni
Adjustment (a = 0.05/ 6= 0.0083) for Mathematics Competence
Computing - Reasoning – Applying - Reasoning- Applying - Applying -
Understanding Understanding Understanding Computing Computing Reasoning
Z -8.850b -4.707b -10.510b -1.258c -6.802b -7.286b
p value .000 .000 .000 .208 .000 .000
Interpretation Significant Significant Significant Not significant Significant Not significant

9. The Proposed Project

The proposed project is a Mathematics Intervention Plan that aimed to

intensify students’ ability to solve mathematical problems. This project was

conceptualized upon knowing that there are students who are still developing and

emerging in their Mathematics competence. This Mathematics intervention plan

features a strategy of adding 30 minutes a day to focus on vital procedures in

problem solving. (See appendix D)


Chapter V


The researcher presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations which are entirely based on the data analyzed and interpreted

in the preceding chapter.


The following is the summary of findings of this study:

1. Extent of the 21st Century Skills manifested by Grade 11Public Senior

High School Students at Mansalay District in terms of:

1.1 Critical Thinking

The indicator with the highest mean of 3.31, categorized as High, was "I can

look for reasons, explanations, and meaning and seeks new information to

broaden understanding about normal probability distribution." All of the items'

mean score for critical thinking responses were uniformly rated as High. The

overall mean of 3.15 demonstrated that the Grade 11 public senior high school

pupils in the Mansalay District highly displayed the use of critical thinking when

solving mathematical problems.

1.2 Creativity

The indicator with the highest computed mean of 3.19, which is deemed

high, was "I can solve a problem involving a normal probability distribution on my

own before asking someone." It was ranked first. Under creativity, every item was

consistently rated as high. Thus, the overall mean score of 2.98, which is

considered high, showed that students were able to think critically about the finest

and most original manner to acquire and absorb teachings linked to probability


1.3 Collaboration

The item that came in first rank and had the highest mean of 3.52, or Very

high, was "I can acknowledge and respect team member's perspectives and

differences." This finding suggested that students were able to learn collaboratively

with peers and in groups while showing tolerance for and respect for one another's

diversity. This will allow students to learn in harmony with one another. The level

of other markers was High. Because students were able to work in teams and

groups to accomplish a single goal, define team goals and objectives, and promote

member participation in all group activities and reports, the overall all mean of 2.98

classified as High suggests that students exhibit High Collaborative skills.

1.4 Communication

The greatest mean of 3.35 was obtained by the first item, "I can share ideas

and insights to help others finish their task." This finding suggested that students

are able to interact with classmates and other students to share their knowledge

and understanding of the subject. Their strong ability to converse about the subject

allows them to put their knowledge about it into practice. Other indicators likewise

received good ratings and had mean values between 2.97 and 3.21. The

responses are consistently described as High for the communication indicator.

This suggested that student responders had strong communication skills since

speaking with peers and teachers helps them understand math issues.

2. Extent of the following dimensions of Learning manifested by Grade 11

student in terms of:

2.1 Student Engagement

The item with the highest computed mean of 3.65, which was rated as high,

was "I enjoy learning new things in class." This outcome demonstrated that the

student are fully engaged in the lessons being taught and are picking up new

mathematical ideas. Other items, with mean values ranging from 2.64 to 3.43, were

all rated as High. The outcome demonstrated unequivocally that students are

attentive and involved in their study of mathematics in class. Almost all metrics of

student participation were strong for all items. The overall computed mean of 3.25,

which is considered high, reflects this.

2.2 Assessment of Student Learning

The affirmed that their various teachers try their best to determine the

students' learning need, the calculated mean score of 3.32, which is high, makes

this clear. Nearly all the replies for the student learning assessment were high. The

item with the highest mean of 3.52, which is considered very high, was "When I do

not understand a topic, my teacher attempts to explain it in a different way." Other

markers with a mean between 3.21 and 3.39 were also considered high.

