Data Science 1644402430
Data Science 1644402430
Data Science 1644402430
Paper VIII
Major Project 4 4 100
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Palamuru University-UG CBCS- Data Science
1. To deal with the basic concepts of computers.
2. To discuss about the computer hardware, its components and basic computer
3. To understand the basic computer software including the operating system and
its concepts.
4. To introduce the software development process
5. To introduce the basic concept of programming
Students should be able to
1. Identify the components of a computer and their functions.
2. Understand the concept of networking, LAN, Internet, and working of www.
3. Understand the notion of problem solving using computer by programming
4. Understand the notion of Software Project and the Process of software development
Data and Information: Introduction, Types of Data, Simple Model of a Computer, Data
Processing Using a Computer, Desktop Computer [Reference 1]
Acquisition of Numbers and Textual Data: Introduction, Input Units, Internal
Representation of Numeric Data, Representation of Characters in Computers, Error-Detecting
Codes [Reference 1]
Data Storage: Introduction, Storage Cell, Physical Devices Used as Storage Cells, Random
Access Memory, Read Only Memory, Secondary Storage, Compact Disk Read Only Memory
(CDROM), Archival Store [Reference 1]
Central Processing Unit: Introduction, Structure of a Central Processing Unit, Specifications
of a CPU, Interconnection of CPU with Memory and I/O Units, Embedded Processors
[Reference 1]
Computer Networks: Introduction, Local Area Network (LAN), Applications of LAN, Wide
Area Network (WAN), Internet, Naming Computers Connected to Internet, Future of Internet
Technology [Reference 1]
Input Output Devices: Introduction, Keyboard, Video Display Devices, Touch Screen
Display, E-Ink Display, Printers, Audio Output [Reference 1]
Computer Software: Introduction, Operating System, Programming Languages,
Classification of Programming Languages, Classification of Programming Languages Based
on Applications [Reference 1]
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The Software Problem: Cost, Schedule, and Quality, Scale and Change [Reference 2]
Software Processes: Process and Project, Component Software Processes, Software
Development Process Models [Reference 2]
Programming Principles and Guidelines: Structured Programming, Information Hiding,
Some Programming Practices, Coding Standards [Reference 2]
1. V Rajaraman. Introduction to Information Technology, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning
Private Limited, 2018
2. Pankaj Jalote. Concise Introduction toSoftware Engineering, Springer, 2011
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The main objective of this laboratory is to familiarize the students with the basic hardware
and software in computers
1. Assembly and disassembly of a system box and identifying various parts inside the
system box to recognize various parts of a typical computer system
2. Assembly and disassembly of peripheral devices- keyboard and mouse and study of
their interface cables, connectors and ports.
3. Installation of Operating Systems-Windows and Linux
4. Disk defragmentation using system tool.
5. Procedure of disk partition and its operation (Shrinking, Extending, Delete, Format).
6. Installing and uninstalling of device drivers using control panel.
7. Working practice on windows operating system and Linux operating system: creating
file, folder. Copying, moving, deleting file, folder
8. User Account creation and its feature on Windows Operating System and Changing
resolution, color, appearances, and Changing System Date and Time.
9. Installation and using various wireless input devices (Keyboard/Mouse/Scanners
etc.,)under Windows/Linux.
10. Study of various types of memory chips and various types of hard disk drives,
partition and formatting of hard disk.
11. Installation of scanner, modem and network cards in Windows/Linux.
12. Assembly and disassembly of printer, installing a printer, taking test page, and using
printer under Windows/Linux.
13. Installation of application software’s – Office Automation, Anti-Virus.
14. Demonstrate the usage of Word and Power point in Windows and Linux
15. Configure Internet connection, Email Account creation, reading, writing and sending
emails with attachment.
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The main objective is to teach Computational thinking using Python.
To know the basics of Programming
To convert an algorithm into a Python program
To construct Python programs with control structures.
To structure a Python Program as a set of functions
To use Python data structures-lists, tuples, dictionaries.
To do input/output with files in Python.
