Zero Tolerance Approach To Littering'
Zero Tolerance Approach To Littering'
Zero Tolerance Approach To Littering'
Insurance coverage to registered Promoting 'A&N Islands' as year round tourist destination
farmers under PMFBY towards crop loss
Cut-off date for enrolment under the scheme for Preparations in full swing for
Kharif is Aug.15, 2024 and Rabi is Jan.15, 2025
Port Blair, July 8
The Pradhan Mantri
landslides, natural fire
and lightening, storm,
pulses & vegetables
crop have been notified
conduct of 'Monsoon Tourism
Fasal Bima Yojan a
(PMFBY) is one of the
Flagship Schemes of
hailstorm, c yclon e,
typhoon , temp es t,
hurricane and tornado
un der Rab i 2024-25
seasons for insurance
Festival-2024' at Corbyn's Cove
the Govt. of India. The
sc heme is b eing
etc. The sc heme
ensures flow of credit to
One cluster consists
of all 3 Districts (South Festival to feature varieties of engaging
implemented in these the agriculture sector An daman, North &
Islands since 2016. The an d stabilizes the Middle Andaman and activities & events
sc heme envisages income of the farmers. Nicobar (Campbell Bay
providing insurance The PMFBY has been area only) has been
coverage to the presently notified for formed for the
registered farmers implementation in implementation of
under PMFBY towards A&N Islands for Kharif Kharif 2024 and Rabi
crop loss arising out of 2024 and Rabi 2024-25 2024-25 seasons under
unforeseen events viz. seas ons . Un der the PMFBY. The indemnity
drought, dry spells, scheme, paddy is the level for all notified
flood, inundation, pests notified crops for crops is 80% for both
an d dis eases, Kharif 2024 season and (Contd. on last page)
4 Daily Telegrams Tuesday
July 09, 2024
Preparations in full swing for conduct of 'Monsoon Tourism Festival... Training on manufacturing of Bee hive ...
(Contd. from page 1)
South Andaman Police seizes (Contd. from page 1)
meeting. 23.375 kgs of venison Dep artmen t is c on tin u ou s ly motivatin g
The Monsoon Tourism Festival will feature a variety of engaging activities and farmers to adopt bee keeping which will boost
Port Blair, July 8 aluminium container in necessary action at their
events involving the tourists as well as the Islanders. There will be a Water Sports in c rop p rod u ction th rough p ollination
The South Andaman her hand rushing towards end.
Demonstration- a novel display of water sports designed to captivate visitors and support.
District Police continues her house in a suspicious The te am of South
highlight the adventure opportunities available on the Islands. Tug-of-War Altogether five departmental staff and one
to demonstr ate i ts manner. Suspec ti ng Andaman, under the
Competition- a thrilling event will be organized aiming at fostering community farmer attended the training programme. On
unyi elding atti tude illegal activity, the lady overall supervision of
spirit and providing entertainment for participants and spectators alike. the concluding day, awareness was made on
against the illicit trade was interc epted and Smti Niharika Bhatt, IPS,
The highlight of the festival will be the 'Rain Dance Arena'- an interactive schemes such as pollination support through
and poaching of wildlife during checking, it was SP South Andaman
space where visitors will be enjoying the monsoon rain in a lively environment & bee keeping and other schemes under High
animals has achieved found that the aluminium successfully conducted
music. 'Beach Volleyball Arena' will be another attraction-hosting exciting volley V alu e Agric u lture, a p res s releas e from
great success on seizure container was completely raids at various locations
ball matches on the beach ensuring entertainment and engagement for all visitors. Agriculture Department said.
of 23.375 kgs of venison. filled with venison packed of South Andaman
Enthralling cultural events with live musical & dance performances
On June 26, 2024, during in plastic polythene and District, resulting in the
will be organized throughout the fest. Numerous food stalls will be set
patr ol ling ne ar one head of deer. Further, confiscation of 158.375
Road Cycling C'ship
up including sea food barbeque for the food enthusiasts, providing a
culinary delight that adds to the festive atmosphere. The idea behind
Tushnabad by SI the venison and deer head kgs of venison from 1st postponed to July 20
Devanand Pathak, SHO were seized on the spot January to 30 th June,
such programmes is to change the mindset of tourists that beach can only Port Blair, July 8 b ee n r eq u es te d t o
PS Ograbraj along with and the lady was detained 2024. The primary goal is
be enjoyed for water sports activities/swimming etc. There are other The Road Cycling confirm their entry in
ASI Suleman Beck, HC S. after observing all codal to ensure the safety and
options available at the beach which can be explored by public throughout Championship which t h e S t at e O ly m p i c
Vi jay K umar, formalities. Later, all the security of our citizens
the year. was scheduled on 13 th A s soc iation , Netaji
HG(R)Sundra Bai and seized wildlife products while preserving the rich
Apart from the main venue, cultural programmes will also be held at July, 2024 has b een Stad ium, P ort Blair
PC(D) Prokash Halder in and detained lady were bi odive rsity of the se
'Marina Park Arena' in the evening on all the three days i.e., on July 12, postponed to 20th July, l at e s t b y 18 th J u l y ,
Government vehicle, they handed over to Forest Islands, a press release
13 and 14 for the entertainment of tourists and the Islanders as well. 2 02 4. In te r es te d 2024, a press release
noticed a lady with an Offi cials for fur ther from SP (SA) said.
s p orts p ers on s h ave from ANSOA said.
