(LEGMED) Samplexes From Mockboards

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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire is composed of 100 items. On the box provided in the
front page of the Examination Answer Sheet, kindly write your name. Ail final answers should be made on
the back page of the EXAMINATION ANSWER SHEET that is provided for. Only Mongol 2 may be
used. Do not leave any blanks as this will be considered incorrect. Submit your answer sheet. Please be
guided accordingly.


1. Introduced chemical methods in Toxicology, "Founder of Modern Toxicology."

A. Hippocrates c t i t fi ~
fj (b. Orfila
C Antistius
D. Zacchias {ivOHAr
2. The First Police Surgeon or Forensic Pathologist, he performed the Autopsy on the body of Julius

A. Hippocrates iicUuiuic/J
V B0,. Antistius
O r fi l a
D. Zacchia
3. The presence of weapon which is highly grasped by the hand of a victim of a shooting incident is an
example of:
^ r A. Rigor mortis
B. Death stiffening ^ ^ "
^ jC Cadaveric spasm Mision-fctHc'vij ^'\
D. Cadaveric rigidity / #
or rupture of the hymen as a resuit of sexual intercourse.
A. Carnal knowledge •
^^ B . - L e w( dc .d e s i g n D
| c fl< o
i | r ca/ t ion . '
D. Virgo-intacta
5. Sexual desire with elderly person:
A. Bestosexual

u Tribadism
D. Pedophilia
6. Algor Mortis can be defined as: c( iWu f€(wp'
A. The stiffening of the muscles and joints fiqn Mfi'hJ
^ B. Bluish-purple coloring of the skin closest to the floor UiA,cUtjA
(& Slow drop of body temperature ^
D. Loosening "of the muscles causing defecation ^ 1
7. Livor mortis is also known as:
A. Postmortem cooling lt\acy
i-' .(b) Postmortem suggillation
.=' C
D. Postmortem decomposi
Instantaneous rigor tion futif-fgctin "
8. Stiffening is due to the solidification of fats.
A. Putrefaction
B. Cold Stiffening ^ ^
^ C. Saponification
D . M u m m i fi c a t i o n
9. Occurs when there is irrevePsible coma, without possibility of resuscitation;
A. Cellular death ,

(2. B. Cardiorespiratory death ^ )

(C. Brain death
D. Somatic death wM. pcUicH.
10. Disease or injury that produces the physiologicai disruption in the body.
A. Manner of death ^ "cGiaivspi/heuf'
^ ^Mechanism of death
(C. Causes of death -
o r Ti m e o f d e a t h

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11. Refers to a truly virgin woman who has_n^ot borne a child.
^ A. Moral Virginity ^
B. False Physical Virginity acUvitl" ^
Tc . Virgo-intacta ■» . . "
D.Demi-virginity dn-vjcf <rv^rn(((
12. Physical Virginity where the hymen is highly elastic or lax.
A. Moral Virginity
Q ^True Physical Virginity tnlaot, e<^|fi ctuihucl^ totteljj f
\^/^^alse Physical Virginity ^
D. Virgo-intacta
13. Condition wherein the fatty tissues of the body are transformed to soft brownish-white substance
known as "adipocere"v
A. Putrefaction <(x3v(| ^1
f\ Maceration tl sW -7> (rv^i^in
(^Saponification ^ j •
LT M u m m i fi c a t i o n t T - t v n
14. The jarring or stunning of the brain, characterized by more or less suspension of its functions: - , ^, •
A. Ecchymosis »
fi. Traumatic Intracranial hemorrhage ,

^Commotio cerebri "tinp'/loi

Subluxation f-aiDrvf.
15^A Pap^l Physician, regarded as the "Father of Forensic Medicine", published "Questiones Medico-
C. H I P P O C R AT E S (UUl -

^.-Dt-AMBROISE PARE QtlfC Vl fwovltin

15.CAutopsv^lls under this section of Code of Sanitation:
A. P.D. 586, Sec. 95
B. P. D . 658„ Sec. 95 '
W C. P.D, 856, Sec. 85 KtcTn
(a P.D, 856, Sec. 95 ccvtcfuoi
17. The sexua'i act was done through abuse of authority or confidence:
A. Simple Seduction <kcLli
ified Seduction
C Abduction I^kI <S<2.stanl "
D. Acts of Lasciviousness ^^xcite \m\
18. Evidences made known or address to the senses of the court:
A. Trace E. £1141^ in UcatinA <vU<tp20t
^T) Bv^^Experimental
( c T t e a l E . / {E.
i i ' eoidxu?(
t i t t n ddi'i tocu>l
t a \nnrm
D. Corpus delicti E. piH i ds.a;^t\ cuviD
19. Evidence which may assist the investigator injocating the suspect:
A. Corpus delicti E. - .

p B. ACs .s oAcui taot pi vt iec E .^uicr t^i<.?eE4y

E. J ' ^ V ^
(^Tracing E. .
20\ Cutis Anserina is seen in: €ov"iC tavnpj -jlon pvi'V aT^Vutctu v )
^ (^Drowning •
^ Immersion
P C. hanging
, D. strangulation
21. "'Special Methods of preserving humar(fesu^edions: .
A. Embalming rr-Utt )
B. Refrigeratton .f\c\h [&ud
f> C Sealed Containers "tc^ic ^vXWOi^U/l
10% Formalin ^ffntrU )
22. Insertion of foreign body to the mouth would lead to
A,^ choking ^ ftrjdi Rocki ain-v*^
nsgm o t h e r i n g ftdUfV / covM- in " \
D. burking ^ (ftma^auap J
23. Rulings based on' laws that affect or deal with the prato of medicine are covered in:
A. Legal medicine
q B. C. Forensic medicine
C. Litigation Medicine

(^ D. Medical jurisprudence


24, Medical knowledge for the purpose of law and administration of justice is studied in;
(^Legal medicine / •fa-e^^SlC Cvurtichc
ef; Ethical medicine
C. Medical jurisprudence ,
D. Litigation Medicine
25. Points of identification, applicable to both the living and the dead:
A A. Race Scars
B. Moles Body ornamentations can tf icJnrved ■
26. Attacking the victim from behind anograsping his throat or throwing a ligature over the neck and
tightening it quickly is a method of Strangulation by:
^Throttling (|- fo
(^Garroting "Gdv-ofe" -4 bcmCiA-vjcc
C Bansdola \{Kji 7 -cUicucvlrc'
D. Mugging -(\ciyi usm oWrrsi
27. A 32-year-old farmer received abdominal trauma, after 2 hours the pulse reached 136/min, blood
pressure 70/40. The cause is due to:
A. Shock

(^.L.Internal hemorrhage
Sympathetic shock
D. Air embolism ^
28. Covering both nostrils and mouth with a pillow may cause death due to
A. traumatic asphyxia
asphyxia by smothering
J > C asphyxia choking -frftcl iUa<'j OM-rYOi^
D. asphyxia by mugging
29. Asphyxial death occurs when the building collapse, landslide or stampede:^'
^ Asphyxia by Smothering
tp (©Traumatic Asphyxia
^ t. Asphyxia by Burking - ^ '
D. Asphyxia by Overla)^ng,^ Ufi(cuit J' f iTJf rroCtcni )
30. Whidt^of the following wiM^^J produce aspnyxial signs by smothering?
plastic bag suffoc^on . ctfta^uni (iyilWcnJ
B. mugging/ ''
h C. gagging
D. overlaying /
31. Which is a special form of strangulation?^
■A . yoking (M
B. throttling {,^0
-h C. smothering ^au>v/(ferr'/:
(m choking *ycep|-
32. A cfessification of Drowning wherein there is very j[ttle or no inhalation of water or fluid in the air r ^
passages: rftsl
t A. Typical Drowning 1 •fvfe'r it/ 'ift/irv /Ivt^vurflfufuiVg iatt vf i'Cl
C rB. Wet Drowning - J > . . ■/
{C. Atypical Drowning avacUtiAta [Mai ' V
D. None bf the above 0 ^ tcl <m(|^
33. When death by asphyxia is produced by compression of the neck by means of ligature which is
tightened by ai force other than the weight of the body is known as death by:
A. hanging Mcy- '
^ choking
D. smothering '
(34, Abortion which the law allows under some specific justifications:
(^/Therapeutic A.
f|- B. Criminal A. ^ ^ ,
C. Inevitable A.
D. Threatened A
35. The hymenal opening is like a star: , „
A, Semilunar Ci««nW
^ djsS 4^'
D. Fimbriated/-«vuoMn|'-(t
36. An-autopsy performed by trained physician to determine the diagnosis or impression:
Hospital Autopsy /
r, Medico-legal Autopsy
C. Both
D. Neither