To construct Python programs as a set of objects.
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems.
2. Develop and execute simple Python programs.
3. Develop simple Python programs for solving problems.
4. Structure a Python program into functions.
5. Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.
6. Read and write data from/to files in Python Programs
Introduction to Computing and Problem Solving: Fundamentals of Computing –
Computing Devices – Identification of ComputationalProblems – Pseudo Code and
Flowcharts – Instructions – Algorithms – Building Blocks of Algorithms.
Introduction to Python Programming: Python Interpreter and InteractiveMode– Variables
and Identifiers – Arithmetic Operators – Values and Types – Statements,Reading Input, Print
Output, Type Conversions, The type() Function and Is Operator, Dynamic and Strongly
Typed Language.
Control Flow Statements: The if, The if…else,The if…elif…else Decision Control
Statements, Nested if Statement, The while Loop, The for Loop, The continue and break
Functions: Built-In Functions, Commonly Used Modules, Function Definition and Calling
the Function, The return Statement and void Function, Scope and Lifetime of Variables,
Default Parameters, Keyword Arguments, *args and **kwargs, Command Line Arguments.
Strings: Creating and Storing Strings, Basic String Operations, Accessing Characters in
String by Index Number, String Slicing and Joining, String Methods, Formatting Strings.
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Lists: list operations, list slices, list methods, list loop, mutability, aliasing, cloning lists, list
parameters; Tuples: tuple assignment, tuple as return value; Dictionaries: operations
andmethods; advanced list processing - list comprehension; Illustrative programs: selection
insertion sort, mergesort, histogram.
Files and exception: text files, reading and writing files, format operator; command line
arguments,errors and exceptions, handling exceptions, modules, packages; Illustrative
programs: word count, copy file.
Object-Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects, Creating Classes in Python, Creating
Objects in Python, The Constructor Method, Classes with Multiple Objects, Class Attributes
versus Data Attributes, Encapsulation, Inheritance The Polymorphism.
Functional Programming: Lambda. Iterators, Generators, List Comprehensions.
1. Introduction to Python Programming. Gowrishankar S., Veena A. CRC Press, Taylor
& Francis Group, 2019
2. Allen B. Downey, ``Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist’’, 2nd
edition,Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O’Reilly Publishers, 2016
( python/)
Suggested Reading:
1. Learning To Program With Python. Richard L. Halterman. Copyright © 2011
2. Python for Everybody, Exploring Data Using Python 3. Dr. Charles R. Severance.
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The main objective of this laboratory is to put into practice computational thinking. The
students will be expected to write, compile, run and debug Python programs to demonstrate
the usage of
variables, conditionals and control structures
functions (both recursive and iterative)
basic data types as well as compound data structures such as strings, lists, sets, tuples,
object-oriented programming
I. Programs to demonstrate the usage of operators and conditional statements
1. Write a program that takes two integers as command line arguments and prints the
sum of two integers.
2. Program to display the information:
Your name, Full Address, Mobile Number, College Name, Course Subjects
3. Program to find the largest number among ‘n’ given numbers.
4. Program that reads the URL of a website as input and displays contents of a
II. Programs to demonstrate usage of control structures
5. Program to find the sum of all prime numbers between 1 and 1000.
6. Program that reads set of integers and displays first and second largest numbers.
7. Program to print the sum of first ‘n’ natural numbers.
8. Program to find the product of two matrices.
9. Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation
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11. Program with a function that accepts two arguments: a list and a number ‘n’. It
should display all the numbers in the list that are greater than the given number
12. Program with a function to find how many numbers are divisible by 2, 3,4,5,6 and
7 between 1 to 1000
V. Programs to demonstrate the usage of lists, sets, dictionaries, tuples and files.
17. Program with a function that takes two lists L1 and L2 containing integer numbers
as parameters. The return value is a single list containing the pair wise sums of the
numbers in L1 and L2.
18. Program to read the lists of numbers as L1, print the lists in reverse order without
using reverse function.
