Adeoye Journal 5.
Adeoye Journal 5.
Adeoye Journal 5.
Abstract: This paper presents scientific assessment of locally It is noteworthy that most of the urban centers do not have
and factory built 2 kvA modified sine wave inverters. A data logger regular power supply due to population, facilities inadequacy
known as DENT ELITE PRO SP which was connected across the and load shedding which adversely affect the standard of
two solar inverters to collect relevant data. The captured data were
harmonic distortion, voltage and current variation in the outputs living of the people. There is no doubt that commercial,
of the solar inverters. An integrated circuit (IC) SG3524 was used domestic and industrial activities will be negatively affected
to generate the necessary pulse needed to drive the MOSFET with this menace [1]. This gap requires an urgent attention
(3205IRF) to alternate the direct current (DC) supply. The output and the use of solar power inverters is the way out of domestic
from the oscillator stage was amplified using power transistor consumers. However, Nigeria cannot continue to import these
MOSFET. The frequency at which circuit operate is determined solar inverters in order to reduce economic waste, hence, the
with the oscillator stage. There were different points of
interception for both current and voltage for both types of inverters need for locally fabricated solar inverters cannot be
over a stipulated period. The assessment summarily showed that overemphasized [7], [8]. This makes it so important to carry
the measurements for the factory made inverter range from out scientific assessment of locally and factory built 2kVA
226.044V to 230.811V and these values were within the nominal inverters. Inverters are circuits that convert direct current
voltage. However, for locally made inverter, the voltage (DC) to alternating current (AC). The main objective of the
measurements for the period under consideration were within inverter is to use a DC voltage source to supply a load
215.189V and 221.599V and this depicts a slight deviation from the
nominal voltage values. The result showed that the factory built requiring AC. The input of the inverter is taking from various
inverter is superior to the locally fabricated type and this implies DC source like a battery, photovoltaic cell [9], [10]. There are
that there should be improvement in the design of oscillating stage two types of circuit used in single-phase inverter circuit,
and the determination of the drain current of the MOSFET should which are half-bridge and full bridge configurations.
be accurate. Inverters have been widely used for applications, from small
Keywords: Harmonic, Voltage, Current, Inverter, Waveform switched power supplies for a computer to large electric
utility applications to transport bulk power [7]. A
I. INTRODUCTION semiconductor has electrical conductivity due to electron
flow (as opposed to ionic conductivity) intermediate in
T here is need for power to be constantly available in magnitude between that of a conductor and an insulator.
Semiconducting materials are the foundation of modern
Nigeria and the present power supply is grossly inadequate
electronics, and are used in transistors, solar cells, many kinds
due increased population, ageing of power equipment, poor
of diodes including the light-emitting diode, digital and
planning, insufficient electricity education and energy
analog integrated circuits [10]. Semiconductor photovoltaic
management [1], [2]. The power generation and power
(PV) cells directly convert light energy into electrical energy.
demand cannot meet at point of equilibrium and hence, power
In metals, current moves through the flow of electrons; in
balance cannot be achieved [3]. It is obvious that most of the
semiconductors, current is often schematized as being carried
citizens are living in the rural areas and power is yet to be
either by the flow of electrons or by the flow of positively
supplied to them [4], [5]. Others have migrated to the urban
charged "holes" in the electron structure of the material (in
areas and the supply of power to the group of people is grossly
both cases only electron movements are actually involve [12],
inadequate [6].
Manuscript received on 02 March 2023 | Revised Manuscript II. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM
received on 13 March 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 March The inverter is an electronic device, which converts DC
2023 | Manuscript published on 30 March 2023.
*Correspondence Author (s)
voltage form a low dc source to ac voltage of a high output
Adeoye O. S*, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, voltage. The method used for this paper comprises the design
Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti. E-mail: [email protected], and implementation of its input subsystem, control unit and
Yusuf, B. M, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
output subsystem. The design started with the overall system
Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti. E-mail: [email protected] and then partitioned it into systems. The sections of the
Ogunsakin, O, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, system are electricity supply/mains, solar panel, charge
Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti. E-mail: [email protected] controller, battery, utility and DC/AC inverter/charger [14]–
© The Authors. Published by Lattice Science Publication (LSP). This is an [16].
