Mtechcse Ds Svnit
Mtechcse Ds Svnit
Mtechcse Ds Svnit
1. engage in critical thinking and develop an ability to independently carry out research /investigation and
development work to solve practical problems.
2. develop an ability to communicate effectively, develop an ability to interact with the engineering
fraternity and with society at large.
3. be able to write and present technical reports on complex engineering activities.
4. be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program
(Data Science). The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate
bachelor program.
5. demonstrate higher level of professional skills to tackle multidisciplinary and complex problems related
to variety real time applications data.
6. be able to distinguish and analyze the data for the applications for the machine-cognition tasks.
7. have adequate technologies and theoretical background of software development that will help them
to pursue a career in software industries in general and data science background in particular.
8. be educated to stick on professional ethics and able to solve societal needs and developments.
M. Tech. - I Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with Specialization in Data Science
Semester I
Semester II
Semester III
Semester IV
Core Elective 1
CSEDS611 Information Retrieval
CSEDS613 Advanced Database Management Systems
CSEDS615 Embedded Systems Design
CSEDS617 Computer Vision and Image Processing
CSEDS619 Speech and Audio Processing
CSEDS621 High Performance Computing
Core Elective 2, Core Elective 3, and Core Elective 4
CSEDS606 Artificial Intelligence
CSEDS608 Data Mining and Data Warehousing
CSEDS610 Natural Language Processing
CSEDS612 Data Science for Software Engineering
CSEDS614 Big Data Analytics and Large-Scale Computing
CSEDS616 Cyber Physical Systems
CSEDS618 Machine Learning for Security
Institute Elective
CSEDS620 Business Data Analytics
CSEDS622 Social Networks
CSEDS624 Cyber Laws
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To learn the fundamental concepts of set theory, functions, probability.
2 To enable the students to apply the knowledge of probability in data science applications.
3 To learn different statistical inference procedures, probability distributions and random processes.
4 To enable the student to apply the knowledge of linear algebra and statistical analysis in different
fields of data science.
5 To design an efficient solution using linear algebra and statistical methods for real time problems.
Level, Types of Errors: Type-I and Type-II, Significance Test, Chi-Squared, Student-t Test, Normality Test,
Cramer-Rao Bound on Estimators, Chebyshev Inequality, Kullback-Leibler Divergence, Applications.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge of the basic concepts and problems of set theory, predicates and logic.
CO2 be able to use functions, graphs, trees, automata and formal languages for problem solving.
CO3 be able to analyze/interpret quantitative data verbally, graphically, symbolically and numerically.
CO4 be able to evaluate and compare the results using different linear algebraic and statistical techniques.
CO5 be able to use linear algebra for optimization and integrate statistical models for solving real life
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand paradigms and approaches used to analyze and design algorithms and to appreciate
the impact of algorithm design in practice.
2 To analyze the worst-case time complexity of an algorithm, asymptotic complexities of different
3 To design and prove the correctness of the algorithms using appropriate design technique to solve a
given real-world computational problem.
4 To analyze and prove the computational intractability of the algorithms of the hard computational
5 To design sub-optimal solutions for the intractable computational problems using alternate design
Formulas; The Knapsack Problem, Clustering; Minimum-Cost Arborescence; Multi-phase Greedy Algorithms,
Graph Algorithms; Graph problems: Graph Searching, BFS, DFS, Shortest First Search Minimum Spanning
Trees, Single Source Shortest Paths, Maximum Bipartite Cover Problem, Applications, Topological Sort;
Connected and Bi-connected Components; Johnson’s Implementation of Prim’s algorithm using Priority
Queue Data Structures.
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on website.)
1 Lab assignments based on designing algorithms for trivial computational problems and doing their
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge about the application of mathematical formula/technique to solve the
computational problem.
CO2 be able to understand, identify and apply the most appropriate algorithm design technique required
to solve a given problem.
CO3 be able to analyze and compare the asymptotic time and space complexities of algorithms.
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand the basic concepts, state-of-the art techniques of machine learning, statistical analysis
and discriminant functions.
2 To apply different concepts for the machine learning problems.
3 To analyze supervised and unsupervised learning approaches as per the suitability of the problem.
4 To evaluate machine learning methods for performance and usage for different problems.
5 To design solution of problem using different machine learning approaches.
Means Clustering, Gaussian Mixture Models, Learning with Partially Observable Data, Expectation
Maximization Algorithm.
Signal Processing, Image Processing, Biometric Recognition, Face and Speech Recognition, Information
Retrieval, Natural Language Processing.
Practical and mini-projects will be based on the coverage of the above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Implement classification and regression techniques.
2 Implement clustering and statistical modeling methods.
3 Implement various dimensionality reduction techniques.
4 Implement neural networks and non-parametric techniques.
5 Implement mini-project based on machine learning approaches.
Course Outcomes
At the end of course, students will
CO1 have knowledge of pattern recognition, regression, classification, clustering algorithms and statistics.
CO2 be able to apply different feature extraction, classification, regression, neural network algorithms
and modeling.
CO3 be able to analyze the data patterns and modeling for applying the learning algorithms and non-
parametric approaches.
