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“A Marketing Strategies of Vishal Mart”

Project Report Submitted to Kuvempu University, in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor of Commerce
Submitted By:
Srusti Y
VI Semester B.Com
Department of Commerce/ Management
Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College
Bhadravathi – 577301
Shivamogga District, Karnataka State
UUCMS Number:U06VA21C0089

Under the Guidance of:

Dr Akshatha B G
Assistent professor
Department of Commerce
Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College
Bhadravathi – 577301

Shivamogga District, Karnataka State

July 2024

Motivation causing people to act in certain direction is very necessary for the
success of any task. “Behind every successful student there is a teacher”. I feel happy
and proud to mention those who motivated me and contributed directly or
indirectly in making this project successfully.
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Manjappa R., HOD of
Commerce, Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College, Bhadravathi.

My sincere thanks to Dr Akshatha B G,assistent professor, Department of

Commerce, Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College, Bhadravathi. My
project guide for her valuable guidance and constant encouragement throughout
the project study.
I would like to offer my whole hearted gratitude to all faculty members, and non-
teaching staffs, Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College, Bhadravathi
and other friends for being so encouraging, supportive and for bearing throughout
the study.
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Manager, Manufacturing and IT
company, India, with timely co-operation my endeavor would not have been success.
I am pleased to place my profound etiquette to my beloved fathe Mr Yathishwara
and mother shashikala and brother Srujan for the encouragement, affection and
love throughout my career. I thank who directly or indirectly helped me in
completion of this work.


Place: Bhadravathi Srusti Y

Srusti Y
VI Semester B.Com
Department of Commerce/Management
Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College
Bhadravathi – 577301, Shivamogga District, KarnatakaState
UUCMS Number:U06VA21C0089


I hereby declare that,

1. The work contained in this report is original and has been done by me under

the guidance of my supervisor, Dr Akshatha B G.

2. The work has not been submitted to any other University for any Degree or


3. I have followed the guidelines provided by the department in preparing the


4. I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the ethical code of

conduct of the department.

5. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text)

from other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text

of the report and giving their details in the references.

Date: Srusti Y
Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College,

Bhadravathi – 577301, Shivamogga District, Karnataka State


This is to certify that Srusti Y is a bonafide student of this Department and the
College and this Project Report on “Marketing strategies of
vishal mart.” has been prepared by her in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce under my guidance.

Dr.Akshatha B G

Date: (Assistent professor)

Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College,

Bhadravathi – 577301, Shivamogga District, Karnataka State


This is to certify that Srusti Y is a bonafide student of this Department

and this Project Report on “Market Strategies of Vishal mart” has been
prepared by her in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
Bachelor of Commerce under the guidance of Dr.Akshatha B G, Assistant
Professor, Department of Commerce, Sir. M.V. Government Arts and
Commerce College, Bhadravathi.

Mr. Manjappa R.,

Date: (HOD of Commerce)

Sir. M.V. Government Arts and Commerce College,

Bhadravathi – 577301, Shivamogga District, Karnataka State


This is to certify that Srusti Y is a bonafide student of this Department

and this Project Report on “Marketing Strategies of Vishal Mart” has been
prepared by her in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
Bachelor of Commerce under the guidance of Dr Akshatha B G, Assistant
Professor, Department of Commerce, Sir. M.V. Government Arts and
Commerce College, Bhadravathi.

Dr. Shailaja S. Hosaller

Date: (Principal)
Sl. No. Particulars Page No.
1 Chapter 1-Research Design
1.1Introduction 2
1.2Review of literature 3-4
1.3Statements of the problem 4
1.4Objective of the study 5
1.5Scope of the study 5
1.6Methodology of the study 5
1.7Limitation of the study 6
1.8Chapters chemes 6
Chapter 2 - Profile of the Bank of Baroda
2.1History of bank of board 8-9
2.2Introduction 9
2.3Vision and mission 9-10
2.4 Milestones 10-12
2.5Awards and achievements 12
2.6 Management of the bank 13
2.7 Business operation 13
2.8Network and distribution 14
2.9Financial inclusion initiatives 14
2.10Corporate social responsibility 14
2.11Initiatives for next generation 14

2.12Profile of the branch 15

2.13 Organization structure 15-16

2.14 Product and services 16-17
3 Chapter 3 - Conceptual framework
3.1 Interdiction 19
3.2Meaning of green banking 19-20
3.3Definition of green banking 20
3.4Green banking product and service 20-21
3.5Steps in green banking 21-25
3.6Green banking opportunities 25-26
3.7Benefits of green banking 26
3.8 Disadvantages 26-27
4 Chapter 4-Data Analysis and Interpretation 28-47

5 Chapter5 – Summary of Findings, Suggestions and 48-51

Bibliography and Questionnaire 51-58
List of the Tables

Sl. Table Name of the Tables Page

No. No. No.
1. 4.1 Age 20
2. 4.2 Gender 21
3. 4.3 Annual Family Icome 22
4. 4.4 Do you order food from online delivery 23
Why do you not order on online food delivery
5. 4.5 platform 24
6. 4.6 Which application do you use to order most 25

7. 4.7 How did you get to know about the platform 26

8. 4.8 What would you prefer 27
9. 4.9 Is it covenient and easy to order via online 28
List of the Figures and Charts
Sl. Figure& Name of the Figures and Charts Page
No. Chart No. No.




Chapter I
Research design
Chapter 2
Profile of the Bank of Baroda
Chapter 3
Conceptual Framework
Chapter 4
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 5
Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion
Bibliography and Questionnaire

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