Tle Reviewer

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WEEK 1 total human liberation and

Edukasyong Pantahanan at development”.

Pangkabuhayan (E.P.P.) is a subject
that covers Entrepreneurship, Study of the Areas of TLE namely:
Information and Communication a. Agriculture and Fishery Arts
Technology (I.C.T.), Home Economics b. Industrial Arts
(H.E.), Agriculture (AG) and Industrial c. Home Economics
Arts (I.A.). It is geared towards the d. ICT is expected to lead to
development of technological technological proficiency.
proficiency and is anchored on
knowledge and information, skills and Key Stage Standards Grades 4-6 The
processes, and the acquisition of proper learner demonstrates an understanding
work values and life skills. of the basic knowledge and skills in
entrepreneurship & ICT, Agriculture,
Technological proficiency - is the Home Economics, and Industrial Arts
ability to apply the technical knowledge towards the improvement of personal
and skills and values learned in the four life, family, and community
areas of TLE.
Grade 4 Basic concepts in agriculture,
Entrepreneurship is the process by entrepreneurship and ICT, home
which individuals or a group of economics, industrial arts to improve
individuals (entrepreneurs) exploit a self and family life.
commercial opportunity, either by
bringing a new product or process to the Grade 5 Increased knowledge in
market, or by substantially improving an agriculture, entrepreneurship and ICT,
existing good, service, or method of home economics, industrial arts to
production. improve family life and the community.

Entrepreneur is a person who Grade 6 Enhanced and expanded

organizes the means of production to knowledge in agriculture,
engage in entrepreneurship, often under entrepreneurship and ICT, home
considerable uncertainty and financial economics, industrial arts to improve
risk. Entrepreneurs may partner with family life and community.
other entrepreneurs to jointly found
companies (co-founders), or with an GUIDELINES and GUIDING
existing organization (e.g., corporate) PRINCIPLES in the TEACHING of
1.1 The Legal Basis of the Teaching 1. Cover the four TLE areas and for
EPP and TLE: The Legal Basis of the exploratory purposes-agriculture and
Teaching EPP and TLE is stipulated in fisheries, ICT, home economics and
the 1987 Constitution Art. II, section industrial arts.
17. It is a declared policy of the state to 2. Develop student’s entrepreneurial
“give priority to education, science and mindset.
technology, arts, culture, and sports to 3. Do contextualized teaching.
foster patriotism and nationalism, 4. Teach entrepreneurial concepts in
accelerate social progress, and promote the context of the TLE student’s
5. TLE is a skill-dominated subject. development of the expanding global
Therefore, teaching TLE must make use marketplace.
of experiential learning.
6. The teaching of TLE is focused on Different Views about Entrepreneur
knowledge and information, In French concept, an entrepreneur is
entrepreneurial concept including an adventurer, undertaker, and
process and delivery, work values and projector. His function is to supply and
life skills accumulate capital.

TEACHING APPROACHES, To Schumpeter, an entrepreneur is an

framework of TLE teaching in the K to
12 curriculum made by the TLE experts Peter Drucker says that an
of the department of education cited the entrepreneur always searches for
following in relation to teaching change, responds to it and exploits it
approaches, methods and techniques – as an opportunity.
entrepreneurial, contextualized,
integrative, experiential, authentic and An economist explains that an
constructivist learning entrepreneur is one who shifts
economic resources from an area of
Teaching Method lower productivity to an area of higher
Direct Method of Instruction: TLE is a productivity and greater yield. 
skill subject, direct instruction is most
appropriate. The demonstration method The American Heritage Dictionary
is a direct method of instruction. It is defines an entrepreneur as a person
referred to as the “show and tell” who organizes, operates, and assumes
method. the risk for business ventures. 

The steps are: The pure entrepreneurs are those who

1. Teacher demonstrates. – “Watch me launch their own ventures from scratch.
and listen to me”. According to Geoffrey Meredith
2. Students demonstrate with entrepreneurs are people who have the
scaffolding from teacher. – “Let’s do it ability to see and evaluate business
together”. opportunities.
3. When students can do the process
by himself/herself, students Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
demonstrate the skill or process. – “Do it Reasonable Risk-takers -
as I watch”. Entrepreneurs enjoy challenges But
4. Teacher gives more opportunity for they are careful and calculating
practice for skill mastery. Teacher
assesses to determine skill mastery by Hardworking - Successful people
all students always attribute their success to hard
Entrepreneurship is the willingness to Entrepreneurs are Creative -Do
start a new business. Entrepreneurship things in new and different ways
has played a vital role in the economic
Positive thinkers Entrepreneurs are
positive thinkers they think of success
and bright sides
Decision Maker Entrepreneurs make
decision the success of their business
depends on their ability to make right
decisions Entrepreneurs have strong
faith in their abilities.

