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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

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Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You




Nurturing relationships with co-workers and collaboration helps build a sense of what we call “office
community.” Working as a team results to a more productive worker. When we do our job better, we are
recognized for a job well done and that’s the benefit we gain. When you love what you do, ambition comes
naturally. When you feel confident about how you look, it shows in your work.


After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

 Explain the term self-esteem.
 Discuss the do’s and don’ts of building self-esteem.
 Recognize the impact of low self-esteem.
 Explain how self-confidence affects success.
 Visualize the improvements needed to reach your potential.
 Define attitude and explain its importance in the workplace and life.
 Explain how attitudes are developed.
 Describe how experiences and circumstances impact attitudes.
 Explain why image is important and how perception impacts your image.
 Identify the components that make up your image.
 Discuss the importance of etiquette in the workplace.


You can learn something from every experience. If something doesn’t go quite right, fine out what to
do differently the next time. It will let you differentiate self-esteem from self-confidence, attitude from image
and it will eventually lead you to discover if you have high or low self-esteem and how to improve it. In this
module, you will be challenged to think about how you feel about your self-image.



Probably you have asked yourself “Who Am I?” It can be answered by knowing your name, your likes
and dislikes, your habits, your skills and much more of yourself. You also have an image of yourself that most
likely has many dimensions, such as:
a. Physical appearance
b. Athletic ability
c. Sense of humor
d. Special talents
e. Morals and ethics
f. Aptitude
g. Values and beliefs

As you examine your dimensions, you start to acquire an understanding of who you are. [Masters, L. “Personal
Development for Work and Life.” Pages 12-13]


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You


SELF-ESTEEM - is the extent to which you like, accept, and respect yourself.

SELF-IMAGE - is made up of variables such as physical appearance, athletic ability, sense of humor,
special talents, morals and ethics, aptitudes, and values and beliefs.

High self-esteem helps you to meet everyday challenges and stay on course to become all that you can be.
Low self-esteem often leads to loneliness, anxiety, resentment, irritability and little life satisfaction.

Those who have low self-esteem may react by:

- Blaming others for their own weaknesses or faults.
- Becoming easily frustrated or defensive.
- Avoiding situations that make them uncomfortable.
- Feeling weak and incompetent.
- Feeling that others don’t value them.
- Expressing few emotions.
- Being influenced easily by others.

How you feel about yourself affects your success in meeting the challenges of life and work. Having the
confidence to carry out a specific task and accepting responsibility for your actions is key to developing self-
esteem. If you constantly blame someone else for your actions, or feel sorry for yourself, or label yourself as
a failure, you are unlikely to experience a strong sense of self-esteem. Learn from situations and attempt to
do better next time. But never give up on yourself. [Masters, L. “Personal Development for Work and Life.” Pages

Do’s of building self-esteem:

1. Engage in positive self-talk – give yourself recognition and praise each day. You would do it to a friend, do it for
yourself as well.
2. Remember what you like about yourself – know your strengths.
3. Talk with others about your good qualities - a trusted friend or a counselor often sees qualities in you that you
take for granted or overlook.
4. Focus on your achievements – regardless of how small or big your achievements and successes, these are
important to your self-image.
5. Plan for your future – look forward than dwelling on the past.

Don’ts of improving self-esteem

1. Don’t try to imitate someone else - attempting to be like someone else may lead to further lack of self-
2. Don’t think negatively about yourself - never criticize yourself for not being successful, smart, popular or
attractive as someone else. Envy is considered to be the most
destructive of all human emotions.
3. Don’t neglect yourself - Treat yourself to a walk, trip or activity that you enjoy.
4. Don’t let setbacks get the best of you - think of the inevitable impediments you will face as learning experiences
or signals to change direction.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You



SELF-CONFIDENCE - the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits.

Self-confidence is displayed by a pleasant demeanor, a positive outlook on life, friends and satisfaction with
life in general. Those who lack self-confidence are often timid and fear failure.

