PS9 - Unit C - Characteristics of Electricity

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C of Electricity

Lightning around
electrical energy
transmission lines

202 UNIT C
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Big Ideas

Static electric charges collect on surfaces

6 until given a path to escape.
6.1 The Characteristics of Static Electric Charges
6.2 The Transfer of Static Electric Charges DI

6.3 Electrostatics in Our Lives

Current electrical energy is the flow of

7 electrons in a closed circuit.
7.1 Voltage, Current, and Resistance
7.2 Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits
7.3 Ohm’s Law DI

We can reduce our electrical energy

8 consumption and use renewable energy
resources to produce electrical energy.
8.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy
Resources for Generating Electrical Energy
8.2 Reducing Our Electrical Energy Consumption DI

Essential Inquiry Questions

What are static electric charges and current electrical
energy and how are voltage, current, and resistance
in series and parallel circuits related? SI
How do we assess the operating principles, costs,
and efficiencies of devices that produce or use
electrical energy? TPS
What is the impact of electrical energy production
and distribution in Saskatchewan? DM
What knowledge of electricity do First Nations and
Métis peoples have? CP

Unit Task
At the end of this unit, you will address some of the
Essential Inquiry Questions by completing a Unit Task.
Your task will be designing your own lab based on a
testable question about static electric charges and
current electrical energy; explaining the energy
transformations in a device of your choice; or designing
an electrical energy conservation plan based on
kilowatt-hours of use and electrical energy savings.

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Static electric charges collect

6 on surfaces until given a path

to escape.

Outcomes What you will learn:

• Some First Nations and Métis peoples have an intimate spiritual understanding
By the end of this chapter, of lightning in terms of Thunderbird.
you will:
• Static electric charges are transferred by friction, contact, and induction.
• demonstrate and analyze
characteristics of static • Different materials have different abilities to hold or transfer static electric
electric charges and charges.
current electricity,
• Electrical equipment should always be operated safely.
including historical and
cultural understanding • Many technological devices are designed to improve electrical efficiency
or protect other devices by using or controlling static electric charges.

The static electric charge on this Van de Graaff generator has a hair-raising effect on this student.
Key Terms
• charging by contact • charging Before Reading
by induction • conduction
• conductivity • conductors Determining Importance
• electric charges • electrical
Preview the subheadings and images in Chapter 6. Which topics and
discharge • electron affinity
• electrons • electroscope images are familiar? Which topics and images are unfamiliar based on
• electrostatics • friction your background knowledge and experience? The unfamiliar topics and
• grounding • induction images represent the information that is most important for you to learn.
• insulator • neutrons • nucleus Create a list of learning goals for this chapter based on the information
• protons • static electric charge
that represents new learning for you.

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The Characteristics of
Static Electric Charges
Here is a summary of what you
will learn in this section:

• Solid materials are charged

by the transfer of electrons.

• When an atom gains electrons,

it becomes negatively charged.
When an atom loses electrons,
it becomes positively charged.

• Electrons can be removed

from objects through friction.

• Particles with unlike charges

attract each other, and
particles with like charges
repel each other.

Figure 6.1 Lightning in Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption

Volcanic Lightning
On April 17, 2010, Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted, infoBIT
spewing volcanic ash, dust, and toxic gases into Earth’s atmosphere.
Haida Stories
The eruption disrupted European air travel for weeks as the
Volcanic eruptions contain
dust cloud drifted over the continent. the power of Volcano Woman.
Lightning is usually associated with rain storms, but bolts In ancient legends passed
of lightning are also found in the middle of ash clouds of active down through oral tradition,
volcanoes (Figure 6.1). While volcanic lightning remains a the Haida people tell the
mystery, it may result from the friction of the particles emitted story of a young villager who
from the eruption, causing a buildup of electrical charges and accidently killed Volcano
Woman’s son who was
then a dramatic discharge of lightning.
disguised as a frog. When
In the winter months, some First Nations and Métis people tell none of the villagers took
stories that explain phenomena, such as lightning and volcanic responsibility for her son’s
eruptions. As recently as April 2009, Mount Redoubt in Alaska death, the volcano destroyed
erupted, and within its blast, a fantastic lightning storm took place. the village.
Haida teachings explain that Thunderbird is present in the fiery
ash of the volcanoes where lightning strikes. You will learn more
about Thunderbird later in this chapter. Every culture, Indigenous
or Western, has its own preferred explanations of lightning.

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A Shocking Experience
Have you ever pulled a sweater over your head or removed your
hat and felt your hair standing up on a cold winter day? Or
maybe you touched a doorknob or a car door handle and got an
electrical shock. These examples are caused by electric charges.
Electric charges are charged particles that exert a force on each
other. These charged particles are very small. In fact, there are
millions of them on each standing hair in the photo in Figure 6.2.
The buildup of even larger numbers of electric charges can
lead to impressive electrical displays. Think of a lightning storm.
The large flashes of lightning look similar to the small electric
sparks you may have seen when taking off a sweater or touching
Figure 6.2 Electric charges cause
a doorknob. In fact, they are the same thing, just different in size.
strands of hair to repel each other
and be attracted to the balloon. They are all examples of electric charges.

C1 Quick Science

Characteristics of Static Electric Charges

In this activity, you will examine the effects of static 3. Inflate two balloons, and knot the ends. Rub one
electric charges on common objects such as confetti, side of each balloon on your hair or clothing.
straws, and balloons. Then, holding the balloons by the knots, bring
the rubbed surfaces slowly together. Observe
Purpose and record the results.
To observe static electric charges 4. Turn one balloon so that its rubbed surface faces
away from the other balloon. Again bring the
Materials & Equipment balloons together. Record your observations.

• confetti
• plastic drinking straw
5. (a) Which objects were attracted to each other?
• two balloons
(b) Which objects were repelled or pushed
away from each other?
Procedure 6. How did your observations compare with your
1. Read the procedure steps, and record your predictions for each step?
predictions for each step. 7. What do you think caused the movements
2. Sprinkle some confetti in a small area on your that you observed?
desk. Push a plastic drinking straw through your
hair several times, then bring it close to the Pose New Questions
confetti. Record your observations. 8. How could you rephrase question 7 in a
testable form?
9. What questions could you ask about the
materials used in this activity?

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Electrically Charged Particles

According to scientists, matter is made up of particles called
atoms. Within an atom, there are three types of smaller particles:
protons, neutrons, and electrons (Figure 6.3). Protons and electrons
are electrically charged particles. Protons have a positive electric
charge (), and electrons have a negative electric charge ().
Neutrons have no electric charge, so they are neutral. The
protons and neutrons are in the nucleus at the centre of the
atom. The electrons are outside the nucleus (Figure 6.4).
In an atom, the number of protons in the nucleus is equal
to the number of electrons around the nucleus, so the number
of positive and negative charges is equal. This makes an atom
neutral. If an atom has gained or lost one or more electrons,
it is referred to as an ion.

neutron proton
e electron

e n n n e
p p proton



Figure 6.3 In this simplified model of an atom, there are protons and neutrons inside the Figure 6.4 In a neutral atom, the
atom’s nucleus and electrons in the area around the nucleus. number of protons in the nucleus
equals the number of electrons
around the nucleus.
Static Electric Charges
Objects can become charged when electrons move from one object infoBIT
to another. The electric charge that builds up on the surface of the Static and Stationary
object is called a static electric charge. The charges are “static” “Static” is from the Greek word
because they remain almost fixed in one location on the surface statikos, meaning causing to
of the object until they are given a path to escape. stand. The word “stationary,”
Scientists call an object that has more electrons than which means not moving, is
protons negatively charged. They call an object that has based on the same Greek word.
more protons than electrons positively charged.
Table 6.1 provides some examples of objects that have Table 6.1
different numbers of electrons and protons and their Number Number of
charges. You can group objects according to three kinds of Protons Electrons Charge
of charge: positive, negative, and neutral. If a neutral O2 8 10 2
object obtains extra electrons, the object becomes
Na 11 10 1
negatively charged. If a neutral object loses electrons,
the object becomes positively charged.

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infoBIT Friction and the Movement of Electrons

Amber’s Electrical All solid materials are charged by the transfer of electrons. How
do atoms lose or gain electrons to become electrically charged?
The word “electricity” comes
One common cause of electron transfer is friction. Friction
from elektron, the Greek word
for amber, which is fossilized
occurs when objects rub against each other.
tree resin. Amber has been When two objects rub together, the force of friction can
used for thousands of years remove electrons from one object and cause them to transfer to
to study static electricity. the other object. As one object loses electrons, the other object
gains them, as shown by the amber and fur in Figure 6.5.
If you count the electrons in Figure 6.5 (c), you will notice
that no electrons are lost during the process of charging. They
are simply transferred. The position of the positive charges
does not change during the process of charging.


neutral neutral negative positive

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.5 (a) The amber and the fur are electrically neutral. (b) If you rub the amber with
the fur, electrons transfer from the fur to the amber. (c) As a result, the fur becomes positively
Table 6.2 Triboelectric Series charged and the amber becomes negatively charged.

Tend ()
to lose It is important to remember that the transfer of the charges
electrons human skin (dry) from one object to another is possible because the two objects
glass are rubbing against each other. Both objects are neutral before
human hair they are rubbed together. They become charged as a result of
the rubbing, which is the force of friction. It is also important
to keep in mind that electric charges are not being created.
cat fur The positions of the electrons in each object change or some
silk electrons move from one object to another.

Electron Affinity
Different substances have different abilities to hold on to electrons.
amber The tendency of a substance to hold on to electrons is called
ebonite electron affinity.
plastic wrap
Table 6.2 lists a series of selected materials in order of their
electron affinity. This list is referred to as a triboelectric series.
Tend Teflon®
to gain You will notice that the higher the material is in the list, the
electrons () greater the tendency for that material to lose electrons.

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This means that if you rub together two materials listed in the
table, you can determine which material will become positively
Why Is It Called
charged and which material will become negatively charged. For Triboelectric?
example, if you rub nylon and steel together, the nylon will The term tribos comes from a
become positively charged and the steel will become negatively Greek word meaning “to rub.”
charged. The nylon will lose electrons, because it is higher in the
table. The electrons from the nylon will be transferred to the steel,
making the steel gain electrons and become negatively charged.
Note that there can be a slightly different order for materials Suggested Activity •
such as fur or wood depending on which type of animal the fur C2 Inquiry Activity on page 212

is from and which type of tree the wood is from.

Learning Checkpoint

1. List the three types of smaller particles that make up an atom and describe
their locations.
2. What happens when two objects made out of different materials are
rubbed together?
3. What term describes an atom’s tendency to hold on to electrons?
4. In the term static electric charges, what does static refer to?
5. In the following pairs, which material is more likely to give up electrons
when the materials are rubbed together?
(a) wood vs. human hair
(b) plastic wrap vs. steel
(c) cotton vs. silk

Laws of Attraction and Repulsion

You may have heard the expression “opposites attract” in
discussions about people. This is definitely true for electric
charges (Figure 6.6). Scientists studying the interaction of objects Opposite charges attract.

have observed that when a positively charged object is brought

close to a negatively charged object, the two objects attract each
other, or pull toward each other. When two objects with the  
same charge are placed close together, the objects repel each
other, or push away from each other.
As a result of data collected and confirmed through many  
scientific investigations, scientists believe that
Like charges repel.
• particles with opposite charges attract each other, and Figure 6.6 If you increase the amount
of charge on objects, the attraction
• particles with like charges repel each other. or repulsion also increases.

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During Reading Electrical Insulators and Conductors

Visualizing and Another way to group materials is by their conductivity.
Picture Mapping Conductivity is the ability of materials to allow electrons to
You can use the strategy move freely in them. Materials that hold onto their electrons and
of visualizing to help you
do not allow them to move easily are called electrical insulators.
understand the important
An electrical insulator is a solid, liquid, or gas that resists or blocks
details of a large amount of
complex information. One the movement of electrons, as shown in Figure 6.7 (a). Dry wood,
way you can visualize is glass, and plastic are all examples of electrical insulators.
to create a picture map. Materials that allow electrons to change positions are called
Using the information about conductors (Figure 6.7 (b)). Conduction is the movement or
the laws of attraction and transmission of electrons through a substance. Examples of
repulsion, begin drawing
conductors include the metals copper and aluminum. These
pictures to represent the
metals are often used in electrical wiring in homes. The wires
information provided in
this section. Add to your are coated with plastic, which is an insulator.
picture map as you read
about electrical insulators
and conductors.   

(a) (b)
Figure 6.7 (a) Electrons in an insulator cannot move freely. The electrons () are bound tightly
to the nuclei () so they resist movement. (b) Electrons in a conductor can move freely.
The electrons are not as tightly bound to the nuclei. They can move away from the nuclei.

Some materials allow only some movement of electrons.

These are called fair conductors. In a fair conductor, the electrons
A Faraday cage is an
do not move as freely as in a conductor, but they are not held
enclosure made of conducting
material that protects its contents almost in place as they are in an insulator.
from electric charges. Find out Table 6.3 gives some examples of good conductors, fair
how airplanes, cars, and even conductors, and insulators. There are variations within each
some specially designed clothes category, as some materials are better or poorer conductors
can act as Faraday cages. than others.
Conduct your research in the
library or on the Internet. Share Table 6.3 Conductivity of Selected Materials
your findings with the class
Good Conductors Fair Conductors Insulators
in a format of your choice.
copper water with dissolved minerals rubber
aluminum moist air wood
iron human body plastic
mercury carbon pure water
other metals soil metal oxides
(for example, rust)

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Water as a Conductor
Most water has dissolved minerals in it, making it a fair conductor.
This is one reason why you do not want to be in a lake during a
thunderstorm. If lightning strikes the lake, the static electric charges
from the lightning will be conducted through the water and could
injure or kill you. This is the same reason why you should not
use water to try to put out an electrical fire (Figure 6.8). You also
need to take care not to operate electrical appliances near water
or with wet hands. You should never use electrical gadgets near
pools, bathtubs, hot tubs, or open water, such as ponds, lakes, or
rivers. This can be extremely dangerous and could result in an
Figure 6.8 Use an all-purpose fire
electric shock causing injury or death. extinguisher for an electrical fire.


1. (a) Draw a diagram of an atom that has 6. (a) Name two examples of good conductors.
four protons, five neutrons, and (b) Name two examples of fair conductors.
four electrons.
(c) Name two examples of insulators.
(b) Label each particle with its name and
indicate whether it is positive (), 7. Copy the table below into your notebook.
negative (), or neutral. For each pair, predict which substance
becomes more positively charged and
2. (a) What is friction? which becomes more negatively charged
(b) Explain how friction can be used to when the two substances are rubbed
transfer electrons. Use two substances together. Use Table 6.2 on page 208 to
from Table 6.2 on page 208 in your help you make predictions.
Charged Pairs
3. (a) What is the difference between a
conductor and an insulator? Becomes Becomes
More Positively More Negatively
(b) Give one example of a conductor. Pairs Charged Charged
(c) Give one example of an insulator. cotton, steel
cotton, silk
4. How would a scientist explain the
human hair,
following observation: a plastic rod that human
contains a large number of electrons hands (dry)
does not have a static electric charge? Teflon®,
5. (a) What does the law of attraction state? glass,
(b) What does the law of repulsion state? plastic wrap

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DI Key Activity

C2 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 2 ■

Drawing conclusions

Investigating Static Electric Charges

If you have ever rubbed a balloon in your hair and 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, using the two acetate strips
stuck it to the wall, you have seen the effects of static and the paper towel. Record your observations.
electric charges. In this activity, you will investigate
5. Bring one of the charged vinyl strips close to the
the effects of positive and negative charges on
suspended acetate strip. Make sure the two strips
each other.
do not touch each other. Record your observations.

Initiating and Planning 6. Place the beaker upside down on the desk or
What is the effect of charged objects on each other table. Place the watch glass on top of the beaker
and on neutral objects? as shown in Figure 6.9. Balance the ruler so it is
lying flat and centred on the watch glass.

Materials & Equipment

• two vinyl strips • two acetate strips
• clear adhesive tape • beaker
• ring stand • watch glass
• paper towel • metre stick

Performing and Recording

Figure 6.9 Step 6 Balance the ruler on
1. Copy the following table into your notebook to the watch glass on top of the beaker.
record your findings. Give your table a title.
7. Bring a charged vinyl strip near, but not
Hanging Approaching touching, one end of the ruler. Record your
Object Object Predictions Observations observations.
charged charged
vinyl vinyl 8. Bring a charged acetate strip near one end of
the ruler. Record your observations.
charged charged
acetate acetate
Analyzing and Interpreting
charged charged
acetate vinyl 9. Usually, charged vinyl gains electrons and becomes
negatively charged, and charged acetate loses
ruler charged
vinyl electrons and becomes positively charged. How
does this information explain your observations?
ruler charged
Communication and Teamwork
2. Tape one end of a vinyl strip to the ring stand so 10. How would you modify this procedure so that
the strip hangs down. Rub the hanging vinyl you could identify the type of charge on a
strip with the paper towel to charge it. charged object? Write a testable question for
your new procedure.
3. Rub the other vinyl strip with the paper towel,
and bring that vinyl strip close to the suspended 11. Write three statements that summarize your
strip. Record your observations in your table. observations.

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The Transfer of Static Electric Charges 6.2

Here is a summary of what you
will learn in this section:

• In charging by contact, an
originally neutral object gains
the same type of charge as the
charged object that touched it.

• In charging by induction, an
originally neutral object gains
the opposite charge to the
charged object.

• Neutral objects are attracted

to charged objects.
• Grounding an object transfers
electrons between the object
and the ground, making the
object neutral.

Figure 6.10 The bits of paper are attracted to the statically charged comb.

Charged Objects
What does dust on a computer screen have in common with paper
on a comb (Figure 6.10)? In both examples, there is attraction
between objects with unlike charges. To test whether an object has
been charged, you can use an electroscope, which is an instrument
that can detect static electric charges. The electroscope was invented
in 1748 by French clergyman and physicist Jean Nollet.
A metal-leaf electroscope has two very thin metal pieces, called
leaves, suspended from a metal rod. The metal rod is attached to a
top plate or metal knob. When a charge is transferred to the plate
or knob, the charge spreads out over the whole structure, including
the leaves. The greater the charge, the greater the separation
between the leaves. An electroscope is one of the devices that
can be used to study static electric charges. The study of static
electric charges is called electrostatics.

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C3 Quick Science

Using an Electroscope
How do you know when an object is charged? Rather Procedure
than testing whether an object sticks to something
1. Charge the straw or comb by running it through
else, you can use an electroscope (Figure 6.11).
your hair, or rub an ebonite rod on a wool sweater.

2. Bring the charged object near, but not touching,

the top of the electroscope. Observe the motion
of the metal leaves. Record your observations
in a chart or by sketching the results.

3. Move the object away and observe the leaves

again. Record your observations.

4. Now, touch the charged object to the top of the

electroscope. You can rub the object along the
top of the electroscope if necessary. Observe
the motion of the metal leaves. Record your

5. Move the object away and observe the leaves

again. Record your observations.

6. Charge the glass, acrylic, or acetate rod by

Figure 6.11 A metal-leaf electroscope rubbing it with the silk fabric. Repeat steps 2
to 5 using this charged rod.
To determine what happens to an electroscope when
7. What role did friction play in this activity?
different charged objects are brought near it
8. With your group, explain what happened, using
your knowledge about charges. Assume your
object had a negative charge placed on it.

Materials & Equipment 9. Write a testable question that could be answered

by your observations in this activity.
• straw, plastic comb, or ebonite rod
• wool sweater Pose New Questions
• metal-leaf electroscope
10. What additional procedures and questions could
• glass, acrylic, or acetate rod you add to extend your understanding?
• silk fabric

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Detecting Static Electric Charge

To predict what charge is transferred to an electroscope, you can
use a standard set of charged objects, such as ebonite and glass.
Ebonite is a hard rubber material that is low on the triboelectric
series and readily accepts electrons, as you saw on Table 6.2 on
page 208. When ebonite is rubbed with fur, it becomes negatively
charged (Figure 6.12 (a)). Glass is high on the triboelectric series
and tends to give away electrons. When glass is rubbed with silk,
it becomes positively charged (Figure 6.12 (b)).

before rubbing after rubbing before rubbing after rubbing

ebonite glass

fur silk

(a) (b)

Figure 6.12 To test unknown charges, you can use the known charges on (a) an ebonite rod
and (b) a glass rod.

When a negatively charged rod is brought near a neutral Suggested Activity •

electroscope, the electrons in the electroscope are repelled by the C4 Inquiry Activity on page 220
rod. The electrons move down into the leaves of the electroscope.
The leaves are now both negatively charged, so they repel each
other and move apart (Figure 6.13). When the negatively charged
rod is taken away, the negative charges in the electroscope are no
longer repelled, so they move throughout the leaves, stem, and knob.
The leaves drop down, and the electroscope becomes neutral again.









(a) (b)

Figure 6.13 (a) The leaves are not separated in the neutral electroscope.
(b) The leaves repel each other when they are charged negatively or positively.

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During Reading Charging by Contact

Understanding Terms As you learned in Section 6.1, electrons can be transferred
and Concepts through friction. Electrons can also be transferred through
A Frayer quadrant can help contact and conduction. You can charge a neutral object by
you understand a term or the
contact when you touch it with a charged object. Charging by
concept it represents. Divide
contact occurs when electrons transfer from the charged object
a rectangle into four sections,
and title the rectangle with to the neutral object that it touches. The neutral object gains the
the term or concept (e.g., same type of charge as the object that touches it because the
Charging by Contact). In electrons move from one object to the other (Figure 6.14).
the top left section, write a
definition of the term using          
your own words and words 
from the text. In the top right  

section, write facts related
to the term. In the lower left
section, write examples of
the term from the textbook.  
In the lower right section,    
write ideas or concepts that 
are not examples of the term. 

