Portfolio Grading Sheet - Checklist
Portfolio Grading Sheet - Checklist
Portfolio Grading Sheet - Checklist
Full points (100%) - ALL artifacts and work samples are clearly and directly related to the learning outcomes; ALL
reflections clearly describe growth and achievements, including goals and plans for improvement; use of a variety of artifacts
in documentation
90% of total points - MOST artifacts and work samples are related to the learning outcomes; MOST of the reflections
describe growth, including goals and plans for improvement
80% of total points - SOME artifacts and work samples are directly related to the learning outcomes; A FEW reflections
describe growth and some plans for improvement
70% of total points – the artifacts and work samples DO NOT reflect the learning outcomes; the reflections are either
missing or do not reflect growth or include goals/plans for improvement
LEARNING OUTCOMES Content Source documents Max Actual Remarks
that Points Points and/or
may be used for given comments
1. Competently manage For case management reports - Case management 30
clinical conditions of • Record accurate and complete reports with
clients in various settings history comprehensive
• Document a thoroughly discussion
performed physical
examination At least 1 for every
• Formulate an appropriate clinical rotation
diagnostic plan including a list
of differential diagnosis and (written, powerpoint
establish clinical presentations)
• Develop a client-centered
management plan
2. Convey information in • Convey messages effectively Written reports – 10
written and oral formats using various forms of clinical histories,
communication progress notes,
• Utilize information abstracts and/or
technology efficiently discharge summaries
of patients handled
Oral presentations–
grades or evaluation
Reflection papers
3. Initiate planning, Initiate planning, Community immersion 5
organizing, organizing, implementation and
implementation and and evaluation of program diagnosis projects
evaluation of programs and health facilities
and health facilities
4. Utilize current research Critically appraise relevant EBM reports – critical 5
evidence in decision literature appraisal of journals
making as practitioner, Apply research findings into
educator or researcher practice (CPGs, clinical Research
and participate in research pathways) paper/projects/
activities Formulate sound, relevant abstracts
and viable research
questions, consider an Case management
appropriate research reports with
design, gather data research application
systematically, apply
appropriate statistical
analysis, write a cohesive
research paper
5. Collaborate with inter- • Collaborate appropriately Case management 5
professional teams with other healthcare reports involving
providers and other health multidisciplinary
professional groups approach
9. Demonstrate love for Demonstrate responsible Medical missions 5
one’s national heritage, citizenship
respect for other cultures Exhibit cultural competence Community
and commitment to service Serve with dedication immersion and
diagnosis projects
10. Adhere to the Address the health needs of Case management 5
principles of relevance, the patients, family and reports with
equity, quality and cost community providing health discussion using
effectiveness in the promotion, disease CPGs
delivery of healthcare prevention, cure and
to patients, families and rehabilitation Community projects
communities Utilize clinical practice
guidelines, quality Medical missions
assurance methods to
provide high quality care
Deliver quality care to all
patients regardless of
socioeconomic status,
political affiliations,
religious belief, ethnicity
and gender Utilize
appropriate resources in
the application of evidence-
based data
Your message as a mentor to your mentee (general comments on the portfolio of learning and specific
comments on the mentoring relationship)
Prepared by: Cherry T. Abu, MD, FPCP, FPSMID (Chair, Mentoring Committee); May 2019