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Experimental and modelling studies of low

temperature PEMFC performance

Sachin Chugh*, Chinmay Chaudhari, Kapil Sonkar, Alok Sharma,

G.S. Kapur, S.S.V. Ramakumar
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Research and Development Centre, Faridabad, India


$ Experimental evaluation of operating parameters' effect on fuel cell performance.

$ Steady state mathematical model development in MATLAB.
$ Model validation by comparison with experimental results.
$ Identification of optimum operating parameters.

article info abstract

Article history: The performance of a PEMFC (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell) is greatly influenced
Received 31 August 2019 by the various operating variables like temperature, pressure, stoichiometry of reactants
Received in revised form and humidity. The presented work deals with the experimental study of 30 cells low
4 December 2019 temperature PEM fuel cell stack employing Nafion®-212 membranes. Experimental results
Accepted 3 January 2020 are discussed with polarization curves and compared with the steady state model results,
Available online 25 January 2020 developed in MATLAB. The model predicts increase PEMFC performance with increase in
operating temperature, pressure and reactant humidity. The comparison shows good
Keywords: agreement between experimental and modeling results with deviations in the range of 7
LT-PEM fuel cell stack e15% only.
Nafion®-212 © 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Parametric study
Polarization curve
Mathematical modeling

and distribution system based on renewable energy resources

Introduction can be promoted.
Fuel cells are emerging as an imperial spoke of e-mobility.
Energy crisis and air pollution is a perennial problem across The cost of the fuel cells have seen a significant downward
the world. There is a strong need to develop alternate sources trend over the last few years, however further optimization of
of energy in order to provide energy for the future as the de- its design aspects and innovative material level interventions
mand is rising while the reserves of fossil fuels are depleting. are needed to enhance their competitiveness [1]. Polymer
To reduce dependency on fossil fuels, a hydrogen generation Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells are light weight,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Chugh).
0360-3199/© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4 8867