CO4 be able to evaluate the performance of an algorithm and comparison of different learning
CO5 be able to design solutions for real life problems like biometric recognition, natural language
processing, and related applications using various tools and techniques of machine learning.
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand the fundamentals of data analytics, distributed database, foundational skills in data
science, including preparing and working with data; abstracting and modeling.
2 To go from raw data to a deeper understanding of the patterns and learn to store, manage, and
analyze unstructured data structures within the data, to support making predictions and decision
3 To learn processing large data sets using Hadoop and make predictions using machine learning and
statistical methods.
4 To learn computational thinking and skills, various text analysis and stream data analysis techniques
including the Python programming language for analyzing and visualizing data.
5 To learn various topics such as statistics, crawling data, data visualization, advanced databases,
complex data represented using graphs or high dimensional data and cloud computing, along with a
toolkit to use with data.
Different Types of Graphs, Trees, Basic Concepts Isomorphism and Subgraphs, Multi Graphs and Euler
Circuits, Hamiltonian Graphs, Chromatic Numbers, Graph and Tree Processing Algorithms, Graph based
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Practical related to Hadoop Installation and implementations using artificial data.
2 Introduction to software tools for data analytics science.
3 Practical based on Basic Statistics and Visualization.
4 Practical related to data preprocessing and data preparation for various Data mining processes.
5 Practical related to different SQL and NOSQL databases.
6 Practical based on Classification.
7 Practical based on K-means Clustering.
8 Practical related to Big Text analysis.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to understand the principles and purposes of data science, and articulate the different
dimensions of the area.
CO2 be able to apply various data pre-processing and manipulation techniques including various
distributed analysis paradigms using Hadoop and other tools.
CO3 be able to apply basic data mining machine learning techniques to build a classifier or regression
model, and predict values for new examples.
CO4 be able interpret various large datasets by applying Data Mining techniques like clustering, filtering,
CO5 be able to implement and perform advanced statistical analysis to solve complex and large dataset
problems for real life applications.
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand the basic terminology of research, its methodology and learn different methodologies of
pursuing the research in terms of organization, presentation and evaluation.
2 To apply the concept in writing the technical content.
3 To analyze the existing method using different parameters in different scenarios.
4 To evaluate the proposed work and compare with existing approach systematically using the
appropriate methodology, through simulation depending upon the research field.
5 To design algorithms using concepts learned and write report and papers technically and grammatically
Mathematical Modeling, Experimental Skills, Simulation Skills, Data Analysis and Interpretation.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have an understanding of the different research methodology in different areas.
CO2 be able to apply the concepts in writing, presentation, and simulating different experiments.
CO3 be able to analyze the proposed work with existing approaches in the literature and interpret the
research design through project development and case study analysis using appropriate tools.
CO4 be able to execute the technical presentation, organization in writing the report and papers.
CO5 be able to design the algorithms and proof learned and communicate effectively through proper
organization and presentation.
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand the basic building blocks of information retrieval systems.
2 To introduce a variety of indexing techniques, retrieval models and ranking algorithms for information
3 To provide comprehensive details of evaluation methods used for information retrieval systems.
4 To apply classification and clustering approaches for information retrieval.
5 To introduce the basic concepts of web information retrieval.
Web Crawling, Search Engines, Ranking, Link Analysis, Page Rank, XML Retrieval, Semantic Web.
Practical and mini-projects will be based on the coverage of the above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practicals (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Implementation of sort-based and single-pass in-memory indexing.
2 Implementation of distributed and dynamic indexing.
3 Implementation of n-gram indexes.
4 Programs to demonstrate boolean retrieval and vector space models.
5 Program to find the similarity between documents.
6 Implementation of naive bayes text classification.
7 Implementation of vector space classification algorithms such as k nearest neighbor.
8 Programs to implement k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering.
9 Implementation of page rank algorithm.
10 Mini project.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to understand different information retrieval models and indexing techniques.
CO2 understand different text compression algorithms and their role in efficient building and storage of
inverted indexes.
CO3 know about different evaluation methods used for information retrieval systems.
CO4 be able to understand the application of various classification and clustering techniques for
information retrieval systems.
CO5 be able to understand the working of a search engine and the page ranking algorithm.
CO6 know about the basics of XML retrieval and web search.
M. Tech. I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 Enhanced the knowledge in the areas of database management that go beyond traditional (relational)
database management systems.
2 Comprehend the query processing efficient information management for Distributed , Parallel and
Object Oriented DBMS.
3 To understand and implement of different data and their database management systems.
4 To enhance the knowledge about variety of data storage and management.
5 To understand storage and management issues of the unstructured data.
Overview of client - server architecture and its relationship to distributed databases, Concurrency control
Heterogeneity issues, Persistent Programming Languages, Object Identity and its implementation, Clustering,
Indexing, Client Server Object Bases, Cache Coherence.
Review of 3-tier architecture - Typical Middle-ware products and their usage. Architectural support for 3 -tier
applications: technologies like RPC, CORBA, COM. Web Application server - WAS architecture Concept of Data
Cartridges - JAVA/HTML components. WAS
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Write queries and analyze the query performances.