22. Write a program that combine lists L1 and L2 into a dictionary.
19. Program to find mean, median, mode for the given set of numbers in a list.
20. Program to find all duplicates in the list.
21. Program to o find all the unique elements of a list.
22. Program to find max and min of a given tuple of integers.
23. Program to find union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference of given two
24. Program to display a list of all unique words in a text file
25. Program to read the content of a text file and display it on the screen line wise with
a line number followed by a colon
26. Program to analyze the two text files using set operations
27. Write a program to print each line of a file in reverse order.
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Objective: The main objective of this course is to teach how to extract raw data, clean the
data, perform transformations on data, load data and visualize the data
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Handle different types of files and work with text data
Use regular expression operations
Use relational databases via SQL
Use tabular numeric data
Use the data structures: data series and frames
Use PyPlot for visualization
Unit – I
Data Science: Data Analysis Sequence, Data Acquisition Pipeline, Report Structure
[Reference 1(Chapter 1-Unit1 to Unit 3)]]
Files and Working with Text Data: Types of Files, Creating and Reading Text Data, File
Methods to Read and Write Data, Reading and Writing Binary Files, The Pickle Module,
Reading and Writing CSV Files, Python os and os.pathModules. [Reference 2, Chapter 9)]
Working with Text Data: JSON and XML in Python[Reference 2, Section12.2]
Unit – II
Working with Text Data: Processing HTML Files, Processing Texts in Natural Languages
[Reference 1(Chapter3 –Unit 13, and Unit16)
Regular Expression Operations: Using Special Characters, Regular Expression Methods,
Named Groups in Python Regular Expressions, Regular Expression with glob Module
[Reference 2-Chapter 10]
Unit – III
Working with Databases: Setting Up a MySQL Database, Using a MySQL Database:
Command Line, Using a MySQL Database, Taming Document Stores: MongoDB [Reference
1 (Chapter4-Unit17toUnit20)]
Working with Tabular Numeric Data(Numpy with Python): NumPy Arrays Creation
Using array() Function, Array Attributes, NumPy Arrays Creation with Initial Placeholder
Content, Integer Indexing, Array Indexing, Boolean ArrayIndexing, Slicing and Iterating in
Arrays, Basic Arithmetic Operations on NumPy Arrays, Mathematical Functions in NumPy,
Changing the Shape of an Array, Stacking and Splitting of Arrays, Broadcasting in Arrays.
[Reference 2: Section 12.3)]
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Unit – IV
Working with Data Series and Frames: Pandas Data Structures, Reshaping Data, Handling
Missing Data, Combining Data, Ordering and Describing Data, Transforming Data, Taming
Pandas File I/O [Reference 1 (Chapter 6-Unit 31 to Unit 37)]
Plotting: Basic Plotting with PyPlot, Getting to Know Other Plot Types, Mastering
Embellishments, Plotting with Pandas [Reference 1 (Chapter8-Unit 41 to Unit 44)]
1. Data Science Essentials in Python: Collect, Organize, Explore, Predict, Value. Dmitry
Zinoriev, The Pragmatic Programmers LLC, 2016
2. Introduction to Python Programming. Gowrishankar S., Veena A. CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, 2019
Suggested Reading
3. Python for Everybody: Exploring Data Using Python 3. Charles R Severance, 2016
4. Python Data Analytics – Data Analysis and Science using Pandas, matplotlib and the
Python Programming Language. Fabio Nelli, Apress, 2015
5. Website Scraping with Python. Using BeautifulSoup and Scrapy. GáborLászlóHajba,
Apress, 2018
6. Machine Learning with Python Cookbook:.Practical Solutions from Preprocessing to
Deep Learning. Chris Albon, O’Reilly 2018
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The main objective of this laboratory is to put into practice the ETL (extract, transform, load)
pipeline which will extract raw data, clean the data, perform transformations on data, load
data and visualize the data.
For this laboratory, appropriate publicly available datasets, can be studied and used.