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37. Comjijon defense of the hospital with regard to consultants' liability to his private patients;

A Independent Contractor
71 Joint and several liability
C. Captain of the ship doctrine
D. Vicarious liability
38. External examination of a dead body without incision being made:
A. Autopsy 1 (jT'dbwc-h/fTi \
B. Necropsy - " ^
(^Post-mortem Examination ^cttsccc^itn
D. AN of the above
39. The word "forensic" comes from the <|ocjia/ad1ective. meaning public debate or forum.
A. Greek

jp (0) Latin
C Spanish
D. Chinese
40. An instrument used in examination of sexual abused like Rape.
A. Electron Microscope -

D. Endoscope
41. The effect of physical violence may not always result to the production of this, but it is always the
effect (physical violence:
(^Wound iAtlenv£
^ Vital Reaction
/ C. Blunt Trauma
r D. Sharp Injuries
42. Re£ei;s to sensation of heat or rise in temperature:
S^'Calor wcian
•f) B. Dolor favn
C. Rubor
D. Loss of Function
43. The presence of this, differentiates an ante-mortefn from p£st-mortem injury:
A. Wound '

(^Vital Reaction fC'<U ' ^ r

X. Postmortem lividity
"D. Postmortem rigidity ^ .
44. Physical or mechanical stretchingi resulting to separation of skin or portion of tissues:
Laceration \ J
^ d?Avulsion
C . fmiSLjkii Iff-cuaK'?'
Te a r i n g : J ,
D. Splitting r'
45. Internal hemorrhage^sBue to Rupture of the blood vessel which may cause hemorrhage, it may be
due to the foliowing/^cep^
A. TraumatiCtTrtracranial hemorrhage '/
B. Rupture of parenchyrnatous organs ^
Lacerations of other parts of the bodyi/
Hack wound tkipi ncti Uitt nmtlMTA
46. Skin markings may tell the type of vyeapon used:
^ Gunshot Wound
-A (B^tab Wound
'' C Punctured Wound
'd. Chop Wound
47.'A general practitioner may confuse rigorjnortis with: muUl^Tc^tCILK JiflimU l>Cif
A . c o l d s t i f f n e s s < M c L fi ( ^ \ u r > f U { 9 h )
L B. heat stiffness Kj^C^cd h rth ^ t
/' ^cadaveric spasm
(daAII the above
48. Abo^n wherein there is hemorrhage with dilatation, of the internal os and presence of rhythmical
A. Threatened A.

p> ((b) Inevitable A^,

C. Missed A. ^
D. Criminal A. -

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49. Patient Lala Yas consented to being discharged despite against medical advice, which may result to
further aggravate her clinical condition. What doctrine is applicable in order that the clinician may not be
held liabl^: v-
W/Doctrine of Assumption of risk
B. Doctrine of last clear chance
4 C. Doctrine of superior knowledge
D. Doctrine of foreseeability
50. A physical injury located at thdsSjte andCalso opposite the site of application of force:
Coup Injury
V^^opp-Contre -Coup Injury
CContre-Coup Injury - <
D. Locus Minoris Resistencia teO'jj citee; ■
51. Dr. B, during a Hysterectomy procedure unintentionally cut patient A's ureter. Patient A is
demanding P3,500,000.00 from Dr. B. for her mental anguish as a result of the'incident. Patient is
referring to what kind of liability?,.
A. Administrative Liability
Civil Liability
C. Criminal Liability
D. None of the Above
52. Patient A likewise went to a lawyer and asked that Dr. B's license be revoked. Patient A is referring
to what kind of liability of a doctorP^iCfninaHcl
Liability W
rvUWc/ c. Criminal Liability Gsdx. ■
D. None of the Above
53. but since patient A cannot afford the professional fees of the lawyer, she asked her husband to
rather go to the Professional Regulation Commission and directly submit her complaint against Dr. B.
The hu^nd of patient A is filing a complaint referring to what kind of liability?
(^Administrative Liability
-/\ B. Civil Liability ds^i-iauit t,
C. Criminal Liability '
D. None of the Above
54. While in pain, patient A is reading a book entitled Revised Penal Code of the Philippines. She is
thinking of invoking its provisions against Dr. B. She must be thinking of planning to file a case against
D r. 8 . f o r :
A. Administrative Liability
p B. Civil Liability
(CAriminal Liability
D. None of the Above
55. As ^alid exercise of its police power of the State, a physician may be charged with:
(^administrative liability
^ B. criminal liability
C. civil liability •
D. judicial liability
56. A physician's administrative liability is heard before the:
A. Regional Trial Court

C ^ Supremd'Court
C Professional Regulation Commission
D. Securities and Exchange Commission
57. If a fiscal sends a subpoena to a physician, more likely the physician is being investigated for:
^administrative liability fV fuAux /Nf^c| HiU /
vB/criminal liability
C. civil liability
D. business culpability
58. An o^r of the court commanding a physician to appear and testify is called:
v^ubpoena ad testificandum
B. subpoena duces tecum tivryj J"
C. subpoena ad valorem ^ , -
D. subpoena attendum VttogyiJL ^ c^pcvoLc
59. Which of the following falls under vicarious liability? /' i
A. doctrine of foreseeability '
^^ (t^A
- rinfe^ofoost
t nsi
r ibnleeagenf
o f ^^^^^^
res ipsa loquitor^cLf 1
D. Rescue doctrine — c-t ^ ^
60. Doctrine of imputed negligence is synonymous with:
( B^ .v ibco a r i o u s Ta b i l i t y C . r e s c u e d o c t r i n e
rrowed servant doctrine • D. good Samaritan doctrine

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61. When resident physicians and nurses are under the temporary supervision of another physician
JP during a private surgery, the liability of the surgeon for the negligence resident physician is covered by:
doctrine of foreseeability c. rescue doctrine joicftatnaician
(^borrowed servant doctrine ^ D. fellow servant doctrtine -f^
62. The doctrine of "command responsibility" is applicable to which of the following?:
B A assumption of risk C. contributory negligence (jj ecvH^ioku.,
(B^aptain-of-the-ship D. last clear chance
63. Radiologists in a hospital are liable for damages under the doctrine of:

^ A. ostensible agent (a ipsa loquitor

B. contributory negligence D. assumption of risk
^ 64. When the endotracheal tube is discovered to be inserted into the esophagus as shown by X-ray, the
^physician is liable under the doctrine of:
■B A. rescue doctrine ^foreseeability
res ipsa loquitor b. contributory negligence .
65. The term "res ipsa loquitor" literally means: gkwwtm c6ictvii-e
p the patient speaks for himself C. the doctor speaks for himself
fej the thing speaks for itself D. the court speaks for the patient
66. Whai the patient is himself negligent causing more damage to his existing injury, the doctrine
applicable is: ~
^ assumption of risk t. captain-of-the-ship
Tb. contributory negligence t>. res ipsa loquitor
67. WhCTrihe patient is usually inactive and virtually places himself in the command or
Control of the physician, It is because of the doctme of: coifvcicj
^ A. assumption of risk . vg^uperior knowledge ^
B. contributory negligence D. foreseeability .
68. The requisites of an informed consent include/s the following:

p A. content/information
B. voluntary
w all
f the above
69. A delirious and deranged patient was left alone in his bed as a result of which he stood up and
. jumped from the window and later died. The liability of the doctor is under the doctrine of:
W" A. rescue doctrine C. Res ipsa loquitor
(^foreseeability D. captain-of-the-ship
70. A physician was injured while on a rescue mission of victim of an accident. Supposed Mr. See is
V' responsible for the accident, hehs liable to the physician under the doctrine of:
(^^ptain-of-the-ship ' C. assumption of risk , „
B. res ipsa loquitor D. neither mou
71. In determining whether one is an employee, the following must be used as guldeline/s:,
(^master controls the servant over the details of the work w lu^e A'pif"
B. the length of time the master is allowed to work
C. the master lias no right'to fire employee
D. the employee may resign anytime
72. A private nurse hired by the patient to attend to nursing needs while in ttie hospital is:
(5^" independent contractor C. a moonlighter
A an employee of the hospital D. special employee
73. Which of the following is/are considered ost^ible agent/s of the hospital?: .
O A. Surgeon (^Radiologist,
B. Obstetrician-Gynecologist D. Pediatrician
74. The pathologist is considered in the hosptel set-up as :
A. captain-of-the-ship Si.v<j«yi vC/jstensible agent
B. borrowed servant bf doctor who speaks for the dead
75. Dr. BU is a surgeon St. Gimenez Medical Center. He wanted to do appendectomy in another hospital.
He called Dr. Tony, a resident physician at the St. Bopols Medical Center, to assist him. The negligence
of Dr.Tony shall be imputed to Dr. Bu by reason of;
Borrowed Servant doctrine (^CatxT.cd-aviptrjct)
(^Vicarious liability
C. corporate liability
D. business libility
76. There is a decreasing popula iabilitythe Captain-of-the-Ship Doctrine by reason of:
A. Increasing complexity of sophistication of facilities >
B. Encouraging the surgeon to concentrate on his job
T) C. Demise of charitable immunity to damage suit shifted from the surgeon to the hospital
(g} All of the above
77. In which one of the following is there no more need for expert testimony because the injury is a
proof of negligence?: '■
A. Assumption of Risk " ^ ^
Res ipsa loquitor fnmdp
trust fund
D. implied waiver

U S T- F M S M E D I C A L B O A R D R E V I E W 2 0 1 8 Page 6 of 8
4 ' -

78. ThejdQctrine of Contributory Negligence likewise refers to ; Kivtcu pvi'vi'cCt (finuyft.

^ B. Doctrine of Common
of Assumption ofFault
Risk Nl.
^ D.public policy
last clear doctrine
79. The main regulatory law that governs the practice of medical profession in the Philippines is the:
A. Generic Act (c>1edical Act of 1959 as amended
B. Midwifery Law [T Nursing Law of 2002
BO.The latest law that has been passed by Congress with respect to patients who may leave the hospital „
if they cannot pay is the: ^ \
A. Patient's Rights Law (c^nti-Patient Illegal Detention Law *
B. Medical Malpractice Law a Malpractice Insurance Law
Bl.The main regulatory law that governs the prescription of medicines in the Philippines is the:
A Generic Act PkY C.Medical Act of 1959
R Midwifery Law D. Nursing Law of 2002
B2.AS a witness in court, a physician may refuse to answer a question propounded to him if his answer
r A^ will not be relevant to the case at issue C. will antagonize the judge
(^will be self incriminatory D. will blacken the reputation of a friend
B3.A medical witness in the witness stand who vehernently refuses to answer questions propounded in
court rnav be declared guilty of , dUmun) <
^ \A^irect contempt C. crimilwa^ t^v^mission
K conduct unbecoming a medical witness D. indirect contempt
B4.A physician who testifies in court on matters pertaining to his findings on his patient in the course of
, their physician-patient relationship is considered
A. amicus curiae fc^n ordinary witness iaCvdiI-
B. an officer of the court D. an expert medical witness q>ciMun j
B5.A physician who fails to comply with a subpoena issued by the court without any justifiable reason "
^^ndirect contempt of the court C. direct contempt of the court
~B. criminal act by omission ^ civil liability for damages
B6.A court order which requires a physician to produce before the court the record of a patient treated by,
him is l^wn as
t V^ubpoena duces tecum C. injunction
B. subpoena t e s t i fi c a n d u m D. marasmus
B7.Subpoena duces tecum
A. requires a person to appear in court

^ requires a person to appear and testify in court

\qJ requires a person to appear in court and produce documents or papers in his possession
D. requires a person to appear in court and produce a person under his care and custody
BB.When called upon by the judicial authorities, the following are duly bound to assist in the
administration of justice on matters which are medico-legal in character, EXCEPT:
A. Health o f fi c e r s gynecologist
B. physician in general practice (^"albularyo"
89.Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
i/k. for a physician to:b£ held cdcninally liable for a crime committed in violation of the Revised
Penal Code/thelcriminal interi^of the offender physician must be established .
When the act or omission of the physician was done with deliberate intent or due to
t imprudence, negligence and lack of foresight or skill, he may be held criminally liable
xyC. The unlawful act of the physician in violation of the special laws constitutes a crime

®rieAspecvtieofn itent
physician can be held criminally liable for crimes committed in violation of the special laws
after proving that there was criminal intent

90. Which statement i^ot v^: A balikbayan physician formerly a citizen of the Philippines and had
previously passed the medical licensure examination in the Phils. May practice, his profession this country
provide he : fD '?M1 • piU -» -kanvAa -r raiAe6tic/( pcv
A. pay corresponding income tax due in all income realized in practicing in the Phils.
Must become a Filipino citizen once more
i/C. Is a professional practitioner of good standing prior to departure from the Phils. And in his
adopted country
(/D. Shall register with PRC and pay the proper professional license fee j/
91. The kind of professional fee which is unethical because the amount wages with unforeseeable
c o n t Va:
i g econtingent
n^s i s oxtfcvre
k n o(_i<^i|/uvv£^i;fc)i)
wn as : straight
1 feeloiotUvi cf Jqvm d
fee c.
B. dichotomous fee D. retainer's fee <J-jiivc, f|"v| fwki-wh
Minpve pse C PF )
92. Repdatand is a sanction imposed against a doctor when he is guilty of what liability:
A V^dministrative liability C. criminal liability
B. civil liability D. no liability
<tein I'VauivLgY

93.A physician should never examine or treat hospitalized patient of another physician without the letter's
knowledge and consent except when:
A. the patient expressly asks him to do so in the absence of attending physician
B. he is a relative of the patient
^ C. he wiinl not charge the patient a professional fee
case of emergency, the attending physician is not readily available

94. Vicarious liability of a physician refers to his responsibility for:

A. injury to his patient resulting from failure of the patient to follow instructions
B. injury to his patient because of defective hospital equipment
C injury to his patient because of misunderstanding between him and his patient
injury to his patient because of a negligent act committed by his nurse

95. Which of the following statement i^OT valjdy*' ~ ctutse fc^kM ^

^ A. a medical practitioner has the right to limit his'^kctice to certain days of a week and certain
hours of the day v 'ucutarlrf *
B. a medical practitioner may refuse to make those calls and concentrate his practice only in his
clinic or hospital
iC. except in cases of emergency, a physician is not obliged to serve every patient who solicits his

once a physician-patient relationship has been established, a physician is obliged to attend to his
patient in the letter's home even if the patient has moved a town 200 kilometers from the city
where the physician practices —

flwnig^ino^nob gilaoitnm
i posedonh
skill of an average physician " ^
use of knowledge and skill with extraordinary care and diligence
C. duty to observe utmost good faitlT '
D. best judgment ^ ,

97. Which of the following does not affect a termination of physician-patient relationship?
withdrawal of physician without patient consent cttanrfcivnuavf
^ recovery of patient
C. death of patient
D. death of physician v .