compact, have quick startup, relatively easy maintenance and piston quickly and reliably applies the compression necessary
among all, have low temperature working and high power for cell operation. Bus plate is neither in physical contact with
density [2]. They are also a compliment to the conventional the reactant nor the cooling water. The stack also employs two
heat engines and cater to environmental and national security water jackets, one on each side of the MEA, to ensure
implications [3]. consistent and even temperature control.
The performance of a PEMFC is greatly influenced by the The fuel cell test station developed by GreenLight In-
various operating variables like temperature, pressure, stoi- novations, Canada, is programmed to control the operating
chiometry of the reactants and humidity. These parameters parameters of the fuel cell, e.g. coolant temperature, humid-
affect the gibbs free energy of the reaction, electrical con- ification temperature, operating pressure, stoichiometry ratio,
ductivity of the electrolyte membrane, gas diffusivity and mixing of contaminant gases etc. and various other controls
water management of the cell [4]. Study of these variables is on both the anode and the cathode sides through a computer.
very essential to understand the behavior of the fuel cell The test station also has a control and data acquisition system
under the given set of operating variables. Performance of a based on FCATS (Fuel Cell Automated Test Station)
fuel cell can be analyzed from the polarization curve and EMERALD™ software which collect and analyze the signals
hence the difference between equilibrium and electrode po- from a computer responsible for overall control of the system.
tential [5]. The data thus obtained can be used to design bal- Thermocouples (TC), mass flow controllers (MFC), pressure
ance of plant and fuel cell system integration. transducers (PT) and solenoid valves (SOV) are installed prior
Mathematical modeling of fuel cell can be categorized into to the humidifiers and are controlled through electronic con-
two classes, a mechanistic approach and an empirical trol unit and read through the FCATS.
approach. The mechanistic approach simulates the heat Fig. 1 shows the schematic representation of the Gas
transfer, mass transfer and electrochemical reactions. The Management Unit (GMU). The GMU manages many gas
empirical method uses models to predict the performance of streams, e.g. the fuel (hydrogen), the oxidant (in this setup,
the fuel cell without in detail analysis of heat-mass transfer air), an inert gas for purging (nitrogen) and also some
and electrochemical phenomenon. contamination gases (CO, SO2, CH4, C3H8 etc.). The flow rates
In this work, the steady state operational performance of a of these gases are controlled through the pneumatic mass
30 cells low temperature PEM fuel cell stack employing flow controllers in dry or humidified conditions, as per the
Nafion®-212 membranes is experimentally studied and a testing requirements. The reactant streams are humidified
mathematical model is developed in MATLAB which allows a using two gurgle humidifier tanks filled with de-ionized
feasible investigation of the effect of certain constants which water at the preset temperature, as required to maintain a
influence the fuel cell stack performance. The experimenta- defined degree of humidification of the inlet gas streams.
tion deals with univariate analysis of the stack. The variables The gases can be circulated either in dead end mode or
studied in the current work are temperature, pressure, rela- continuous flow mode. Provision is made to humidify the
tive humidity on anode as well as cathode side. nitrogen gas too, so that conditioning of fuel cell can be
The mathematical model is based on simplified assump- performed, if required. A water trap is installed in the
tions and semi empirical equations. However the assump- exhaust line followed by a backpressure regulator and mass
tions and equations are used based on basic chemical and flow controller, on each anode and cathode line. Finally,
physical interactions occurring in fuel cell. The model is reactants are exhausted to the ambient through a separate
validated by comparing the results of the experiments and vent line.
predicted results by the model, for different testing Individual cell voltage monitoring cables are connected to
conditions. the load bank and read through the software and the fuel cell
polarization curve is obtained from this program by control-
ling the Electronic load bank. The polarization curve is
Experimental method generated by measuring the response of the fuel cells corre-
sponding to set current, voltage or power. A PC with data
A fuel cell stack consisting of 30 cells, having an individual cell acquisition system is also used to record and store the data so
active area of 50 cm2 has been used for experimentation and collected.
modeling in this study. Graphite electrodes of similar design Performance of PEM fuel cell depends on various operating
have been used at both anode and cathode and backing layer parameters like stack temperature, pressure, stoichiometry
is made of thick carbon paper. The catalyst layer is made from and humidity of reactant gases. Hence, a detailed parametric
fine platinum particles supported on carbon with 0.3 Pt/C study was undertaken in order to evaluate the performance of
(40%) mg/cm2/side loading. Nafion®-212 (50.8 mm thickness) is fuel cell stack. Table 1 depicts the operating variables and
used as the electrolyte membrane. The membrane electrode their corresponding values, maintained during each set of
assembly (MEA) is sandwiched between two fuel cell grade experiment.
graphite plates having gaskets on each side to prevent any The coolant outlet temperature is assumed as stack tem-
leakage of the gases while flowing through the channels perature. DI water was used as the coolant medium. Flow rate
grooved on the plates. Reactants approach each other in of coolant was controlled to restrict a maximum of 2  C in-
counter current fashion but flow in co-current mode across crease in coolant temperature. Each polarization cycle was
graphite flow channels. repeated thrice, to ensure reproducibility of the results. A
Two gold plated copper bus plates are used for holding holding time of 45 s was provided at each current density data
rigidly the whole assembly at its position and the pneumatic point before recording stabilized voltage. Effect of ambient
8868 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4

Fig. 1 e Schematic representation of Gas Management Unit (GMU).

temperature was negated by maintaining a constant room Thermodynamic potential

temperature during testing.
The thermodynamic potential gives the maximum possible
voltage from a single cell. The Gibbs free energy is a measure
Model development of the chemical potential energy in the reactant and thus, is a
measure of the maximum work which can be derived from the
General chemical reaction. For a reversible electro-chemical reaction,
the maximum electrical output would be equal to the change
One of the reasons why fuel cell modeling is important is to in Gibbs free energy. Hence, the amount of electrical work
study the reason for the deviation of the actual voltage of a produced is given by
fuel cell from the theoretical voltage [6]. The theoretical cell
voltage of a fuel cell, not connected to the electrical circuit, at a Dgf ¼  nFE (ii)
given pressure and temperature is given by the Nernst equa- The values of Dgf depends upon the reactant's pressure
tion. But when the circuit is closed, various voltage losses are and temperature as follows:
caused due to different phenomena. Such losses are broadly !
classified as activation losses, ohmic losses and concentration PH2 P0:5
Dgf ¼ Dg0f  RTln (iii)
losses. Thus, the actual voltage of a fuel cell is given by PH2 O