UCI Machine Learning Repository(,
Twitter Data
1. Write programs to parse text files, CSV, HTML, XML and JSON documents and extract
relevant data. After retrieving data check any anomalies in the data, missing values etc.
2. Write programs for reading and writing binary files
3. Write programs for searching, splitting, and replacing strings based on pattern matching
using regular expressions
4. Design a relational database for a small application and populate the database. Using SQL
do the CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations.
5. Create a Python MongoDB client using the Python module pymongo. Using a collection
object practice functions for inserting, searching, removing, updating, replacing, and
aggregating documents, as well as for creating indexes
6. Write programs to create numpy arrays of different shapes and from different sources,
reshape and slice arrays, add array indexes, and apply arithmetic, logic, and aggregation
functions to some or all array elements
7. Write programs to use the pandas datastructures: Frames and series as storage containers
and for a variety of data-wrangling operations, such as:
• Single-level and hierarchical indexing
• Handling missing data
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Objectives: The main objective of this course is to teach the principles and foundations of
machine learning algorithms
At the end of the course the student will be able to understand
Basics of Machine Learning and its limitations
Machine Learning Algorithms: supervised, unsupervised, bio-inspired
Probabilistic Modeling and Association Rule Mining
Introduction: What does it mean to learn, Some canonical Learning Problems, The Decision
Tree Model of Learning, Formalizing the Learning Problem [Reference 1], ID3 Algorithm
[[Reference 2]
Limits of Learning: Data Generating Distributions, Inductive Bias, Not Everything is
learnable, Underfitting and Overfitting, Separation of training and test Data, Models,
parameters and Hyperparameters, Real World Applications of Machine Learning [Reference
Geometry and Nearest Neighbors: From Data to Feature Vectors, k-Nearest Neighbors,
Decision Boundaries, k-means Clustering, High Dimensions [Reference 1]
The Perceptron: Bio-inspired Learning, The Perceptron Algorithm, Geometric
Interpretation, Interpreting Perceptron Weights, Perceptron Convergence and Linear
Separability, Improved Generalization, Limitations of the Perceptron [Reference 1]
Practical Issues: Importance of Good Features, Irrelevant and Redundant Features, Feature
Pruning and Normalization, Combinatorial Feature Explosion, Evaluating Model
Performance, Cross Validation, Hypothesis Testing and Statistical Significance, Debugging
Learning Algorithms, Bias Variance tradeoff [Reference 1]
Linear Models: The Optimization Framework for Linear Models, Convex Surrogate Loss
Functions, Weight Regularization, Optimization and Gradient Descent, Support Vector
Machines [Reference 1]
Probabilistic Modeling: Classification by Density Estimation, Statistical Estimation, Naïve
Bayes Models, Prediction [Reference 1]
Neural Networks: Bio-inspired Multi-Layer Networks, The Back-propagation Algorithm,
Initialization and Convergence of Neural Networks, Beyond two layers, Breadth vs Depth,
Basis Functions [Reference 1]
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Unit IV
Unsupervised Learning: Clustering Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures,
Agglomerative Algorithms, Divisive Clustering, Minmum Spanning Tree [Reference 2]
Association Rules: Introduction, large Itemsets, Apriori Algorithm [Reference 2]
1. A Course in Machine Learning (CIML). Hal Daume III, 2017 (freely available online)
2. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics. Margaret H Dunham, Pearson
Education, 2003
Suggested Reading:
3. Hands on Machine Learning with SciKit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow. AurélienGéron.
O’Reily, 2019
4. Machine Learning with Python Cookbook. Chris Albo, O’Reily, 2018
5. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A guide. Andreas C Miller, Sarah Guido.
O’Reily, 2017
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The main objective of this laboratory is to put into practice the various machine learning
algorithms for data analysis using Python and Weka.
ML Toolkits
Students are expected to learn
1. Scikit-learn( an open source machine learning Python library that
supports supervised and unsupervised learning. It also provides various tools for model
fitting, data preprocessing, model selection and evaluation, and many other utilities.
