SP21-RIS-013 Synopsis

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Lack of hiding large payload within the cover images by utilizing efficient embedding
schemes. To address the issues mentioned, this study proposed a compression scheme to
enhance payload capacity within color images without degrading the quality of stegno-
images, Elliptic Curve based cryptography mechanism is utilized to reduce the
computational overhead while keeping a high level of security and a novel Knight tour
and Queen method (KQM) for embedding the secret data more securely. Exploiting
Modification Direction (EMD) technique has been utilized to improve further and
complex the embedding process, which accurately inserts the hidden digits at specific
pixels of a color image. The results are expected to improve the payload capacity and
security of secret messages and reduce the computation cost.

1 Introduction
Due to the increasing amount of information being sent and received through the internet,
data security has grown in importance [1]. A lot of people have been working on
developing new methods and techniques to safeguard it. Cryptography is a widely used
method for protecting data, which ensures that only those with the necessary key can access
it. The existing techniques of cryptography also help prevent unauthorized access to data.
Although many approaches can be used to protect data [2] [3], the efficiency of these
methods has decreased in real-time [4]. Performance can be significantly affected by the
time needed to process the text, mostly during encryption procedures, such as near-real-
time or real-time data transmission. Aside from the algorithm used, other factors, such as
the computational resources required for the process, can also affect the solution's
efficiency. As a result of the internet's development, it is now simple for intruders to obtain
and listen in on information encryption. However, it has also driven the development of
new and more efficient cryptographic methods that can better protect data, and that has led
to the development of new encryption techniques such as elliptic curve cryptography
(ECC) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) [5]. An encryption method is a type of
computation that converts information or data into an unintelligible form using a reversible
translation. The size of the public-key cryptography key can be significantly reduced by
implementing an efficient technique known as ECC. ECC offers faster computation times,
smaller key sizes, and lower power consumption. The two main aspects of steganography
are ensuring that the data is hidden in the image and then encrypting it to keep it private.
The time required for this process depends on the algorithm utilized [6]. There are several
types of cryptography to protect data, such as symmetric cryptography, asymmetric
cryptography, Hashing, and steganography [4]. Steganography is one of the essential
schemes to ensure that confidential information in a secret message is protected. In
transforming plaintext into ciphertext using a cryptosystem, only someone who
understands the appropriate secret can acquire the original plaintext. When decrypting
encrypted messages, a person can only do so if they can find the key; this is why
steganography is beneficial [7]. Steganography involves hiding data within other data, so
it is not easily detectable. For example, you could hide a message within a text, image,
audio, and video file by subtly altering the pixels or audio signals. This way, even if
someone intercepts the file, they may not be aware that it contains confidential data [8].
There are various types of steganography, including Image Steganography, Video
Steganography, Audio Steganography: Network Steganography, and Steganography in
Digital Watermarking. We are working in the context of image steganography, and it is
essential to find a balance between the amount of data that can be hidden and the quality
of the image. Suppose too much data is hidden in the image. In that case, it can result in
noticeable changes to the image quality, such as degradation of color, contrast, or
sharpness, which can make it easier for an attacker to detect hidden data and compromise
the security of the information. On the other hand, if too little data is hidden in an image,
it may not be enough to meet the application's requirements, such as securely transmitting
a large amount of data. Therefore, finding the optimal balance between the amount of data
that can be hidden and the quality of the image is crucial in image steganography. While
maintaining the quality of an image, image steganography also must keep in mind the
amount of confidential information.

Figure 1. Basic embedding process in image steganography.

Altering an image's features can lead to degradation, so the appropriate parameters and
algorithms must be used. To address this, EMD technique is applied. EMD-based
steganographic algorithms can embed hidden data with minimal impact on the perceptual
quality of the cover image. EMD-based algorithms can achieve higher embedding
efficiency and better imperceptibility of the confidential data than other embedding
techniques like LSB, PVD, and Spread Spectrum [9]. Additionally, advanced
steganographic algorithms have been developed [13] that can hide large amounts of data
in an image while maintaining the quality of the image and reducing the chances of
detection of HUGO, Huffman coding, and Side-Informed Steganography. These
algorithms often use advanced techniques such as data compression, encryption, and
obfuscation to hide the information [10]. In addition, a message can be easily hidden by
implementing image compression. This process can also help decrease the time it takes to
transmit information globally. The storage space and transmission time requirements are
essential, as they can directly impact the cost and feasibility of using steganography in
practical applications.
Various techniques are developed for data compressions to address these challenges, like
lossless compression, lossy compression, dictionary-based compression, run-length
encoding (RLE), and predictive coding for data encryption and data hiding. In this paper,
we utilized lossy compression for the cover image and lossless compression for the secret
message. Consequently, using the Huffman coding algorithm is simple as implementing it
is cheap [11]. The storage space needed, and the compression ratio are directly correlated;
the more substantial the compression ratio, much less cache space is required. It is possible
to calculate the compression ratio using several algorithms; Some may be lossy and
frequently lose specific information during compressing, while others are classified as
lossless and save the actual data [6]. A proposed method involves embedding the secret
data in a pixel by choosing multiple non-adjustable bits. This method makes detecting
hidden data more difficult since the changes spread over multiple bits instead of just one
[8]. The paper proposes an image steganography scheme that combines cryptography and
steganography methods. ECC is used first to encrypt and compress the hidden message
using Huffman coding to secure the data and compress its size. The message is then inserted
into an image which is also compressed using the EMD technique. The improved knight
tour and Queens's method (KQM) scheme is used by choosing the groups and blocks that