98. The official religion of the Republic of the Philippines :

A. roman Catholicism

none •

99. Laws passed between Jtily 4, 1946 tp Sept. 21, 1^72 bear the prefix:
A. A. (Commonwealth Act) 193T-^1
B. P. D. (Presidential Decree) - VG
L. 0.1. (Letter of Instruction) pp vjiLg,| >
(K) R. A. (Republic Act) ) oiMen-l
100. Right to regulate the practice of medicine by the'State^ based on;
Police power
c ST Power of eminent domain
C. Medical Act of 1959
D. Constitution


***Good luck on your board examination***

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P O S T T E S T: L E G A L M E D I C I N E

N a m e :

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire is composed of 100 items. On the box

provided in the front page of the Examination Answer Sheet, kindiy write your student code &
name. Ail final answers should be made on the back page of the EXAMINATION ANSWER
SHEET provided for. Only Mongol 2 may be used. Do not leave any blanks as this wil^e
considered incorrect. Do NOT detach the name stub. Submit your EAS only. Please be giOkdj,



1. Physical injury found opposite the site of application of force: ^

A. Coup-contre-coup Injury
^ B. Centre- coup injury '
C. Coup injury sve . ^ f^
D. Locus minoris resistencia o»cci i| ^ .i-
2. It refers to pain on account of the involvement of the senspry nerve:
^ A. Rubor f
B. Dolor
C. Calor
D. Loss of Function f ^
3. Circumscribe extravasation of blood in th||^Bqy|^eous tissue:
A. Contusion utiOvir^n
O P\ B. Petechiae
C. Hematoma fHi,
D. Ecchymosis kvs rtTgrjf /i
4. Extravasation or effusion newly formed cavity underneath the skin:
A. Contusion

^ B. Petechiae
C. Hematoma ^
D. Ecchymosi% ^
5. Depriving a person^'«ither totally or partially, of some essential organs for reproduction
A. Mayhelm ' »
p B. Hai:Jd|g "■''
C. Ebbing ^ a
. D. felatlon fV "iSwpiM, ^
6. Dfilproduced by the spinning movement of me bullet: ew
A. Muzzzle imprint ficMprt»i ^ . \
■ C. Tattooing ' <can p<jvv£(M re^u;^^^JC'^ J^/mu/nc6i^tcence)

^ ■^ . - v j r - . v h W C o n t u s i o n C o l l a r n m <
7. The rnost reliable method of identification is:
A. Dental identification 2*^ /)

g B. DNA analysis
C. Fingerprint 4*4
D. Visual Identification ariin^
8. A term used to indicate wounds produced by explosions:
A. Lacerated wound pofrnin/T
5 C B. Shrapnel wound penetufwv
C. Avulsion Wfrnih j
D. Sharpnel wound


9. Medicine of the forum; or the law of courts:
A. Forensic Meciicine
0 ^ B. Medical Jurisprudence <^ff^ce(ho / Ur/y vmJUcM
C. Both a and b
D. None of the-above
10. Ill-treatment of another by deed without causing any injury like a slap on the face, or
holding the arm tightly, is classified as:
A. Slight Physical Injury <3^ ^ )
" -P B. Less Serious Physical injury /o-i? djo^
C. Serious Physical Injury
D. Frustrated Homicide
11. A condition in which foreign matters are introduced in the bloodstream causing sudden
block of the blood few: ^
A. Infection

p B. Shock
C. Hemorrhage ^ ^
D. Embolism cctn^'cMw ^
12. Smudging in gunshot wound of entrance, is Usually seen up to a distance of:

^ B . 6 - 1 2 i n c h e s a w a y * - o - w i c / r o fi ^
C. 24 inches away . ^ '
D. More than 36 inches away no«M"de*K^
13. A stellate gunshot wound is sometimes seen in:
"'A. Contact fire gunshot wound
Pc 5 B. Near fire gunshot wound
C. Distant fire gunshot wound
D. If it is within 24 inches
14. Peppering in gunshot wound of entrance, is usually seen up to a distance of:
A. 3-6 inches
C B. 6-12 inches
C. 24 inches
D. more than 36 inches away
15. An injury caused by sharp-e^ instrument:
Q A. Stab wound "
^ B. Chop wound •
C. Incised wound ,
D. Punctured wound ' -
16. An injury caused by a sharp-pointed instrument:
A. Stab wound
B. Chop wound
^ C. Incised wound
D. Punctured wound
17. An abrasion wherein the wounding instrument is imprinted in the skin:
£j A. Pressure abrasion
^ B. "Abrasion a La Signature" iiW)M <3^-7^0
, C. Dragging Abrasion
D. Graze Abrasion </
18. Occurs when there is irr^ersible coma, without possibility of resuscitation; •
A. Cellular death tidtv"
B. Cardiorespiratory death
^ C. Brain death 'ibietut ijf qu^iu^
D. Somatic death (y wik ^ (5^
19. Disease or injury that produces the physfologi&l disruption in the body.
A. Manner of death vs
C. B. Mechanism of death
V c. Causes of death
D. Time of death


20. It is the rise of temperature of the body after death due to rapid and early putrefactive
changes. ~
A. Post mortem lividity ,
B. Postmortem contact flattening
C C. Post mortem caloricity wwndicdcA cWfk
D. Post mortem rigidity
21. The whole body becomes stiff due to the contraction of the muscles.
A. Livor mortis ^ \
B. Algor mortis ' cwrCuvu ^
G C. Rigor mortis v
D. Putrefaction )
22. The stiffening is due to the solioification of rats.
A. Putrefaction ^ e^pvacl h IsfW
B. Maceration aKJ ^
\D ^ C. Saponification
D. cold stiffening
23. It is the accumulation of blood into the most dependent portions of the body due to the pull
of g r a v i t y. ' ^
A. Rigor mortis
B. Algor mortis
^ C. Livor mortis
D. Putrefaction
24. Appears during the later stage of its formation when blood has coagulated inside the blood
A. Post rriortem rigidity

^ B. Hypostatic lividity Ih'itutf

C. Diffusion lividity Osthi^xen -r cowflcdMc^/ atf
D. Post mortem contact flattening
25. Condition wherein the fatty, tissues of the body are transformed to soft brownish-white
substance known as "adipogre". .
A. Putrefaction jfcfc
Of) B. Maceration
C. Saponification ^
D. Mummificationfe-f>|jd(Aefct(!h (f- f'tdl(A
26. Laceration or rupture of the hymen as a result of sexual intercourse.
A. Carnal knowledge ■scxuaf 6v<^^ refafifln
^ B. Lewd design fcgnancrtCf
C . D e fl o r a t i o n
D. Virgo-intacta ^ MOrruT^
27. Sexual desire with statutes:
A. Scotophilia
V B. Frottage
C. Mannikinism
D . Pvmalionism
28.^Refers tiva truly virgin woman who has not borne a child.
A. Moral Virginity V
Q k B. Physical Virginity
C. Virgo-intacta
D. Demi-virginity criiow all iomtd ■
29. The sexual act was done through abuse of^uthqnty or confidence:
A. Simple Seduction
<6 P B. Qualified Seduction poiio ^
C. Abduction Cte*v<S)
D. Acts of Lasciviousness
30. A type of hymen wherein there are multiple hymenal openings,
g « A. Septate 2 C. Imperforate
B. Cribriform D. Crescentic i


31. Sexual intercourse in the form of interlabial or interfemoral intercourse.
A. Moral

^ B. Physical Virginity
C. Demi-virginity ctOvbi^v' hi/men
D. Virgo-intacta
32. An instrument used in examination of sexual abused like Rape.
A. Electron Microscope
B. Colonoscopy
^ C. Colposcope
D. Endoscope
33. Molecular death is:
A. Complete and irreversible cessation of brain, heart and lungs function
T? B. Death of individual tissues and cells after somatic death
^ C. Total loss of EEC Activity, but heart is functioning itcuri (kaih
D. Vitals functions are at low pitch that cannot be detected by clinical examination
34. All are tests associated with cessation of circulation, except:
A. Winslow's test t

^ B. Magnus test • -
C. Diaphanous test
D. I- Card's test ^
35. Postmortem Caloricity is:
A. Increased temperature of the body within 2 hours of death; ^ ^ ^
^ B. Rapid fall in temperature after death X
^ r C. Increased temperature after 6-8 hours of death •"
Decrease in temperature followed by rise
36. Statement N0;nxue-al2gut rigor mortis is:
A. Appears^media^ty after death adcMnc >pHSin
cl Affects bcfiwoTuntary and involuntary muscles y
yt. Indicates time since death , CiWvi Ccmiplde j
v6. Results from fusion of actin and myosin filaments
37. What is post mortem livfdity?
A. The stiffening of a body after death. 4 hours. ^
C B . D i s c o l o r a t i o n o f t h e b o d y. 4 h o u r s . 3 ^ f J ' r c m m G r v t .
C. Discoloration of the body. Minutes to about an hour, t f?irfhwtferJ UiMUn
D. None of the choices is correct ^
38. The following are classified as Gaseous poisons except:
A. Carbon monoxidey' "
y ^ B. Carbon dioxide "
C/P C. Strychnine P^ivcW
D. Cyanogen and cyanides
39. Which^ofiheTdHovying findings significantly point to drowning as a cause of death?
A. "^od' ChldHd^ in the left ventricle is the same as in the right ventricle
jp B. washerwoman's hand and feet ■sudn.ewch
^ C. physical injuries indicative of a struggle
D. marked congestion of the trachea and bronchi which are filled with foreign bodies
49. Accidental death of young children by suffocation either from the pressure of the
beddings and pillows or from the pressure of the unconscious or drunk mother is called
A. battering iguvj'
6 B. overlaying
C. burking j SUsAr
D. mugging
41. Caused by mechanical occlusion of the air passages from the outside, by hand or any
object. .
A. trau'matic asphyxia

y^ B. asphyxia
C. aby
s psmothering
hyxia choBng "
D. asphyxia by mugging c(T ^ec<