2 Implementation of problem having spatial data.
3 Implement the web based application with database connectivity.
4 Implementation of problem using object oriented concept.
5 Analyse the performance of problem using row oriented database vs no SQL databases.
6 Optimization of Distributed Database Queries: as a Mini Project.
Course Outcomes
At end of the course Student will be able to
CO1 Understand advanced database techniques for storing a variety of data with various database models.
CO2 To apply various database techniques/functions with Object Oriented approach to design database
for real life scenarios.
CO3 Analyse the problem to design database with appropriate database model.
CO4 Evaluate methods of storing, managing and interrogating complex data.
CO5 Implement web application API’s, distributed databases with the integration of various programming
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To learn about hardware and software design requirements of embedded systems, theprocesses,
methodologies, fundamental problems, and best practices associated with the development of
applications in the context of high-performance embedded computing systems.
2 To study several different styles of processors used in embedded systems, the use ofinterrupts and
inter-process communication, techniques for tuning the performance of a processor, and to optimize
embedded CPUs.
3 To understand memory system optimizations and the back end of the compilation process to
determine the quality of code.
4 To study the importance of embedded multiprocessors, their architectures, design techniques,
methodologies, algorithms, IoT, and its applications.
5 To learn various embedded software development tools and provide in-depth knowledge of
scheduling algorithms and middleware architectures for multiprocessors and hardware/software co-
design and co-synthesis algorithms.
Introduction to embedded systems Hardware needs; typical and advanced, timing diagrams, memories
(RAM, ROM, and EPROM) Tristate devices, Buses, DMA, UART and PLD's Built-ins on the microprocessor,
Example applications, Design methodologies, Embedded Systems Design flows, Models of computation,
Parallelism and computation, Reliable system design, CE architecture.
in an RTOS environment.
Design methodologies, Requirements analysis, System analysis and architecture design, Quality assurance.
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on website.)
1 Implement experiment based on programming of Embedded boards.
2 Implement experiment based on Embedded OS.
3 Implement RTOS and job scheduler with Embedded systems.
4 Implement Embedded computing algorithm and evaluate the performance using different tools.
5 Implement mini projects based on Embedded systems for real applications.
1. Mohamed Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi, RolinMcKinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems: Using Assembly and C”, Pearson Education.
2. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems-Architecture, Programming and Design”, TMH.
3. Jonathan W. Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems-Real Time Interfacing”, Thomson Learning.
4. David A. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Pearson Education.
5. Louis L. Odette, “Intelligent Embedded Systems”, Addison-Wesley.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to understand hardware-software requirements, interrupts and inter process
communication of embedded systems.
CO2 be able to apply techniques for simulating processors, for tuning the performance of a processor
and to optimize embedded CPUs, such as code compression and bus encoding. They will be able
to use middleware architectures for dynamic resource allocation in multiprocessors
CO3 be able to analyze the embedded systems’ specifications and develop software programs.
CO4 be able to evaluate related software architectures and tools for embedded Systems and evaluate
the quality of code using the back end of the compilation process and be able to characterize
embedded applications and target architectures using different models.
CO5 be able to design and develop real time embedded systems using the concepts of RTOS.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To learn how to use Data science for Image Processing and Vision tasks.
2 To understand the capability of machines to analyze visual information and to make appropriate
3 To learn various methods and algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision.
4 To learn applications with a combination of Image/Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
5 To understand various applications of Image and Computer Vision.
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Installation and working on OpenCV, Scilab etc.
2 Learning Hadoop systems for implementing Data science applications of image processing and vision.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge about various methods and algorithms for image processing and computer vision.
CO2 be able to apply algorithms and methods for large datasets for image and vision.
CO3 be able to apply image and vision algorithms in SciLab/OpenCV for applications.
CO4 be able to apply image and vision based solutions for specific real-world applications.
CO5 be able to analyze data science techniques for image and video processing.
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
Course Objective
1 To learn the basics of digital signal processing, analytical methods and it’s different applications
2 To understand fundamentals of speech
3 To learn different speech models and speech processing
4 To learn the design of different filters in spatial and frequency domain for speech processing
5 To develop skills for analyzing and synthesizing algorithms and systems for speech recognition,
identification, classification for different applications.
Analog vs. Digital Signal, Continuous vs. Discrete Signal, Issues with Analog signal processing, Digital signal
transmission, Overview of different applications, Fundamentals of z-transform, Fourier transform, Overview
of Digital filters: FIR and IIR, Sampling theorem, Decimation and Interpolation.
Speech signal, Digital representation of speech, Speech production and perception, Acoustic modeling,
Acoustic tubes and features, Acoustic phonetics, Sound propagation, Phase vocoder, Channel vocoder, Vocal
tract functioning, Vocal tract transfer function, Time domain models, Frequency domain representation,
Concepts of Subband.
Short time energy and average magnitude, Short time average zero-crossing rate, Pitch period estimation,
Speech and silence discrimination, Short time autocorrelation function, Median smoothing, Quantization,
Companding, Adaptive Quantization, Delta modulation, Differential PCM.
