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LOG Teaching Days/Time FEBRUARY 26-29, MARCH 1, 2024 (WEEK4) Quarter: 3RD

1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the health implications of poor environmental sanitation
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently practices ways to maintain a healthy environment
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Explain how poor environmental sanitation can negatively impact the health of an individual H6EH-IIIb-2
Objectives 2. Discusses ways to keep water and air clean and safe H6EH-IIIc-3
3. explains the effect of a noisy environment H6EH-IIId-4
4. suggests ways to control/manage noise pollution H6EH-IIIe-5
C1. Specific Objectives 1.Explain how poor environmental Explains the effect of a noisy environment explains the effect of a noisy
sanitation can negatively impact the H6EH-IIId-4. environment H6EH-IIId-4.
health of an individual H6EH-IIIb-2 suggests ways to control/manage noise
2. The learner discusses ways to keep pollution H6EH-IIIe-5
water and air clean and safe H6EH-
Sanitation: Its Impact to
One’s Health
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages MAPEH – Grade 6 MAPEH – Grade 6 MAPEH – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Lesson 1-3 Quarter 3– Lesson 1-3 Quarter 3 – Lesson 1-3
Second Edition, 2021 Second Edition, 2021 Second Edition, 2021

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials From
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources Google, laptop, PowerPoint Google, laptop, PowerPoint Google, laptop, PowerPoint
Opener: Reviewing previous A.Flash MoB A.Flash MoB A.Flash MoB
lesson or presenting the new (Project UNA) (Project UNA) (Project UNA) Review Reproductive
lesson. Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication System Vocabulary.

B. Write True if the statement is B. Directions: Write WP if the picture B. Directions: Read the statements below.
correct about the impact of poor below is connected to Water Pollution and Write the letter of the correct answer on
environmental sanitation to health and AP if it your activity sheets.
False if it is not. Write your answers in is connected to Air Pollution. 1. Maglalatik was originated in the
a separate sheet of paper. Province of _____.
A. Bulacan B. Laguna C.
1. Burning of leaves and wastes release Legaspi D. Negros
several poisons in the 2. What color symbolizes the Moro and
environment that is harmful to one’s Christian dancers?
health. A. red, blue B. red, yellow
2. Dumping of garbage in vacant lots C. blue, green D. blue, red
create no harm to people living in the 3. Why is the dance mainly performed by
area. all-males?
3. Uncollected garbage attracts pests A. It involves ritual of warfare, which
like cockroaches, rats and flies that in necessitate slow and refine movements
turn spread diseases to people through B. It involves rituals of warfare, which
water and food contamination. necessitate fast and tough movements.
4. Cigarette smoking does not pollute C. It is only a choice
the environment. D. It’s a smooth dance with a slow
5. Smoke from factories and vehicles movement.
could cause respiratory 4. Who are the performers in the
illnesses or diseases. Maglalatik dance?
6. Wastes coming from piggeries that A. all females B. children C.
are directly dumped into the rivers all males D. male and female
make fishes and shrimps grow well. 5. How can they create a music
7. Untreated waste water coming from accompaniment for the dance?
factories or industries that are disposed A. clicking of stones
to rivers, seas or oceans makes the B. tapping of sticks with violin
water safe to use. C. keyboard and guitar
8. Oil spills can cause fish to kill which D. tapping coconut shells with a fast
pollutes the environment. drumbeat
9. Wastes in bodies of water can poison
marine life like fishes and
shells. Eating contaminated food
endangers people’s health.
10. Leaving dead animals to decay or
rot causes foul odor and allows bacteria
to multiply which can cause airborne or
water diseases.
A. Activity Which of the following pictures show Agree or Disagree: Draw thumbs up if you There are five classifications of folk Discuss the following:
activities of poor environmental agree to the statement shows controlling dances in the Philippines. Namely:  Hygiene
sanitation that can cause a negative noise and thumbs down if not. Western Influenced Dances, Cordillera  Physical
impact on health? Do you see these Dances, Muslim Dances, Rural Dances, Changes during
practices in your community? What are ______1. Posting signages for hearing and Tribal Dances. puberty
the common health problems that protection area. Perhaps the best known and closest to the  Nutrition
happen when the environment is dirty? ______2. Closing doors and windows Filipino heart are the dances from the  10 Steps to Self-
Write your answer for each question in when it is too noisy outside. rural areas or a country blessed with so esteem
a separate sheet of paper. ______3. Telling your brother if the sound much beauty. To the Filipinos, these  How to take
of television was too loud. dances illustrate the fiesta spirit and good care of
______4. Supporting bills about banning demonstrate a love of life. yourself
the noisy vehicle and noisy of horns. One of the known rural dances is
______5. Suggest your father to keep his “Maglalatik”.
volume to low when listening to music.
Match the pictures from Column A to
Column B. Write the letter of the answer
in your activity sheet.
B. Assimilation Try singing the song to the tune of Read this poem about noise pollution. Directions: Write True if the sentence is
“The More We Get Together”. You can correct and False if not.
also have this as a poem. (I-CARE) Silence Please! _______1. Maglalatik is also called as
Written by: Mary Lutz P. Panizales Magbabao where ‘bao’ means ‘a coconut
We Save the World As One shell’.
by: Francilet R. Padios Different noise everywhere _______2. The Maglalatik dance depicts
Everyday that’s all I ever hear a war between the Christian and the Moro
The more we get together Breaking the sound of silence over the “latik” (residue left after the
In caring for our environment That is getting louder and louder. coconut milk has been boiled).
The more we get together Noisy environment can damage our _______3. This rural dance is said to
We save the world as one. hearing have originated from the Philippines and
It can even ruin our daily living is
Let’s not burn our garbage We can’t focus, we can’t sleep performed mainly by men.
Let’s recycle our wastes Making us stressed and depressed. _______4. The rhythmic sounds which
Let’s campaign for protection accompanied the dance is produced by
And save the world as one. Living in a noisy environment is harmful tapping
That can lead to different health conditions the coconut shells held by the performers
Let us throw our garbage Like deafness, anxiety and poor while dancing.
In proper waste containers concentration _______5. The dance is performed by
Let’s clean bodies of water Even heart disease, tiredness and hitting the coconut shells held by the
And save the marine life. hypertension. hands and
against those attached in the body.
Let’s be aware of oil spills I’m afraid with all these noise that
And smokes that cause pollution surround us
Let’s do proper sanitation I’m not sure of the sound level my ears can
And save the world as one. endure
I have only one request before it’s too late
We’ll suffer from illnesses Silence please, silence please!
We’ll surely die from diseases
Let’s do our work together
And save the world as one.

