Section 1 - CSEP
Section 1 - CSEP
Section 1 - CSEP
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Energy systems
Nervous system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
The sagittal plane (or medial plane) divides the body along
the midline of the body into the left and right sides. The
term medial refers to the inner side (toward or at the
midline), while lateral refers to the outer side (away from
the midline).
The frontal plane (or coronal plane) separates the body into
the anterior (front of the body) and posterior (back of the
body) portions.
The transverse plane (or horizontal plane) separates the
body into the superior (toward the head or upper body)
and inferior (away from the head or lower body).
Arm flexion
Circumd Flexi
Supination Pronation
Muscular System
The muscular system (Figure 1.4) is largely responsible for the
movement of the human body. There are about 700 named
muscles that make up roughly half of a person’s body weight.
Each of these muscles is a discrete organ constructed of muscle
tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves. Muscle tissue is also
found inside the heart, digestive organs, and blood vessels.
The body has three major types of muscles – cardiac, smooth and
skeletal. Cardiac muscles are responsible for contraction of the
heart. Smooth muscles are responsible for many involuntary
bodily functions, including the movement of food through the
digestive system and the enlargement and contraction of blood
vessels. Both cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary
muscles because they are controlled by the body’s central
nervous system. The skeletal muscles are the muscles that attach
to bones (by tough connective tissue called tendons) and are
voluntarily activated to produce movement.
Skeletal Muscle Classification
Skeletal muscles are named based on many different factors,
including their location, origin and insertion, shape, size,
direction, and function. Some muscles derive their names from
their anatomical location, such as the rectus abdominis and
transverse abdominis as each are located in the abdominal region.
Others are named after the part of the bone to which they are
attached (e.g., the tibialis anterior is attached to the anterior
portion of the tibia). Still others are a hybrid of these two (e.g.,
the brachioradialis is named after its location in the brachial
region and its attachment to the radius bone). Some muscles are
named based on their connection to a stationary bone (origin)
and a moving bone (insertion). Examples include the
sternocleidomastoid (connecting the sternum and clavicle to the
mastoid process of the skull) and the occipitofrontalis (connecting
the occipital bone to the frontal bone). Where muscles connect to
more than one bone or to more than one place on a bone it is
often reflected in the name (e.g., the biceps have two origins,
triceps have three, and quadriceps have four). Muscles can also be
classified by shape. For example, the deltoids have a delta or
triangular shape. The serratus muscles feature a serrated or saw-
like shape. The rhomboid major is a rhombus or diamond shape.
The size of the muscle can be used to distinguish between two
muscles found in the same region. The gluteal region contains
three muscles differentiated by size – the gluteus maximus (large),
gluteus medius (medium) and gluteus minimus (smallest). The
direction in which the muscle fibres run can also be used to
identify a muscle. In the abdominal region, there are several sets
of wide, flat muscles. The muscles whose fibres run straight up
and down are the rectus abdominis, those running transversely
(left to right) are the transverse abdominis, and the ones running
at an angle are the obliques. Finally, muscles can also be classified
by the type of function that they perform. Most of the muscles of
the forearm are named based on their function because they are
located in the same region and have similar shapes and sizes. For
example, the flexor group of the forearm flexes the wrist and the
fingers. The supinator is a muscle that supinates the wrist by
rolling it over to face palm up. The adductors in the legs adduct or
pull the legs together.
Nervous System
The nervous system (Figure 1.5) consists of the brain, spinal cord,
sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs
with the rest of the body. Together, these organs are responsible
for the control of the body and communication among its parts.
Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system includes the heart and the circulatory
network of blood vessels that includes arteries, veins and
capillaries. Its function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the
organs of the body. Given muscle is the primary organ
responsible for moving the body, the cardiovascular system has
an important role to play in supplying oxygen and nutrients to
the muscle during physical activity and exercise.
The heart (Figure 1.6) is a four-chambered muscular pump and is
responsible for pumping blood around the body. It consists of
two collecting chambers (the right and left atria) and two
pumping chambers (the right and left ventricles). The heart also
includes four valves that keep the blood moving in the right
direction (i.e., preventing backflow). The atrioventricular (AV)
valves separate the atria from the ventricles and the semilunar
valves separate the ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary
The right side of the heart receives de-oxygenated blood from the
periphery (right atria) and pumps it to the lungs (right ventricle).
This is called the pulmonary circuit. The blood is oxygenated in the
lungs and carried back to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein.
The blood then moves into the left ventricle where it is pumped
into the aorta and carried throughout the body. This is called the
systemic circuit.
When the blood flows from the heart it enters the vascular system,
a vast system of blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to
the tissues of the body (e.g., digestive system, liver, kidneys,
muscles, skin). Starting with the aorta, the blood vessels that
carry blood away from the heart are arteries. Arteries continue to
subdivide until they reach their smallest size (called arterioles)
and then lead into the tiniest blood vessels (called capillaries).
Capillaries have very thin walls across which oxygen and carbon
dioxide, nutrients, minerals, vitamins and hormones easily
diffuse to and from the tissues.
The blood vessels that bring blood back to the heart are veins.
The smallest veins (called venules) collect deoxygenated blood
from the capillaries and transport it along the veins leading back
to the heart.
Physiological Adaptations to
Physical Activity Training
Training cardiac output peripheral
blood volume resistance
heart volume
blood flow to lungs
size/number of
enzymatic activity
capillarization ADAPTATION
f d
in fat oxidation
enzyme activity
to heart muscle
stroke volume
left ventricular
ventricular wall
Training muscle strength % body fat
muscle power low back pain
balance and sarcopenia and
coordination osteoporosis
basal metabolic rate insulin
lean tissue mass concentration/
response to
muscle endurance
glucose challenge
motor performance
insulin sensitivity
Source: Adapted from the ACSM Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing
and Prescription, 6th.
Our bodies were built to move, meaning that these positive
physiological processes are a means for humans to be active
(historically to seek food) and stay healthy. Because maintaining
physiological adaptations is a metabolically expensive situation
for most tissues and especially muscle, an absence of physical
activity or prolonged periods of sedentary behaviour reverse the
positive processes and typically result in decline or decrease in
adaptations or system function (i.e., a simple matching of supply
and demand). In this context, sedentary behaviours reduce
health and fitness, light and moderate activities maintain regular
physiological function, and moderate- to vigorous-physical
activities typically build fitness and health. This is why a range of
physical activities is most beneficial for optimal health.
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obtained - All rights reserved.