Proven techniques to build self-confidence:

a. Use positive self-talk – saying positive things to yourself every day.

b. Increase your knowledge and skills – the foundation of a healthy self-confidence is a “bank” of
knowledge and experiences.
c. Learn from mistakes – when you make major mistakes, analyze what went wrong, request for help if
necessary, correct the errors where possible and move on.
d. Expect to succeed – nothing makes us happier than when we set a goal for our self and succeeded in
reaching that goal.
e. Conquer shyness – begin by going out of you way to speak to new people each day.
f. Accept responsibility for your success – take responsibility for creating a self-improvement plan that
involves a realistic vision of your future self, long-term goals,
and an action plan.


If you are to take charge of yourself and become successful in your life and work, you must start with
a clear, realistic image of where you are now and where you want to be in the future.
A self-improvement plan is not static; rather it is a life-long process that changes with your growth
and experiences. An overview of self-improvement plan is shown below:

Vision of your
future self

Clear, specific, and

measurable goals

Action plan for

achieving each goal


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You



As an individual grow personally and professionally, one is learning constantly. Learning is categorized
into three types namely, knowledge, skills and attitudes. Knowledge is acquired by reading, attending classes,
using internet, talking with others, and life experiences. On the other hand, skills are obtained by learning
how to play guitar or other musical instrument through constant practice and repetition. But how about
attitude? How can it be gained?
Attitudes are complex and develop over time. It is your outlook in life – how you respond to people
and events. Also, it is guided by the mind.
Attitude is exceptionally vital for the reason that it drives your behavior. Behavior is a manner of
acting or reacting under a general set of circumstances. Your action (behavior) and body language are results
of your mental attitude.

Three important things to remember about attitude:

a. Only you control what you think
b. Attitudes can and do change over time
c. Your attitude affects others


Attitudes are unique because they are developed as a result of emotion. Emotion is a state of feeling
or a conscious mental reaction (positive or negative) toward a specific object, person, or event.
When an emotion accompanies an event time after time, it creates an attitude (or predisposition to
view something in a certain way) that may be very intense.
A positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your
life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. With a positive attitude you see the bright side
of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen.
In contrast, people who tend to be pessimistic often exhibit negative attitudes. Even if you’ve been a
pessimistic, negative thinker for many years, it’s not too late to change your thinking and reap the benefits of
a positive attitude.


Can achieve success Liberating

Helps in achieving goals and attain success Builds greater inner power and strength

Empowers to succeed faster and more easily Helps see the glass as “half full” instead of “half
Gives more energy Enables you to overcome difficulties
Inspires and motivates others Leads to greater happiness in life and work


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You


When you experience a negative attitude towards your work, a relationship, or in your life in general,
remember and keep in mind that attitude can be transformed. An attitude change can take place based on
new knowledge, experiences or a sincere desire to change.
Changing negative attitudes into positive attitudes can be very satisfying, because positive attitudes
are a foundation for personal satisfaction and effective human relations. When you change your attitude, you
automatically change the following:
- Your perspective
- The way you interpret things
- The decisions you make
- The actions you take
- The results you get

Developing positive attitude and eliminating negative ones is the best initial move toward
self-improvement. The following suggestions can be helpful if you have the willingness, courage and inner
strength to try them:
1. Visualize the attitudes you want to improve.
- Make a clear picture of what attitude you want to change.
2. Resolve to adopt those attitudes you want to improve
- After identifying the attitudes you want to improve, make a conscious effort to make over.
3. Use the image of the “ideal you” as a model for your behavior
- With practice and effort, the desirable behavior will come naturally, and the improved attitudes
will transform you.
4. Choose to create a positive atmosphere around you
- The choice to have a positive or negative attitude is yours to make.
5. Surround yourself with positive people
- There is a saying that you become the average sum of the five people with whom you associate
most frequently.
6. Celebrate your success
- Learn from your setbacks, but then move forward with optimism for the future.

