Mod 1 Mock Boards With Rationale
Mod 1 Mock Boards With Rationale
Mod 1 Mock Boards With Rationale
4. The first element discovered by means of spectrophotometry. B. Smectite – mont morillinile – hydrous aluminum phyllosilicate
A. Cesium D. Rubidium – deep red C. Talc
B. Technetium – artificial E. Strontium - land mine D. Bentonite – native colloidal hydrated Al silicate
C. Indium - indigo E. Pumice – from volcanic origin
5. This is a measure of disinfecting power of a chemical 14. What color does Ca impart to a non-luminous flame?
compound/solution relative to phenol. A. Carmine red D. Bluish green
A. Phenol value ,R B. Brick red E. Purple
B. Phenol number C. Light green
C. Phenol coefficient – S. typhi
D. Disinfectant coefficient 15. Chemical name of “baking soda.”
E. Disinfectant value A. Sodium bicarbonate D. Sodium chloride
B. Sodium carbonate E. None of the above
6. Drug of choice for typhoid fever. C. Sodium hydroxide
A. Methicillin
B. Clindamycin – leaves C. difficile 16. Common name of sodium carbonate.
C. Chloramphenicol – aplastic anemia & Gray Baby syndrome A. Baker’s ammonia D. Sal soda
D. Erythromycin B. Caustic soda E. Lye
E. None of the above C. Baking soda
7. Agent/s classified as polyene antifungal/s 17. The specific mechanism of action of thimerosal as a
I. Nystatin II. Terbinafine A. Reaction with ribosomes
III. Amphotericin B IV. Griseofulvin B. Reaction with sulfhydryl groups
8. This DOC antifungal agent is often administered 18. A law that states that the entropy of a pure, crystalline solid
intravenously for the treatment of systemic mycoses. at absolute zero temperature is zero.
A. Ketoconazole D. Amphotericin B A. Zero Law of Thermodynamics
B. Clioquinol E. All of the above B. First Law of Thermodynamics – law of conservation
C. Nystatin C. Second Law of Thermodynamics – total entropy always inc.
9. A drug that possesses a “triad of features”, having antigiardial, D. Third Law of Thermodynamics
antiamebic, and antitrichomonal activity. E. Fourth Law of Thermodynamics
A. Clioquinol
B. Iodoquinol 19. Zinc white is:
C. Piperazine A. Zinc sulfate – white vitriol
D. Mefloquine B. Zinc oxide
E. Metronidazole – metallic after taste; disulfiram-like C. Zinc sulfide – zinc blend/white lotion
D. Zinc chloride
E. Zinc silicate – hydrated natural calamine
20. Which of the ff statements does not describe red C. Lithium carbonate
phosphorus? D. Magnesium tetrahydrate
A. Non-poisonous E. None of the above
B. Non-flammable
C. Also called yellow phosphorous 30. (CH3)2CO, dimethyl ketone, propanone or 2-propanone is
D. Both A & B more commonly known as:
E. All of the above A. Ethane D. Benzaldehyde
B. Acetone E. Pregnanolone
21. Components of glass include: C. Ozone
A. Silica D. Only A & C
B. Silicon dioxide E. All of the above 31. Lugol’s solution is a preparation of:
C. Sodium carbonate A. Iodine in water with potassium iodide
B. Iodine in alcohol with potassium iodide
22. Element whose name is derived from the Greek word for C. Iodine in water with sodium iodide – 1 solution
stone or earth. D. Iodine in alcohol with sodium iodide – 1 tincture
A. Tellurium D. Bismuth E. None of the above
B. Lithium E. Titanium
C. Technetium 32. An iodophor is a complex of elemental iodine with a
surfactant. Which of the ff is an iodophor?
23. Least abundant noble gas and an ideal anesthetic agent. A. Povidone iodine – cationic * non-ionic; Povidone
A. Neon B. Polyvinylpyrrolidone – surfactant; iodine
B. Argon – most abundant noble gas C. PVP
C. Radon D. B &C only
D. Krypton E. All of the above
E. Xenon
33. This element produces a bluish green flame when viewed
24. Aluminum has various pharmacological actions, including: through cobalt glass.
I. Astringent
,R A. Potassium D. Strontium
II. Deodorant B. Sodium E. Calcium
III. Antiseptic C. Barium
IV. Anti-perspirant
A. I, II, III & IV D. I, II & IV 34. Halogen used as a common water disinfectant
B. I & IV only E. II & IV only A. Astatine – least abundant element *Halozone
C. I, II & III B. Iodine - drinking water
C. Bromine
25. “Baker’s Ammonia” is named as such on the basis of its use D. Chlorine
as a smelling salt and leavening agent. What is “Baker’s E. Fluorine – dental caries
Ammonia” chemically?
A. Ammonium Carbonate D. Ammonium Chloride 35. Phenol coefficient is defined as the ratio of disinfectant to
B. Ammonium Hydroxide E. All of the above diluted phenol required to kill the bacterium.
C. Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia A. Shigella dysenteriae D. Enterobacteriaceae
B. Salmonella typhi E. All of the above
26. The disinfectant agent also known as carbolic acid. C. Klebsiella pneumoniae
A. Argol – crude K Bitartrate
45. The densest element known to man. 55. The various uses of boric acid, also known as “sal sativum.”
A. Platinum D. Osmium Include the ff except for:
B. Iridium E. Mercury A. Antiperspirant D. Buffer
C. Thallium B. Antiseptic E. None of the above
C. Eyewash B. Radium
C. Palladium
56. Poisoning with this substance is characterized by a “boiled D. Polonium – 2nd radioactive discovered by Marie Curie
lobster” appearance. E. Astatine
A. Sodium borate D. Both A & B
B. Boric acid E. Both A & C 66. It refers to the amount of energy required to remove an
C. Sodium oxalate electron from a neutral atom by overcoming the attractive forces
57. Put the ff alcohols in order of the R groups attached to the of the nucleus and thus making the atom positively-charged.
carbon bearing the-OH group, starting with primary, secondary, A. Electron affinity – gain D. Both A & B
then tertiary. B. Electronegativity – attract E. None of the above
I. Isopropyl alcohol C. Ionization potential
II. Tert-butyl alcohol
III. Propyl alcohol 67. Which of the ff elements exhibits amphoteric properties?
A. III-I-II D. I-II-III A. Aluminum Cu
B. II-I-III E. I-III-II B. Copper Zn
C. II-III-I C. Zinc Sn Amphoteric elements
D. Tin Al
58. Vogel’s reaction is a test for cobaltous ions using: E. All of the above Be
A. Ferric ferrocyanate D. Both A & B Pb
B. Ferrous ferricyanate E. All of the above
C. Ammonium thiocyanate 68. Within a period in the table of elements, as the atomic
number increases, the metallic properties:
59. Which of the ff tin metal alloys is incorrectly paired with its A. Increase D. Insufficient information
composition? B. Remain constant E. I don’t know
A. Solder Metal = 50% Sn + 50& Pb C. Decrease
B. Pewter Metal = 80% Tin + 20% Lead
C. Gun Metal = 10% Tin + 90% Copper 69. Which of the ff statements accurately describe Brass?
D. Rose Metal = 25% Tin + 25% Lead + 50% Bismuth
,R A. Cu + Zn D. Both A & B
E. None of the above B. Metal of Magynoeci E. Both B & C
C. Cu + Sn
60. An alkaloid whose use in cold medications was discontinued
due to the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. 70. A broad-spectrum antihelmintic that is affective against a
A. Phenylephrine – 3 days variety of nematode infestations, and acts by irreversibly
B. Ephedrine – shortness of breath blocking glucose uptake in helminths.
C. Phenylpropanolamine - Decolgen A. Ivermectin – GABA agonist; DOC: River blindness,
D. Diphenhydramine - Antihistamine Onchocerca volvulus
E. Ambroxol – Mucolytic B. Thiabendazole – inhibits fumarate reductase
C. Mebendazole
61. When a Group I anion is precipitated using silver nitrate and D. Pyrantel pamoate – nicotinic agonist
E. Diethylcarbamazine citrate – DOC: Filariasis
75. An agent that destroys pathogenic microorganisms when 86. In the periodic table, when going across a period from right
used on inanimate surfaces. to left and going from the top to the bottom of a group, which of
A. Antobiotic D. Germicide the properties of elements increases?
B. Sanitizer E. Antiseptic A. Electron affinity D. Atomic size
C. Disinfectant B. Electronegativity E. All of the above
C. Ionization energy
76. Ethanol that contains added substances which render it unfit
for use in intoxicating beverages. 87. To prepare the scabicidal Vleminckx’s solution sublimed
