A Review On Photonics and Its Applications
A Review On Photonics and Its Applications
A Review On Photonics and Its Applications
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Article history: Photonics technology plays a vital role in various fields, such as manufacturing, biomedical, alternate
Received 17 April 2020 energy sector, aerospace, telecommunications, etc. It generates and controls light in the form of radiant
Accepted 7 May 2020 energy as photon. The light can be manipulated or molded using band gaps in photonic crystals. There are
Available online xxxx
many materials that can be integrated to further the application of photonics. The common material is
Graphene, which is a single atom carbon. Application areas of the technology include LEDs, photo detec-
Keywords: tors, photovoltaic devices, etc. This article presents the review of state of the art of photonics and its
Photonic Crystals
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Photonics Sensing Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
Photonic Applications ence on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovation and Industries.
1. Introduction this two terms was discussed as electronics involves the control
of electric-charge flow (in vacuum or in matter) while Photonics
The term photonics was obtained from the word photon, involves the control of photons (in free space or in matter) [23].
denoted by tiniest entity of light. Photonics involves generation, This description clearly shows that there exists an overlap between
detection and manipulation of the signal [8]. It is a technology the disciplines. This could be electron controls the flow of photons
for generating and control of light as well as radiant energy in and vice versa. It also reflects the importance of the photon nature
the form of quantum unit as photon. of light for relating the many optical devices’ operation [19]. The
Semiconductor technology has vital role in technology develop- photonic technologies having great potential for economic impact
ment for miniaturization and high speed performance of integrated for next decades and the predicted growth rate of 25% approxi-
circuits. Unfortunately, miniaturization of components / parts in mately by various industrial organizations. It has 650 ($CDN) bil-
circuits needs high level of power dissipation, resistance, and lion global industry according to a study by CPIC [22] and
higher speeds. This could be directed to a greater sensitivity to sig- projected to have market value of more than €600 billion in 2020.
nal synchronization. In an effort to further the progress of high- Photonics technology was widely used for different applications
density integration and system performance, scientists are now such as laser, optics, fiber-optics, opto-electrical devices, alterna-
returning to light instead of electrons as the information carrier tive energy, healthcare, telecommunication, aerospace and many
[9,10]). Refs. [9,10] highlighted the advantages of light over elec- more. The crucial parameter in the application of nanophotonic
trons; it has the ability to move faster in dielectric materials com- devices is the source of power. Ref. [23], suggested that solar based
pared to electrons moves in metallic wire, which leads to transmit source power has promising devices for cheaper and large scale
the information at large amounts per second. The dielectric mate- energy conversion in solar cells. It is also possible to incorporate
rials have higher bandwidth compared to metals. The bandwidth of the miniaturized version into nanophotonic systems as integrated
fiber-optic communication systems is about one terahertz, how- power sources to form a self-powered system. The nano scale pho-
ever electronic systems such as telephones are only few hundreds tonic devices can effectively focus the optical field into a
kilohertz. In addition, photons are not as interacting as electrons, nanometer-sized volume have many application requires the tight
which help reduce energy losses. Ref. [19], mentioned that the field confinement of optical fields including information and communi-
of photonics is at its young stage, stated that the term ‘‘photonics” cation technologies, sensors, and enhanced solar cells and lighting
itself was coined in analogy to electronics. The main difference in [21]. The photonics technologies lead to discovery of new optoelec-
tronics devices, which is energy efficient, better performances and
⇑ Corresponding author. low cost. This could be achieving by manipulation of photons in
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Palani). semiconductor and bulk crystals in LED and Lasers. Now a day’s
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovation and Industries.
Please cite this article as: K. Amsalu and S. Palani, A review on photonics and its applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
2 K. Amsalu, S. Palani / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
optical computers, computers use the crystals and meta-materials. extent of design interest [9,10]. Micro cavity, wave guide and per-
The control of pulse and light could at sub micrometer volumes fect mirror can be obtained by point defect, line defect and line
achieved by nano wire photonics. The graphene photonics devices defect respectively. Photonic defects can provide the chance to
are more efficient in transparent conductors than semiconducting shape and mold the flow of light for photonic information technol-
materials due to low sheet resistance and high transparency. ogy. Intricate structures of photonic crystals could be fabricated by
Another application of photonics in medical imaging, Optical lithography techniques such as electron beam lithography and X-
Coherence Tomography (OCT) techniques has high resolution of ray lithography [9,10].