PS Crime & Economic Offence seizes 1.025 Closing date for receiving
Passenger tickets for Foreshoresector vessels will be issued to the general public from 06.07.2024 (Sat)
kgs of ganja; two persons arrested application for Group C Posts
onwards. Port Blair, July 8 operation, the team seized put under sustained joint under DSW extended
Passengers may book their tickets from DSS e-ticketing portal ( all Acting on a specific 1.025 kgs. of Ganja from interrogation and on his Port Blair, July 8 r eg a rd , a ll th e
days from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM and from STARS Ticketing Counter in all working days from 9.00 AM to inte lli ge nce r ece ived the possession of one disclosure, co-accused Online applications candidates have been
04.00 PM, except on Saturday from 09.00 AM to 12.00 PM. from a reliable source, in Tanmoy Roy, S/o Shri Sahil Hamid, S/o, Shri N. h av e b ee n i n v i te d i n f or m ed th at th e
PORT BLAIR – MAYABUNDER & DIGLIPUR the night of July 1, 2024, Hemendra Nath Roy, 29 Shar e ef, 25 yrs, R/ o
Passenger tickets for the sailing schedule on 13thJuly, 2024 will be issued from 05.07.2024.
through Andaman & c lo s i n g d at e i . e .
Sl. Date & Time Date & Time of a police team comprising yrs, Pvt. Carpenter, R/o Cali cut junc ti on was N i c o b a r 0 7. 0 7. 2 0 24 fo r
Name of the vessel From To From To
No. of Sailing Return Sailing of Inspe ctor G ir i sh New Bimblitan. He was arrested on 03/07/2024. Administration's application has been
1. MV Kalighat 13.07.2024 Port Diglipur via 14.07.2024 Diglipur Port Blair via Previously, accused Sahil
2100 Hrs Blair Mayabunder 1400 Hrs Mayabunder
Kumar, SHO, PS Crime promptly arrested on the official website https:/ extended for another
PORT BLAIR – LITTLE ANDAMAN & Economi c O ffence spot fol lowi ng the Hamid was arrested in a /erecruitment. 30 d ay s w. e . f .
Passenger tickets for the sailing schedule from 9th July, 2024 onwards will be issued from 05.07.2024. (C&EO), SI Parvash, HC/ due legal procedure as case under the Explosive 0 8. 0 7. 2 02 4 to
1. MV Campbell Bay 09.07.2024 Port Little Andaman 09.07.2024 Little Port Blair K. Venkateshwar Rao, per the new criminal Substances Act of PS
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman
CRAP/csignin.aspx for 0 6. 0 8. 2 02 4 , a p r es s
2. MV Campbell Bay 11.07.2024 Port Little Andaman 11.07.2024 Little Port Blair PCs N. Thangaraj and K. laws. C&EO . The e nti r e Group C Posts under r el e as e f ro m
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman Rajendr an, PC Ami t A case under relevant operation was conducted Directorate of Social Directorate of Social
3. MV Campbell Bay 13.07.2024 Port Little Andaman 13.07.2024 Little Port Blair Singh of PS C&EO led by sections of NDPS Act- unde r the ove ral l W el fa r e. I n t h i s Welfare said.
0700 Hrs Blair 2100 Hrs Andaman
Dy.SP (CID), conducted a 1985 has been registered supe r vi sion of Shr i
1. MV Bharat Seema 11.07.2024 Port Nancowry via Little 14.07.2024 Nancowry Port Blair via raid at New Bimblitan at PS C&EO. During Rajeev Ranjan, IPS, SP Firing practice by CG
0700 Hrs Blair Andaman, Car 0500 Hrs Katchal, ne ar Pe r i aswamy i nve sti gati on, the (CID), a press release at Chinthe Long Range
Nicobar, Chowra, Teressa, c r ushe r. Dur i ng the accused Tanmoy Roy was from SP CID said.
Teressa & Katchal Chowra, Car Port Blair, July 8 warned to keep
Nicobar & Little
Andaman Insurance coverage to registered farmers ... Firing practice will be themselves and their
2. MV Bharat Seema 25.07.2024 Port Nancowry via Little 28.07.2024 Nancowry Port Blair via (Contd. from page 1) carried out by Coast vehicles and livestock
0700 Hrs Blair Andaman, Car 0500 Hrs Katchal, Guard at Chinthe Long away from the firing
Nicobar, Chowra, Teressa, Kharif and Rabi seasons.