Information- refers to “any
communication or representation of
knowledge such as facts, data or
opinions in any medium or for,
including textual, numerical, graphic
cartographic, narrative or audiovisual

Technology- is the practical form of

scientific knowledge or the science of
application of knowledge to practice.
Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT)- defined, as a

diverse set of technological tools and
resources used to communicate, and
to create, disseminate, store, and
manage information.

Information and Communication

Technology in Education ICT implies
the technology which consists of
electronic devices and associated
human interactive materials that enable
the user employ them for a wide range
of teaching - learning processes in
addition to personal use.
4. To use the Online resource like,
email, chat, discussion forum to
support collaborative writing and
sharing of information.

Characteristics of Information 5. To facilitate video-conferencing or

Technology 1. Acquisition, Storage, other form of Teleconferencing to
manipulation, management, involve wide range of students from
transmission or reception of data or distant Geographic areas
2. Real time access to information. 6. For blended learning by combining
3. Easy availability of updated data. conventional classroom learning with
4. Connecting Geographically E-learning systems
dispersed regions.
5. Wider range of communication 7. To process administrative and
media. assessment data

ICT for Education 8. To exchange and share ideas -

 Applications of ICT among teachers for the professional
 Distance Education growth
 Affordability and geography have
been barriers to access 9. To carry out internet-based
 ICT has enhanced the quality of research to enhance, educational
distance education process.
 Six largest Distance Learning
Universities are located in  Advantages of using ICT in
developing countries: Turkey, lessons Increased commitment to
Indonesia, China, India, Thailand learning works 
and Korea  Enhanced enjoyment and interest in
 Distance Education facilitated by learning and the subject 
ICT has mainly been applied to  Increase in self-directed learning
tertiary education and independence 
 ICT has enabled cross-border  Getting a lot of information and
education ideas  Learning computer skills 
Analyzing information 
Uses in Education  Increased motivation to stay on-
1. To broadcast material, online facility work, behave better and produce
that can be used as sources of higher quality output 
information in different subjects  Produce higher quality work 
2. To facilitate communication for  Learn more independently and at
pupils with special needs their own pace 
 Do things they cannot do using
3. To use electronic toys to develop traditional methods and resources 
spatial awareness and psycho-motor Do more work and work more
control quickly
Discuss the reliable sources in the Examine the Domain One good way
internet to assess the credibility of an authority
Reliable Source is one that provides a or web site is to examine the URL:
thorough, well-reasoned theory, • edu = college or university
argument, discussion, etc. based on • gov = government agency or
strong evidence. It may be scholarly, organization
peer-reviewed articles or books -written • org = non-profit organization
by researchers for students and • mil = military organization
researchers. Original research, • com = commercial organization
extensive bibliography.
Search engine is an information Currency … or timeliness- Internet
retrieval system. It is the most common sources offer a real advantage in that
tool used to locate information on the they are often even more current than
Web. Internet sources must be traditional print sources.
evaluated to assure their authenticity The information can be updated
and relevance because Web sites and constantly.
pages do not go through the intensive
editing processes that traditional print Examine the Date
and visual resources do. Therefore, the • Date of information - usually indicates
user, must learn to assess the validity when the material was originally written
of the sources they use in research. • Date of publication - usually indicates
when the material first appeared on the
Criteria for Evaluating Resources in Web
the Internet • Date of last revision or update -
usually indicates the latest revision
• And check the links to make sure
that they are up-do-date

