Bidirectional Buck-Boost Quadratic Converter Using Fuzzy Controller For Distributed Generation Systems

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Binil Baby, Thanuja Mary Abraham

Department Of EEE, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—The availability of Fossil fuels are such as electric vehicles (EV), uninterruptible power
reducing nowadays and consequences of using them supplies(UPS), telecommunications systems, aviation
have made it necessary to utilize clean and etc. The volatile chara of renewable energy systems
sustainable energy sources. The distribution accomplishes them does not suit for standalone working
generating systems for non-conventional and as a power source. At that time, hydrocarbon and
renewable energy producing sources increases gives hydrogen fuel cells have high electrochemical energy
the direction of coming generating systems. These but it requires secondary power at the beginning time [3,
electronics systems containing electronic based 4]. To overcome these problems, it is to make usage of
bidirectional converters as a network that interacts storage energy devices like super capacitor or batteries
the electrochemical storage systems and DC voltage in addition to the renewable energy systems to avoid
buses. Bidirectional converters involve energy variations and to provide a continuous, smooth flowing
transfers between two sources in both directions of power to the connected load [5].The bidirectional
with in a single circuit. The proposed bidirectional converter(DC-DC) is a prime member character in these
quadratic converter is contained in four switches, applications, they allows the energy interchange
two inductors, and a capacitor. The converter between storaging systems and the other devices. The
voltage gain is much greater than the conventional isolated systems require a transformer and higher
bidirectional buck-boost converter in both bucked switching components, further it increases the switching
and boosts modes of operation. The converter gives losses and also the effective cost of the system, more
wide conversion range and it has reduced boosting or complicated control schemes required for that systems
bucking ripple and the control circuitry is simple. [6-9]. Using Non-isolated DC-DC converter for high
Through simulation results the output of the gain applications it requires extremely high duty-cycle,
proposed quadratic buck-boost converter is
which results low efficiency problems due to reverse-
recovery issues and creates EMI (electromagnetic
Keywords— Bidirectional buck-boost converter, interference). To obtain the high gain voltage ratio, lots
Boost quadratic converter, Distribution Generated of DC-DC converters using magnetic coupling methods
Systems (DGS) already introduced, but the main drawback is that
pulsating bus voltage remain and control schemes
complex [10, 11]. In this paper, a non-isolating
I.INTRODUCTION bidirectional Boost-Buck quadratic converter using
fuzzy controller is proposing. This bidirectional Buck-
The use of sustainable, renewable energy systems are Boost quadratic converter offer a significantly wider
expanding bit by bit in every day. In accordance with conversion range, reduces the charging and discharging
the data available from 2015 the global new investment ripples and it requires only simpler control circuitry.
in fuels and renewable energy reached to a record USD
285.9 billion [2]. In addition by considering the losses II.BIDIRECTIONAL QUADRATIC BUCK-BOOST
over distribution and long transmission lines, the DC-DC CONVERTER
reduction costs of installation and voltage regulation
issues are the main problems over the last years, it The conventional topology which gives the wider
encourages the production of DG systems based on fuel voltage ranges known as Boost quadratic converter.
cells (FC), PV-Photo voltaic panels, micro-turbines, Fig.1 gives the Boost quadratic dc-dc converter. It
wind turbine etc., it allows the generation in small contained in a single power switch two inductors, one
scales near to the customer side other than remote intermediate capacitor, and three diodes.
areas. Also there is large increment in other applications

Fig.1. Boost Quadratic dc-dc converter

The boost quadratic converter is a unidirectional power

flow converter; so it is proposed a dc-dc bidirectional
quadratic buck-boost converter [1].The proposed
bidirectional quadratic dc-dc converter shows in Fig. 2.
The converters do not have more components than the
conventional quadratic Boost dc-dc converter. The
converter is also identified by the static voltage gain
with a quadratic function for Buck and Boost operating
Fig.3.Discharging mode Equivalent circuits.

In this state of operation the currents in inductors L1

and L2 will increase linearly and the two inductors gets
charged. The second inductor (L2) is taken energy from
the capacitor (C1). The another one is Second
equivalent circuit is as in Fig. 3.ii is: The transistor T2
in OFF during these condition (interval of (1- DTs)). In
this state the first and second inductors L1 and L2 gets
discharged. Two inductors currents will decreases
Fig.2. Bidirectional quadratic Buck-Boost dc-dc converter linearly during this interval. Capacitor (C1) and the load
takes energy that was stored in the previous condition.
It is to be assumed that continuous conduction mode
(CCM) steady state operation, and ideal components for The voltage gain is obtained by the analysis of these two
the analysis of proposed bidirectional quadratic dc-dc operating modes is possible in discharge mode and in
converter. As described earlier, the proposed Continuous conduction. In the two operating condition
bidirectional quadratic dc-dc converter has two types of the average voltages are equal in the inductors, the
working: charging and discharging of the storage following expressions are obtained,


POWER CONVERTER 𝐷𝑉𝑐 + 1 − 𝐷 𝑉𝐶 − 𝑉 =0 (2)

Discharging mode:
Where the capacitor C1 voltage, is the input
In this mode the converter has Boost converter voltage and is the output voltage.
characteristics, convey the energy from the input
(storage system) to the output (load). The switches (T1 From previous equations during discharging mode the
and T4) are in the OFF condition during this mode and voltage gain in this is given by following equation:
the switch T3 is always in ON condition. This mode
over one switching cycle (Ts) is given by two
equivalent circuits.The First equivalent circuit (Fig. 𝑉𝑜 1
= (3)
3.i))is: for this equivalent circuit the transistor T2 is in 𝑉𝑖 1−𝐷 2
the ON condition (during the time period of DTs).