Vactual ¼ ENernst  Vact  Vohm  Vconc (i) Hence, the maximum reversible output voltage of a fuel
cell is expressed as
where ENernst is the theoretical Nernst voltage, Vact is the acti-
vation overpotential, Vohm is the Ohmic overpotential, and Vconc !
Dgf Dg0f RT PH2 P0:5
the concentration losses. E¼  ¼ þ ln (iv)
nF nF nF PH2 O

Table 1 e Parametric study of PEM fuel cell performance.

Sr. No. Temperature ( C) Pressure (kPag) Anode Stoichiometry Cathode Stoichiometry %RH anode %RH cathode
1 50-60-80 100 2 2 100 100
2 80 0-100-200 2 2 100 100
3 80 100 2 2 25-45-95 100
4 80 100 2 2 100 25-45-95
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4 8869

This expression is also known as the Nernst Equation of a  

RT i
fuel cell. On standard condition of 25  C and a pressure of Vact ¼ ln (xi)
naF i0
1 atm, taking the value of n ¼ 2, we will have
where i is the current density, and i0 is the reaction exchange
Dg0f current density, n is the number of exchange protons per mole
E0 ¼  ¼ 1:229 V (v)
nF of reactant, F is Faraday's constant, and a is the charge
The following expression is used for calculating the cell transfer coefficient used to describe the amount of electrical
voltage at temperatures different than the reference energy applied to change the rate of the electrochemical re-
temperature action [8].

Dg0f   DS Ohmic losses
 ¼ 1:229 þ Tfc  T0 (vi)
nF nF The material's natural resistance to charge flow causes ohmic
polarization, which results in a loss in cell voltage. This
The reversible Nernst voltage is a function of temperature
resistance is offered by all the components of a fuel cell e.g.
and pressure, which is given by:
the carbon electrodes, current collecting plates and contact
  material to the circulation of electrons, and the resistance of
Ecell ¼ 1:229  0:87  103 Tfc  298:15 þ 9:78
     the electrolyte membrane to transfer the protons through it.
 105 log PH2 þ 0:5 log PO2 (vii)
Ohmic losses prevail at medium and higher current density
In the above equations, Tfc is the fuel cell temperature in and are given by
Kelvin while PH2 and PO2 are the partial pressures in atm.
The saturation pressure of water is given by Ref. [7]. Vohm ¼ i$Rohm (xii)

where, Rohm is the total resistance offered by the membrane,

logPH2 O ¼  2:1794 þ 0:02953TC  9:1837  105 TC þ 1:4454
electrodes as well as the metallic contact. As the resistance of
 107 TC the membrane is comparatively very high than that offered by
(viii) graphite electrodes or current collector plates, Rohm is
where TC is the temperature in  C. considered to be equal to be membrane resistance, given by
The partial pressure of hydrogen is given by Ref. [7]. r$tm
Rohm ¼ (xiii)
0 1 A
B C where, r is the specific resistance of the membrane (UDcm), tm
pH2 ¼ 0:5  B C  PH2 O (ix) is the membrane thickness (cm), and A is the cell active area
@ A
exp T1:334 (cm2).

Specific resistance is dependent on the water content of

The partial pressure of oxygen can be obtained from the membrane which itself is affected by the relative humid-
Ref. [7]. ity/water content of the incoming gas streams and thus the
0 1 dry gas and dew point temperature. The following expression
B C is used for specific resistance of the membrane [9].
B Pair
pO2 ¼ B C  PH2 O (x)     2  2:5
@ A
exp 4:192i
T 1:334 181:6 1 þ 0:03 AT þ 0:062 303
r¼    (xiv)
   4:18· T303
Overpotential l  0:634  AI  exp

