Libro 5 Niños

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Lesson4 Vocabulary

Listen, point, and say. Kk

ind then

bike 2 kite 3video game

4 robot 5 skateboard 6 yoyo

2Singand act.
I Have a Bike!

62 Ican name more toys. Workbock page 51

Lesson 5 Grammar

1 Listen, point, and say. O Grammar

Do you have a kte?
No, I don't

2Listenand number. 3

3 Sharebook pe Pairs

Wokbiook poge 52 I can ask and answer about toys. Unit 5 63

Lesson 6 Social Studies
1 Look! Whatcanyou see in each photo?
Listen and point.

Making Toys


64 Ican learn about making toys.J Wokbook poge 53

Lesson 7 Project
1 Make a paperplatecar.

2Shareit! Share and say.

I have a I have
blue car.
a purple
and brown car.

Wortbook pog 54 I can share my car.

Unit 5 65
Lesson 8 Phonics

413 Listen, point, and say. O

Kk Tt Uu Vv

Listen, say, and match.

Uu 6

1 k
and circle. 2 3 k 4tu
5u v 6vk t 7t u k 8k v U

Point and chant.

66) I can say words with Kk, Tt, Uu, and w. Worbbook pago55
Progress Tracker
1Play Roundand Round! Use the language from Unit 5.
have STAR
I don't
have a Name it.
Spell it.
Do you
have a ..? How to Play
1 Spin. Then move your marker.
2 Look, read, and answer.
3 Blue space 1 point.

4 Yellow space =
2 points. - e-a-r

Spell it. 5 Get 10 points to win! I have a .

a turn!
Do you have a..? Name it.

2 Now complete your Progress Tracker

in the Workbook.

Workbonk poge 56 lcan use the language in Unit 5.

Unit 5 67
6 Animals Are Cool!
Lesson 1 Vocabulary Ce

nd the

Listen, point,andsay.
2 fish

5d o g


6 rabbit

Listen, point, and chant. J r «

68 Ican name animals. Workbook page 57
Lesson 2 Grammar
Listen, point, and say. s O immar

What are they?

They're turties.
They're- They are

2 Listen and number. 3

3 Sharebook Animal Cards!

Ican ask and answer about animals.

Unit6 69
3 Story They're Cooll
Listen and point.Then act.
Wow! Look, May!
They're turtles. They're realy small.

Here are the fish.

They're small,too.
Oh, they're orange. And look, stars!

5 Stars?

Yes, May! They're starfish.

Wow! They're so cool!


2 Look and circle the value.

Pay attention!

Ican read the story. Unit6 71

Lesson 4 Vocabulary
Listen, point, andsay. O
nd them

elephant giraffe 3 lion


4 monkey 5 snake 6 zebra

2Singand act.
We Love Animals!


2 Ican name more animals. Workbock poge 60

Lesson 5 Grammar
1 Listen, point, and say. s rammar

Are they birds?

No, they aren't.
Are they monkeys?
Yes, they are
arent are not

2Listen,look, and answer. D

3Sharebook ] Find the Animals!

I can ask and answer about animals. Unit6 73

Lesson 6 Science
1 Look! What animals can you see? *

Listen and point.

Animal Sounds

74 Icanlearn about animalsounds.U Workbook poge 62

Lesson 7Project
1 Make an animal game.

2 Share it! Share and say. P

Are they cots?
Yes, they are!

Workbook pogn 63 I can share my game. Unit 6 75

Lesson8 Phonics
Listen, point, and say. s
Cc LI Qq Xx
Listen,say,andmatch. 0 .
LD 4

5 6

3Listen and number. 3

Point andchant.

75 Ican say words with Cc, I, Qg, Xx, and Zz. 0 Workbook poge 64

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