Multiple Impedance Control For Object Manipulation
Multiple Impedance Control For Object Manipulation
Multiple Impedance Control For Object Manipulation
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Evangelos Papadopoulos on 28 July 2014.
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, K. N. Toossi University of Technology, PO Box 16765-3381, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15773 Zografou, Greece
Fe coordinates. Note that C ˜ (i ) contains all the gravity and
x x2 x3 xw
1 nonlinear velocity terms, whereas in a microgravity
k1 k2
kw environment the gravity terms are practically zero [13].
Assuming that each manipulator has six DOF, and using
b1 m2 b2
a square Jacobian J C(i) , the output speeds ( x˙˜ (i ) ) are computed
in terms of the joint rates ( q˙ ( i) ) as
Manipulator End-Effector Object Obstacle
( )
and Force Sensor Flexibility T
( i)T ( i)T
x˜ = x ,
(i ) (i )
F i g . 1 : Manipulation task by a simple robot. where x describes the i-th end-effector
(i )
position, and is a set of Euler angles which describes the
The manipulator is represented by m1 connected through a i-th end-effector orientation.
spring-damper to m 2 which represents the end-effector. A
fo , n o
conceptual comparative analysis between existing control obj
measure this force, it must be estimated. Therefore, Eq. (8) is
M x˙˙ + Fω = Fc + Fo +GFe (4a)
written as
where M is the mass matrix, x = (x TG , Tobj ) T describes the
position of the object center of mass x G and the object (
Fe = G # {MM−des1 Mdes ˙x˙ des + kd e˙ + k pe + Fˆ c + )
( )
orientation described by Euler angles obj , Fω is a vector of Fω − Fˆ c + Fo }
nonlinear velocity terms, Fc describes the contact
forces/moments, Fo are external forces/torques (other than where Fˆ c is the estimated value of the contact force Fc .
contact and end-effector ones), Fe is a 6n×1 vector which Depending on the grasp condition, if it is required to apply
contains all end-effector forces/torques applied on the object additional internal forces and moments on the object, Fint ,
(Fe(i ) is a 6×1 vector corresponding to the i-th end-effector), then Eq. (10) can be modified to
( )
and the matrix G which will be referred to as the grasp
matrix, is obtained as [12] Fe = G # {MM−des1 Mdes ˙x˙ des + kd e˙ + k pe + Fˆ c +
( ) (
G= T
03× 3 13×3 0 3× 3 Fω − Fˆ c + Fo }+ 1 −G# G Fint )
S Tobj 6 ×6 n
(1) × L T (4b)
Sobj [re ]
S obj S obj [re (n ) ]×
3×3 3× 3
where 1 is a 6n×6n identity matrix. Note that F int does not
where 1 and 0 denote the identity and zero matrices, affect the object motion, since the added term is in the null
respectively. The matrix Sobj is introduced in Eq. (7), and space of the grasp matrix G.
re(i ) is the position vector of the i-th end-effector with respect According to the definition of F e, the force which has to
to the object center of mass, see Fig. 2. Note that due to its be supplied by the i-th end-effector, Fe(i) , can be directly req
formulation, the MIC takes into account the potentially large obtained from Fe . This yields the force-concerned part of the
˜ (i ) , see Eq. (3), as
applied controlling force, Q
object or payload inertia forces. Next, using the system f
impedance relationship for the object motion is chosen as each end-effector. On the other hand, the reaction load is
M des e˙˙ +k d e˙ + k p e =− Fc (5) ˜ (i) =− F (i)
Q (13a)
react e
or, after substituting the estimated value for the contact force
[ ]
where G is the weighted pseudoinverse of the grasp matrix ˜ (i ) (q (i ) )M−des1 M des˙x˜˙ (des
˜ m(i) = H +k d e˙˜( i ) +k p e˜ (i) + Fˆc +
G. The matrix G # is of full-rank provided that Sobj is not (15b)
singular, and is defined as ˜ (i) (q(i ) , q˙ (i ) )
( )−1
G # = W−1G T GW −1GT (9) Substituting Eqs. (12), and (15) into Eq. (3b), the applied
controlling force is computed.