open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license
Solar Panel
Oscillator Driver Step Up Transformer
Auto Transformer Ac Output
Fig.2: Block Diagram of a 2 kvA Solar Power Inverter Modified Sine Wave
The solar panel absorbs energy produced by the sun and
converts it into electrical energy. It does this by absorbing the The variations are caused by both linear and non-linear loads,
sunrays into the modules of the solar panel, thereby most especially non-linear loads. When a sinusoidal voltage
producing free electrical charge carriers in the conduction and is applied to a certain type of load, the current drawn by the
valence bands. The electricity produced by the solar panel load is proportional to the voltage and impedance and follows
was transferred to the charge controller as shown in Fig. 2. the envelope of the voltage waveform. These loads are
The charge controller regulates the rate at which electric referred to as linear loads (loads where the voltage and current
current were drawn in and out of the battery. It turns off follow one another without any distortion to their pure sine
charge when the battery reaches the optimum charging point waves). In contrast, some loads cause the current to vary
and turns it on when it goes below a certain level. It fully disproportionately with the voltage during each half cycle.
charges the battery without permitting overcharge. The These loads are classified as non-linear loads, and the current
regulated voltage from the charge controller was transferred and voltage have waveforms that are non-sinusoidal [18].
to the solar battery. The batteries were the key component in
this solar power system. It provided energy storage for the V. EFFECT OF CURRENT VARIATION
system. The energy stored in the batteries was used to power
Since non-linear loads are part of the testing loads they draw
the load but it was converted to AC voltage by the use of an
currents abruptly with short pulses therefore containing
inverter because they were AC loads. The photovoltaic solar
distortions, whereby the 50-Hz waveform has numerous
panel produced direct current was commuted periodically by
additional waveforms superimposed upon it, creating
controlled oscillatory system and feed to power electronic
multiple frequencies within the normal 50-Hz sine wave. The
semiconductor switches such as transistors, which were
multiple frequencies are harmonics of the fundamental
connected to the power transformer. The voltage was stepped
frequency. It is very obvious that the locally made inverter
up to the desired AC voltage output. The inverter could also
handles current load better than the factory-built inverter,
charge the battery when there is public power supply. The
thereby making the loads connected to the locally made
current -voltage curve of a solar cell is the superposition of
inverter to perform better than when connected to the factory-
the IV curve in the dark with the light generated current [15],
built inverters [19], [20].
VI. EFFECTS OF WAVEFORM ON EQUIPMENT serving as the holding resistor from pin 6 and holding
capacitor of 0.104µF from pin 7 to form the RC time constant
Most equipment can operate properly with little voltage
waveform distortion and still maintain a regulated DC output. 1.30
However, with greater distortion, efficiency of the loads Frequency, f = (1)
decreases [21].
Time Capacitor (CT) = 0.104µF
A. Causes of Waveform Distortion
Fixed resistor = 120kΩ
1. Improper soldering or loose connections in the making of
the inverter or connections of cables Variable resistor = 130kΩ
2. Overloaded conductors usually caused by the individual Total resistance = 250kΩ since both are in series
phase conductor currents exceed 20% of the average phase 1.30
current. F= (2)
0.104 × 10−6 ×250 × 103
3. Neutral conductor current equal to or greater than the
= 52Hz
average phase current. In an ideal situation the neutral
conductor current is at least 15% less than the average phase f = 52Hz It should be noted that the variable resistor was
current. varied until the frequency of the signal was 50Hz.
4. Low efficiency of transformer. E. The Drain Current of The Mosfet
B. Harmonics From the Inverter, total power is 2000Watts,
The presence of harmonics in electrical systems means that The battery Voltage is = 24V
current and voltage are distorted and deviate from sinusoidal
waveforms. Harmonic currents are caused by non-linear Therefore, the drain current ID = P/V (3)
loads connected to the distribution system. A load is said to I = 2000/24
be non-linear when the current it draws does not have the
ID = 83.33A
same waveform as the supply voltage. The flow of harmonic
currents through system impedances in turn creates voltage Where the voltage output of the inverter,
harmonics, which distort the supply voltage. The Total
V output = 220V
Harmonic Distortion (THD) is an indicator of the distortion
of a signal. First harmonics or fundamental harmonics is Full load output current, I output = P/V (4)
when P =IV. We have even and odd harmonic which Therefore current I = 2000/220
represents the multiples of even numbers and odd numbers.
