Association Between GNRH Receptor Polymorphisms An
Association Between GNRH Receptor Polymorphisms An
Association Between GNRH Receptor Polymorphisms An
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Association between GnRH Receptor Polymorphisms and
Luteinizing Hormone Levels for Low Ovarian Reserve
Infertile Women
Shun-Long Weng 1,2,3 , Shu-Ling Tzeng 4,5 , Chun-I Lee 6,7,8 , Chung-Hsien Liu 6,7 , Chun-Chia Huang 8 ,
Shun-Fa Yang 4,5 , Maw-Sheng Lee 4,6,8 and Tsung-Hsien Lee 4,6,8, *
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hsinchu MacKay Memorial Hospital, Hsinchu 30071, Taiwan;
[email protected]
2 Department of Medicine, MacKay Medical College, New Taipei 25245, Taiwan
3 Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management College, Taipei 11260, Taiwan
4 Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung 40203, Taiwan; [email protected] (S.-L.T.);
[email protected] (S.-F.Y.); [email protected] (M.-S.L.)
5 Department of Medical Research, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung 40203, Taiwan
6 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung 40203, Taiwan;
[email protected] (C.-I.L.); [email protected] (C.-H.L.)
7 Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung 40203, Taiwan
8 Division of Infertility Clinic, Lee Women’s Hospital, Taichung 40602, Taiwan; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The choice of ovarian stimulation protocols in assisted reproduction technology (ART)
cycles for low ovarian reserve patients is challenging. Our previous report indicated that the
Citation: Weng, S.-L.; Tzeng, S.-L.;
gonadotrophin-releasing (GnRH) agonist (GnRHa) protocol is better than the GnRH antagonist
Lee, C.-I; Liu, C.-H.; Huang, C.-C.;
(GnRHant) protocol for young age poor responders. Here, we recruited 269 patients with anti-
Yang, S.-F.; Lee, M.-S.; Lee, T.-H.
Müllerian hormone (AMH) < 1.2 ng/mL undergoing their first ART cycles for this nested case-control
Association between GnRH Receptor
study. We investigated the genetic variants of the relevant genes, including follicular stimulating
Polymorphisms and Luteinizing
Hormone Levels for Low Ovarian
hormone receptor (FSHR; rs6166), AMH (rs10407022), GnRH (rs6185), and GnRH receptor (GnRHR;
Reserve Infertile Women. Int. J. rs3756159) in patients <35 years (n = 86) and patients ≥35 years of age (n = 183). Only the genotype
Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, of GnRHR (rs3756159) is distributed differently in young (CC 39.5%, CT/TT 60.5%) versus advanced
7006. (CC 24.0%, CT/TT 76.0%) age groups (recessive model, p = 0.0091). Furthermore, the baseline
ijerph18137006 luteinizing hormone (LH) levels (3.60 (2.45 to 5.40) vs. 4.40 (2.91 to 6.48)) are different between CC
and CT/TT genotype of GnRHR (rs3756159). In conclusion, the genetic variants of GnRHR (rs3756159)
Academic Editor: Rosaria Meccariello could modulate the release of LH in the pituitary gland and might then affect the outcome of ovarian
stimulation by GnRHant or GnRHa protocols for patients with low AMH levels.
Received: 19 May 2021
Accepted: 26 June 2021
Keywords: GnRH receptor; anti-Müllerian hormone; assisted reproduction technology; single nu-
Published: 30 June 2021
cleotide polymorphism; poor responders; POSEIDON criteria; GnRH antagonist; GnRH agonist
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7006.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7006 2 of 11
The number of retrieved oocytes and patients’ age are the key predictors for a success-
ful pregnancy and live birth in ART cycles [1]. The aneuploidy rates of oocytes/embryos
are intimately correlated with maternal age. This means that oocyte quantity and quality
(euploidy) are the critical factors for successful ART cycles. Our previous study, however,
indicated that for young patients (<35 years of age) with low anti-Mullerian hormone
(AMH) levels, the GnRHa protocol is better than the GnRHant protocol in terms of embryos
available for transfer and pregnancy rate [10]. A randomized clinical trial also reported
that the GnRHant protocol is correlated with a higher cancellation rate than that of the
GnRHa protocol [11]. Those results suggested that the follicular and the subsequent em-
bryo development after controlled ovarian stimulation might differ between GnRHant and
GnRHa protocols for poor responders.