2.3 Classroom Management

The overall rating of all responses for all indicators was High. This further

suggested that the school creates a supportive classroom environment to promote

efficient learning. The overall computed mean of 3.39, which is high, makes this

clear. The first-placed item received the highest mean of 3.50, which is

characterized as extremely high.

2.4 Pedagogy/Methods

The item that placed first and received the highest mean score of 3.48,

which is considered high, is "My teacher makes connections between mathematics

and other disciplines." Other indicators had a computed mean score between 3.34

and 3.46, all of which were categorized as High. The average was 3.39, which is

considered high.

3. Level of Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior

High School Students at Mansalay District

3.1 Understanding

The results showed that 176 out of 265 pupils, or 66.42% of them, excelled

in their comprehension of the issue. 75 people, or 28.3%, who are skilled, are doing

this. The following group, which comprises 13 students or 4.91%, is still

developing. 0.38% of the pupils are still in the process of emerging. The findings

indicate that the majority of students—more than half—can understand the

supplied abilities test on probability distribution with exemplary clarity. This further

suggested that the majority of students can understand the issue. The computed

mean of 3.60, which is referred to as exemplary, makes this clear.

3.2 Computing

According to the survey, 117 out of 265 responders, or 44.15 percent,

demonstrated exemplary computation skills in a skills test. 99 students, or 37.36

percent, then performed competently after that. 47 pupils, or 17.74, are next, and

they are developing. Only 2 students, or 0.75%, still need to develop their

computing abilities. Less than half of people, according to the data, are adept in

computation. The mean score of 3.25, which is considered proficient,

demonstrates this.

3.3 Applying

As can be seen, 86 out of 265 responders, or 32.55%, performed

proficiently on the skills test. 73 or 27.55% of the responders then performed

exemplarily, while 69 or 26.04% are still developing. Finally, 13.96% of the pupils

are still in the emerging stage. The average score is 2.72, which is considered

proficient. The data unmistakably demonstrated that even if the mean was

considered proficient, students should still improve their ability to apply the lesson

because many of the respondents are still in the early stages of development.

3.4 Reasoning

As reflected 153 out of 265 respondents or 57.74% were able to reason out

exemplarily. 66 or 24.91% of the entire respondents were proficient in reasoning

skills. There are still 25 or 9.43% who are still developing in this skill. Finally, only

21 respondents or 7.92% are still emerging. The overall mean score 3.32 is

described as proficient.

4. Relationship between the level of 21st Century Skills and Mathematical

Competence of Grade 11 students

The critical p value for critical thinking versus understanding (.000),

computing (.001), reasoning (.000) and applying (.000) is less than 0.05 level of

significance. This therefore means that there is significant relationship between the

21st century skills in terms of Critical thinking and the indicators for the Mathematics

competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. It is also reflected that the p

value for creativity versus understanding (.000), computing (.004), reasoning

(.011) and applying (.000) is lesser than 0.05 level of significance. This therefore

means that the null hypothesis is rejected, thus, there is significant relationship

between the 21st century skills in terms of creativity and the indicators of

Mathematics competence. The p value for collaboration versus understanding

(.000), computing (.000), reasoning (.000) and applying (.000) also failed to exceed

the 0.05 level of significance. This means that there is an existing relationship

between the 21st century skills in terms of collaboration and the indicators of

Mathematics competence. Finally, the p value of communication versus

understanding (.002), computing (.005), Reasoning (.007) and applying (.018) is

less than .05 level of significance. This means that there is significant relationship

between the 21st century skills in terms of communication and the indicators of

Mathematics competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Generally, the

data revealed that there is significant relationship between the extent to which the

students manifest the 21st century skills and their level of Mathematical

competence through skills test. This signifies further that the students’

Mathematics competence is directly related to their manifestation of 21st century