Short time Fourier representation, Short time analysis, Spectrographic, Spectrum analysis, Complex
Cepstrum, Pitch Detection, Formant estimation, Linear predictive analysis, LPC equation, solutions,
Frequency domain interpretation of Linear Predictive analysis, Relations between various speech
parameters, Applications of LPC parameters, IIR and FIR filters design.
Vocabulary, Language Modeling, Hidden Markov Models, Pattern Classification and Recognition, Speech
Compression, Speech synthesis, Speech recognition, Speaker identification, Emotion analysis, Language
identification, Speech Conversion, Speech processing using Neural Networks, Deep Learning.
Practical and mini-projects will be based on the coverage of the above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on website.)
1 Implementation of basic signal transforms like Fourier, Wavelet and others.
2 Implementation of preliminary feature extractions from speech signals.
3 Implementation of time domain analysis techniques and design of different filters.
4 Implementation of frequency domain analysis techniques and design of different filters.
5 Implementation of advanced techniques of modelling for speech processing.
6 Implementation of application based mini project.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to understand the process of converting the continuous-time signal into digital signal, process
it and convert back to continuous-time signal
CO2 be able to apply the different digital filters to design speech processing applications
CO3 be able to analyse the speech in time domain and frequency domain and also able to analyse tools
like Fourier transform and z-transform to find a system's frequency response or system's impulse
CO4 be able to evaluating the performance of a speech processing based systems like speech recognition,
M. Tech. – I Semester – I L T P C
CSEDS621: High-Performance Computing (CORE ELECTIVE-1) 3 0 2 4
Course Objective
1 To understand fundamentals concepts related to High-Performance Computing and state-of-the-art
in Parallel Programming environment
2 To study the architectures of several types of high-performance computers and the implications on
the performance of algorithms of these architectures
3 To provide an in-depth analysis of design issues in parallel computing
4 To learn the programming constructs required for parallel programming
5 To learn how to achieve parallelism in CUDA architectures
Practical and mini-projects will be based on the coverage of the above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1. John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson “Computer Architecture -- A Quantitative Approach”, 4th Ed.,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
2. Barbara Chapman, Gabriele Jost and Ruud van der Pas, “Using OpenMP: portable shared memory
parallel programming”, The MIT Press.
3. Marc Snir, Jack Dongarra, Janusz S. Kowalik, Steven Huss-Lederman, Steve W. Otto, David W. Walker,
“MPI: The Complete Reference”, Volume2, The MIT Press.
4. Pacheco S. Peter, “Parallel Programming with MPI”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers.
5. Shane Cook, CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs, Morgan
Kaufmann publishers.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to learn concepts, issues and limitations related to parallel computing.
CO2 be able to understand and explain different parallel models of computation, parallel architectures,
interconnections and various memory organizations in modern high-performance architectures.
CO3 be able to map algorithms onto parallel architectures for parallelism.
CO4 be able to analyze and evaluate the performance of different architectures and parallel algorithms.
CO5 be able to design and implement parallel programs for shared-memory architectures and
distributed-memory architectures using modern tools like OpenMP and MPI, respectively.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVNIT Surat (Gujarat)
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M. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with Specialization in Data Science
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To regain/replenish understanding core principles of statistical hypothesis testing (NHST) and
2 To use statistical principles to describe and comprehend data, including how it represents the real world
and how it does not.
3 To test hypotheses or make predictions, use statistical approaches to data.
4 To create and implement analyses that result in new knowledge, decisions, and actions.
5 To communicate quantitative analysis results, conclusions and learn from and criticize the statistical
analyses of others.
PCR and PLS Regression, Polynomial Regression, Step Functions, Basis Functions, Regression Splines,
Generalized Additive Models, Nonlinear Models, Factor Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Non-parametric
techniques, Shrinkage, Ridge regression.
Basics of Decision Trees, Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting, Maximal Margin Classifier, Support Vector
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Introduction to R, One-way ANOVA.
2 Logistic Regression, LDA, QDA, and KNN.
3 Cross-Validation and the Bootstrap
4 Non-linear Modeling.
5 Decision Trees, Lab: Support Vector Machines, Lab: PCA, Clustering, NCI60 Data Example.
6 Hands on with deep neural models.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 become familiar with several statistical analysis techniques.
CO2 be able to understand and analyze data in applied settings, he /she must be able to assess the
appropriateness of statistical analyses, outcomes, and inferences.
CO3 be able to choose the appropriate analytical methodology for fresh research and evaluate the results
CO4 be able to learn about canonical examples of linear models to relate them to techniques and
CO5 be able to conduct statistical analyses using SPDS.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand the basic concepts and technologies of scalable distributed systems.
2 To apply the different scalable distributed system designs for solving real application problems.
3 To analyze how distributed program models such as MapReduce, TensorFlow, Vertex-centric and
streaming data flows are designed to analyze large datasets.
4 To execute and compare the different popular Big Data and ML platforms like HDFS, Spark, MLLib,
TensorFlow, Cassandra, Flink, etc. and understand how they are architected.