42. Asphyxia by smothering with application of the materials usually handkerchiefs, linen or
other cloth materials to prevent air to have access to the mouth or nostrils is called:
A. gagging /
O B. garroting Urrptw n t e K ■s O n v N "
C. burking ^ ^
D. mugging
43. Medical knowledge for the purpose of law and administration of justice is studied in:
A. Legal medicine —
Q B. Ethical medicine
C. Medical jurisprudence
D. Litigation Medicine
44. Characteristic of contact gunshot wound seen when the muzzle is within a distance of 3-6
inches away:
A. Singeing of hairs, smudging, tattooing ' .
■n B . S m u d g i n g a n d t a t t o o i n g
C. Singeing and tattooing
D. Tattooing or peppering only
45. Rulings based on laws that affect or deal wim the practice of medicine are covered in:
A. Legal medicine . .
0 -fj B. Forensic medicine
. C. Litigation Medicine
D. Medical jurisprudence l^ty
46. This condition is observed underwater scuba divers, salvage divers and pleasure swimmers:
A. Hypobarism ' in ftW]
B. Hyperbarism
^ C. Bends
D. Chokes .
47. An abrasion commonly seen in hanging and strangulation:
A. Scratch abrasion 7 '
B. Brush burn abrasion
C C. Friction abrasion
D. Impact abrasion
48(|§um tot^f all the reactions of tissues or organ to trauma:
A. Physical Injury 'iiimMjiiA ch
k B. Wound ^
' C. Hemorrhage
D. Vital reaction cncCu^ vr^tryneUir)
49. Abortion wherein there is hemorrhage with dilatation, of the interna! os and presence of
rhythmical pain. ,
A. Threatened A. c-btci cflatry
^ B. Inevitable A.
C. Missed A. K»
s' D. Criminal A.
50. Autopsy falls under this section of Code of Sanitation:
' A. P. D . 586, Sec. 95 •»

xD (C B. P.D. 658, Sec. 95

C. P.D. 856, Sec. 85
D. P.[30^Sec(95)
51. Dr. B, during a fly^erectomy procedure unintentionally cut patient A's ureter. Patient A
is demanding P3,500,000.00 from Dr. B. for her mental anguish as a result of the incident.
^ Patient is referring to what kind of liability?
A. Administrative Liability utilise
B. Civil Liability
C.Criminal Liability
D.None of the Above


52. Patient A likewise went to a lawyer and asked that Dr. ^s license be revoked. Patient A is
referring to what kind of liability of a doctor?

c (^Administrative Liability C. Criminal Liability

B. Civil Liability D. None of the Above
53. but since patient A cannot afford the professional fees of the lawyer, she asked her
husband to rather go to the Professional Regulation Commission and directly submit her
complaint against Dr. 8. The husband of patient A is filing a complaint referring to what kind of
^ A. Administrative Liability C. Criminal Liability
B. Civil Liability D. None of the Above
54. While in pain, patient A is reading a book entitled Revised Penal Code of the Philippines^
She is thinking of invoking its provisions against Dr. B. She must be thinking of planning^
a case against Dr. B. for: '
A. Administrative Liability C. Criminal Liability
B. Civil Liability ■ D. None of the Above
55. As a valid exercise of its police power of the State, a physician may be cIt^
G A. administrative liability C. civil liability
B. criminal liability D. judicial liability
56. A physician's administrative liability is heard before the:
C A. Regional Trial Court C. Profession |tibn Commission
B. Supreme Court D. Securiti lange Commission
57. If a fiscal sends a subpoena to a physician, more likely thi !ian is being
investigated for: > .

C A. administrative liability C.^iyihyal|lity

B. criminal liability |)^-^si0|ss culpability
58. An order of the court commanding a physician ar and testify is called:
C. subpoena ad valorem
^ A. subpoena ad testificandum
B. subpoena duces tecum ;;i subpoena attendum
59. Which of the following falls under vicariouiO| Hity?
C. doctrine of ostensible agent
^ A. doctrine of foreseeability
B. doctrine of "res ipsa loqujji D. Rescue doctrine
60. Doctrine of imputed negligenfe is nonymous with:
n A. vicarious liability C. rescue doctrine '
B. borrowed servant^S D. good Samaritan doctrine
61. When resident physiqgi}S%^/ nurses are under the temporary supervision of another
physician during a priylj^pgery, the liability of the surgeon for the negligence resident
B physician is covered \ '
A. doctrine of fol^seeability C. rescue doctrine
B. borri>|rfstervant doctrine D. fellow servant doctrtine
62. The do,e%i4'br'&mmand responsibilty" is applicable to which of the folowing?:
A. %gilreiption of risk C. contributory negligence
' 6:|^4ldio,flogisB.
ts inelbtain-of-the-ship
a hospital are liable for damages
D. last under
doctrine of:
■f j A - o s t e n s i b l e a g e n t C . r e s i p s a l o q u i t p r
, V B. contributory negligence x D. assumption of risk
'S^JWhen the endotracheal tube is discovered to be inserted, into the esophagus as shown by X-
ray, the physician is liable under the doctrine of:-
A. rescue doctrine C. foreseeability
B. res ipsa loquitor D. contributory negligence
65. The term "res ipsa loquitor" literally means:
C. the doctor speaks for himself
p A. the patient speaks for himself
B. the thing speaks for itself D. the court speaks for the patient
66. When the patient is himself negligent causing more damage to his existing injury, the
3 doctrine applicable is:
A. assumption of risk C. captain-of-the-ship
B. contributory negligence D. res ipsa loquitor


67. When tiie patient is usually inactive and virtually places himself in the command or Control
of the physician, it is because of the doctrine of:
^ A. assumption of risk . C. superior knowledge
B. contributory negligence D. foreseeability
68.,The requisites of an informed consent Include/s the following:
\p A. content/information , C. comprehension /
B. voluntary ^ D. all of the above
69. A delirious and deranged patient was left alone in his bed as a result of which he stood up
and jumped from the window and later died. The liability of the doctor is under the doctrine of:
A. rescue doctrine C. Res ipsa loqultor
B. foreseeability D. captain-of-the-ship
70. A physician was injured while on a rescue mission of victim of an accident. Supposed Mr.
See is responsible for the accident, he is liable to the physician under the doctrine of:
^ A. captain-of-the-ship C. assumption of risk '»
B. res ipsa loqultor D. neither
71. In determining whether one is an employee, the following must be used as guidellne/s:
A. master controls the servant over the details of the work
B. the length of time the master is allowed to work
C. the master has no right to fire employee
D. the employee may resign anytime ^
72. A private nurse hired by the patidnt to attend to nursing needs while in ttie hospital is:
A. an independent contractor
B. an employee of the hospital
P X. aD.moonlighter
special employee
73. Which of the following is/are considered ostensible agent/s of the hospital?:
A. Surgeon ' ~~T~,

