PWR Erpprx Prco 2018.11.09

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report

Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018



Weekly Report
Cut-off Date: 9thNov 2018


00 Information Project Controls Team Project Managers Project Services/ Execution / Engineering Managers 9TH NOV 2018

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. EPC CONTRACT FOR DGS NORTH (HAMMAR MISHRIF) – SSU ............................................................................... 3
3. EPC CONTRACT FOR PERMANENT POWER PLANT – GE ........................................................................................ 3
4. EPC CONTRACT FOR HIGH VOLTAGE POWER TRANSMISSION – MITAS ................................................................ 4
5. FWAS – THALES ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
6. FWAS –INVENSYS ................................................................................................................................................... 5
7. EPC CONTRACT FOR OIL GATHERING NETWORK INSTALLATION – SICIM ............................................................. 5
8. EPC CONTRACT FOR WATER NETWORK INSTALLATION - DRAKE & SCULL ............................................................ 6
9. EPC CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MULTIPHASE PIPELINE- SICIM .............................................................. 7
10. EPC CONTRACT FOR WATER INJECTION FLOW/ TRUNK– MSK GROUP ................................................................. 8
11. EPC CONTRACT FOR WATER INJECTION WELL HOOK UP – TAAM......................................................................... 8
12. EPC CONTRACT FOR OIL GATHERING WELL HOOK UP – TAAM ............................................................................ 8
13. OIL GATHERING & WATER INJECTION LONG LEAD ITEMS ..................................................................................... 8
14. LLIS DGS CENTRE & SOUTH ................................................................................................................................... 9
15. THIRD PARTY INSPECTION – INTERTEK ................................................................................................................ 10
16. INTERFACES ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
17. ENGINEERING – DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ......................................................................................................... 12
18. ATTACHMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 14

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

This weekly report covers the activities performed/planned under the projects development department. The
activities status is up to the date of reporting while the reported progress figures follow the cut-off date of the report.


2.1. HSE
- NTR.

2.2. Weekly Accomplishments

 Overall Progress: 100% Actual Vs. 100.0% Planned
 PAC issued on 25th Oct 2018.
 Handover certificate signed on 26 Oct 2018.
- Ongoing handover of the final documentation.
- Punch list and exceptions clearance.
- Plant in operations under ZFOD.

2.3. Areas of Concern

 VORs’ Settlement (EOT, WHT, NPPL, Soot Contamination): negotiation ongoing
 2 years Spare Parts: Procurement started. 74% POs placed by SSU.
 Termomeccanica(TMP): Over-expenditure in site assistance. Ongoing discussion between SSU and TMP.
 Technical Service Agreement (VO08): Start on 25th November 2018.


3.1. HSE
 Total MHs 5,552,138. Safe MHs 720,491, Fatality 1. LTI 1. Medical Treatment 1. First Aid 18. Near Miss 27. Unsafe
condition: 5,193.

3.2. Weekly Accomplishments

 Overall Progress: 82.23% actual vs 99.4% planned (re-baseline).
 Engineering & procurement nearly completed.
- All the four GTs and Generators and GSUT 1 & 2 are installed on foundations. Remaining 2 GSUTs have been
transported to site. Installation expected to be completed beginning of Nov 2018.
 Construction: 45.15% actual vs. 99.2% planned. Average Manpower: 1104(815 direct, 289 indirect).
- Civil, M&E activities ongoing at low progress.
 COMMISSIONIG Start-up Preparations:

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

- Ongoing revision of Commissioning Execution Plan, Commissioning Procedures, ITP & ITPL, systems / sub-
systems required for Motor Roll and First Fire/Ignition. Last Commissioning Meeting held on 23 Oct 2018, next
planned on 6 Nov 2018.