will be used to insert the secret digit into the pixel. This method ensures that the image
remains close to the cover image and maintains the image's quality.
2 Research Objectives
• To implement a technique for fast encrypting confidential data within a color image
under fewer computational resources.
• To improve the payload capacity of an image without degrading the quality of the
• To propose a novel scheme to embed extensive payload data within an image more
securely to avoid the extraction possibility of confidential data.
3 Literature Review
Data hiding techniques face the challenge of enclosing the most amount of information
possible in an image while at the same time protecting the quality and security of the
method. Due to the vast number of digital images available on the web, it is commonly
suggested to implement systems and schemes that hide data in the image [12]. Toward this,
researchers have been working on developing new techniques that can handle the rapid
evolution of image-hiding methods. They have focused on creating more accurate ways to
withstand image quality and transmission challenges. In a recent paper, Saha et al. [13]
presented a method that can improve the image-hiding process and image quality known
as the EMD method. It involves splitting the image into n pixels, which are then used to
add 2-digit numbers to the central row. The suggested scheme's quality and payload are
regarded as better than those of the older ones. The proposed method is also considered to
be robust enough to deal with electronic attacks [8]. The improved knight tour algorithm
selects the blocks using a group selection procedure. It then uses an arbitrary function to
insert the information in the pixel chosen randomly.
The high availability of image files and their capacity to store data make them ideal for
hiding information in an image. This method achieves this by using the knight tour and 8-
queen positions in the 8x8 pixels. ISAAC ensures that the confidential information in an
image is encrypted using the stego key. However, ISAAC can also generate predictable
results in image steganographic analysis. Large amounts of sensitive data can be encrypted
when necessary, resulting in slower processing times and higher resource usage [1].
The proposed method uses two types of logical operations to encrypt an image. One is the
circular shift operation, while the other is the XOR. However, it noted that the data hiding
value of the PSNR is directly proportional to the file size. They could confirm no difference

by showing that the quality of the form and stego images is better than the main cover
image [4]. The paper discussed various image processing algorithms such as BWT, JPEG
2000, and sparse coding. Compared to DCT, DWT offers better results and provides a more
accurate and high-quality image. Also, DWT files can reach their destination node faster
than Huffman coding [14]. In the paper [4], the author Selected a secret image and then
applied the image compression technique of wavelet transform to reduce the size of the
secret image. The last encrypted data hides through the proposed steganography technique,
which uses using least significant bit (LSB) mechanism. Digital images are commonly used
in various applications, such as image processing and storage. The concept here is to reduce
the number of bits, and they can ensure that the image is authentic. In [15], the author
evaluated the performance of an image compression algorithm based on the combination
of computational coding and Huffman coding in the Burrows-Wheeler framework and
noted that the hybrid version performed better than the single scheme. The author can
provide insights into the various applications of Montgomery, an optimization program
commonly used for standard procedures [16]. The authors explained how to safely
implement random number security by eliminating two random numbers. They observed
that implementing this method requires using the discrete cosine in combination with
novel, unconstrained, and transformable algorithms. Moreover, it noted that using the
GolombRice algorithm over the Huffman tables provides a more efficient and low-
complexity solution [17]. This paper presented an image compression method that
combines various image coding techniques, such as Wavelet-based and Huffman coding,
to reduce the compression further—achieving a high compression ratio by connecting the
SPHIT and the EZW algorithms with various wavelength families. The security algorithms
were also tested using different images. The analysis revealed that the algorithms
performed remarkably well and provided a high compression ratio. However, we compared
the results with the previous compacting method [18].
Table 1. Related work summary

Sr. Description Dataset Evaluation

Authors Methodology Limitations
No of Research used Measures
1 O. F. A. Reduce the amount RSA for RGB • CT Sizeable key size
Wahab et of space that's encryption, images • PSNR and computational
al. [6] required on various LSB for • MSE resources. Good
storage media. embedding • CR