where W is a task weighting matrix which allows for relative Note that OIC enforces an impedance law only on the
weighing of linear and angular variables. Assuming that Fo , object motion, while MIC enforces an impedance law on
the object mass, and geometric properties are known, both the manipulator end-effector(s), and the manipulated
computation of Fe requires knowing the value of the
object. This major difference between the MIC and OIC
contact force, Fc . Since it is not possible, in general, to allows for proper trajectory planning of the end-effector(s),
based on the desired trajectory for the object, and the grasp are used. Although both of these two approximations yield
condition. The desired trajectory for the i-th end-effector acceptable experimental results, it has been indicated that a
motion, x˜ (ides) , is defined based on the desired trajectory for the more sophisticated procedure would improve performance
object motion, the object geometry, and the grasp condition. [12]. In fact, since there may be a considerable difference
In other words, based on the grasp constraints defined as between x˙˙ and x˙˙ des , using x˙˙ des will not yield reliable results
especially after contact. On the other hand, using Eq. (19)
des ) = 0
g( i ) (xdes , x˜ (i) i = 1,L, n (16) may result in a poor approximation because of sudden
and the object desired trajectory, x des , the desiredend-effectors variations in contact forces.
trajectories and corresponding time derivatives can be Here, the suggestion is to use finite difference approx-
determined. Therefore, satisfaction of the grasp constraints is imation as
˙xˆ˙ = x˙ t − x˙ t−∆t or ˙xˆ˙ = x t − 2x t −∆t + x t− 2∆t
guaranteed, as well as an impedance controlled motion of all
participating end-effectors. In the case of a redundant system, (20)
∆t (∆t)2
the end-effector(s) trajectory can be planned so as to optimize
performance. where ∆t is the time step used in the estimation procedure.
(d) Error Analysis. It can be shown that substituting In a noisy environment, higher order finite difference
Eqs. (12), (13), and (15) into Eq. (3), and then the result into estimates may be needed. Note that due to practical reasons
Eq. (1), yields (i.e. time requirements for measurements and corresponding
calculations), ∆t can not be infinitesimally close to zero. At
M des e˙˜˙(i) + kd ˜e˙ (i ) + k p e˜ ( i ) + Fˆ c = 0 i = 1,L, n sufficiently high sampling rates, this does not introduce a
ˆ (17) significant error, even during contact. Substituting Eq. (20)
M e˙˙ + k e˙ +k e + F = 0
des d p c
for acceleration, the contact force can be estimated based on
For more details see [12], or follow a similar derivation for Eq. (18) as
space robotic systems in [11]. The above equation means that Fˆ c = M x˙ˆ˙ + Fω − Fo −GFe (21)
all participating manipulators and the manipulated object
exhibit the same designated impedance behavior. Therefore,
the MIC algorithm imposes a consistent motion of all parts IV. Case Study: A Comparative Analysis.