Teressa & Katchal Chowra, Car The Maximum scale of finance fixed for Pulses & Vegetables notified Range, Brichgunj on area during mentioned
Nicobar & Little under the Scheme is as under. July 10 & 24 from 9.30 date and time, a press
Andaman am to 5 pm. All release from Coast
PORT BLAIR - CAMPBELL BAY & NANCOWRY Sl. No Crops Scale of Finance - concerned have been Guard said.
Passenger tickets for the sailing schedule from 9th July, 2024 onwards will be issued from 05.07.2024. 2024-25 (Rs./hectare)
1. MV Kalighat 09.07.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 11.07.2024 Campbell Bay Port Blair via
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry 0800 Hrs Katchal & 1. Kharif 2024 Vessel Sindhu to sail for
Nancowry A Cereals
2. MV Campbell Bay 16.07.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 18.07.2024 Campbell Bay Port Blair via Mayabunder on July 10
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry 0800 Hrs Nancowry (i) Paddy (HYV) Rs.76,946.00
3. Sindhu 23.07.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 25.07.2024 Campbell Bay Port Blair via (ii) Paddy (TV) Rs.73,332.00 Port Blair, July 8 above sailing will be
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry 0800 Hrs Nancowry B Rabi 2024-25 The passengers/ issued to the general
4. Sindhu 30.07.2024 Port Campbell Bay via 01.08.2024 Campbell Bay Port Blair via general public have public from July 9, 2024
0900 Hrs Blair Nancowry 0800 Hrs Katcha l& (i) Pulses Green Gram
Rs.53,770.00 been informed that the onwards. Passengers
Black Gram vessel Sindhu will sail may book their tickets
Note: Embarkation of passengers will commence 02 Hours prior to the scheduled departure time of
the vessel and boarding will be closed 30 Minutes before departure time. Passengers arriving late will C Vegetable for Mayabunder on July from DSS e-ticketing
not be allowed to board the vessel. The vessel will sail only after completion of survey procedure (i) Tomato Rs.1,70,604.00 10, 2024 at 0600 hrs portal (https://
which will commence oncompletion of embarkation of passengers for issuance of ‘B’ Certificate as
per MS Act. (ii) Bhindi Rs.1,41,970.00 from Haddo Wharf and
FORESHORE SECTOR (iii) Lobiya Rs.1,19,618.00 will sail back to Port eticketing) and from
09.07.2024 (TUESDAY) (iv) Brinjal Rs.1,44,220.00 Blair on the same day at STARS Ticketing
1. MV Baratang 09.07.2024 Port Rangat via Swaraj 09.07.2024 Rangat Port Blair via
0600 Hrs Blair Dweep & Long 1200 Hrs Long Island & (v) Cauliflower Rs.2,36,530.00 1300 hrs from Counter from 9 am to 4
Island Swaraj Dweep (vi) Watermelon Rs.1,11,820.00 M a y a b u n d e r . pm, a press release from
2. MV Jolly Buoy 09.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 09.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair Passenger tickets for the DSS said.
0630 Hrs Blair 0900 Hrs Total sum that can be insured against possible losses is arrived at by
3. MV Pilomillow 09.07.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 09.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Port Blair multiplying the scale of finance with the area covered. Abbhyuday Complex, Ferrargunj promotes ...
0630 Hrs Blair 0845 Hrs All farmers (loanee or non-loanee) enrolled under PMFBY would be (Contd. from page 1)
4. MV Long Island 09.07.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 09.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Swaraj Dweep
1100 Hrs Blair 1300 Hrs entitled for subsidy on the premium. Farmers will have to pay maximum or reson ated with both p artic ipants and
-- -- -- 09.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair Actuarial premium rate, whichever is lower, for the notified crops under organizers.
1430 Hrs Kharif & Rabi seasons. As per revamped operational guidelines of PMFBY, On 6th July, 2024, Abbhyuday Complex treated
5. MV Hut Bay 09.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 09.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Shaheed Dweep
1130 Hrs Blair 1400 Hrs
farmer's premium share will be 2 % for paddy (Kharif season) and 1.5 % for the residents of the Children Home, Ashraya
-- -- -- 09.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Port Blair pulses & 5 % for vegetables (Rabi 2024-25 seasons) of the sum insured is to Home and Old Age Home to an enjoyable movie
1530 Hrs be paid by the farmers as insurance premium for availing subsidy under show. The inmates relished the cinematic
6. MV Jolly Buoy 09.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep via 10.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair via the scheme. However, in the case of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, farmers experience and expressed excitement and delight
1430 Hrs Blair Shaheed Dweep 0530 Hrs Shaheed Dweep
10.07.2024 (WEDNESDAY) need to pay only 0.5 % of the sum insured while the remaining amount is throughout the movie screening. The provision
1. MV Long Island 10.07.2024 Port Rangat via Swaraj 10.07.2024 Rangat Port Blair via additionally borne as subsidy by the UT Administration. of refreshments further enhanced the residents'
0600 Hrs Blair Dweep & Long 1200 Hrs Long Island & PMFBY covers risks of losses arising from either of the possibilities of enjoyment, creating a warm and welcoming
Island Swaraj Dweep
2. MV Pilomillow 10.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 10.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair
prevented sowing, sowing to harvesting (due to drought, dry spells, flood, atmosphere for all attendees.
