Brief - Petitioner Appendix 1
Brief - Petitioner Appendix 1
Brief - Petitioner Appendix 1
4. Mr. Willow instigated the violei'ice in this case and the violence was contemporaneous
Appendix 1
anrl the risk of serio?is bodily liann oi- adeatli to the Defendaiit or others witliiri his liotne
was considered imminent by the Defendant.
s. Tliis was a very dat'igerous encounter that escalated in mere seconds.
6. Mi': Willow was warned to stay back Liy the Defendaiit, iiistead lie made an ?mla'wful and
highly provocative and violent entry into the Del'eiidant's }ioi'ne and the presun'iptions are
that lie intended to conmiit air unlawfcil act iiivolving force or violence.
7. Tlxere is no indication that there was air act of disengagement on the part of Mr. Willow
once lie started runniiig toward the Defendant.
8. Tlie Defendaiit fired 9 shots from a magazine of 30 r6ut'ids from an AR-15-type rifle, in
rapid succession with no disceriiable brealc iii tl'ie time between those s]'iots.
9. Tliat Defei'idaiit was in his own hoii'ie arid tl'ie body of Mr. Willow was also found in the
home of the Defendaiit.
10. Tliat tl'ie Defendaiit's reasonable arid honest belief that deadly force was neee.ssary to
prevent imminent death or serious bodily injury to l'iimself or another is triggered under
the facts of this case.
11. Tliat tl'ie stahitoi'y presumption of reasoiiableness is implicated because Mr. Willow
unlawfully and forcefully entered the Defendant's home, and that the force tl'iat Was used
by the Defendaiit was iiecessaiy in this case.
12. That the State has not met its burden to establish that probable caiise exists to 6onclude
tltat the Defendaiit's use of force was not statutorily justified and that the Defendant shall
be afforded the protections of Wyoming Statitte § 6-2-602, and lie shall riot be subject to
criminal prosecution iii lhis matter.
IT TS HEi%EBY ORDERET), AD.JUDGED ?f'iNT) l)ECREET) l'l'iat tbe !)c!ci'idaiit sl'iall
t?ie afforded the protections of Wyomii'ig Sta(?ite § 6-2-602.
Deferidaiit's Motion to Dismiss sl'iall be granted and tbe tnatl:er dismissed.
XT IS FURTi-IER OR?DEREI) tl'iat airy boxid tl'iat has been posted tri this matter shall be
. "xO
DATEDthis ,i???(2, dayof iyi,-
Cd"%rl;:> 'ta - ': '-":l'i-b't'- -,'.S
App'roved as to for-m:
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) C) Deputy