Edel 331 - Final

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Art Teacher: Stephanie Blair Title: Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

Date: Time Frame: 30 minutes Grade: 1

Essential Question: Do students know who Vincent Van Gogh is?
Enduring Idea: Students will learn about Vincent Van Gogh and create a project based on one of his works.

Teacher Preparation Powerpoint tested, sunflower worksheet printed, tissue paper squares cut, unused pencils
available, glue containers, enough glue
Content Objectives: To understand about famous artist Vincent Van Gogh
ELA Objectives:
Students will view a powerpoint.
Students will identify Sunflowers as a Van Gogh work
Students will create sunflowers using tissue paper
Students will color the remaining background as they please

Nevada Proposed Visual Arts Standards :

A:Cr1.1.1 Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with materials.
VA:Cr2.1.3 Identify how art and design influences our interactions with everyday objects.
VA:Re7.1.1 Select and describe works of art that illustrate daily life experiences of one's self and others.
VA:Cn11.K.1 Identify a variety of reasons why people from different places and times have made art.

Anticipatory Set/Motivation: Present Power Point on Van Gogh
Skills, Techniques: Listening & learning, Participation, Instruction following, Creativity, Fine Motor Skills

Materials: Powerpoint, Tissue paper (yellow, brown, others if desiered) cut into small squares, unsharpened
pencils, glue
Vocabulary: Van Gogh, Tissue Paper, Creative
Guided Practice: (Notice bullet statements not in paragraph form)
1. TW present Power Point on Van Gogh
2. TW demonstrate Sunflowers project (tissue paper around end of pencil, dip in glue, stick to paper)
3. TW ask for any questions
4. TW pass around supplies with student assistance

Independent Practice:
1. SW use tissue paper, glue, & unsharpened pencil to create sunflowers
2. SW clean up once completed

Art Production/Creative Options: If students want to challenge themselves or finish early, students may color
in their backgrounds, stems, and pots. Students who wish to be creative may use a different set of colors to
create their sunflowers.
Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Student refuses to Student fills in sunflowers with the Student fills in sunflowers with correct
participate or uses incorrect correct medium medium & challenges themselves with
medium working on the background

Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Example of Narrative and Background Information:

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in a

town called Zundert, Netherlands. Vincent was one of
seven children both to his parents. He went to work at
the age of sixteen working for an art dealer, Goupil &
Cie. With his parents ashamed of his choice in career,
he moved away to another area of the Netherlands. It
was here that he met a former prostitute by the name
of Sien Hoornik who later became his model and lover
but shortly after the relationship started it had ended.
His art turned from sketches and drawings to dark
paintings of homes and everyday life of people out on
farms. It was not until Van Gogh moved to Paris did he
start to paint with more color and life. Having his
location change truly brought out a whole new era of paintings from Vincent; we start to
see more of oceans, farms, fields, etc. Vincent Van Gogh had been working with artist
Gauguin but things got rough between them and when Gauguin threatened to leave, that
is the supposed time frame of the ear-cutting incident. After that happened he was
admitted to a hospital where he continued to paint what he saw around him and still
using more color. On July 27th 1890 Van Gogh did not have the will to live anymore and
shot himself in a field. He did not die until 2 days later in his home with his brother Theo
by his side.
Rubric Template for Meeting NEPF Standards:

NEPF Standards Level for this Level for this Level for this Level for this
lesson lesson lesson lesson
1 2 3 4
STANDARD 1 Teacher activate Teacher Teacher adequately Teacher fully
New Learning is no, or almost no inadequately activates most activates all
Connected to Prior students’ initial activates most students’ initial students’ initial
Learning and understanding students’ initial understandings understanding
Experience: understandings
STANDARD 2 Teacher provides Teacher provides Teacher provides Teacher provides
Learning Tasks no, or almost no tasks at an tasks at a generally tasks at the
have High tasks at an appropriate level of appropriate level of appropriate level of
Cognitive Demand appropriate level of challenge for few challenge for most challenge for every
for Diverse challenge for any students students student
Learners: students
STANDARD 3 Teacher enacts no, Teacher Teacher adequately Teacher effectively
Students Engage or almost no inadequately enacts classroom enacts classroom
in Meaning- classroom routines enacts classroom routines and routines and
Making through and expectations routines and expectations expectations
Discourse and expectations
Other Strategies:
STANDARD 4 No, or almost no Most students in Most of the All of the students
Students Engage students can the class can students can can explain: What
in Metacognitive explain: What the vaguely explain one generally explain: the intended
Activity to intended learning or more of the What the intended learning goal of the
Increase goal of the lesson following: What the learning goal of the lesson is, Why the
Understanding of is, Why the are intended learning lesson is, Why the are learning it, and
and Responsibility learning it, and goal of the lesson are learning it, and What successful
for Their Own What successful is, Why the are What successful performance looks
Learning: performance looks learning it, and performance looks like
like What successful like
performance looks
STANDARD 5 Teacher structures Teacher structures Teacher structures Teacher structures
Assessment is no, or almost no limited adequate multiple and varied
Integrated into opportunities to opportunities to opportunities to opportunities to
Instruction: generate evidence generate evidence generate evidence generate evidence
of any student’s of any student’s of any student’s of any student’s
learning during the learning during the learning during the learning during the
lesson lesson lesson lesson
Final Overall Total 3 16

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