Accuracy Accuracy refers to the

reliability of the information. To
examine the quality of the content on
the site, ask the following questions: Is
the information
• Dependable?
• Error-free?
• Documented?
• Accurate?
Authority • Comprehensive?
refers to the reliability and credibility of • Understandable?
the source.
• What are the author’s qualifications? Objectivity This refers to purpose of
• Is the author or source affiliated with the site, evidence of bias or prejudice,
a reputable organization? and facts vs. opinion.
• Is there a contact person listed? • Is there evidence of bias?
• Is there evidence of quality control? • Is only one side of an issue
presented? • Is any information
purposely omitted? • Is there a hidden
message? Agriculture -is the art and science of
• What is the purpose of the site? To cultivating the soil, growing crops and
persuade, inform, explain, sell, raising livestock. It includes the
promote, or ridicule? • Can you tell preparation of plant and animal
facts from opinions? products for people to use and their
distribution tomarkets.
Usability refers to user friendliness
and how easily the site allows you to Ornamental plants- are those plants
retrieve information. Consider the grown for decorative purpose.
following criteria:
• User friendliness- Is it easy to find, The Relationship between
read, and use the information? Agriculture and Science- Since the
• Organization- Is it logically and scientific method and its results were
clearly arranged? applied to more andmore field of
• Table of Contents or Index- Is it practical activity, it was inevitable that
labeled clearly and is it complete? • agriculture, too,became an area where
Design- Is it clean, clear, and scientific knowledge and methods were
uncluttered? introduced.
• Consistency- Are navigation buttons
the same throughout? The following subdivisions are
• Links- Are they clear, accurate, known:
workable, valuable?
 Soil Science dealing with soil
Appropriateness Various types of formation (geology), its physicaland
webpages exist. Examine the purpose chemical properties, and generally
of the site to help you to determine the speaking with all factors affecting
appropriateness for use in your soil fertility.
research. Five types are listed below.
(from Jan Alexander and Marsha  Plant Production dealing with topics
Ann Tate of Widenour University) such as plant physiology,plant
1. Advocacy Webpages nutrition, plant breeding, weed
2. . Business/Marketing Webpages control, plant diseases, and pest
3. . Informational Webpages control.
4. News Webpages
5. Personal Webpages  Animal Production, treating problems
like animal breeding,animal nutrition,
Remember that the Internet is not the and animal husbandry.
only source of information: • It is very
useful for some topics • Use a variety  Economics and Management.
of sources, both Internet and traditional
sources • Always question the validity  Agricultural Engineering dealing with
of the information that you find. • tools, implements, farm machinery,
Remember the important evaluation and buildings
criteria to consider
 Ornamental plants enhance the
WEEK 3 beauty of the surroundings ofthe
home. They are used as decorative gymnosperms, still produce seeds
materials in constructing a lawn, while others use spores for
plaza and various kinds of gardens. reproduction. There are two main
groups of non-flowering plants.
Classifications of Ornamental Plants
Gymnosperms - means "naked
Flowering plants- are a type of seeds". They are called this because
vascular plant that produces flowers in their seeds are open to the air with no
order to reproduce. Flowering plants covering such as the seeds of
produce seeds within a fruit. The flowering plants. One of the major
scientific name for flowering plants is groups of gymnosperm plants is the
angiosperms. conifer.

Flowering plants follow a specific Conifers- the word "conifers" means

life cycle. "bearing cones." Conifers are plants
that use cones to house their seeds.
Seed - They begin their lives as seeds. Conifers are woody plants and most of
Seeds are like baby plants. They have them are trees such as pine trees, firs,
a hard outer shell that protects the cypresses, junipers, cedars, and
seed embryo inside. redwoods.

Germination - The seed ends up on Cones- the conifers reproduce using

the ground. It needs air, water, and soil their cones. Some cones are male and
to grow. When a seed begins to grow, some are female. The male cones
this is called germination. The first release pollen. This pollen is carried by
growth will usually be some small the wind. If the pollen lands on a
roots. Then stems will grow. female cone, then the female cone will
Sprout or seedling - When the first
sign of life appears above the soil, this seeds. The hard scales of the cone
is called a sprout or seedling. protect the new seeds as they grow.
Seeds- the seeds of a conifer are
Mature plant - The seedling will winged seeds. When they are released
continue to grow into a full mature plant by the cone, they will float on the wind
with leaves, roots, and stems. until they reach the ground where they
will germinate and grow
Flowering - The mature plant will grow
flowers. Through pollination, the Spores- there are some non-flowering
flowers will produce seeds. When the plants that don't produce seeds.
seeds end up on the ground, the cycle Instead, they use spores to reproduce.
will begin again. Spore producing plants include plants
such as mosses and ferns. Spores are
Non-flowering plants- are those that tiny organisms that usually contain only
do not ever produce flowers. Some a single cell. Plants that make spores
non-flowering plants, called produce huge numbers of them.
Mosses- are soft and spongy plants 1. Good for the world It’s the cost-
that typically only grow a few inches effectiveness, the environmental
tall. They tend to grow together in sustainability, of it all, food gardening is
clumps. Mosses don't have flowers or becoming the frozen aisle of the future.
seeds, but use spores to reproduce. 2. Good for your body and brain
They also don't have typical roots like gardening doesn’t only boost the health
most plants, but anchor themselves to of your geraniums. The simple act of
rocks and soil with short growths called pruning a hedge can also provide
rhizoids Ferns- another type of spore significant health benefits.
producing plant is the fern. Ferns 3. Increase property
produce spore casings on the value-garden/landscaping design can
underside of their leaves. These look be considered an investment for the
like brown spots. At some point the future.
casings dry out and the spores are 4. Growing green- a vegetable garden
released into the air. will ensure customers of the freshness
and quality of what they are eating.
Importance of Ornamental Plants 5. Self- satisfaction-gardening and
1. Ornamental plants give a cooling landscaping is truly becoming an art
effect in the house. form. Planning, planting and watching
2. They are used to make perfumes, your own garden grow can fill a person
medicines, and dyes. with satisfaction and pride.
3. They can be a source of income for
the family. The growing of flowering
and non-flowering ornamental plants is
a thriving business in the cities and
urban areas