The response (number of retrieved oocytes) to ART protocols could be predicted by
ovarian reserve markers, such as AMH or antral follicle count (AFC) [12,13]. However,
some researchers observed unexpected poor ovarian responders after controlled ovarian
stimulation in ART cycles, such as POSEIDON group 1 and group 2 patients. The single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the hormones and hormone receptors related to fol-
licular growth and development might cause such inadequate ovarian response [14]. For
example, SNPs of AMH [14,15], follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) [16,17], and FSH
receptor (FSHR) [16–21] have been surveyed to explain the ovarian response subsequent to
controlled ovarian stimulation in ART cycles [14,17].
We previously reported a better pregnancy outcome by the GnRHa than the GnRHant
protocol in POSEIDON group 3 patients [10]. Therefore, we raised the hypothesis that,
in addition to the SNPs of AMH (rs10407022) and FSHR (rs6166), the SNPs of GnRH
(rs6185) [22] or GnRH receptor (GnRHR; rs3756159) [23], may account for the difference of
embryo development and pregnancy outcome for patients with low AMH levels (POSEI-
DON group 3 and group 4). The present study results revealed that the distribution of SNP
of GnRHR (rs3756159) varied between POSEIDON group 3 and group 4 patients, and those
SNPs are associated with varied baseline LH levels in ART cycles.
Table 1. The context sequence of four primers to detect AMH, FSHR, GnRH, and GnRHR SNPs in the study.
Figure 1. Representative
Figure TaqMan
1. Representative TaqMan AMH for
assay forassay rs10407022 genotyping. The
AMH rs10407022 FAM (blue)The
genotyping. and FAM
VIC (green)
and VIC
probes detect T and G alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence probes are used for calibration.
(green) fluorescence probes detect T and G alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence probes
are used for calibration.
3.1. The Distribution of AMH, FSHR, GnRH, and GnRHR
The SNPs in AMH 146 T > G (rs10407022; Table 2), FSHR A2039G (rs6166; Table 3),
and GnRH-1 (rs6185; Table 4), were not correlated with patients with diminished ovarian
reserve phenotype. Only SNP in GnRHR-1 (rs3756159) was distributed differently in young
(CC 39.5%, CT/TT 52 (60.5%)) versus advanced (CC 24.0%, CT/TT 139 (76.0%)) age groups
(recessive model, p = 0.0091; Table 5).
on. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, x 5 of 12
Int. Health
on. Res. Public J. Environ.
18, Public
x Health 2021, 18, 7006 5 of 12 5 of 11
Figure 2. Representative TaqMan assay for FSHR (rs6166) genotyping. The FAM (blue) and VIC
Figure 2.(green) TaqMan
fluorescence assay
probes detect FSHR
for A and (rs6166) genotyping.
G alleles, The
respectively. FAM
The (blue)
ROX (red)and VIC (green)
fluorescence fluorescence probes
Figure 2. Representative TaqMan assay for FSHR (rs6166) genotyping. The FAM (blue) and VIC
detect Aisand
G for calibration.
alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence probes is used for calibration.
(green) fluorescence probes detect A and G alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence probes
is used for calibration.
Figure 3. Representative TaqMan assay for GNRH1 (rs6185) genotyping. The FAM (blue) and VIC (green) fluorescence
Figure 3. Representative TaqMan assay for GNRH1 (rs6185) genotyping. The FAM (blue) and VIC
probes detect Gfluorescence
(green) and C alleles,probes
detect GThe
andROX (red) fluorescence
C alleles, respectively.probes is used
The ROX (red)for calibration.probes
Figure 3. Representative TaqMan assay for GNRH1 (rs6185) genotyping. The FAM (blue) and VIC
is used for calibration.