(a) (b)

Figure 6.14 (a) When a negatively charged object touches a neutral object, electrons move
to the neutral object, making it negative. (b) When a positively charged object touches a
neutral object, electrons move from the neutral object to the positive object and make the
neutral object positive.

Suggested Activities •
C5 Inquiry Activity on page 221
Charging by Induction
C6 Inquiry Activity on page 222 Induction is the movement of electrons within an object caused
by a nearby charged object, without direct contact between the
two objects.
If you rub a rubber balloon on your hair, electrons will transfer
from your hair to the balloon, making the balloon negatively
  charged. The charges stay in a nearly fixed, or static, position on

the balloon because rubber is an insulator. When you bring the
     negatively charged balloon near a neutral wall, the negatively

    charged electrons on the balloon repel the negative charges on the
   wall, making that part of the wall a positively charged surface. The
    balloon is charging by induction, or inducing a charge on the
  wall because it charges the wall without contacting it (Figure 6.15).
  When you charge an object by induction, you use a charged object
Figure 6.15 The negatively charged to induce a charge in a neutral object. Then, you ground the newly
balloon has induced a positive charge
on the wall’s surface without touching
charged object so it retains its charge. Your newly charged object now
the wall. has the opposite charge to the one that was on the charging object.

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Grounding is the process of connecting a charged object

to Earth’s surface. When you connect a charged object to the
ground, you provide a path for charges to travel to or from the
ground. Figures 6.16 and 6.17 show the process of charging by
induction. Grounding occurs in Figures 6.16 (b) and 6.17 (b).




Figure 6.16 (a) When a negatively charged (b) When you ground the neutral (c) When you remove the ground and
object comes near a neutral electroscope, you provide its the charged object, the electroscope
electroscope, it repels the electrons with a path away from is left with a positive charge because
electrons in the neutral the repulsive influence. Some it has lost some electrons.
electroscope. electrons leave the electroscope.






Figure 6.17 (a) When a positively charged (b) When you ground the (c) When you remove the ground and
object comes near a neutral neutral electroscope, you the charged object, the electroscope
electroscope, it attracts electrons provide a path for electrons to is left with a negative charge because
in the neutral electroscope. go toward the positive influence. extra electrons are trapped on it.

Electrical Discharge
Once an object is charged, the charges are trapped on it until they
are given a path to escape. When electric charges are transferred
very quickly, the process is called an electrical discharge.
Sparks are an example of electrical discharge.

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Transfer of charge Have you ever walked across a carpet and reached for a doorknob
from girl to door

only to receive a shock when you created a spark (Figure 6.18)? When
you shuffle your feet in slippers or socks on a carpet, electrons are
transferred through friction and you build up a static electric charge.
When your hand reaches toward the neutral doorknob, the excess
electrons transfer due to induction, and you get a shock.

Lightning is a very large electrical discharge caused by induction.

In a thunderstorm, a charged area, usually negative, builds up at

Transfer of charge the base of a cloud (Figure 6.19 (a)). The negative charge at the
from carpet to girl
base of the cloud creates a temporary positively charged area on
Figure 6.18 When electrons jump
between your hand and a doorknob, the ground through the induction process (Figure 6.19 (b)).
you can receive a surprising shock. When enough charge has built up, a path of charged particles
forms (Figure 6.19 (c)). The cloud then discharges its excess
electrons along the temporary path to the ground, creating a
huge spark—lightning (Figure 6.19 (d)). This discharge also
Sometimes, lightning strikes
start from the ground and
creates a rapid expansion of the air around it, causing thunder.
go up to a cloud. There are Air is normally an insulator. If it were not, lightning would
also cloud-to-cloud lightning occur every time that clouds formed. For lightning to happen,
strikes. Find out more about charges in the clouds must build up to the point where the air
different types of lightning by cannot keep the charges separated from the ground. Then, the
conducting research in the air stops being an insulator and becomes a fair conductor,
library or on the Internet.
resulting in a lightning strike.
Create a visual display of
your findings to share with
Earth is a donator or receiver of charge and is so large that
the class. overall it is not affected by the electron transfer of huge lightning
strikes. As a result, the ground is always considered neutral.




electrons  electrons



(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6.19 Lightning is an atmospheric electrical discharge.

218 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Electrostatic Generators charge collector

Scientists use several devices in the laboratory 

metal sphere  
to study how static electric charges create  
lightning and other phenomena, such as the static
that affects clothes coming out of the dryer.
Early electrostatic generators were called Teflon® roller
“friction machines” because they used direct 

contact between different surfaces to create
charged areas. A glass sphere or cylinder was  

rubbed mechanically by a pad to charge it up. rubber belt

Other technologies, such as the Van de Graaff

generator, create charge through friction between insulating support 
the roller and belt and then transfer the charge to 
 nylon roller
a large metal sphere, as shown in Figure 6.20. 


Figure 6.20 This Van de Graaff generator is
set up so its dome is negatively charged. A
Van de Graaff generator can also be charged
positively by using different roller materials.


1. Explain what an electroscope detects. 8. How does the process of grounding occur
during a lightning strike?
2. Describe the difference between charging
by contact and charging by induction in 9. (a) The leaves of the charged electroscope
terms of electron transfer. shown below move farther apart if a
rod with the same charge is brought
3. What is grounding and how is it useful?
near. Use your scientific knowledge
4. How are lightning and sparks similar? to explain this observation.
(b) Give a reason why the leaves move
5. (a) How do objects become negatively
closer together if the rod has the
charged using the contact method?
opposite charge to the electroscope.
(b) How do objects become positively
charged using the contact method?  

6. Explain how an object becomes temporarily
charged by induction when a charged
object is brought near.

7. Using a sequence of labelled diagrams,

explain how a positively charged balloon
will stick to a neutral wall. Under each  
diagram, describe the motion of the charges.
Question 9

6.2 The Transfer of Static Electric Charges 219

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C4 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 2 ■

Observing and measuring

Sorting Materials based on Charges

Materials that tend to lose electrons are higher on 6. Ground the electroscope by touching it with
a triboelectric series. Materials that tend to gain your hand.
electrons are lower on a triboelectric series.
7. Charge the electroscope using material B.

Initiating and Planning 8. Use a charged ebonite rod to test the charge on the
electroscope by bringing it near the knob. Do not
How can a variety of materials be sorted based on
touch the rod to the electroscope. Observe the motion
their ability to gain or lose electrons?
of the leaves. Record the charge of material B.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each pair of materials.
Materials & Equipment
• materials such as wool, silk, aluminum, paper towel, Analyzing and Interpreting
leather, wood, amber, hard rubber, Styrofoam™,
10. Which materials were good electron receivers and
plastic wrap, vinyl (PVC), and Teflon®
would appear lower on a triboelectric series?
• metal-leaf electroscope
11. Which materials were good electron donors and
• known charged object, such as an ebonite rod
would appear higher on a triboelectric series?
rubbed on wool to create a negative charge
12. Create a triboelectric series by listing the
materials you used in order, according to their
Performing and Recording electron affinity.
1. Make a table like the one below to list your 13. Compare your list with the generally accepted list.
materials, predictions, and results. Give your Suggest reasons for discrepancies.
table a title.
Communication and Teamwork
Prediction Actual 14. (a) Write a question about a material that does
Materials of Charge Charge
not appear on the triboelectric series.
(b) Describe how you could test where this new
1. wool silk material would appear on the triboelectric series.
2. wool aluminum
15. Write a testable question for this inquiry.
3. silk aluminum
4. silk paper

2. In your table, predict what charge each material

in each pair will have when the materials are
rubbed together.

3. Rub together the first pair of materials, A and B.

4. Touch material A to the knob of the electroscope

to charge the electroscope.

5. Use a charged ebonite rod to test the charge on

the electroscope by bringing it near the knob.
Do not touch the rod to the electroscope
(Figure 6.21). Observe the motion of the leaves.
Figure 6.21 Step 5 To test the charge on the electroscope,
Record the charge of material A. bring the charged ebonite rod near it without touching it.

220 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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C5 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 2 ■

Observing and measuring

Charging by Contact
You can charge a neutral object by contact when 4. Rub the ebonite rod with the wool again.
you touch it with a charged object. In this activity, Bring it near, but not touching, the top of the
you will investigate what happens when electrons electroscope. Record your observations using
are transferred from a charged object to a neutral a labelled diagram.
object through contact.
5. Charge the glass rod by rubbing it with silk.
Bring the glass rod near, but not touching, the
Initiating and Planning
top of the electroscope. Record your observations
What charge does the electroscope gain compared using a labelled diagram.
to the charging rod?
6. Touch the top of the electroscope with your hand.
Record your observations using a labelled diagram.

Trial B
Materials & Equipment
7. Repeat steps 3 to 4 using a glass rod charged
• ebonite rod • glass rod
with silk. Use a charged ebonite rod in step 5.
• wool • silk Repeat step 6.
• metal-leaf electroscope
Analyzing and Interpreting
8. (a) Explain why the leaves moved when the ebonite
Performing and Recording
rod touched the electroscope in step 3.
1. Make a table like the following to record your
b) What charge was left on the electroscope?
predictions, observations, and diagrams.
Give your table a title. 9. (a) Explain why the leaves moved when the glass
rod came near the top of the electroscope
Motion of Leaves in step 5.
Trial Predictions Observations (b) What charge was left on the electroscope?
ebonite rod 10. Compare your predictions with your observations.
A 11. In terms of charge movement, explain in words
ebonite rod near
and diagrams the effect of
glass rod near
(a) an identically charged rod near the electroscope
glass rod
touching (b) an oppositely charged rod near the electroscope
B 12. Explain how you would find the charge of an
glass rod near
ebonite rod near unknown material.

2. Read the procedure, and record your predictions

Communication and Teamwork
for each step. 13. Write a summary statement about the charge
the electroscope gains and the charge of the
Trial A influencing rod that was used in the activity.
3. Charge the ebonite rod by rubbing it with the
wool. Touch the ebonite rod against the top of
the electroscope. Record your observations
using a labelled diagram.

Chapter 6 Static electric charges collect on surfaces until given a path to escape. 221
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C6 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 2 ■

Recording and organizing data
Analyzing patterns

Charging by Induction
Charging by induction occurs when a charged object 4. Bring the ebonite rod near, but not touching,
is used to induce a charge in a neutral object and the electroscope. Then, touch the top of the
then the charged object is grounded so it retains the electroscope with your hand.
charge. In this activity, you will use different charged
5. Remove your hand from the electroscope, and
objects to induce the charge.
then move the ebonite rod away. Observe what
happens to the leaves of the electroscope.
Initiating and Planning
What charge does the electroscope receive compared 6. Bring a charged ebonite rod near the electroscope.
to the charging rod? Record what happens to the electroscope leaves.

7. Bring a charged glass rod near the electroscope.

Record what happens to the electroscope leaves.

Materials & Equipment Trial B

8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 except start by charging a
• ebonite rod • glass rod
glass rod against silk in step 3. Use a charged
• wool • silk
ebonite rod for step 7.
• metal-leaf electroscope
Analyzing and Interpreting
Performing and Recording 9. (a) Compared to the original rod that was brought
near the electroscope, what charge did the
1. Make a table like the following. Give your table
electroscope end up with?
a title.
(b) How do you know?
Motion of Leaves 10. Explain what happens to the electrons in
Trial Predictions Observations the electroscope when your hand touches
ebonite rod away the electroscope.
A ebonite rod near 11. (a) You had to remove your hand first before you
glass rod near moved the rod away. What is a scientific
glass rod away explanation for this action?

B glass rod near (b) What would have happened if you had moved
the rod away and then your hand?
ebonite rod near
12. What other ways could you ground the
2. Record your predictions before you begin each electroscope?
trial, and record your observations throughout.
Communication and Teamwork
Trial A 13. Summarize the method of charging by induction
3. Charge the ebonite rod by rubbing it against by using diagrams labelled with the motions
the wool. of charges.

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Electrostatics in Our Lives 6.3

Here is a summary of what you
will learn in this section:

• Some First Nations and Métis

peoples have an intimate
spiritual understanding of
lightning in terms of

• Lightning rods are used to

prevent damage to buildings.

• Grounding static electric

charges can help prevent
sparks near flammable fuels
and damage to electronic

• Electrostatic precipitators
Figure 6.22 Rock painting of Thunderbird from Wasawakasik Lake, Saskatchewan work by creating charged
waste particles and using
electrostatic attraction to
Thunderbird remove the particles.

Explanations of the natural world and phenomena, such as

lightning and thunder, are transmitted through oral tradition,
the passing of stories from one generation to the next. On the
Saskatchewan plains, where thunderstorms may suddenly arise
and lightning often streaks across the sky, First Nations and
Métis peoples have developed a deep spiritual understanding
of lightning in terms of Thunderbird (Figure 6.22). Rather
than fear lightning, they deeply respect its power. During Reading
Thunderbird is found in the legends and teachings of many
Determining the Key Idea
First Nations and Métis peoples. Thunderbird is often portrayed
Good readers synthesize details
as a large eagle-like bird. As the herald of spring, Thunderbird
from a text to determine the
brings the rain. Elder Danny Musqua, a Saskatchewan Nakawe–
key idea. To do this, you
(Saulteaux) Elder, explained that his people thought of Thunderbird make connections among the
as a physical and spiritual entity with eyes that blink lightning important ideas in the text,
and a cry that is thunder. However, in special ceremonies called asking yourself the question,
tobacco circles where Elders from his grandfather’s time spoke “How does this information
freely, many of them believed that lightning (waskwanehpigan) connect to that information?”
As you read this section, ask
was created by two powerful objects crashing together. Today,
yourself how the information
First Nations and Métis peoples have two ways to explain the
on one page connects to the
appearance of lightning: waskwanehpigan and electrical energy. information on another page.
Waskwanehpigan tells us what lightning is in Mother Earth, What is the single key idea
while electrical energy tells us about how nature works. presented on these pages?

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Traditional Knowledge Keeper Albert Scott remembers stories that

he learned from his Nakawe– Elders that uncontrolled lightning
Thunderbird and Killer Whale
occurred as fledgling Thunderbirds learn to fly and control their
In British Columbia,
Thunderbird is said to hunt
power. The Nakawe– people also have legends surrounding an
Killer Whale for food only to have eternal struggle between Thunderbird and a water snake that
Killer Whale escape again and resides beneath the ground. A similar legend is told among the Cree
again. This legend explains why people of Saskatchewan, where Thunderbird, Piyisew in Plains
killer whales live in deep waters. Cree, born from Mother Earth, fights a great serpent called
Kin–epik in an attempt to protect the living things on Earth.

C7 Quick Science

Lightning: Encounters with a Static Electric Phenomenon

We often see forks of lightning in the sky and hear Questions
stories of peoples’ encounters with this phenomenon.
2. What did his hair standing up indicate?
In this activity, you will use your knowledge of the
characteristics of static electric charges to analyze 3. (a) Holding a steel bar when the lightning struck
the following story of an encounter with lightning. would almost certainly be lethal. How would
a scientist explain the role of the steel bar in
Purpose this outcome?
To analyze an account of a lightning encounter (b) Would it make any difference if the steel bar
being held had one end in the ground when
Procedure lightning struck? Explain.
1. As a class, read the following true account of a 4. Describe the path the lightning may have taken
man’s encounter with a lightning strike. Then, to result in blackened ground and a melted end
discuss the questions that follow. of the steel bar.
A man was digging postholes in a large open 5. What could the man have done differently in
field using a 2-m-long steel bar, which he order to be safer during the storm?
used to pry rocks from the ground. He was
6. If you find yourself out in the open during a
working in stormy weather and wanted to
thunderstorm, you should crouch, keep your
finish a bit more work before taking cover.
feet close together, and stay on your toes.
Suddenly, he could feel the hairs on his arms
There are scientific reasons for this advice.
and legs begin to stand up. He threw the steel
bar as hard as he could and dove for the (a) Why should you crouch on your toes?
ground. Then, he heard a deafening blast of (b) Why should you keep your feet close together?
sound. The lightning strike missed him, and
he ran for cover. Later, after the storm, he Pose New Questions
went back to the site. The ground around 7. What questions about lightning has this activity
the bar was blackened, and one end of the raised for you?
bar appeared to have melted.

224 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Respect for Lightning infoBIT

First Nations and Métis peoples’ respect for the natural The Names of Lightning
phenomenon of lightning has been integrated into many sacred Lightning has many names
ceremonies over the centuries. Elder Julie Pitzel remembers among the First Nations and
Métis peoples of Saskatchewan.
teachings from her Elders that the first lightning and thunder
Lightning in Plains Cree,
in spring heralds the first sweat lodge ceremonies. She was also wa–saskote– payin, means “fire
taught that lightning striking the ground awoke the plants to that falls from the sky” or
grow and propagate. As she was taught, Traditional Knowledge “lightning that strikes Earth.”
Keeper Judy Bear practises a smudging ceremony during the The Plains Cree use the word
first thunder and lightning in spring. kito– wak for thunder, which
As a young Métis boy growing up in Green Lake, Elder Peter means “to call out,” referring
to Thunderbird’s cry. In
Bishop was not familiar with First Nations culture, particularly
Dakota words, Elder Velma
from the south. However, the Métis people of his community Goodfeather teaches that
learned through observation and experience much practical thunder is called Wakiŋyaŋ
knowledge about thunderstorms. For example, his people used hotonpi and that lightning
to shade their windows and mirrors, knowing that lightning was is Wakiŋyaŋ tuwanpi.
attracted to shiny objects. Elder Peter learned another valuable
lesson about lightning striking the nearest tallest object: “During
a particularly violent thunderstorm, a bolt of lightning struck
There are many stories about
a very tall spruce tree close to our home. It travelled down the
lightning and thunder in First
length to barbed wire my father placed there, knowing it would
Nations and Métis cultures.
travel down this wire and strike the ground. We were also told Research these stories and
never to swim during lightning storms, knowing that water any hidden meanings.
was a good conductor of electricity.” Note any similarities and/
The power of lightning should be respected. Elders often teach or differences with Western
that storms and lightning have more power than humans despite science principles. Share
your findings with the class
our technologies that have tried to overcome and master them.
in a format of your choice.
In this way, we are reminded to be humble. If care is taken, we
can enjoy and revere storms and lightning, not fear them.

Lightning Rods insulated
A lightning rod is a metal pole with a wire attached to wire
it that is mounted on the top of a structure. Similar to the
barbed wire mentioned by Elder Peter Bishop, the wire
runs down the structure into the ground (Figure 6.23).
Scientists explain that a lightning rod provides a pathway
for lightning, a stream of electrically charged particles,
to reach the ground without burning the structure down.

Figure 6.23 The lightning rod redirects the electrical

ground rod
strike away from the barn and harmlessly into the ground.

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The stream of electrically charged particles is highly conductive,

so if lightning strikes in the area around the building, it is much
more likely to strike the lightning rod. This decreases the total
amount of electric charge in the building, making it less likely
to be struck by lightning. If lightning hits the lightning rod, the
flow of electrically charged particles is directed harmlessly down
to the ground so the building would not be damaged.
Protecting Electronics
Grounding Static Electric Charges
Sparks caused by static electric
charges can damage sensitive on Vehicles
electronic equipment. People
Friction occurs when two surfaces rub against each other. The
who work with this type of
surfaces may be solids, such as silk or glass, or they may be gases
equipment often use an
antistatic wrist strap to reduce or fluids, such as air or water. Automobiles and airplanes build
the build-up of charges. up charges through friction between the vehicle’s outer surface
and the air as the vehicles move. A simple way to prevent static
build-up on a car is to use a ground strap (Figure 6.24). However,
dragging a strap along the ground would not be a practical
solution for airplanes.
Instead, airplanes have needle-like projections, called static
discharge rods or wicks, located in various places on the wings
and plane body (Figure 6.25). The force of repulsion between
charges becomes so strong that charges disperse into the air
from the point.

Figure 6.24 Some drivers use a grounding strap to prevent Figure 6.25 These needle-like rods on the wing of an airplane disperse
static electric charges from building up on their cars. static electric charges into the air.

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Making Use of Static Electric Charges

Static electric charges can be a nuisance when they cause flyaway Suggested Activities •
hair or sparks in your living room. They can damage electronic C8 Science, Technology, Society, and
the Environment on page 230
equipment and are extremely dangerous when they occur near C9 Problem-Solving Activity on page 230
flammable materials. However, static electric charges can also
be useful. Our ability to control and direct static electric charges
has allowed us to design technological devices that make use of
them to improve our lives.
Many people have contributed
Spray Painting to our understanding of
Spray painting can be a challenging job. The paint comes out of electrical energy. Research
one of the following names to
the spray gun or can at a high speed, so the paint particles bounce
find out when these people
off the object being painted, wasting paint. Painting irregular
lived and what they contributed:
objects or those with a lot of space between their parts, such Benjamin Franklin, Luigi
as a fence or bicycle frame, wastes paint when the paint sprays Galvani, Charles-Augustin de
through the openings. Coulomb, Alessandro Volta,
Electrostatics can help. Figure 6.26 shows how electrostatics James Watt, André-Marie
are used to paint a car. The paint coming out of the nozzle gains Ampère, Georg Ohm, Robert
Millikan, Michael Faraday,
a negative charge through friction. The surface of the car has
Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla,
been given a positive charge. Unlike charges attract, so the paint
and George Westinghouse.
is attracted to the surface of the car. There is less waste due to Conduct your research in
bounce and overspray, and the finish is smooth and uniform. the library or on the Internet.

Laser printers make use of
electrostatics in the printing
process. Find out how a laser
printer works. Conduct your
research in the library or on
the Internet. Make a diagram
that shows the steps involved
in making a copy using a laser
printer and include the role of
electrostatics in your sketches.

Figure 6.26 Industrial sprayers, such as those used to paint cars, take advantage of the laws
of static electric charges.