0630 Hrs Blair 0900 Hrs inundation, pests and diseases, landslides, natural fire and lightening, storm, Continuing the focus on promoting physical
3. MV Hut Bay 10.07.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 10.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Port Blair hailstorm, cyclone, etc), post-harvest losses up to a maximum period of two activity and engagement, an exhilarating Indoor
0630 Hrs Blair 0845 Hrs
weeks from harvesting, for those crops which are required to be dried in cut Games session was organized for the residents
4. MV Chouldari 10.07.2024 Port Rangat via 11.07.2024 Rangat Port Blair via
0700 Hrs Blair Shaheed Dweep, 0700 Hrs Long Island, and spread / small bundled condition depending on crops in that area, in the of Old Age Home an d Children Home
Swaraj Dweep, Kadamtala, field after harvesting against specific perils of hailstorm, cyclone, cyclonic yesterday. Games such as Carrom, Table Tennis,
Strait Island, Strait Island, rains and unseasonal rains. It also compensates the farmers against localized and Ludo were featured, encouraging active
Kadamtala & Long Swaraj Dweep,
Island Shaheed Dweep calamities. Less than expected average yield due to mid season adversity participation and fostering a spirit of friendly
5. MV Hut Bay 10.07.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 10.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Swaraj Dweep viz. floods, prolonged dry spells and severe drought etc. is also compensated comp etition among th e inmates. The
1100 Hrs Blair 1300 Hrs for under PMFBY. residen ts disp layed high levels of
-- -- -- 10.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair
1430 Hrs
All farmers including share croppers and tenant farmers growing the enthusiasm and excitement, showcasing the
6. MV Jolly Buoy 10.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 10.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Shaheed Dweep notified crops in the notified area are eligible for coverage. Such farmers are positive impact of sports activities on their well-
1130 Hrs Blair 1400 Hrs required to submit the necessary documentary evidence of land records being.
-- -- -- 10.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Port Blair prevailing in the UT (record of right, land possession certificate) or other The initiatives undertaken by Abbhyuday
1530 Hrs
7. MV Pilomillow 10.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep via 11.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair via document notified/permitted by the UT. Comp lex u n d ers c ore its c ommitmen t to
1430 Hrs Blair Shaheed Dweep 0530 Hrs Shaheed Dweep The cut-off date for the enrolment under the scheme for Kharif 2024 is promoting holistic well-being and building a
11.07.2024 (THURSDAY) 15.08.2024 and Rabi 2024-25 is 15.01.2025. The farmers have to approach sense of community among its residents. These
1. MV Hut Bay 11.07.2024 Port Rangat via Swaraj 11.07.2024 Rangat Port Blair via
0600 Hrs Blair Dweep & Long 1200 Hrs Long Island & the SBI or Co-operative Bank of concerned areas along with land records events not only provided entertainment but also
Island Swaraj Dweep and enroll under the scheme or even register themselves in the National facilitated social interaction, physical activity,
2. MV Long Island 11.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 11.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair Crop Insurance Portal (NCIP) i.e. and mental stimulation, contributing to the
0630 Hrs Blair 0900 Hrs
After enrolment, in case of any losses to the crop arising out of risks may overall quality of life for all participants.
3. MV Jolly Buoy 11.07.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 11.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Port Blair
0630 Hrs Blair 0845 Hrs be intimated immediately (within 72 hours) by the insured farmer directly Shri Kiran Roy, a resident of the old age
4. MV Jolly Buoy 11.07.2024 Port Shaheed Dweep 11.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Swaraj Dweep or through his own mobile or land line phone or any of his own means of home, th anked the Directorate of S ocial
1100 Hrs Blair 1300 Hrs communication or toll free numbers to the Implementing Agency (The Welfare for the constant support to senior
-- -- -- 11.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair
1430 Hrs Kshema General Insurance Limited), concerned bank, local Agriculture citizens. He highlights that the weekend events
5. MV Pilomillow 11.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep 11.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Shaheed Dweep Department. For any assistance or queries, farmers are encouraged to contact were successful due to the dedication of the
1130 Hrs Blair 1400 Hrs Kisan Call Centre Help Line No. 243434/18003451145 or approach the staff and the enthusiasm of the participants,
-- -- -- 11.07.2024 Shaheed Dweep Port Blair Officers/Staff of Department of Agriculture in various zones. The farmers which made a positive impact on everyone
1530 Hrs
6. MV Long Island 11.07.2024 Port Swaraj Dweep via 12.07.2024 Swaraj Dweep Port Blair via of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been appealed to take maximum involved, a press release from Directorate of
1430 Hrs Blair Shaheed Dweep 0530 Hrs Shaheed Dweep benefits of PMFBY, a press release from Directorate of Agriculture said. Social Welfare said.