As described earlier, there are three types of voltage losses The parameter l, described above is known as the water
which decrease the theoretical cell voltage. These are dis- content is given by Ref. [10].
cussed in detail in the following sub sections.
l ¼ 0:043 þ 17:81a  39:81a2 þ 36a3 (xv)
Activation overpotential where a is the relative humidity of the inlet gas streams,
Activation polarization is the voltage overpotential required to defined as the ratio of partial pressure of the vapor to the total
overcome the activation energy of the electrochemical reac- pressure.
tion on the catalytic surface. This type of overpotential dom-
inates at lower current density only. The total activation Concentration losses
polarization overpotential is 0.1e0.2 V, which reduces the These losses arise because of the inability of the cell to deliver
maximum actual voltage to less than 1.0 V even under open- the required amount of oxygen at constant pressure due to
circuit conditions. flow resistance. As the reaction proceeds and current density
The kinetics of the hydrogen reduction reaction (HRR) are increases, the consumption of reactant increases and thus, its
an order of magnitude higher than that of oxidation of oxygen, concentration at the electrode surface decreases while the
and thus the activation over-potential of the oxygen reduction rate of diffusion of gas through the GDL is comparatively low
reaction is higher than the hydrogen oxidation. because of a number of factors. Such phenomenon will put an
8870 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4

upper limit on the rate of reactant consumption. The con- temperature from 50  C to 80  C is reported to be 25% at a
centration overpotential can be calculated from the following current density of 1.1 A/cm2. While the increase in stack
equation [11]. voltage is 5e20% when the stack is operated in the current
    density of 0.3e1.0 A/cm2.
RT Csurface RT i
Vconc ¼ $ ln ¼ $ln 1  (xvi) Fig. 2 also compares the effect of temperature on the stack
nF C∞ nF ilim
performance, as observed experimentally and predicted by
where, n is the number of electrons, F is the Faraday's con- the mathematical model. It can be seen from the figure that
stant, C∞ is the concentration of bulk reactant, while Csurface is the model follows the experimental trends very well. The
the concentration of the reactant at the catalyst surface. This largest deviation from the experimental values was observed
expression is valid till i < ilim . If the current is increased beyond to be 7%. Also, from the graph, it can be seen that the differ-
a certain limit beyond which reactant cannot diffuse faster ence between the predicted value and experimental observed
compared to their rate of consumption, the concentration at stack volatge is higher at higher current densities, for all the
the electrode surface becomes zero i.e. Csurface ¼ 0. temperature variations.
A decrease in activation overpotential is observed at higher
temperatures, which may be due to the increase in exchange
Results and discussion current density [12]. The difference in slope of the polarization
curve at any two temperatures suggests that Ohmic resistance
Effect of cell operating temperature is decreased which contributes to better performance [13].
This improvement can also be attributed to the fact that
Fig. 2 shows the effect of operating temperature ranging from the gas diffusivity and the membrane conductivity increase
50  C to 80  C on the fuel cell stack voltage. The stack operating with increasing temperature. Hence, mass transport resis-
temperature was changed by changing the coolant set tem- tance decreases with increasing temperature [13].
perature. A constant pressure of 100 kPag was maintained for
all the experimentation with anode/cathode stoichiometric Effect of cell operating pressure
ratio maintained as 2 each at both electrodes. From Fig. 2 it can
be seen that, with increase in stack temperature to 80  C, the A series of tests were conducted to observe the effect of
performance is reduced for low current densities. The value of operating pressure in fuel cell stack performance. Same
this current density is ~0.3 A/cm2. The performance of the pressure was maintained at both the anode and the cathode
stack then increases steadily for the higher values of current sides. The pressure was increased from 0 kPag to 200 kPag, as
densities, as compared to other temperatures. At low value of shown in Fig. 3 and 4 Effect of operating pressure on stack
current density and high temperature, water produced is not power outputFig. 4. The operating temperature of the stack
able to effectively humidify the membrane by back-diffusion, was maintained at 80  C while fully humidified (100% RH) fuel
as a result of which the Ohmic resistance will increase and net and oxidant gases were used for all the experimentations.
voltage will drop. But at high current density, the water pro- Figs. 3 and 4 suggest that the fuel cell performance is always
duction rate at cathode increases, which will help to improve improved by pressurized anode and cathode inlet gas streams.
the water content of the membrane and performance of the This improvement can be explained as a result of increase in
cell elevates. The increase in stack voltage upon rise in partial pressure of the reactant streams [13,14] which also

Fig. 2 e Comparison of experimental and modeling polarization curve for different operating temperatures.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4 8871

Fig. 3 e Comparison of experimental and modeling polarization curve for different operating pressures.