2. Weka ( another widely used ML toolkit.
1. The sklearn.datasets package embeds small toy datasets. It includes utilities to load
these datasets. It also includes methods to load and fetch popular reference datasets
and features some artificial data generators. Students are expected to study and make
use of these datasets
2. Weka also has provides various data sets.
1. scikit-learn user guide.
2. Ian Witten, Eibe Frank, and Mark Hall, Chris Pal. DATA MINING: Practical Machine
Learning Tools and Techniques, 4th Edition. Morgan Kaufmann.
8. Write a Python program using Scikit-learn to split the iris dataset into 70% train data and
30% test data. Out of total 150 records, the training set will contain 120 records and the
test set contains 30 of those records. Print both datasets
9. Write Python program to use sklearn’sDecisionTreeClassifier to build a decision tree for
the sklearn’s datasets. Implement functions to find the importance of a split (entropy,
information gain, gini measure)
10. Write a Python program to implement your own version of the K-means algorithm. Then
apply it to different datasets and evaluate the performance.
11. Design a perceptron classifier to classify handwritten numerical digits (0-9). Implement
using scikit or Weka.
12. Write a Python program to classify text as spam or not spam using the Naïve Bayes
13. Use WEKA and experiment with the following classifiers: Association Rule Mining
(Apriori), Agglomerative and Divisive Clustering.
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Objective: The main objective of this course is to give a practical introduction to NLP. It
deals with morphological processing, syntactic parsing, information extraction, probabilistic
NLP and classification of text using Python’s NLTK Library.
At the end of the course the student will be able to
Write Python programs to manipulate and analyze language data
Understand key concepts from NLP and linguistics to describe and analyze language
Understand the data structures and algorithms that are used in NLP
Classify texts using machine learning and deep learning
Language Processing and Python: Computing with Language: Texts and Words, A Closer
Look at Python: Texts as Lists of Words, Computing with Language: Simple Statistics, Back
to Python: Making Decisions and Taking Control, Automatic Natural Language
Understanding [Reference 1]
Accessing Text Corpora and Lexical Resources: Accessing Text Corpora, Conditional
Frequency Distributions, Lexical Resources, WordNet [Reference 1]
Processing Raw Text: Accessing Text from the Web and from Disk, Strings: Text
Processing at the Lowest Level, Text Processing with Unicode, Regular Expressions for
Detecting Word Patterns, Useful Applications of Regular Expressions, Normalizing Text,
Regular Expressions for Tokenizing Text, Segmentation, Formatting: From Lists to Strings.
[Reference 1]
Categorizing and Tagging Words: Using a Tagger, Tagged Corpora, Mapping Words to
Properties Using Python Dictionaries, Automatic Tagging, N-Gram Tagging,
Transformation-Based Tagging, How to Determine the Category of a Word [Reference 1]
Learning to Classify Text: Supervised Classification, Evaluation, Naive Bayes Classifiers
[Reference 1]
Deep Learning for NLP: Introduction to Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks,
Recurrent Neural Networks, Classifying Text with Deep Learning [Reference 2]
Extracting Information from Text
Information Extraction, Chunking, Developing and Evaluating Chunkers, Recursion in
Linguistic Structure, Named Entity Recognition, Relation Extraction. [Reference 1]
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1. Natural Language Processing with Python. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Lope,
O’Reily, 2009
2. Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and
Deep Learning using Python. Akshay Kulkarni, AdarshaShivananda, Apress, 2019
Suggested Reading:
3. Allen James, Natural Language Understanding, Benjamin/Cumming,1995.
4. Charniack, Eugene, Statistical Language Learning, MIT Press, 1993.
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Objective: The main objective of this laboratory is to write programs that manipulate and
analyze language data using Python
1. NLTK includes a small selection of texts from the Project Gutenberg electronic text
archive, which contains some 25,000 free electronic books, hosted at
2. The Brown Corpus contains text from 500 sources, and the sources have been
categorized by genre, such as news, editorial, and so on (
3. Wikipedia Articles
Or any other dataset of your choice
Jacob Perkins. Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook. Packt Publishing. 2014
1. Text segmentation: Segment a text into linguistically meaningful units, such as
paragraphs, sentences, or words. Write programs to segment text (in different formats)
into tokens (words and word-like units) using regular expressions. Compare an automatic
tokenization with a gold standard
2. Part-of-speech tagging: Label words (tokens) with parts of speech such as noun,
adjective, and verb using a variety of tagging methods , e.g., default tagger, regular
expression tagger, unigram tagger, and n-gram taggers.