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clean gas out

Electrostatic Precipitators
An electrostatic precipitator makes use of the laws of static
electric charges to clean air (Figure 6.27). The gas discharged
conductors from a factory can contain tiny particles of pollutants, called
(metal plates)
particulate matter. One way to clean the gas before it is
polluted gas in grounding wire released is to send it through pipes that charge the particulate
matter negatively. Then, the gas moves through an area that
has positively charged plates. The positive plates attract the
solid waste collection
negative particles and remove them from the gas. These
Figure 6.27 An electrostatic collector plates are cleaned periodically to keep the system
precipitator uses static electric
charges to remove particulates from running efficiently. Industrial plants that produce cement, steel,
gases in buildings or industrial sites. lumber, and petrochemicals use similar techniques to remove
dust and other particulate matter from the air.
We also use electrostatics in processes that purify and sort
materials, such as ore separation in mining, plastics, and paper
recycling, and the settling of fine particles suspended in water.


1. It is not safe to take shelter under a tree 10. The technician in this photo is using a
in a thunderstorm. Use your scientific tool that has insulated handles. Why is
understanding of lightning to explain this important for working on electronic
what might happen. equipment?
2. Explain the importance of lightning in
First Nations and Métis cultures.
3. How does the power of lightning remind
us to be humble?
4. What is the function of a lightning rod?
5. How is charge build-up reduced on airplanes?
6. Why is it important to ground static
electric charges?
7. Large trucks that carry flammable liquids
often have a metal wire or chain that drags
on the ground. Explain what this prevents. Question 10

8. How can neutral pollutant particles be 11. When spray paint is applied to a car,
made attractive to the charged plate in the paint has a negative charge and the
an electrostatic precipitator? surface of the car has a positive charge.
9. Describe the devices used on airplanes to Some processes use a negatively charged
protect them from static electric charge paint and a grounded object. Explain
build-up. why this also works.

228 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Ask a Traditional Knowledge Keeper

Delvin Kanewiyakiho:
Ematawak — Spirit of Thunderbird

For First Nations and Métis peoples, electricity has Electrical energy plays an integral role in Delvin’s
two meanings. Delvin Kanewiyakiho, a Traditional everyday life. Delvin, a savvy user of technology,
Knowledge Keeper, describes the arrival of relies on electrical energy at home and for his
electrical energy to the Little Pine First Nation work as a teacher. He has a master’s degree in
reserve in the 1950s. His Elders reacted with education and is a school division consultant.
amazement when electrical energy powered the For Traditional Knowledge Keepers like Delvin, a
first light bulb: “The Elders were awestruck. They scientific understanding of electrical energy does
thought it was amazing that people were able to not conflict with their cultural beliefs about it. But,
harness the magic of Thunderbird (Figure 6.28). in the ceremonies where millennia of tradition
They were able to use it to produce light. My and spirituality live, electrical energy has no place.
Elders referred to electricity as something that is Tools used in the sweat lodge, the healing lodge,
mysterious, Ematawak, which means ‘spirit of pipe ceremonies, and the Sun dance, for example,
Thunderbird.’ Émamahtawak is the word we use are still done in the traditional way.
today to describe electricity. I make sense of “Electricity has made life more convenient.
electricity as a gift of Thunderbird, though in Back then [in the early part of the 20th century],
science it is explained as a flow of electrons. people on my reserve lived in log houses that had
It keeps us warm, powers cellphones and dirt floors. While electricity and technology can
iPods, and gives us light.” make life easier, they cannot replace human
Delvin considers himself an Oskape–wos, which contact. On a basic human level, [any one person’s
means “helper” in Cree. An Oskape–wos is a fixation on] technology can take away from
Knowledge Keeper who trains all his or her life understanding another human being spiritually.”
under the tutelage of an Elder to become a keeper
of traditional ceremonies. One day, an Oskape–wos
could be recognized by his or her community
as an Elder.

Figure 6.28 When Thunderbird opens its eyes, lightning flashes.

Ask a Traditional Knowledge Keeper 229

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C8 Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment

Advertisements for Static Control Products

If you have a problem with flyaway hair, clothes 1. Give examples of products that help consumers
sticking together in the dryer, or dust that will not with static control.
stick to a mop, chances are there is a consumer 2. Are these products essential for everyday living?
product that has been designed to deal with it. For Why or why not?
example, people sometimes add an antistatic dryer
3. (a) What do advertisers say about static in their
sheet to a clothes dryer. The dryer sheet adds a thin messages to try to convince you to buy their
layer of waxy chemicals to the surface of clothes products? Is this information accurate?
so there is less friction between the surfaces.
(b) Do you think advertisers are successful in
Working in a group, discuss the following convincing people? Explain your answer.
questions, and record your answers.


C9 Problem-Solving Activity Toolkits 3, 7 ■

Designing, building, and testing
Suggesting modifications

Create Your Own Electroscope

In this activity, you will design and construct your own Performing and Recording
electroscope. You will test your device and evaluate
1. Use the materials provided to design an
its reliability in detecting the presence of static
electric charges.
2. As a test, charge a glass rod with wool and bring
Initiating and Planning the rod close to the electroscope. The leaves of
How can we design and construct an electroscope your electroscope should separate.
that accurately detects static electric charges? 3. Create a table to record your observations.
Test your electroscope with a variety of charged
materials. Record your observations as sketches
or written reports, or both.
Materials & Equipment 4. Discharge your electroscope before each test.
• clear glass bottle • cardboard
• paper clip • scissors
Analyzing and Interpreting
• aluminum foil • wool 5. Which of the materials were most charged?
• tape 6. Which of the materials were least charged?

7. How could you modify your electroscope to

Criteria for Success measure the charge of each material?

• Your electroscope should have metal leaves

that separate when you bring a charged object
near it. 8. Describe how you designed your electroscope.

• You should be able to order materials from least 9. How could you improve your design?
charged to most charged.

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Careers and Profiles

Rod McEachern: Director, Research and

Development, PotashCorp

Our group does research, technology development,

and technology transfer in such diverse areas as
• improved process control (distributed control
systems, instrumentation, process automation, etc.)
• separation techniques, such as froth flotation,
screening, and granulation
• improved product quality
• improved environmental performance of our
potash plants, through reduced air emissions
and waste management practices
• online equipment monitoring to ensure reliable
plant performance

Our group’s role is to work with the potash plants

to identify needs and areas for improvement. We
Figure 6.29 Electrostatic precipitator used to clean dryer
exhaust gases in the PotashCorp Rocanville plant then assemble technical projects designed to
identify solutions to the problems. In many cases,
Many industries use electrostatics to help keep we work with vendors, university researchers,
pollutants, such as dust and other particulates, and consultants. Technology development is done
out of the air (Figure 6.29). Rod McEachern uses through laboratory tests, and pilot plant studies, as
his background in chemistry and his team of well as full-scale plant trials in the potash operations.
engineers and other professionals to help keep
Q: How are you using precipitators in the
PotashCorp efficient and reduce air emissions.
potash industry?
Q: What is your background? A: Electrostatic precipitators are used in some
A: I grew up on a small family farm near Sinnett, of our plants to reduce particulates from
Saskatchewan. I attended the University of the exhaust air from our product dryers.
Saskatchewan for 16 years—5 years full-time The cleaned air is then released to the
and 11 years part-time—and received a B.Sc., environment through a stack.
M.Sc., and Ph.D. in chemistry.
Q: What are some future applications for
Q: Can you describe your current job? precipitators in your industry?
A: My current position is Director, Research and A: Reducing air pollution for product dryers is
Development, at PotashCorp. I manage a group the main application. There may be some
of technical professionals who work to ensure future application in reducing the dust
that best available technology is used in the levels that are generated by the processing
processing of potash ores. The group I manage equipment within the plant.
consists of several engineers (electrical,
chemical, mechanical, process) as well as a
chemist, several chemical technicians, and
a maintenance support person.

Careers and Profiles 231

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Key Concept Review 7. (a) Define electrical discharge.
1. (a) What are the possible interactions (b) What is a real-life example of an
between two charged objects? electrical discharge?
(b) How do a charged object and a neutral 8. Describe a device that uses static electric
object interact? charges. Include a labelled diagram as part
of your answer.
2. Explain the role of friction in creating a
charged object. 9. Describe a device that protects other
devices by controlling static electric
3. (a) Two neutral objects, A and B, were
charges. Include a labelled diagram as
rubbed together, resulting in object A
part of your answer.
being charged positively. What is the
charge on B now?
Connect Your Understanding
(b) How do you know?
10. (a) Explain why a positively charged
(c) Which object, A or B, is likely higher
balloon will stick to a wall just as easily
on the triboelectric series?
as a negatively charged balloon.
(d) How do you know?
(b) Would the humidity (moisture content)
4. For the following three electroscopes, of the air make a difference in the
explain which way the leaves will move ability of the balloon to stick to the
when a charged rod is brought near. wall? Explain.
Explain your reasoning.
11. Suppose you had a plastic lightning rod
that was the same size and design as a
   metal lightning rod. Would the plastic
lightning rod work better than, the same
as, or not as well as a metal lightning rod?
Explain your answer.

12. Would a negatively charged balloon stick to

   a metal wall as easily as to a wooden wall?
      Explain why it would or would not.

13. You have an unknown material that becomes

(a) (b) (c)
charged when you rub it with silk. You also
Question 4 have a negative ebonite rod and a positive
glass rod. How can you determine the
5. How would you ground an electroscope? charge of the unknown object?
6. (a) Describe how to leave an object positively 14. If lightning hits a car, the effect is minimal.
charged using the induction method. Explain why.
(b) Describe how to leave an object negatively
charged using the induction method.

232 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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15. Two identical objects are both charged 23. What information from this chapter
positively, but one object has about twice surprised you or was not what you
as much positive charge as the other object. expected? Explain.
What would happen to the charges when
24. (a) How would you rate your participation
the two objects are brought together?
in the labs you did in this chapter?
Explain your answer.
(b) How could you improve your
16. (a) How would using a humidifier in a home participation?
affect static electric charge build-up?
25. What are two things about static electric
(b) Would you need to use a humidifier more
charges that you know now that you did
in the summer or the winter? Explain.
not know before you started this chapter?
17. Explain two different actions that could
cause static electric charges to build up
on a computer. After Reading
Reflect and Evaluate
18. If you wrap plastic wrap on a glass bowl,
the plastic wrap will cling to the bowl. Revisit the key learning goals that you set in the
Use your understanding of static electric Before Reading activity at the start of this chapter.
How did the During Reading strategies help you
charges to explain why.
to accomplish your goals? Write a paragraph that
19. You run a brush through your hair and summarizes how the reading strategies assisted
wonder if it has become statically electrically your learning. Compare your paragraph with a
charged. Design a test that allows you to partner’s. Add any new insights you gained from
determine if the brush has a charge. reading your partner’s reflection.

20. What materials could be woven into a

polyester carpet to prevent a static electric Reflection on Essential
charge from building up on a person walking Inquiry Questions
across the carpet? Explain the reasons for
What do you understand about the transfer of
your choice.
electric charges? SI
21. Suppose a child asks you to explain What technologies did you learn about that use
why there is lightning. Write two simple static electric charges to improve our lives? TPS
explanations that you could share with the
child. The first is about Thunderbird, the What are some impacts of electrostatics on
second is about static electric charges. our lives? DM
You may wish to include diagrams. What did you discover about First Nations and
Métis understanding of lightning? CP
Unit Task
22. What role do you think lightning plays
in forest fires and the ecology of an area? In this chapter, you learned about static electric
How do you think this connects with charges and the role they play in our lives. How
what you learned about Thunderbird? can you apply your new understanding to the
Unit Task you have chosen?

Chapter 6 Review 233

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Current electrical energy is the flow

7 of electrons in a closed circuit.

Outcomes What you will learn:

• There are relationships among voltage, current, and resistance.
By the end of this chapter,
you will: • Different meters measure electrical energy quantities in different ways.
• demonstrate and analyze • Electrical energy is produced, transferred, and converted into other forms
characteristics of static of energy, which will help you handle electrical devices safely.
electric charge and current
electricity, including • Series circuits and parallel circuits operate differently and are used in
historical and cultural different applications.
• analyze the relationships
that exist among voltage,
current, and resistance in
series and parallel circuits

Key Terms
• alternating current (AC)
• ammeter • ampere (A)
• battery • circuit • circuit
breaker • circuit diagram
• current electrical energy
• direct current (DC)
• dry cell • electric current
• electrochemical cell Each light bulb in this image of Saskatoon is lit because of the movement of electrons through
• electrodes • electrolyte the wires that connect the bulbs.
• fuse • ground fault circuit
interrupter (GFCI) • load
Before Reading
• multimeter • Ohm’s Law
• ohmmeter • ohms (Ω) Learning Vocabulary in Context
• parallel circuit • primary cell
• resistance • resistor This chapter contains many new terms related to electrical energy. Skim
• secondary cell • series circuit and scan Section 7.1 for the ways that vocabulary is supported. Where
• short circuit • superconductor can you find definitions? How are unfamiliar terms highlighted in the text?
• switch • transistor • volt (V) What special features explain terms or words? Begin a personal list of
• voltage • voltmeter • wet cell unfamiliar terms, adding definitions as you find them in the chapter.

234 UNIT C
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Voltage, Current, and Resistance 7.1

Here is a summary of what you
will learn in this section:

• Voltage is the difference in

electric charge between
two points.

• Current is the rate of movement

of electric charge through a
conductor. Resistance is the
ability of a material to resist
the flow of electric charges.

• An electrochemical cell
generates voltage by creating
an imbalance of charges
between its terminals.

• Models can be mental,

mathematical, or a
combination. Scientific
models can help you
communicate your ideas.

Figure 7.1 A fuel cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The fuel cell shown here
is only slightly smaller than this textbook.

Fuel Cells
What do houses, buses, and laptops have in common? They can
all be powered using fuel cells.
Fuel cells generate electrical energy from a chemical reaction
with a fuel, such as hydrogen (Figure 7.1). Using oil and other
fossil fuels, such as coal, for energy produces pollution. Most
fuel cells create no pollution and actually produce pure water
as a by-product.
A fuel cell is not used up like an ordinary cell (i.e., a battery)
would be because as the electrical energy is produced, more fuel
is added by taking it from the air. Currently, much of the energy
produced by fuel cells is wasted as heat, but their design continues
to be refined to make them more efficient.
In 2010, a fleet of 20 Canadian-made fuel cell-powered electric
buses began operating in Whistler, BC (Figure 7.2). The buses
were fully implemented for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic
Winter Games to be able to manage the huge increase in tourists
without a huge increase in pollution. These buses produce Figure 7.2 New fuel cell-powered
buses in Whistler, BC
60 percent less greenhouse gases, compared to diesel buses.

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Buses are an excellent choice for fuel cell technology. They do

not need an infrastructure of hydrogen fuelling stations as cars
Zero Emission Bikes
would, since they all return to one central depot for maintenance
Launched in London, UK,
in March 2011, fuel cell
and refuelling. There are many bus systems in such cities as
scooters are taking Europe London, Barcelona, and Hamburg in Europe, and Perth in
by storm. These zero emission Australia that are already converted to fuel cell technology.
bikes are taking advantage Fuel cells combine oxygen in the air with hydrogen in
of Europe’s existing hydrogen the cells to power electric vehicles. One day, fuel cells may be
fuelling stations to provide used to power smaller devices such as laptop computers. Fuel
inexpensive transportation
cells could also be integrated with current power generating
for the European Community.
stations like wind, solar, and hydro. These stations often produce
electrical energy when it is not needed. That electrical energy
can be stored in fuel cells for future use.

C10 Quick Science

Light the Lights
In this activity, you will use a combination of wires, 3. If time allows, try other arrangements for step 1
light bulbs, and a hand-operated generator to make and step 2.
a bulb light up.
Purpose 4. Describe how to use wire and a hand-operated
To discover how to make flashlight bulbs light up generator to make one bulb light up. Include a
using a hand-operated generator labelled sketch of an arrangement that worked
to light up the bulb and one that did not light
up the bulb.

5. Describe how to use wire and a hand-operated

Materials & Equipment generator to make two bulbs light up. Include a
• five insulated copper wires with both ends bare labelled sketch of an arrangement that worked
• hand-operated generator to light up the bulbs and one that did not light
• two 2.0-V flashlight bulbs up the bulbs.

Pose New Questions

CAUTION: Disconnect the wires if they get hot. 6. Where do you think the energy comes from to
light the bulb(s)?
Procedure 7. Using your observations from this activity, what
1. Use wire and the hand-operated generator to make testable question could you write that your
one bulb light up. Record your arrangement results from this activity would answer?
using a labelled diagram or sketch. 8. What other questions do you have about your
2. Use wire and the hand-operated generator to make observations? Write a testable question for an
two bulbs light up. Record your arrangement activity that would answer your questions.
using a labelled diagram or sketch.

236 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Current Electrical Energy

As you saw in Chapter 6, the small static electrical energy
discharges you have felt from a sweater is similar to the huge
static electric discharges of lightning. Unfortunately, static electric
charges are not useful for operating electrical devices. To operate
electrical devices, you need a steady flow of electric charge.
Unlike static electric charges and discharges, a flow of electric
charge continues to move as long as two conditions are met. First,
the flow of electric charge requires an energy source. Second, the
electric charge will not flow unless it has a complete path to flow
through. This path is called an electrical circuit. The flow of
electric charge in a circuit is called current electrical energy.

Electric Circuits
An electrical circuit includes an energy source, a conductor, and a
load. An electrical load is a device that converts electrical energy to
another form of energy. For example, in Figure 7.3, the light bulb
is the load. It converts electrical energy to light and heat energy.
Many electric circuits also include a switch. A switch is a device
that turns the circuit on or off by closing or opening the circuit.
When the switch is closed (Figure 7.3), the circuit is complete and
electric charge can flow. An open switch (Figure 7.4) means there
is a break in the path, so the electric charge cannot flow through
the circuit. The circuit is turned off when the switch is open.
The light switch is a common example of a switch we use every Suggested Activity •
day. It controls the power to the light. Other examples of common C11 Problem-Solving Activity
on page 245
switches might also control electric ceiling fans or garage doors.

energy sou ⫹
electrical lload

conducting energy source ⫹

electrical load



Figure 7.3 A closed electric circuit

Figure 7.4 An open electric circuit

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infoBIT Voltage
The Origin of Volt and Voltage Each electron in a conductor, such as a copper wire, has electrical
The electrochemical cell was energy stored within it. When the conductor is connected to an
first presented to the Royal energy source, the electrons flow through the conductor. The
Society of London in 1800 by
energy source provides more energy to each electron, which
the Italian physicist Alessandro
Volta. The words “voltage” and
enables them to move through the conductor.
“volt” are named in his honour. The difference in electrical energy between two points in a
circuit is called the voltage. The higher the voltage in a circuit, the
greater the stored electrical energy that is provided to each electron.

Measuring Voltage
The voltage in a circuit is always measured between two locations
in that circuit. A voltmeter is used to measure voltage (Figure 7.5).
The voltmeter is showing the difference between the energy levels
at the two points (voltage is also sometimes referred to as potential
difference). The SI unit for measuring voltage is the volt (V).

How Electrons Transfer Energy in a Circuit

When you turn on the light switch on a wall, you close the circuit
and the light comes on immediately. How does the electric charge
get from the switch to the light bulb so fast? It may surprise you
Figure 7.5 A voltmeter to learn that individual electrons do not travel from the switch to
the bulb when the switch is turned on. Picture electrons in a wire
as being like water in the water pipes in your house. The water
pipes are normally full of water so when you turn the tap on,
water comes out of the tap immediately (Figure 7.6).

faucet lever down in “off” position faucet lever up in “on” position

Figure 7.6 Electrons in a wire are like the water in the water pipes in your home. Since the pipes are already full,
water comes out of the tap as soon as you turn it on.

238 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Electrons in a wire work in a similar way. When an energy

source is connected to a circuit, electrons in the conductor
instantly “push” or repel other electrons nearby because of
their electric charges.
When one electron moves at one end of the wire, it pushes
the next one, which pushes the next one, and so on. This process
happens instantly. By pushing the first electron, you make the
last electron move. That is why when you flip the switch, the
light goes on instantly even though the electrons themselves
have not moved from the switch to the light bulb.

Electric current is a measure of the amount of electric charge
that passes by a point in an electrical circuit in a given time
interval. Think of the steady flow of electric current as being
like water flowing in a stream. The water keeps on flowing unless
its source dries up. As long as the energy source continues, the
electrons continue to flow. Because the current flows in only
one direction, it is called direct current (DC).
The current that flows through cords plugged into the wall
sockets in your home is called alternating current. Alternating
current (AC) flows back and forth at regular intervals called
cycles. This is the current that comes from generators and is
carried by the power lines to your home.

Measuring Current
Current in a circuit is measured using an ammeter (Figure 7.7). infoBIT
The unit of electric current is the ampere (A). An ampere is a The Origin of Ampere
measure of the amount of charge moving past a point in the “Ampere” and “ammeter” are
circuit every second. named in honour of André-
Marie Ampère (1775–1836),
a French physicist who studied
electricity and magnetism.

Figure 7.7 These ammeters show a reading of 0.50 A. The meter on the right has amperes on
the scale below the black curved line.

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Current Electrical Energy and Static Electric Charge

Current electrical energy differs from static electric charge because
current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a circuit through
a conductor. Static electric charge is the electric charge that builds
up on the surface of an object. Static electric charge discharges
when it is given a path, but does not continue to flow.