Published by IP Division, Directorate of IP & T and printed by Manager, Govt. Press, Chief Editor (i/c): K. Biju Nair, Ph- 229217, 230201, 227201 E-mail: [email protected]
For distribution /advertisement queries contact Manager, Govt. Press : 227919
2 Daily Telegrams MORE LOCAL NEWS July 09, 2024
Port Blair, July 8 Prepare an emergency kit When outside, move scams are often carried out by and the potential delivery calling back the number from an
The Andaman & Nicobar with essential items for safety away from buildings, people who work closely with dates before accepting / unexpected delivery notice via
Islands are prone to and survival. trees, walls and poles/ delivery agents or delivery cancelling any package. a SMS or email.
geologic al disasters and Develop an emergency electric lines. agencies. When they find out Avoid clicking on any link For assistance, information or
located in one of the most c ommu nication and When inside a vehicle, pull that a particular person received in an SMS when dealing enquiries, contact the Cyber
seismically active parts (Zone evac u ation plan for you r over in an open place and receives a lot of packages from with such package deliveries. Crime Police Station, A&N
-V) of the world and several family and community. remain inside, avoid bridges. various e-commerce Scrutinize all the URLs (links) Islands, over National Helpline
great earthqu akes have Learn the technique of After Earthquake companies, then they plan to before opening and filling in any No.1930 and A&N Police Cyber
oc cu rred in the past. The 'Duck-Cover-Hold'. Do not enter damaged target him. information/OTP. Helpline No. 9531856083 or visit
severe earthquake that Edu cate you rself and buildings. In this regard, the Andaman Avoid sharing your personal, a press
oc curred on December 26, family members abou t If trapped in rubble: and Nicobar Police has issued details such as address, email id, release from SP (CID) said.
2004 caused horizontal and earthqu ake risk by Do not light a matchstick
vertical shift of land mass in
the Andaman and Nicobar
participating in earthquake
safety programmes.
Cover your mouth with a
cloth Mass tree plantation marks
Islands, which caused the loss During Earthquake Tap on a pipe or a wall
of lives and property of this Stay calm do not panic. Sound a whistle celebration of Van Mahotsav by BSI
UT. If you're indoors,stay inside. Use stairs and not lifts or
Considering the above, the If you 're ou tside, stay elevators. Port Blair, July 8
Direc torate of Disaster outside. Move cautiously and check The Botanical Survey of
Management, A&N Don't u se matc hes, for unstable objects and other India, A & N Regional Centre,
Administration has urged the candles, or any flame. Broken hazards above and around you. celebrated Van Mahotsav-2024
general pu blic of A&N gas lines and fire don't mix. Check yourself for injuries. under the leadership of
Islands to adhere to the Do's If you are in a car, stop Stay away from beaches. Additional Director &
& Don'ts of Earthqu ake to the car and stay inside until Tsunamis and seiches sometimes Regional Head, Dr. Lal Ji Singh
mitigate the impac t of the earthquake stops. hit after the ground stops during which mass tree
earthquake and save their Duck under a table; Cover shaking. plantation programme was
precious lives. your head with one hand and Do not spread and/ or organized at Government
Before Earthquake hold the table till the tremors believe in rumours. Primary School, Nayashahar;
Consult a structural last. For any assistance contact Dhanikhari Experimental
Engineer to make your Stay away from mirrors the Emergency Helpline Garden, South Andaman. Smt. Amudha of Government the programme. During the
house earthquake resilient. and windows. Do not exit the Numbers: 112 (ERSS), 1070 Apart from this, an awareness Primary School, Nayasahar, c elebration, seedlings of
Fasten shelves securely to building while the earth is still (SEOC), 1077 (DEOC), 100 rally on plantation was also South Andaman welcomed edible plants espec ially
walls; plac e heavy/ large shaking. (Police), 101 (Fire) & 102 organized with the slogan 'Ek the gathering. Teaching staff Coconut, Khattaphal, Cowa
objec ts on lower shelves. Move outside as soon as (Ambulance). (Source: Ped Lagao Maa Ke Naam' in along with stu dents, BSI phal, Mango etc . were
Provide strong su pport to the tremors stop. Do not use Directorate of Disaster the residential areas of the Sc ientists, staff and loc al distributed, a press release
power and gas appliances. a lift. Management) Nayashahar. Headmistress people actively participated in from BSI said.
