Instructional Planning - Cot 1
Instructional Planning - Cot 1
Instructional Planning - Cot 1
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
A. Content Standards The learner understands the interplay between humans and their environments
B. Performance The learner is able to demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards his/her
Standards environment
C. Learning At the end of the period, the students are
Competencies / expected to: PPT11/12-lj-4.4
Objectives. 1. Define prudence and frugality
Write the LC code for 2.Desmonstrate ways of being prudent and
each frugal towards environment
3.Apply the virtues of being prudent and frugal
towards the environment
II. CONTENT Demonstrate the Virtues of Prudence and Frugality toward Environment
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide MELCs, TLG
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Video from You Tube :
from Learning Resource , Power Point Slides
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Television and Laptop
V. PROCEDURES Conduct the preliminary activities:
Introductory Energizer (Zumba)
Checking of attendance
Activity Recapitulation/Review of the previous lesson
Vocabulary building/Grammar enhancement (short reels from FB)
Application This part The students will be grouped into four groups.
is structured to ensure
the commitment of the Group 1: They will create a song /jingle about how to become frugal and prudent in our
learners to do environment.
something to apply Group 2: They are tasked to make a role play on how to apply the virtues of being prudent
their new learning in and frugal towards the environment.
their own environment. Group 3: The student will make a poem about being frugal and prudent towards
Group 4: The students were tasked to make a slogan about being frugal and prudent
towards environment.
Process Question :
Assessment Knowing the effects of burning fuel fossils or even burning dried leaves in
For the Teacher to: factories or in your residence, what must you do?
a) Assess whether Collect ideas/solutions from the students.
learning objectives What can you do to help solve the problem?
have been met for a What must you do if you happen to see your friends, neighbors or family
specified duration, members burning? Why would you do so?
b) Remediate and/or If you were the barangay captain or barangay official, what must you do to
enrich with appropriate motivate the people in the community to lessen the impact of climate change?
strategies as needed,
and c) Evaluate Call a student/students to discuss very briefly:
whether learning
intentions and success Call a student to differentiate frugal from prudence.
criteria have been met.
(Reminder: Formative
Assessment may be
given before, during, or
after the lesson).
Choose any from the
Assessment Methods
Assignment/ EXPLAIN:
Agreement Fill-in The nature of communication process.
below any of the four Elements of communication.
Reinforcing / Prompt Question: State one important thing you learned today.
the day’s lesson
Enriching / End Quote : “Look after the land and the land will look after you, destroy the land and it
inspiring the will destroy you.” —Aboriginal Proverb
day’s lesson
Enhancing /
improving the
day’s lesson
Preparing for
the new lesson
Submitted by:
Angelie D. Opone
Subject Teacher
Reviewed and observed by:
3.Do you imagine yourself doing the same things you imagine doing in the first picture?