3.3. Areas of Concern

 Recovery Plan: Recovery and manpower ramp up plan being finalized by Contractor. WS with EIBV and ZFOD
scheduled on 18/Nov/2018
 VORs Settlement: Ongoing. Workshop with BOC held on 2/Sep/2018 and on 7/Oct/18.
 2 Years Spare Parts: Spare parts list and relevant quantities finalized between parties and to be shared with ZFOD
O&M department.
 PPG Connection to the National Grid: Letter LE.MD.18.2910 sent to BOC to request BOC support to obtain the
technical data from MOE and to provide to LC a firm execution strategy for the connection to National Grid.


4.1. HSE
- Total MHs 2,348,312. Safe MHs 2,348,312. Fatality 0. LTI 0. Restricted Work Days 0. Medical Treatment 0. First
Aid 0. Near Miss 12. Unsafe Conditions 1510.

4.2. Weekly Accomplishments

 Overall Progress: 94.31% actual vs 94.73% Planned. Latest forecast by CONTRACTOR shows the mechanical
completion in Q4 2018 while the PAC is foreseen to be in Q3 2019 due to late completion of PPG project. The
completion date will be impacted by any delay in PPG.
 Actual progress: for Engineering 98.9%, Procurement 100% and Construction 99.5%.
- Substations: 98.83% overall progress completed for the 5 Substations (PPG, HM, ZM, RA, LSC);
civil/architectural works (100%) and mechanical/electrical works (94.9%) being progressed;
- MC walk down ongoing (157 MC certificates signed out of 202). RFC certificates signed 35 out of 202.
- OHTL: Mechanical completion achieved in Apr’ 18. Average Manpower at Site: 134 (30 direct, 104 indirect).
 Pre-Commissioning: 73.3% actual. Commissioning: 44% actual.
- OHTL Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning completed.
- Precommissioning & Commissioning meeting for Substations held on 12 September.

4.3. Areas of Concern

 VORs settlement: ongoing. 3rd interim payment of 2M$ is under ZFOD approval. The cumulative amount of
interim payments, including the third one, is still within the Ministerial Committee approved value of 7.2 M$.
 Preservation & Re-testing until Start-up: Ongoing. Revised proposal being prepared by Mitas.
 2 Years Spare Parts: HVTL under approval by ZFOD.; Substations Spare parts review ongoing.


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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

 Package 1 (FDS & Outside Iraq training ): Outside Iraq training is completed for 3 groups and in progress for last
group. First MPC is released and 2nd is under ZFOD endorsement.
 Package 2 (LTMS, on-site training and spares ):
- A request to purchase spare parts has been received from DGSN and Thales has been requested to provide
quote including transportation. Thales offer on FOB basis is received. Similar request from PPG is received and
currently under ZFOD ICT review. Requirement for both site swill be merged in call off.
- ZFOD decision is awaited for long term maintenance service activation.
 Package 3 (on-site service): ACV increase for DGSN is implemented in SAP, CO to Samsung is being issued
 Package 4 (Material Supply) : N/A

 Package 1, 3 4 : Expired/Activities completed
 Package 2 (on-site training and Maintenance): MSR is raised to conduct outside Iraq training under Package 2
which requires Contract Amendment. Singapore office has refereed the matter to Dubai office. Proposal for
training is awaited.


7.1. HSE
- Total worked man-hours 1.190.153 and Safe man-hours 1.190.153 Fatalities 0, LTI 0, restricted work days 0,
Medical treatment 0, First Aid cases 4, Property Damage 10, Near miss 12, Observation 237.

7.2. Weekly Accomplishments

 Overall Progress: 93.26% actual vs 95.52% planned. (Progress measured against the committed 23 COs and
Approved Project Variations).
- 23 Call Offs and 2 VORs have been issued with total value of $83.7M.
- Call Offs 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/17/18/19 and VOs 1&2 are completed. CP and punch lists are ongoing
- Call off No 10, 11, 20, 21 & 22 are for procurement of materials.
- ZB-375 new flowline to be included in CO#23 (Company instruction required).
- Zb-372 (AL-23) flowline ongoing (DGSN approach).
 Quantified Progress: Flowlines (148.2 km completed out of total 149.1 km). Wellheads (15 completed out of 15).
DGS Tie-ins & JO (30 completed out of 30). Open-Cut Crossings (171 completed out of 182). TB crossing (42
completed out of 44).
- Average Manpower at Site: Total 96: Direct 33; Indirect 63.
 Depot Tie-in: 33% Actual vs 63% Planned.
- Hot Tapping activity awarded by FMED to Aldaar. Engineering & Procurement ongoing.
- Fittings & Flanges arrived at SICIM yard.