No-Light Complaints- Toll Free No. 18003451111
Daily Telegrams July 09, 2024
PORT BLAIR - 744101
Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, a Sub-ordinate Office under the Ministry of Culture is inviting applications from
No. M/Estt/2-1(188)/2024/Vol-V/1414 Port Blair, dated the 3rd July, 2024 the eligible candidates for the following posts as mentioned below:-
Sl. Name of the Classification of Posts Place of No. of Pay Scale Mode of
NOTICE No. Posts Posting Vacancies Recruitment
The eligible list (Additional list for unfilled vacant posts) published by the A&N Administration in the Daily Telegrams 01. Joint Director General Central Services, Nagpur 01 (One) Pay Level – 13 By Deputation
on 28.06.2024 of candidates for the post of Marine Radio Operator, Conductor and Mazdoor under Afloat Establishment Group-A (Gazetted), Non- (Rs.1,23,100 – (Including Short
of Directorate of Shipping Services, A&N Administration who attended the Common Senior Secondary Level posts and Ministerial 2,15,900/-) Term Contract)
Secondary Level posts conducted by A&N Administration are hereby requested to attend the Swimming Test & Trade 02. Deputy Director General Central Services, Port Blair 01 (One) Pay Level – 12 in By Deputation
Test as indicated against each with all original testimonials in the specified place and time without fail. (Cultural Group-A (Gazetted), Non- the Pay Matrix
Sl. No. Post Venue Date & Time of Trade Test Anthropology Ministerial (Rs.78,800 –
1. Mazdoor Netaji Stadium, Port Blair 18.07.2024 from 7.00 am to 9.00 am Division) 2,09,200)
Certificate verification = 7.00 am to 8.00 am 03. Human General Central Services, Kolkata 01 (One) Pay Level – 10 By Deputation
Trade Test = 8.00 am to 9.00 am Ecologist Group-A (Gazetted), Non- (Rs.56,100 – (Including Short
Terms & Conditions for Trade Test: Ministerial 1,77,500/-) Term Contract)
1. The candidates must bring their Original testimonials while approaches the Trade Test for verification. 04. Junior General Central Services, Nagpur- 01 10 (Ten) Pay Level – 07 By Transfer on
2. The candidates must bring one set of testimonials, Admit Card & Application with self-attested copies while Administrative Group-B (Gazetted) Shillong- 01 (Rs.44,900 – Deputation
approaches for the Trade Test for official records. Officer (Ministerial) Port Blair- 01 1,42,400/-)
Dehradun- 01
3. They should possess their Admit Card during the Trade Test.
Udaipur- 01
4. Reporting time for entry of the Candidates before the Committee constituted for the purpose is 6.45 am. Entry of
Mysore- 01
candidates after the stipulated time should not be entertained. Jagdalpur
5. Male candidates should run a distance of 100 mtrs. within 45 seconds carrying 30 Kgs. of weight and the (CG)- 01
Female candidates should run a distance of 100 mtrs. within 45 seconds carrying 20 Kgs. of weight. Kolkata- 03
6. Smoking and Pan chewing is strictly prohibited. 05. Junior General Central Services, Kolkata- 01 04 (Four) Pay Level – 06 By Transfer /
Sl. No. Post Venue Date & Time of Trade Test Translator (OL) Group-C (Ministerial) Port Blair- 01 (Rs.35,400 – Transfer on
2. Safai Karamchari Marine Dockyard, DSS, Port Blair 19.07.2024 from 10.00 am to 12.00 Noon (Non-Gazetted) Shillong- 01 1,12,400) Deputation
Certificate verification = 10.00 am to 11.00 am Mysore- 01
Trade Test = 11.00 am to 12.00 Noon 06. Stenographer, General Central Services, Nagpur 01 (One) Pay Level – 06 Transfer / Transfer
Terms & Conditions for Trade Test Grade-II Group-C (Ministerial) (Rs.35,400 – on Deputation
1. The candidates must bring their Original testimonials while approaches the Trade Test for verification. (Non-Gazetted) 1,12,400) (Including Short-
2. The candidates must bring one set of testimonials, Admit Card & Application with self-attested copies while Term Contract)
approaches for the Trade Test for official records. The details of vacancy is posted on the website of Anthropological Survey of India (
3. Reporting time for entry of the Candidates before the Committee constituted for the purpose is 9.45 am. Entry of The last date for submission of the application within (60) sixty days time from the date of publication of the
candidates after the stipulated time should not be entertained. advertisement in the “Employment News / Rozgar Samachar”.