Odd harmonics are dangerous to equipment than the even = 9.09A
harmonics. There is very high distortion (Harmonics) in the
foreign made inverter when compared to the locally made. F. Instrument Used for Testing
The locally made tends to have higher distortion handling The DENT ELITE pro SP is a powerful and versatile tool
than the foreign made when on load condition. They are for pinpointing electric usage and quantifying energy usage.
prevalent in power electronics and they are evident in Switch It is capable of measuring, storing, and analyzing
Mode Power Supply (SMPS) equipment [22]–[25]. consumption data including Volts, Amps, Watts, Volt-Amps
(VA), Volt-Amps reactive (VAR), Kilowatts (kW), Kilowatt
C. Materials And Methods Hours (kWh), KVAh, kVARh, and Power Factor of an
The method used is made up of different segments made up electrical load or an entire building. The DENT ELITE pro
of determination of the oscillating frequency; drain current of SP also offers some power quality features such as the ability
the Mos fet and instrument used for testing with definite to view in real-time voltage, current, and power waveforms
specification. The determination of oscillating frequency was and calculate harmonics to the 63rd order.
defined by equations (1) and (2) and the drain current of the
MOSFET was shown in equation (3) and (4). The DENT Elite The DENT ELITE pro SP is line-powered from the service
Pro SP data logger was connected independently to both being measured, eliminating the need for external power or
factory built and locally built 2 kVA solar powered inverters space-consuming batteries at the job site. The measurements
to capture voltages, currents and harmonic contents over a are stored in on-board, non-volatile memory in a time series
period of time. format at an interval selected by the user. The DENT ELITE
D. Determination of the Oscillating Frequency pro SP can be mounted anywhere with its magnetic back and
is small enough to be secured inside the electrical panel. The
By supplying a constant 24Volt DC through a voltage
Windows-based ELOG software package is used to setup the
regulator to the IC SG 3524 PWM, the frequency of the
meter, display metered values, and retrieve and analyze the
oscillating signal was determined using a 500KΩ variable
collected data.
resistor connected in series with another 120KΩ resistor
VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION starting from 0.5kW which reduced to zero and later to -0.2
kW. This increased uniformly at 0.4 kW until it reached 0.8
It is obvious that in order to supply constant 24V D.C through
kW. Fig. 6 shows the waveform captured from data logger
voltage regulator, the integrated circuit SG 3524 PMW, the
for voltage range from -300 V to 300 V and later reduction to
frequency of oscillating signal was estimated as 52Hz for the
-300 V. The current waveform range from -1.5 A to 1.5 A
locally fabricated solar inverter. However, the variable
and later reduction to -1.5A. For power waveform, the range
resistor varied until frequency of the signal was 50Hz. The
was from 0.5 kW to 0 to later reduction of 0.5 kW. Fig.7
drain current of the MOSFET with total power of 2 kW was
shows the harmonic analysis of factory made inverter with
calculated to be 83.33A and load current was 9.09A. Table 1
r.m.s voltage of 225.5V, total harmonic distortion of voltage
shows the specification of DENT ELITE PRO SP with
of 25.8%, peak voltage of 289.8V, crest factor of 1.285, line
service types, voltage channels, current channels, maximum
frequency of 50.1 Hz. Root mean square current of 1.22 A,
current channel input voltage, measurement type, line
total harmonic distortion (THD) of current was 63.5%, peak
frequency, waveform sampling, channel sampling rate, data
current was 2.78 A, crest factor was 2.281, k-factor was
interval and measurements. Table 2 shows the result of
28.02. The values of voltage and current on the first order
voltage measurements for factory built and locally made
were 100 V and 100 A respectively. For the third order, the
inverters with two minutes intervals from 12:24 p.m to
values of voltage and current were 5V and 17.5 A
13.28p.m on 31st March, 2021 and these measurements were
respectively while on the fifth order, the values of voltage and
taken with the aid of DENT ELITE PRO SP data logger. The
current were 10 V and 18 A respectively. Fig.8 shows the
measurements for the factory made inverter range from
harmonic analysis on locally made inverter. The R.M.S
226.044V to 230.811V and these values were within the
voltage was 215.2 V, THD of voltage was 23 %, peak voltage
nominal voltage. However, for locally made inverter, the
was 298 V, the crest factor was 1.385, line frequency was 50
voltage measurements for the period under consideration
Hz. R.M.S current was 0.93A, THD current was 31.1 %, peak
were within 215.189V and 221.599V. Fig. 3 shows the plot
current was 1.78 A, crest factor was 1.905 and k-factor was
of superposition of voltage data collection for factory built
3.82. For the first order, the values of voltage and current
and locally made inverters. The points of interception were at
were 100 %; for the third order, the voltage and current were
different periods such as 13:50p.m; 13:54 p.m; 13:58p.m;
0 % and 27 % respectively. For the fifth order, voltage and
14;02p.m; 14;18p.m; 14:22p.m; 14:30 p.m and 14:38p.m.