Resistance is the degree to which a substance opposes the flow
of electric current through it. All substances resist electron flow
to some extent. As you saw in Chapter 6, conductors, such as
metals, allow electrons to flow freely through them and have
low resistance values. Low resistance is useful, for example, in
power stations that want the maximum of electric current to be
conducted to homes and businesses. Insulators, such as plastic
and wood, resist electron flow to a greater degree and have high
resistance values. In the case of incandescent light bulbs, high
Figure 7.8 Multimeters can be used resistance is important because the resistance is what causes
to measure voltage, current, or
the light bulb filament to emit light. Resistance is measured in
ohms (Ω) using an ohmmeter. An ohmmeter is usually part
of a multifunctional meter called a multimeter (Figure 7.8).
infoBIT When a substance resists the flow of electrons, it converts
The Symbol for Ohm the electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as heat or
The symbol for ohm, Ω, is light energy. There is still the same number of electrons passing
the Greek letter omega. through the circuit, but they each have less energy. The more
resistance a substance has, the more energy it gains from the
Kinetic Means Movement
electrons that pass through it. The energy gained by the substance
“Kinetic” means active or
may be radiated to its surroundings as heat, light, sound, or
moving. Kinetic energy is the
energy of motion. Kinetic energy kinetic energy (Figure 7.9).
depends on how fast something
is moving and its mass.

Figure 7.9 When electrons pass through a resistor, such as the element on this electric heater,
their electrical energy may be converted to heat, light, sound, or kinetic energy.

240 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Resistance in a Circuit infoBIT

The more resistance a component has, the smaller its Conductivity Versus
conductance. As you learned in Chapter 6, conductivity is the Resistivity
ability of materials to allow electrons to move freely in them. The inverse of conductivity
For example, current in a circuit might pass through the filament is resistivity; the inverse of
resistance is conductance.
in an incandescent light bulb (Figure 7.10). The filament is a
resistor, which is any material that can slow current flow.
The filament’s high resistance to the electron’s electrical
energy causes it to heat up and produce light.


Figure 7.10 The filament in an incandescent light bulb is an example of a resistor.

Superconductors Suggested Activities •

C12 Inquiry Activity on page 246
Superconductivity can be seen in some metals and ceramic materials. C13 Inquire on Your Own on page 247
Even more than regular conductors, superconductors
have no electrical resistance below a characteristic
temperature. This means that electrons can travel
through them freely when they are cooled to
temperatures near absolute zero, ⫺270°C. They
can carry large amounts of electrical current for
long periods of time without losing energy as
heat (thermal) energy. In addition to these
extremely low-temperature superconductors,
scientists have now discovered that some substances
act as superconductors at temperatures above
⫺243°C. Superconductivity may be used in the
future for electrical power transmission. One of
its current uses is to make a superconducting
magnet in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Figure 7.11 This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine
machines in hospitals (Figure 7.11). uses a superconducting magnet.

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Learning Checkpoint

1. How is current electrical energy different from the build-up of static

electric charges?
2. When you walk into a dark room and turn the light on, do the electrons
travel all the way from the switch to the light? Explain your answer.
3. Voltage has been described as similar to the water in the water pipes in
your home. What other analogy can you think of that is similar to voltage?
4. What is electric current?
5. What does “resistance” refer to in terms of electron flow?

high potential energy

Resistors and Voltage
Resistors can be used to cause the electrons to transfer
their energy to a different type of energy. When you
work with resistors, you should always be aware that
they can heat up and cause burns. Use caution when
handling them.
In a circuit, electrons have a higher voltage as they
enter a resistor compared to when they leave the resistor
because they use up some energy in passing through the
resistor. You can picture electrons entering a resistor as
potential energy converted being at the high end of a ramp, where they have a lot
to another form of energy
of (gravitational) potential energy. In this analogy,
Figure 7.12 An electron entering a resistor is similar electrons leaving the resistor are at the bottom end
to a ball at the high end of a ramp, where potential
energy is greater.
of the ramp, where their potential energy has been
converted to another form of energy (Figure 7.12).

Types of Resistors
A wide variety of resistors are made for different
applications, especially in electronics (Figure 7.13). For
example, televisions contain dozens of different resistors.
Resistors are needed in equipment where one power
supply is used in different functions, like in your
computer. There are many different circuits with
different power demands.
A resistor is used if a part of a circuit needs less
current than what the power supply is providing. A
resistor may also be needed if the current needs to vary.
For example, dimmer switches would use a variable
resistor. If you lower the light, you are increasing the
Figure 7.13 Resistors come in many shapes and
sizes. The type of material the resistor is made
resistance. Another example would be the volume
from is one factor that affects its resistance. control for televisions.

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Electrochemical Cells During Reading

A simple and convenient energy source is a battery. A battery Definitions in Context
is a combination of electrochemical cells. Each electrochemical Often, unfamiliar terms are
cell is a package of chemicals that converts chemical energy into defined right in the text that
electrical energy that is stored in charged particles. A simple you are reading. You do not
need to look them up in a
electrochemical cell includes an electrolyte and two electrodes:
glossary or dictionary. Look
• An electrolyte is a liquid or paste that conducts electric for the boldfaced words, and
charge because it contains chemicals that form ions. An ion then find the definition in the
is an atom or a group of atoms that has become electrically sentence either before or
after the term. Add words
charged by losing or gaining electrons. Citric acid is an
and definitions to your
example of an electrolyte.
personal list of terms.
• Electrodes are metal strips that react with the electrolyte.
Two different electrodes, such as zinc and copper, are
used in a battery.
As a result of the reaction between the electrolyte and electrodes,
electrons collect on one of the electrodes, making it negatively
charged. The other electrode has lost electrons, so it becomes
positively charged (Figure 7.14).

copper electrode (⫹)

Figure 7.14 The citric

zinc electrode (⫺) acid in the grapefruit
is the electrolyte. F
Electrons collect on the
zinc electrode, leaving
positive charges on
the copper electrode. D
The meter measures
the flow of electrons.
Wet Cells and Dry Cells
An electrochemical cell that has a liquid electrolyte is called a
wet cell. Wet cells are often used as an energy source for cars
and other motorized vehicles because they are less costly than A – zinc powder and electrolyte,
dry cells and most can be easily recharged. An electrochemical where electrons are released

cell that uses a paste instead of a liquid electrolyte is called a B – electron collecting rod
C – separating fabric
dry cell or primary cell (Figure 7.15). You use dry cells in
D – manganese dioxide and carbon,
flashlights, hand-held video game devices, cameras, and watches. where electrons are absorbed
A dry cell is a more practical choice in these devices since it can E – negative terminal, where electrons leave
be operated in many different positions including upside down F – positive terminal, where electrons return

with no concern about the electrolyte spilling. Figure 7.15 An alkaline dry cell

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⫺ ⫺⫹⫹
⫺ Recycling and Re-energizing Dry Cells
⫺ ⫺⫹ ⫹
Eventually, the chemicals in a dry cell or primary cell are used up
and can no longer separate charges. When you are finished using
a dry cell, you should recycle it rather than discard it (Figure 7.16).
Dry cells can contain toxic materials and heavy metals such as
nickel, cadmium, and lead, which are harmful to the environment
Figure 7.16 An electrochemical and living organisms. Household dry cells and batteries are
cell gives electrons electrical
energy, or voltage.
responsible for over 50 percent of all the heavy metals found in
landfills. Some dry cells can be re-energized, and are referred to
reSearch as “rechargeable” or secondary cells. Chemical reactions in a
Many rechargeable dry cells
rechargeable cell can be reversed by using an external energy
are available, such as NiCd, source to run electrical energy back through the cell. The reversed
NiMH, and lithium ion. flow of electrons restores the reactants that are used up when
Using library or Internet the cell produces electrical energy. Secondary dry cells can be
resources, research the reused many times and have less impact on the environment
different types and compare than non-rechargeable dry cells. Primary cells are superior in
their composition, lifetime,
terms of shelf life, as they hold their charge for a longer period
cost, and ability to hold charges.
Display your results in a
of time when not in use. However, secondary cells have greater
chart or graphic organizer. long-term benefits since they can be used over and over again.


1. What are some examples of electrical loads 9. Why must a circuit be closed in order for
that you can see in your classroom? a current to flow?
2. Describe the two main components of an 10. Make a list of similarities between the flow
electrochemical cell. of water and an electric circuit.
3. Explain how electrons flow in a circuit. 11. (a) Using a graphic organizer of your choice,
4. (a) What device measures voltage? compare the benefits and drawbacks
(b) What are the units for measuring voltage? of both primary and secondary cells.

5. (a) What device measures current? (b) Referring back to your graphic organizer
(b) What are the units for measuring current? from (a), which cell would you recommend
for a digital camera? Explain.
6. (a) What is the function of an electrical
load in a circuit? 12. What is the difference between an
(b) List four examples of electrical loads electrolyte and an electrode?
and the type of energy transformation 13. Why should dry cells be recycled rather
in each. than thrown in the garbage?
7. What does resistance refer to in a circuit? 14. What do you now understand about
8. What is the role of a resistor in a circuit? current electrical energy that you did
not know before reading this chapter?

244 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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C11 Problem-Solving Activity Toolkits 3, 11 ■

Recording results
Identifying potential impacts

Making a Simple Electric Motor

Initiating and Planning 5. Use the wood block for the base. Use the screws
to mount the bent safety pins on the block so
Can an electric motor be built from everyday materials?
that the loops are facing each other and are
about 2 cm apart.

6. Use double-sided tape to secure the magnet to

Materials & Equipment the block between the two safety pins (Figure 7.18).
Secure the battery holder to the block underneath
• magnet wire • screws
the magnet. Connect the wires from the battery
• electrical tape • screwdriver
holder to the safety pins. Insert the battery into
• scissors • double-sided tape the holder. You may need to give the armature
• pliers • magnet a push to get the motor started.
• two large safety pins • battery holder with wires
• wood block • battery

Performing and Recording

1. First, wind a coil of wire to create the part of
the motor that moves (armature). Wind it on
a cylindrical form, such as a small battery to
keep the shape even.
2. To make the coil hold its shape permanently,
twist the free ends and wrap them around the
coil a couple of times or use electrical tape to Figure 7.18 Step 6
secure the free ends.
3. Hold the wire coil so that it is vertical. Carefully use Analyzing and Interpreting
the tips of the scissors to scrape off the insulation 7. Adjust the angle of the motor so it can work in
from the top of the wire ends. You may wish to either a vertical or horizontal position. Draw a
use the wood block to support the free ends. diagram of your motor in the different positions.
4. Use pliers to bend two safety pins at the middle 8. Adjust the shape of the coils and see how they
to make supports. The safety pins can conduct work. Is the coil the best shape? Try squares,
electrical energy to the armature while the loops ovals, and so on. Make a chart showing each of
of wire on the safety pins can hold it up. the shapes you tried and write a short summary
of the results underneath them.

9. Vary the number of turns of wire in the coil. Does

an odd or even number of turns matter? Does the
number of turns determine the speed? Make a
chart showing the number of coils and the results.

Figure 7.17 Be careful when scraping off the
insulation. Only remove the insulation from 10. Can you make the motor do any work?
the top half of the wire. Demonstrate your results to the class.

Chapter 7 Current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a closed circuit. 245
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C12 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 2 ■

Observing and measuring
Analyzing patterns

Modelling Voltage, Current, and Resistance

A physical model can help you understand a process 7. Record the time it takes to fill the beaker using
or object that may be hidden or too large or small to the slightly pinched length of tubing.
view directly. Models can be mental, mathematical,
8. Record the time it takes to fill the beaker using
or a combination. You can use a scientific model to
an open length of tubing.
help you communicate your ideas.
9. Record the time it takes to fill the beaker using an
Initiating and Planning open length of tubing and the water turned on full.
How can you use a model to help you understand the
Analyzing and Interpreting
interactions among voltage, current, and resistance?
10. (a) How did the exit times compare for the tubes
in step 3 and step 5?
(b) How would you explain any difference in times?
Materials & Equipment
11. What part of this activity modelled electric current
• 50-cm or longer length • stopwatch in a circuit?
of rubber tubing • 1000-mL beaker
12. (a) How does the size of the opening in the tubing
• water tap and sink
affect water flow?
(b) Relate the size of the opening of the tubing
Performing and Recording to resistance in wires.
1. Create a data table like the one below. Give your 13. (a) How does how far a tap is opened affect
data table a title, and use it to record your results. water flow through the tubing?
2. Attach one end of the tubing to the tap. Put the (b) Relate how far a tap is opened to voltage in
other end into the sink as far from the tap as a circuit.
the tubing will reach without bending.
Communication and Teamwork
3. Turn on the water to a medium flow. Record
the time it takes for water to exit the tubing. 14. How did you divide up the tasks in this activity to
ensure that all members of your group were
4. Pinch the end of the tubing, and turn off the included and contributed equally? Would you
water. Keep the end pinched. organize things differently if you were to perform
5. Simultaneously, turn on the water to a medium the activity again?
flow and release the end of the tubing. Record 15. How accurately do you think this activity
the time it takes for water to exit the tubing modelled interactions among voltage, current,
into the sink. and resistance? What modifications would make
6. While the water is running, pinch the end of the the activity more accurate?
tubing slightly. Observe what happens to the flow.

Time to Exit Time to Exit Time to Fill Beaker Time to Fill Beaker Time to Fill Beaker
Empty Tube (s) Pinched Tube (s) with Pinched Tube (s) with Open Tube (s) with Water on Full (s)

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C13 Inquire on Your Own Toolkits 1, 11 ■ Using appropriate equipment
and tools
■ Designing an experimental
Investigating Conductivity
Question 3. Put 50 mL of distilled water into a 250-mL beaker.
How do the conductivity of different solutions compare? 4. Place the metal tips of the conductivity tester
in the distilled water (Figure 7.19). Record the
conductivity reading of the distilled water in your
table. If your conductivity tester is a light bulb,
describe the brightness of the bulb.
Materials & Equipment
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with 50-mL samples of
• distilled water • copper(II)
tap water, salt water, vinegar, copper(II) sulphate
• 250-mL beaker sulphate
solution solution, and any other solutions your teacher
• conductivity tester provides for you to use. After each conductivity
• other solutions
• tap water measurement, empty the beaker as directed by
provided by your
• salt water teacher your teacher and rinse it with distilled water. Also,
• vinegar wipe off the tips of the conductivity tester. Make
• paper towels
sure that you insert the tips to the same depth
in each solution.

6. Clean up your work area. Make sure to follow

your teacher’s directions for safe disposal of
materials. Wash your hands thoroughly.

Part 2
7. Plan an investigation to compare the conductivity
of other solutions. Have your teacher approve
your plan, and then conduct your investigation.

8. How did you determine whether there were

differences in conductivity between the solutions
you tested?

9. Rank the substances in order of high conductivity

to low conductivity.
Figure 7.19 Conductivity tester
10. How did your results compare with your predictions?
Design and Conduct Your Investigation 11. Make a hypothesis about why there were differences
Part 1 in conductivity between the solutions.

1. Design a data table to record your predictions 12. Write a summary of your results that answers the
and your conductivity readings of the solutions question “How does the conductivity of different
you will test. Give your table a title. solutions compare?” Present your findings in the
format of your choice.
2. Predict which solutions will be the best conductors
and which will be the poorest conductors.
Record your predictions and the characteristics
on which you are basing your predictions.

Chapter 7 Current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a closed circuit. 247
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7.2 Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• A circuit diagram is a model

of an electric circuit.

• An ammeter is hooked up in
series to measure current.
A voltmeter is hooked up in
parallel to measure voltage.

• In a series circuit, the current

is constant and the voltages
across resistors add up to the
total voltage supplied by the
energy source.

• In a parallel circuit, the voltages

across loads are constant and
the currents on each path add
up to the total current leaving
the energy source. Figure 7.20 These toy robot dogs are controlled by electric circuits.

Designing Circuits
Computers and devices such as toy robots (Figure 7.20) have
complex circuits. Other electrical devices, such as flashlights or
hair dryers, have much simpler circuits, often designed in a loop.
If you take a flashlight apart, you will probably find a light bulb,
some wire, some batteries, and a plastic casing to hold and protect
the electrical parts. Flashlights are easy to build with readily
available materials and can be assembled efficiently.
However, a simple loop is not always the best design when there
are many different components in the circuit. Designers make sure
that one component does not depend on another. For example, it
would be very frustrating if the toy robot or your computer stopped
working completely just because one of its LED indicators went out.
These devices have many electrical paths so that if one component
stops working, the rest of the device will continue to function.

Tiny Circuits
Conventional switches and other electrical components are
practical and convenient for simple electrical devices. However,
for the tiny circuits in advanced electronic devices such as
computers, transistors must be used instead.

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A transistor is a tiny device that acts as a switch or

amplifier in a circuit. Transistors are often referred to as
solid-state components because they are made of solid
material with no moving parts. Most transistors are
constructed with three layers of specially treated silicon.
These layers are arranged so that a small amount of voltage
through the middle layer controls a current between the
outer layers. In this way, transistors can act as switches.
Microcircuits (also called integrated circuits) are
made up of microscopic transistors and other electrical
devices. A microcircuit is simply a circuit on an
extremely small scale. Microcircuits, or microchips,
regularly contain more than a million components Figure 7.21 A microcircuit is usually called a “chip”
or a “microchip.”
per square centimetre (Figure 7.21).

C14 Quick Science

Keep the Lights On
Current exists when a circuit is complete. If there 2. Circuit B: Connect all three bulbs so that you
is a break in a circuit, due to a burned-out bulb, for can remove one bulb without disconnecting the
example, the current cannot continue. In this activity, wires and still have the other bulbs stay on.
you will investigate how to keep electric charge Make a labelled drawing of your set-up.
flowing through a circuit even though one bulb
may be burned out or missing. Questions
3. (a) What would happen to the other two bulbs
Purpose if you removed one bulb in Circuit A?
To compare the flow of electric charge in different (b) Why would this happen?
types of circuits
4. Why did the other two bulbs stay lit when you
removed one bulb in Circuit B?

5. Draw a circuit that would allow you to remove

Materials & Equipment two bulbs and yet have the third bulb stay lit.
Have your teacher approve your drawing. If time
• D dry cell
allows, test your ideas by building the circuit.
• five insulated copper wires with both ends bare
• three 2.0-V flashlight bulbs Pose New Questions
6. Compare your results with your classmates.
CAUTION: Open the circuit if the wires get hot.
Write a testable question that you would like
to answer based on the results.

1. Circuit A: Using any of the materials, determine
how to connect three bulbs in a row so they all
light up. Make a labelled diagram of your set-up.

7.2 Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits 249

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A circuit is a pathway that electric current follows. It must be in
a complete loop in order for it to work properly. Circuits can be
very complicated, but contain the same basic parts. There is a
wire to allow the energy to flow, a load to convert the energy, for
example, to heat or light, and an energy source (Figure 7.22(a)
and (b)). It may also have a switch to open or close the circuit.

infoBIT Circuit Diagrams

Drawing Circuit Diagrams A circuit diagram is a model used by engineers and designers in
Always use a ruler to draw order to design and analyze an electrical circuit (Figure 7.22(c)).
straight lines for the conducting They use special symbols that show the components and electrical
wires and make right-angle connections in a circuit. A circuit diagram is not necessarily drawn
corners so that your finished to scale. Circuits can be tiny, such as in microcircuits, or as large
diagram is a rectangle. as your home, such as the circuit that connects a light switch,
an overhead lamp, and your home’s electrical panel.
load You can use the symbols in Table 7.1 to draw and interpret
circuit diagrams (Figure 7.23). Knowing the basic circuit symbols
can help you analyze existing circuits and make it easier to
understand where the current flows and how a device functions.
conducting wire
Table 7.1 Some Common Circuit Symbols
Symbol Component Function
wire conductor; allows electric
charge to flow
electrical source cell, battery electrical energy source;
Figure 7.23 The four basic parts of longer side represents the
a circuit positive terminal, shorter
side represents the
negative terminal
lamp (light bulb) specific load; converts
electrical energy to light
and heat energy
resistor general load; converts
electrical energy to
heat energy
switch opens and closes the circuit

ammeter measures current through a

device, connected in series
with the device
voltmeter measures voltage across a
device, connected in parallel
with the device

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Series Circuits
A series circuit is an electric circuit in which the components
are arranged one after another in series (Figure 7.24). A series
circuit has only one path along which electrons can flow. If that
pathway is interrupted, the whole circuit cannot function.
The amount of current is the same in all parts of a series
circuit. However, if you add more resistors, you increase the total
resistance of the circuit. This decreases the current if the voltage
remains the same. Adding an extra bulb to a series string of lights
makes all the bulbs dimmer.
Electrons use up all their energy going around a series circuit
no matter how many loads are in the circuit. Each load will use
Figure 7.24 A series circuit has only
part of the total voltage, depending on how much it resists the one path along which current can flow.
flow of electrons.

Parallel Circuits
A simple parallel circuit is an electric circuit in which devices
are arranged in parallel paths (Figure 7.25), although each electric junction point
charge only follows one path.The points where a circuit divides
into different paths or where paths combine are called junction
points. An interruption or break in one pathway does not affect
the other pathways in the circuit. Similarly, adding a new pathway
with more resistors does not affect the resistance in any of the
other pathways. In fact, adding extra resistors in parallel decreases
the total resistance of the circuit. This might seem strange, but
think about how much less resistance there is when you drink Figure 7.25 In a simple parallel circuit,
through two straws instead of one. each component has a parallel path
for current.
Most electrons will follow the path with the smallest resistance.
Therefore, the amount of current is greater on the paths with the
3.0 A
smaller resistances (Figure 7.26).
Each electric charge has the same amount of energy, and
2.0 A
electrons must expend all their energy on the path they are on.
This is why the voltage across parallel resistors will always be the
same, even though the resistors themselves are of different values. 1.0 A

Table 7.2 on the next page summarizes the characteristics of

current and voltage in series and parallel circuits.
6.0 A

Figure 7.26 Loads of different

resistance that are connected in
parallel have different currents.

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Table 7.2 Voltage, Current, and Resistance in Series and Parallel Circuits
Circuit Voltage Current Resistance
Series circuit Each load uses a portion of The current is the same The current decreases when
the total energy supplied by throughout a series circuit. more resistors are added if
the battery. the energy remains the same.
Parallel circuit Each load uses all the The current divides into Adding resistors in parallel
energy supplied by the different paths. A pathway decreases the total resistance
battery. with less resistance will of the circuit if the energy
have a greater current. remains the same.