4. They should possess their Admit Card during the Trade Test. Officer In-Charge
5. The Candidates should undergo cleaning works inside the Marine Dockyard Complex. Anthropological Survey of India,
6. Smoking and Pan chewing is strictly prohibited. Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre, Port Blair
Sl. No. Post Venue Date & Time of Swimming Test
3. Conductor Swimming Pool, Netaji Stadium, 19.07.2024 from 7.00 am to 9.00 am Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 NOTICE
Port Blair Certificate verification = 7.00 am to 8.00 am Raksha Vihar, Minnie Bay Port Blair-744103, A & N Islands It is brought to the Notice of General
Swimming Test = 8.00 am to 9.00 am E-mail: [email protected]/ Website: Public that a Family Member Certificate
Terms & Conditions for Swimming Test https// bearing No.20211011FAM01337
1. The candidates must bring their Original testimonials while approaches the Swimming Test for verification. Phone :- 03192-225093 issued by Tehsildar, Port Blair on
02.08.2021 in favour of Miss Lalita
2. The candidates must bring one set of testimonials, Admit Card & Application with self-attested copies while
Tigga, D/o Late Tarticius Tigga, R/o
approaches for the Swimming Test for official records.
3. They should possess their Admit Card during the Swimming Test. INTERVIEW FOR PART TIME CONTRACTUAL Junglighat village is hereby cancelled
and invalid for all aspects.
4. Reporting time for entry of the Candidates before the Committee constituted for the purpose is by 6.45 am. Entry of
candidates after the stipulated time should not be entertained.
TEACHERS FOR THE SESSION (2024 -25) Tehsildar, Port Blair
5. Swimming costume is compulsory during the swimming test of the candidate. The candidates entering the Candidates are invited for a walk-in interview at 7:30 a.m. on 24.07.2024
at Kendriya Vidyalaya no. 2 Port Blair for preparing a panel of contractual
swimming pool without wearing swimming costume will not be entertained in any cost.
teachers for the academic session 2024-25 for the following posts:
6. Swimming suit and cap is compulsory for Female candidate.
7. Foot wears are not allowed on the pool deck. PGT: English, Maths, , and Commerce ANJUMAN YADGAR-E-
8. Smoking and Pan chewing is strictly prohibited. TGT: English, Hindi & Science HUSSAINY is observing the
9. Carrying eatable items inside the swimming pool is not allowed. MISCELLANEOUS :, Counselor, Art & Craft Instructor. Majlis Aza-E-HAZRAT IMAAM
10. Persons with Skin Diseases are not allowed. Note:
11. The candidates must swim a distance of 100 mtrs within 03 minutes (Both for male & Female). ● The appointment will be purely on contract basis. HUSSAIN Alaihisalam, Son of
12. Smoking and pan chewing is strictly prohibited. ● Qualifications as per KVS norms. HAZRAT IMAAM ALI
Sl. No. Post Venue Date & Time of Swimming Test & Trade Test ● For detailed Advertisement such as Qualification, Eligibility Criteria, Alaihisalam and Grand Son of
4. Marine Radio Swimming Pool, Netaji Swimming Test on 26.07.2024 from 7.00 am to 9.00 am Date of Interview etc. visit the Vidyalaya website.
Operator Stadium, Port Blair Certificate verification = 7.00 am to 8.00 am Prophet MOHAMMED (Peace
Swimming Test = 8.00 am to 9.00 am ● The biodata form can be downloaded from the school be upon him), in the residence
Phoenix Bay Jetty, Port Blair Trade Test on 27.07.2024 from 07.30 am onwards website. of JANAB – SAWAB HASAN at
Terms & Conditions for Swimming Test: ● Duly filled application form must be submitted at the Vidyalaya office
1. The candidates must bring their Original testimonials while approaches the Swimming Test for verification. or email id: [email protected] latest by 22.07.2024. Marine Hill, Port Blair from 8th
2. The candidates must bring one set of testimonials, Admit Card & Application with self-attested copies while ● Kindly visit the Vidyalaya website frequently for further updates. July, 2024 to 17th July, 2024.
approaches for the Swimming Test for official records.
3. They should possess their Admit Card during the Swimming Test. Sd/- The Daily Majlis will start at
4. Reporting time for entry of the Candidates before the Committee constituted for the purpose is 6.45 am. Entry of PRINCIPAL 6.30 pm. Ph. No. 9933280477
candidates after the stipulated time should not be entertained.