Factors to Consider in Growing

Ornamental Plants
1Total green garden area available
2. The focal area
3. The site conditions-favorable and
4. The type of soil
5. List of suitable plants for
6. Requirements of plan

Gardening can be considered both as

an art, concerned with arranging plants
harmoniously in their surroundings,
and as a science, encompassing the
principles and techniques of plant
Benefits of Gardening

Personal hygiene- refers to

maintaining cleanliness of one's body
and clothing to preserve overall health
and well-being.

Teaching Strategies- also known as

instructional strategies, are methods
that teachers use to deliver course
material in ways that keep students
engaged and practicing different skill

Personal hygiene is a preventive

health measure that serves an
emotional, social, and physical well-
1.Cleanliness protects against the
spread of disease from external

2.Proper washing and bathing

protects the skin against rashes and
sores from contact with urine or fecal

3 Oral hygiene lowers the risk of

malnutrition, swallowing difficulties, or
infections caused by bacteria in the
mouth getting into the bloodstream and
other body tissues.

4 Maintaining personal hygiene

lowers the risk of social embarrassment
and eventual isolation from others.

5 With regard to emotional health,

keeping oneself clean and neat
improves morale and lowers the risk of

Types of Personal Hygiene

There are many types of personal Reasons You Would Need Good
hygiene. The following list is a good Hygiene
starting point for someone looking to
build a personal hygiene routine: 1. Disease Prevention Good hygiene
1. Dental hygiene involves more than lowers your risk for diseases and
just having white teeth. A good dental illnesses commonly spread through
hygiene routine can help prevent issues viruses and bacteria.
such as gum disease and cavities. It
can also prevent bad breath. 2. Social and Professional Acceptance
2. Body Several million sweat glands Spending time around those who fail to
cover the human body. When bacteria demonstrate good hygiene can be
break down sweat, the process creates unpleasant due to factors such as bad
a smell or body odor breath and body odor, and it increases
your own risk for disease and infection.
3. Hand washing Regular hand
washing is one of the best ways to avoid 3. Higher Confidence and Self-Esteem
spreading communicable diseases. Being clean and well-groomed can help
you feel more confident and comfortable
The Centers for Disease Control and both physically and mentally.
Prevention (CDC) recommend washing
the hands at certain times: 4. Pain Prevention Practicing good
hygiene can prevent you from
4. Nails Fingernails may harbor dirt developing painful diseases and
and germs, contributing to the spread of infections.
bacteria. It is easier for dirt and germs to
collect under longer nails, so keeping Teaching Strategies in Teaching
them short can help reduce the risk of EPP/TLE
spreading infections.
The classroom is a dynamic
5. Ear hygiene Ear wax accumulates in environment, bringing together students
the ear canal that leads from the outer from different backgrounds with various
ear to the ear drum. As the secretion abilities and personalities. Being an
comes out of the ear it collects dust effective teacher therefore requires the
particles from the air. Daily washing with implementation of creative and
soap and water is enough to keep the innovative teaching strategies in order
outer ear clean. to meet students’ individual needs.