3. Text classification: Categorize text documents into predefined classes using Naïve Bayes
Classifier and the Perceptron model
4. Chunk extraction, or partial parsing: Extract short phrases from a part-of-speech tagged
sentence. This is different from full parsing in that we're interested in standalone chunks,
or phrases, instead of full parse trees
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5. Parsing: parsing specific kinds of data, focusing primarily on dates, times, and HTML.
Make use of the following preprocessing libraries:
dateutil which provides datetime parsing and timezone conversion
lxml and BeautifulSoup which can parse, clean, and convert HTML
charade and UnicodeDammit which can detect and convert text character encoding
6. Sentiment Analysis: Using Libraries TextBlob and nltk, give the sentiment of a document
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Palamuru University-UG CBCS- Data Science
Objective: The main objective of this course is to cover core concepts of NoSQL databases,
along with an example database for each of the key-value, document, column family, and
graph databases
At the end of the course the student will be able to
Understand the need for NoSQL databases and their characteristics
Understand the concepts of NoSQL databases
Implement the concepts of NoSQL databases using four example databases: Redis for
key-value databases, MongoDB for document databases, Cassandra for column-
family databases, and Neo4J for graph databases.
Why NoSQL: The Value of Relational Databases, Impedance Mismatch, Application and
Integration Databases, Attack of the Clusters, The Emergence of NoSQL
Distribution Models: Single Server, Sharding, Master-Slave Replication, Peer-to-Peer
Replication, Combining Sharding and Replication
Version Stamps: Business and System Transactions, Version Stamps on Multiple Nodes
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Key-Value Databases: What Is a Key-Value Store, Key-Value Store Features, Suitable Use
Cases, When Not to Use
Document Databases: What Is a Document Database, Features, Suitable Use Cases, When
Not to Use
Column-Family Stores: What Is a Column-Family Data Store, Features, Suitable Use Cases,
When Not to Use
Graph Databases: What Is a Graph Database, Features, Suitable Use Cases, When Not to
1. Pramod J. Sadalage, Martin Fowler. NoSQL Distilled, Addison Wesley 2013
Suggested Reading
2. Luc Perkins, Eric Redmond, Jim R. Wilson. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks. The
Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2018
3. Guy Harrison. Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data. Apress,
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Objective: The main objective of this lab is to become familiar with the four NoSQL
databases: Redis for key-value databases, MongoDB for document databases, Cassandra for
column-family databases, and Neo4J for graph databases
NoSQL Databases:
Redis (
MongoDB (
Cassandra (
Neo4j (
1. Installation of NoSQL Databases: Redis,MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j on Windows &
2. Practice CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on the four databases:
Redis,MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j
3. Usage of Where Clause equivalent in MongoDB
4. Usage of operations in MongoDB – AND in MongoDB, OR in MongoDB, Limit
Records and Sort Records. Usage of operations in MongoDB – Indexing, Advanced
Indexing, Aggregation and Map Reduce.
5. Practice with ' macdonalds ' collection data for document oriented database. Import
restaurants collection and apply some queries to get specified output.
6. Write a program to count the number of occurrences of a word using MapReduce
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To introduce the time and space complexities ofalgorithms.
To discuss the linear and non-linear data structures and theirapplications.
To introduce the creation, insertion and deletion operations on binary
search trees and balanced binary searchtrees.
To introduce various internal sorting techniques and their timecomplexities
Students will be
Able to analyze the time and space complexities ofalgorithms.
Able to implement linear, non-linear data structures and balanced binarytrees
Able to analyse and implement various kinds of searching and
sorting techniques.