5 To develop distributed algorithms and scalable analytics applications using various design patterns.
Levels of Virtualization Implementation, Design Requirements and Providers, Virtualization Support: at the
OS Level and Middleware, Virtualization Tools, Hypervisor and Xen Architecture, Binary Translation with Full
Virtualization, Para-Virtualization with Compiler Support, Hardware Support for Virtualization, CPU
Virtualization, Memory Virtualization, I/O Virtualization, Virtualization in Multi-Core Processors, Virtual
Clusters and Resource Management, Physical versus Virtual Clusters, Live VM Migration Steps and
Performance Effects, Migration of Memory, Files, and Network Resources, Dynamic Deployment of Virtual
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Installation and setup of different tools mentioned in the classroom session like spark, Hadoop, HDFS,
MLLib, TensorFlow, Cassandra, Flink.
2 Federated learning using edge computing and cloud computing resources, Distributed edge.
3 Experimenting with cloud storage and querying systems, Scalable querying over knowledge graphs,
Scalable training and differencing over graph neural networks.
4 Experiment using Scalable pattern mining and analysis over Twitter streams.
5 Experiment using NoSQL database and application development using AWS, Azure.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge for types of Big Data, Design goals of Big Data platforms, and where in the systems
landscape these platforms fall.
CO2 have information about distributed programming models for Big Data, including Map Reduce, Stream
processing and Graph processing.
CO3 have learned runtime Systems for Big Data platforms and their optimizations on commodity clusters
and Clouds.
CO4 be familiar with scaling data Science algorithms and analytics using Big Data platforms.
CO5 be able to configure, use different data mining software tools and develop applications to achieve
scalable systems.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To introduce the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with illustrations of current state of the art
research, tools and applications.
2 To understand the basic areas of AI including problem solving, knowledge representation, heuristic,
reasoning, decision making, planning and statistical methods.
3 To identify the type of an AI problem and apply it for search inference, decision making under
uncertainty, game theory etc.
4 To describe the knowledge representation techniques, strengths and limitations of various state-space
search algorithms, and choose the appropriate algorithm.
5 To introduce advanced topics of AI such as planning, Bayes networks, natural language processing and
Expert systems.
Probability and Bayes Theorem, Certainty factors, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Bayesian Networks,
Markov Networks.
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Introduction to PROLOG programming.
2 Implement Informed and uniformed based search techniques.
3 Implement various algorithms based on game theory.
4 Practical based on fuzzy logic-based application.
5 Practical based on statistical methods.
6 Implement an expert system for real applications.
7 Practical based on multilayer perceptron.
8 Implement neural network-based application
1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Prentice-Hall.
2. Nils J. Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis”, Morgan-Kaufmann.
3. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. W. Patterson, ‘Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems’, Prentice Hall of India.
5. I. Bratko, "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence", Addison-Wesley.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to understand foundational principles, mathematical tools, program paradigms and
fundamental issues, challenges of artificial intelligence, formal methods of knowledge
representation, logic and reasoning.
CO2 be able to apply intelligent agents for artificial intelligence programming techniques, Fuzzy logic
for problem solving and semantic rules for reasoning and inference to real world problems.
CO3 be able to analyze and formalize the problem as a state space, graph, design heuristics and
select amongst different search or game-based techniques to solve them.
CO4 be able to evaluate the performance of an informed and uninformed search strategies, fuzzy
logic, and expert system and connectionist models based systems.
CO5 be able to design the application on different artificial intelligence techniques like heuristic,
game search algorithms, fuzzy, expert system and neural network.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining.
2 To introduce a wide range of association, clustering, estimation, prediction, and classification
3 To introduce mathematical statistics foundations of the Data Mining Algorithms.
4 To introduce basic principles, concepts and applications of Data Warehousing.
5 To build a data mining application from a data warehouse to solve real problems.
Mining Data Streams, Methodologies for Stream Data Processing and Stream Data Systems, Frequent-Pattern
Mining in Data Streams, Classification of Dynamic Data Streams, Clustering Evolving Data Streams; Trend
Analysis, Similarity Search in Time Series Analysis, Sequential Pattern Mining in Transactional Databases,
Constraint-Based Mining of Sequential Patterns, Periodicity Analysis for Time-Related Sequence Data; Mining
Sequence Patterns, Alignment of Sequences, Hidden Markov Model for Sequence Analysis.
Review of Data Warehouse, Multidimensional Data Model, Data Cubes, Process Architecture, OLAP
Operations, Stream OLAP and Stream Data Cubes, Generalization of Structured Data, Aggregation and
Approximation in Spatial and Multimedia Data Generalization, Generalization of Class Composition
Hierarchies, Construction and Mining of Object Cubes, Generalization-Based Mining of Plan Databases by
Divide-and-Conquer, Spatial Data Cube Construction and Spatial OLAP.
Mining Event Sequences, Visual DM, Data Stream Mining, Multimedia Mining, Spatial Mining.
Practical assignment will be based on the coverage of the above topics. (28 Hours)
(Total Contact Time: 42 Hours + 28 Hours = 70 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Implementation of an application of a KDD process.