Say bye now to viruses

Say bye now to pests
There’ll be no more pollution
In environmental sanitation.
The world is yours and mine
It’s ours, it will be fine
The more we help each other
We save the world as one
C. Abstraction Environmental Sanitation is the Noise is any unwanted sound. It can
promotion of hygiene and the cause stress. Very loud noise can damage
prevention of disease and other your hearing and even make you deaf.
consequences of ill-health, relating to Noise Pollution refers to a sound that is
environmental factors. annoying, a nuisance or undesired for the
ears and that which can impact the activity
Certain factors in the environment can or behavior of the animal and human life.
cause disorders and diseases. The effects of Noise Pollution are: Maglalatik (also known as Magbabao)
• Hearing Problem - loud noise can cause originated in the town of Binan in the
Here are some disorders and diseases hearing impairment, which can even result Laguna province of the Filipino Islands
caused by poor environmental in permanent hearing loss and is also performed as homage
sanitation: • Difficulty in sleeping - Noise can deter to the town saint, San Isidro de Labrador.
Diarrhea - it is one of the most sleep because of its psychological effect. It is an original native dance of the
common gastrointestinal diseases • Reduced Cognitive Functioning - The ear Philippines in which the coconut halves
caused by several bacterial, viral, is connected to the brain, are attached to the torso of the dancer.
parasitic organisms spread through which coordinates the body’s stimulus Coconut shells held by the hands and
dirty water and unhygienic food responses. Due to this, cognitive about 6
preparation. Symptoms: loose bowel functioning reduces, and so does the coconut shells are hung on the vest of the
movement (LBM), dehydration ability to solve problems normally. dancers. The dance is performed by
• Cardiovascular Problems - Noise hitting the coconut shells by one another
Cholera - It is a bacterial infection ‘excites’ the heart. Too much noise in the hands and against those attached on
caused by drinking water or consuming means the heart is also disturbed and ends the body. It comprises a fourpart scene.
food up beating faster, increasing blood The palipasan and baligtaran part show
that is contaminated by bacterium pressure. intense battle whereas the paseo and
Vibrio cholerae. Symptoms: watery • Emotion and behavioral change - Too escaramusa parts show the reconciliation.
diarrhea, much noise means disturbance of peace, The dance involves simple movements,
nauseas, cramps, nosebleed, vomiting which may lead to annoyance or anger. its repetition and the sound of fast
• Trouble Communicating - This may lead drumbeats.
Dysentery - It is an infection of the to misunderstanding, and one may get Music accompanying the Maglalatik
intestines resulting in severe diarrhea difficult understanding the other person. dance is created by the tapping of the
with the presence of blood and mucus coconut shells along with the sound of
in the feces. Symptoms: diarrhea with Noise can be controlled or managed. We fast drumbeats, which fill the
belly cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever, can reduce noise Pollution by following background.
mucus in diarrhea. below mentioned Tips; Turn off Originally, the music for this dance was
Appliances at Home and offices, Shut the rhythmic sounds produced by two
Typhoid Fever - it is an illness caused Door when using noisy Machines, Use bamboo sticks against each other with
by drinking water that is contaminated Earplugs, Lower the volume, Stay away guitar accompaniment. It was the late Dr.
with stool containing the bacteria from Francisco
Salmonella. Symptoms: high fever, Noisy area, Follow the Limits of Noise Santiago who composed the music of the
headache, diarrhea, rashes level dance. It is an all–male dance mainly
since it involves rituals of warfare, which
Asthma - It is a disease caused by necessitate fast and tough movements. It
genetic and environmental factors. It is a masculine type of performance where
may be triggered by air pollution. only male dancers participate. However,
Symptoms: coughing, chest tightness professional troupes sometimes, include
and shortness of breath women. Usually, red colored trousers are
worn by the Moro dancers whereas blue
Lung Cancer – is a disease that may be colored trousers are worn by the
caused by tobacco and air pollution. In Christian dancers. Coconut shells are
this case, the cells developed into attached to the chest’s hands, back, thighs
tumors and affect the function of the and hips with the help of a garter.
Symptoms: coughing with blood, chest
pain and shortness of breath, difficulty