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

- Electrical & Instrument Cables, Relief Valves, & Control System) under shipment.
- Excavation of trenches for UG pipes is ongoing – 50% completed.
- Current forecasted completion date is Dec’18 (materials on the critical path), based on the latest schedule
update received in Aug. 2018.
- Starting of welding at site foreseen for the 19th November - one month delay with respect to Aug. 2018
schedule due to material delivery (42” & 36” piping).

7.3. Areas of Concern

- The completion of construction is driven by late arrival of line pipes, valves, piping and Hot Tapping.
- ZB-372 - TS still missing for well approach (well pad not yet completed)
- ZB-375 (about 600m) - to be added in SICIM OGN SoW by Company instruction
- SICIM requested a Variation Order nr. 003 for Stand by period due to Security Issues
- during Civil Commotion at the Zubair Area. Discussion ongoing. Letter sent to BOC.
- MSR for 6 months EoT and 10 % ACV increase under management evaluation.


8.1. HSE
 Total man-hours 1,740,827. Safety man-hours 424,380. Accident/incident/near miss 25, Fatality 1. Site
inspections 5563.

8.2. Weekly Accomplishments

 Overall Progress: 67.57% actual vs 92.37% Planned. (Progress measured against the committed 22 COs and 1
Approved Project Variations).
- 22 Call Offs and 1 VOs have been issued with total value of $ 71.74M.
- Call Offs 1,4,5,7 and 20 are completed.
- ZB-171, ZB-376, ZB-370, NECS priorities to be completed within 15 December.
 Quantified Progress:
- Trunk lines (11.1km completed, 37.1km ongoing out of 64.2 km). Trap areas (5 ongoing out of 6). Tie-ins (4
completed out of 12) . Crossing (42 completed out of 112).
- Flowlines (32 km completed, 15.3 km ongoing on progress out of total 59.2km). Hook-up (11 completed out of
total 11). Tie-Ins (6 completed out of total 6). Crossing (25 completed out of 38).
- Manpower: 485 (252 direct, 233 indirect).

8.3. Areas of Concern

- Rev. 5 of the contract for an extension of 6 months duration and increase of Contract Value ACV for a total
value of 75.1 M$, approved on 12th Sep’ 18.

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

- DGSN activities for 24” Piping tie-in ongoing by DSI (EMC subcontractor) to be completed within 2 weeks (Hydro
test ongoing).
- Lack of DSI engineering (especially for RW, RRW for PPG interface, Manifold tie-ins).
- PPG Interconnection ongoing for RG, RW, RWW between PPG and ZM.
- Extension on handover area inside PPG ongoing.
- Call Off for Hot Tapping activities in Hammar IPF. Under ZFOD approval.


9.1. HSE
- Total MHs 378,689. Safe MHs 378,689. Fatality 0. LTI 0. Restricted Work Days 0. Medical Treatment 0. First Aid
0. Property Damage 1, Near Miss 2, Observations 117.

