Impact of Temperature On Calendar Ageing of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Incremental Capacity Analysis
Impact of Temperature On Calendar Ageing of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Incremental Capacity Analysis
Impact of Temperature On Calendar Ageing of Lithium-Ion Battery Using Incremental Capacity Analysis
In this paper, a calendar ageing model featuring time and temperature dependence of a Lithium-ion battery
is proposed. The ageing procedure is done at a high state of charge (SoC) of 95% and the tested temperatures
range from -20°C to 55°C. Electrochemical methods such as incremental capacity analysis (ICA) and differential
voltage analysis (DVA) are used to quantify the evolution of the most important degradation modes such as
conductivity loss (CL), loss of active material (LAM) and loss of lithium inventory (LLI). While the
quantification methods used here are extracted from previous power cycling studies, their validity on calendar
ageing data is verified, and a model of each degradation mode evolution versus time including temperature
parametrization is proposed.
* Corresponding author. [email protected]
Tel: +33 (5) 40 00 26 58
© 2019 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the CC BY NC user license
key contribution here is to test it during calendar
max − max
ageing, and over a large temperature range. Since the
= 2
Arrhenius law usually describes the effect of
temperature on degradation mechanisms, its validity
as an acceleration factor of degradation modes is also
tested, and an alternative is proposed.
|max | − |max |
= 3
This paper is divided as following: firstly, a
reminder of the different degradation modes |max |
occurring in lithium-ion batteries, and the
formulation of their quantifications based on where:
literature models and incremental capacity and - GCL is the relative evolution of the degradation
differential voltage analysis (ICA and DVA through conductivity loss,
respectively) are presented. Secondly, the - GLAM is the relative evolution of the degradation
experimental protocol and the associated results of through loss of active material of the entire battery,
the calendar ageing are shown. Thirdly, a - GLLI is the relative evolution of the degradation
temperature study of the degradation modes and the through loss of lithium inventory,
validity of the Arrhenius law is questioned. Finally, - OCV (V) is the battery open circuit voltage,
the conclusion is drawn. - Q (Ah) is the capacity of the battery. In this
paper, the discharged capacity will be used,
2. Degradation evolutions formulations - V (V) is the voltage of the battery,
- n is the index of the check-up at which the
The degradation of batteries can be summarized quantification of degradations is made.
in four categories: causes, degradation mechanisms,
degradation modes and effects on the battery [13]. 3. Experimentations
Since degradation mechanisms are numerous
and attributed to internal parasitic chemical To compute each degradation growth from ICA
reactions, it can be tricky to quantify each of them and DVA, ageing tests were performed.
without opening the battery. They can however be
grouped in three distinct degradation modes [5]: 3.1 Protocol of experiments
conductivity loss (CL), caused by the cracking and
the dissolution of the current collectors and their All the tests were performed at the Cacyssée
binder, loss of active material (LAM), which results platform at the IMS laboratory. This platform is
from the consumption of electrode material in designed to conduct different types of tests on
chemical side reactions, and loss of lithium inventory storage devices such as supercapacitors or Lithium-
(LLI), when the Lithium reacts with the electrolyte ion batteries. The platform includes several climatic
to form solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), or when, at chambers as well as numerous electrochemical
lower temperatures, lithium plating of the negative stations and measurement devices that are used to
electrode occurs. perform impedance spectroscopies, power and
Previous work [5,14] showed it is possible to thermal cycling, or calendar ageing of the storage
quantify the relative evolution of each degradation systems.
mode using incremental capacity analysis (ICA) and Here, six Samsung INR18650-25R5 Lithium-ion
differential voltage analysis (DVA). Each method batteries were used in this protocol. They feature
consists in performing a charge or a discharge with Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum (NCA) cathodes and
specific conditions then deriving the capacity (ICA) Graphite anodes, and a commercial capacity of
or the voltage (DVA) and plotting it versus the 2500mAh. The batteries were held in place using
voltage (ICA) or the capacity (DVA). This usually BioLogic BH-1i holders and placed inside Climats
leads to peaks and valleys (as seen in Fig. 1.). These EX5413TA climatic chambers.
analyses can be done on characterization curves The temperatures were recorded using Type K
(check-ups) performed regularly during an thermocouples taped onto the surface of the batteries.
accelerated ageing test. Electrical measurements were performed using the
From there, three formulas can be extracted to four-wires method, connected to a BioLogic BCS-
quantify those evolutions [8]: 815 device remotely programmed on a computer
through the EC-Lab software. Data points were
max − max measured every 30 seconds or every 10mV voltage
= 1
max variation.
The ageing procedure can be summarized in the
Table 1 below.
Table 1. Fig. 1. Check-up (top) and 95% SoC set-up
Calendar ageing procedure. procedures (bottom).
Step Procedure Then, a full discharge/charge ③/④ to measure
the capacity, 30min of OCV ⑤, a discharge ⑥ until
1 Initial Check-up (see Fig. 1. below). the battery reach 3.6V (its nominal voltage) and 1h
2 The battery SoC is set to 95%. of OCV ⑦. A resistance measurement ⑧ using ±1C
30s pulses is then done. After 15min of OCV ⑨, the
3 The battery is put to test temperature. battery is fully discharged ⑩ then charged ⑪ for
4 Calendar ageing for a set amount of time. 30min (no CV phase here). The battery then rests for
a few hours ⑫ until they are charged back ⑬ to
5 Test stops. The battery waits for 4h at Tamb ≈ 24°C. 100% SoC, relax for 30min ⑭, then discharge ⑮ for
6 Check-up (same procedure as in step 1). 3min (~5% of the capacity). This procedure provides
a lot of information although, in this paper, all of the
7 Repeat steps 2 to 7 until the battery dies.
information is extracted from the discharge only.
After the initial check-up, the batteries are
Unless specified, all charges/discharges are 1C labelled based on their ageing temperature. Two
CCCV/1C CC respectively. This means charges are batteries are chosen for each temperature to ensure
separated in two phases: a constant current phase repeatability. The characteristics of the batteries are
(CC) until it reaches a given voltage (here 4.2V), summed-up in Table 2 below.
then a constant voltage phase (CV), where the It should be noted that, for different
current drawn by the battery will slowly decrease temperatures, not all check-ups were done at the
until it reaches an end criterion (a C/20 current here). same time. Since it was initially assumed batteries
Discharges on the other end never feature a CV would age the slowest at 25°C, check-ups on SA09
phase. Each check-up (see Fig. 1. below, where the and SA10 were performed every 1000h on average,
circled numbers refer to the procedures described while they were performed every 500h on average on
hereafter) consists of a charge ① from 95% (or 50% the others.
for the initial check-up, as newly received fresh
batteries usually have a ~50% initial SoC) to 100% Table 2.
SoC, 30min of OCV ②. Batteries characteristics and test conditions.
Label Initial Capacity (mAh) Test Temperature (°C)
SA09 2508.41 25
SA10 2499.28 25
SA21 2463.03 55
SA22 2454.83 55
Table 3.
R² between linear models and data points.
T (°C) 25°C -20°C 55°C
= √ 4