(green) fluorescence probes detect G and C alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence probes
is used for calibration.
nviron. Res. Int. J. Environ.
Public Res. Public
Health 2021, 18, x Health 2021, 18, 7006 6 of 12 6 of 11
Figure 4. Representative
Figure 4. Representative TaqMan assayTaqMan assay for
for GnRHR GNRHR genotyping.
(rs3756159) (rs3756159) genotyping. The and
The FAM (blue) FAMVIC (blue) and fluorescence
VIC (green) fluorescence probes detect C and T alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence
probes detect C and T alleles, respectively. The ROX (red) fluorescence probes is used for calibration.
probes is used for calibration.
Table 2. The frequencies of AMH 146T > G (rs10407022) SNP among women with serum
3.1. The Distribution
< 1.2 FSHR,
ng/mL GnRH,
in varied ageand GnRHR
The SNPs in AMH 146 T > G (rs10407022; Table 2), FSHR A2039G (rs6166; Table 3),
and GnRH-1 (rs6185; 146 T4),
Table >G were notAge
correlated with
< 35 Years (n =patients
86) with
Age ≥diminished
35 Years (n ovarian
= 183) p Value 1
reserve phenotype. Only SNP in GnRHR-1 (rs3756159) was distributed differently in
young (CC 39.5%, CT/TT n advanced %
52 (60.5%)) versus n
(CC 24.0%, CT/TT % age
139 (76.0%))
TT 37/86
groups (recessive model, p = 0.0091; Table 5). 43.0 62/183 33.9 Reference
TG 37/86 43.0 90/183 49.2 0.1913
GG 12/86 14.0 31/183 16.9 0.2773
Table 2. The frequencies of AMH 146T > G (rs10407022) SNP among women with serum AMH <
1.2 ng/mL in varied age groups.
TT 37/86 43.0 62/183 33.9 Reference
TG/GG 49/86 57.0 121/183 66.1 0.1478
AMH 146 T >
< 35 years (n = 86) Age ≥ 35 years (n = 183) p Value 1
G (rs10407022) T 111/172 64.5 214/366 58.5 Reference
Genotype n G % 61/172 n 35.5 %
152/366 41.5 0.1802
TT 1 37/86 test.
by Chi-square 43.0 62/183 33.9 Reference
TG 37/86 43.0 90/183 49.2 0.1913
GG 3. The frequencies
Table12/86 of FSHR A2039G
14.0 (rs6166) SNP among
31/183 16.9 women with serum AMH < 1.2 ng/mL
Recessive in varied age groups.
TT 37/86 62/183 33.9 Reference
TG/GG 49/86 57.0Age < 35 Years (n = 86)
121/183 66.1 ≥ 35 Years0.1478
Age (n = 183) p Value 1
Allele Genotype n % n %
T 111/172
AA 64.5 30/86 214/366
34.9 58.5
73/183 Reference
39.9 Reference
G 61/172
AG 35.5 48/86 152/366
55.8 41.5
91/183 0.1802
49.7 0.3746
1 by Chi-square test. GG 8/86 9.3 19/183 10.4 0.9593
AA 30/86 34.9 73/183 39.9 Reference
AG/GG 56/86 65.1 110/183 60.1 0.4316
A 108/172 62.8 237/366 64.8 Reference
G 64/172 37.2 129/366 35.2 0.6582
1 by Chi-square test.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7006 7 of 11
Table 4. The frequencies of GnRH-1 (rs6185) SNP among women with serum AMH < 1.2 ng/mL in
varied age groups.