Able to find a suitable data structure and algorithm to solve a real
world problem.
Performance and Complexity Analysis: Space Complexity, Time Complexity,
Asymptotic Notation (Big-Oh), Complexity AnalysisExamples.
Linear List-Array Representation: Vector Representation, Multiple Lists Single Array.
Linear List-Linked Representation: Singly Linked Lists, Circular Lists, Doubly Linked
Lists, Applications (Polynomial Arithmetic).
Arrays and Matrices: Row and Column Major Representations, Sparse Matrices.
Stacks: Array Representation, Linked Representation, Applications (Recursive Calls, Infix
to Postfix, Postfix Evaluation).
Queues: Array Representation, Linked Representation.
Skip Lists and Hashing: Skip Lists Representation, Hash Table
Representation, Application- Text Compression.
Trees: Definitions and Properties, Representation of Binary Trees, Operations, Binary
Binary Search Trees: Definitions, Operations on Binary Search Trees.
Balanced Search Trees: AVL Trees, and B-Trees.
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Graphs: Definitions and Properties, Representation, Graph Search Methods (Depth First
Search and Breadth First Search)
Application of Graphs: Shortest Path Algorithm (Dijkstra), Minimum Spanning Tree
(Prim’s and Kruskal'sAlgorithms).
Searching :Linear Search and Binary Search Techniques and their complexity analysis.
Sorting and Complexity Analysis: Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort,
Merge Sort, and Heap Sort.
Algorithm Design Techniques: Greedy algorithm, divide-and-conquer, dynamic
Suggested Reading:
1. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David M. Mount, Data Structures and
Algorithms Python John Wiley & Sons,2013.
2. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Problem Solving using C++, Pearson
Education International,2003.
3. SartajSahni, Data Structures--Algorithms and Applications in C++, 2nd Edition,
Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd.,2005.
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Getting an overview of Big Data: Introduction to Big Data, Structuring Big Data, Types of
Data, Elements of Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Advantages of Big Data Analytics.
Introducing Technologies for Handling Big Data: Distributed and Parallel Computing for
Big Data, Cloud Computing and Big Data, Features of Cloud Computing, Cloud Deployment
Models, Cloud Services for Big Data, Cloud Providers in Big Data Market.
Understanding Hadoop Ecosystem: Introducing Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce, Hadoop
functions, Hadoop Ecosystem. Hadoop Distributed File System- HDFS Architecture,
Concept of Blocks in HDFS Architecture, Namenodes and Datanodes, Features of HDFS.
Introducing HBase- HBase Architecture, Regions, Storing Big Data with HBase,
Combining HBase and HDFS, Features of HBase, Hive, Pig and Pig Latin, Sqoop,
ZooKeeper, Flume, Oozie.
Understanding MapReduce Fundamentals and HBase: The MapReduceFramework
,Exploring the features of MapReduce, Working of MapReduce, Techniques to optimize
MapReduce Jobs, Hardware/Network Topology, Synchronization, File system, Uses of
MapReduce, Role of HBase in Big Data Processing- Characteristics of HBase.
Understanding Big Data Technology Foundations: Exploring the Big Data Stack, Data
Sources Layer, Ingestion Layer, Storage Layer, Physical Infrastructure Layer, Platform
Management Layer, Security Layer, Monitoring Layer, Visualization Layer.
Storing Data in Databases and Data Warehouses: RDBMS and Big Data, Issues with
Relational Model, Non – Relational Database, Issues with Non Relational Database, Polyglot
Persistence, Integrating Big Data with Traditional Data Warehouse, Big Data Analysis and
Data Warehouse.
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1. BIG DATA, Black Book TM, DreamTech Press, 2016 Edition.
Suggested Reading:
2. Seema Acharya, SubhasniChellappan , “BIG DATA and ANALYTICS”, Wiley
publications, 2016
3. Nathan Marz and James Warren, “BIG DATA- Principles and Best Practices of Scalable
Real-Time Systems”, 2010
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Objective: The main objective of this course is to give a practical introduction to Deep
Learning using Keras. It covers the concepts of deep learning and their implementation.