6. Hair hygiene (hair care) The hair Meaning of Approach, Methods and
follicles from which the hair grows Techniques 
produce oil from the sebaceous glands
that keeps the hair smooth. Approach is a set of assumptions that
define beliefs and theories about the
7. Hair cleaning. Head hair is a good nature of the learner and the process of
harbour for head lice (Pediculus learning. 
humanus capitis) and nits (eggs of head
lice). Method is an overall for systematic
presentation of a lesson based upon a
selected approach (Brown, 1994). Some Individual and group accountability:
authors call it design.  Each student is responsible for doing
their part; the group is accountable for
Techniques are the specific activities meeting its goal. 
manifested in the classroom that are
consistent with a method and therefore Group behaviors: Group members gain
in harmony with an approach as well direct instruction in the interpersonal,
(Brown, 1994). social, and collaborative skills needed to
work with others occurs. 
TECHNIQUES IN TEACHING EPP Group processing: Group members
analyze their own and the group's ability
1. Demonstration Method The to work together.
demonstration method is a direct
method of instruction. It is referred as 4. Project Method/Project-Based
the “show and tell” method. Method This is a strategy where
learners acquire knowledge through
TWO TYPES OF DEMONSTRATION planning and execution of practical
A. Demonstration of a Product B. projects
Demonstration of a Process
Types of Project-Based Method 
2. Hands on Learning Hands-on Individual Project 
learning, more formally known as
experiential education, reflects a Group Project 
teaching philosophy that promotes Simplex Project 
learning by doing. Complex Project

3. Cooperative Learning, sometimes According to Kilpatrick-Kaun (2014)

called small-group learning, is an Project can be classified into:
instructional strategy in which small a. Constructive Project – practical or
groups of students work together on a physical tasks such as construction of
common task. article making a model and playing
drama are done in this type.
According to David Johnson and Roger b. Aesthetic Project – appreciation
Johnson (1999), there are five basic powers of learners are developed
elements that allow successful small- through musical program, beautification
group learning:  of things and appreciation of poems and
so on.
Positive interdependence: Students feel c. Problematic Project – develop the
responsible for their own and the problem solving the capacity of learners
group's effort. through their experiences.
d. Drill Project – it develops mastery
Face-to-face interaction: Students of the skill and knowledge of the
encourage and support one another; the learners
environment encourages discussion and
eye contact.
Steps in preparing a learning activity 2. Introduction – background of the
under the Project-based learning module
technique 
Creating Situation – teacher tells the 3. Overview-the overview introduces the
method and procedure to be done. learner to the theme of the module, its
 purpose, organization and uses
Selecting the Project – apply the six
principles project method (purpose, 4. Instruction to the Users – to provide
utility, activity, freedom, reality and prior clear instruction to the learner as to how
planning.)  he should proceed, and what he has to
do after each step
Planning – teacher discusses various
points to the learners and take part in 5. Pre-test – a pre-test is given at the
the discussion. beginning

Execution – select relevant facts.  6. Objectives – the instructional

objectives of the module should be
Evaluation – when finished, project is clearly stated
evaluated by the group within
themselves and reported to the teacher. 7. Learning Activities – enable the
 learner to develop behavior in
Reporting – learners write each and predetermined direction
every step on how they finished the
project. 8. Formative Tests – are given at the
end of each learning unit/learning
5. Instructional Module Modular activity
Teaching is one of the most widespread
and recognizes learning techniques. An 9. Summative Evaluation – is done
Instructional Module is a self-contained with the help of a post test
and self-sufficient unit of instruction for
the learner to achieve a set of Advantages: 
objectives.  Learning becomes very effective.
Characteristics:   It establishes a system of
 Independent  assessment other than marks or
 Self-contained  guides. 
 Self-instructional   Modules can be administered to
 Clearly defined objectives  single use, small group or large
 Concerned with individual group.  It is more appropriate to
differences  mature students.
 Systematically organized learning
opportunities Disadvantages: 
 Utilization of variety of media   Modules are economical in their use.
 Active participation of learner  Appropriate only for matured
Components of Module:  Time Consuming
1. Title – the title of the module should  Demands smart classrooms
be clear
6. Utilization of Resource Persons Setting up the shop room means
and Community Materials Resource getting the shop room ready for the
persons are experts who contribute conduct of shop classes. Getting the
information and opinions to participants shop room ready is deemed very
in a learning situation. important before starting a laboratory

The following steps in preparing the

shop room for the conduct of the
shop work class:

1. Take note of the arrangement of

furniture such as working tables and
working benches.
2. Check the tools to be used if they are
in good condition. Take note that they
are not worn out.
3. Switch on the lights or open the
windows to provide the necessary light
and good ventilation.
4 Gather the needed materials and have
7.Field Trips, Home Visits and them ready for use.
Community Works Field trips are 5. Control if you can the sources of
recognized as important moments in possible excessive noise which may
learning; a shared social experience distract the conduct of the laboratory
that provides the opportunity for class.
students to encounter and explore novel
things in an authentic setting.