GnRH-1 (rs6185) Age < 35 Years (n = 86) Age ≥ 35 Years (n = 183) p Value 1
Genotype n % n %
GG 25/86 29.1 54/183 29.5 Reference
GC 43/86 50.0 93/183 50.8 0.9966
CC 18/86 20.9 36/183 19.7 0.8387
GG 25/86 29.1 54/183 29.5 Reference
GC/CC 61/86 70.9 129/183 70.5 0.9414
G 93/172 54.1 201/366 54.9 Reference
C 79/172 45.9 165/366 45.1 0.8539
1 by Chi-square test.
Table 5. The frequencies of GnRHR-1 (rs3756159) SNP among women with serum AMH < 1.2 ng/mL
in varied age groups.
GnRHR-1 (rs3756159) Age < 35 Years (n = 86) Age ≥ 35 Years (n = 183) p Value 1
Genotype n % n %
CC 34/86 39.5 44/183 24.0 Reference
CT 32/86 37.2 94/183 51.4 0.0071
TT 20/86 23.3 45/183 24.6 0.1166
CC 34/86 39.5 34/183 24.0 Reference
CT/TT 52/86 60.5 139/183 76.0 0.0091
C 100/172 58.1 182/366 49.7 Reference
T 72/172 41.9 184/366 50.3 0.0732
1 by Chi-square test.
3.2. The Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Varied Genotypes of GnRHR SNP (rs3756159)
Table 6 demonstrated the patients’ clinical parameters with the varied genotypes of
GnRHR SNP (rs3756159). Among the clinical parameters related to ART cycles, only the
baseline LH levels (3.60 (2.45 to 5.40) vs. 4.40 (2.91 to 6.48)) are different between the CC
and CT/TT genotypes of GnRHR SNP (rs3756159).
Table 6. The demographic and ovarian stimulation characteristics of infertile woman in GnRHR
(rs3756159) SNP with CC vs. CT/TT genotype. The data are presented with median (25% to 75%).
Characteristics of
rs3756159 CC rs3756159 CT/TT p Value
n = 78 n = 191
Woman age (years) 36.0 (34.0 to 41.0) 38.0 (35.0 to 41.0) 0.0513
Duration of infertility
3.0 (2.0 to 4.0) 3.0 (1.5 to 5.0) 0.5970
Baseline AMH (ng/mL) 0.60 (0.43 to 0.94) 0.60 (0.28 to 0.90) 0.2619
Baseline FSH (IU/L) 7.60 (4.76 to 9.50) 7.40 (5.35 to 10.38) 0.6122
Baseline LH (IU/L) 3.60 (2.45 to 5.40) 4.40 (2.91 to 6.48) 0.0308
Baseline E2 (ng/mL) 37.0 (25.0 to 59.0) 37.0 (22.0 to 66.5) 0.8942
E2 on Day of trigger
775.5 (485.0 to 1267.0) 823.0 (524.8 to 1208.0) 0.4533
P4 on Day of trigger
0.66 (0.37 to 0.90) 0.66 (0.46 to 1.02) 0.3235
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7006 8 of 11
Table 6. Cont.
Characteristics of
rs3756159 CC rs3756159 CT/TT p Value
n = 78 n = 191
Day of stimulation (days) 14 (13 to 15) 14 (13 to 15) 0.8692
Number of retrieved
4 (3 to 7) 4 (3 to 6) 0.4028
Number of mature
3 (2 to 6) 3 (2 to 5) 0.2512
Number of Day3
3 (2 to 5) 3 (2 to 5) 0.3711
Day3 good embryo rate
70.8 (50.0 to 100.0) 66.7 (50.0 to 100.0) 0.4837
Figure 5 revealed the baseline LH levels in POSEIDON group 3 and 4 patients divided
by GnRHR SNP (rs3756159) genotypes (CC vs. CT/TT). For POSEIDON group 3 patients,
the baseline LH levels are 3.40 (2.40 to 5.30) in the CC vs. 4.40 (2.85 to 6.46) in the CT/TT
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, x (p = 0.095 by Mann–Whitney U test). Furthermore, the baseline LH levels 9 ofare
3.65 (2.70 to 5.90) in the CC vs. 4.50 (2.93 to 6.48) in the CT/TT genotypes (p= 0.152 by
Mann–Whitney U test) in POSEIDON group 4 patients.