9.2. Weekly Accomplishments

 Overall Progress: 46.33% actual vs 77.26% planned.
 Engineering:
- Technical query for changing the size from 26” to 20” (piping Material) is approved. TOP UP material MTO has
been consolidated.
 Procurement:
- Delivery of free issue material 26” (DALMINE LLI Contract 40 PIPES) pipes by EIBV: arrived at SICIM yard.
 Construction:
- ROW completed, Stringing, Welding and lowering for TK-01 in progress.
- TK-03 stringing, lowering and welding in progress.
- Construction of Railway Crossing for TK-04 & TK-02 completed, restoration ongoing.
- TK-02 & TK-04 in progress. Hydrotest planned for the end of November.
- Trunk lines (24.2 km done out of 37.2 km). Tie-ins (4 ongoing out of 5).
- Trunk line crossings (18 completed out of 41)
 Average Manpower: Total 208. Direct 132. Indirect 76.

9.3. Areas of Concern

- Project in delay as completion of construction is driven by TOP UP materials (Piping and Fittings);
- Increase of the 10% of the ACV; CAR approved by ZFOD GM on 31/10/2018. Contract amendment under
- Highway crossing under approval by ZFOD/BOC for TK-01 still pending.
- Change of design for DGS’s interconnecting piping from 26’ to 20” allowed a significant reduction of delivery
time. Corresponding VOR for TOP UP Material under preparation.

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

- SICIM requested a Variation Order nr. 002 for Stand by period due to Security Issues during Civil Commotion at
the Zubair Area. Discussion ongoing. Letter sent to BOC
- SICIM sent a letter requesting compensation (2.8 MUSD) for late release of Technical Survey for pipeline route.
Discussion with the contractor is ongoing. Letter sent to BOC.

 5000012973 – Water Injection Flow/ Trunk - MSK Group - KOM held on 9th of August. ACV 24.52 M$.
 Insurance received and is under verification.
 MSR signed to replace BG with retention.
 WOs under signatures for mobilization and for the water injection installation of 2019.


 5000013104 – Water Injection Well Hook Up – TAAM – KOM held on Aug 14th 2018. ACV 18.65 M$.
 3 Work Orders issued to contractors.
 Insurance received from the contractor and accepted. MSR signed to replace BG with retention
 Contractor mobilized and first WI HU (ZB370) ongoing.


 5000013113 – Oil Gathering Well Hook Up – TAAM - KOM held on Aug 13th 2018. ACV 15.84 M$.
 Work Order 1 & 2 issued to contractor.
 Insurance received from the contractor and accepted. MSR signed to replace BG with retention.
 MRFs signed by ZFOD for nos.10 Oil Hookup (estimated value of the amount 1M$)
 Contractor mobilized and # 3 HUs (ZB352, ZB350, ZB353) ongoing


13.1. Highlights & Criticalities
 SAW Pipes - WELSPUN : All Pipes already delivered .
 Fiber Optical Cables: Released from custom and delivered to Warehouse on 5th. Nov. 2018. Awaiting ZFOD
inspection Committee to issue relevant MAR
 BAHRA cables: Revised Contract already issued and 1st. Call Off is under approval.
 Flanges, Stud Bolts & Gaskets -PM Piping : Three shipments delivered to Warehouse and waiting ZFOD inspection
committee to inspect and issue relevant MAR. Two shipments arrived at Umm EL-QASER and under custom
 Piping SMLSS -DALMINE-TENARIS: All Pipe already delivered.
 Line Pipes SMLSS - DALMINE-TENARIS: All Pipe of CO-01 already delivered. All Pipes of CO-02 will be completed
by End of December – 1st. LOT of CO-03 (16" Pipe 881 Pcs/2136 Tons) arrived at Umm El-Qaser and is under
custom clearance.

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Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

13.2. Delivery Status (values in MUSD)

Committed COs
Ref. Contract Value
Awarded Vendor Material Value
No. MUS$ No. Issued COs
1 WELSPUN 50.92 Line Pipe SAW 50.88 1 2 3
2 METANO IMPIANTI 1.34 Scraper Traps 1.04 1 2
3 Valvitalia SpA 3.45 Barred Tees & Fittings 3.45 1 2 3 4
4 Valvitalia SpA 14.66 Piping & Instr. valves >4" 14.66 1 2 3 4
5 SEENEN 1.03 Fiber Optic Cable 0.79 1
6 PM Piping 2.91 Flanges, gaskets, stud bolts/nuts 2.65 1 2 3
7 Dalmine/TENARIS 86.90 Line Pipes SMLSS 78.52 1 2 3
8 Dalmine/TENARIS 7.65 Piping SMLSS 6.61 1 2 3
9 BAHRA 30.65 MV & LV cable 30.09 1
Total 199.51 188.68 24
DAS Manufacturing
Under On-
Legend Custom
Full Transit Part