2.4. IMAGE


The people you interact with every day constantly observe you and form opinions about your
competence, character, conduct and attitude. Other people’s perceptions can dramatically shape our self-
concept and self-esteem. Perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding based on sensory
information – an immediate reaction of the senses.


Your image is one of your most important assets. The set of qualities and characteristics that
represent perceptions of you as judged by others is your image.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You

How You Look

Confidence has to come from within so positive self-talk helps. Tell yourself that you look
great and feel good about yourself. Since this is easier to do when you actually do look good, careful
grooming becomes a factor in self-esteem.

How You Speak

The pitch of your voice refers to how high or low your voice sounds. When you become
emotional, the pitch usually goes up – and a higher pitched voice tends to carry further than a lower
pitched voice.
Volume is how loud or soft your voice sounds. Speak up so that others can hear you. Do not
force others to strain to hear you or cause them to misinterpret your message because they could not
hear everything you said. On the other hand, listening to a very loud voice can also be annoying.
Inflection is the rising and falling of your voice. If you speak with no inflection, you speak in a
monotone. A monotone is a voice that is flat. Use your voice to help express the meaning of your
Enunciation refers to pronouncing all the sounds in a word clearly. The more carefully you
enunciate, the more likely you are to be understood.
Pronunciation refers to saying a word correctly. It requires that you know how a dictionary
would tell you a word should be pronounced.
Vocabulary is to the sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command of a particular
person or group.

How You Behave

Facial expressions also contribute to your overall behavior. Always do your best to conduct
yourself as a mature adult. Use good manners, including proper etiquette.

How you Walk, Sit and Stand

Good posture reduces stress on muscles and joints and is an important part of an appearance.
Others interpret your attitude by how you walk, sit and stand. How you walk says something about
you before you utter a single word. Good posture while sitting and standing gives you an image of


Proper etiquette is an important part of being a professional and adds a “touch of class” to your
professional image. Etiquette refers to the customs or rules of behavior regarded as correct in social and work
Etiquette in the workplace focuses on rules of conduct (written or unwritten) designed to facilitate
interactions between co-workers, customers, supervisors, and suppliers.

Basic guidelines of Etiquette

1. Do unto other as you would have others do unto you.

2. Obey company rules and regulations
3. Be on time
4. Watch your language


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You

Etiquette in the Electronic Age

Electronic devices offer a new set of challenges as they relate to workplace etiquette. When using a
cell phone, avoid making and receiving personal calls during business hours. If you must answer or make a
call on your cell phone, be sensitive to the fact that those around you may be distracted from their work or
annoyed by your conversation.
E-mail is valuable tool in the workplace. However, it is not for sending jokes, stories, pictures, or
personal notes to others in or out of the office during work hours. Nothing is private on e-mail, it is all too
easy for sensitive information to end up in the wrong inbox.


Activity #1 SELF-ASSESSMENT. How do you feel about yourself? Do you have a healthy, positive
level of self-esteem? Think about your experiences over the past few months. Rate the
following on a scale of 1-5 how often each statement reflects how you feel.

1 – Rarely 2 – Sometimes 3 – Often 4 - Frequently 5 – Usually

_____ a. I don’t like going to work or school.

_____ b. I am easily bored.

_____ c. I cannot communicate easily with others.

_____ d. I don’t perform my job (or class work) up to par.

_____ e. I get into conflicts with others.

_____ f. I think my friends consider me a failure.

_____ g. I am late of fail to show up for appointments too often.

_____ h. I am not conscientious about my grooming and appearance.

_____ i. I have unattractive physical characteristics.

_____ j. I don’t concentrate on anything for very long.

_____ k. I work hard but accomplish little.

_____ l. I am forgetful.

_____ m. I give up when I can’t get something right the first time.

_____ n. I lack energy and enthusiasm.

Lifted from the book Personal Development for Work and Life by: L. Masters & H. Wallace


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You

Activity #2 APPLICATION. On the grid, place a check in the first column if the statement represents
what you think you are like. In the second column, check statements that represent what
others think of you. In the third column, check statements that represent what you hope will
someday be true for you.