Provide a complete • BPP resistance against
guarantee that the • SSI attacks.
data is protected • CS
from unauthorized
2 H. Sunil DWT is Better in DWT and Six images • PSNR DCT takes more
et al. [18] quality and takes DCT were used • MSE time to reach the
less to reach the from the destination.
destination sipi.usc.edu
3 A. It passes an Optical dimension • TP Rate We still need to
Chatterjee impregnable stego Character of 128 × • FP Rate improve the
et al.[19] image to the Recognition 128 and • MSE model's accuracy,
receiver using a (OCR), LSB having 8-bit • PSNR making it more
trained OCM depth: • SSIM secure.
model. Lena,
4 Z. S. The proposed Vigenère six images • PSNR The algorithm's
Younus et method is cipher, of size • MSE security and
al. [8] considered secure Huffman for 512*512 • SSIM robustness are still
and robust enough compression, pixels were • CR considered
to face electronic knight tour taken from adequate against
attacks. and EMD USC-SIPI electronic attacks.
Data Base We need to work
(USC-SIPI) on the capacity to
embed data.
5 M. C. This solution Huffman • PSNR Huffman coding
Kasapbasi features an encoding for • SNR ensures that the
[9] improved selection compression. • SSMI context will not
method and an Mandelbrot • UIQI affect the
encryption sets are used • Entropy statistical data
algorithm. with the • MSE collected from

Logistic map • Chi- natural language
to obtain one- Square texts.
time-pad test
stream keys to
6 A. Kumar The proposed It uses a • PSNR The PSNR value is
Saxena, et algorithm wavelet to • Entropy proportional to the

al. [4] considers the reduce the size • Correlation

increasing file size.
It shows that the
secret image's size of a secret
form and stego
and chooses one image. It is
images both have the
transformation carried out
same quality.
method. through two
operations: the
first is called
the XOR and
the circular
7 The knight tour ISAAC, BMP, JPG, • PSNR The use of ISAAC
position and the 8- knight, and and PNG • MSE can also generate
queen position in 8*8 queens' • SSIM predictable results,
the 8x8 pixels. method and when to be
M. K.
encrypted, this can
Bhatia [1]
result in slower
processing times
and higher
resource usage
8 A. Rawat, Utilize a parallel RSA, • Time It is vital to ensure
et al. [16] processing method Montgomery complexity the data is
to improve the Reduction • Speed encrypted with a
performance of the algorithm Factor minimum delay.
encryption and Ratio
decryption of data

using the latest

4 Problem Statement
One of the objectives in steganography is hiding a large payload within a color image by
maintaining the high security of secret messages at low computation cost and without
degrading the quality of the stego-image. There are many schemes [6] [8] to hide data in
an image, but in most, increasing the file size negatively impacts the transmissions
efficiently and reduces the quality of stegno-images. Another issue in color image
steganography is high computational and resource requirements due to large key size
utilizations [6] [20]. Because the security of existing schemes mainly depends on the key
sizes, which are kept very large to achieve high security during the transmission of images.
Further, existing schemes [1] [8] [10] also lack in hiding large payloads within the cover
images by utilizing efficient embedding schemes.
So, there is a need for a steganography scheme that reduces the computation overhead and
that can hide large payloads without image degradation. In addition to it, a secure and
scalable technology is required for embedding the secure data.
5 Research Questions
• How do secure data under low computational and communicational costs?
• What is the effectiveness of compression techniques in increasing the payload
capacity of image compression?
• How does the embedding technique impact the quality of stego-images in terms of
visual appearance and detection by statistical analysis?
6 Research Contributions
The primary research contributions are as follows:
• We implement ECC, which requires fewer resources, with small keys for faster
encryption and decryption.
• We are applying two types of compression, lossy and lossless, to reduce memory
space, enhancing the performance of data embedded in images.
• We propose a novel approach with EMD, which provides security for hiding
messages without compromising the stego-quality. image's

7 Research Methodology
The communication channels between various systems must be secure. The current state-
of-image steganography is deemed a significant advance, and it is still crucial that
researchers keep improving the techniques to secure the transmissions between different
This process involves implementing various steps.