Two Types of Circuits

What happens when one light bulb burns out in a long string of
decorative lights? If the set of lights is wired in series, the current
must flow through one light before it gets to another light. When
Suggested Activities • one light burns out, all lights go out. The current cannot flow
C15 Problem-Solving Activity on page 254 past a burned-out bulb because the pathway is interrupted.
C16 Skill Builder on page 255
C17 Inquiry Activity on page 256 If the set of lights is wired in parallel, the current takes several
C18 Inquiry Activity on page 257 different paths. If a light on one path goes out, current does not flow
on that path. However, there are other paths where the current does
flow and lights on those paths remain lit. Series circuits and parallel
circuits make up the circuits in your home and school. Some circuits
are combinations of series circuits and parallel circuits (Figure 7.27).
These combinations help prevent problems such as the refrigerator
turning off because a light bulb burned out in a bedroom. It is an
important safety feature in a combination circuit to have some
Figure 7.27 A combination circuit.
The switch in this circuit can turn
switches wired in series, because it is sometimes necessary to
all the bulbs on or off. turn off the electrical energy in part or all of a home (Figure 7.28).

During Reading
Taking Notes
A simple strategy for taking
notes is to create a two-column
table. List important ideas,
concepts, and terms in the
left-hand column. Then,
write the key information or
definitions related to those
ideas, concepts, and terms
in the right-hand column.
A two-column table is a
Figure 7.28 A typical home has many parallel circuits.
good study tool.

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1. In your own words, define the term circuit. 7. Calculate the voltage across the source in
each of these circuits.
2. Draw the circuit symbol for
(a) a light bulb
(b) an ammeter
(c) a voltmeter

3. Draw a circuit diagram for a circuit that 2.0 V 4.0 V 6.0 V

includes a resistor, a switch, conducting

wires, and a battery. (b)

4. (a) Draw a circuit diagram of the circuit

shown here. 12 V 12 V 12 V

Question 7

(c) (b)
+ (a)
8. You have three light bulbs, each with a
(d) –
different resistor. The amount of current
through a bulb will affect how much light
it emits.
(a) Will the order in which you hook up the
Question 4 light bulbs in series affect the intensity
of light that each emits? Explain.
(b) Is this a series circuit or a parallel (b) What happens when you hook up the
circuit? bulbs in parallel?
(c) How do you know?
9. Draw a circuit diagram that shows
5. Suppose two pathways in a simple parallel (a) three resistors in series
circuit have different resistances. Will the
(b) three resistors in parallel
current in each pathway be the same?
Explain. (c) one resistor in series and two resistors
in parallel
6. What images or memory aids help you
remember the differences between series
and parallel circuits?

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DI Key Activity

C15 Problem-Solving Activity Toolkits 3, 6 ■

Designing, building, and testing
Explaining solutions

Off and On
Suppose that all the lights in your home were Performing and Recording
connected in one simple circuit. When you closed a
1. Circuit A: Design and draw a circuit diagram
switch, every light would come on. When you opened
where the three bulbs can be either all on or
the switch, every light would turn off. This arrangement
all off.
would not be very practical for most uses. Instead,
lights can be connected in a circuit in such a way 2. Circuit B: Design and draw a circuit diagram
that some can be turned on while others are turned where each of the three bulbs in the circuit
off (Figure 7.29). In this activity, you will investigate can be turned off and on individually.
how to create such a circuit. 3. Circuit C: Design and draw a circuit diagram where
two bulbs can be turned off while one stays on.
Initiating and Planning
4. Have your teacher approve your three circuit
How can a circuit have lights turned on and off diagrams. Then, hook up the circuits and
individually? test whether they work.
5. Clean up your work area.

Analyzing and Evaluating

Materials & Equipment
6. For each circuit, describe whether the lights were
• three or more flashlight bulbs with holders hooked up in series, in parallel, or in a combination.
• connecting wires
7. Was the brightness of the lights affected by
• three D dry cells in holders
changing how the bulbs were hooked up? Explain.
• switches for each light
CAUTION: Open the circuit if the wires get hot. 8. Describe where you would find examples of a
series circuit and a parallel circuit.

Figure 7.29 Circuits are carefully designed so that different electrical devices can be operated independently.

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C16 Skill Builder

Using Equipment Accurately and Safely
Part 1 — Measuring Current 6. To find the voltage across an electrical source,
connect the meter by attaching the red lead to
Measuring current involves measuring the amount of
the positive terminal and the black lead to the
electric charge passing a given point in a given time.
negative terminal. This allows you to take a reading
The current passes through the ammeter where it
on both sides of the source. The meter indicates
is measured. The ammeter is hooked in series into
the difference in voltage between the two points.
the circuit, then the circuit is reconnected and the
measurement is taken. Follow these steps to hook 7. To find the voltage across a resistor or load in a
up the ammeter. circuit, connect a lead to each side of the resistor
or load. Connect the black lead closest to the
1. Connect a battery and three resistors in series
negative side of the source and the red lead
using a resistor board. Open the circuit.
closest to the positive side of the source. This
2. Hook your ammeter in series next to the positive method of connection is called connecting in
side of the battery. Be sure to connect the positive parallel. By measuring voltage across the resistor
(red) terminal of the ammeter to the positive (⫹) or load, you are measuring the voltage drop as
terminal of the battery. Connect the negative (black) the current moves through the resistor or load.
terminal of the ammeter to the negative (⫺)
8. Use the voltmeter to test and report on the voltage
terminal of the battery (Figure 7.30). Record
of a variety of cells and batteries. (Note that
the reading.
1.5-V batteries almost never actually read 1.5 V.)
3. Open the circuit and move the ammeter to Compare your readings with the voltage numbers
immediately beyond the first resistor. Repeat that are written on their labels. If a multimeter is
step 2. available, use it to repeat your measurements
4. Repeat step 3 for each resistor. and then compare the results.

9. Connect two or three dry cells in series. Do this

by placing them end to end with the positive end
of one dry cell touching the negative end of the
other dry cell. Predict the voltage reading, and
then use the voltmeter to check your prediction.

Figure 7.30 Connecting the ammeter in series

CAUTION: Open the circuit if the wires get hot.

Part 2 — Measuring Voltage

5. To insert a voltmeter in a circuit, connect the
two wires from the terminals of the voltmeter to
opposite sides of the component for which you Figure 7.31 A voltmeter connected across a resistor
want to measure the voltage (Figure 7.31).

Chapter 7 Current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a closed circuit. 255
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C17 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 11 ■

Observing and measuring
Recording and organizing data

Series Circuit Analysis

Initiating and Planning 3. Record the voltage across each resistor and the
power supply.
What are the properties of a series circuit?
4. Open the switch, and move the ammeter to a
position between the first two resistors. Close the
switch, and record the current leaving resistor 1.
Materials & Equipment 5. Open the switch, and move the ammeter to a
• 6.0-V battery • switch position between the second and third resistors.
• three 100-Ω resistors • resistor board Close the switch, and record the current leaving
• connecting wires • multimeter (or voltmeter resistor 2.
and ammeter) 6. Open the switch, and move the ammeter to a
position between the third resistor and the
CAUTION: Open the circuit if the wires and resistors get hot. source. Close the switch, and record the
current leaving resistor 3.

Performing and Recording Part 2 — Changing Resistance

Part 1 — Measuring Voltage and Current 7. Open the switch, and remove one resistor. Close
the switch. Measure and record the current.
1. Create a data table like the one below. Give your
table a title. 8. Measure and record the voltage across the power
supply and across each of the two resistors.
Power Resistor Resistor Resistor
Supply 1 2 3 Analyzing and Interpreting
Part 1: 9. State what you noticed in Part 1 about
(a) the current leaving the resistors in all cases
(b) the sum of all voltages across the resistors
Part 2:
Current 10. State what happened in Part 2 to
Voltage (a) the current
(b) the voltages across each resistor
2. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 7.32. Keep
(c) the sum of the voltages across the resistors
the switch open until your teacher approves your
circuit. Then, close the switch and record the 11. What is the effect of adding an identical load in
current coming out of the power supply. series in a circuit?

12. Did the voltages across any resistors equal the

total voltage provided by the source? Explain.

6.0 V Communication and Teamwork

13. Summarize the properties of a series circuit.

resistor 1 resistor 2 resistor 3

Figure 7.32 Step 2 Construct this circuit.

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C18 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 11 ■ Using appropriate equipment
and tools
■ Recording and organizing data

Parallel Circuit Analysis

Initiating and Planning 3. Record the voltage across each resistor and the
power supply.
What are the properties of a parallel circuit?
4. Open the switch, and move the ammeter to a
position between the first two resistors. Close the
switch, and record the current leaving resistor 1.
Materials & Equipment 5. Open the switch, and move the ammeter to a
• 6.0-V dry cell • switch position between the second and third resistors.
• three 100-Ω resistors • resistor board Close the switch, and record the current leaving
• connecting wires • multimeter (or voltmeter resistor 2.
and ammeter) 6. Open the switch, and move the ammeter to a
position between the third resistor and the
source. Close the switch, and record the
CAUTION: Open the circuit if the wires and resistors get hot.
current leaving resistor 3.

Performing and Recording Part 2 — Changing Resistance

7. Open the switch, and remove one resistor. Close
Part 1 — Measuring Voltage and Current
the switch. Measure and record the current.
1. Create a data table similar to the one below.
8. Measure and record the voltage across the power
Give your table a title.
supply and across each of the two resistors.
Power Resistor Resistor Resistor
Supply 1 2 3 Analyzing and Interpreting
Part 1: 9. State what you noticed in Part 1 about
Current (a) the current leaving the resistors in all cases
Voltage (b) the sum of all voltages across the resistors
Part 2:
Current 10. State what happened in Part 2 to

Voltage (a) the current

(b) the voltages across each resistor
2. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 7.33. Keep (c) the sum of the voltages across the resistors
the switch open until your teacher approves your
11. What is the effect of adding an identical load in
circuit. Then, close the switch and record the
parallel in a circuit?
current coming out of the power supply.
12. Did the voltages across any resistors equal the
A total voltage provided by the source? Explain.

Communication and Teamwork

resistor 1

resistor 2

resistor 3

6.0 V V 13. Summarize the properties of a parallel circuit.

Figure 7.33 Step 2 Construct this circuit.

Chapter 7 Current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a closed circuit. 257
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7.3 Ohm’s Law

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• Ohm’s law, V ⫽ IR, describes

the relationship between
voltage, current, and resistance.

• In a short circuit, the current

does not take the intended
path back to its source.

• Fuses and circuit breakers are

safety devices.

Figure 7.34 Voltage, current, and resistance have the same relationship in microcircuits in a
computer circuit board like this one as they do in the wiring in homes and offices.

A Fascination with Electricity

The circuit boards in computers work because of the relationships
between voltage, current, and resistance (Figure 7.34). These
relationships have been understood for about 200 years because
of the work of Georg Ohm.
Figure 7.35 Georg Ohm (1789–1854)
Georg Simon Ohm (Figure 7.35) grew up in Germany in the
early 1800s. In high school, he studied physics, chemistry, math,
During Reading
and philosophy. He spent most of his free time playing billiards,
Images Support ice skating, and dancing with his friends. No one imagined that
one day he would be a famous name in science.
As you read the text, be aware After graduation, Ohm went to a private school in Switzerland
of how the photos, diagrams,
to teach. Here he taught mathematics and dreamed of studying
or other illustrations support
your understanding of new
with great mathematicians at an important university.
vocabulary. What term or Ohm continued to study mathematics. One day, he was asked
concept is illustrated by the to instruct in the electricity labs. This was a turning point in
image? How does the image Georg Ohm’s life. Fascinated by electricity, he immersed himself in
make the concept easier to the study of the characteristics of voltage, current, and resistance.
understand? If you get stuck
on unfamiliar terminology,
check the images as one way
to improve your understanding.

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Ohm’s passion and commitment to his studies led to a deep

understanding of how these different electrical concepts were
Use “I” for Current
related. Much of what he discovered you have already learned
The symbol “I ” is used for
in this unit. He stated these discoveries in what is today called current because it stands
Ohm’s law. for “intensity.”
Ohm’s law established the relationships between voltage (V),
current (I), and resistance (R). The symbol for resistance is called
the ohm (Ω) in honour of Georg Ohm’s work in this field.

C19 Quick Science

Voltage, Current, and Resistance
Using the equipment available in your science class, 2. Connect one resistor into a simple circuit. If you
you can investigate the same relationships between are using a voltmeter and ammeter, connect
voltage, current, and resistance that Georg Ohm these devices as well. Keep your circuit open
did over 200 years ago. until your teacher has approved your set-up.

3. Close your circuit.

To measure how voltage, current, and resistance 4. Measure and record the voltage across the resistor.
are related 5. Measure and record the current through the

6. Record the resistance of the resistor you used.

Materials & Equipment 7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for different resistors.

• 1.5-V dry cell Questions

• resistors, any values from 15 Ω to 50 Ω 8. Multiply the resistance by the current for each
• connecting wires of the trials you completed. What can you infer
• switch from your answers?
• resistor board
• multimeter or voltmeter and ammeter
Pose New Questions
9. If you were going to rewrite this activity, what
would you do differently to try and produce
Procedure different results?
1. Create a table like the following to record your
data. Give your table a title.

Resistance Current Voltage Resistance ⴛ

Trial (Ω) (A) (V) Current

7.3 Ohm’s Law 259

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Voltage, Current, and Resistance

Georg Ohm described how voltage and current are affected when
V V R one of the values is changed. He determined that the voltage (V) in
a circuit is equal to the current (I) multiplied by the resistance (R).
V = IR Ohm’s law states that, as long as temperature stays the same,
V ⫽ IR (Figure 7.36). In other words,
Figure 7.36 Ohm’s law states that
voltage (V) equals current (I) times • the resistance of a conductor remains constant
resistance (R).
• the current is directly proportional to the voltage
Table 7.3 and the following examples show how to use Ohm’s
Law to calculate unknown quantities.

Suggested Activities • Table 7.3 Ohm’s Law

C20 Science, Technology, Society, and
Known Unknown
the Environment on page 264
Quantity Symbol Quantity Symbol Unit Equation
C21 Inquiry Activity on page 265
Current, IR voltage V V V ⫽ IR
Voltage, VR current I A V
resistance R
Voltage, VI resistance R Ω V
current I

Example Problem 7.1

Practice Problem
1. A current of 1.5 A flows A current of 4.0 A flows through a 40-Ω resistor in a circuit.
through a 30-Ω resistor Calculate the voltage.
that is connected across Given
a battery. Calculate the Current I ⫽ 4.0 A
battery’s voltage. Resistance R ⫽ 40 Ω

Voltage V ⫽ x

Analysis and Solution

The correct equation is V ⫽ IR.
Substitute the values and their units, and solve the problem.
V ⫽ IR
⫽ (4.0 A)(40 Ω)
⫽ 160 V

The voltage in the circuit is 160 V.

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Example Problem 7.2

Practice Problem
A 30-V battery generates a current through a 15-Ω resistor. 1. A firetruck has a
How much current does the battery generate? searchlight with a
resistance of 60 Ω that
is placed across a 24-V
Voltage V ⫽ 30 V
battery. Calculate the
Resistance R ⫽ 15 Ω
current in this circuit.
Current I ⫽ x

Analysis and Solution

The correct equation is I ⫽ .
Substitute the values and their units, and then solve the problem.
30 V
⫽ ⫽2A
15 Ω
A current of 2 A is generated.

Example Problem 7.3

Practice Problem
An electric stove is connected to a 240-V outlet. If the current 1. A current of 0.75 passes
flowing through the stove is 20 A, what is the resistance of through a flashlight bulb
the heating element? that is connected to a
3.0-V battery. Calculate
the bulb’s resistance.
Voltage V ⫽ 240 V
Current I ⫽ 20 A

Resistance R ⫽ x

Analysis and Solution

The correct equation is R ⫽ .
Substitute the values and their units, and then solve the problem.
240 V
⫽ ⫽ 12 Ω
20 A
The resistance of the heating element is 12 Ω.

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short circuit Short Circuits

Sometimes, a wire’s insulation breaks down or another problem
develops that allows electrons to flow through a device along
a different path than the one intended. The device develops a
short circuit. A short circuit is an accidental low-resistance
Figure 7.37 Current can flow more easily
through the wire path than through the
connection between two points in a circuit, often causing
light bulb. This creates a short circuit, excess current flow (Figure 7.37). Not only do short circuits
which could be dangerous. mean that your electrical device will not work, they can also
be dangerous. The conducting wires can quickly become hot
from the excess current flow and can start a fire.
One danger from short circuits occurs when a transmission
line has been knocked down in a storm or accident. Without
a complete path, the electrical energy cannot flow. However,
if you come in contact with the wire, the electrical energy will
take a path through your body to the ground and seriously
injure or kill you. The driver shown in Figure 7.38 is safe
as long as he stays inside the truck.
There are times when a technician must short out part
of a circuit intentionally by connecting a wire across a load
in parallel. The low-resistance wire causes the current to
flow through it rather than through the higher resistance
device. This allows the technician to work on the device
Figure 7.38 The driver should stay without interrupting the rest of the circuit.
in the truck and wait for help.

Electrical Safety
All electrical appliances present a risk of
electric shock. Always handle electrical
appliances properly and observe all safety
precautions. Be careful to disconnect the
plug before handling an appliance. Some
electronic devices, such as computers,
retain electric charge even when they are
unplugged (Figure 7.39). This is why
many electrical devices have a “Do Not
Open” warning printed on them. Take
the warning seriously, and do not attempt
Figure 7.39 Some electronic devices, such as this computer, to repair the device yourself. Instead,
store electrical energy even when the device is not plugged in. contact a repair technician.

262 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Fuses and Circuit Breakers

In electric circuits in your home, fuses and circuit
breakers act as a first line of defence if something goes
wrong. A fuse is a safety device in an electric circuit
that has a metallic conductor with a low melting point
compared to the circuit’s wires (Figure 7.40). If the
current gets too high, the metal in the fuse melts, and
the current stops. This prevents further problems, such Figure 7.40 Examples of fuses. A normal current can
pass through a fuse, but a higher than normal current
as damage to your electrical components or a possible or short circuit will melt the metal in the fuse, breaking
fire. A blown fuse must be physically replaced the circuit.
as it can work only once. This symbol
represents a fuse in a circuit diagram.
A circuit breaker does the same job as a
fuse except that the wire inside does not melt.
Instead, the wire heats up and bends, which
triggers a spring mechanism that turns off
the flow of electrical energy. Once the breaker
has cooled, it can be reset. Older homes
and apartment buildings tend to have fuse
panels, whereas modern buildings have
breaker panels (Figure 7.41).

Three-Prong Plug
Another safety feature is the three-prong
electrical plug, shown in Figure 7.42. The
third prong of a three-prong electrical plug
connects the device to the ground wire of the
building. The ground wire provides a direct
path for any unwanted current to the ground.
Instead of electrical energy travelling to the
metal body of the device and shocking a
person using it, the current is directed to
the ground. The three-prong plug is now
standard for most countries. In North America
and much of South America, it is used for
electrical devices of 15 amperes at 125 volts. Figure 7.41 Circuit breakers help prevent electric overloads.

Figure 7.42 One prong in a

three-prong plug carries the
current to the load, another
prong returns the current to
the source, and the third prong
directs the current to the ground
in the case of a short circuit.

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Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

Some appliances and devices have an added safety feature.
A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) or residual current
device is a device that detects a change in current and opens the
circuit, stopping the current (Figure 7.43). For example, if an
appliance gets wet while you are handling it and some current
starts to flow through the water, the GFCI opens the circuit so
Figure 7.43 Ground fault circuit
there is less chance of injury to you. Remember, it is extremely
interrupters are part of some
electric outlets. dangerous to use any electrical device around water.


1. (a) How is current related to voltage in 5. What is the resistance in the circuit
a circuit? shown here?
(b) How is current related to resistance
3.0 A
in a circuit?
2. What does Ohm’s law state?
6.0 V
3. Copy this table into your notebook, and
calculate the missing values of the circuit.
Question 5
Voltage, Current, and Resistance
V I R 6. What is each of these meters called and
0.5 V 50 Ω what does it measure?
20 A 100 Ω
6.0 V 4.0 A

4. A 12-Ω bulb is in a series circuit powered

by a 6.0-V battery.
(a) Calculate the current in the circuit.
(b) If you changed the 12-Ω bulb to a (a) (b)
24-Ω bulb, what current would be Question 6
drawn from the battery?

C20 Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment

Electrical Safety
Imagine you have just been hired by SaskPower 2. Create an electrical safety poster or brochure
to help create awareness of electrical safety for that can be shared with a kindergarten class.
kindergarten students. Be sure to choose electrical safety points that are
relevant to young children and to communicate
1. Research electrical safety concerns and,
these points in an engaging way.
as a class, create a Home Electrical Safety
Checklist for home safety.

264 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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C21 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 11 ■

Analyzing patterns
Drawing conclusions

Investigating Ohm’s Law

Initiating and Planning 3. Have your teacher approve your circuit, and then
close the switch. Measure and record current
How are voltage, current, and resistance related?
and voltage. Open the switch.