CB. Obstetri
G. c Riaan-Gynecol
d i o l o g i sotgist" c ; >
D. Pediatrician,
74. The pattiologist is considered in the%)spital set-up as :
^ A. captain-of-the-ship C. ostensible agent
B. borrowed servant D. doctor who speaks for the dead
75. Dr. BU is a surgeon St. Gimenez Medical Center. He wanted to do appendectomy in
another hospital. He called Dr. Tphy, a i^asident physician at ttie a. Bopols Medical.Center, to
assist him. The negligent of DriTony ShalTbe imputed to Dr. Bu by reason of:
A. Borrowed Sei?v|^ 0rtrine ,
"n B. Vicarious «
C. corpoi^te liaMity
0. bus^e^ffeility
76. There is%<fed?easing popula iabilitythe Captain-of-the-Ship Doctrine by re^pn of:
^ A.%creasing complexity of sophistication of facilities
^ B. Encouraging the surgeon to concentrate on his job
Q Demise of charitable immunity to damage suit shifted from the surgeon to the hospital .
v i- D. All of the above
. 7^y^bich one of the following is there no more need for expert testimony because the injury
Is i ^ o o fl o f negligence?: ~
% Assumption of Risk
^ B. Res ipsa loquitor ,
C. trust fund doctrine
D. implied waiver
78. The doctrine of Coptributory Negligence likewise ^rs to :
A. Doctrine of Common Fault

^ B C.
. public
D opolicy
c t r doctrine
ine of Assumption of Risk •
D. last clear chance


79. The main regulatory law that governs the practice of medical profession In the Philippines
Is the: '
A. Generic Act C. Medical Act of 1959 as amended
B. Midwifery Law ' ' D. Nursing Law of 2002
80. The latest law that has been passed by Congress with respect to patients who may leave
^ the hospital If they canno^ay Is the:
- A. Patlenfs Rights Law C. Anti-Patient Illegal Detentton Law
8. Medical Malpractice Law D. Malpractice Insurance Law
81. The main regulatory leiw that governs the prescription of medicines In the Philippines is
A. Generic Act C. Medical Act of 1959
' B. Midwifery Law D. Nursing Law of 2002
82.As a witness In court, a physician may refuse to answer a question propounded to him l|^
answer —^
p A. wilTiofbe relevant to the case at Issue C. wil antagonize the judge C\^
B. will be self Incriminatory D. will blacken the reputation
83.Amedical witness In the wltn^s stand who vehemently r^ses to answdr q^^o^
propounded In court may be declared guilty of ■"""
A A. direct coritempt " / C. criminal act by omj^OTf^^
B. conduct unbecoming a medical witness D. indirect contemo^^^
84.A physician who testifies in court on matters pertaining to his fln^^^^C patient In the
course of their physician-patient relationship Is considered ■ ^
L/ . A. amicus curiae C. an ordlrae^n^^
B. an officer of the court D. an expeWwflOl witness
85. A physician who faJIs to cc^mply with a sub^ena Issu^^tl^court without any justifiable
reason may be guilty ar~- ^
^ A. Indirect contempt
act ofbytheomission
court G^AelSs^ntempt of the court
-i— B. crimlnar
treated by
^ liabifor
lity fordamages
86. A court order which requires a physician to before
recordofof aa patient
as ^
\ A. subpoena duces tecum ' " C.
j u injunction
' B . s u b p o e n a t e s t i fi c a n d u m D . mDa. rmaasr ams muuss
87. Subpoena duces^um'
A. requires a person to appe^n Mm
B. requires a person to^Wii^testify
C. requires a person tc court and produce documents or papers In his possession
D. requires a person^ ^rfr In court and produce a person, under his care and custody
88. When cae
l d upon 1^} ^clal authorities, the following are duly bound to assist In.the
administration of jusS^^ atters which are medico-legal in character, EXCEPT:
' r C. gynecologist ^
A.. HealthltifflceX'
B. phys^raffm general practlce^-^ D. D.
89. Which^^iVrowing statement IM^ correct?
n to be held criminally liable for a crime commited in violation of the
Code, the criminal Intent of the offender physician must be established
^sSj^hen the act or omission of the physician was done with deliberate Intent or due to
^Cj(ifl«^prudence, negligence and lack of foresight or skil, he may be held criminaly liable
^^i^The unlawful act of the physician in violation of the special laws constitutes a crime
\J Irrespective of Intent
^ D. A physician can be held criminally liable for crimes committed In violation of the special
laws after .proving that there was criminal Intent ,
90. Which statement Is not valid: A ballkbayan physjcian formerly a citizen of the Philippines
and had previously passed the medical licensure examination in the Phils. May practice his
profession this country provide he :
A. pay corresponding Income-tax due In all income realized in practicing In the Phils.
B. Musfe become a Filipino citizen once more - »
C. Is a professional practitioner of good standing prior to departure from the Phils. And In
his adopted country
D. Shall register with PRC and pay the proper professional license fee


91. The kind of professional fee which is liqet^ai because the amount wages with
unforeseeable contigencies is kriQwn as :
A A. contingent fee G. dichotomous fee
B. straight fee D. retainer's fee
92. Reprimand is a sanction imposed against a doctor when he is guilty of what liability:
A. administrative liability C. criminal liability
' B. civil liability D. no liability
93. A physician should never examine or treatijospitalized patient of another physician
without the letter's knowledge and conSent£^eptA^hen:
A. the patient expressly asks him to do so in the absence of attending physician
B. he is a relative of the patient
C. he will not charge the patient a professional fee
D. in case of emergency, the attending-physician is not readily available
94. Vicarious Itability of a physician (^ers to his responsibility for:
A. injury to his patient resulting from failure of the patient to follow instructions
^^ B.
C. irgury tohi
injury to his patient
s pati becauseofofmi
ent because defective hospital
sunderstandi equipment
ng between him and his patient
D. injury to his patient because of a negligent act committed by his nurse
95. Which of the fdllowing statement is I^T valid
A. a medical practitioner has the right to limit his practice to certain days of a week and
certain hours of the day
B. a medical practitioner may refuse to make those calls and eonceni^ate his practice only
in his clinic or hospital
C. except in cases of emergency, a physician is not obliged =ti^selS/e every patient who
solicits his services
D. once a physician-patient relationship has been esj;db|is|ied, a physician is obliged to
y attend to his patient in the latter's home even if ,|le^tient has moved a town 200
kilometers from the city vvbere the physician%iib|Sces
96. Which one of the following isf^tj^n obligation lifjiposed on the physician-patient
relationship? .
^ A. knowledge and skill of an average physician
B. use of knowledge and skill with extraordinary care and diligence
C. duty to observe utmost good fafth v
D. best judgment ^ ^
97. Which of the following affdct a termination of physician-patient relationship?
A. withdrawal of physician without patient consent
^ B. recovery of patient
C. death of patient i
D. death of physi||an
98. The official rettgion of the Republic of the Philippines :
A. rom^ eatifdlitism C. paganism
B. chrlsi^ty- D. none
. 99. Laws passed between July 4, 1^6 to Sept. 21, 1972 bear the prefix:
p Af A. (dommonwealth Act) C. C 0.1. (Letter of Ihstruction)
6. P. D. (Presidential Decree) D. R. A. (Republic Act)
100,T^e right to regulate the practice of medicirie by the State is based on:
A.- Police power
/ 6. Power of eminent domain
C. Medical Act of 1959
D. Constitution




JULY 2, 2015

General instruction: This questionnaire is composed of 100 items. On the box provided in the front page of the
Examination Answer Sheet, kindly write your registration number, name, subject and date. All final answer should be
made on the back page of the EXAMINATION ANSWER SHEET provided for SHADE SET A. Submit the answer
sheet. Please be guided accordingly.

A male cadaver was found on January 28, 2000 at 4:00PM with the following findings:

Gunshot wound at the left breast with a point of entry measuring 0.7 cm X 0.8 cm with a point of
exit measuring 3 cm X 4 cm at the right scapular region.
Tattooing found at the point of entry
Stab wound without tissue reaction
Full blown formation of rigor mortis
Stomach empty
Contusion collar widest at the left lateral aspect of point of entry.