 Contract Amendment & Warranty Extension

 Preservation:
- Short Term (using existing maintenance contract): A call off to WEIR has been approved by the GMs. Matter is
put on hold by senior management.
- Long Term (New Contract): 5 bids received and technical offers have been opened. ZFOD has assigned a
committee for technical evaluation. Clarification phase has been completed and committee has signed scoring
matrix for minimum requirements. A meeting is scheduled on 18th Nov to sign detailed scoring matric and close
 Other Issues
- GETRA: A meeting with GETRA is conducted to arrange vendor site visit for testing and assistance. GETRA to
submit an action plan by 16th Nov 2018, a Call Off to be released accordingly.
- Clyde Union LD: MPC for last milestone (10% @ 12 months from delivery) is released but invoice from vendor is
still awaited. A letter will be issued to expedite the matter.

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

- LLI’s Re-utilization Plan: A BOC committee has visited EIBV on 1/10 and a meeting was held. Recently, a letter
has been received from BOC to visit warehouse for dehydrator/de-slaters and oil transfer pumps. Visit is
proposed on 19th Nov 2018.


 New ITT for third party inspection and training is fully authorized and action plan for issuance of ITT is under
preparation by C&P.
 MSR for Extension of Intertek contract is presented to ZFOD for approval.

16.1. DGS North Interfaces
 Water-in: : Performed a compatibility study for the connection of 1 NU wells by Samsung. Reservoir has not yet
confirmed if and when the connection will be executed.
 Gas-out (SSU/BGC/SCOP): Engineering is completed. Materials procurement assigned to D&S. D&S CO #23
issued. PO started.
- Fast track tender for installation is ongoing. Tenderer site visit completed. Offers waited within the 24th

16.2. PPG Interfaces

 12” Raw Gas 3.5 km -Source 1- ZM DGS to PPG:
- Installation by D&S under CO 14. Revised schedule submitted with preliminary completion of Dec 2018.
- GE forecast preliminary date for fuel gas availability is 24 Mar 2019 as per latest Monthly Report, subject to
Re-Baseline approval.
 2 x 12” Raw Gas 11.5 km - Source 2 - Hammar IPF to PPG:
- Detailed engineering ongoing. Procurement is ongoing for Hot tapping configuration and top up materials . The
CO for hot tapping connection is not yet placed.
 Revised schedule submitted with preliminary completion of March 2019 excluding hot tapping.
 8” River Water/8” Rejected water 2.5 km - ZM DGS to PPG:
- Detailed engineering ongoing. Procurement is completed. Completion within Dec 2018.
 6” Condensate 2.5 km - PPG to ZM DGS:
- Discussions ongoing to define the responsibilities between BOC/BGC. CO to DSI not yet issued. No impact on
start-up. Backup plan to burn condensate by burning pit confirmed, with reference to the scenario where BGC
will not collect the condensate.
 PPG Connection with National Grid:
- Follow up meeting with MOE held on 8th October ‘18. Preliminary Technical data related to the electrical
parameters required to proceed with the Electrical Network Study received by BOC/MoE on 13th November,
evaluation ngoing.

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Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

 Fuel Oil:
- GE forecast preliminary date for fuel oil availability is 26 Feb 2019, as per latest Monthly Report.
- GE provided revised fuel oil quantities for commissioning 32,000,000 liters
- Data addressed to Logistic to evaluate the transportation feasibility. Still awaiting a feedback from BOC/ZFOD.