5. Swimming costume is compulsory during the swimming test of the candidate. The candidates entering the OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL
swimming pool without wearing swimming costume will not be entertained in any cost. PORT BLAIR MATRIMONY
6. Swimming suit and cap is compulsory for Female candidate. Alliance is invited for a Tamil Boy with
7. Foot wears are not allowed on the pool deck. Well Qualified, Age 35 Yrs. Having Own
8. Smoking and pan chewing is strictly prohibited. Travel Business. Looking for a Hindu
(Inclusion of Representatives from NGO & Resident Welfare Associations
9. Carrying eatable items inside the swimming pool is not allowed. Family Girl Age 27-35 Yrs. Caste No Bar.
in Town Vending Committee (TVC) )
10. Persons with Skin Diseases are not allowed. Contact No: 7063944859 / 9933292583
The Port Blair Municipal Council (PBMC) invites applications from eligible
11. The candidates must swim a distance of 100 mtrs within 3 minutes (For male) and 5 minutes (For
candidate for the inclusion of Non-Official member from the following category to
12. Smoking and pan chewing is strictly prohibited.
include them in Town Vending Committee (TVC) for a period of 05 years as
mandated under the provisions of the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and
Terms & Conditions for Trade Test 1 BHK Room available for rent at Prem
Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2015, for the Union Territory of Andaman &
1. The Candidates qualified in the Swimming Test should proceed to undergo Trade Test on 27.07.2024 at Nagar Junction with 24 hours water
Phoenix Bay Jetty, DSS, Port Blair. They shall report to Afloat Communication Centre, Phoenix Bay Jetty by
Nicobar Islands.
facility at Rs.9000/- per month.
07.30 am onwards. S.No Category No. of position
Contact: 8001802525
2. The candidates must bring their Original testimonials while proceeds to Trade Test. 1 Representative from Non-Government Organization 01
3. Reporting time for entry of the Candidates before the Committee constituted at Afloat Communication Centre, (NGO)
Phoenix Bay jetty, Port Blair for the purpose is 7.30 am. Entry of candidates after the stipulated time should not be 2 Representative from Residential Welfare
Association (RWA)
Interested eligible individuals from Port Blair City whose antecedent record are AC, Refrigeration, Washing
4. Vision Normal in both eyes colour vision is essential and wearing of glass is not permitted upto the age of 40
years. In this regard, the candidates must bring medical certificate from the Government Hospital/authorized clear may submit their applications, duly addressed to the Secretary, PBMC, Indhra Machine, Microwave Oven,
medical practitioner approved by the A&N Administration/DGS. Bhawan, PBMC (HQ), Mohanpura, Port Blair on or before 20th July 2024. Deep Fridge etc. Contact:
5. Smoking and Pan chewing is strictly prohibited. Applications received after the specified deadline will not be considered under 9933230883, 7695056260
any circumstances.
Sd/- Project Officer
Assistant Director (Admn) Port Blair Municipal Council NATURAL WATER
8 Death Anniversary 23 DEATHrd st
1 Death 22nd Death Anniversary WANTED 24 hours. Service Water Supply 1000
On 09/07/2024 On 09.07.2024
ANNIVERSARY One Residential Caretaker for to 14000 Ltrs. Contact No.
In Loving memory
On 09-07-2024
Anniversary Jagannath Guest House, 9474261589 / 9933261589
Late Tydimus Janathan Salary Rs.15000/-, one Driver
(Head Warden)
(District Jail, Prothrapur)
for Personal Car, Salary LAND FOR SALE
Rs.13000/-. Contact Single Patta & Converted House
Site with 3 Storeyed Building Plan
Personally at Ashok Cloth ready for construction, best for
House, A / Bazar. Ph. Hotel & Other business at main
9434280913 / 9474209022 Market Chouldary near Highway &
SBI. Contact Ph. 9933214853
Readers are requested to verify
Sales Staff - 2 Nos. and make appropriate enquiries to
satisfy themselves about the
(Female / Male) veracity of an advertisement before
Late N.Ramesan Experience preferred responding to any advertisement
published in this newspaper.
R/o Pathergadda LATE R. VAMADEVAN S. SUDHARMANI Jewellery Billing Staff – 1No The publisher of this newspaper,
does not vouch for the authenticity
DOD: 09-07-2023 DOB: 26.02.1962 DOD:09.07.2002 (Female / Male)
"Your memories will Kerala Bakery, Haddo of any advertisement or advertiser
"In Loving Memory of our Dear My soul, wait in Silence for God Sadly remembered by: (Salary Based on Experience) or for any of the advertisers
always be in our heart only, for my hope is from him. VA Kutty (Husband), Mrs. V. Nisha Contact:
products and services.
Father, who left this world but never The Owner, Publisher, Printer,
forever" left our hearts, today we honor you Inserted by: (Wife) Felicity (Daughter), K. Joju (Son-in-law), Master J. Sree Bhuvaneswari Jewellery Employees of this newspaper shall
not be held responsible/liable in any
Inserted by: Smti. B.Kanakamani (Wife) on your Death Anniversary." Daughter - Scholesdica Utkarsh & Baby J. Adirika (Grand Children), Meshack Market. manner whatsoever for any claims
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