A. Denaturated alcohol – Methanol + Benzene sulfur is boiled with .
B. Dehydrated alcohol A. Calcium oxide D. Sodium carbonate
C. Isopropyl alcohol B. Calcium carbonate E. Sulfurated potash
D. Wood alcohol C. Cuprous oxide
E. All of the above
88. Among the halous acids, which is the most acidic?
77. What is muriatic acid? A. HF B. HCl C. HBr D. HI E. H2SO4
A. HCl + HNO3 D. H2SO4
B. HCl E. Only B & D 89. Group of elements in which the atoms and orbitals are
C. H2PO4 partially filled:
A. Transition elements – d & f; IB – 5B
78. What is the type formula for esters? B. Alkali metals
A. RCHO D. RCOOH C. Metalloids
B. RCOOR E. RCOR D. Representative elements
C. ROR E. Noble gases
B. Iodide E. Sulfate
C. Fluoride 92. Mendeleev called this element “eka-silicon.”
A. Scandium – eka Boron D. Technetium – eka Mn
81. What is the most stable conformation of cyclohexane? B. Germanium E. Lead
A. Planar D. Staggered C. Gallium – eka Al
B. Boat E. Butterfly
C. Chair 93. Litharge is:
A. Lead sulfide D. Lead subacetate
82. This group of metals is capable of autocomplexation and B. Lead oxide E. None of the above
chelation. C. Lead acetate
A. Alkali metals D. Volatile metals
B. Alkaline earth metals E. Coinage metals 94. Soft coal is:
C. Noble metals A. Anthracite D. Charcoal
B. Coke E. Lampblack
83. What is the chemical solution used to differentiate Group I C. Bituminous
A. Ammonium sulphide D. Hydrochloric acid 95. Preston salt is the common name for the chemical
B. Ammonium chloride E. All of the above substance:
C. Hydrogen sulphide A. Sodium sulfate - Glauber
B. Ammonium carbonate
84. The mechanism of action of KMnO4 as an antibacterial C. Potassium chlorate - Bertholate
agent: D. Potassium sodium tartrate - Rochelle
A. Halogenation D. Hydrolysis E. Ferrous ammonium sulfate – Mohr’s
B. Oxidation E. Alkylation * Sodium metaphosphate – Graham salt
C. Surfactant action
96. This metal is used in the treatment of gout and rheumatoid
A. Sr B. Pt C. Ag D. Au E. Cu
E. Potassium chloride
C. Tertiary structure – interrelationship / 1 polypeptide C. Essential, glucogenic
D. Quaternary structure - polypeptides
E. Quinary structure 13. In competitive enzyme inhibition:
A. Vmax decreases while Km increases.
4. Which of the ff groups of elements are present in all amino B. Vmax stays constant while Km increases.
acids? C. Vmax increases while Km decreases.
A. C, H, O, P D. C, H, O, N D. Vmax decreases while Km stays constant.
B. C, H, O, S E. C, H, N, S E. Vmax and Km stay constant.
C. C, H, O,
5. Which of the ff amino acids is the precursor for the synthesis
14. Figure 1 displays what type of enzyme inhibition?
of catecholamines?
A. Tyrosine Tyrosinase
B. Tryptophan
C. Proline Tyrosine Melanin
D. Lysine
E. Glutamine
8. Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the mitochondria. Match the ff steps in the translation process to the ribosomal site
Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm. at which they occur.
A. Both statements are true. 16. The tRNA attaches
B. Both statements are false. 17. The amino acid on the tRNA bonds w/ another amino acid.
C. Only 1 statement is true. 18. The tRNA is released.
D. Only statement 1 is false. A. A site B. P site C. E site
30. Deficiency of this enzyme, due to genetic abnormality,
causes early destruction/breakdown of erythrocytes
Name the fatty acid. (hemolysis).
A. Palmitoleic acid A. G3PD D. PFK
B. Linoleic acid – 18: 29 C, 12 C B. G6PD E. MDH
C. Arachidonic acid – 20:45, 8, 11, 14 C. NADP
D. Oleic acid – 18: 19 C ,R
E. Linolenic acid – 18: 39, 12, 15 31. Linoleic acid
25. Determine the correct order of steps in the DNA replication 32. I. Stereoisomers are molecules having the same molecular
process. formula but different connectivity.
I. Unwinding of the DNA strands by helicase. II. Geometrical isomerism occurs when there is restricted
II. Termination of the process. rotation around C=C double bond.
III. Introduction of the primer by primase. III. If there are two different groups on each carbon, and the
IV. Recognition of origin of replication. highest priority groups for each carbon is on opposite sides, the
V. Elongation of the new strand with DNA polymerase. molecule is denoted ‘trans’ or ‘E’ isomer.
A. I-III-IV-V-II D. IV-I-III-V-II IV. If there are two different groups on each carbon, and the
B. III-I-IV-V-II E. V-IV-III-I-II highest priority groups for each carbon is on the same side, the
C. IV-II-I-V-III molecule is denoted ‘trans’ or ‘Z’ isomer.
A. S B. C C. H D. I E. M
26. The post-transcriptional processes include capping, splicing,
and polyadenylation. Capping protects the 3’ end while 33. I. In the Fischer projection, if the OH on the penultimate
polyadenylation protects the 5’ end. carbon is on the right, it is considered a D-sugar.
A. Both statements are true. II. In the Fischer projection of glucose, if the OH on C5 is on
B. Both statements are false. the left, it is considered D-glucose.
C. Only statement 1 is true. III. In the Haworth projection of glucose, if the OH on C5 is
D. Only statement 1 is false. down, it is considered an alpha-anomer (alpha-D-
E. NOTA glucopyranose).
IV. In converting the Fischer projection of D-glucose to the For items 38-42, match the ff with their description and/or
Haworth projection, the constituents on C2-C4 will be projected function in the process of pyruvate oxidation.
downward in the Haworth projection. A. Thiamine pyrophosphate
A. S B. H C. I D. E E. T B. Lipoamide
E. AcetylCoA
42. It is formed when the acetyl group is bonded to CoASH.
34. I. In the Fischer projection, vertical bonds represent atoms A. A B. B C. D D. C E. E
pointed toward the viewer while horizontal lines represent atoms
pointed away from the viewer. For items 43-46, refer to the TCA cycle (Figure 2). The choices
II. In the Haworth projection, the cyclic ring depiction of the are as follows:
molecule conveys the conformation more accurately than the K – Isocitrate dehydrogenase
chair depiction.
,R R – Oxaloacetate
III. Diastereomers are stereoisomers that have one E – Alpha-ketoglutarate
stereocenter and are not mirror images and non- B – Succinate dehydrogenase
superimposable. S – Succinyl-CoA synthetase
IV. Enantiomers are mirror images and non-superimposable. T – Isocitrate
A. S B. M C. I D. H E. E C – Fumarate
A – Succinate thiokinase
35. Regarding the malate-aspartate shuttle,
I. In the mitochondria, malate dehydrogenase catalyses the
reaction of oxaloacetate & NADH to produce malate & NAD+.
II. In the mitochondria, malate dehydrogenase catalyses the
reaction of malate & NAD+ to produce oxaloacetate & NADH.
37. I. Pyruvate oxidation occurs in the cytosol. 45. This is the product of succinate dehydrogenase acting on
II. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex links glycogenesis succinate.
to the Kreb’s cycle by converting pyruvate to AcetylCoA. A. E B. T C. K D. C E. R
III. In the last step of pyruvate oxidation, lipoamide transfers
electrons to NAD, forming NADH and oxidized lipoamide. 46. CO2 is removed from and H is added to this molecule to form
IV. The first step in pyruvate oxidation is decarboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate.
pyruvate with the help of TPP to form CO2 and an activated A. R B. T C. K D. C E. E
aldehyde species.
A. S B. T C. I D. E E. M 47. Iodine value is directly proportional to:
A. Number of double bonds and degree of saturation.
B. Number of single bonds and degree of saturation.
C. Number of double bonds and degree of unsaturation.
D. Number of single bonds and degree of unsaturation.
10 Medicinal Plants in the Philippines endorsed by DOH:
4. Yerba Buena (Clinopodium douglasii)
- Uses: Analgesic for body aches/pain
5. Ulasimang Bato/Pansit-Pansitan (Peperomia pellucida)
- Uses: Decrease Uric Acid (Arthritis, Gout)
6. Lagundi (Vitex negundo)
- AscDodf d(5-leaved chaste tree) – Use: Anti-tussive ,R
7. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) (bitter melon/gourd)
- Uses: Treatment of diabetes mellitus
8. Niyog-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) (Chinese honey suckle)
- Uses: Antihelminthic (Ascaris) 55. Melatonin is synthesized from the amino acid.
9. Tsaang Gubat (Ehretia microphylla Lam.) (Wild tea) A. Tyrosine D. Threonine
- Uses: Stomachache, Antidiarrheal B. Tryptophan E. Cysteine
10. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera) (Ngai/Blumea camphor)
C. Lysine
- Uses: Diuretic, Treat kidney stones
56. The best qualitative test for sterols
52. Recommended of Ipecac for 1-12 year-old child.
A. Acetic anhydride test – Liebermann Burchard
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 30 E. 5
B. Acrolein test
• 6-12 Months = 5-10 mL C. Ninhydrin test
64. Myrrh
A. S B. T C. P D. A E. N
65. Eriodictyon
A. P B. A C. L D. S E. T
E. Podophyllotoxin – Mayapple/American mandrake
(Podophyllum peltatum)
59. Atropine has been used to decrease gastrointestinal motility. MOA: Topoisomerase II inhibitor
Who discovered this molecule? AC: Teniposide, Etoposide
A. Friedrich Serturner D. Pierre Robiquet - Codeine
B. Rudolf Brandes E. Joseph Caventou - Quinine 68. The ff are classified as resins, except:
C. Robert Hooke – cell theory
A. Jalap - purgative
,R B. White pine
Morphine Friedrich Serturner (MorSe) C. Kava-kava – Muscle relaxant/tranquilizer
Codeine Pierre Robiquet D. Mastic – Dental varnish
Quinine Caventou & Pelletier
Match the volatile oils to their classification.
Hyoscyamine & Noscapine Rudolf Brandes
I. Hydrocarbon
Atropine Rudolf Brandes & Philipp II. Alcohol
Geiger III. Aldehyde
Salicin & Nicotine Johannes Buchner IV. Ketone
V. Phenol
Cocaine Carl Koller
VI. Phenolic ether
61. Catechin 75. The resin that is used to mask the bitter taste of Quinine by
A. P B. L C. S D. A E. T paralyzing the taste buds.
A. Eriodyction D. Mastic
62. Amygdalin B. White pine E. Rosin
A. S B. A C. N D. L E. T C. Resene
For items 76-80, determine whether the statements are true or
false. The choices are as follows:
B – Statements I and III are true.
O – Statements I and IV are true.