5. Relationship between the level of Dimensions of Learning and

Mathematical Competence of Grade 11 students

The p value for student engagement versus understanding (.000),

computing (.000), reasoning (.000) and applying (.000) failed to exceed the 0.05

level of significance. This indicates that there is an existing relationship between

the dimensions of learning in terms of student engagement and the indicators of

Mathematics competence. Moreover, the p value for assessment of student

learning versus understanding (.002) and applying (0.12) also failed to exceed 0.05

level of significance respectively. This result is found statistically significant at 5%

level of significance with 264 degrees of freedom, thus there is significant

relationship between dimensions of learning in terms of assessment of student

learning to Mathematic competence in terms of computing understanding and

applying, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Contrary to that, the p value for

assessment of student learning versus computing (.139) and reasoning (.204)

exceeded the .05 level of significance respectively making the result statistically

insignificant with the degrees of freedom 264. This implied that there is no

significant relationship between dimension of learning in terms of assessment of

student learning to Mathematics competence in terms of computing and reasoning,

thus, the null hypothesis is accepted. The data also reflected that the p value of

classroom management vs. understanding, computing, reasoning and applying

ranges from .000 to .002 failed to exceed the 0.05 level of significance. This implied

that there is significant relationship between the dimension of learning in terms of

classroom management and the indicators of Mathematics competence. Thus, the

null hypothesis is rejected. Finally, the p value for methods/ pedagogy versus

understanding, computing, reasoning and applying ranges from .000 to .009 is less

than also to 0.05 level of significance. This implied that there is significant

relationship between the dimension of learning in terms of methods/ pedagogy and

the indicators of Mathematics competence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Generally, the results implies that only assessment of student learning is not

directly related to dimensions of learning in terms of computing and reasoning.

6. Difference on Level of 21st Century Skills of Grade 11 students

The calculated p value of.000 does not go beyond the 0.05 level of

significance with degree of freedom 3. The fact that the finding is statistically

significant further suggests that there is a considerable difference between the

student respondents' levels of 21st-century skills. Reject the null hypothesis as a


7. Difference on the Dimensions of Learning of Grade 11 students

The calculated p value of.000 fell below the 0.05 level of significance at

degrees of freedom 3. The outcomes are statistically significant is further implied

by this. According to the student respondents' assessments of the different

learning aspects, there is a substantial variance in the degree to which each

dimension is manifested. The null hypothesis is disproved as a result. The

conclusion that can be drawn from the results is that the student respondents'

responses varied.

8. Significant difference on the Mathematical Competence of Grade 11


Estimated p value of.000 was significant because it fell short of the

threshold of 0.05. This further suggested that there is a notable gap between the

student respondents' levels of mathematical competency. The null hypothesis is

thus disproved. According to the findings, the student respondents' performance

on the skills exam for mathematics competency varies.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Grade 11 students manifest proficient 21st century skills particularly in

communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.

2. Mathematics teachers of Grade 11 students were able to assess student’s

learning, provide conducive learning environment and utilize appropriate

teaching methodologies to all learners encountering difficulties.

3. Grade 11 learners exhibit exemplary skills in Mathematics competence

particularly in understanding and proficient skills in computing, applying and


4. The 21st century skills affect the performance of Grade 11 students in the

Mathematics competence through skills test. Manifestation of 21st century

skills would give an assurance of good Mathematical competence.

5. The different areas of dimension of learning has something to do with the

mathematics competence results of the students.

6. The respondents have different extent of manifestation of 21st century skills.


7. Different extent on the manifestations in different dimensions of learning was

also revealed.

8. The respondents have different capabilities performing Mathematics


9. Intervention plan like project ELEVATE is proposed as reflected on the results

of the study.


The following recommendations are suggested based on the findings and


1. The Mathematics teachers are encouraged to conduct intensified remedial

classes for those students who are developing and emerging in all indicators of

Mathematics competence.

2. Teachers are suggested to intensify further the 21st century skills of learners

since it is directly affecting mathematics competence.

3. Students should always be exposed to different Mathematics Competence skills

tests with different complexities to enhance their applying and reasoning skills.

4. Additional study should be conducted using the research instrument to gauge

the relationship between 21st century skills, dimensions of learning and

Mathematics Competence.