2 Analysis of Data Mining Techniques with Implementations using Java, Python etc.
3 Implementation of Nearest Neighbor Learning and Decision Trees.
4 Analysis of Splitting and Merging Clusters.
5 Implementation of association rule mining algorithms.
6 Mini Project: Implementation of Selected Journal Papers.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to identify the key processes of data mining, data warehousing and knowledge discovery
process and understand the basic principles and algorithms used in practical data mining.
CO2 be able to apply data mining techniques to solve problems in other disciplines in a mathematical way.
CO3 be able to analyze the algorithms used in practical data mining and their strengths and weaknesses.
CO4 be able to evaluate different strategies of data warehousing techniques and data mining algorithms.
CO5 be able to design data mining algorithms for real time applications.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To comprehend natural language processing in order to extract information.
2 To understand information about language-specific tasks and learning models.
3 To investigate the use of artificial intelligence to comprehend the semantics of text data.
4 To know about text processing at syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic levels.
5 To understand data extraction from unstructured text by identifying references to named entities as
well as stated relationships between such entities.
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Create an application in Python with the NLTK library to tokenize the words present in a paragraph.
2 Perform tasks with NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit).
3 Tasks to be Performed in SpacCy Library.
4 Practicals based on huggingface library.
5 Text Classification using movie reviews database, etc.
6 Practical implementation of application and case study.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 be able to understand how language works, including the word structure, sentence structure, and
CO2 be able to learn how to reframe NLP problems as learning and inference tasks, as well as how to deal
with the associated computational challenges
CO3 be able to use text processing at the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic levels.
CO4 be able to learn about text mining and manipulation techniques.
CO5 be able to retrieve information from the text and can use it for decision making.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand various tools of Software Engineering.
2 To understand the capability of software engineering principles to analyze data science applications
to make appropriate decisions.
3 To learn various methods and principles of software engineering for data science applications.
4 To learn integration of software engineering principles with data science applications.
5 To learn how to use software engineering for data science.
Module Introduction, Objectives of Usability, How to Approach Usability, Designing with Usability in mind,
Measuring Usability, Guidelines for User Interface Design, User Interface Elements.
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Working with software engineering software SPIN.
2 Working with a variety of modules for software engineering.
3 Working with testing of the software project.
4 To develop the software engineering prototype of the application.
5 To analyze the software using a model checker.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge about software engineering tools for integrated development environments,
syntax checking, testing, debugging, and version control.
CO2 be able to apply software engineering principles to solve Data Science applications.
CO3 be able to critically analyze the Data Science problems to apply software engineering solutions.
CO4 be able to evaluate various Data Science applications using software engineering principles.
CO5 be able to design software engineering principles based applications using Data Science principles.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To learn the basics of big data, its characteristics, big data management issues, processing and
applications with the help of big data platforms and storage models for big data management.
2 To learn the management and analysis of big data using technology like Hadoop, NoSql, MapReduce,
3 To apply the data mining algorithms on big data for scalability of the real time applications.
4 To develop research interest towards advances in data mining by analyzing the available approaches with
the help of evaluating parameters.
5 To build big data analytics and management systems with visualization using the latest technology to
solve real problems.
Big Data Processing: Batch Data Processing and Stream Data Processing, Computing Environments for Big
Data Analytics, Implementation of Batch and Real Time Event Processing: Integration of Disparate Data
Stores/Data Lake, Mapping Data to the Programming Framework, Connecting and Extracting Data from
Storage, Transforming Data for Processing, Querying.
HBase, Data Model and Implementations, HBase Clients, HBase Examples, Praxis, Cassandra, Cassandra data
Model, Cassandra Examples, Cassandra Clients, Hadoop Integration, Hive, Data Types and File Formats,
HiveQL Data Definition, HiveQL Data Manipulation, HiveQL Queries, Applications on Big Data Using Pig and
Hive, Data Processing Operators in Pig, Fundamentals of ZooKeeper, K-Means Clustering, Decision Trees,
Random Forests, Recommenders, Table in Spark, Higher Level Declarative Programming, Network Structure,
Computing Graph Statistics.
Introduction, NoSQL Databases, Need, Types, Comparison with RDBMS, Architecture and Features of NoSQL
Databases: Distributed Hash-table, Key-Value Storage Model, Document Storage Model, Graph Storage
Models, Lambda Architecture, Data Ingestion, Design and Provision Compute Resources, Storage Technology,
Streaming Units, Configuration of Clusters for Latency and Throughput, Output Visualization.
Mining Big Data, Centrality, Similarity, Al-Distances Sketches, Community Detection, Link Analysis, Spectral
Techniques, MapReduce, Pig Latin, and NoSQL, Algorithms for Detecting Similar Items, Recommendation
Systems, Data Stream Analysis Algorithms, Detecting Frequent Items, Data Ingestion, Storage of Data, Data
Transfer, Compute Clusters and Configuration of Design.
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Working with various functions of Hadoop MapReduce.
2 Working with pySpark and RDDs.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge of the key issues in big data management and its associated applications in intelligent
business and scientific computing.