T – Statements I, II and IV are true.
A – Statements I, III and IV are true.
N – Statements I, II, III and IV are true.
Y – Only statement IV is true.
77. I. Every three turns of the Calvin cycle yields six molecules This is obtained when Cynips tinctoria, a hymenopterous insect,
of G3P, five of which are used to regenerate RuBP. bores a hole in the twig to deposit its ova.
II. It takes 3 molecules of G3P to make 1 molecule of glucose. A. Both statements are true. D. Only statement 1 is false.
III. The dark reaction does not require light energy, thus it B. Both statements are false. E. NOTA
only occurs at night. C. Only statement 1 is true.
IV. The dark reaction occurs in the stroma.
A. B B. O C. N D. T E. A 83. Laetrile, also called amygdalin or vitamin B17, is a
,R cyanogenic glycoside that was falsely claimed to be a cure for
78. I. The defective enzyme in GSD II (Pompe’s disease) is .
lysosomal alpha-glucosidase. A. Parkinson’s disease – Levodopa w/ Carbidopa
II. McArdle’s disease affects liver phosphorylase while Hers’ B. Alzheimer’s disease – Rivastagmin, Galantamin
affects muscle phosphorylase. C. Arthritis – DMARDs (Methotrexate)
III. GSD III is an abnormality of the branching enzyme. D. Cancer
IV. Von Gierke’s disease causes hypoglycemia and massive E. Impotency – Sildenafil (Viagra)
enlargement of the liver.
A. B B. O C. A D. T E. Y Match the pathways to their corresponding description
P – Pentose Phosphate Pathway
79. I. Tya-Sach’s and Sandhoff’s diseases both affect C – Shikimic Acid Pathway
Hexosaminidase A. O – Embden Meyerhof Pathway
G – Nitrogen Metabolism
A. O B. T C. N D. A E. Y
85. This consists of an oxidative phase and a non-oxidative
80. I. The Borntragers test is a test for the glycone portion in phase.
anthraquinone glycosides. A. P B. G C. O D. G
II. Of the two types of cardiac glycosides, bufadienolides are
less common than cardenolides. 86. This involves the breakdown of glucose to produce pyruvate.
III. Isothiocyanate glycosides are typically found in plants of A. P B. C C. O D. G
IV. Vanilla plantifolia contains an aldehyde glycoside called 87. This is important for breaking down excess amino acids and
vanillin. converting them to ammonia and then urea to be excreted.
A. B B. O C. N D. T E. A A. P B. C C. O D. G
81. Name the molecular structure. 88. The sesquiterpenoid lactone derivatives well-known for their
antimalarial activity are derived from the plant .
A. Artemisia annua D. Datura stramonium
B. Cinchona rubra E. Withania somnifera
C. Taxus brevifolia
C. SGOT Rye plant: Secale cereale
Asthma – bronchospasm A. Category A C. Category G
Increase airway resistance B. Category F D. Category H
Inflammation of the airway
- Type A: SALAD
Pus cover w/ mucus decrease SA for air - Type B: Didn’t reach the patient
- Type C
2 conditions: ,R - Type D: Dapat imonitor
• Acute relievers SABA - Type E: Temporary harm
• Chronic relievers LABA - Type F: Prolong hospitalization
- Type G: Permanent harm
controllers steroids - Type H: Near death
LT3 antagonist - Type I: Death
Mast cell stabilizers
Theophylline – Narrow Therapeutic Index
9. It is the study of the use and effects of drugs in large number
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
of people.
A. Pharmacogenomics – effect of drug to the genes of the
Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs
Warfarin - Phenytoin
B. Pharmacogenetics – what the genes done to the drug;
Digoxin - Theophylline
idiosyncratic reaction
15. Nystatin is a drug which may be used for infections of: 24. Why are inhaled corticosteroids preferred for use over oral
A. Staphylococcus C. Streptococcus corticosteroids in the treatment of asthma?
B. Pseudomonas D. Candida A. Increased ease of use
B. Increased efficiency
C. Decreased systemic side effects
16. Which vitamin is/are deficient in cases of megaloblastic
D. B and C
I. B1 – Thiamine III. B9 – Folic Acid Side effect: Oral thrush
II. B6 – Pyridoxine IV. B12 – Cobalamin How to avoid: Swish and swirl
B. III only D. All of the above
,R 25. Which of the ff are complications of diabetes?
B8 – Inositol I. Retinopathy
Vit. H/B7 – Biotin II. Neuropathy
III. Nephropathy
17. Which of the ff is a subjective parameter? A. I and II C. I and III
A. Blood pressure C. X-ray tests B. II and III D. All of the above
B. Degree of pain D. Laboratory tests 3 P’s of Diabetes
- Polyuria, Polyphagia, Polydypsia
Objective – measurable
Subjective – perceived by the patient
Signs – objective 26. The ff can possibly cause cough except:
Symptoms - subjective A. CHF C. Enalapril
B. Dyspnea D. HTN
Blood pressure – Normal: 120/80 39. During an asthma attack, the ff occur/s:
Body temperature – Normal: 37°C I. Bronchospasm
II. Increased airway resistance
31. One of the advantages of using topical aerosols include: III. Inflammation
A. Ease of application of a uniformly thin layer of medication in A. I and II C. I and III
a specific area. B. II and III D. All of the above
B. Forms a solid-like mass upon standing but liquefies when
subjected to agitation. 40. It refers to the continual monitoring of unwanted affects and
C. Can be applied in a uniform thin layer but can irritate the other safety related aspects of marketed drugs.
affected area. A. Pharmacoepidemiology
D. Protection of heat is necessary otherwise bursting may occur; B. Pharmacovigilance – Phase 4 marketing surveillance
refrigeration may also cause problems.
,R C. Pharmacogenetics
D. Pharmacogenomics
Aerosol – only tamper-resistant dosage form
41. Prescription books should be ready for inspection anytime
32. Exophthalmos during business hours and must be kept for:
A. Hypothyroidism C. Hypoparathyroidism A. 1 year C. 3 years
B. Hyperthyroidism D. Hyperparathyroidism B. 2 years D. 5 years
T3 - Triiodothyronine; most potent 42. The drug of choice for treating trigeminal neuralgia.
- = hyperthyroidism Grave’s disease Exophthalmos A. Valproic acid – Grand Mal seizure / Tonic-clonic seizure
B. Phenytoin – Partial seizure
T4 -Thyroxine; most abundant C. Carbamazepine
D. Phenobarbital – febrile; safest drug for seizures in children
47. What is the term used to describe the diagnosis of a body 58. What interaction could happen if a patient who is under
part using a stethoscope? warfarin therapy had spinach in his food for lunch and dinner?
A. Palpitation C. Percussion A. Increased bleeding
B. Auscultation D. Inspection B. Increased coagulation
C. No effect would happen
48. The ff are enzyme inhibitors except: D. Patient will defecate the spinach later
I. Azithromycin III. Grapefruit juice Patient clotting tendency
II. Phenobarbital IV. Cimetidine
A. I only C. III and IV Warfarin + spinach (Vit. K)
B. I and II D. IV only
49. Metabolite of cyclophosphamide that causes hemorrhagic No effect (Antagonism)
A. Busulfan – chemotoxic man; SE: Pulmonary Fibrosis
B. Acrolein 59. “White coat hypertension” pertains to blood pressure reading
C. MESNA that is:
D. Leucovorin – Folinic acid; Rescue drug for Methotrexate A. elevated at home but usually normal in the clinic
B. elevated BP readings whenever the patient is angry
50. The ff are expected at therapeutic dose a drug except:
,R C. elevated when taken in a clinic but normal at home
A. Side effects C. Hypersensitivity reactions D. elevated BP reading on ambulatory BP monitoring
B. Idiosyncratic response D. Toxicity 4 Stages of Blood Pressure
Normal - < 120/80
51. Bioavailability of Griseofulvin is increased with the intake of? Pre-HTN – 120-40; 80-90
A. high in sugar content foods C. high in fat content foods Stage I – 140-160; 90-100
B. high in fiber foods D. high in salt content foods Stage II - > 160; > 100
MOA of Griseofulvin: inhibition of mitotic spindles
60. What do gauge numbers used to size hypodermic needles
52. Miglitol and Acarbose are: reflect?
A. Antibacterial agents C. Oral hypoglycemic agents A. size of the lumen opening
B. length of the needle
53. Tobacco and cigarettes are potent enzyme inducers. As a 61. What is the mechanism of action of fluoroquinolones?
66. Which vitamin is necessary for absorption of intrinsic factor 77. An antiepileptic drug that is also used as an anti-arrhythmia.
produced by the stomach? A. Phenobarbital C. Diazepam
A. Riboflavin C. Biotin B. Phenytoin D. Ethosuximide
B. Folic acid D. Cyanocobalamin
C. The generic name is not legible but the brand name is written
D. The generic name does not correspond to the brand name. 78. What pharmacokinetics interaction is involved in Penicillin +
69. ii cap pot id ac + hs A. Absorption C. Metabolism
A. Take 2 capsules by mouth 3 times daily before meals and at B. Distribution D. Excretion
bedtime. Probenecid – block tubular secretion
B. Take 2 capsules by mouth every 3 hours before meals and at
C. Take 2 capsules by mouth every 3 hours after meals and at
,R 79. An order was made for epoetin alfa. Which of the ff was most
likely to have made the order?