Among the many potential outcomes, Here are the major steps you can do
research has shown that field trips: to prepare the shop room for the
conduct of a shop work class.
Expose students to new experiences
and can increase interest and 1. Know the EPP/TLE area to teach.
engagement in science regardless of 2. Identify the needed tools, materials,
prior interest in a topic (Kisiel, 2005; and furniture that are available.
Bonderup Dohn, 2011), 3. Make lay-out sketches for possible
options of shop room arrangement.
Result in affective gains such as more 4. See to it that lighting and ventilation
positive feelings toward a topic facilities are just right.
(Csikszentmihalyi & Hermanson, 1995; 5. See to it that the total shop room area
Nadelson & Jordan, 2012).  is safe and conducive to the teaching
and learning activity.
Are experiences that can be recalled
and useful long after a visit (Salmi,
2003; Falk & Dierking, 1997; Wolins,
Jensen, & Ulzheimer, 1992).
Industrial Arts and Home Economics and assessments are all included in a
lesson plan.
This lesson will review the
implementation of the Industrial Arts and A successful lesson plan addresses and
Home Economics offerings under the integrates three key components:
Basic Education Curriculum BEC of the Learning Objectives
Department of Education.This includes Learning activities
among others the learning Assessment to check for student
competencies to be developed in the understanding
What are the importance of a lesson
The teaching of Industrial Arts and plan in online class?
Home Economics comes in two levels,
namely: Industrial Arts, taught in the 1. It helps organize classes
elementary, and the other one taught in 2. . It provides resources and tools
the secondary. 3. It facilitates the creation of scripts
4. . It helps during class preparation
Under the 2002 BEC Industrial Arts and 5. It enables possible changes
Home Economics are the two major
components of the subject Technology The rationale for making a lesson plan
and Livelihood Education (TLE) on the derives from the theories of learning;
high school level, and Edukasyong this section will focus on the
Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) constructivist theory.
on the elementary level.
a) The learning outcomes Any teaching
In addition to improvising tools, project- session needs to be carefully designed
making can be used as a teaching so that learners can achieve the
method. learning outcomes for the session.
1. Innovative means the quality of
being able to develop an article or a b) The learners Once the learning
project which is an original one, or an outcomes for the session are known,
improvement of an existing one. the next step (step 2 of lesson plan) is
2. Creative means the quality of being to select a teaching method that would
able to make a project or an article of be appropriate for the learner group
functional value out of existing materials size, their past experiences, and any
and resources with a touch of originality. other
3. Resourceful means the ability or relevant characteristics of the group.
quality of making
c) The practical requirements Consider
WEEK6 AND 7 whether the teaching method you have
selected (step 2 of lesson plan) is
Lesson plan- refers to a teacher’s plan feasible given the physical environment
for a particular lesson. Here, a teacher (the type and size of the teaching room,
must plan what they want to teach its location, and facilities), the time
students, why a topic is being covered available (both for preparation and
and decide how to deliver a lecture. teaching).
Learning objectives, learning activities
Classroom management refers to the 6.Offer praise- Praise students for jobs
wide variety of skills and techniques that well done, as doing so improves
teachers use to keep students academic and behavioral performance,
organized, orderly, focused, attentive, according to a recent research review
on task, and academically productive and study. When it is sincere and
during a class. references specific examples of effort
or accomplishment, praise can:
Effective classroom management
requires awareness, patience, good
timing, boundaries, and instinct.

The following are techniques for

effective classroom management

1. Model ideal behavior Make a habit of

demonstrating behavior you want to
see, as many studies show that
modeling effectively teaches students
how to act in different situations.

2. Let students help establish

guidelines- Encourage all students to
help you build classroom rules, as you’ll
generate more buy-in than just telling
them what they’re not allowed to do.

3. Document rules- Don’t let your

mutually-respected guidelines go
forgotten. Similar to handing out a
syllabus, print and distribute the list of
rules that the class discussion

4. Avoid punishing the class- Address

isolated behavior issues instead of
punishing an entire class, as the latter
can hurt your relationships with students
who are on-task and thereby jeopardize
other classroom management efforts.
Instead, call out specific students in a
friendly manner.
5. Encourage initiative- Promote growth
mindset, and inject variety into your
lessons, by allowing students to work
ahead and deliver short presentations to
share take-away points.

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