CO2 be able to apply theoretical foundations of mining algorithms for the usage applicability of business,
engineering and scientific problems for big data processing and scalability.
CO3 be able to analyze Hadoop related tools such as HBase, Cassandra, and Hive for big data analytics.
CO4 be able to evaluate the big data analytics applications and evaluation measures to have a productive
CO5 be able to build a complete business data analytics solution for any real time problem.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 The students will have an understanding of the cyber physical systems and the corresponding
important research challenges in this area.
2 To learn the current state of art in CPS domain and the details regarding necessary principles
required for future CPS.
3 A third objective is improving critical reading, presentation, and research skills.
Course Syllabus:
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems. The Industrial Revolution 4.0. Motivation for the IR 4.0. Why are
the CPS touted as IR 4.0? Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in the real world.
Basic principles of design and validation of CPS. Basic characteristics of the CPSs. The Internet of Things.
The Industrial Internet of Things. The Wireless Sensor Networks and the RFID devices as the actors of the
CPSs. The Ubiquitous and the Pervasive Computing paradigm introduced by the CPSs. The Applications of
the Wireless Sensor Networks. The role of the Internet of Things in realizing Smart Applications. The
Characteristics and the issues of deployment.
The CPS Hardware Platforms: Processors. Types of Processor. The Processors Design issues. Parallelism.
Embedded Processors. Harvard Architecture: Pros and Cons. The Sensors and Actuators. Models of
Sensors and Actuators. Common Sensors. Actuators. Memory Architectures. Memory Technologies.
Memory Hierarchy. Memory Models. Types of memory in the CPSs. Input and Output Hardware. The
design issues. The Analog to Digital convertor.
The Real time Operating Systems for the WSN devices. Characteristics. Issues. Thread Scheduling. Basics
of Scheduling. Rate Monotonic Scheduling. The Earliest Deadline First Scheduling. Scheduling and Mutual
Exclusion. Multiprocessor Scheduling. Sequential Software in a Concurrent World. Multitasking.
Imperative Programs. Case studies of the typical OSs. TinyOS, nesC and Contiki. The Simulators for the
WSN devices. The CPS Network - WirelessHart, CAN, Automotive Ethernet.
Formal Methods for Safety Assurance of Cyber-Physical Systems: Advanced Automata based modelling
and analysis, Basic introduction and examples, Timed and Hybrid Automata, Definition of trajectories,
Formal Analysis: Flow pipe construction, reachability analysis. Analysis of CPS Software: Weakest Pre-
conditions, Bounded Model checking, CPS software verification: Frama-C, CBMC
Secure Deployment of CPS: Attack models, Secure Task mapping and Partitioning, State estimation for
attack detection Automotive Case study: Vehicle ABS hacking Power Distribution Case study: Attacks on
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
(Total Contact Time: 42 Hours + 28 Hours = 70 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be based on the content discussed in class.)
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO1 Define embedded systems and cyber-physical systems (CPS).
CO2 Understand the different paradigms of computing and how the ubiquitous and pervasive
computing affects the Cyber physical systems.
CO3 Analyze the design issues associated with different hardware functional units of the CPSs.
CO4 Analyze the performance impact of thread scheduling algorithms in the CPSs.
CO5 Understand various modelling formalisms for CPS, viz. hybrid automata, timed automata, state-
space methods and the likes.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objectives
1 To DESCRIBE the fundamental concepts of machine learning for devising security mechanisms.
2 To ENUMERATE the techniques for Intrusion Detection and Malware detection and analysis using
Machine Learning.
3 To learn the machine learning tecniques for network traffic analysis
4 To analyse the machine learning approaches for security for probable abuse by the adversary.
5 To design secure machine learning based schemes for malware detection and intrusion detection.
Detection. Machine Learning Techniques: for Anomaly Detection, for Misuse/Signature detection, for Hybrid
detection, for Scan detection.Cost-Sensitive Modeling for Intrusion Detection. Data Cleaning and Enriched
Representations for Anomaly Detection in System Calls.
3. Sumeet Dua and Xian Du, Data Mining and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity. CRC Press, Taylor and
Francis Group, LLC.
4. Research Papers Prescribed in the class.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have a knowledge of the limitations of the conventional security software in the wake of
machine learning based attacks on the security software
CO2 be able to apply the concepts machine learning based intrusion detection to analyze the
CO3 be able to analyze the malware analysis and mitigation based solutions for the probable
threats therein.
CO4 be able to design the threat models based on machine learning approaches for network
CO5 be able to use the concepts of machine learning to prevent security design faults.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 Gaining fundamental Knowledge of Business Analytics and Data Science.
2 To become acquainted with the procedures needed to develop, report, and analyze professional data.
3 To deepen analytical skills and investigate data to establish new relationships and patterns.
4 To optimize business decisions and create competitive advantage with Data analytics.
5 To recognize the importance of Visualization tools for Data Analytics in Business.
List of Practical (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on the website.)