At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Understand the basics of deep learning
2. Understand the usage of tensors in deep learning
3. Use Python deep-learning framework Keras, with Tensor-Flow as a backend engine.
Introduction: History, Hardware, Data, Algorithms
Neural Networks, Data representations for neural networks, Scalars (0D tensors), Vectors
(1D tensors), Matrices (2D tensors), 3D tensors and higher-dimensional tensors, Key
attributes,. Manipulating tensors in Numpy,The notion of data batches, Real-world examples
of data tensors, Vector data, Timeseries data or sequence data, Image data, Video data
Tensor operations: Element-wise operations, Broadcasting, Tensor dot,. Tensor reshaping,
Geometric interpretation of tensor operations, A geometric interpretation of deep learning,
Gradient-based optimization, Derivative of a tensor operation, Stochastic gradient descent,.
Chaining derivatives: the Backpropagation algorithm
Introduction to Keras, Keras, TensorFlow, Theano, and CNTK
Recurrent neural networks: A recurrent layer in Keras, Understanding the LSTM and GRU
1. François Chollet. Deep Learning with Python. Manning Publications, 2018
Suggested Reading:
2. AurélienGéron. Hands on Machine Learning with SciKit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow.
O’Reily, 2019
Andrew W. Trask. Grokking Deep Learning. Manning Publications, 2019
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Palamuru University-UG CBCS- Data Science
Objectives: The main objective of this lab is to develop deep learning models using Keras
Note: The exercises should following Keras workflow consisting of four steps
1. Define your training data: input tensors and target tensors
2. Define a network of layers (or model ) that maps your inputs to your targets
3. Configure the learning process by choosing a loss function, an optimizer, and some
metrics to monitor
4. Iterate on your training data by calling the fit() method of your model
Exercise 1:
IMDB dataset, a set of 50,000 highly polarized reviews from the Internet Movie Database.
They’re split into 25,000 reviews for training and 25,000 reviews for testing, each set
consisting of 50% negative and 50% positive reviews. the IMDB dataset comes packaged
with Keras
Binary Classification Task:
Build a network to classify movie reviews as positive or negative, based on the text content
of the reviews.
Exercise 2:
Reuters dataset, a set of short newswires and their topics, published by Reuters in 1986. It’s a
simple, widely used toy dataset for text classification. There are 46 different topics; some
topics are more represented than others, but each topic has at least 10 examples in the training
set. Reuters dataset comes packaged as part of Keras.
Single-label Multi class Classification Task:
Build a network to classify Reuters newswires into 46 mutually exclusive topics. Each data
point should be classified into only one category (in this case, topic),. The problem is more
specifically an instance of single-label, multiclass classification.
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Palamuru University-UG CBCS- Data Science
Exercise 3:
The Boston Housing Price dataset has an interesting difference from the two previous
examples. It has relatively few data points: only 506, split between 404 training samples and
102 test samples. And each feature in the input data (for example, the crime rate) has a
different scale. For instance, some values are proportions, which take values between 0 and 1;
others take values between 1 and 12, others between 0 and 100, and so on.
Regression Task:
The two previous examples were classification problems, where the goal was to predict a
single discrete label of an input data point. Another common type of machine-learning
problem is regression, which consists of predicting a continuous value instead of a discrete
label. You’ll attempt to predict the median price of homes in a given Boston suburb in the
mid-1970s, given data points about the suburb at the time, such as the crime rate, the local
property tax rate, and so on.
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Palamuru University-UG CBCS- Data Science
Section - A
Answer any EIGHT questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. From Unit I
2. From Unit I
3. From Unit I
4. From Unit II
5. From Unit II
6. From Unit II
7. From Unit III
8. From Unit III
9. From Unit III
10. From Unit IV
11. From Unit IV
12. From Unit IV
Section - B
Answer ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks. (4Qx12m=48)
13. a) From Unit I
b) From Unit I
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