A. Cardiac center unit C. Lung center
D. Take 2 capsules by mouth 3 times daily after meals and at
B. Neurosurgery unit D. Hemodialysis center – Cancer
70. The ff are patient-related predisposing factors to ADR
80. Common adverse effect related to the use of aluminum
A. Age C. Genetic disposition
A. Constipation C. Vomiting
B. Formulation D. History of allergy
B. Diarrhea D. Nausea
88. Which of the ff provides a synergistic effect? 1 fl. oz x 1 pt x 1 oz x 1 gal
A. Piperacillin + Tazobactam 16 fl. oz 2 pt. 4 qz
B. Clavulanic acid + Amoxicillin
C. Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim 5 L x 1000 mL x 1 pt x 16 fl. oz = 169 fl.oz
D. A and C 1L 473 mL 1 pt.
B. All are in brand names D. All are OTC drugs 96. The instruction given in the medication order was to
administer anti-diptheria serum 6000U via IM to the patient.
91. How much elemental iron is present in 600 mg ferrous However, the patient stock was 10000U per 5 mL vial. How
sulfate? (MW FeSO4.7H2O = 278) Atomic weight of Fe = 55.9, many mL are you going to inject to the patient?
S = 32.1, O = 16, H = 1 A. 1 mL B. 3 mL C. 5 mL D. 7 mL
A. 100.5 mg C. 55.9 mg 10000U = 10000U
B. 120 mg D. 60 mg 5 mL x
55.9 g/mol = x x = 3 mL
278 g/mol 600 mg
97. Doxorubicin is available as 25 mL vial at concentration of 2
x= 120 mg mg/mL. The dose required is 200 mg. How many vials are
92. An IV fluid of 1000 mL was started on Patient SLO at 6:00 A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
AM and was scheduled to run for 12 hours. At 3:00 PM, 600 mL 25 ml x 2 mg = 50 mg
was found in the bottle. At what flow rate should the remaining mL
fluid be regulated using an IV set that delivers 20 drops/mL to 50 mg = 200 mg
complete the scheduled time? 1 vial x
A. 52 drops/min C. 61 drops/min
B. 57 drops/min D. 67 drops/min x = 4 vials
98. Patient WOK started Cellcept suspension 1g/5mL
reconstituted with water after a heart transplant. He is taking the
medicine at a dose of 1.5 g twice daily. How many complete
days of strict therapy will a 175-mL bottle reconstituted Cellcept
A. 11 days C. 17 days
B. 12 days D. 23 days
1.5 g x 2 = 3 g
5 mL x
X = 15 mL
then 50 mg three times daily for 5 days, then 20 mg twice daily
for 5 days, and then 20 mg once daily for 5 days. How many
volume of the suspension is needed to dispense?
A. 60 mL B. 200 mL C. 300 mL D. 600 mL
40 mg x 3 x 5 = 600 mg
20 mg x 3 x 5 = 300 mg
20 mg x 2 x 5 = 200 mg ,R
20 mg x 1 x 5 = 100 mg
1200 mg
20 mg = 1200 mg
5 mL x
x = 300 mL
100. How many four fluidounces bottles can be packed from a 3
gallons bottle of antipyretic syrup?
A. 70 B. 85 C. 90 D. 96
3 gal x 4 qz x 2 pt x 16 fl. oz = 384 fl. oz
1 gal 1 qz 1 pt 4 fl. oz
x = 96 fl. oz
Pharmacodynamic Graph
• Potency – x-axis; minimum dose to reach until 50% of
MODULE 4 – MOCK BOARDS maximum effect
• Efficacy - y-axis
1. Which of the ff is a common complication associated with
alpha-glucosidase inhibitors?
A. CHF C. Flatulence 8. Which drug is the least efficacious?
B. Cardiac arrhythmia D. Hepatotoxicity A. Drug A C. Drug C
OHA – Acarbose B. Drug B D. Drug D
Most potent - near 0
Most efficacious – far from 0
2. In which conditions are alpha-1-adrenoreceptors agonists
most likely to be useful?
I. Nasal congestion 9. Drug C is the most efficacious of the four drugs. Drug D is the
II. Hypotension least potent of the four drugs.
III. Symptomatic bradycardia A. First statement is true. Second statement is false.
A. I only C. III only B. First statement is false. Second statement is true.
B. I and II D. All of the above C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.
α 1 – blood vessels
α 2 – presynaptic vessels
β 1 – heart
β 2 – lungs
Relative Bioavailability
AUC generic x dose innovator 21. Which of the ff vasodilator agent can cause reflex
AUC innovator dose generic tachycardia and peripheral edema on a long-term
(non-IV) administration?
A. Nitroprusside C. Nitrous oxide
13. Which of the ff CCBs has greater activity on calcium B. Hydralazine D. Nifedipine
channels in myocardial tissues than calcium channels in the Drugs for Pregnant Women w/ Hypertension
vascular smooth muscles? - Hydralazine - Methyldopa
A. Nifedipine C. Diltiazem - Labetalol = JNC7 - Nifedipine
B. Amlodipine D. Verapamil
14. This represents the dose producing toxic effects in 50% of 22. A drug has a plasma concentration of 0.01 g/L. It was
administered with a loading dose of 700 mg. What is its volume
the test population.
of distribution?
A. LD50 – lethal C. ED50 – effective dose
B. TD50 D. Therapeutic index A. 70,000 L B. 7,000 C. 700 L D. 70 L
Volume of Distribution Formula
15. What is the clinical use of D1-agonist Fenoldopam? VD = LD (loading dose)
A. Acute treatment of hypertension Cp (plasma concentration)
B. Acute treatment of pheochromacytoma
C. Acute treatment of CHF
D. Chronic treatment of SVT
D1-Agonist – arterioles of the kidneys inc. GFR
inc. urination
700 mg
0.01 g x 1000 mg
= 70 L
Dec. Blood volume dec. BP
23. Which of the ff aggravates the toxic effects of digoxin?
A. hyponatremia C. hyperkalemia
16. What form of erythromycin has the best oral absorption?
B. hypocalcemia D. hypomagnesemia
A. lactobionate C. estolate
B. stearate D. ethylsuccinate
24. Which of the ff is a H3-antagonist?
27. The only component which is present in neurolepanesthesia
but not in neurolepanalgesia. 36. Which of the ff describes aspirin?
A. oxygen C. nitric oxide I. Acidification of urine increases rate of extraction of free
B. nitrous oxide D. carbon dioxide Salicylates.
II. It is an organic acid with pKa of 7.0
28. A direct-acting cholinergic agonist that is used as a III. It is a reversible inhibitor of cyclooxygenase.
diagnostic agent for asthma. IV. It is rapidly hydrolyzed to acetic acids and salicylic acid
A. Methacholine C. Salbuterol through esterases.
B. Isoproterenol D. Carbachol A. I, III, IV C. III only
Methacholine challenge - diagnostic test for asthma B. I, II, III D. IV only
38. The ff require therapeutic drug monitoring except:
30. Stage of anesthesia characterized by vocalization, loss of A. Warfarin C. Penicillin
consciousness, irregularity in respiration and involuntary B. Digoxin D. Phenytoin
A. Stage I – analgesia = (+) analgesia, conscious 39. Which of the ff anesthetic is associated with a dissociative
B. Stage II – delirium = unstable vital signs state characterized by catatonia, amnesia, and analgesia with
C. Stage III – surgical = stable vital signs, unconscious
D. Stage IV – medullary paralysis = coma
A. Paroxetine C. Nefazodone 40. The ff are conditions that increases lithium in the body
B. Phenelzine D. Amoxapine except:
1st-gen antidepressants - -tryptilline I. Acetazolamide III. ACE inhibitors
2nd-gen antidepressants - -zodone II. Thiazides IV. Hyponatremia
Sulfonylureas - -amide; gli- A. I, II C. I only
B. II, III D. IV only
Lithium = Acetazolamide Osmotic Diuretics
32. Acute dry cough is the common side effect of ACE inhibitors.
Xanthine Na Supplements (Hypernatremia
This is because:
A. lower immunity C. release of histamine
B. accumulation of AT2 D. accumulation of bradykinin 41. What important mechanism of released norepinephrine is
ACE Enzymes – produced in the lungs targeted by TCAs and cocaine?
A. Degradation of MAO
35. How many % of an IV drug with a half-life of half an hour 44. Gabapentin 100 mg/5 mL suspension and Gabapentin 300
would be eliminated from the body after 2 hours? mg capsule are considered:
A. 6.25% B. 12.5% C. 87.5% D. 93.75% A. Pharmaceutical Equivalent
100% - T ½ 12.5% - 1hr 30 mins. B. Pharmaceutical Alternative – Active ingredient
50% - 30 mins. 6.25% - 2 hours
25% - 1 hour
C. Therapeutically Equivalent = PE + BE 54. Patient LKD who is a male, is placed on a new medication
D. Therapeutically Alternative and notes that his breasts have become enlarged and tender to
touch. Which medication is he most likely taking?
45. In what doses of dopamine will it exert its positive inotropic A. Furosemide C. Hydrochlorothiazide
effect? B. Chlorthalidone D. Spirinolactone
A. <5 mcg/kg/min C. >15 mcg/kg/min
B. 5-15 mcg/kg/min D. No dose will provide the effect 55. When tyrosine hydroxylase is inhibited, it is assumes that all
of the ff may deplete except:
Dopamine - DOC for Cardiogenic shock w/ renal insufficiency A. Tyrosine – L-DOPA C. Norepinephrine
α = high dose B. Dopamine D. Epinephrine
β = middle dose inotropy
chronotropy 56. It is a drug that acts by antagonizing 5-HT2A receptor
dromotropy resulting to vasodilation and clinically used as a prophylaxis of
D = small dose migraine.