three dimensional images with non-invasive treatment for brain
tumors. Photonic sensors and systems are used for intelligence, 2.1. Photonic bandgap
surveillance, and reconnaissance. The photonic communication
was used for transporting terabits of information. Most of indus- In theoretical perspective, the explanation of light must involve
trial machine application especially computer numerical control the solution of Maxwell’s equation, Eq. (2), in a periodic dielectric
machine could equipped with online monitoring and inspection medium. Normally photons do not interact with each other hence;
and measurement. This paper was addressed much industrial the equation will be a standard single particle problem. This
application of photonics. Hence comprehensive of review needed inferred that the theoretical computations can give very precise
for application of photonics in various fields such as manufactur- predictions and descriptions of photons. Morales [14] discussed
ing, biomedical, alternate energy sector, aerospace, telecommuni- that Maxwell’s equation, in the absence of external currents and
cations. This paper focused on comprehensive review of sources, can be cast in a form which is reminiscent of the Schrodin-
photonics, advancement in photonics and its application. ger equation that is
1 x2
2. Photonic crystals r r HðrÞ ¼ 2 HðrÞ ð2Þ
2 ð rÞ c
Photonics utilize the advantages of photonic energy. Photon where H(r) is the magnetic field of the photon, r is the photon’s fre-
energy defined as the energy carried by a single photon. This quency, c is the speed of light and 2 ðr Þ is the macroscopic dielectric
energy can be calculated using Eq. (1). The higher energy of pho- function. For constructing a periodic array of macroscopic dielectric
tons depends on photons frequency whereas lower energy can be atoms, the photons in this crystal can be expressed in terms of a
with longer photons wavelength. band structure [9,10].
Please cite this article as: K. Amsalu and S. Palani, A review on photonics and its applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
K. Amsalu, S. Palani / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Fig. 3. (a) TEMimage of a GaN/AlGaN core– sheath nanowire. (b) TEM image of an InP super-lattice nanowire. (c) SEM image of highly branched PbS nanowires.
Figure reproduced with permission from: ref. [5], Ó 2019 Springer Nature.
Please cite this article as: K. Amsalu and S. Palani, A review on photonics and its applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
4 K. Amsalu, S. Palani / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 5. Density of states (A) free space (B) a photonic crystal (C) a photonic crystal with a local defect Figure reproduced with permission from: ref. [9], Ó 2019, Solid State
Please cite this article as: K. Amsalu and S. Palani, A review on photonics and its applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
K. Amsalu, S. Palani / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
Fig. 6. Transmittance for different conductors. Figure reproduced with permission from: ref. [13], Ó 2019 Springer Nature.
Fig. 7. Schematic representation of different PV devices. Figure reproduced with permission from: ref. [13], Ó 2019 Springer Nature.
4.4. Photo detectors invasive surgeries for characterization of the human genome
[16]. In addition to that light-based technologies provide the better
Fig. 7(e) shows Photo detector, which measures the optical response to medication. This could help the minimizing side
power by converting the observed photon energy into electrical effects, reduction of health care cost and shortened stays in hospi-
current. The absorption of photons can produce electric current tal. Medical imaging is also a rapidly developing area, in which
by the excited carriers from the valence band to the conduction understanding the status of a patient and corrective action for
band. Common applications as discussed by Saleh and Teich [20], guidance and implementation. Real-time images using fluorescent
includes remote controls, TVs, DVD players etc. biomarkers that selectively bind to tumor cells provide a clear dif-
ferentiation between healthy and diseased tissue during surgery
[11]. The principal application of photonics in healthcare is the
5. Photonics in healthcare and medicine applications application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in medical
imaging. This process allows the capture of a three dimensional
Photonics technology plays vital role in healthcare industry image using light to capture it in high resolution. This has excep-
focused on low cost diagnosis, drug delivery, treatment and disease tional applications in the diagnosis of solid state tumor’s, without
prevention. It also involves in elective sight correction minimally the need for invasive surgery. The progression of the disease and
Please cite this article as: K. Amsalu and S. Palani, A review on photonics and its applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
6 K. Amsalu, S. Palani / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
treatment effect on the tumors can be monitored by using these Various application of graphene in photonics such as Transpar-
techniques. In addition to that monitoring of healing, neurological ent Conductors, Photovoltaic (PV) Devices, Light-Emitting Devices,
and ophthalmic conditions diagnosis was easily carried out. Nonin- Photo detectors are presented.
vasive property and level of detection are major reason for adopt- Photonics is important in the conversion of sunlight to electri-
ing this technology for essential. Also, the speed in which images cal, thermal, and chemical energy. In addition to that it has signif-
can be produced and the obvious reduction on surgery costs, recov- icant contribution to reduction of energy consumption through
ery time in hospital and the reduced time before treatment can more efficient lighting, displays, and communications.
begin for the patient are advantageous. OCT also play in therapy, Photonics has significant contribution in healthcare and medi-
recovery stage, monitoring the weakening of the tumors, fast cine, defense and national security, sensing, lighting, and energy
detection of reoccurrence during remission. Due to high regulation sectors for monitoring and inspection, industrial emissions mea-
image the patients can be treated in a specific way and targeted surement, environmental monitoring, night vision etc.
locations. Non-invasive treatment for brain tumor’s with Cyber
knife system which works by delivering beams of high dose radia- Declaration of Competing Interest
tion to tumor’s with extreme accuracy.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
6. Photonics in defense and national security
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Please cite this article as: K. Amsalu and S. Palani, A review on photonics and its applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
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