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Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018


Study/FEED Completion Planned
# Scope of Work Description / Contract Title Study/FEED Status MSR number Awarding Status Remarks
Date Award Date

CAR has been signed and currently

BOC sent a letter to not
updateing SOW and tender documents
EPC - Oil Gathering Network and Remote proceed with this tender and
1 Completed 1-Sep-17 10074295 for final signature. BOC/ZFOD again 01-Dec-19
Manifolds ask LC to start a new tender on
after signature of CAR asked
fast track.
A new Fast track Tender to
replace the aboveTender. New
All tender related MSR documents
EPC - Oil Gathering Network and Remote ITT documents signed and
1.b Ongoing 1-Nov-19 submitted to C&P to start tendering Q1-2019
Manifolds approved by ZFOD and handed
process on FAST TRACK
to C&P. Action plan under
Approval in ZFOD hands.
North area ITT under
The tender process not started. A This tender will be merged with
EPC - Field Electrical Integration - Hammar & Awarding on 15th Aug’ 19 and ZFOD approval all set of
2 10066102 request is made to merge the North 15-Dec-19 South area tender and requires
Hammar Mishrif completion on 15th Feb’ 21 data is handed to Focal
and south Electrical integration time to re-visit the scope
Offers opended and handed to
ZM FEI tendering
Awarding on 15th Feb’ 19 and ITT issued - Bids submitted and Engineering for TBE. A
3 EPC - Field Electrical Integration - Zubair initiated in May 2018. ITT 10066100 15-Feb-19
completion on 15th Aug’ 20 opened for TBE clarification will be issued to
issued to Tenderers
align tenderere.

This tender will be merged with

Awarding on 15th Feb’ 20 and Documentation is under
4 EPC - Field Electrical Integration - Rafidiya 10066101 The Tender is planned to start in 2020 30-Nov-20 North area tender and requires
completion on 15th Aug’ 21 preparation
time to re-visit the scope

Fast track, lead time agreed

Early civil works of ZM ITTS MSR
Waiting for ZFOD to approve to start with CH and C&P Manager.
5 EPC - Early Civil Works - ZM Expansion and scope waiting ZFOD for 1-Jun-18 10073903 31-Jul-19
tendering process on fast track Pending approval from BOC to
Eni Progetti team in Basra
briefed about clarification and BOC issued letter to go ahead
ITT issued - Bid Closing Date 17
engaged to support. with TBE. Technical Offers
September 2018 (via TB38). 5 Tenderer
Clarification phase ongoing and opend and handed to
6 EPC - ZM Expansion 1-Aug-17 10065936 submitted bids and awaiting Opening 31-Jul-19
till now 34 TB has been issued Engineering for TBE . A KOM
of bids. BOC granted instruction to
in response to 826 out of 840 meeting planned with eni
open Technical bids.
Clarifications from participants progetti next week to kick start
Fast track, lead time agreed
Commercial evaluation closed, Commercial evaluation
with CH and C&P Manager. A
7 EPC - MOD revised offer to be submitted by Bids have been 10067751 C.A.R under ZFOD APPROVAL. 31-Dec-18
decision is awaiting from
tender 2nd of Sep 18 submitted on 23rd July
ZFOD/ICT endorsement is under
Scope of work under ZFOD
8 EPC - Telecom and Field Integration (Phase 1) TBD Not started tender process 16-Jul-19 approval to have MSR

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Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