A. Methysergide C. Buspirone
46. Immediate acting barbiturate. B. Zolmitriptan – 5-HT1B/1D D. Prucalopride
A. Phenobarbital C. Butabarbital
B. Hexobarbital D. Secobarbital 57. Drugs proven effective in the symptomatic relief of nasal
congestion except:
Presence of Sulfur – Rapid-acting barbiturate; Thiopental A. Phenylephrine – agonist C. Methoxamine - agonist
Slow-acting – Pentobarbital, Hexobarbital, Secobarbital
B. Tetrahydrozoline – agonist D. Phentolamine - Antagonist
Intermediate-acting – Butabarbital, Amobarbital
Long-acting – Phenobarbital Nasal congestion – vasodilation
• How long – Barbiturate α1 – vasoconstriction
• How frequent - Benzodiazepine ▪ Phenylephrine
▪ Tetrahydrozoline
α1 – bronchoconstriction; bronchodilation
48. Marked effects upon parasympathetic innervation includes:
I. Ileus – lack of peristalsis III. Miosis
II. Micturition – urination IV. Tachycardia 58. “Angel dust”
A. II, II B. I, IV C. I, II D. I, II, III A. Mescaline C. Ecstacy
B. LSD D. Phencyclidine
49. Which of the ff H2 antagonists is the most potent?
A. Ranitidine C. Famotidine – most potent 59. Furosemide increases the urinary excretion of all the ff
51. The major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. 60. Which of the ff agents is synonymous to levarterenol?
A. GABA – brain C. Glutamate A. Isoproterenol C. Dopamine
B. Glycine – spinal cord D. Monoamine B. Norepinephrine D. Epinephrine
52. Monitoring required for warfarin 61. Which of the ff may be safely excreted in the urine using
A. INR C. PT ammonium chloride?
B. Aptt D. None of the above I. Salicylates
II. Amphetamine
53. The main clinical use/s of neuromuscular blocking agent/s III. Oxicam derivatives
is/are: A. I only C. III only
I. malignant hyperthermia B. II only D. All of the above
II. respiratory paralysis
III. muscle spasms and rigidity
IV. muscle relaxation
A. II, III B. I, IV C. I, II D. I, II, III
62. Rhinitis medicamentosa is a side effect of which adrenergic
A. Clonidine C. Fenoldopam
B. Ritodrine D. Oxymetazoline
Rhinitis medicamentosa - rebound congestion
- caused by topical decongestants,
and disposition of drugs in the body.
A. Pharmacodynamics C. Pharmacodynamics
B. Pharmacokinetics D. Toxicology 71. The most effective agent/s for increasing HDL and the only
agent that may reduce lipoprotein A.
65. Cholestyramine resin has the prevalent side effect of: A. Niacin
A. blocking absorption of some vitamins B. Bile acid sequestrants
B. raising cholesterol levels C. Fibric acid derivatives
C. causing intoxication
,R D. HMG-coA reductase inhibitors
D. increasing sensitivity to UV light Statins – given at night
Cholestyramine – bile acid sequestrants Rosuvastatin – longest-acting statin
Blocking absorption of some vitamins – Orlistat + Atorvastatin – given at any time of the day
Fat-soluble (ADEK) Steatorrhea (oily stool)
72. Brimonidine, an agent used to treat ocular hypertension and
66. Which of the ff is not a catecholamine? open-angle glaucoma, is pharmacologically similar with:
A. Epinephrine C. Dopamine A. Clonidine C. Yohimbine
B. Noradrenaline D. Serotonin B. Prazosin D. Pirenzepine
Brimonidine – Alpha 2-agonist
67. Which of the ff are autacoids?
78. Soman, a nerve gas, acts through what mechanism? 92. What should be given for organophosphate toxicity if ”aging”
A. indirect cholinergic agonism has already occurred?
B. direct cholinergic antagonism A. Atropine C. Pralidoxime
C. indirect cholinergic antagonism B. Nicotine D. Pilocarpine
D. direct cholinergic agonism Aging - >24 hours
B. beta-methyl analog of acetylcholine treatment of poisoning with which of the ff metals?
A. Arsenic C. Mercury
C. naturally-occurring cholinomimetic alkaloid
B. Copper D. Lead
D. active mainly in nicotinic receptors
95. Contraindication/s to the administration of syrup of Ipecac
For items 81-90, refer to the choices below.
A. First statement is true. Second statement is false. include/s which of the following?
B. First statement is false. Second statement is true. A. patients who ingested caustic substances
,R B. unconscious patient
C. Both statements are true.
C. patient experiencing a generalized tonic-clonic seizure
D. Both statements are false.
D. All of the above
81. Ethanolamine are the most sedating antihistamines. Syrup of Ipecac MOA – Stimulate gag reflex
Doxylamine is an ethanolamine. – C
96 – 100: Match the ff diseases to the metal toxicity.
82. Bioequivalent drugs may be pharmaceutical alternatives. All
A. Cadmium D. Mercury
pharmaceutical equivalents are therapeutic equivalents. – A
B. Arsenic E. Zinc
C. Aluminum
83. Phenoxybenzamine is a non-selective alpha-adrenergic
antagonist. It produces a competitive antagonism. – A
96. Itai-itai disease – A
97. Mee’s lines – B (also Shaver’s disease
86. Pharmacodynamics explains what the body does to the Blood Volume Expanders – these are used for IV fluid
drug. Pharmacokinetics, on the other hand, explains the Resuscitation
mechanism of actions and pharmacologic effects of drugs. – D 1. Crystalloids - aqueous solution of mineral salts or water-
soluble molecules
87. Methimazole is less potent than propylthiouracil. - significantly cheaper than colloids
Methimazole and propylthiouracil are major drugs for treatment
of thyrotoxicosis. – B 2. Colloids - large insoluble molecules
- examples include gelatin, hetastarch
88. Rapid IV infusion of hypotensive rugs is used for controlling - it has lower possibilities for adverse effects as
hypertensive emergency. End-organ damage occurs in Compared to crystalloids
hypertensive emergency. – B
Most serious to least serious
Urgency – No end-organ damage
Contraindication > Warning > Precaution
Emergency – end-organ damage
MAO Inhibitors
Mnemonic: MPITS
• Meclobemide – MAO A
• Phenelzine
• Isocarboxazid
• Tranylcypromine
• Selegiline – MAO B
MODULE 5 – MOCK BOARDS 6. Emulsions containing volatile oils are prepared by:
A. Continental method C. Forbes bottle method
1. Density of water at 4°C B. English method D. Distillation
A. 0.8 g/cm3 C. 1.0 g/cm3
B. 0.6 g/cm3 D. 1.1 g/cm3 7. Percentage of water in anhydrous lanolin
A. 0.20% B. 0.025% C. 0.25% D. 0.35%
2. The change of emulsion type form o/w to w/o and vice versa
is: 8. Clean room class required for production of parenteral
A. Coalescence – flocculation; aggregation of droplets, forming pharmaceutical products.
Big mass A. Class 1
B. Breaking – cracking; separation of oil from water phase or B. Class 10
vice versa C. Class 100 – less than 100 particles (not greater than 0.5
C. Creaming - emulsion rises up, forming cream at the top of Microns) per cubic foot
Emulsion D. Class 1000
- downward movement of emulsion
D. Phase inversion 9. Mesh number is:
A. number of linear inches per square opening
Tests to Determine o/w or w/o B. number of square inches per linear opening
A.) Conductivity test – o/w; conduct electricity C. number of linear openings per square inch
B.) Fluorescence test – w/o D. number of square openings per linear inch
C.) CoCl2 test – pink = w/o; blue = o/w
D.) Dye Test - Amaranth green = water-soluble Mesh number = Particle size
- Sudan red = oil-soluble
3. This law states that in constant pressure, the volume of gas
is directly proportional to temperature.
A. Boyle’s Law – constant temperature, inversely proportional to 80
B. Charle’s Law – PV = nRT
C. Gay-Lussac’s Law Sample problem:
D. Avogadro’s Law – number of moles What is the percent of powders with particle size larger than 80
but larger than 80 but smaller than 20?
4. BCS Class III 100 g
A. high solubility, high permeability
20 g
B. high solubility, low permeability
C. low solubility, high permeability 10 g
D. low solubility, low permeability 40 g
15 g
15 g
10 g + 40 g + 15 g x 100%
100 g
10. “Pharmaceutics”
A. The study of dosage form design, including associated
manufacturing techniques.
B. The study of effect that drugs have on the body.
C. The study of effect that the body has on the drug.
D. The study of how drugs are chemically synthesized.
Rate of Drug Bioavailability in Oral Drugs In(50 mg/mL) = -k(90mins) + ln(500 mg/mL)
Solutions > Suspensions > Emulsions > Capsules > Tablets ln(50 mg/mL) – ln (500 mg/mL) = -k(90 mins)
IV form – rapid bioavailability k = 0.025/min
5. Membrane Filtration
Principle: physical separation
12. Wine is from distilled? Equipment: membrane filters
A. Molasses – rum C. Fruits – Wines
B. Malts – beer D. Grains – whiskey 18. Calculate the volume of 3 moles of an ideal gas at 30°C
and 780 mmHg.
13. The ff drugs are available as transdermal patches except: A. 0.096 mL B. 726.71 mL C. 7.20 mL D. 72.67 mL
A. Fentanyl – analgesic
B. Testosterone – hormone replacement therapy PV = nRT *8.314 J/mol . K
C. Scopolamine – motion sickness V = nRT
D. Risperidone P
= 3 moles 0.08205 1-atm (30°C + 273 K)
14. Mechanical process of reducing particle size of solids Mol. K
before incorporation into a final product. 780 mmHg x 1 atm
A. Mixing C. Dispensing 760 mmHg
B. Milling D. Tumbling = 0.07267 L x 1000 mL
Methods of Preparing Tablets V = 72.67 mL
Dry granulation – heat sensitive
Wet granulation – not heat sensitive; most common
19. The ff statements are true except:
Direct compression – active ingredients that directly
A. HCl is an example of strong electrolyte.
B. Strong electrolytes are completely ionized in dilute solutions,
as states in the Debye-Huckel theory.