Fig. 4 e Effect of operating pressure on stack power output.

increases the Open circuit voltage (OCV) as suggested by the Clearly the increase in operating pressure increases the
Nernst equation (iv) and also due to decrease in diffusion operating range of the stack, in terms of voltage. But this in-
resistance of the gas streams. crease in the stack voltage is at the cost of higher power
Fig. 3 exhibits the behavior of stack voltage by increasing consumption by the air compressor. Thus this data can be
current density at different operating pressures. As can be used to determine the net increase/decrease in the power
seen from the figure, the OCV of the stack increased by 0.5 V output of the fuel cell system under consideration.
when the operating pressure was made 100 kPag from 0 kPag. Fig. 3 also depicts the comparison of the effect of operating
This increase in OCV can be seen as 1 V when the operating pressure as observed experimentally and predicted by the
pressure was further built up to 200 kPag. This is in agreement model. As can be seen from the figure, the model follows
with the Nernst equation (iv). experimental trend. It can be seen from the figure that the
The increase in the stack voltage is reported to be 30% largest deviation in the predicted value of the stack voltage is
when the stack operating pressure was increased from 0 kPag 10% at 0kPag. It can also be seen that the model predicts the
to 100 kPag at 1.0 A/cm2. While this increase is reported as 50% stack voltage very well at higher operating pressure and low to
when the stack pressure was further increased to 200 kPag. medium current densities. At low operating pressures and
8872 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4

Fig. 5 e Comparison of experimental and modeling polarization curves for different anode humidification.

high current densities (>0.7 A/cm2) the average deviation is Effect of humidity on fuel cell performance
observed to be 7e8%. Whereas the deviation is 2e3% for lower
current densities. Two series of experiments were conducted to study the effect
As can be seen from Figs. 2 and 3 that the comparison is of relative humidity of the reactant gas streams on the stack
good at low and medium current densities and poor at higher performance. In the first set of experiment, %RH on cathode
current densities. The model always over-predicts the stack side was set to 100% (corresponding to a humidification tem-
volatge. It is so because of the presence of liquid water in the perature of 80  C) while varying.
GDL and catalysts layers which reduces their effective The %RH on the anode side. The other set of experiments
porosity resulting in an increase in mass transfer resistance. was carried out with different cathode %RH while keeping the
As a result, the experimental values of the stack voltage are same anode %RH (100%, corresponding to a humidification
lower than the predicted values by the steady state model. temperature of 80  C). It can be observed from Fig. 5 that the
Fig. 4 depicts the power output of the stack as a function of performance is decreased with a decrease in relative humidity
current densities, at various operating pressures. Typically the at anode side. The maximum increase in the stack voltage on
plot of power output vs current density shows a maxima in increase in the anode humidity from 25% to 45% was observed
after which the curve falls to the lower values. This can be to be 3% at current density of 1.0 A/cm2. Whereas the
evidently seen from the curve of power output at 0 kPag maximum increase in stack voltage is observed to 10%, as
operating pressure. The other curves at 100kPag and 200kPag anode humidity was further increased from 25% to 95% at 0.65
show the similar trend. It can be observed from Fig. 4 that the A/cm2.
stack power output value increases with increase in the As seen in Fig. 5 the stack voltage is lowest for a given
operating pressure. The increase in maximum stack power current density at lowest anode %RH. It may be due to the fact
output is 30% when the operating pressure was raised to that at low anode %RH, water transfer by back-diffusion is
100kPag from 0 kPag. Whereas 60% increase in maximum dominant as compared to water migration by electro-osmosis
power output of the stack can be seen upon further increase in from the anode side to the cathode side. As a result, the
stack operating pressure to 200kPag. membrane conductivity is decreased because of reduction in
Also the current density at which the maxium power water content. Hence the slope of polarization curve is
output occurs can be seen to be shifted to a higher value, when decreased on reduction in the %RH on anode side.
the stack operating pressure was increased. This can be useful Fig. 5 also compares the polarization curves for different
in applications which have dynamic load profiles. The in- anode humidification as recorded experimentally and pre-
crease or decrease in power demand can be met by changing dicted by model. It can be observed from the figure that the
the operating pressure of stack, with minor or no change in values as predicted by the model are on the higher side than
current density. However further work needs to be done to the experimental values. The largest deviation observed to be
test system response time for change in operating pressure to for 95% RH at anode. The maxium deviation is observed to be
meet the load variations. 15%.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 8 8 6 6 e8 8 7 4 8873