How I feel about myself I think I am Others think I am I want to be

Inferior to most of my peers _______ _______ _______
Self-confident _______ _______ _______
Lacking self-confidence _______ _______ _______
Proud of my achievements _______ _______ _______
Embarrassed about my achievements _______ _______ _______
Pleased with my appearance _______ _______ _______
Disappointed with my appearance _______ _______ _______

How I feel toward others I think I am Others think I am I want to be

Tolerant _______ _______ _______
Intolerant _______ _______ _______
Friendly _______ _______ _______
Unfriendly _______ _______ _______
Comfortable being with strangers _______ _______ _______
Uncomfortable being with strangers _______ _______ _______
Enjoy being with most people _______ _______ _______
Do not enjoy being with most people _______ _______ _______

a. Which items in the first column please you the most?




b. Which items in the second column distress you the most?




c. Which items in the third column do you most want to work on?




Lifted from the book Personal Development for Work and Life by: L. Masters & H. Wallace


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You

Activity #3 APPLICATION. Use the checklist to help identify areas of your life that you want to improve.

______ 1. Do I need to improve my work skills as a student?

______ 2. Do I need additional education?

______ 3. Is there something new I want to learn?

______ 4. Do I understand and use wise money management strategies?

______ 5. Do I take care of my physical, mental, and emotional health?

______ 6. Do I use my time wisely?

______ 7. Do I have a good relationship with my family and friends?

______ 8. Do I need to improve my communication skills?

______ 9. Do I treat others with respect?

______ 10. Do I have bad habits that I would like to change?

Lifted from the book Personal Development for Work and Life by: L. Masters & H. Wallace

Activity #4 APPLICATION. How positive is your attitude? Check your attitude by taking this exercise and
analyze the result.

1. I spend time thinking about what I want my future to include.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

2. I look for the best in people and situations.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

3. I believe that in every problem there is an opportunity.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

4. I believe I am responsible for how my day goes.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

5. I enjoy learning new things and adopt well to changes.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

6. I speak in a positive and upbeat manner.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

7. I am persistent and stay with a task until it is complete.

a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

8. I spend my time seeking answers and solutions rather than whining about problems and unpleasant
a. I do not do this. b. Yes, I do this. c. Occasionally I do this.

Lifted from the book Personal Development for Work and Life by: L. Masters & H. Wallace


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 2 – It’s All About You


You learned in this study guide for module 2 the following:

 If you have good self-esteem, you appreciate your special gifts and your value as a person. You strive to do your best and to
achieve your potential.
 People with healthy self-esteem work to improve themselves. They understand that believing in themselves and valuing
their positive qualities is not about competing with others but about understanding themselves and pursuing what is best
for them.
 Signs of a self-confident person include a pleasant demeanor, a positive outlook in life, a circle of friends, and a sense of
satisfaction with life in general.
 Self-improvement begins with a vision of your future self, involves identifying specific goals, and devising action plans that
will help you accomplish your long-term goals.
 Attitude is your outlook in life, which is guided by your mind and drives your behavior.
 Attitudes are affected by negative circumstances, which drag you down rather than lift you up. Negative situations will end
and are not all-encompassing. You will work through difficult situations and problems and move on with your life.
 Your image is one of your most important assets. Image includes personal appearance, behavior, posture and voice.
 Professionals are identified by their attitude, attire, character, work ethic, competency, and work area. Character and work
ethic include the qualities of trustworthiness, honesty, responsibility, and diligence.


Engler, B. (2016) Theories of Personality 9th Ed. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.

Masters, L., Wallace, H. (2011) Personality Development for Work and Life Cengage Learning Asia
Pte. Ltd.

Santos, A. (2012) Personality for Today’s Young Professional 3 rd Ed. National Bookstore


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