Study/FEED Completion Planned

# Scope of Work Description / Contract Title Study/FEED Status MSR number Awarding Status Remarks
Date Award Date

9 EPC - Telecom and Field Integration (Phase 2) TO be prepared TBD Not started tender process 02-Dec-19

10 EPC - Telecom and Field Integration (Phase 3) TO be prepared TBD Not started tender process 02-Dec-19

11 EPC - Telecom and Field Integration (Phase 4) TO be prepared TBD Not started tender process 02-Dec-19
D&S contract already amended and
Material procurement by included the 10% increase of ACV. D&S
D&S submitted the delivery
12.a GAS OUT to BGC from DGS North - Material D&S ACV value increased CO#23 for material already approved
schedule for materials
by 10% and sent to the contractor for
Fast track, lead time agreed
MSR for DGSN Gas Out Installation
with CH and C&P Manager.
12.b GAS OUT to BGC from DGS North - Installation 10074876 already accepted by C&P and fast 01-Mar-19
C&P issued the ITT to tenders.
track tender is on going
Site visit on-going by Tenderer.
ITT to be prepared. It needs a
A RSS is signed by ZFOD and
feasibiklity studies and waiting JOB Order needs to be formalized with
13 EPC - PPG Conversion to Combined Cycle TBD TBA asked HQ to have COST
for BOC approval to start the ZFOD approval
Studies with eni progetti.
Eni Progetti team in
ZFOD apoproved the
Basra engaged to The detail design studies has
FEED/Details design to be
support. Project JO Assigned and approved by ZFOD to kicked off with eni progetti
completed by eni Progetti and
documentation and develop detaisl design. Once studies basra team and expected to
14 EPC - IPF Condensate Recovery then award to local contractor TBD 01-Sep-18
Clarification register compeleted the Installation tender will complete by Feb 2019. Weekly
for installaiton. ITT
package is also handed be awarded on Fast track. Progress is planned to review
documentaion will be prepared
over to Eni Progetti team progress.
by eni Progetti
in Basra
Fast track, lead time agreed
with CH and C&P Manager.
15 EPC - SeaLine Project Clarification ongoing with BOC Completed TBD TBA RSS signed and requested Cost
estimate for feaslibilty study
from EP

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eni Iraq ENI IRAQ BV Weekly Report
Ref: 00250600 PWR ERPPRX PRCO 2018-11-09
Cut-off Date: 09 Nov 2018

Study/FEED Completion Planned

# Scope of Work Description / Contract Title Study/FEED Status MSR number Awarding Status Remarks
Date Award Date
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
16 LLIs - OG&WI LLI - Linepipe SMLS & Piping SMLS ITT Package completed Completed 10072144 16-Oct-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
17 LLIs - OG&WI - Linepipe SAW ITT Package completed Completed 10073057 16-Oct-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
18 LLIs - OG&WI - Piping Valves ITT Package completed Completed 10073058 16-Jul-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
19 Llis - OG&WI - Barred Tees & Fittings ITT Package completed Completed 10073055 16-Jul-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
ITT Supporting documents submitted
20 LLIs - Fabrication of Oil Manifolds ITT Package completed Completed 10071840 16-Jul-19 C&P preparing Action Plan
dully endorsed by ZFOD.
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
21 LLIs - Choke Valves ITT Package completed Completed 10073062 15-Jun-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
ITT Supporting documents submitted
22 LLIs - OG&WI - Multiphase Flowmeter System ITT Package completed Completed 10073059 16-Jul-19 Ongoing modification
dully endorsed by ZFOD.
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
23 LLIs - OG&WI - Flanges & Gaskets ITT Package completed Completed 10073056 15-Jun-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
ITT Supporting documents submitted Tender Package with C&P to be
24 LLIs - Dielectric Joints ITT Package completed Completed 10073061 15-Jun-19
dully endorsed by ZFOD. issued
Scope of work tp be prepared. It
requires to develop scope and
supporting documents to
25 ZFOD Office Building To be prepared Ongoing TBD 01-Mar-19
generate MSR. ZFOD Asked to go
ahead to develop package to
start a tender
Scope of work prepared with
26 Basra Refinery Refurbishement to RO unit Not requried NA TBD 01-Mar-19 assitance of maintenance. MSR

 HSE Statistics
 Intertek Call Offs Status
 OG&WI – LLI – Material Supply - Details Of Issued Contracts /Call Off Status
 Multiphase project LLI Material Supply - Details Of Issued Contracts
 Photos

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