Batch 2016 6th Semester CSE
Batch 2016 6th Semester CSE
Batch 2016 6th Semester CSE
Batch 2016 – 2020
(With Specializations)
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
6th SEMESTER/3rd year
Total 15 2 9 23
Mandatory Non-Graded Courses:
For TPP Students
Hours Per
IN EX Tota
T T l
1 Career Specific
TDY-3XX 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
Hours Per
IN EX Tota
T T l
CSY-359 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Syllabus of B.E.
Computer Science & Engineering [CSE]
6th Semester
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Unit-I [15H]
Java Fundamentals- Introduction to Java.Difference between C++ and Java.Keywords, Tokens,
Data types.Use of public, private and protected. [5]
OOPS using Java – Use of class and method in Java. Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism,
Encapsulation and data privacy.Difference between method overloading and method overriding.
Exception Handing - Introduction to Exceptions. Difference between error and exception.Use
of try, catch and throw.Difference between throw and throws.Types of Exceptions, Exception
handling in Java. [6]
Unit-II [15 H]
Collection Framework- Use of Collections in Java. ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap,TreeMap,
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
HashSet in Java.. Multithreading in Java. Thread Synchronization. Thread Priority, Thread
LifeCycle. [7]
Wrapper Classes, I/O Streams and Annotations- Use of wrapper classes in Java- Integer,
Character, Long, Boolean. Autoboxing and Unboxing. Byte stream, Character stream , Object
serialization, cloning. System defined annotations, Custom annotations, application of
annotations, Testing using JUnit. [5]
JDBC- Database connectivity, Types of Drivers for connection, Connection Example. CRUD
operations using Database, Configuring various types of drivers for Java Database Connectivity,
MVC Model for project development, Sequence, Dual table , Date type management in Java.
Unit-III [15 H]
Servlets and JSP: Servlet Lifecycle, Generic Servlet, Http Servlet, Linking Servlet to HTML,
HttpServlet Request and Response, Servlet with JDBC, Configuring project using servlet, Servlet
Config and Servlet Mapping JSP declaration, JSP directives, JSP Scriptlets, JSP include tag, JSP
page tag, JSTL. [8]
XML and Web Services: Structure of XML, Elements of XML 1.0, 2.0, DTDs, XML parser,
DOM parser, Web services using REST and HTTP, Creating webservices for database access via
remote servers [7]
Text books:
1. Herbert Schildt, Java : The Complete Reference, 9th Edition, Oracle Press.
2. Gary Cornell, Core Java Volume II Advanced Features, 8th Edition, Pearson
3. Jim Keogh, J2ee : Complete Reference, 1 st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference books:
1. James Gosling, Ken Arnold and David Holmes, Java Programming
Langauge!, $th Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Gary Cornell, Core Java Volume I, 3 rd Edition, Pearson Education.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Project Based Learning in Java
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
Weight age per unit = 20 marks (excluding over attempt weight age)
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
To understand the concept of formal languages and their relation with finite automata.
To study and design different finite automata.
To study context free grammars and ambiguity related issues.
To gain familiarization with Push- Down Automata and Turing Machines.
To explore relationship between different classes of formal languages.
Unit Course Outcomes
UNIT –I [15h]
Finite automata : Concept of Basic Machines, Properties and Limitations of Finite State
Machines, Deterministic Finite Automata(DFA), Non-Deterministic Finite Automata(NFA),
Equivalence of DFA and NDFA , Non-Deterministic Finite automata with Λ-Transitions.
Regular expression: Regular Languages and Regular Expressions, Kleen’s Theorem. Arden’s
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
UNIT –II [15h]
Properties of Regular sets: The Pumping Lemma for Regular sets, Application of the Pumping
Lemma, Closure Properties of Regular Sets, Myhill- Nerode Theorem and Minimization of
Finite Automata, Minimization Algorithm.
Finite Automata with output: Moore and Mealy Machines. Equivalence of Moore and Mealy
Context Free Grammars: Examples and Definitions, Derivation trees and ambiguity, An
Unambiguous CFG for Algebraic Expressions. Regular Grammar, Simplified forms and Normal
forms: Removal of useless symbols and unit production, Removal of Λ-moves, Chomsky
Normal Form (CNF), Griebach Normal Form (GNF).
Turing Machines: Definitions and Examples, Deterministic and Non- Deterministic Turing
Machines, Unsolvable Problems: A Non-recursive Language and an Unsolvable Problem, PCP
Problem and MPCP Problem.
More General Languages and Grammars: Recursively Enumerable and Recursive Languages,
Unrestricted grammars, Context sensitive Language and grammar, Relation between languages
of classes, Chomsky hierarchies of grammars.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
CST-352 Theory of Computation
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
Weight age per unit = 20 marks (excluding over attempt weight age)
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Course Objective:
Introduction of Computer Networks: Reference Model: OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP reference
model, Core protocols of TCP/IP,IP routing, IP routers, Routing Tables.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Introduction to DHCP: Introduction to DHCP,DHCP Architecture, Benefits to DHCP,DHCP
Terminologies and DHCP Server Responsibility.