4. Replace resistor 1 with resistor 2. Repeat step 3.

Materials & Equipment 5. Connect a second 1.5-V dry cell in series with
the first cell in the circuit. Repeat steps 3 and 4,
• four 1.5-V dry cells • two different resistors measuring current and voltage for each resistor.
• connecting wires between 100 Ω and
300 Ω 6. Connect a third 1.5-V dry cell into the circuit.
• voltmeter, ammeter
• resistor board Repeat steps 3 and 4.
• switch
7. Connect a fourth 1.5-V dry cell. Repeat steps 3
and 4.
CAUTION: Disconnect the circuit if the wires or resistors
get hot. Have your teacher check the circuit before you 8. Calculate your measured resistance for each
close the switch or connect the power source. V
resistor using R ⫽ .
Performing and Recording Analyzing and Interpreting
1. Set up a data table like the one below. Fill in the 9. (a) How did your calculated values for resistors
resistor value for the two resistors you will be compare with their actual values?
using. Examples below are 100 Ω and 200 Ω.
(b) Explain possible reasons for any difference
Give your table a title.
between the two values.
Resistor Voltage Current Calculated 10. Compare your data for all resistor 1 trials. When
(Ω) (V) (A) Resistance
voltage is increased across a resistor, what
1. 100 happens to the current?
1.5 V
2. 200
11. Compare your data for all resistor 2 trials. When
1. 100 voltage is increased across the resistor, what
3.0 V
2. 200 happens to the current?
1. 100
4.5 V 12. What would happen to the current values if you
2. 200 used a resistor with double the value of resistor 2?
1. 100
6.0 V Communication and Teamwork
2. 200
13. By graphing your results, describe the relationship
2. Construct the following circuit using resistor 1 between voltage, current, and resistance. Share
and one 1.5-V dry cell (Figure 7.44). your graph with the rest of the class.

14. Explain how your group was able to work together

safely to achieve your results.
Figure 7.44 The second
cell, ammeter, and
voltmeter shown in this
circuit diagram will be
V added in step 5.

Chapter 7 Current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a closed circuit. 265
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Home Quit

Key Concept Review 9. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of
primary and secondary cells.
1. Is the circuit below a series circuit or a
parallel circuit? Explain why. 10. Assume that each resistor in a circuit is of
a different value. What type of circuit does
3.0 A
each of the following statements describe:
series or parallel?
4.0 V
(a) The voltage is the same across every
9.0 V (b) The voltage varies across each resistor.
A1 (c) The current varies through each
Question 1
(d) The current remains constant
2. Draw a circuit diagram of a circuit that throughout the whole circuit.
includes a battery, an ammeter, and a light
bulb with a voltmeter, all properly Connect Your Understanding
connected together.
11. Explain the reasons for each of these
3. How is a parallel circuit different from a safety rules.
series circuit? (a) Do not poke a knife into a plugged-in
4. Are circuits in a home connected in series, toaster to clear out bread crumbs.
in parallel, or in combinations? Explain (b) Avoid using an extension cord that is
your answer, using examples of actual thinner than the cord you are attaching
rooms in your home. to it.

5. What is the difference between an open (c) When disconnecting an appliance, pull
circuit, a closed circuit, and a short circuit? the plug, not the cord.
(d) Do not plug many electrical cords into
6. A current of 1.5 A flows through a 30-Ω one outlet.
resistor that is connected across a battery.
(e) Do not use a kite, stick, or pole close to
Calculate the voltage of the battery.
an overhead wire.
7. A 120-V outlet has an appliance that draws (f) Make sure your hands are dry before
10 A connected to it. What is the resistance touching any electrical device, cord,
of the appliance? plug, or socket.
8. Explain, with reference to electron transfer, (g) Never use a frayed electrical cord.
how an electrochemical cell functions.

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12. (a) What is dangerous about the situation Reflection

shown in the picture below?
15. (a) What do you think is the most useful
(b) What should the worker do to be safer? information you learned in Chapter 7?
(c) The drill is plugged into the wall with a Explain why.
three-prong plug. How does the third (b) How might you put your understanding
prong on the plug act as a safety of this information to practical use?

After Reading
Reflect and Evaluate
With a partner, list all the ways that this chapter
supports understanding of unfamiliar terms.
Revisit your personal list of terms and definitions.
Which terms are now more familiar to you? Which
terms might you need to review? What strategies
will best help you to review those terms? Create
two study goals for this chapter based on your
understanding of terms.

Reflection on Essential
Inquiry Questions
What do you understand about the relationships
among voltage, resistance, and currents? SI

How do parallel and series circuits affect how

Question 12 electrical energy is distributed and used
safely? TPS
13. You want to find the value of an unlabelled What are some costs and benefits of different
resistor. You have a voltmeter, an ammeter, types of cells? DM
wires, and a battery. How could you find
the value of the resistor accurately? What knowledge of electricity do First Nations
and Métis peoples have? CP
14. An operational definition is one that explains
a process and includes clear instructions Unit Task
on how to measure and collect data. For
In this chapter, you learned that current electrical
example, the operational definition of the
energy flows in a closed circuit. You also set up
term “weight” would provide instructions on
parallel and series circuits and learned about
how an item would have its weight measured,
the relationships that exist among voltage,
including placing the item on a scale.
current, and resistance. How can you apply
Formulate an operational definition of
your new understanding to the Unit Task
(a) voltage you have chosen?
(b) resistance
(c) current

Chapter 7 Review 267

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We can reduce our electrical energy

8 consumption and use renewable

energy resources to produce
electrical energy.

Outcomes What you will learn:

• The energy consumption and operating costs of various appliances can be
By the end of this chapter, measured and monitored.
you will:
• There are many social, economic, and environmental impacts of producing
• assess operating principles,
costs, and efficiencies of
electrical energy from renewable or non-renewable sources.
devices that produce or • A plan of action is a good start toward reducing your electrical energy
use electrical energy consumption at home.
• critique impacts of past, • Knowledge of electrical energy can help you make intelligent choices and
current, and possible future
understand complicated debates about global energy issues.
methods of small and large
scale electrical energy
production and distribution
in Saskatchewan

Key Terms Wind turbines can share the land with crops or grazing animals. A number of wind turbines are
• biomass • efficiency often connected together in wind farms to produce electrical energy.
• EnerGuide • energy
efficiency rating • energy grid
• Energy Star • fossil fuels Before Writing
• generators • geothermal
energy • hydroelectrical energy Get Your Reader’s Attention
• kilowatt-hour (kW•h)
Good writers want you to be interested in what they have to say. They often
• non-renewable • renewable
• sustainable development use the opening sentence in a paragraph as a hook to get you reading
• thermonuclear further. Survey the first paragraph under each main subheading in
• transformer • turbine Chapter 8, and decide which one best grabs your attention.

268 UNIT C
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Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

Resources for Generating Electrical Energy

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• Electrical energy generators

transform the energy of motion
into an electric current.

• There are both renewable and

non-renewable energy sources
and every source has both
pros and cons.

• We need to move toward

sustainability in our use
of resources.

Figure 8.1 The Craik Eco-Centre is located on the edge of the Arm River Valley, overlooking
Arm Lake and Craik.

Think Locally
The Cowessess First Nation and the Saskatchewan government
are partnering to develop a wind energy project on land southeast
of Regina. The turbines will be able to harness winds 70 m to 90 m
above ground level, more than 15 m higher than other turbines
in the province. The greater height allows the turbines to capture
stronger winds and thus produce more electrical energy. The
project will also use an experimental new battery that stores
electrical energy from the turbine efficiently.
The Craik Eco-Centre is another example of a renewable
energy project (Figure 8.1). A renewable resource is one that can
be reused or replaced, for example, energy from the Sun and wind.
A non-renewable resource is one that cannot be replaced once it
is used up. Examples include coal and oil. The Craik Eco-Centre
was designed to use as little energy as possible. The energy that
is needed is provided by renewable energy resources.

8.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources for Generating Electrical Energy 269
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Local Solutions to Generating Electrical Energy

When you turn on the light in your bedroom, you are using
electrical energy that was generated far away from your home.
A large- or smaller-scale hydroelectric dam (Figure 8.2) or a coal-
burning generating plant is probably the source of your electrical
energy. In some areas of Saskatchewan, the source is wind farms
made up of giant wind turbines. To build a hydroelectric dam or
enough wind turbines to generate electrical energy for a large
number of people requires a huge investment in people, money,
Figure 8.2 Small-scale hydroelectric and equipment. Usually, governments and businesses build
generating stations can be a local
source of electrical energy.
these large-scale projects.

C22 Quick Science

Renewable Energy Projects in Your Community
Renewable energy projects can be found in many 4. Imagine that you are interested in developing a
locations throughout Saskatchewan, on public land, renewable project for your community. Present
private land, and land owned by First Nations and your findings to your town council, band council,
Métis communities. Using print and electronic or your class in an effort to convince them of the
resources, you and your classmates will learn potential of your project.
about examples of these projects.
Purpose 5. How many different kinds of renewable methods
To identify and describe the function of renewable for generating electrical energy did you discover?
energy projects in your community and on land
6. Are some methods of generating electrical
owned by First Nations and Métis communities
energy more common than others? Why do you
think this is the case?
Materials & Equipment 7. What do you think is one reason there are not
• information summaries about renewable more renewable energy projects in your
energy projects community?

8. What examples of renewable energy projects

Procedure on First Nations and Métis land did you find?
1. Your teacher will provide summaries of projects
Pose New Questions
using renewable resources for generating
electrical energy in Saskatchewan. 9. What questions about renewable energy
methods do you have, now that you have
2. With a partner or small group, select one
completed this activity?
project to work on.

3. Create a summary of the key features of the

project—type of technology used, reason
for the project, costs, and value to users
and the community.

270 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Ask an Expert

Anthony Sparvier: Engineer in Training,

Boundary Dam Power Station

Anthony Sparvier grew up on the Cowessess Q: Can you give an example?

First Nation and Ochapowace First Nation. He A: The greatest examples I can think of are drawings.
went to the University of Regina to become an We use drawings for the projects we work on. As
electrical engineer and is currently an Engineer you know, these are interpretations of a physical
in Training at the Boundary Dam Power Station system and we have to use our imagination and
near Estevan (Figure 8.3). visualize the actual system. We use many different
Daily, he is responsible for planning, organizing, types of drawings, be it electrical schematics
and researching projects for electrical (circuit [circuit diagrams], one-line diagrams, wiring
breakers, motors, relays, or transformers), diagrams, instrumentation loop diagrams, logic
instrumentation (probes, temperature, pressure diagrams, and safety procedures. We use drawings
or flow), or communication (plant control in combination with the electrical theory we
system) equipment. were taught to plan our projects safely and
efficiently. A lot of the circuits we work on, we
Q: What advice would you give students who are
cannot physically see for safety reasons—they
interested in studying electrical energy?
can only be opened during an outage—but we
A: Use your imagination to visualize what you
have to plan for the project while we are on-line.
are studying.
Q: Where do you see yourself in the future?
Q: How important is imagination in your job?
A: When I think of the future, I would picture myself
A: This is very important in my job. I would say
using my experience and education developing
that I use my imagination every day at work.
or working with newer, cleaner technologies.

Figure 8.3 Boundary Dam Power Station

Ask an Expert 271

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infoBIT Generating Electrical Energy

Turbines Are Tops In 1831, English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday introduced
A turbine converts steam or a way to generate a steady supply of large amounts of electrical
moving water to mechanical energy. He demonstrated that an electric current can be generated
energy using paddles or fins
by moving a conducting wire through a magnetic field, a process
or even buckets. The word
“turbine” comes from the
called electromagnetic induction. Today, we use electromagnetic
Latin turbo, meaning induction to generate electrical energy in generators (Figure 8.4).
spinning top or whirlwind. Most generators do the same job: they transform the energy of
motion (kinetic energy, a type of mechanical energy) into an
electric current. The magnets inside a generator are rotated by a
turbine, which is a machine that usually uses the flow of a fluid,
such as a waterfall or fast-flowing river, to turn a shaft. The
magnets spin coils of copper wire. This pulls electrons away
from their atoms and creates a current in the copper wire.
The electrical energy is delivered to a transmission substation
where a transformer boosts the generator’s voltage for long-
distance transmission. The electrical energy is sent through
transmission lines to reach cities and towns. The web of
interconnections between generating stations, substations, and
users is called an energy grid or a distribution grid (Figure 8.5).
Figure 8.4 The electrical energy Household voltage is typically 120 or 240 volts. For energy to be
we use in our communities may be
useful in a home or business, the extremely high transmission
produced by massive coils of wire
rotating between magnets in huge voltage needs to be stepped down again. Transformers step
generators, like this one at the transmission voltages, which may be in the hundreds of thousands
Boundary Dam Power Station
near Estevan, Saskatchewan. of volts, down to distribution voltages, which may be less than
10 000 volts. Generating electrical energy starts with a spinning
turbine, but where does the energy come from to spin the turbine?

transmission line

transformer electrical wires

transmission line


electrical wires

Figure 8.5 An energy grid transfers electrical energy from generating stations to homes,
businesses, and factories. The whole grid is a complete circuit.

272 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Using Water to Generate Electrical Energy

Most electrical energy generated in Canada is hydroelectrical infoBIT
energy, which means it is generated by harnessing the energy Say Hydro to Water
of flowing water. Some hydroelectric stations use fast-flowing The prefix “hydro-” comes
rivers to turn their turbines. Other hydroelectric stations, such from the Greek word hudor,
as the ones at Niagara Falls, Ontario, use the flow from a which means water.
waterfall to turn their turbines.
Many communities, such as Elbow, Saskatchewan, do not
have a waterfall, so a dam may be built across a river to store
water in a reservoir (Figure 8.6). The water from the reservoir
is directed through a channel called a penstock to a turbine
with ridges around it (Figure 8.7). The water turns the turbine,
which is connected to a generator.

Figure 8.6 The Coteau Creek Hydroelectric Station near Elbow, Saskatchewan

generator During Writing

Show What You Know
water flow As a writer, you want to
Figure 8.7 In a
hydroelectric generating convince a reader that you
penstock station, water flows know your topic. Add details,
through a penstock. As use facts, and present
it flows past the turbine,
evidence to demonstrate
turbine it causes the turbine to
turn. The turning turbine your knowledge.
is connected to the
generator. The generator
converts the mechanical
energy from the turning
motion of the turbine to
electrical energy.

8.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources for Generating Electrical Energy 273
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Using Heat to Generate Electrical Energy

If there are no waterfalls or rivers in your area, what mechanical
energy can be used to turn the turbines? One answer is heat,
or thermal, energy from steam. In many areas, thermoelectric
generating plants use a fuel, such as coal or biomass, to heat
water to create high-pressure steam.

Fossil Fuels
Coal, oil, and natural gas are fossil fuels, which means they were
produced from the organic matter of organisms that lived millions
of years ago. Because of how they were created, fossil fuels are
non-renewable resources. In Figure 8.8, you can see that a fossil
fuel, usually coal, is burned to boil water. The steam is kept
under great pressure in pipes, which allows it to reach higher
temperatures than normal. The high-pressure steam strikes and
pushes the blades on the turbine. Coal is used to fuel the Poplar
River Power Station near Coronach (Figure 8.9).
coal in
combustion cooling tower



exhaust steam
high-pressure steam

turbine generator transformer

Figure 8.9 The Poplar River Power Station
Figure 8.8 A coal-fired generating station near Coronach is coal-fired.

Biomass, a renewable resource, is organic material made up of
plant and animal waste. Examples of biomass include wood shavings,
peat, straw, nut shells, sewage, and oat hulls (Figure 8.10). In a
biomass system, the organic waste decomposes to produce methane
gas. The methane can be burned to boil water to make steam,
and the steam used to turn a turbine. The most common biomass
Figure 8.10 Biomass briquettes are
made of compressed straw, wood
material used today is wood waste from lumber and from pulp
shavings, and oat hulls. and paper industries.

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Nuclear Energy
Electrical energy can also be generated by
thermonuclear generation through heat
energy in nuclear energy stations. In a
nuclear reactor, atoms of a heavy element,
usually uranium, are split in a chain
reaction. This splitting, called nuclear
fission, releases an enormous amount of
energy. The nuclear fission of just 1 kg of
uranium is equivalent to burning about
50 000 kg of coal. The heat energy released
by the fission process is used to heat
water to produce steam to turn a turbine. Figure 8.11 McArthur River is
one of Saskatchewan’s uranium
Nuclear energy is generally considered a renewable resource. mining operations.
However, the uranium ore necessary to produce fission is not
renewable; once it is used up, it cannot be replaced.
Saskatchewan is currently the world’s largest uranium- reSearch
producing region, accounting for about 30 percent of annual The CANDU reactor is a
world uranium production. There are several uranium mining Canadian-invented pressurized
operations in the province including Eagle Point, McClean Lake, heavy water reactor. Identify
where active CANDU reactors
and McArthur River (Figure 8.11). Saskatchewan does not
are being used around the world.
currently use nuclear energy to produce electrical energy, but
Illustrate how a CANDU reactor
there continues to be research to determine if it makes sense works, and research how
as a future electrical energy source for the province. CANDU reactors are similar and
different from other nuclear
Geothermal Energy reactors. Conduct your research
In some places in the world, water, heated by molten rock in the library or on the Internet.
Share your information in a
in Earth’s core, rises to the surface as hot water and steam.
format of your choice.
This renewable energy source is called geothermal energy.
Geothermal energy sources at or near Earth’s surface are hot
enough to heat homes and other buildings. However, for
generating electrical energy, hotter sources are needed.
High-temperature geothermal sources are
found deep in areas where there is volcanic
activity. Iceland, with its many active
volcanoes and hot springs, uses geothermal
energy to produce 19 percent of its electrical
energy (Figure 8.12). In Canada, geothermal
sources hot enough to be used to drive
turbines for electrical energy generation
are located in British Columbia. Research
is being done to determine how to use
geothermal sources cost effectively. Figure 8.12 This geothermal energy plant is in Thingvellir, Iceland.

8.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources for Generating Electrical Energy 275
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Learning Checkpoint

1. What are the differences between renewable resources and non-renewable

2. What is a turbine and how does it operate?
3. Where in Canada are geothermal sources hot enough to drive turbines found?

Other Energy Sources

There are other energy sources that can be used to generate electrical
energy. As different technologies continue to be developed and
refined, our ability to use these sources economically increases.

Solar Energy
Many people think solar cells are new technology, but the roots
of this invention go back to 1839, when French scientist Edmond
Becquerel soaked two metal plates in a conducting solution.
When Becquerel exposed one of the plates to sunlight, he could
detect a small amount of voltage between the plates. He had
invented the first solar cell. Solar cells are now made using
silicon (Figure 8.13).


A A Protective cover glass

B B Antireflective coating to let light in and trap it
D C Metal contact grid to collect electrons for circuit
D Silicon layer to release electrons
F E Silicon layer to absorb electrons
F Metal contact grid to collect electrons from circuit

Figure 8.13 A solar cell has specially treated layers that create current when exposed to sunlight.

Silicon crystals produce an electric current when struck by

light. Solar modules (several cells connected together) and arrays
(several modules connected together) have many uses, including
heating homes and buildings and powering calculators, livestock
watering systems, road signs, and the International Space Station.
A solar farm includes arrays of mirrors to focus sunlight onto a
Figure 8.14 Solar energy is used to
power this pump that draws water
liquid that is heated and used to turn water into steam to drive
for the cattle. the turbines (Figure 8.14).

276 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Wind Energy
Wind turbines use the renewable energy of moving air to spin their
blades, which are connected to a generator. The amount of energy
a wind turbine generates depends on how fast the wind is blowing,
with approximately 10 km per hour being the minimum for
electrical energy generation. The Centennial Wind Power Facility
near Swift Current is currently Canada’s second-largest wind
facility (Figure 8.15). It can produce enough electrical energy to
serve about 69 000 Saskatchewan homes. More and more, countries
all over the world are harnessing this renewable resource.

Tidal Energy
Figure 8.15 The Centennial Wind
Tidal energy harnesses the renewable energy of tides to generate Power Facility near Swift Current
electrical energy. North America’s only tidal energy generating
station is in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, where the powerful
tides of the Bay of Fundy spin its turbines (Figure 8.16). The
Sources for generating
station provides enough electrical energy for about 4500 homes. electrical energy can be
Tests are under way in Nova Scotia and also in British grouped into two broad
Columbia on a promising new technology called a tidal stream categories. Non-renewable
generator, which works like an underwater windmill. Other energy sources are sources
marine energy sources that are being tested include ocean wave that are limited and cannot
energy and ocean thermal energy. be renewed naturally. Fossil
fuels (natural gas, propane,
coal, and petroleum) are
non-renewable sources,
as is uranium. Once these
materials are used up, they
cannot be replaced. Choose
one renewable and one
non-renewable resource.
Then, using research from
the library or the Internet,
compare the approximate costs
of using each source. As part
Figure 8.16 This tidal energy station in Nova Scotia generates electrical energy by using the of your assessment, list some
energy of the water as it rises and falls in the daily cycle of tides. advantages and disadvantages
of each energy source.

Learning Checkpoint

1. What are three applications of solar cells?

2. How is a renewable energy source different from a non-renewable
energy source?
3. Where is Canada’s tidal energy generating station found? Why was this
location chosen?

8.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources for Generating Electrical Energy 277
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reSearch Electrical Energy Production in Canada

Suggest reasons why the Canada is the world’s largest producer of hydroelectrical energy,
methods of electrical energy
the fifth-largest producer of electrical energy in general, and
generation in Saskatchewan
the second-largest exporter of electrical energy.
differ from the Canadian
average. You could also However, Canadians need to be aware of the environmental
compare the methods of implications of using non-renewable resources. As Figure 8.17
electrical energy generation shows, a large part of our electrical energy is generated using
in Saskatchewan to different non-renewable resources. These resources include coal, uranium
countries. Conduct your (for nuclear energy), oil, and gas. We must decide how to make
research in the library or
a transition to using more renewable resources. We need
on the Internet. Share your
electrical energy, but we also need to generate it wisely.
research in a format of
your choice. All of our energy sources are important to Canada because
they provide us with flexibility and energy security and help us to
become self-sufficient. For example, at one time, Prince Edward
Island was completely dependent on outside sources for electrical
energy because it does not have fossil fuels, hydroelectrical
energy, or nuclear energy. However, the island now produces
18 percent of its electrical energy from wind energy and has
become the first place in North America to offer a guaranteed
price to anyone—even a homeowner—who produces electrical
energy from wind energy.
Across Canada, renewable energy projects for generating
electrical energy are under way or being planned. However, as you
can see in Figure 8.17, this type of electrical energy generation
produced only 0.6 percent of our electrical energy in 2007. It
cannot replace our use of non-renewable energy resources for
now. To reduce our use of non-renewable resources, we have to
find ways to use less electrical energy through technology and by
changing our usage habits (Figure 8.18).

