Tle Reviewer
Tle Reviewer
Tle Reviewer
Information- refers to “any
communication or representation of
knowledge such as facts, data or
opinions in any medium or for,
including textual, numerical, graphic
cartographic, narrative or audiovisual
6. Hair hygiene (hair care) The hair Meaning of Approach, Methods and
follicles from which the hair grows Techniques
produce oil from the sebaceous glands
that keeps the hair smooth. Approach is a set of assumptions that
define beliefs and theories about the
7. Hair cleaning. Head hair is a good nature of the learner and the process of
harbour for head lice (Pediculus learning.
humanus capitis) and nits (eggs of head
lice). Method is an overall for systematic
presentation of a lesson based upon a
selected approach (Brown, 1994). Some Individual and group accountability:
authors call it design. Each student is responsible for doing
their part; the group is accountable for
Techniques are the specific activities meeting its goal.
manifested in the classroom that are
consistent with a method and therefore Group behaviors: Group members gain
in harmony with an approach as well direct instruction in the interpersonal,
(Brown, 1994). social, and collaborative skills needed to
work with others occurs.
TECHNIQUES IN TEACHING EPP Group processing: Group members
analyze their own and the group's ability
1. Demonstration Method The to work together.
demonstration method is a direct
method of instruction. It is referred as 4. Project Method/Project-Based
the “show and tell” method. Method This is a strategy where
learners acquire knowledge through
TWO TYPES OF DEMONSTRATION planning and execution of practical
A. Demonstration of a Product B. projects
Demonstration of a Process
Types of Project-Based Method
2. Hands on Learning Hands-on Individual Project
learning, more formally known as
experiential education, reflects a Group Project
teaching philosophy that promotes Simplex Project
learning by doing. Complex Project
Among the many potential outcomes, Here are the major steps you can do
research has shown that field trips: to prepare the shop room for the
conduct of a shop work class.
Expose students to new experiences
and can increase interest and 1. Know the EPP/TLE area to teach.
engagement in science regardless of 2. Identify the needed tools, materials,
prior interest in a topic (Kisiel, 2005; and furniture that are available.
Bonderup Dohn, 2011), 3. Make lay-out sketches for possible
options of shop room arrangement.
Result in affective gains such as more 4. See to it that lighting and ventilation
positive feelings toward a topic facilities are just right.
(Csikszentmihalyi & Hermanson, 1995; 5. See to it that the total shop room area
Nadelson & Jordan, 2012). is safe and conducive to the teaching
and learning activity.
Are experiences that can be recalled
and useful long after a visit (Salmi,
2003; Falk & Dierking, 1997; Wolins,
Jensen, & Ulzheimer, 1992).
Industrial Arts and Home Economics and assessments are all included in a
lesson plan.
This lesson will review the
implementation of the Industrial Arts and A successful lesson plan addresses and
Home Economics offerings under the integrates three key components:
Basic Education Curriculum BEC of the Learning Objectives
Department of Education.This includes Learning activities
among others the learning Assessment to check for student
competencies to be developed in the understanding
What are the importance of a lesson
The teaching of Industrial Arts and plan in online class?
Home Economics comes in two levels,
namely: Industrial Arts, taught in the 1. It helps organize classes
elementary, and the other one taught in 2. . It provides resources and tools
the secondary. 3. It facilitates the creation of scripts
4. . It helps during class preparation
Under the 2002 BEC Industrial Arts and 5. It enables possible changes
Home Economics are the two major
components of the subject Technology The rationale for making a lesson plan
and Livelihood Education (TLE) on the derives from the theories of learning;
high school level, and Edukasyong this section will focus on the
Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) constructivist theory.
on the elementary level.
a) The learning outcomes Any teaching
In addition to improvising tools, project- session needs to be carefully designed
making can be used as a teaching so that learners can achieve the
method. learning outcomes for the session.
1. Innovative means the quality of
being able to develop an article or a b) The learners Once the learning
project which is an original one, or an outcomes for the session are known,
improvement of an existing one. the next step (step 2 of lesson plan) is
2. Creative means the quality of being to select a teaching method that would
able to make a project or an article of be appropriate for the learner group
functional value out of existing materials size, their past experiences, and any
and resources with a touch of originality. other
3. Resourceful means the ability or relevant characteristics of the group.
quality of making
c) The practical requirements Consider
WEEK6 AND 7 whether the teaching method you have
selected (step 2 of lesson plan) is
Lesson plan- refers to a teacher’s plan feasible given the physical environment
for a particular lesson. Here, a teacher (the type and size of the teaching room,
must plan what they want to teach its location, and facilities), the time
students, why a topic is being covered available (both for preparation and
and decide how to deliver a lecture. teaching).
Learning objectives, learning activities
Classroom management refers to the 6.Offer praise- Praise students for jobs
wide variety of skills and techniques that well done, as doing so improves
teachers use to keep students academic and behavioral performance,
organized, orderly, focused, attentive, according to a recent research review
on task, and academically productive and study. When it is sincere and
during a class. references specific examples of effort
or accomplishment, praise can:
Effective classroom management
requires awareness, patience, good
timing, boundaries, and instinct.