Installing windows server 2008:Plan for a server roles and installing windows server core,
configure server core, Add and configure server roles, add backup feature and migrate roles from
previous versions of windows server.
Unit-III [15h]
Install Active Directory Domains Services in Windows 2008 R2: Installing a new forest by using
the graphical user interface (GUI), Understanding active directory domain. Servicex functional
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Active Directory Administration: Active Directory Users and Computers. Managing
organizational units using Active Directory Users and Computers, Managing Trusts using Active
directory domains and trusts and managing forest trusts using active directory domains and trusts
Text Books:
1. Data communication & Nwetworking, Frozen Tata Mcgraw Hill Publication computer
2. Data & computer communications, stalling PHI new dehli
Reference Books:
1. Capture netwotk traffic---
2. About Network Monitor---
3. Traces--
Subject Code
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Maximum Marks = 60 Time: 3 Hrs
Weight age per unit = 20 marks (excluding over attempt weight age)
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Course Objective:
UNIT –I [15h]
Data warehousing: Introduction , operational data stores , ETL , Data warehouses, design
guideleines for data warehouse implementation ,data warehouse metadata; OLAP,introduction
,characteristics , multidimensional view and data cube , data cube operations.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Multidimensional Data Model:- Stars, Snowflakes, and Fact Constellations, Examples for
Defining Star, Snowflake and Fact Constellation Schemas, Measures: Their Categorization and
Computation, Concept Hierarchies, OLAP Operations in the Multidimensional Data Model, A
Starnet Query Model for Querying Multidimensional Databases.
Unit-II [15h]
Data mining : Introduction , association rules mining , basics , naïve algorithm , apriori
algorithm , direct hashing and pruning(DHP) , Dynamic Itemset counting(DIC) , Mining
frequent pattern without candidate generation(FP,growth), performance evaluation of algorithms
, software for association rule mining.
Unit-III [15h]
Classification – introduction , decision tree , tree induction algorithm – split algorithm based on
information theory , split algorithm based on Gini index; naïve bayes method; estimating
predictive accuracy of classification method; classification software.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
Weight age per unit = 20 marks (excluding over attempt weight age)
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Internal-60 External-40
Course Objectives
List of Experiments
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
6. Write a Program to perform the basic operations like insert, delete, display and search in list.
List contains String object items where these operations are to be performed.
7. Create a menu based Java application with the following options.1.Add an
Employee2.Display All3.Exit If option 1 is selected, the application should gather details of
the employee like employee name, employee id, designation and salary and store it in a file.
If option 2 is selected, the application should display all the employee details. If option 3 is
selected the application should exit.
8. Create a palindrome creator application for making a longest possible palindrome out of
given input string.
9. Create a Servlet/ application with a facility to print any message on web browser.
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Internal-60 External-40
Course Objectives
We will able to describe and write shell scripts in order to perform basic shell
III Will be able to describe and understand the LINUX file system.
List of Experiments
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
8. Write shell script that accepts a file name, starting and ending line numbers as
arguments and displays all the lines between the given line numbers.
9. Write a shell script that deletes all lines containing a specific word in one or more
Arguments to it.
10. Write a shell script that displays a list of all files in the current directory to which
the userhas read, write and execute permissions.
11. Write a shell script that receives any number of file names as arguments checks if
every argument supplied is a file or a directory and reports accordingly.
Whenever the argument is a file, the number of lines on it is also reported
12. Create a file in Linux and sort it using Sort command demonstrating various
option of the command
13. Write a shell script accepts a list of file names as its arguments, counts and reports
the occurrence of each word that is present in the first argument file on other
argument files.
14. Write a shell script to list all of the directory files in a directory.
15. Write a shell script to find factorial of a given number.
16. Write a shell script to show the concept of Control Structures
17. Write an awk script to count the number of lines in a file that do not contain
18. Write an awk script to count the number of characters, words and lines in a file.
19. Write a C program that makes a copy a file using standard I/O and system calls.
20. Application Management using YUM and RPM.
21. Implementation of Apache Web Server
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Category Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Subject Project L T P C
Total Contact Hours : 45Hours
0 0 3 3
(CSR-387) Common to all Specializations of CSE 3 rd Year
Internal-60 External-40
Course Objectives
The objective of the project is to enable the students to work on a project of latest topic /
research area / industrial applications preferably using the tool or language learnt in
previous or current semester. Each student shall have a guide who is a faculty member.
Unit Course Outcomes
CSR-387 Project
Department Teaching
the Subject Department of CSE
a b c d e f g h i J K
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Open Elective I - Cyber Laws and Security L T P C
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
UNIT-I [15h]
UNIT-II [15h]
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Methods Used in Cybercrime: Proxy Servers, Password Cracking, Online and Offline attacks,
Types of Viruses, Protection methods against viruses, Phishing, Methods of Phishing, Identify
theft, Personally identifiable Information (PII).