Fig. 6 e Comparison of experimental and modeling polarization curve for different cathode humidification conditions.

It is so because of the presence of liquid water in the GDL like temperature, pressure, % RH of anode and cathode
and catalysts layers which reduces their effective porosity streams etc. Also, the experimental work has been compared
resulting in an increase in mass transfer resistance. with the steady state model, developed in MATLAB. Increase
Fig. 6 depicts the behavior of the stack as a function of in stack operating temperature from 50  C to 80  C was seen to
current densities at different %RH at cathode side. The hu- increase the stack voltage by 25%, because of lowering the
midity on anode side was maintained at 100%RH.The in- activation potential and ohmic resistance. However, further
crease in the stack voltage is observed to be maximum 6% increase in operating temperature results in membrane
when the cathode humidity was increased from 25% to 45% dehydration. Similarly, 30% increase in stack output power
at 1.1 A/cm2. Also, the maximum rise in stack voltage is was observed on increase in operating pressure from 0 kPag to
observed as a 16% when the cathode humidity was further 100 kPag. The further increase in pressure to 200 kPag showed
increased from 25% to 95%, at 1.1 A/cm2. Electrode kinetics a 60% increase in the output power. This is mainly because of
and membrane resistance are limiting parameters leading to the increased gibbs free energy change and higher gas diffu-
reduced performance of fuel cell at low RH [14]. Thus it shows sivity, at higher operating pressures. The operating pressure is
the stack performance is more sensitive to the cathode hu- limited by mechanical strength of membrane and also the net
midity than compared to anode humidity. This is because of increase/decrease in power output of fuel cell system inclu-
the higher flow rates of the cathode than compared to the sive of balance of plant. The PEMFC stack was observed to be
anode. Typically the cathode side flow rate is double than more sensitive to cathode humidity than the anode humidity.
that of anode fuel flow rate. Thus the water content carried The stack voltage increased by 16% with increment in the %RH
by these streams vary in the same ratio, at same %RH for of cathode from 25% to 95%. The increase in anode % RH from
anode and cathode side. As explained earlier, this water 25% to 95% recorded at stack voltage increase of 10%. Elec-
content greatly changes the ionic conductivity of the polymer trode kinetics and membrane resistance are limiting param-
membrane. Thus, the stack voltage drops due to higher eters contributing to reduced performance at low RH. The
ohmic resistance, at low %RH of cathode. steady state developed model was observed to have followed
Fig. 6 also compares the polarization curved for different the similar trend as that of experimental results. The devia-
cathode humidification as observed experimentally and pre- tion in the model and experimental data was found to be
dicted by model. It can be seen that the model overpredicts the 7e15% for various operating parameters like temperature,
stack voltage at any given current density. The maximum pressure, %RH of anode and cathode streams. The deviations
deviation observed in the predicted and experimental values were majorly because of simplified assumptions and lower
is 10%. effective diffusivity of gases due to water generation at higher
The presence of liquid water as explained before has a current densities. The conducted study and developed model
negative effect of stack performance. would help to predict the performance of the stack within
tested domain of operating conditions to a reasonable accu-
racy. This in turn would be useful for estimation of net power
Conclusions output from fuel cell system for known operating conditions.
The presented work can be extended for controller design,
The presented work deals with the experimental study of battery sizing and design of balance of plant for hybrid
PEMFC stack performance for different operating conditions applications.
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