1. What caliber of firearm was used?
a. Cal. 22
b. Cal. 32
c. Cal. 38
d. Cal. 45
2. What is the distance between the tip of the gun to the skin of the victim?
a. 6 inches
b. Contract fire
c. 4 feet
d. 1 meter
3. What is the relative position of the assailant to the victim?
a. Directly in front
b. Left of the victim
c. Right of the victim
d. In front, little bit on the left of the victim
4. Approximate time of death?
a. 3 hours
b. 10 hours
c. 14 hours
d. 18 hours
5. Which injury was inflicted first?
a. Stab wound
b. Gunshot wound
c. Simultaneous
d. Neither
6. When was the last meal
a. Lunch
b. Breakfast
c. Dinner
d. Snack at 10AM
7. The possible position of assailant from the victim was?
a. In front
b. Left side
c. Right side
d. Above

8. Legal medicine has the following purposes, EXCEPT:

a. The application of basic and clinical and paramedical sciences to elucidate legal matter
b. The administration of justice
c. The determination of appropriate penal imposition on crimes
d. The application of medical knowledge to the purpose of the law
9. When evaporation from a corpse is rapid and marked, the change will be:
a. Decomposition
b. Liquefaction
c. Mummification
d. Putrefaction
10. Softening in macerated body is caused by:
a. Fungi
b. Autolytic anzymes
c. Acids
d. Bacteria
11. Based on the chronological sequence of putrefactive change occurring in tropical regions when the body
is grossly swollen and disfigured, hair and nails looses and tissues are soft and discolored, the time since
death is how many hours:
a. 36 hours
b. 22 hours
c. 1 month
d. 18 hours
12. A month partook of a heavy meal at 7PM subsequently he died in his sleep and on autopsy his stomach
was half empty. The approximate time of death was:
a. 10 p.m.
b. 1 a.m.
c. 3 p.m.
d. 5 a.m.
13. A dead soldier was found limp in the battle field 12noon. When did the body die?
a. 10 a.m.
b. 5 a.m.
c. 12 midnight
d. 3 a.m.
14. A person found dead by the roadside was completely rigid. He must have been dead:
a. About 3 hrs.
b. About 6 hrs.
c. About 9 hrs.
d. 12 hrs. or more
15. A pregnant woman tool poison to end her life. Because of the timely intervention of a physician, she did
not die but instead aborted. She may be held liable for:
a. Attempted suicide
b. Abortion
c. Attempted suicide and abortion
d. No crime
16. Embalming a body does not:
a. Prevent the growth of molds
b. Interfere with detection of cyanide in tissues
c. Interfere with later determination of air embolism
d. Affect the state of post mortem rigidity
17. If the dead body is a subject matter of criminal investigation, it may be exhumes:
a. At anytime
b. After it has been buried for one year
c. After it has been buried for 3 years
d. After it has been buried 5 years
18. The race of a living person maybe presumed in the features of the face. A person with thick lips and
prominent eyes is a:
a. Mongolian
b. Malayan
c. Caucasian
d. Negro

19. A suspect left his fingerprint on the door after killing his victim. Such fingerprint is known as:
a. Plastic print
b. Latent print
c. Real print
d. Visible print
20. The most common cause of cerebral compression in the skull fracture usually due to hemorrhage from
small blood vessels which cross the subdural space of the subarachnoid area is the
a. Subdural hemorrhage
b. Cerebral hemorrhage
c. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
d. Epidural hemorrhage
21. The microorganism that plays an important role in decomposition is:
a. Meseniericus
b. Coli
c. Welchii
d. Proteus vulgaris
22. A common-law-husband who kills his wife whom he has a 2-day old child can be prosecuted for
a. Infanticide
b. Parricide
c. Homicide
d. Impossible crime
23. The following statement are important in death determination, which one is not valid:
a. Civil personality of a natural person is extinguished by death
b. The property of a person is transmitted to the heirs, if not to the government
c. the death of a partner is one of the causes of dissolution of partnership agreement
d. the criminal liability of a person is extinguished by death
24. In the examination of an alleged victim of sexual intercourse, hymenal laceration is said to be compound
or complicated.
a. when physician cannot fully determine whether it is laceration or not
b. when laceration is superimposed with infection
c. when laceration not involved the hymen but also the adjacent tissue
d. when there are more than one point of laceration
Case History 2:
On January 1 2015, a woman was allegedly sexually molested by her boyfriend. The next day she was immediately
examined by a medico-Legal officer. The medical findings were:
1. Physical injuries in some parts of the body
2. Genital examinations showed the following :
a. Hymenal laceration at 3:00 and 6:00 position
b. Hymenal orifice admits a 1.5 cm in cross diameter test tube
c. Positive for spermatozoa per vaginum
d. Hymenal laceration on this case was comparative with the alleged date of commission
25. Injuuries and other genital findings sustained by the victim were compatible with:
a. Attempted rape
b. Rape
c. Consummated sexual intercourse
d. Forcible sexual intercourse
26. Hymenal laceration noted conclusive evidence of defloration
a. Hymenal laceration was secondary to sexual intercourse
b. Consummated rape
c. Attempted rape
d. Attempted sexual intercourse
27. Hymenal orifice on this victim showed that:
a. The victim was sexually molested
b. The evidence that the hymenal orifice admits a 1.5cm test tube showed that rape was commited.
c. Admitting a tube of only 1.5 cm is an evidence of attempted rape
d. Whatever you call it, rape was committed on this case
28. Positive for spermatozoa per vaginum was a clear evidence of:
a. Rape was committed
b. Ejaculation per vaginum took place
c. Alleged rape was committed
d. None of the above

29. Crime committed by the assailant on this case was:

a. Rape
b. Attempted rape
c. Attempted sexual intercourse
d. Consummated sexual intercourse
30. Hymenal laceration on this case showed:
a. The victim was committed on the alleged date of commission
b. Crime could have been committed on the alleged date of commission
c. The hymenal laceration took place on the alleged date of commission
d. All of the above is correct
31. Crime of rape could have been committed by eithr:
a. The man or woman on this case
b. Committed by the man on this case
c. Committed by the woman on this case
d. Definitely committed by the man.
32. Speaking of the crime rape
a. It is only committed by a man
b. It is committed by a woman
c. Both can commit the crime
d. All of the above are correct
33. If the crime of rape was committed by a woman:
a. It is possible that the man could have consented in the process
b. It is not difficult for a woman to commit the crime
c. The crime rape has been committed by a man
d. Rape can be committed by a woman

C. Match the lettered items with the following number statement below
A. Abrasion
B. Punctured wound
C. Incised wound
D. Hematoma
A. Stab wound
B. Hacking wound
C. Contusion
D. Lacerated wound

34. A large incised wound B

35. Caused by a sharp pointed instrument B
36. Contact with rough surface A
37. Ice pick, needle, syringe B
38. Caused by a sharp-edge instrument A
39. Description of its color is important C
40. Cut, slice C
41. Samurai,bolo,ax B
42. Bruise C
43. Blood tumor,cyst D
44. Lead pipe,baseball ball D
45. Caused by a blunt object C
46. Open wound caused by a blunt object or instrument D
47. Caused by friction A
48. Caused by an abject with sharp point and sharp edge A

49.The medical witness who refuses to answer questions propounded to him may be cited for
a. dishonorable conduct c. indirect contempt
b. perjury
50.As a witness in court, a physician may refuse to answer a question propounded to him if his answer
a. will not be relevant to the case at issue c. will antagonize the judge
b. will be self-incriminatory d. will blacken the reputation of a friend
51.A medical witness in the witness stand who vehemently refuses to answer questions propounded in court
may be declared guilty of
a. direct contempt c. criminal act by omission
b. conduct unbecoming a medical witness d. indirect contempt

52. A physician who testifies in court on matters pertaining to his findings on his patient in the course of their
physician-patient relationship is considered
a. amicus curiae c. an ordinary witness
b. an officer of the court d. an expert medical witness
53. A physician who fails to comply with a subpoena issued by the court without any justifiable reason may be
guilty of
a. indirect contempt of the court c. direct contempt of the court
b. criminal act by omission d. civil liability for damages
54. A court order which requires a physician to produce before the court the record of a patient treated by him
is known as
a. subpoena duces tecum c. injunction
b. subpoena testificandum d. marasmus
55. Subpoena duces tecum
a. requires a person to appear in court
b. requires a person to appear and testify in court
c. requires a person to appear in court and produce documents or papers in his possession
d. requires a person to appear in court and produce a person under his care and custody
56. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
a. for a physician to be held criminally liable for a crime committed in violation of the Revised Penal Code,
the criminal intent of the offender physician must be establish
b. When the act or omission of the physician was done with deliberate intent or due to imprudence,
negligence and lack of foresight or skill, he may be held criminally liable
c. The unlawful act of the physician in violation of the special laws constitutes a crime irrespective of intent
d. A physician can be held criminally liable for crimes committed in violation of the special laws after
proving that there was criminal intent

