Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
August 2022
Expected Student Interaction
Active Class Room Interaction
Attending Regularly
Pasadena - Texas
900 acres
Nuclear power plant in Diablo Canyon, -
California, USA
Nuclear power plant in Diablo Canyon, -
California, USA
Outline of a Power Plant / some components
Representational Picture of a power plant
Representational Picture of an Atomic
Power Plant
Representational Picture of an Atomic Power
Schematic Diagram showing Steam Boiler,
Turbine and Generator
Schematic diagram of a Hydro Power Plant
with Turbine and Generator
Why High Voltages are used?
Prove that the use of high voltages can save
energy, with the help of a mathematical derivation.
Generator model
Transformer model
Load model
Generator Models
⚫Engineering models depend on the application.
⚫Generators are usually synchronous machines:
– important exception is case of wind generators,
⚫For generators we will use two different models:
– a steady-state model, treating the generator as a
constant power source operating at a fixed voltage;
this model will be used for power flow and economic
Load Tap Changing Transformers
⚫LTC transformers have tap ratios that can be
varied to regulate bus voltages.
⚫The typical range of variation is 10% from the
nominal values, usually in 33 discrete steps
(0.0625% per step).
⚫Because tap changing is a mechanical process, LTC
transformers usually have a 30 second deadband
to avoid repeated changes to minimize wear and
⚫Unbalanced tap positions can cause “circulating
VArs;” that is, reactive power flowing from one
winding to the next in a three phase transformer.
Phase Shifting Transformers
⚫Phase shifting transformers are used to
control the phase angle across the
⚫Since power flow through the transformer
depends upon phase angle, this allows the
transformer to regulate the power flow
through the transformer.
⚫Phase shifters can be used to prevent
inadvertent "loop flow" and to prevent line
overloads by controlling power flow on lines. 23
Phase Shifting Transformer Picture
Costs about $7 million,
weighs about 1.2
million pounds
Power flow (or load flow) analysis - revisit