current were 0 % and 12.5 % respectively. Fig.9 shows the
Table 3 shows the result of current variation of locally made
chart of minimum voltage of factory built and locally made
and factory made inverters for the period under consideration.
inverters. The samples were carried out on twenty occasions.
The factory made has current range from 1.03 A and 2.7 A
The factory built from samples 1 to 20 showed minimum
while that of locally made is from 0.8 A to 1.25 A. Fig. 4
voltage range from 218 V to 227 V while that of locally made
shows the plot of superposition of current variation of locally
range was from 212 V to 214 V. Fig. 10 shows the average
made and factory made inverters. The current flow in the
voltage of factory built and locally made inverters. The
factory made the standard while there was a sharp deviation
factory built has voltage range of 226 V to 228 V while that
from that of locally made inverter. However, there were
of locally made range was from 214 V to 215 V. Fig. 11
points of interception at different time with specifics at 13:46
shows the maximum voltage of factory built and locally made
p.m, 13:50 p.m, 13:55p.m, 14:06p.m, 14:30 p.m and 14:36
was inverters. The range of voltage for twenty samplings was
p.m. Fig.5 shows the waveforms of voltage, current and
between 226 V and 231 V while that of locally made was
power of factory made being captured by DENT ELITE PRO
from 215 V to 222 V. Fig. 12 shows the minimum current of
SP. The measured voltage was sinusoidal in nature and this
both factory made and locally made inverters over twenty
range from -300 V to 0 V. The voltage increased gradually
samplings. For factory built , the current range was from 1 A
from 0 V to 300 V and later reduced to 0 V and further
to 1.1 A while that of the locally made inverters over twenty
reduction to -300 V. In the same vein, the current waveform
samplings range from 0.7 A to 0.9 A. Fig.13 shows the
was sinusoidal from -2 A to zero. It further reduced to -2 A
average current for both factory built and locally made
and later increased 1 A which was maintained for certain
period and later increased to 2 A. The current reduced further
to zero and later increased to 2 A and decreased uniformly to
-3 A. The power measured was also sinusoidal in nature
Made and Locally Made Solar Inverters
Time Factory Volt Locally Volt
12:24:00 230.811 221.599
12:26:00 227.655 216.446
Fig. 3: Plot of Superposition of Voltage Measurement of
12:28:00 227.268 216.124 Factory and Locally Made Inverters
12:30:00 225.593 215.995
Output Voltage Variation of both locally and factory made
12:32:00 225.529 215.931 Wave Forms Output on Foreign Built and Locally Made
12:34:00 228.557 215.737 Inverters
12:36:00 228.363 215.544 Test On Foreign Made
12:38:00 228.299 215.609 Voltage, Current and Power Waveforms of Factory Made
12:40:00 227.977 215.415
12:42:00 227.913 215.351 Table 3: Result of Current Variation of Locally and
12:44:00 227.977 215.48 Factory-Made Solar Inverter
12:46:00 227.913 215.286 Time Max. Amp Max. Amp
12:48:00 227.59 215.802 13:38:00 2.7 1.17
13:40:00 1.28 1.25
12:50:00 227.655 215.415 13:42:00 1.26 1.07
12:52:00 226.366 215.737 13:44:00 1.29 1.07
13:46:00 1.24 1.12
12:54:00 227.784 215.48
13:48:00 1.25 1.05
12:56:00 227.655 215.286 13:50:00 1.3 1.07
12:58:00 227.526 215.544 13:52:00 1.29 1.03
13:54:00 1.24 1.02
13:00:00 228.041 215.351 13:56:00 1.23 1.08
13:02:00 228.106 215.931 13:58:00 1.24 1.06
13:04:00 227.784 215.415 14:00:00 1.23 1.01
13:06:00 227.204 215.286 14:02:00 1.24 1.00
13:08:00 226.882 215.286 14:04:00 1.22 0.86
13:10:00 226.56 215.351 14:06:00 1.24 0.88
13:12:00 226.238 215.609 14:08:00 1.24 1.06
13:14:00 228.814 215.609 14:10:00 1.12 1.05