Electrical Energy Generated in Canada in 2007 Electrical Energy Generated in Saskatchewan in 2009

4.0 0.6 5% 1%

60.1 46%



hydro nuclear other

hydro wind other
coal oil and gas
coal gas

Figure 8.17 Methods of electrical energy generation in Canada Figure 8.18 Methods of electrical energy generation in Saskatchewan

278 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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A Sustainable Choice
Choosing the right methods for generating electrical energy means
finding sustainable solutions. Sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. If we do not achieve sustainable energy use, future generations
in Saskatchewan may not be able to support themselves.
A sustainable approach sometimes requires a different way
of using resources. Sustainability may mean no longer using
non-renewable resources because they cannot be maintained
indefinitely. In the past, fossil fuels were used up quickly to earn
money and satisfy consumer demand. Today, we need to reduce
our consumption of resources so that they are available over a
longer period of time. With renewable energy methods, resources
such as solar energy and wind, are available indefinitely.
Figure 8.19 shows the main methods worldwide for generating
electrical energy in 2007. Coal, oil, and gas account for 66.6 percent
of electrical energy production. These three methods are using
non-renewable resources. The other three methods—hydro, nuclear,
and other—account for 33.4 percent of the production. Hydro
and other methods use renewable energy sources.

Electrical Energy Generated Worldwide in 2007 Suggested Activity •

C23 Decision-Making Analysis
2.2 16.0 on page 282

6.6 40.3

Figure 8.19 This graph

shows how the world
15.2 generated electrical
energy in 2007. This
graph could become
hydro nuclear gas very different during
coal oil other your lifetime.

We may never be able to achieve complete sustainability, but the

decisions we make personally and as a society can move us closer to
this goal. An example of a personal decision would be to turn off the
lights in your bedroom or classroom if you are the last person out of
the room. This small action would save on electrical energy use. As
you get older, you may make bigger decisions, such as adding solar Figure 8.20 The people who live in
this house are using solar panels to
panels to a house you live in (Figure 8.20). Decisions like these heat their water. This reduces their
demonstrate you are keeping the goal of sustainability in mind. electrical energy use.

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1. What are four methods of generating 5. Compare the generation of electrical energy
electrical energy that use heat energy? using coal with hydroelectric generation.
2. Explain how a solar cell produces (a) How are the two methods similar?
electrical energy. (b) How are the two methods different?
3. (a) What is the source of most of the 6. Suppose that residents of a remote
electrical energy generated in community in northern Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan? decide to use wood as their primary
(b) What is the source of most of the energy source for heating the boiler of
electrical energy generated in Canada? the community’s electrical generator.
They cut down all the trees nearby and
4. The photos below show the type of solar
stockpile the wood, ready for use.
cells that are installed on the International
Space Station. Why are solar cells used to (a) What are the advantages and
generate electrical energy on spacecraft? disadvantages of their solution for
their energy needs?
(b) What recommendations would you
make to ensure that this community
has a reliable long-term energy supply?

7. (a) What information about electrical

energy generation did you learn in this
section that you did not know before?
(b) What are two questions that you have
about electrical energy generation in

8. Create a chart that categorizes different

energy sources as either renewable or

9. Many people refer to nuclear energy

generation as being renewable. Do you
agree? Explain why.


Question 4 The International Space Station (a) uses 2500 m2

of solar cells (b) to generate its electrical energy.

280 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Careers and Profiles

Kathryn A. Black: Senior Generation

Planning Engineer, SaskPower

As Senior Generation Planning Engineer with Kathryn Black and her team are responsible for
SaskPower, Kathryn Black helps decide what looking at these resources and technologies in
electrical energy technologies are right for terms of their technical feasibility—whether they
Saskatchewan. will ever make sense or will continue to make
Kathryn grew up in Regina and decided to sense to use in Saskatchewan.
take engineering at the University of Regina. She Some of the technologies have lots of potential
had the opportunity for a co-op work term with and others are great ideas, but not likely to go far.
SaskPower. During this work term, she was assigned She needs to use her judgment and engineering
a position at the Poplar River Station near Coronach, skills to review and analyze the technologies. She
one of the largest electrical energy generation also is constantly evaluating how other utilities in
stations in Saskatchewan. The experience inspired Canada generate electrical energy. Recently, she
her to specialize in mechanical engineering so she looked at all the provinces in Canada and plotted
could come back and work there. the amount of wind energy they had on their
In her current position, she is responsible for electrical systems compared with SaskPower.
looking at ways to produce energy in Saskatchewan. As advice to students, she points out that
Her group looks at such technologies as wind, electrical energy is a very interesting business and
solar (Figure 8.21), gas, nuclear, biomass, and SaskPower needs all kinds of skill sets. Kathryn
coal—all types of ways to generate energy. Black says, “Keeping up good grades in school
means that your choices will never be limited.
Remember, it takes a lot of people with all different
skills to keep the lights on in Saskatchewan.”

Figure 8.21 A solar farm

Careers and Profiles 281

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C23 Decision-Making Analysis Toolkits 4, 5 

Gathering information
Stating a conclusion

Nuclear Energy in Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan is examining the option of using OR
nuclear energy from CANDU reactors as an electrical Take the role of a stakeholder. Argue for or against
energy source. The proposals for the development the development of nuclear energy from your chosen
of nuclear energy have been considered in the past. stakeholder’s perspective. For example, how might
The nuclear energy station would provide needed a biologist argue for or against the development of
electrical energy to Saskatchewan in the future. nuclear energy? What about nuclear industry
However, is nuclear energy the best choice? representatives?

Initiating and Planning When you undertake the role of a stakeholder, think
about First Nations and Métis cultural perspectives.
Two students, Curtis and Kylie, have been researching
Consider the following questions:
nuclear energy. The more they have learned about
• Does nuclear development and mining greatly
nuclear energy, the more they are convinced of their
harm Mother Earth?
own viewpoints. However, as both students continued
their research, their teacher helped them see that • Does nuclear development create waste that
their viewpoints often did not include the views of may cause harm to the land and the animals?
other stakeholders. A stakeholder is a person or a • How might nuclear development affect future
group of people who have interests and concerns generations? Elders from some First Nations
about an issue that might involve economics, or may groups often ask people to consider the impact
be personal or moral. The issue of nuclear energy that their decisions might have on other people
development in Saskatchewan involves the views seven generations later.
of many stakeholders (Figure 8.22). Examine the • Does the development of nuclear energy
arguments in favour of and in opposition to the consider the special spiritual relationship that
development of nuclear energy. Then, from a First Nations peoples have toward their land?
suggested stakeholder perspective, describe how • Is the development of nuclear energy considerate
that person might feel in support of or against of treaty rights and land claims?
nuclear energy development. • What impact will development of nuclear energy
have on the First Nations and Métis peoples,
their health, and their traditional ways of life?
• Government representatives • How might the development of nuclear energy bring
• Nuclear and mining industry representatives prosperity to First Nations and Métis peoples?
• Environmentally conscious groups and activists
• Citizens who might live near the area of nuclear
energy development
• Biologists and ecologists
• Farmers and ranchers
• Citizens who do not live near the nuclear
energy development, but who will be using its
electrical energy

Figure 8.22 A town hall meeting of stakeholders

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C23 Decision-Making Analysis (continued)

In Favour of Nuclear Energy • In the process of producing energy, a nuclear

reactor transforms its uranium fuel into radioactive
Supporting facts for nuclear energy in Saskatchewan
waste, which is difficult and expensive to dispose of.
include the following:
• Some nuclear reactors also pose the remote
• It is possible to generate a high amount of
risk of an extremely serious radiation leak. While
electrical energy in one single station. Just one
such accidents are uncommon, especially in
station would generate enough energy to provide
CANDU reactors, they can be catastrophic. Vast
electrical energy to one million homes.
land areas would be unfit for living or farming.
• The technology is readily available; it does not
• Used fuel from some reactors can be used in
have to be developed first. The CANDU reactor
bombs, which are loaded with nuclear fuel
is a Canadian-designed nuclear reactor. It is one
waste so that the target area becomes heavily
of the most efficient of all the reactors.
contaminated. Because of these hazards,
• Nuclear energy has a lower fuel cost when
nuclear installations become of interest to
compared with coal- , oil- , and gas-fired stations.
terrorists and require extremely heavy security.
Even if the costs of processing and enriching the
• Uranium is a non-renewable resource.
uranium are calculated along with allowances for
management and disposal of the waste, the fuel
Performing and Recording
costs are better than those for a coal-fired station
or a gas combined-cycle station. 1. Research your perspective in the library or
on the Internet.
• Nuclear energy has the best safety record of all
major energy sources (coal, hydro, natural gas, 2. Create an ad campaign to support your
and nuclear) worldwide. perspective. Use one or any combination of
• A single kilogram of uranium can produce more advertising media to get your point across.
energy than 200 barrels of oil. Distribute flyers, make posters, record radio
spots, or film TV ads.
• Nuclear energy stations produce electrical energy
through fission of uranium, not the burning of
Analyzing and Interpreting
fuels. Consequently, nuclear energy stations do not
pollute the air with nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, 3. View and critique your classmates’ ads. Which
dust, or greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. ones are the most effective? What facts are
included or excluded to support their position?
• The uranium isotope required for nuclear fission
can be found in Canada. Communication and Teamwork
Opposed to Nuclear Energy 4. What is your conclusion about whether a
CANDU nuclear energy station should be built in
Facts against the use of nuclear energy as an
Saskatchewan? Has your position changed by
electrical energy source for Saskatchewan include
viewing the ad campaign? Explain and justify
the following:
your conclusion.
• Nuclear reactor construction costs are very high.
Nuclear reactors take between 12 to 15 years to
plan and construct.

Chapter 8 We can reduce our electrical energy consumption and use renewable energy resources to produce electrical energy. 283
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8.2 Reducing Our Electrical Energy Consumption

Here is a summary of what you

will learn in this section:

• Electrical energy consumption

is usually measured in kilowatt-
hours (kW•h).

• Efficiency is the ratio of useful

energy that comes out of a
device to the total energy
that went in.

• The EnerGuide label shows how

much energy an appliance will
use in a month of average use.

• Energy Star appliances are the

most efficient appliances in
their class.

Figure 8.23 Consider how many times a day and how many different ways you use
electrical energy.

The Cost of Electrical Energy

Every method of generating electrical energy comes at a cost.
There is an environmental cost, which affects the world you live
in, and there is an economic cost, which gets passed on to you,
the consumer. Each time you plug in an appliance, turn on a
switch, or use electrical energy in any way, you are using resources
and spending money (Figure 8.23). You can take steps to make
better choices about how you use electrical energy. The
first step is to understand where, when, and how you
use electrical energy.
Most homes and apartment buildings have a meter
that tracks how much electrical energy is drawn
from the energy grid. Older models of meters have
a spinning disk with a black band (Figure 8.24).
The more electrical energy that is being used in the
house, the faster the disk turns. The energy used
is calculated monthly or bi-monthly by reading a
set of dials above the disk.

Figure 8.24 Older-style meters have to be read manually.

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Newer digital meters, called smart meters, are being installed

as part of a major energy conservation effort. The smart meters
record electrical energy consumption hour by hour and send the
information directly to the electric utility (Figure 8.25). Electrical
energy costs are then calculated according to time of use, which
includes time of day, weekdays versus weekends, and season.
The cost of electrical energy is higher during peak times,
which are the busiest times of the day. When the need for electrical
energy is at its peak, electric utilities may have to use less-efficient,
more polluting, and more expensive ways to produce electrical Figure 8.25 Smart meters use
energy to meet demand. You can save money on your electrical wireless and other technologies to
send information directly to the utility.
energy bill by moving activities that are energy-intensive, such
as running the dishwasher, to off-peak hours. You can help
save resources by reducing your use of electrical energy at all
times of the day.

C24 Quick Science

Analyzing Home Electrical Energy Use
Every month, we get a bill that charges us for the 3. Complete the table by estimating average usage
amount of electrical energy that we have used, yet and predicting the electrical energy requirements.
few of us have any idea what the energy was used for
or what we can do to reduce the cost. In this activity, Questions
you will investigate the energy use in your home and 4. Which device usages do you think you could
attempt to find ways to reduce the usage. reduce?

Purpose 5. What did this activity show you about your

electrical energy usage that you did not
To identify energy use in your home by examining
realize before?
your electrical devices
Pose New Questions
6. How do you think electrical energy use has
1. Create a list of all devices in your home that use
changed since your parents were your age?
electrical energy provided by the electric utility or a
How much electrical energy do you think you
home generator. Do not include anything powered
will be using in 10 years? Will it be more or less
by batteries, but do include battery chargers.
than you use today? Explain why.
2. Create a table for your electrical devices that
includes columns for each device’s average
weekly usage, when the device is most often
used (time of day, day of week, season), and
the estimated electrical energy requirements
of the device (low, medium, high). Add enough
columns for all the electrical devices in your
home. Give your table a title.

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infoBIT Electrical Energy Consumption

Watts and Joule The electrical energy consumption for a household is equal to the
The watt is named in honour amount of electrical energy used, usually measured in kilowatt-hours.
of the Scottish inventor A kilowatt-hour (kW• h) is equivalent to the use of one kilowatt
and engineer James Watt
in one hour. For example, if the energy (E) used by a microwave
(1736–1819), whose
improvements to the steam
is 0.8 kW and the microwave is turned on for half an hour, the
engine changed the world. electrical energy used is
The joule is named in honour E ⫽ 0.8 kW ⫻ 0.5 h
of the English physicist James ⫽ 0.4 kW• h
Prescott Joule (1818–1889),
who studied the nature of heat One kilowatt (kW) equals 1000 watts (W). A watt is equal to
and current through a resistor. one joule per second. It does not take long for common electrical
devices to consume a large number of joules. For this reason,
the kilowatt-hour is often used as a unit for energy. To calculate
the cost of using an electrical device,
multiply the energy consumed in kW• h
Prepared for Billing Date July 05, 2010 Account Number by the cost per kW• h. In the microwave
Customer name 5000000
Customer address example above, the consumption of
Invoice Number 1120000000000 Account Balance
Electric: $171.33 0.4 kW• h at a cost of 10 cents per kW• h
Meter # 192007
Jun 03
Jun 30
equals 4.0 cents. It may not sound like
28 days
Meter #
Jun 03 to Jun 30 (Residential rate 1101)
much, but remember that this was only
Basic charge: 28 days @ $0.11930/day 3.34*
Jul 01
Jul 05
Usage charge: 202 kW.h @ $0.06050/kW.h)
91705 12.22* one event over a half-hour time period.
5 days 37
Jun 03 to Jul 05 (Residential rate 1101)
Regional transit levy: 33 days @ $0.06240/day
Next meter reading on or about Aug 02 2.06*
There may also be an electrical energy
kWh Daily Average Usage per Billing Period
14 Jul 01 to Jul 05 (Residential rate 1101) delivery charge and taxes on top of the
10 Basic charge: 5 days @ $0.12490/day 0.62*
Usage charge: 37 kW.h @ $0.06330/kW.h) 2.34 charge for use (Figure 8.26).
Subtotal 20.58
Daily Average Comparison
Jul 2009 7 kWh 21.62
Jul 2010 7 kWh

Figure 8.26 A utility bill shows the

amount of electrical energy used in Learning Checkpoint
1. Copy and complete the following table in your notebook. Give your table a
title. Calculate the cost of using each appliance over the course of a year.
Use a utility charge of 9.7 cents per kW•h.

Annual Energy
Average Use Consumption Annual Cost
Appliance (hours per day) (kW•h) ($ per year)
Vacuum cleaner 0.1 38
Hair dryer 0.25 100
Computer 4.0 520
Central air 12 1500
conditioning (60 days/year)

286 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Calculating Percent Efficiency During Writing

If you have ever touched a lit incandescent light bulb, you know Organize for Impact
that it gets very hot (Figure 8.27). An incandescent light bulb When persuasion is the goal,
uses only about 5 percent of its input energy to create light and good writers like to create
converts over 95 percent of its input energy into heat energy. impact at the beginning and
end of their piece of writing
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), however, transform about
or presentation. Watch
20 percent of their energy input into light, so they are more
television commercials,
efficient than incandescent bulbs. especially public service
5 J light energy announcements, and note
the methods for creating a
95 J heat Figure 8.27 Most of the powerful opener and a
100 J electric energy
(thermal energy) energy transformed by a light convincing closer.
bulb is radiated as heat energy.

The efficiency of a device is the ratio of the useful energy

that comes out of the device to the total energy that went in. Suggested Activities •
The more input energy that a device converts into usable output C25 Science, Technology, Society,
and the Environment on page 291
energy, the more efficient the device is. Efficiency is usually C26 Inquiry Activity on page 291
calculated as a percentage: C27 Problem-Solving Activity on
page 292
Percent efficiency = ⫻ 100

Example Problem 8.1

Practice Problems
Suppose a light bulb uses 780 J of input energy to produce 31 J 1. A car produces 27.5 kJ
of light energy. Calculate its percent efficiency. of useful output energy
Given from 125 kJ of fuel.
Input energy ⫽ 780 J Calculate the car’s
Output energy ⫽ 31 J percent efficiency.

Required 2. A fluorescent light

Percent efficiency ⫽ x produces 3.6 kJ of useful
light energy from 21 kJ
Analysis and Solution
of input energy. Calculate
Choose the correct equation.
its percent efficiency.
Percent efficiency ⫽ ⫻ 100
Ein 3. A new high-efficiency
Substitute the values and their units. Solve the problem. motor has an input
energy of 75 kJ and an
31 J
Percent efficiency ⫽ ⫻ 100 output energy of 72 kJ.
780 J
Calculate its percent
⫽ 4.0% efficiency.
The efficiency of the light bulb is 4.0 percent.

8.2 Reducing Our Electrical Energy Consumption 287

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infoBIT Comparing Efficiency

Lights Out The energy efficiency rating indicates how much electrical
Many governments have energy a device consumes during its operation. By comparing
taken steps to prohibit the sale the efficiency of different devices, we can judge both their energy
of incandescent light bulbs.
cost and their environmental impact. For example, a front-loading
This should encourage the
use of more energy-efficient
clothes washing machine uses much less electrical energy, washes
options, such as compact more clothes per load, and uses less water than a top-loading
fluorescent lamps (CFLs). washer on a per load basis. Another example of improved
Canada plans to phase out efficiency is the refrigerator shown in Figure 8.28.
incandescent light bulbs by
2012. Using CFLs rather
than incandescent light bulbs thin
fiberglass thick
should save homeowners insulation polystyrene
about $60 annually in insulation

electrical energy costs.


1970s mini-refrigerator Modern full-size refrigerator

Figure 8.28 The energy used to run a mini-refrigerator in the 1970s can run a full-size
refrigerator today. In the last 25 years, refrigerator efficiency has increased 300 percent.

Read the Label

In Canada, all large appliances, such as stoves, dishwashers,
refrigerators, washers, and dryers, have an EnerGuide
label. This label states how much energy the appliance
will use in a year of average use (Figure 8.29). It allows
you to compare the energy consumption of different
brands and models. The arrow on the long shaded bar on
the label below the rating shows the efficiency range of
the appliance. If an appliance displays the Energy Star
symbol seen at the bottom of Figure 8.29, it is one of the
most efficient appliances in its class.

How Off Is Off?

If you look at your household devices, you may notice
little lights still glowing even when they are switched off
Figure 8.29 You can use the EnerGuide label to (Figure 8.30). These machines are in “standby” mode so
compare appliances and determine which are that they will restart quickly when you switch them on.
more efficient. For example, you could compare
refrigerators that have the same volume but are
made by different manufacturers.

288 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Many small appliances, such as computers, televisions, DVD

players, and game systems, still use electrical energy—phantom
load—even when they are turned off. This phantom energy load
can range from a few watts to as much as 20 or even 40 watts per
device. To combat phantom load, you can unplug items you are
not using or, when replacing items, look for products with the
Energy Star rating. These will use less energy both during normal
operation and when in standby mode. You can also use power
bars with on and off switches to turn off devices when they are
not in use. Meters, such as the one in Figure 8.31, allow you to
Figure 8.30 If the standby light is on,
measure phantom load and can tell you which of your household electrical energy is being consumed.
devices are using electrical energy, even when they seem to be off.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
are becoming more common
for residential and commercial
lighting. Often four times more
efficient than incandescent
bulbs, LEDs last longer and
produce very little heat. Using
the library or the Internet,
research the applications of
LEDs that are available now
and that are predicted to be
available in the near future.
Share your findings in a short
report or presentation to your
class and propose new uses
Figure 8.31 An electrical energy monitor lets you measure how much electrical energy is used
by appliances or other devices in your home. By tracking which devices are consuming or applications for LEDs.
electrical energy, you can save money on your bill.

Energy Conservation Begins at Home

You can make a plan to reduce the use of electrical energy in
your home. You can start by asking yourself these questions:
• Are lights being left on in rooms that are not being used?
Have you eliminated phantom loads?
• Have you left the computer on while you are at school?
Do you sleep the computer when you leave the room?
• Is a lot of hot water being used for long showers?
• Are incandescent light bulbs being used instead of compact

8.2 Reducing Our Electrical Energy Consumption 289

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If we lower our energy demands, we reduce the need to build

more generating stations and we avoid greater impact on the
environment and major construction costs. Your own personal
action plan to reduce energy consumption will make a difference.
Reusing and recycling materials, conserving energy, and learning
to live responsibly in harmony with our environment are key
actions for living in a sustainable way.


