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PNF01 30 20 - ContrastMedia

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CONTRAST MEDIA Patients with homozygous sickle cell disease

Serious, rarely fatal, thromboembolic events causing

myocardial infarction and stroke in angiographic
Rx IODIXANOL procedures with both ionic and nonionic contrast
Injection: 652 mg/mL (equivalent to 320 mg iodine) Avoid extravasation; may result in tissue necrosis and/or
solution for injection, 50 mL and 100 mL vial; 550 compartment syndrome, particularly in patients with
mg/mL (equivalent to 270 mg iodine) solution for severe arterial or venous disease
injection, 50 mL Avoid fluid restrictions in patients with acute renal
Iodixanol is an x-ray contrast medium that contains failure, preexisting renal impairment, multiple
about 49.1% of Iodine. It is a nonionic dimeric myeloma, advanced vascular disease, and diabetes
iodinated radiographic contrast medium, and it is iso- Avoid angiography in patients with homocystinuria
osmolar with blood.
Adverse Drug Reactions:
Indications: For use in adult for cardioangiography, Common: discomfort at injection site, pain at injection
conventional cerebral angiography, peripheral site, warm sensation at injection site
angiography (conventional), abdominal angiography, Less Common: angina pectoris, chest pain; headache,
urography, venography, CT enhancement & studies migraine, vertigo, altered sense of smell,
of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract & for use in children paresthesia; pruritis, erythema, skin rash; dysgeusia
for cardioangiography, urography, CT enhancement &
studies of the GI tract; lumbar, thoracic & cervical Drug Interactions:
myelography; arthrography & hysterosalpingography Avoid concomitant use with:
Enhances therapeutic effect of the following drugs:
Contraindications: Intrathecal administration;
hypersensitivity to iodixanol or any component of the Increases risk of adverse or toxic effects of Iodixanol:
formulation Aldesleukin (allergic or hypersensitivity reactions to
iodinated contrast agents)
Angiocardiography, cerebral arteriography, peripheral Increases risk of adverse or toxic effects of the following
arteriography, visceral arteriography, intra-arterial, drugs:
ADULT, 320 mg iodine/mL (dose individualized MetFORMIN (renal dysfunction)
based on injection site and study type, max. total
dose of iodine 80 g) Administration:
CCTA, CT imaging of the head and body, excretory For adults, may be a vesicant; ensure proper needle or
urography, peripheral venography, intravenous, catheter placement prior to and during infusion;
ADULT, 320 mg iodine/mL (dose individualized avoid infiltration
based on injection site and study type, max. total
dose of iodine 80 g) For children, intravenous or intra-arterial; administer
without further dilution; warm to temperature or body
temperature prior to administration
Dose Adjustment:
Geriatric: No dose adjustments provided in the NOTE: Not for intrathecal use; inadvertent
manufacturer’s labeling; use caution in severe administration may cause death,
impairment and in setting of combined renal and convulsions/seizures, cerebral hemorrhage, coma,
hepatic disease paralysis, arachnoiditis, acute renal failure, cardiac
arrest, rhabdomyolysis, hyperthermia, and brain
Pediatric: The concentration and volume of iodixanol to edema; patients should be adequately hydrated prior
be used should be individualized depending upon to and following iodixanol administration
age, weight, size of vessel, and rate of blood flow
within the vessel. Pregnancy Category: B
Precautions: ATC Code: V08AB09
Patients with history of previous reaction to contrast dye,
iodine-based contrast media or patients with known
clinical hypersensitivity (bronchial asthma, hay fever,
food allergies)
Patients with severe cutaneous adverse reactions
(including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic
epidermal necrolysis, acute generalized
exanthematous pustulosis, drug reaction with
eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
Patients with hepatic impairment administered with an
oral cholecystographic agent followed by an
intravascular iodinated radiocontrast agent
Patients with cardiovascular disease and heart failure
receiving concurrent diuretic therapy
Patients with hyperthyroidism or with an autonomously
functioning thyroid nodule; use caution in severe
Patients with multiple myeloma or other
paraproteinacious disease; pheochromocytoma;
chronic pulmonary emphysema

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