1 Working with R studio software to use various data types and objects.
2 Working with Tableau, Data transformation with Visual concepts.
3 Working Power BI with Power Apps and Power Automate to build business applications and automate
4 Working with Python Programming to solve data manipulation, analysis for business, etc.
5 Problems based on Data Mining techniques.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have knowledge about various data tools and techniques needed in business decision making.
CO2 be able to apply different tools and functions of various software’s to visualize a variety of data in
the appropriate form of visualization.
CO3 be able to critically analyze the business problems and apply analytical knowledge in big data.
CO4 be able to evaluate various data analytical techniques.
CO5 be able to design business analytical applications using Data Science principles for the decision
making process.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 To understand the social network models, representation and analytics.
2 To identify the unique challenges involved in social network research.
3 To apply techniques for social network representation and analytics for real-word scenarios.
4 To analyse and evaluate the social network research solutions for real-world scenarios.
Influence and Decision-Making, Epidemiology and Network Diffusion, Tipping Points and Thresholds
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
List of Practical (Problem statements will be based on the content discussed in class.)
3. Piet A.M. Kommers, Pedro Isaias, TomayessIssa, “Perspectives on Social Media: A Yearbook”, Taylor
and Francis.
4. Newman Mark, “Networks: An Introduction”, Oxford university press.
5. Brath Richard, David Jonker, "Graph analysis and visualization: Discovering Business Opportunity in
Linked Data", John Wiley & Sons.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 have the knowledge of various social network representation, visualization and analytics tools and
CO2 be able to apply tools for social network data acquisition, management and analytics.
CO3 be able to analysethe social network research solutions for real-world scenarios.
CO4 be able to evaluate the different solutions for performance;
CO5 be able to design the social network analytics solution for the complex real-world problem.
M. Tech. – I Semester – II L T P C
Course Objective
1 The course aims at acquainting the students with the basic concepts of Cyber Law and also puts
those concepts in their practical perspective.
2 It also provides an elementary understanding of the authorities under IT Act as well as penalties
and offences under IT Act.
3 It also covers overview of Intellectual Property Right and Trademark Related laws with respect to
Cyber Space.
4 Student will get the knowledge about the E- Governance policies of India.
Understanding Cyber Crimes and Cyber Offences, Crime in context of Internet, Types of Crime in Internet,
Crimes targeting Computers: Definition of Cyber Crime & Computer related Crimes, Constraint and Scope
of Cyber Laws, Social Media and its Role in Cyber World, Fake News, Defamation, Online Advertising.
Prevention of Cyber Crimes & Frauds, Evolution of the IT Act 2000, Genesis and Necessity. Critical
analysis & loop holes of The IT Act, 2000 in terms of cyber-crimes, Cyber Crimes: Freedom of speech in
cyber space & human right issues.
Salient features of the IT Act, 2000, Cyber Tribunal & Appellate Tribunal and other authorities under IT
Act and their powers, Penalties & Offences under IT Act, Amendments under IT Act and Impact on other
related Acts (Amendments): (a) Amendments to Indian Penal Code. (b) Amendments to Indian Evidence
Act. (c) Amendments to Bankers Book Evidence Act. (d) Amendments to Reserve Bank of India Act.
Indian Penal Law and Cyber Crimes: (i) Fraud, (ii) Hacking, (iii) Mischief, Trespass (iv) Defamation (v)
Stalking (vi) Spam, Issues of Internet Governance: (i) Freedom of Expression in Internet (ii) Issues of
Censorship (iii) Hate Speech (iv) Sedition (v) Libel (vi) Subversion (vii) Privacy, Cyber Appellate Tribunal
with Special Reference to the Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal (Procedures) Rules 2000.
The Information Technology (Procedures and Safeguards for Interception, Monitoring and Decryption of
Information) Rules, 2009 and Corresponding International Legislation in US, UK and Europe, The
Information Technology (Procedures and Safeguards for Blocking the access of Information by Public)
Rules, 2009 and Corresponding International Legislation in US, UK and Europe, The Information
Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information)
Rules, 2009 and Corresponding International Legislation in US, UK and Europe, Intellectual Property Right
Cyber and Cyber Space with reference to Democracy and Sovereignty, Developments in Cyber law
Jurisprudence, Role of law in Cyber World: Regulation of Cyber Space in India, Role of RBI and Legal
Issues in case of e-commerce, E-Governance in India: Law, Policy, Practice.
Cyber Space Jurisdiction (a) Jurisdiction issues under IT Act, 2000. (b) Traditional principals of Jurisdiction
(c) Extra-terrestrial Jurisdiction (d) Case Laws on Cyber Space Jurisdiction (e) Taxation issues in
Practical assignments will be based on the coverage of above topics. (28 Hours)
(Total Contact Time: 42 Hours + 28 Hours = 70 Hours)
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will
CO1 Student will be able to understand the types of Crime in Internet, Crimes targeting Computers and
Scope of Cyber Laws.
CO2 Student will be able to apply the cyber laws to related the various evidences of cybercrimes.
CO3 Student will be able to analyze the various evidences of cybercrimes to allied with the particular
cyber law.
CO4 Student will be able to evaluate the particular intellectual property rights according to the cyber
CO5 Student will be able to design an application to counter the cybercrimes.