1. What does a smart meter measure? 6. Suppose the standby light on your printer
is on even though you have turned the
2. (a) A microwave that draws 0.8 kW• h is
printer off. What does the standby
used for one hour. Calculate the cost
light indicate?
of the microwave’s electrical energy
consumption assuming a cost of 7. Describe how a smart meter is an
7.5 cents per kW• h. improvement over older types of
(b) Calculate the cost for the microwave electrical energy meters.
if it is used one day for 20 min. 8. The costs for electrical energy are higher
(c) Calculate the cost of using the during peak times. Why do you think
microwave for 20 min a day for 30 days. this is so?

3. Calculate the percent efficiency of a light 9. Create an EnerGuide label for an appliance
source that uses 12.8 kJ of energy and with an Energy Star rating. You can use
delivers 4.3 kJ of useful light energy. hypothetical values and names of
4. What information is included on an
EnerGuide label? 10. Why should you compare the efficiencies
of appliances before making a purchase?
5. What does an Energy Star symbol on an
appliance indicate? 11. How can we reduce the need to build more
generating stations?

12. (a) How has the information in this section

helped to make you a better consumer?
(b) How could you use this information
to help you decide which electronic
device to purchase?

13. What are three ways you could save

electrical energy
Question 5 (a) in your home?
(b) at school?

290 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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C25 Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment

A Self-Sufficient Energy Community
The 4300 people of Freiamt, a community in The community’s electrical energy generation has
southern Germany, wanted to generate their own been so successful that each year there is a surplus
electrical energy. The community added rooftop of about 3 million kilowatt-hours of energy that is
solar systems to homes, barns, and garages, and sold to Germany’s national energy grid.
installed wind turbines. The community also has
1. How could you adapt the community’s plan to
small-scale hydro and biomass generating stations.
make it suit your community?
Some of the generators are jointly owned; others
are privately owned. 2. What do you think are the main points about
Freiamt’s plan that you could use to gain
community support?


DI Key Activity

C26 Inquiry Activity Toolkit 9 ■

Recording and organizing data
Analyzing patterns

Electrical Energy in Your Home

Knowing more about how and when you and your 3. For each bill, break down the different costs and
family use electrical energy is a good first step in add them to your chart. Total the charges.
conservation. Once you have researched your
pattern of electrical energy consumption, create Analyzing and Interpreting
a plan to reduce your consumption. 4. (a) What does the category “Other Charges ($)”
Initiating and Planning
(b) What does “Adjusted Usage (kW•h)” mean?
What is my family’s pattern of electrical energy
consumption annually? 5. (a) Graph the data from your table.
(b) Refer to your graph. During which time
periods is your household using electrical
Materials & Equipment
energy the most? Why might this be?
• one year of electrical bills for your home
(c) How does this time period compare with your
prediction from step 1?
Performing and Recording
1. Predict what months are the peak periods of
Communication and Teamwork
electrical energy consumption in your home. 6. How would you change the bill to make it easier
to understand? Do you think that having a bill
2. Create a table with the following column
that was clearer would help people conserve
headings. Give your table a title.
more electrical energy? Explain.
Actual Electrical Energy Usage (kW•h)
Adjusted Usage (kW•h) 7. Write a summary paragraph explaining the
Cost of Electrical Energy ($) pattern of electrical energy usage in your
Delivery Charge ($) household.
Other Charges ($)
Total Charges

Chapter 8 We can reduce our electrical energy consumption and use renewable energy resources to produce electrical energy. 291
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DI Key Activity

C27 Problem-Solving Activity Toolkits 3, 7 ■

Gathering information
Summarizing information

Bringing Electrical Energy to a Province

As a consultant planning for additional electrical • Your plan to reduce the consumption of electrical
energy generating sources for Saskatchewan, your energy in your community must take into account
job comprises two tasks. First, it must include new individual, societal, and environmental needs
electrical energy generation sources connected to the (Figure 8.32).
regional electrical grid. These new sources will help • Your plans must be environmentally, culturally,
provide a consistent supply of electrical energy to and morally responsible. For example, a plan to
the province. Low-cost and environmentally friendly build a dam across a river will need to consider
technologies are preferred. Secondly, you will develop the effect of creating a new lake, the effect on
a conservation program to teach people how to migrating fish, and how this may impact First
reduce their electrical energy consumption. Nations and Métis peoples culturally and socially.
• Your plans must be supported by references to
Initiating and Planning existing examples of electrical generation sources.
How can Saskatchewan meet its electrical energy You will need to research your example enough
needs responsibly? to know what will be necessary to adapt it to your
particular location. For example, if an oil-fired
Criteria for Success generating source is needed, will you be able
• The types of generating methods that your group to use a technology that captures and stores
researches must not all be the same. carbon dioxide emissions?

Figure 8.32 What are the individual, societal, and environmental needs for electrical energy in your community?

292 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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C27 Problem-Solving Activity (continued)

Performing and Recording 6. Design your generating station. Use clearly

labelled diagrams.
1. As a class, decide on the number of new
generating stations that can be planned. Do this 7. Design a program that clearly details how
by dividing the total number in the class by the people in your community can conserve
size of each planning group. electrical energy and save money.
2. As a class, brainstorm the specific geographical 8. Present your plans for the generating station and
features that may be of use for electrical energy for ways to reduce the consumption of electrical
generation in your community. This may involve energy. Describe how it fits into the overall
using only real features in your area, or you may regional plan with all of the groups’ plans.
agree to include features not actually present but
which will be useful for the purpose of this activity. Analyzing and Evaluating
3. In groups, brainstorm ideas for electrical energy 9. Write an evaluation of your approach to solving
generation methods. Agree on several options to this problem.
bring back to the class for discussion. Within your (a) Did it work well? Explain.
group, also brainstorm ideas for electrical energy (b) What would you have done differently?
conservation in your community. Explain why.

4. As a class, share the ideas of each group. Communicate

Remember that methods of electrical energy
10. Think about your role in the work your group
generation must be varied and must not conflict
with each other and must be environmentally
responsible. Agree as a class on what type of (a) What do you think was the strongest
energy generating source each group will contribution you made to your group’s work?
investigate and where on the regional map (b) How could you improve your contribution
each generating station will be located. to group work in future activities?
5. Research a plan for your generating station by 11. (a) What do you feel was the most effective
examining existing stations or technologies. aspect of your group’s plan?
Research a plan for conserving electrical (b) How could your group’s design have been
energy within your community. improved?

Chapter 8 We can reduce our electrical energy consumption and use renewable energy resources to produce electrical energy. 293
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Key Concept Review 11. Answer the following questions by referring
to the EnerGuide label shown below.
1. (a) List two non-renewable sources of energy.
(b) Name an advantage and a disadvantage
of using each source.

2. (a) List four renewable sources of energy.

(b) Name an advantage and a disadvantage
of using each source.

3. Describe what happens in nuclear fission.

4. What is sustainability?

5. (a) How do you convert watts to kilowatts?

(b) How do you convert kilojoules to joules?
(c) How many joules are in a watt?

6. Suppose you bake a potato in a toaster oven

that uses 1.2 kW. The oven is turned on for
25 min. How many kilowatt-hours did it use?
Question 11
7. (a) If a motor uses 22 000 J while
converting it to 13 400 J of useful (a) What is the energy usage of the rated
energy, what is its percent efficiency? appliance?
(b) If a diesel truck produces 47.5 kJ of (b) Among similar appliances, which is
useful output energy from 125 kJ of rated most efficient?
diesel fuel, what is its percent efficiency? (c) Is the rated appliance efficient? How
8. Give two reasons for reducing energy waste. do you know?
(d) List models similar to the one that is
9. How can choosing to use a more efficient being rated.
appliance benefit the environment?

10. What does it mean if an appliance has an Connect Your Understanding

Energy Star rating? 12. Explain why you agree or disagree with
the following statement: “A nuclear energy
station provides energy using a radioactive
source, so a turbine is not needed.”

13. A group of Saskatchewan farmers form a

co-operative group and build a factory that
turns canola into a fuel for generators and
cars. Would this energy source be renewable
or non-renewable? Explain.

294 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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14. Make a labelled pie chart or circle graph Reflection

showing how electrical energy is used in 21. How could you improve the results of your
your home. work in the problem-solving and inquiry
15. Is it always a good idea to discard low- activities that you did in this unit?
efficiency devices? Explain your answer.
16. What could you do to reduce your electrical After Writing
energy consumption if you lived in
(a) a house in the country with a large Reflect and Evaluate
property? With your partner, meet with another pair who
(b) a mid-size house in the suburbs? made a marketing presentation for compact
fluorescent lamps (CFLs). Provide positive
(c) a small apartment in the centre of
feedback and helpful suggestions about the
the city? others’ presentation. How did it hook the
17. Choose an electrical device that you use audience? Which details, facts, or evidence were
daily. Identify changes you would make most effective in demonstrating knowledge? What
to the design of the device to maximize were the points that created the greatest impact?
energy savings. Explain the reasons for
your choices. Use a labelled diagram as
part of your answer. Reflection on Essential
Inquiry Questions
18. (a) Create a cartoon that shows at least seven
ways that a home loses energy needlessly. What new understanding of current electrical
(b) For each example shown, list a way to energy and circuits do you have from learning
reduce that energy loss. about the production and distribution of
electrical energy? SI
19. Write a paragraph about the photograph
below. Include your personal response Why might it be important to assess the costs
to the photograph, and explain what and efficiencies of devices that produce or use
the photograph shows about electrical electrical energy? TPS
energy generation. What did you discover about the impact of small-
and large-scale electrical energy generation
and distribution in Saskatchewan? DM
How might different methods of electrical
energy production be viewed from a First
Nations and Métis perspectives? CP

Unit Task
This chapter discussed different methods of
electrical energy production as well as the costs
Question 19 associated with electrical energy consumption.
What are some new ideas that you have about
20. Think about the businesses in your these topics and how can you apply these to
community. Choose one business that you your chosen Unit Task?
are familiar with. What are seven practical
ways to reduce electrical energy consumption
in your chosen business?

Chapter 8 Review 295

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C Summary

6 Static electric charges collect on surfaces until given a path to escape.

• Static electric charges • When an atom gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged, and when it loses
• Conductors and insulators electrons, it becomes positively charged. Particles with unlike charges attract each
other, and particles with like charges repel each other. (6.1)
• Charging by friction
• Charging by contact and induction • Electrical insulators and conductors are materials categorized by how freely they
allow electrons to move. (6.1)
• Using and reducing static charges
• In charging by contact, a neutral object gains the same charge as the object that
touched it. In charging by induction, a neutral object gains the opposite charge to
the charged object. (6.2)
• Neutral objects are attracted to charged objects. (6.2)
• Some First Nations and Métis peoples have an intimate understanding of lightning
in terms of Thunderbird. (6.3)

7 Current electrical energy is the flow of electrons in a closed circuit.

• Current electrical energy • Voltage is the difference in electric charge between two points. (7.1)
• Electrical circuits • Current is the rate of movement of electric charge through a conductor. (7.1)
• Voltage
• An electric circuit is a path along which electric charges flow. (7.1)
• Electric current
• Resistance is how a material resists the flow of electric charge. (7.1)
• Direct current
• Alternating current • A circuit diagram is a model of an electric circuit. (7.2)
• Resistance • In a series circuit, the current is constant and the voltages across resistors add up
• Series circuits and parallel to the total voltage supplied by the energy source. In a parallel circuit, the voltages
circuits across loads are constant and the currents on each path add up to the total
current leaving the energy source. (7.2)
• Ohm’s law (V ⫽ IR)
• Electrical safety • Ohm’s law, V ⫽ IR, describes the relationship between voltage, current, and
resistance. (7.3)
• Fuses and circuit breakers are safety devices. (7.3)

8 We can reduce our electrical energy consumption and use renewable energy
resources to produce electrical energy.

• Social and cultural consequences • Energy production can have negative and positive consequences for First Nations
• Generating electrical energy and Métis peoples. (8.1)
• Renewable and non-renewable • Electrical generators transform kinetic energy into an electric current. (8.1)
energy sources • Most electrical energy generated in Canada is from hydro- or thermoelectric
• Advantages and disadvantages sources. Other energy sources include biomass, nuclear, geothermal, solar,
of energy sources wind, and tidal. (8.1)
• Percent efficiency ⫽ ⫻ 100 • Renewable and non-renewable energy sources have pros and cons. (8.1)
• Efficiency is the ratio of useful energy that comes out of a device compared to
the total energy that went in. (8.2)

296 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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• charging by contact • electrical discharge • induction (p. 216)

(p. 216) (p. 217) • insulator (p. 210)
• charging by induction • electron affinity (p. 208) • neutrons (p. 207)
(p. 216) • electrons (p. 207) • nucleus (p. 207)
• conduction (p. 210) • electroscope (p. 213) • protons (p. 207)
• conductivity (p. 210) • electrostatics (p. 213) • static electric charge
• conductor (p. 210) • friction (p. 208) (p. 207)
• electric charges (p. 206) • grounding (p. 217)

Static electric charge

• alternating current (AC) • electrochemical cell • primary cell (p. 243)

(p. 239) (p. 243) • resistance (p. 240) I
• ammeter (p. 239) • electrodes (p. 243) • resistor (p. 241)
• ampere (A) (p. 239) • electrolyte (p. 243) V V R
• secondary cell (p. 243)
• battery (p. 243) • fuse (p. 263) • series circuit (p. 251)
• circuit (p. 237) • ground fault circuit V = IR
• short circuit (p. 262)
• circuit breaker (p. 263) interrupter (GFCI) Circuit diagram
• superconductor (p. 241)
(p. 264)
• circuit diagram (p. 250) • switch (p. 237)
• load (p. 237)
• current electrical energy • transistor (p. 249)
(p. 237) • multimeter (p. 240)
• volt (V) (p. 238)
• direct current (DC) • Ohm’s law (p. 259)
• voltage (p. 238)
(p. 239) • ohmmeter (p. 240)
• voltmeter (p. 238)
• dry cell (p. 243) • ohms (Ω) (p. 240)
• wet cell (p. 243)
• electric current (p. 239) • parallel circuit (p. 251)

• biomass (p. 274) • generators (p. 272) • renewable (p. 269)

• efficiency (p. 287) • geothermal energy • sustainable development
• EnerGuide (p. 288) (p. 274) (p. 279)
• energy efficiency rating • hydroelectrical energy • thermonuclear (p. 274)
(p. 288) (p. 273) • transformer (p. 272)
• energy grid (p. 272) • kilowatt-hour (kW•h) • turbine (p. 272)
(p. 286)
• Energy Star (p. 288)
• non-renewable (p. 269)
• fossil fuels (p. 274)
Wind turbine

Unit C Summary 297

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C Tasks
C28 Design Your Own Electrical Toolkits 2, 11 

Designing, building, and testing
Recording results
Energy Activity

Task Overview
In this task, you will identify your own question to investigate and design
an activity related to static electric charges and current electrical energy.
Your activity must answer your testable question. Record your testable
question and your procedure and submit it to your teacher for approval.
Remember to include safety as part of your procedure. Then, perform
your activity, carefully recording your results in the format of your choice.
Present your results and conclusions as a lab report or in a presentation.


C29 Identifying Energy Toolkits 7, 11 

Asking questions
Reporting results
What energy transformations are involved in the use of electrical devices?

Task Overview
In this task, using an electrical device of your choice, you will explain
the energy transformations that are involved in the use of the device.
Choose a device that emits heat, light, sound, motion, or magnetic
effects, such as a toaster, light bulb, oven, refrigerator, television, hair
dryer, kettle, fan, or remote-controlled toy vehicle. Ensure you receive
teacher approval for your choice. You must use labelled diagrams and
incorporate proper terminology in your report. Explain, with respect
to current electrical energy, how the energy transformation occurs. Figure 8.33 Remote-controlled helicopter


C30 Conserving Electrical Energy Toolkits 7, 11 

Gathering information
Reporting results

How can my family or school conserve electrical energy?

Task Overview
In this task, you will design an electrical energy conservation action plan
for your family or school. Remember to take into account how this plan will
affect your family or school’s needs, such as heating, cooking, heating cold
water, and so on. Include in your plan an estimate, based on kilowatt-hours
of usage, of how much electrical energy could be saved, using your plan.
Extrapolate what this could mean for Saskatchewan if your plan were
adopted by every family or school in the entire province.

298 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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Using Key Terms
8. Explain the function of the metal rods in
the photograph below.
1. Create a mind map using the following
terms. You may add more terms if you wish.
• ammeter • ohm
• ampere • Thunderbird
• battery • voltage
• current • resistance
• kilowatt-hour • switch
• load • voltmeter

Reviewing the Big Ideas

2. (a) You walk across a carpet, touch a metal
doorknob, and get a shock. What charge
do the particles causing the charge have?
(b) Use the structure of the atom to explain
why these particles have the charge you
identified in part (a). Question 8

3. Explain the steps you would take to tell the 9. How has the understanding of static
difference between a positively charged electric charges helped in developing
object and a negatively charged object. new technologies?
4. Use a series of diagrams to explain how a 10. Copy and complete the following table in
charged object attracts a neutral object. your notebook.
5. Object C is rubbed on object D. The leaves Voltage, Current, and Resistance
of a negatively charged electroscope
Quantity Definition Abbreviation Unit Symbol
temporarily move closer together when
object D is brought near.
(a) What charge does object D have?
(b) What charge does object C have?
11. Why does a light bulb light up immediately
6. (a) When clothes come out of a clothes
after you turn on a switch, even if the
dryer, they sometimes stick to each
switch is a long way from the bulb?
other. Explain.
(b) Name three different ways to reduce 12. (a) Use circuit symbols to draw a series
this effect. circuit with a battery, connecting wires,
and two light bulbs.
7. (a) What are the two main components (b) Draw a parallel circuit using the same
of an electrochemical cell? components as (a).
(b) What is the function of each component? (c) Describe the difference in current
flowing in the two circuits (a) and (b).

Unit C Review 299

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C Review
13. (a) What is the voltage at V1 in the circuit
Connecting the Big Ideas
below? 22. (a) You are standing close to a tall tree
(b) What is the current at A1 in the circuit when you suddenly see lightning and
below? hear thunder. What should you do?
(c) Is this circuit a series circuit or a Explain why.
parallel circuit? (b) You and a friend have plans to go
swimming, but large storm clouds are
2.0 A
gathering on the horizon. Should you
V1 postpone your plans? Explain.
9.0 V
23. How are a lightning bolt and a spark similar?
3.0 V 24. What understanding of lightning do many
A1 First Nations and Métis peoples have?
Question 13 25. Suppose a more efficient appliance costs
more than a regular appliance. Does it make
14. What does Ohm’s law state? sense to spend the extra money? Explain.

15. If the resistance of a load becomes larger, 26. Create a sketch, paragraph, or skit using
does the current through the load also electrical terms in a humorous manner.
become larger? Explain. You should get a “charge” from doing
this “potentially” fun exercise at “ohm”
16. Why is it a good idea to use fused safety or at school.
power bars for televisions, computers,
and other sensitive electrical equipment? 27. Why are the different kinds of electrical
energy generation of concern to First
17. Using examples, describe the difference Nations and Métis peoples?
between renewable and non-renewable
28. The graph below shows the relationship
energy sources.
between voltage and current that emerged in
18. What are three different electrical energy tests for a particular resistor. Does this resistor
generating systems you could use if you work according to Ohm’s law? Explain.
lived on a small farm?
Current vs. Voltage
19. How could you use the EnerGuide and
Energy Star labels to help you decide when
purchasing appliances or electronics?

20. List five appliances or devices found in the current

home that consume electrical energy even

when they are not in use.

21. What are three benefits of lowering our

energy demands? voltage

Question 28

300 UNIT C Characteristics of Electricity

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29. For the following situations, explain the 33. Create a graphic representation, such as
safety concern. a mind map or other table, to answer the
(a) A worker carries a large aluminum following questions. Include labelled
ladder near overhead hydro lines. diagrams if you wish.

(b) Someone takes the third prong out of a (a) What are the costs and benefits
plug in order to use it with a two-prong associated with the production of
extension cord. electrical energy from renewable
and non-renewable sources?
Using the Big Ideas (b) How can electrical efficiencies and
savings be achieved through the design
30. Copy and complete the following table in of technological devices and practices
your notebook. in the home?
Percent Efficiency 34. Based on the activities you have done in
Input Output Percent this unit, answer the following questions.
Device Energy (kJ) Energy (kJ) Efficiency Include your personal observations, labelled
Gas-powered 675 81 diagrams, and/or refer to specific activities
SUV as part of your answer.
Gas-electric 675 195
(a) What are the properties of static electric
hybrid car
charges and current electrical energy?
Natural gas 110 000 85 000
furnace (b) What is the relationship between
Electric 9.5 6 voltage, current, and resistance in an
baseboard electrical circuit?
35. Has your attitude about how you use
Alkaline 84.52 74.38
dry cell electrical energy changed after completing
this unit? Explain.

31. The scientific ideas you learned about Reflection on Essential
Inquiry Questions
lightning are about the physical world.
How does this differ from the First Nations What are static electric charges and current
and Métis ideas about lightning described electrical energy and how are voltage, current,
in the unit? and resistance in series and parallel circuits
related? SI
32. Nuclear energy is one of the most efficient
ways to produce electrical energy. How do we assess the operating principles,
costs, and efficiencies of devices that produce
(a) Why does Saskatchewan not have any
or use electrical energy? TPS
nuclear energy stations?
What is the impact of electrical energy production
(b) What concerns may First Nations and
and distribution in Saskatchewan? DM
Métis peoples have about nuclear energy
stations in Saskatchewan? What knowledge of electricity do First Nations
and Métis peoples have? CP

Unit C Review 301


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