D. Application Activity 1 ACTIVITY 1: Put a check ( ) if the Activity 2: Try this. Answer the worksheet
:Complete the table below. Identify the statement shows a good suggestion on how Directions: Look for 2 halves of coconut
specific organ or part of the body to shell and clean it.
affected by stated diseases, symptoms, control noise pollution and cross out ( X )
and explain how it occurs and answer if not.
the questions below. Do this on a _____1. Setting the volume to maximum
separate sheet of paper. when listening to music.
_____2. Asking the driver to slow down so
the machine would not produce loud
1. How can anyone avoid diseases _____3. Turning off immediately the ring
caused by poor environmental tone of my cellphone if someone call.
sanitation? _____4. Talk to the people who are
_______________________________ shouting to lower their voice and talk
2. How can anyone prevent lead normally.
poisoning, especially in children? _____5. Shout out the names of those you
_______________________________ see when you’re walking.
Directions: Complete the sentences
below to check your understanding about
ACTIVITY 2: Put a check ( ) to the box if the
Activity 2: Complete the table below. the picture shows an effect caused by noise lesson.
List health practices that you think pollution, cross out ( X ) if not. 1. I have learned that Maglalatik is
contributes spreading of different _________________________________
diseases and on the other side, list the _______
action that you want to do to improve _________________________________
disease prevention control. _________________________________
2. I realize that music can be produced
3. The dance is originated from
V. Assessment True or False: Write TRUE if the True or False: Write TRUE if the Directions: Read the statements below.
statement is correct, and FALSE if it is statement shows controlling and managing Write the letter of the correct answer on
not. the your
1. Diarrhea is the opposite of noise pollution, FALSE if it is not. activity sheets.
constipation and sometimes called ____1. Jenna living near the train station. 1. What color symbolizes the Moro and
“intestinal ____2. Carlo reminding the host of the Christian dancers?
flu” party the maximum level of sound. A. red, blue B. red, yellow
2. Cold is the most common respiratory ____3. Mia keeps horning even though C. blue, green D. blue, red
disease due to poor environmental there is no need to horn. 2. Who are the performers in the
sanitation. ____4. Leo using Karaoke while his Maglalatik dance?
3. Cholera is a disease involving brother has an online class. A. all males B. children
gastrointestinal tract, namely the ____5. Andrea talking to everyone with a C. all females D. male and female
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, low level of sound. 3. How can they create a music
large intestine and rectum. accompaniment for the dance?
4. Dysentery is not an infectious A. clicking of stones
disease which is passed through the B. tapping of sticks with violin
ingestion of food and water that has C. keyboard and guitar
been contaminated. D. tapping coconut shells with a fast
5. Overpopulation, excessive drumbeat
urbanization causes poor 4. Maglalatik was originated in the
environmental province of _____.
sanitation. A. Bulacan B. Legaspi
C. Laguna D. Negros
5. Why is the dance mainly performed by
A. It involves ritual of warfare, which
necessitate slow and refine
B. It involves rituals of warfare, which
necessitate fast and tough
C. It is only a choice
D. It’s a smooth dance with a slow
VI. Additional activities for
application or remediation

Submitted By: Noted by:


Teacher I Principal IV

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