Steps that are Common in Tablet Preparation (Dry
C. Van’t Hoff factor can be used to calculate osmotic pressure
of electrolytes
D. FeCl3 has a Van’t Hoff factor of 3.
Overage – dispense in excess to account for the loss
of transfer FeCl3 1 Fe i=1
Milling – reduction in particle size 3 Cl 1.8
Mixing ,R 2.6
Slugging – 1 inch in diameter 3.4
Compression 4.2
15. Dosage form used to administer medicated powders by 20. Cotton plus what acids produces pyroxylin?
blowing into air, nose or throat. A. nitric acid and hydrochloric acid
A. insufflators C. aerosols B. sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid
B. oral powders D. all of the above C. nitric acid and sulfuric acid
D. acetic acid and sulfuric acid
16. Produced using wet granulation method Cotton 1 part nitric acid
A. Semisolids C. Capsules 3 parts sulfuric acid
B. Tablets D. Ampules Gun cotton 2% Camphor
21. cGMP
17. Method of sterilization preferred for heat-labile A. Current Good Managing Practice
preparations, plastic syringes, and needles. B. Current Good Manufacturing Practice
A. Moist heat sterilization C. Dry heat sterilization C. Current Good Manufacturing Process
B. UV irradiation D. Gas sterilization D. Current Good Manufacturing Procedure
1. Moist Heat Sterilization
22. How many % of glycerin is present is glycerogelatin?
Principle: protein precipitation
A. 10% B. 15% C. 35% D. 40%
Equipment: Autoclave (121°C, 15-20 minutes, 15 psi)
10% - API 35% - WaTER (TERtipayb)
15% - gelatin (pipTIN) 40% - GlyceRIN (kwaRINTA)
2. UV Irradiation
Principle: mutation
23. Recommended length of male pessaries.
Equipment: UV rays
A. 16 mm C. 140 mm
B. 32 mm D. None of the above
3. Dry Heat Sterilization
Principle: protein precipitation Types of Suppositories (According to Route of
Equipment: drying oven Administration)
• Rectal – both gender
4. Gas sterilization • Urethral - bougies
Principle: alkylation • Vaginal - pessaries
Equipment: ethylene oxide
24. Maximum buffer capacity can be observed when: 32. What is the Liso of boric acid with molecular weight of 61.8
A. pH > pKa C. pH = pKa and E value of 0.50?
B. pH < pKa D. pKa = pKb A. 1.8 B. 1.9 C. 2.0 D. 2.1
A. Tinctures – 10% API, Alcohol varies
B. Elixirs – 5-40% Alcohol
C. Fluidextracts – 50-90% Alcohol
D. Spirits
Mirror images ✓ ✓
C. Vaginal tablet – vagina
D. Sugar-coated tablet
Conventional tablet – 7-10 kg, dissolved for 30 minutes 37. The figure below is an:
IV – Flow-through cell
1. API is too potent
V - Paddle over disk
2. Increased weight
VI – Rotating cylinder TDDS
VII – Reciprocating holder
48. Which formulation is not applicable to ocular
42. Calculate the osmotic pressure associated with 50.0 g of
an enzyme of MW 98,000 g/mol dissolved in water to give A. Ointment C. Suspension
B. Solution D. Liniment
2600 mL of solution at 30°C.
A. 0.0049 torr
B. 0.49 torr
π = MRT
C. 1.96 torr
D. 3.71 torr
M = moles solute
,R 49. Spans and Tweens
A. Anionic surfactant – SLS, soaps, detergents, SLES
B. Cationic surfactant – ends with –ium
PV = nRT L solvent C. Non-ionic surfactant
P = nRT D. Amphoteric surfactant
50. The ff are advantages of plastic over glass except:
P = 50 g mol 0.08205 1-atm (30°C + 273 K) A. Durability C. Lower cost
98000 g mol . K B. Permeability D. Lightness in weight
2600 mL x 1L
1000 mL the person.
P = 0.0049 atm x 760 torr A. AO 56 D. AO 55
1 atm B. RA 3720 E. RA 7581
P = 3.71 torr C. AO 63
43. It is the transfer of solvent molecules through a semi- 51. Consumer LAN gave her prescription in duplicate copies to
permeable membrane, from low concentration to high Pharmacist MQL in the pharmacy in her community. LAN bought
concentration. all of the medicines that were prescribed in the prescription.
A. Osmosis C. Passive diffusion After dispensing, Pharmacist MQL did not stamped FILLED in
B. Convection D. Facilitated diffusion the original copy of the prescription and did not even returned
both copies to her. – C (AO 63)
44. The polymorphic form of cacao butter that is most suitable
for suppository preparations. 52. Drug company GEW released a batch of their drug product
A. Alpha C. Beta prime where upon inspection of a retailer of their product, saw the ff
B. Beta D. Gamma discrepancies: (1) the name and place of business of the
manufacturer was not contained in the label and (2) an accurate
45. This refers to part of the diagram where the three phases statement of the quantity of contents in terms of weight was not
(gas, liquid, solid) of that substance coexist in thermodynamic present. – B (RA 3720)
A. Critical point C. Critical pressure 53. Pharmacy LSH accepts prescriptions that requires
B. Triple point D. Critical temperature extemporaneous compounding yet does not have a decent
space for compounding purposes. – A (AO 56)
54. Distributor ADR sells his paracetamol tablets for 20 pesos 66. It is the least number of intensive variables that must be
when the highest retail price set in the market was 10 pesos. fixed/known to describe the system completely in reference to
- E (RA 7581) Gibb’s Phase Rule.
A. Number of components
Price Act – profiteering, cartel, hoarding, monopoly, panic- B. Number of phases present
buying C. Degrees of freedom – F = C-P + 2
RA 5921 – Pharmacy Law D. Degrees of separation
RA 10918 – Philippine Pharmacy Act
67. A liquid whose viscosity is increased when stress is applied
55. Consumer POD was curious of the size of the Rx symbol on in classified as which of the ff material?
the carton box of his amoxicillin suspension. Upon A. Newtonian C. Thixotropic
measurement, he noted that the size of the Rx symbol was 1 B. Dilatant D. Plastic
inch compared to the 20 inches’ height of the carton.
– D (AO 55) 68. First-order half-life is equal to:
A. 0.693/k B. k C. 1/k D. 2k + 1
For items 56-60, refer to the choices below:
A. RA 7581 D. RA 7394 69. This chemical agent is used to render capsules opaque.
B. RA 8172 E. RA 9165 A. Silica C. Titanium dioxide
C. RA 8203 B. Magnesium oxide D. Lactose
Sunscreens/sunblocks – Titanium dioxide is found
56. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act – E (RA 9165)
57. ASIN Law – B (RA 8172) 70. Overwetting by binder solution results to:
A. no granules C. too soft granules
58. Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs – C (RA 8203) B. too hard granules D. degraded granules
59. Consumer Act – D (RA 7394) 71. What is the use of Transderm Scop, the first US FDA
,R approved TDDS manufactured by Baxter?
60. Price Act – A (RA 7581) A. hypertension C. hormone therapy
B. smoking cessation D. motion sickness
61. The Board of Pharmacy is appointed by:
A. Civil Service Commissioner 72. The part of TDDS that stores and releases the drug at the
B. Secretary of Health skin site.
C. Secretary of Education A. Occlusive backing membrane – protects from water and dirt
D. President of the Philippines B. Matrix system
C. Release liner – removed from the drug to be release on site
62. Font style specified for printing the generic name of drug D. Adhesive layer – sticky part; attaches the patch to the site
A. Arial Medium C. Universe Medium 73. Bubble test measures the efficiency of:
A. HEPA filter – DOP Test
S5D – distributors 76. Clear, saturated aqueous solution of one or more volatile
S5E – exporters oils or other aromatic or volatile substances.
S5I – importers A. Aromatic water – no alcohol content
S6 – research B. Elixir
C. Spirit
65. Validity of dangerous drug prescription. D. Tincture
A. 15 Days B. 20 days C. 30 days D. 60 days
77. Aqueous solution often in concentrated form used by C. The excipients reduce the possibility of the API irritating the
swishing the liquid in the oral cavity. body.
A. Gargle – oropharyngeal cavity D. The excipients stabilizes the API so that it does not degrade
B. Mouthwash appreciably before administration.
C. Eugenol – toothache drops
D. A and B 88. Sterilization under steam pressure requires what condition?
A. 104°C, 30 minutes, 121 psi
78. Are liquid preparation of drug substance dissolved or B. 121°C, 15-20 minutes, 15 psi
dispersed in a suitable emulsion medium. C. 121°C, 12-20 minutes, 121 psi
A. Injectable emulsion C. Injectable suspension D. 104°C, 30 minutes, 15 psi
B. For injectable suspension D. For injection
89. Agents that reduces the evaporation of moisture from the
79. Tablet weight is determined by: product or from the surface of the skin.
A. Volumetric fill of the die cavity A. surfactants C. humectants
B. Pressure applied during compression – hardness B. emollients D. desiccants
C. Amount and nature of the binder
- Disintegration time (37°C + 2°C) 90. Most biologicals are stored in:
- Dissolution time (37°C + 0.5°C) A. 8-12°C C. 92.5-98.7°C
D. All of the above B. 2-8°F D. 35.6-46.4°F
5F = 9C + 160
80. Method consisting of bringing together a highly dispersed
liquid and a sufficient volume of hot hair to produce evaporation 91. Van-Slyke equation describes:
and drying of liquid droplets. A. Buffer capacity C. Buffer efficiency
A. Spray-congealing C. Fluid bed Granulation B. Buffer index D. All of the above
B. Spray-drying D. Spheronization
92. This class of drugs requires batch certification of FDA
81. The ff are hygroscopic compounds except: before releasing to the market.
A. CaO B. NaOH C. Na2CO3 D. Sucrose
,R A. Anticonvulsants C. Antidepressants
B. Antibiotics D. Antineoplastics
82. Method of filling highly viscous products.
A. Manual filling – container 93. Iodoform
B. Volumetric filling – non-viscous (volume) A. Triclinic C. Hexagonal
C. Gravimetric filling – viscous (weight) B. Monoclinic D. Cubic
D. All of the above
94. Cool temperature
A. 2-8°C C. 8-15°C
83. What is the official method of USP for determination of
B. less than 2°C D. 15-20°C
specific gravity?
