Handling Criticisms and Praises (HANDOUT)
Handling Criticisms and Praises (HANDOUT)
Handling Criticisms and Praises (HANDOUT)
Emotionally intelligent people take the This is a measured and reflective response,
time to hear what’s being said, and ask neither fully accepting nor dismissing the
questions to make sure they understand the feedback.
criticism fully. Your first instinct might be to
immediately respond or defend yourself, but 3. Question
resist the urge. Expressing uncertainty or doubt about the
2. Treat praise and criticism the same. Participants in this category might need
Do not get overly worked up on the further clarification, or they might feel that
feedback, just know that it’s directed towards the feedback lacks sufficient detail or
the issue, which is outside of you. specificity.
3. Stop caring what other people think of you. It indicates a desire to understand the
To prevent the excesses of praise and the feedback's basis better or to delve deeper
humiliation of criticism, take what is into its intention and validity.
actionable from their feedback and ignore the
4. Reject
Dismissing the feedback as not valid, not
4. It’s not personal. useful, or not applicable.
Especially when it’s criticism…it’s the This suggests that the participant believes
writer, artist, designer, trainer, or whatever the feedback is not grounded in reality, is
you’re getting feedback for…it just happens to biased, or does not align with their own
have the same name as you. However, when understanding or experience.
you take feedback objectively, your initial up It represents a clear decision that the
front, take it back, attitude of defensiveness feedback will not be acted upon or given
fades away, simply because you’re not taking further consideration
it personally anymore.
5. Think well of yourself.
That’s far more important than praise or [1] How do you deal with feedback and criticism
criticism. Understand that if what you’re from a growth mindset perspective? (n.d.).
doing (your daily actions) doesn’t reflect your Linkedin.
true goals or values, you won’t be happy. So, https://www.linkedin.com/advice/1/how-do-
think well of yourself, because you and you you-deal-feedback-criticism-from-growth
alone are the master of your fate. [2] Personal Development: How to Treat
Compliments and Criticisms. (2013, January
4 ENTRIES OF A FEEDBACK 11). Living Life with Purpose.
1. Embrace sonal-development-how-to-treat-
Fully accepting and taking to heart the compliments-and-criticisms/
feedback provided. #:~:text=Remember%20other%20people
This suggests that the participant believes %20can%20offer
the feedback to be accurate, valuable, and
immediately actionable.
It represents a positive affirmation and
acknowledgment of the feedback without
2. Consider
Taking the feedback under advisement
without immediate full acceptance.
It implies that the participant sees potential
value in the feedback but believes it needs
further thought, evaluation, or contextual
understanding before acting upon it.
Ed404: Personal and Professional Growth for Teachers Sec. D (Mon 5:30-8:30PM)