UNIT-III [15h]
Cyber Law: Need of Cyber Laws, Advantages of Cyber Laws, The Indian IT Act, Challenges to
Indian Law and Cybercrime Scenario in India, Cyber Forensics, Need of Cyber Forensics,
Online Scams:
Scam No. 1 – Foreign Country Visit Bait
Scam No. 2 – Lottery Scam
Scam No. 3 – Fake Job Offer Scam
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Course Code- Open Elective I - Cyber Laws and Security
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Teaching the Subject
Program Outcome a b c d E f g h i j K
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
BS ES PD PC PE OE Project/Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Open Elective I – Software Engineering
Subject L T P C
Total Contact Hours : 45Hours
CSO-391 3 0 0 3
Common to all Specializations of CSE 3rd Year
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Unit-I [15h]
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models- Water Fall Model, Prototype Model,
Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)-Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation,
Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study, SRS
Document, IEEE Standards for SRS.
Unit-II [15h]
Software Design- Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design:
Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion
Measures. Design Strategies- Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and
Bottom-Up Design.
Software Measurement and Metrics- Various Size Oriented Measures, Function Point (FP)
Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs.
Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans, Software Quality
Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.
Unit-III [15h]
Software Testing: Testing levels, Verification and Validation, Unit testing, System testing
Integration testing, Validation Testing, Black box and white box testing.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.
Program Outcome a b c d E f g h i j K
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
BS ES PD PC PE OE Project/Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
ubject Open Elective I – E-Banking & Commerce L T P C
Code Total Contact Hours : 45Hours
3 0 0 3
CSO-392 Common to all Specializations of CSE 3rd Year
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Unit-I [15h]
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
E-Banking Security- Introduction need for security, Security concepts-Privacy, Survey.
Findings on security-Attacks, Cyber crimes, Reasons for Privacy, Tampering, Encryption –
Meaning-The encryption process - Cryptogram-Cryptanalyst-cryptography, Types of Cipher
systems, Data Encryption Standard (DES).
Unit-III [15h]
Text Books:
1. Efrain Turbans, Jar Lee, David King and Michael H. Chung, E-Commerce: A Managerial
Perspective, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2003.
2. Whiteley David “E-commerce: Strategy- Technologies and Applications”- Tata McGraw
Hill- New Delhi- New York.
Reference Books:
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Course Code- Open Elective I – E-Banking & Commerce
Department Teaching
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
the Subject
Program Outcome a b c d E f g h i j k
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
BS ES PD PC PE OE Project/Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Open Elective I – Enterprise Resource
Subject L T P C
Total Contact Hours : 45Hours
CSO-393 3 0 0 3
Common to all Specializations of CSE 3rd Year
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Unit-I [15h]
ERP Introduction- Benefits, Origin, Evolution and Structure: Conceptual Model of ERP,
Evolution of ERP, Structure of ERP, ERP and Functional Areas. Model: Dynamic and process.
ERP and Technology- Business Process Reengineering, Data ware Housing, Data Mining,
Online Analytic Processing(OLAP), Product Life Cycle Management(PLM),LAP, Supply chain
UNIT – II [15h]
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
ERP Marketplace and Marketplace Dynamics- Market Overview, Marketplace Dynamics,
Changing ERP Market.
ERP & E-Commerce, Future Directives- in ERP, ERP and Internet, Critical success and
failure factors, Integrating ERP into organizational culture.
Using ERP Tool- ERP System Package – SAP, People Soft, BAAN and Oracle – as a case study
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Brady, Monk, Wagner, “Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning”, Thomson Asia.
2. Alexis Leon, “ERP DEMYSTIFIED”, Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2008.
3. Mary Sumner, “Enterprise Resource Planning”, Pearson Education, 2007.
Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Course Code- Open Elective I – Enterprise Resource Planning
Department Teaching
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
the Subject
Program Outcome a b c d E f g h i J k
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
BS ES PD PC PE OE Project/Training
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Artificial Intelligence L T P C
Code Total Contact Hours : 45Hours
3 0 0 3
(CSY-359) Common to all Specializations of CSE 3 rd Year
Internal-40 External-60
Course Objectives
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Languages for AI Problem Solving: Introduction to Prolog- syntax and data structures,
representing objects and relationships, built in predicates. Introduction to LISP- basic and
intermediate LISP programming. [6]
Machine Learning: Strategic explanations — Why, Why not and how explanations.
Learning— Machine learning, adaptivelearning. - Typical expert systems — MYCIN, PIP,
INTERNIST, DART, XOON, Expert systems shells. [5]
2.George F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem
Solving, Pearson Education Asia.
Department Teaching
Department of CSE
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program
Category Training
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of
five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt
six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two
questions from each unit.
Scheme Applicable to BE CSE Batch 2016-BE CSE LEET Batch 2017 onwards