Figure 5. The baseline LH levels for patients with various GnRHR rs3756159 genotypes. There was
Figure 5. The baseline LH levels for patients with various GnRHR rs3756159 genotypes. There was
no significantdifference
group3,3,p p= =
group 0.095)
0.095) or or advanced
advanced ageage (POSEIDON
group p = 0.152)
4, p4,= 0.152) patients
patients by Mann–Whitney
by Mann–Whitney U
U test.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
In the present study, we found that the young patients with low AMH levels (PO-
In the present study, we found that the young patients with low AMH levels (PO-
SEIDON group 3) are associated with a higher frequency of wild-type CC of GnRHR
SEIDON group 3) are associated with a higher frequency of wild-type CC of GnRHR
(rs3756159). Interestingly, we also noted a lower baseline of serum LH in patients with
(rs3756159). Interestingly, we also noted a lower baseline of serum LH in patients with
CC GnRHR (rs3756159). The results indicated that GnRHR SNP rs3756159 distributed
CC GnRHR (rs3756159). The results indicated that GnRHR SNP rs3756159 distributed
significantly differently between POSEIDON group 3 and group 4 patients and might
significantly differently between POSEIDON group 3 and group 4 patients and might
modulate the ovarian responses using GnRHa or GnRHanta protocols.
modulate the ovarian responses using GnRHa or GnRHanta protocols.
The primary physiological function of GnRH-GnRHR signaling is to release FSH and
LH The
fromprimary physiological
the pituitary gland. Thefunction of GnRH-GnRHR
high baseline serum LH signaling is with
in patients to release FSH
the CT/TT
and LH from
GnRHR the pituitary
(rs3756159) gland.
genotype The high
indicated baseline
that serum(rs3756159)
the GnRHR LH in patients
mightwith the CT/TT
modulate the
GnRHR (rs3756159) genotype indicated that the GnRHR (rs3756159) might
function of GnRH on the target organs or tissues. The GnRHR (rs3756159) is locatedmodulate theat
function of GnRHuntranslated
the 50 upstream on the target organs
region or tissues.
of the GnRHRThe GnRHR
gene. (rs3756159)
How the is located
genetic variants at
the 5′ upstream untranslated region of the GnRHR gene. How the genetic variants affect
the protein structure or function of GnRHR deserves further investigation. Interestingly,
our previous report also showed higher LH levels in POSEIDON group 4 than those in
POSEIDON group 3 for patients with GnRHa or GnRHant protocols [10]. Both reports
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7006 9 of 11
5. Conclusions
The genetic variants at GnRHR (rs3756159) distributed differently between POSEI-
DON group 3 and group 4 patients. The CC phenotype is more common in POSEIDON
group 3 patients than in POSEIDON group 4 patients. Furthermore, the CC phenotype
is associated with lower LH levels compared with the CT/TT phenotype. The GnRHR
(rs3756159) may modulate the ovarian responses using GnRHa or GnRHant protocols.
The effect of GnRHR (rs3756159) on ovarian responses and embryo development deserves
further investigation.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7006 10 of 11
Supplementary Materials: The data supplemental to this prospective study is available online at, File S1: SNP_low_AMH_single.txt.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.-L.W., T.-H.L. and M.-S.L.; methodology, T.-H.L. and
S.-F.Y.; validation, S.-L.T., C.-C.H. and C.-I.L.; formal analysis, S.-L.W. and T.-H.L.; data curation,
C.-C.H.; writing—original draft preparation, C.-I.L.; writing—review and editing, C.-H.L.; project
administration, S.-L.T.; funding acquisition, T.-H.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Hsinchu MacKay Memorial Hospital, grant number
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Chung Shan Medical
University Hospital (CS13194 and CS2-14033).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available in Supplementary Materials.
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge administrative and technical support by Hui-Mei Tsao and
En-Hui Cheng.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
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