Charging mode:
𝐷 𝑉𝑖 − 𝑉𝑐 − 1 − 𝐷 𝑉𝑖 = 0 (4)
In this mode storage system gets energy from the load.
In this mode the converter characteristics is similar to 𝐷 𝑉𝐶 − 𝑉 + 1 − 𝐷 𝑉𝐶 = 0 (5)
that of a Buck converter. Similar to previous operating
mode, through the commutation a single switch that
controlling the output voltage. The transistor switches From the previous equations the voltage gain of this
T2 and T3 are in the OFF condition during this mode. quadratic buck-boost converter in discharging mode can
The transistor switches T4 and T1 are turned ON or be obtained, as follows:
turned off at the same time period. For the analysis of
this operation in CCM during one switching cycle, it is 𝑉𝑜
to obtain two equivalent circuits. The two equivalent
= 𝐷2 (6)
circuits described as follows:


Simulink model for the Bidirectional quadratic DC-DC

Converter using Fuzzy Controller:

The bidirectional quadratic buck boost converter using

Fuzzy Controller is simulated and verified by
model. Input and output voltage waveforms are
presented to validate the working of the converter
topologies and control schemes.

i. Simulink Model and Simulation Results for quadratic

buck-boost DC-DC converter in boost mode

Fig.4. Charging mode Equivalent circuits

The first equivalent circuit is in Fig. 4.i: is ON-time of

transistor switch T1(time interval of DTs).The two
inductors L1 and L2 currents will increase in absolute
value during ON time, discharge as long as its energy
will be transferred from Capacitor C to the first
inductor L1.

The second equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 4.ii:is

related with time interval of (1-DTs) ,during that
Fig.5. Simulation model of quadratic buck boost converter in boost
condition the transistor switch T1is in OFF state. The mode using Fuzzy controller
currents in the two inductors, i.e. L1 and L2 will
decreases to its absolute value during these periods. The The simulation model for the bidirectional quadratic
capacitor (C) and the storage system (load) gets charged buck-boost DC-DC converter in boost mode using
from these two inductors (L1 and L2). Fuzzy controller is shown in the fig 5.
To obtain the equation of the input and output voltage of There are four switches S1, S2, S3 and S4. For boost
the quadratic buck boost converter in discharging mode, mode switch S2 work as power switch. The input supply
it is to be assumed as in CCM, the equivalent circuits is 24V.Fom the of boost converter circuit analysis it is
presented in Fig. 4. By considering that the average concluded, the dynamic response of boost converter
voltages sum in the inductors over one switching cycle mainly depend on the inductor current. In addition to
is equal to zero, the following equation will be obtained:

that, it can provide the information regarding energy
storage for the converter. Therefore, it can be say that
any changes on the inductor current will be affected by
output voltage. From the output voltage ,it will be
getting from steady state condition information. The
power switch, inductor and capacitor are the three main
parameters for boost converters designing. The output is
feedback to the fuzzy logic controller with its input as
change in error and error. The Fuzzy logic system gives
the change in duty cycle. The simulation result of output
voltage is obtained for the bidirectional quadratic
converter in boost mode using fuzzy is as in fig.6, for an
input of 24V.
Fig.7.b.current and voltage stress across switch S2

Fuzzy logic controllers are used due to its inherent

characteristics , it give better performance than PI
controller and the settling time is also reduced to a
greater extend.

Simulation Results for bidirectional quadratic converter

in buck mode

The simulation model for the bidirectional quadratic

buck boost converter in buck mode using Fuzzy
controller is shown in the fig 8. There are four switches
Fig.6. output of bidirectional quadratic converter in boost mode using S1, S2, S3 and S4. For buck mode S1 and S4 switches
Fuzzy Controller work as power switches. The input supply is 220V. The
change in duty cycle from the fuzzy controller is applied
The current and voltage stress across switches S1, S2 of for the control of these converters. From the buck
the conventional bidirectional quadratic buck-boost dc- converter circuit analysis, dynamic response of buck
dc converter in boosting mode is as represented in
converter mainly depends on inductor current.
fig.7.a and 7.b.

Fig.7.a.current and voltage stress across switch S1

When an input supply of 24V is applied, for a frequency

of 14KHz and duty ratio of 0.67 the voltage stress
across switch S1 is 70V and that of switch 2 is 220v, Fig.8.Simulink Model and Simulation Results for bidirectional
current stress for S1 switch is -10A to- 0.5A, S2 is 0A to quadratic buck-boost converter in buck mode

The output is feedback to the fuzzy logic Controller V.CONCLUSION
with its input as change in error and error. The change
in duty cycle will be getting from Fuzzy controller. The There is a bidirectional quadratic DC-DC converter with
simulation result of output voltage obtained for the buck Buck-Boost operation is introduced in this work. This
converter using fuzzy controller is shown in fig.9, for an bidirectional quadratic buck-boost converter is mainly
input of 220V. for electrochemical storage systems. During the
discharging of the storage system the bidirectional
The current and voltage stress across switches S1, S2 of quadratic dc-dc converter working as a boosting
the proposed quadratic converter in buck operation is quadratic converter and for charging mode the converter
shown in fig. 10.a and 10.b. will acts like a Buck quadratic converter. Therefore,
with reduced duty ratios it is possible to obtain larger
and smaller voltage gain using this bidirectional
converter. The advantage over the conventional
converter system is that it has wider conversion range,
also charging or discharging ripple is reduced and
simple control circuitry is required for the system. This
converter with larger voltage gain is used for different
applications, like as an electrochemical storage systems
used in DG systems. Through simulations the output of
bidirectional quadratic converter using fuzzy controller
was verified.

Fig.9. Simulation Result of bidirectional quadratic in buck mode
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