5. Schools are encouraged to use the findings of this research.


6. Different schools are encouraged to intensify Mathematics education in their

respective institutions.

7. Researchers on the same field should utilize this research in other areas to

gauge the relationship between 21st century skills, dimensions of learning and

Mathematics Competence.

8. Other variables for 21st century skills and dimensions of learning should be

considered in further studies.

9. The researcher recommends that activities like Project ELEVATE, Remedial/

Enhancement class for students who are emerging and developing,

Mathematics Education training for Teachers related to 21st century skills

application in teaching and learning process, and Monitoring system for the

performance of students in Mathematics should be employed in schools.



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Letter Request


Research Title: 21st Century Skills, Dimensions of Learning and
Mathematical Competence of Selected Grade 11 Public Senior High School
Students: Basis for Mathematical Intervention Plan

Name (Optional):___________________________________________________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Give your honest rating to each item by
placing a check (/) mark on the number that corresponds to your answer. Use the
following scale as reference:
Scale Description
4 Very High
3 High
2 Low
1 Very Low

Part I. 21st Century Skills

A. Critical Thinking Skills 4 3 2 1

I can…… (VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. make decisions and solve problems involving
normal probability distribution using good,
comprehensive reasoning, and judgment
2. gather and analyze information from a
different set of sources and individuals to
fully understand a problem involving normal
probability distribution.
3. proactively anticipate needs and prioritize
action steps in solving the problem involving
normal probability distribution.
4. correctly summarize and interpret data with
an awareness of personal biases that may
impact outcomes
5. strategize and create tactics to deal with
math problem involving normal probability

6. create inferences to solve a problem

involving normal probability distribution.
7. look for reasons, explanations, and meaning
and seeks new information to broaden
understanding about normal probability
8. use instinct as a guide to search for evidence
and acts on intuition only with knowledge of
risks involved.
I can… (VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. solve a problem involving normal probability
distribution on my own before asking
2. come up with solutions I haven’t considered
3. give feedback on each idea and then
improve it
4. think of better ideas inside and outside the
box to solve problems involving normal
probability distribution.
5. use intuition as well as logic to make
decisions and create ideas to solve problems
involving normal probability distribution.
6. challenge assumptions and ask hard
questions to discover what is real.
7. make connections between old ideas to
produce new insights.
8. make unusual associations or connections
between seemingly unrelated or remote
I can…. (VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. share knowledge about probability
distribution among teachers and students
2. involve all team members in the presentation
of final project/ outputs to topics involving
normal probability distribution.
3. set a team schedule and track progress
toward goals and deadlines.
4. establish team standards to make
agreements on how the team works together
5. acknowledge and respects team member’s
perspectives and differences.

6. help the team solve the problems and

manage team conflicts.
7. offer assistance to others in their work when
8. help the team solve problems and manage
I can…. (VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. clearly and completely address alternative or
opposite perspectives or design solutions
2. answer audience questions clearly and
3. express and explain my answers in class.
4. adapt a communication style appropriate for
the purpose, task, or audience
5. present all information clearly, concisely, and
6. use appropriate body of language when
7. communicate effectively with peers to finish
the task given.
8. share ideas and insights to help others finish
their task

Part II. Dimensions of Learning

(VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. I enjoy learning new things in class.
2. I am an active participant of classroom
3. I participate in class regularly
4. I share my insights and thoughts in class
5. I pay attention to all important details
discussed by my teacher.
6. I jot down important notes and details in my
lecture notebook.
7. I ask questions whenever I wanted to clarify
8. I participate in academic competition in
school such as Math quiz bee before.
(VH) (H) (L) (VL)