Figure 2. Process of embedding and extracting a secret message into an image

• ECC Elliptic curve cryptography

ECC encryption is used to obtain an encrypted secret message. ECC is a form of encryption
that uses the elliptic Curve’s mathematical properties to secure communication. It is
commonly used in digital signatures and key exchanges. This process ensures that
messages are secure as they are sent over an insecure channel.
• Compression
In the process where the encrypted data has been compressed using ECC, Huffman coding
is used. This method is a data compression algorithm that takes advantage of variable-
length codes. It can represent data by assigning shorter and longer codes to different
symbols. The amount of data needed to convey the secret message in the steganography
process can be reduced using Huffman coding. This method can help improve the overall
efficiency of the process.
Another step in the decomposition process of a cover image is done by using DWT. This
method allows for identifying four subbands, namely, low-low, high-low, high-high, and
HH. DWT is a signal-processing technique that can separate an image into various
frequency components. It is beneficial for reducing the data needed to reproduce an image

and preserving its provided data capacity. When the cover image is in steganography, DWT
can help identify the regions of the image that are ideal for hiding the secret data. For
instance, the low-frequency information in the image is more sensitive to changes than the
high-frequency data in the other subbands.
• Embedding process
▪ Combination of Knight tour and Queens method
This procedure combines the Queen block selection technique and the Knight tour
algorithm when the encrypted message is integrated into a cover image. The Knight tour
algorithm can determine the order in which the hidden message will be placed in the cover
image. It can be applied to the various blocks of the image and used to select the appropriate
sequence of pixels.
The Queen method helps determine the specific blocks that will be used to hide the secret
message. It can be done by using a variety of patterns for each block. Combining the Knight
and Queen methods can enhance the security and robustness of the steganography
We are applying the knight tour and queens' method along with EMD.
1. Set board size.
2. Initialize starting position of the knight.
3. Initialize move counter.
4. Loop through all squares on the board.
5. Check if the square has not been visited.
• Mark the current square as visited.
• Increment the move counter.
• Move the knight according to its L-shaped pattern, using the queen's move to fill gaps.
▪ Make a move and update the current position.
▪ Check if all squares have been visited.
▪ Break out of the loop since we found a valid move.
• If we haven't visited all squares, try a queen's move in the diagonal direction to fill the
6. If all squares have been visited and the move counter is less than the total number of
• Exploiting modification direction

The exploitation modification direction, called EMD, splits a cover image into multiple
blocks. Using the modified LSB values, it then embeds the encoded secret message in each
block. Embedded compressed messages usually involve converting the encoded secret
message into a binary format and splitting it into smaller pieces.
Each segment is then added to a different part of the cover image through the exploitation
modification direction.
The advantage of the exploitation modification direction is its efficiency and simplicity.
The EMD methods can achieve high levels of embedded capacity while maintaining low
distortion. Now, after all this, we have a stego-image.
• Extraction of the secret message
A technique for extracting the secret message from a stego-image using the modification
direction is to reverse the EMD process.
To get an uncompressed stego-image, first performed a decompression procedure with the
help of DWT. After extracting a message from the specified sub-bands, then create a
compressed and encrypted version of the image. To get an encrypted version of the
compressed image, a tree file with a Huffman encoding algorithm was used.
Extracted the message using the LSB technique and then used the extracted stego-image
binary to get the desired information. Then used, a key to decrypt the encrypted message.
• Results
Thus, the mystery message (My name is Maryam.) is substituted by an encrypted
(8707753bdb79fff68f9b755b2fd42190fafe) to maintain the security of the message. This
ensures nobody can access the message except the individual with the key and its length.
It converts the encrypted message into a stream of bits using the Huffman coding algorithm.
After that, the bits are transformed into secret digits using the dictionary table.
The first step in creating the dictionary table for the encrypted message
(8707753bdb79fff68f9b755b2fd42190fafe) is to create a table with the character’s
occurrences. Then, set the order of the characters based on their occurrences. After that,
add the two first occurrences and repeat the process until the unique occurrence is achieved.
Each character in the text that contains 24 characters requires 8 bits. This means that a total
of 192 bits is required to send the message. Before it was compressed using the Huffman
algorithm, the text size was 192 bits.

Table 2. Huffman coding

After it was compressed, its size was reduced to 86 bits. The difference is 106 bits. We
disguised several image sizes in the presented work to produce a high-quality stego-image.
The implementation phase involves considering the various types of images in the format
(jpeg, png, and bmp) of choice.

Figure 3. Comparison of RSA and ECC

It shows that ECC's time of encryption is faster than RSA's time of encryption with the
same key.

The DWT decomposition allows us to represent the image in four subbands with fewer

Figure 4. Lena's image after applying DWT compression

Figure 5. Baboon’s image after applying DWT compression

First, we convert the image's color space to YCbCr. We then extract the Y channel from
the grayscale version. We then perform 2D DWT using the haar wavelet and remove the
various coefficients. We then divide the image into four different subbands.

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List of courses studied
(This must be provided on a separate Page)

Sr. # Course Code Course Title Semester

1 ISC511 Information Security Essentials SP21
2 ISC521 Advanced Network Security SP21
3 ISC531 Cryptography Essentials SP21
4 ISC541 Computer Forensics FA21
5 ISC653 Data Privacy FA21
6 CSC636 Advanced Topics in Wireless Networks SP22
7 ISC652 Security Audit and Compliance SP22


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