13:16:00 228.814 215.737 14:12:00 1.13 1.02
13:18:00 228.879 215.48 14:14:00 1.11 1
13:20:00 228.17 215.415 14:16:00 1.07 1.03
13:22:00 228.75 215.222 14:18:00 1.06 0.85
13:24:00 226.044 215.206 14:20:00 1.1 0.81
13:26:00 228.879 215.200 14:22:00 1.09 0.8
13:28:00 228.686 215.189 14:24:00 1.1 0.81
14:26:00 1.11 0.94
14:28:00 1.12 1.12
The Result of the Voltage test Carried out on the
14:30:00 1.11 1.06
Superposition on the Factory and Locally Made of the 14:32:00 1.05 1.03
Solar Inverter. 14:34:00 1.06 1.01
14:36:00 1.03 0.99
14:38:00 1.03 1.03
Locally Amp.
Factory Amp
Fig. 4: Plot of Superposition of the Current Variation of Locally and Factory-Made Inverter
Minimum Voltage
F.B Min. Volt
210 L.M. Min. Volt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig.9: Chart of Minimum Voltage of Factory Built and Locally Made Solar Powered Inverter
Average voltage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig.10: Chart of Average Voltage of Factory Built and Locally Made Inverter
Maximum Voltage
F.B. Max. Volt
L.M. Max. Volt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig.11: Chart of Maximum Voltage of Factory Built and Locally Made Inverter.
Minimum Current
F.B. Min. Amp
0.4 L.M. Min. Amp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig.12: Chart of Min Current of Both Factory Built and Locally Made Inverter.
Average Current
0.6 F.B. Avg. Amp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig.13: Chart of Average Current of both Factory Built and Locally Made Inverter.
Maximum Current
F.B. Max. Amp
1 L.M. Max. Amp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 14: Chart of Maximum Current of Both Factory Built and Locally Made Inverter.
root mean square current was 0.93A, total harmonic
distortion of current was 31.1%, the peak current was 1.78A,
This paper concluded that the scientific assessment of factory crest factor was 1.905 and k factor was 3.82. The first, third
made and locally made modified sine wave inverter is vital to and fifth order of harmonic for voltage were 100V, 5V and
technological advancement and it provides an alternative 10V respectively. The first, third and fifth order of harmonic
source of power that can put an end to unclean, inadequate for current were 100A, 17.5A and 18A for locally made solar
and incessant power supply to Nigerians in the 21 st Century. powered inverter. However, the measured parameters for the
The assessment truly showed that the locally fabricated factory made solar powered inverter are therefore presented
inverter needs improvement and when this is achieved, mass with the root mean square voltage as 225.5V, total harmonic
production can be embarked upon to generate economic distortion of voltage was 25.8%, peak voltage was 289.8V,
wealth for individuals, institutions and the country at large. the crest factor was 1.285, line frequency of 50.1Hz. Root
The measurements for the factory-made inverter range from mean square current of 1.22A, total harmonic of distortion of
226.044V to 230.811V and these values were within the current was 63.5Hz, peak current of 2.78A, crest factor of
nominal voltage. However, for locally made inverter, the 2.281, k factor of 28.02. The first, third and fifth order of
voltage measurements for the period under consideration harmonic for voltage were 100V, 0Vand 0V respectively. The
were within 215.189V and 221.599V and this depicts a slight first, third and fifth order of harmonic for current were 100A,
deviation from the nominal voltage values. The paper showed 27A and 12.5A.
that root mean square voltage was 215.2V, the total harmonic
distortion of voltage was 23%, the peak voltage was 298V,
the crest factor was 1.385, the line frequency was 50Hz, the