1. My teacher encourages me to reflect on how

I can improve my assignments
2. After examining my test results, my teacher
discusses the answers I gave to the test with
3. My teachers inquire what went well and what
went badly in my work
4. My teacher encourages me to reflect on my
learning process and to think about how to
improve next time
5. When I do not understand a topic, my
teacher tries to explain it in a different way
6. During class I have an opportunity to show
what I have learned.
7. My teacher makes me aware of the areas I
need to work on to improve my results
8. I am aware of the criteria by which my
assignment will be evaluated
My learning environment is…. (VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. is clean, well-lighted and well-ventilated.
2. has rules and regulations to be followed
3. do not tolerate negative behavior of other
4. fosters an environment that supports
academic, social, and emotional learning
5. facilitates a structured and organized
environment where students can focus on
6. builds trust and healthy relationships
between teacher and students, and peer-to-
peer among students
7. maintains attention and fosters motivation
and engagement
8. Gives equal opportunities to different
learners despite diversity.

My teacher…… (VH) (H) (L) (VL)
1. take students' prior understanding into
account when planning curriculum and
2. develop students' conceptual understanding
of mathematics

3. make connections between mathematics

and other disciplines.
4. lead a class of students using discovery
5. listen/ask questions as students work in
order to gauge their understanding
6. uses variety of learning materials to cater
learning needs.
7. anticipates learners’ diversity through the
use of differentiated activities
8. level his/her teaching methods to the
mathematical ability of the learner


Skill Test


Dependent Variable: Level of Mathematical Competence of Grade 11

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
normal probability distribution.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to accurately formulate and solve
real-life problems in different disciplines involving normal distribution.

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different standard
normal values (M11/12SP-IIIc-3)
2. Converts a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice
versa. (M11/12SP-IIIc-4)
3. Computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table.

Directions: Answer the following questions related to the mathematics

problem given below. Use the space provided. Be guided with the rubrics
given below for grading.

Entry to a certain university is determined by a national test. The scores on

this test are normally distributed with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of
100. Tom wants to be admitted to this university and he knows he must score
better than at least 70 percent of the students who took the test. Tom takes the
test and scores 585.

(Understanding and Computing)

1. What is the probability that a student gets a score lower than 585? Show
your solution.

2. Will he be admitted to this university? Why? Why not?

3. In what aspect in your life you can apply normal probability distribution?


4 3 2 1
Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging
Understanding The strategy The strategy The strategy The strategy
used showed used showed used showed used showed
you understood you understood you understood that you did not
how to solve most parts of part of the understand the
the entire the problem. problem.

Reasoning The The The The

explanation is explanation is explanation is explanation is
clearly and it understandable understandable unorganized
precisely and complete but incomplete and hard to
explained the but contain because it follow.
reasons using some errors in describes only
correct math part(s) of the
mathematical terminologies problem or
terms . and reasoning. solution.

Computing The math The math The math The math

computations computations computations computations
are complete contain small have errors are not
and accurate, error(s), but that affected accurate
resulting in a still answer the answer, or and/or did not
solution that most of the you left out result in a
answers the important parts important solution that
problem. of the problem. parts. answered the

Applying Provided The application The application The

correct and stated is stated is application
direct supported by supported with stated is
application of mostly correct many incorrect supported
Mathematical details details with incorrect
concept in real details


Project Proposal

I. Project Information
A. Title
The proposed project will be called:
1. Project ELEVATE- “Enhancing Mathematics Learning Experiences
and EleVAting Mathematics Competence Through Thirty Minutes
Enhancement Program

B. Activity
This project is a proposed intervention plan which is based on the problems
encountered by learners in their Mathematics class. It is timely and
necessary for the learners to understand Mathematical Concepts and
increase their 21st century learning skills and Mathematics performance.
This is also the output considering the research done. This project proposal
was conceptualized to address the needs of learners particularly in
Mathematics Competencies. This projects further aims to:
• Elevate and enhance learners’ performance in Mathematics by
adding 30 minutes daily to capture necessary competencies
needed to be mastered.
• Enhance student’s Problem-Solving Ability such as Understanding,
Computing, Reasoning and Applying Skills.