A. Pycnometer method C. Graduated cylinder method Cold temperature - < 8°C Warm – 30-40°C
B. Westphal balance D. Braume method • Ref - 2-8°C Extreme heat - > 40°C
Marlotte’s Law – other name of Boyle’s Law
Proust’s Law – other name for the Law of Definite
Volumetric Primary Indicator
MODULE 6 – MOCK BOARDS Standard Standard
EDTA CaCO3 H.n. blue
AgNO3 NaCl Eosin Y
1. Functions of Quality Control as part of GMP include the ff
NH4SCN Ferric Ammonium
A. Sampling, specifications, and testing
Na Methoxide Benzoic acid
B. Documentation and release procedures
C. Auditing
D. Environmental control 8. This titrimetric method for determining water content that can
E. None of the above be direct, residual and coulometric.
A. Karl Fischer Method
2. The molecular weight of KOH is 56. How many grams are B. Azeotropic distillation – uses toluene
needed to make 1 L of 1.5 N solution? C. Gravimetric method
A. 42 B. 56 C. 72 D. 84 E. Insufficient data D. Gas-Liquid Chromatography – for alcohol content
Water Content
1. Method I: Titrimetric “Karl Fischer Method”
A. Direct B. Residual C. Coulometric
Primary standard: Na tartrate
KFR contains: Pyridine, Iodine, SO2, Methanol
2. Method II: Azeotropic
- Toluene Distillation; uses Toluene moisture
apparatus (or Xylene)
,R Alcohol Content
3. What is the basis of selecting the right indicator for a given 1. Method I: Distillation Method
acid-base titration? - Pycnometer measures specific gravity which is referred to USP
A. Molarity of acid/base D. Both A & B alcoholometric table (High alcohol content: low specific gravity)
B. Normality of acid/base E. AOTA
C. pH at equivalence point 2. Method II: Gas Liquid Chromatography
For the next 4 items, match the primary standard used in 9. What are the conditions for moist heat sterilization using an
standardization of the substances mentioned. autoclave?
4. NaOH & KOH A. 121°C, 15 atm, 15-20 minutes
A. Potassium hydrogen phthalate D. Arsenic trioxide B. 121 psi, 150°C, 15-20 minutes
B. Tromethamine E. Calcium carbonate C. 121°C, 15 psi, 15-20 minutes
7. Ce(SO4)
A. Potassium hydrogen phthalate D. Arsenic trioxide
B. Tromethamine E. Calcium carbonate
C. Sodium chloride
Volumetric Primary Indicator
Standard Standard
HCl, H2SO4 Tromethamine B.c. Green
NaOH, KOH KHP Phenolphthalein
- also called
Perchloric acid
Na2S2O3 K2Cr2O7 Starch TS
KMnO4 Na2C2O4 Orthophenanthroline
- AKA Ferroin
Ce(SO4) & I2 Arsenic Trioxide Orthophenanthroline
11. The ff are adsorption indicators, except: 15. I. Redox: Complexometry – not redox, but metal ions
A. TEE D. DCF (Dichlorofurosin) II. Redox: Permanganometry
B. Eosin Y E. NOTA III. Neutralization: Acidimetry
C. Eriochrome black IV. Ion combination: Volumetric precipitation
A. I B. I, II, III C. I, IV D. II, III, IV E. I, III, IV
12. The components of the Karl Fischer reagent include all of
the ff except: 16. I. SA + SB: Methyl red III. WA + SB: Phenolpthalein
A. Iodine D. Ethanol II. SA + WB: Methyl red IV. WA + WB: Phenolpthalein
B. Sulfur dioxide E. None of the above A. III B. II, III C. IV D. I, IV E. III, IV
C. Pyridine
17. I. Mohr: Reddish brown precipitate
13. Which indicator is most suitable to use when performing II. Gay-Lussac: precipitation – cessation
aqueous titration of organic acids? III. Liebig: turbidity
A. Methyl red – SA, SB D. Phenolphthalein IV. Fajan’s: pink surface of precipitate
B. Methyl orange E. Thymol blue – SA (non-aqueous) A. I, II B. II C. IV D. III E. I, IV
C. Azo-violet – WA (non-aqueous) Methods Titrant Analyte Indicator
1. Aqueous Titration 1. Gay- AgNO3 VS Halides x
Indicators: Lussac
1. Salt Acid + Strong Phenolphthalein 2. Liebig AgNO3 VS Cyanide x
Base Methyl red 3. Modified AgNO3 VS Cyanide Additional
Methyl orange Liebig reagents: KI,
2. Weak Acid titrated w/ Phenolphthalein NH3
Strong Base 4. Mohr AgNO3 VS Halides K2CrO4
3. Weak Base + Strong Methyl red 5. Volhard AgNO3 VS Hg Comp. Ferric Alum
Acid Direct AgNO3 VS Halides
4. Weak Acid + Weak No reaction Residual NH4SCN
Base VS
,R 6. Fajaris AgNO3 VS Halides “adsorption
2. Non-Aqueous Titration
1. Weak Base + Salt Crystal violet
Methylrosaniline Cl
Quinaldine red
Malachite green
2. Relatively Strong Base Methyl red
Methyl orange
3. Weak Acid Azo violet
o-nitro-aniline (very WA)
4. Strong Acid Thymol blue
For the next three items, refer to the ff procedure for the
preparation and standardization of 0.5 N Alcoholic Potassium
Hydroxide. “Accurately weigh 5 g of potassium biphthalate,
previously crushed lightly and dried at 120 C for 2 hours, and
dissolve in 75 mL of CO2-free water. Add 2 drops of
phenolphthalein TS, and titrate with sodium hydroxide solution
until a permanent pink color is produced.”
20. What is responsible for the pink coloration at endpoint? 26. When a drug product is found to fall below the required
A. Phenolphthalein – Sodium Hydroxide complex specifications of potency, what type of defect is it classified
B. Conjugate acid of phenolphthalein under?
C. Conjugate base of phenolphthalein A. Ocular D. External
D. Free phenolphthalein B. Internal E. NOTA
C. Performance
Phenolphthalein is a weak acid. Weak acids disassociate
according to their respective conjugate bases. The disassociated
form is pink while the undissociated acid is colorless.
Classification of Defects
1. According to measurability
A. Variable Defect – can be measured directly by instruments
giving dimensions of length, weight, height, thickness,
concentration, volume, viscosity, pH, or size particles
21. What is the estimated pH range of the resulting pink B. Attribute Defect – cannot be measured by instruments. It shows
solution? mainly the conformance or non-conformance of the material to
A. 2-3.5 D. 8-10 – Phenolphthalein working pH range specifications. This applies to many things that can be judged only
B. 4.2-6 E. 10-13 by odor or visual examination like color, clarity, sheer, cleanliness,
C. 6-7 smoothness, taste, & presence or absence of a characteristics.
22. What happens to the indicator, phenolphthalein, when it 2. According to seriousness or gravity
turns pink? A. Critical Defect - may endanger life or property & render the
A. Becomes protonated product non-functional.
B. Becomes deprotonated – free form is colorless while its B. Major Defect - may affect the function of the object & therefore,
deprotonated form (CB) is pink may render the product useless.
HPLC Vitamin D
29. The gram-equivalent weight of sodium oxalate (MW = 134 Vitamin B6
g/mol) Vitamin B9
A. 67 B. 0.067 C. 134 D. 0.0134 E. NOTA Penicillins
30. A sample of NaCl (0.2185 g) was assayed via Volhard’s
method, using 50 mL of 0.0998 N silver nitrate & 11.9 mL of
0.135 N ammonium thiocyanate. Calculate the percent of NaCl Gas Chromatography Vitamin E
present in the sample (MW = 58.45)
A. 0.4525%
B. 45.25%
C. 50%
D. 0.905%
E. 90.5%
,R Fluorometry
Microbiological Assay
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
mEq = MW mEq = 58.45 = 0.05845
(Lactobacillus plantarum) Vitamin B5
Valence x 1000 1 x 1000
(N x V) – ( N x V) x (mEq) x 100 36. The method in precipitimetry which involves the analysis of
0.2185 halides using silver nitrate as the titrant and potassium
dichromate as the indicator.