57. Which statement is not valid: A balikbayan physician formerly a citizen of the Philippines and had
previously passed the medical licensure examination in the Phils. May practice his profession this country
provide he :
a. pay corresponding income tax due in all income realized in practicing in the Phils.
b. Must become a Filipino citizen once more
c. Is a professional practitioner of good standing prior to departure from the Phils. And in his adopted
d. Shall register with PRC and pay the proper professional license fee
58. The kind of professional fee which is unethical because the amount wages with unforeseeable
contigencies is known as :
a. contingent fee b. dichotomous fee
c. straight fee d. retainer’s fee
59. Reprimand is a sanction imposed against a doctor when he is guilty of what liability:
a. administrative liability c. criminal liability
b. civil liability d. vicarious liability
60. A physician should never examine or treat hospitalized patient of another physician without the letter’s
knowledge and consent except when:
a. the patient expressly asks him to do so in the absence of attending physician
b. he is a relative of the patient
c. he will not charge the patient a professional fee
d. in case of emergency, the attending physician is not readily available
61. Vicarious liability of a physician refers to his responsibility for:
a. injury to his patient resulting from failure of the patient to follow instructions
b. injury to his patient because of defective hospital equipment
c. injury to his patient because of misunderstanding between him and his patient
d. injury to his patient because of a negligent act committed by his nurse
62. Which of the following statement is NOT valid
a. a medical practitioner has the right to limit his practice to certain days of a week and certain hours of the
b. a medical practitioner may refuse to make those calls and concentrate his practice only in his clinic or
c. except in cases of emergency, a physician is not obliged to serve every patient who solicits his services
d. once a physician-patient relationship has been established, a physician is obliged to attend to his
patient in the latter’s home even if the patient has moved a town 20 kilometers from the city where
the physician practices

63. Which one of the following is not an obligation imposed on the physician-patient relationship?
a. knowledge and skill of an average physician
b. use of knowledge and skill with extraordinary care and diligence
c. duty to observe utmost good faith
d. best judgement
64. Which of the following does not affect a termination of physician-patient relationship?
a. withdrawal of physician without patient consent c. death of patient
b. recovery of patient d. death of physician
65. The official religion of the Republic of the Philippines : BONUS
a. Roman Catholicism c. paganism
b. Christianity d. Catholicism
66. Laws passed between July 4, 1946 to Sept. 21, 1972 bear the prefix:
a. C. A. (Commonwealth Act) c. L. O. I. (Letter of Instruction)
b. P. D. (Presidential Decree) d. R. A. (Republic Act)
67. Dr. B, during a Hysterectomy procedure unintentionally cut patient A’s ureter. Patient A is demanding
P3, 500,000.00 from Dr. B. for her mental anguish as a result of the incident. Patient is referring to what
kind of liability?
a. Administrative Liability c. Criminal Liability
b. Civil Liability d. vicarious liability
68. The scope of the preliminary examination in the Philippine Medical Board Examination is:
a. Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology
b. Anatomy and Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Parasitology
c. Anatomy and Histology, Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology
d. Anatomy and Histology, Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Biochemistry
69. The penalty of illegal practice of medicine is:
a. imprisonment of 1-5 years, fine of P1,000 – P10,000
b. imprisonment of 1-10 years, fine of P1,000 – P5,000
c. imprisonment of 1-15 years, fine of P1,000 – P5,000
d. imprisonment of 1-10 years, fine of P5,000 – P10,000
70. An artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the power, attributes and
properties expressly authorized by law incident to its existence:
a. juridical person c. corporation
b. artificial person d. company
71. It is concerned with the aspect of law and legal concepts which has to do with the practice of Medicine:
a. medical ethics c. forensic medicine
b. legal medicine d. medical jurisprudence
72. Laws which govern the rules by which litigation are conducted:
a. substantive law c. adjective law
b. private law d. natural law
73. The Board of Medicine is composed of :
a. one chairman and four members c. one chairman and five members
b. one chairman and two members d. one chairman and six members
74. Considered to be the father of Medicine:
a. Confucious c. leonardo da vinci
b. Hippocrates d. pontius pilate
75. The privilege or franchise granted by the state to any person to perform medical acts upon compliance
with law:
a. exercise of medicine c. medical informatics
b. practice of medicine d. medical malpractice
76. What could be the purpose for the Office of the Prosecutor in conducting an Investigation
a. Probable cause c. preponderance of evidence
b. Improbable cause d. prima facie evidence
77. In the right of physician to limit their practice, one of the following is not true: BONUS
a. right to limit practice to certain specialty c. right to limit practice to certain hours
b. right to limit practice to certain place d. right to limit practice to outpatient only
78. The following EXCEPT one are rights of a physician, which one is the exception?
a. right to choose patient c. right to withdraw anytime as attending physician
b. right to limit practice of medicine d. right to determine appropriate mgt. Procedure
79. Which of the following DOES NOT affect a termination of physician-patient relationship?
a. withdrawal of physician without patient’s consent c. death of patient
b. recovery of patient d. death of physician

80. The physician has duties to his patient and they are the following, EXCEPT:
a. duty to possess average knowledge and skill c. duty to exercise ordinary diligence
b. duty to possess highly specialized knowledge d. duty to exercise good faith
81. Failure by a physician to perform his duty to his patient may be due to:
a. violation of a positive law c. ignorance
b. negligence d. any of the above
82. Before admission to the practice of medicine in the Philippines, an applicant must possess the following
requirements EXCEPT :
a. at least 18 years of age c. passed examination requirements
b. proper educational background d. holder of certificate of registration
83. Doctrine of imputed negligence is synonymous with:
a. vicarious liability c. rescue doctrine
b. borrowed servant doctrine d. continuing negligence
85. When resident physicians and nurses are under the temporary supervision of another physician during a
private surgery, the liability of the surgeon for the negligence resident physician is covered by:
a. doctrine of foreseeability c. rescue doctrine
b. borrowed servant doctrine d. corporate liability
86. When the surgeon is responsible for every corner of the operating room, this doctrine is called:
a. rescue doctrine c. both
b. “res ipsa loquitor” d. neither
87. The doctrine of “command responsibility” is applicable to which of the following?:
a. assumption of risk c. contributory negligence
b. captain-of-the-ship d. last clear chance
88. Radiologists in a hospital are liable for damages under the doctrine of:
a. ostensible agent c. res ipsa loquitor
b. contributory negligence d. corporate liability
89. When the endotracheal tube is discovered to be inserted into the esophagus as shown by X-ray,
the physician is liable under the doctrine of:
a. rescue doctrine c. foreseeability
b. res ipsa loquitor d. contributory negligence
90. The inherent power of the State to enact rules and regulations to protect the general welfare of the people
refers to:
a. Taxation c. Police power
b. Eminent Domain d. Administrative function
91. A law which provides for the infliction or of punishment upon a person for an act done which whom it was
committed is not a crime:
a. ex facto post law c. bill of attainder
b. ex post facto law d. bill of rights
92. Which of the following includes licensure, regulatory laws and physician-patient relationship?
a. legal medicine c. medical jurisprudence
b. medical ethics d. legal ethics
93. The nature of Physician-patient relationship is described as:
a. non-consensual b. fiduciary c. romantic d. adversarial
94. If the contract between the patient and the physician is in writing, it is said to:
a. implied b. expressed c. both d. neither
95. in the following, there is an existing patient-physician relationship:
a. pre-employment examination c. examination made during trial or litigation
b. physician examination for insurance purposes d. house calls or visits
96. The physician has duties to his patient and they are the following, EXCEPT:
a. duty to possess average knowledge and skill c. duty to exercise ordinary diligence
c. duty to possess highly specialized knowledge d. duty to exercise good faith
97. In the ff. It is said that there is no existing physician patient relationship, which one is the EXCEPTION :
a. casual questions asked in parties c. court appointed physical examination
b. insurance physical examination d. home service physical examination
98. In the psychological patterns of physician-patient relationship, the patients thinks he is juridically equal to the
doctor. This is called :
a. guidance cooperation relation c. activity passivity relation
b. mutual participation relation d. all of the above
99. The patient is related to his physician based on existing:
a. contract b. philosophy c. romance d. science
100. The practice of medicine in the Philippines is but a . . . .
a. matter of privilege of franchise b. matter of right c. matter of demand d. matter of luck

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