C. Date
This project will be implemented in the second quarter onwards of the
Academic Year 2023-2024. This project was formulated upon identifying
the appropriate intervention to be given to the learners and after conducting
a study about their Mathematics Competence.

D. Location

The project shall be implemented in Manaul National High School, a public

secondary school, geographically located at Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro.

E. End Users
The beneficiary of this project are all the learners of Manaul National High
School as well as the teachers.

F. Budget and Fund Source

The source of the Fund to be used in this project is the schools MOOE for
school year 2023-2024.

G. Project Proponent
The proponent of this project is the Senior High School Mathematics

II. Rationale
One of the foundational disciplines of the Filipino educational
system is mathematics. It is in fact one of the most difficult subjects on the
curriculum. Throughout the past few decades, researchers have been effective
in pinpointing the various factors that significantly influenced pupils'
achievement, particularly in mathematics.
On the National Achievement Test (NAT), the outcome is extremely low,
especially in the discipline of mathematics where it scored 28.7%, the lowest
of all subjects for the academic year 2014–2015. Given that it fell short of the
passing standard specified by the National Educational Testing and Research
Center, this demonstrates that pupils genuinely do not acquire a mastery level
of comprehension in the subject of mathematics (NETRC).
Another piece of evidence according to Lucas, 2019 is the fact that the
Philippines has never participated in an international assessment of basic
education since the new K–12 curriculum was established. The Programme for
International Student Assessment, or PISA, is a triennial test that evaluates the
reading, math, and science skills of 15-year-old students from across the world.
The outcomes in the Philippines are dismal. The lowest reading scores and
second-lowest math and science scores were achieved by pupils from the
Philippines. Children in the Philippines are nearly through with junior high
school at the age of 15, demonstrating unequivocally that the country's basic
education has serious problems in the early years.
Locally, the Mean Percentage Score of the First Quarterly Examinations
conducted at Mansalay District in School Year 2022-2023 resulted 59.91%
which did not reach the standard level of Mean Percentage Score which is
75%. The following data shown reflects that the students of Mansalay District
have difficulty in understanding math concepts particularly the Grade 11
Students. Thus, teachers were instructed to identify all the issues that affects
Mathematics learning and prepare an intervention plan to mitigate the learning

III. Objectives and Long-Term goals

Project Elevate aims to enhance learners’ performance by adding additional
thirty minutes daily and by providing instructions which are aligned to the Most
Essential Learning Competencies. Furthermore, the projects also aims to
enhance further some of the 21st century skills like critical thinking,
collaboration and communication, elevate the computational, applying,
understanding and analyzing skills.

IV. Program of activity/ work

Every teacher should consider the following strategies:

Pre- Assessment Administer a pre- assessment to
determine student’s baseline
knowledge and problem- solving
Targeted Instruction Provide direct instruction and
interactive lessons focusing on
problem-solving techniques
Cognitive Strategies Teach students various cognitive
strategies such as: Identifying key
information, creating visual
representation, Identifying and
applying appropriate problem-
solving formulas and providing
guided practice to learners.
Cooperative Learning Assign group tasks that require
problem- solving, promoting
discussion, sharing ideas, and
justifying reasons.
Scaffolded Practice Provide scaffolded practice activities
that gradually increase complexity
Technology Integration Encourage students to use
mathematical software that support
problem- solving and visualization
Formative Assessment Conduct frequent formative
assessments to monitor students’
Individualized Support Identify students who require
additional support through ongoing
monitoring and assessment
Parent Involvement Communicate regularly with parents,
sharing student’s progress and areas
for improvement.

Budget Proposal
Item Description/ Unit Quantity Unit Total Source
No. Materials Cost Cost of Fund
1 Cellphone Pesos 1 1,000 1,000 MOOE
TOTAL 1,000

V. Implementation Sustainability
• Identify the circumstances encountered by learners in Mathematics
• Plan of an appropriate intervention that could solve such
• Make project proposal and submit it for approval.
• Prepare and procure necessary equipment.
• Prepare all the documents for liquidation purposes.

Prepared by:


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