(0.0998 N x 50 mL) – (0.135 N x 11.9 mL) x (0.05845) x 100 A. Gay-lussac’s method D. Fajan’s method
0.2185 B. Liebig’s method E. Volhard’s method
C. Mohr’s method
% NaCl present in the sample = 90.5%
Methods Titrant Analyte Indicator
1. Gay- AgNO3 VS Halides x
31. The temperature range for dissolution testing: Lussac
A. Hydroxylamine – Lead
B. Ammonium thiocyanate – Iron 42. LAL is obtained from the horseshoes crab and used in the
C. Silver nitrate – Chloride bacterial endotoxin test (NET). What does LAL stand for?
D. Hydrogen sulfide – Copper, Lead, Iron, Mercury, Nickel A. Limule amoebocyte lysate
E. Diethylthiocarbamate B. Limulus amoeba’s lysate
C. Limulus amoebocyte lygase
38. Koettsdorfer number, also known as saponification value, is D. Limulus amoebocyte lysate
the number of milligrams of KOH. ,R E. NOTA
A. Required to neutralize the free fatty acids in 1 g of fat. – acid
B. Required to saponify the esters in 1 g of fat. – esters 43. What is/are the technique/s or method/s for BET?
C. Required to neutralize the free fatty acids and saponify the A. Gel clot D. Both A & C
esters in 1 g of fat. B. Coulometric E. AOTA
D. Equivalent to OH content of 1 g substance. C. Photometric
E. Absorbed by 100 g substance.
44. Chemical method for determining nitrogen content.
39. Indeterminate errors may be caused by which of the ff? A. Diazotization – sulfanilamides
A. Errors of method caused by faulty procedures B. Kjedahl method
B. Apparatus errors C. Azeotropic method – moisture
C. Personal errors D. Hanus method – Is and Br2 in glacial acetic acid
E. Wijs method – iodine monochloride in glacial acetic acid
41. The property of a test defined as its ability to assess 46. Animal used in the biological assay of parathyroid hormone.
unequivocally the analyte of interest despite other components A. Rabbit D. Dog
that may be present. B. Mouse E. Chicken
A. Sensitivity C. Cat
B. Specificity Animals Used in Testing of Drugs
C. Robustness – capacity to be unaffected by small but Animal employed Drugs
deliberate variations in method & provides indication of its Pigeon Digitalis
reliability during normal usage HPLC (Rabbit) Insulin Injection
D. Precision – same result, incorrect Tubocurarine Injection
E. Accuracy – nearest true value Metocurine Injection
Cat Glucagon Injection
Chicken Oxytocin Injection
Male rat Vasopressin Injection
Female rat (20-23 days old) Chorionic Gonadotropin
Spectrophotometer Cod liver oil
(rachitic rat)
Rat, same but of either sex Corticotropin Injection
Sheep blood plasma Heparin
Protamine Sulfate
47. Wavelength of the visible region in the electromagnetic 55. Bacillus anthracis are spore-forming, encapsulated bacteria
spectrum. that form medusa head-like colonies. Their capsules, one of the
A. 1-400 nm – UV D. 3000-15000 nm - Medium principal virulence factors, are composed of:
A. D-glutamic acid D. Nucleic acid
B. 400-700 nm – VIS - Microwave B. L-glutamic acid E. All of the above
C. 700-3000 nm – Near C. Polysaccharide
48. The most effective chemical/s in reducing KMnO4. 56. The advantageous effect (to the bacteria) attributable to the
A. Sodium thiosulfate D. Sodium oxalate bacterial capsule.
B. Nitric acid E. Any of the above A. Protection from harsh environment – Endospore
C. Oxalic acid B. Exchange of DNA between bacteria – Sex pili
C. Prevention of phagocytosis
49. The indicator used in cerimetry: D. Resistance – R; plasmids
A. Starch D. Hydroxynaphthol blue E. None of the above
B. Orthophenanthroline E. Potassium permanganate
C. Arsenic trioxide 57. The culture medium used for Mycobacterium spp.
A. Loeffler’s serum – Diptheria
50. According to Beer’s Law in spectrophotometry, B. Lowenstein-Jenssen medium
transmittance decreases when increases. C. Skirrow’s agar – Campylobacter jejuni
A. Concentration D. Chocolate agar – Haemophilus
B. Thickness of the solution – Lambert’s or Bouger’s
E. EMB agar – E. coli
C. Path length
D. Both A & B Enrich Agars
E. All of the above Mannitol Salt – Staph
Brilliant Green
Bismuth Nitrate Salmonella
51. In normal phase column chromatography, the mobile
phase is than the stationary phase. 4.Sauboraud’s – Fungi
A. More polar 5. Loeffler’s - Diphtheriae
B. Less polar – SP: Silica gel; MP: hexane, organic
C. Heavier
D. Lighter
E. Insufficient information
,R 6. Middle Brook
7. Lowenstein Jensen
8. Thayer-Martin – Neisseria
9. MCA & EMB – Lactose
B. Rubeola virus – measles
C. Variola virus
D. Rubella virus – German measles
E. None of the above
63. Level of prevention primarily involving disability limitation
60. Which of the ff is not an example of an attenuated, whole-
and rehabilitation.
agent vaccine?
,R A. Primary level – Pre-pathogenic stage
A. Measles D. Variola
B. Primordial level – Prevention according to lifestyle
B. Mumps E. Salk = IPV
C. Secondary level
C. Rubella Sabin = OPV
D. Tertiary level
E. Quaternary level
76. Old Mcdonald had a farm, and on his farm he had a pig sty
which was near the water well where he would fetch water to
67. Dengvaxia is the first vaccine for dengue to be licensed (in drink and wash. One day, he experienced abdominal pains and
December 2015). It is a live, recombinant vaccine that contains diarrhea. When the town physician checks his stools, what
components encoding antigens of how many dengue strains? protozoan will he most likely detect to be the cause of
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 Mcdonald’s symptoms?
A. Giardia lamblia D. Toxoplasma gondii
68. The DOH declared an outbreak of which disease in the B. Entamoeba histolytica E. Leishmania spp.
Philippines in 2018 continuing into 2019? C. Balantidium coli – pig
A. Dengue D. Swine flu fever H1N1
B. Malaria E. All of the above 77. Clostridium botulinum are spore-forming bacteria that
C. Measles produce exotoxins that cause botulism. What is the mechanism
of action of the exotoxin?
69. The Department of Agriculture states that this pathogen is a A. Inhibits protein synthesis – Diphtheria
grave threat to the Philippine industry. Hence, pork products B. Blocks acetylcholine release
from infected countries are strictly prohibited.
,R C. Blocks release of inhibitory neurotransmitters – C. tetani
A. A (H5N1 – Bird’s flu D. Cryptococcus neoformans D. Causes secretion of fluids & electrolytes in large amounts
B. A (H1N1) E. Taenia solum - E. coli, Shigella
C. Schistosoma japonicum E. Causes RBC destruction – Gas gangrene, C. perfringens
70. The spread of disease via indirect contact happens when the 78. One of the characteristic symptoms of measles infection is
pathogen is present on non-living objects, which are called: the formation of small lesions in the oral cavity known as:
A. Vectors D. Objects A. Rose spots D. Koplik’s spots
B. Vehicles E. Any of the above B. Urticaria E. Any of the above
C. Fomites C. Rash
71. Rheumatic heart disease is a complication of untreated 79. In the 1970s, DOH declared the eradication of smallpox.
72. The microorganism responsible for neonatal sepsis and 80. This metazoan was found in bagsit fish in the Ilocos region.
meningitis. A. Ascaris lumbricoides – Giant intestinal roundworm, common
A. Streptococcus pneumonia in “pagpupurga”
B. Streptococcus agalactiae B. Ancylostoma duodenale – old hookworm
C. Streptococcus pyogenes C. Capillaria philippinensis
D. Streptococcus sanguis D. Strongyloides stercolaris – thread worm
E. Streptococcus intermedius – brain abscess E. Enterobius vermicularis – pinworm
73. Streptococcus mutans is found in dental caries. To what 81. Ebola virus is a virus of the family Filoviridae that causes
group of streptococci does it belong? hemorrhagic fever. The primary natural reservoir of the Ebola
A. Group A streptococcus – Pyogenes virus is.
B. Group B streptococcus – Agalactiae A. Cat D. Dog
C. Group D streptococcus – Bovis B. Fruit bat E. Any of the above
D. Viridans streptococcus – Intermedius & Sanguis C. Pig
E. None of the above
82. Dengue virus
A. Filoviridae – Ebola, Marburg virus
B. Orthomyxoviridae – Influenza
C. Paramyxoviridae – Influenza B. WHO – main objective is attainment by all people of the
D. Flaviviridae highest possible level of health
E. Picronaviridae – Hepatitis A C. BFAD – main responsibility is to ensure the safety, and
license and regulate the delivery of pharmaceuticals, food and
RATIONALE NOS 81-82 cosmetics in the Philippines
D. PhilHealth – RA 7875 (National Health Insurance Act of 1995)
E. All of the above
D. Herbal and Traditional Medicine
E. None of the above
83. Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance may include: 91. The term used to refer to the fully-developed, mature
A. Enzymatic inhibition infectious viral particle.
84. The Directly-Observed Therapy Short course (DOTS) A. Obesity D. High cholesterol
consists of the ff elements, except: B. Smoking E. All of the above
A. Case detection C. Stress
B. Standardized treatment, with supervision and patient support
C. Effective drug supply and management system 93. The hardening of the arteries due to build-up of plaque is
D. Monitoring and evaluation system known as:
E. None of the above A. Atherosclerosis D. Stroke
B. Diabetes mellitus E. Deep vein thrombosis
85. A general sanitary practice considered the best way of C. Coronary heart disease
preventing the spread of disease.
A. Aseptic technique D. Disinfection 94. The DOH promotes a program called “four o’ clock habit,”
B. Sterilization E. Any of the above which aims to prevent the spread of:
C. Handwashing A. Dengue D. Tuberculosis
B. Malnutrition E. All of the above
86. Its mission is to guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality C. Malaria
health for all Filipinos, especially the poor, and to lead the quest
for excellence in health in the Philippines. Its main function is to 95. Which of the ff contains the highest amount of cholesterol?
serve as an advisory body to the local executive or legislative A. Egg – 373 mg
branches on health-related matters. B. Chicken – 88 mg; depends
A. DOH C. Shrimp – 211 mg
D. Cheddar – 105 mg; depending on type of cheese; 60-100 +
E. Liver – 355 mg
98. The component of Tobacco that increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease.
A. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons D. Nitrogen oxide
B. Nicotinic acid E. Nitrosamines
C. Carbon monoxide
Benzopyrene – increase chance of Cancer