of the system. In an ideal case, this results in a harmonic The single robotic arm manipulating an object, depicted in
motion of different parts of the system like the motion of a Figure 1, is used here to compare the performance of the MIC
multi-DOF system in its natural mode shapes. Note that the and OIC algorithms. As shown in [12], the sum of the roots
MIC approach permits choosing different impedance of characteristic equation for the system under the MIC and
parameters for the object dynamical behavior and the end- OIC laws is obtained as
effectors (by selecting M des , kd , and k p in Eq. (14) different
ˆ 1m 2 m3 kd + m des (m 1 + m2 )m3 b1 + m des ( m 2 + m 3) m1b2 )
from those of Eq. (5)). However, physical intuition as well as
i =
simulation analyses indicate that the best results are achieved MIC mdes m1 m2 m 3
by choosing the same parameters. This is due to the fact that
enforcing the same pre-set impedance on different parts of the − ((m1 + m2 )m3 b1 +(m2 + m3 ) m1b2 )
system results in an accordant motion throughout the system ∑s
i =
m1m 2m 3
while executing a manipulation task. A harmonious motion
of the end-effectors and of the manipulated object is ensured As it is seen, the latter is a function of system parameters
via the same error dynamics as described by Eq. (17). only, and is mostly affected by damping characteristics of the
(e) Contact Force Estimation. Computation of system; the controller parameters do not affect the sum of the
Fe requires knowing the value of the contact force, Fc . In roots for the OIC algorithm. However, it is seen that for the
general, this has to be estimated which is discussed below. MIC, the summation is also a function of kd and mdes,
To compute the contact force, Eq. (4) can be rewritten as besides system parameters, which permits easier pole
Fc = M˙x˙ + Fω − Fo −GFe (18) For a rigid manipulator and object, both algorithms yield
It is assumed that Fo , the object mass, and the geometric the same closed-loop transfer functions, [12]. In the presence
parameters are known. If the end-effectors are equipped with of system flexibility, the root loci for the MIC and OIC
force sensors, Fe can be measured and substituted into this algorithms, as a function of the object stiffness (k 2 ) for
equation. Also, based on measurements of object motion, Fω various damping factors (b2 ), reveal that for a relatively well-
can be computed and substituted into Eq. (18). However, to damped object both algorithms are stable, whether or not the
evaluate the contact force, the object acceleration must be object is in contact with an obstacle, [12]. However, for an
known also. Since this is not usually available, it can be object with light damping, the OIC algorithm can become
approximated through a numerical estimation procedure. In unstable if there is no contact. Figure 3 shows a set of
the OIC implementation, either the desired acceleration, or typical root loci plots where the system parameters are the
the last commanded acceleration which is defined as same as those introduced in the following simulation part
( )
(except for b2 =10). Note that contact between the object and
x˙˙ = M − 1 M ˙x˙ + k e˙ + k e + Fˆ
cmd des des des d(19) p c
an obstacle adds a feedback effect to the system, and so its To approximate actuator dynamics, the input force F1 is
dynamic behavior changes. filtered by a second-order Butterworth low-pass filter, as
It can be shown that choosing larger gains does not result F1 ω 02
in a stable system under the OIC law. However, a larger = 2 filtered
desired mass (M des ) has a positive effect on the stability of F1 s + 2ω 0s + ω0 2
this algorithm, though it results in a sluggish performance. where ω 0 is chosen equal to 30 rad/sec. The obstacle is at
For an undamped object, i.e. b 2 = 0 , it is observed that the x w = 0.7m , and the contact force is computed as
MIC algorithm is stable (whether or not the object is in
contact with the obstacle), while the OIC becomes unstable. if x 3 > xw fc = k w (x w − x3 )
else fc = 0.0 (23)
In this case, choosing a larger value for the desired mass or a
larger damping gain does not result in a stable system. It can where k w =1e5N / m . The desired trajectory for the object is
be concluded that with respect to system stability, the MIC defined as x3 des =1− e− t , and the initial conditions are
algorithm exhibits better characteristics than the OIC.
(x1 , x2 , x3 , x˙1 , x˙ 2 , x˙ 3 )T = (−0.2,−0.1,0.01,0, 0,0) T (m, m / s)
and it is assumed that each spring is initially free of tension
or compression.
Figure 4 compares the simulated performance of the MIC
and OIC algorithms during the free motion and contact phase.
Root locus analysis shows that both OIC and MIC are stable
in both the “no contact” and “in contact” phases. As shown
in Figure 4, under the OIC law the system oscillates reaching
a limit-cycle, while the MIC algorithm yields a good
(a) (b)
response, and the object comes into contact with the obstacle
at t ≈ 2.0 sec.
Error (m)
Error (m)
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
-0.05 -0.05
(c) (d) 0 2 4
6 8 10 0 2 4
6 8 10
the presence of flexibility and impact forces, the MIC yields a (b)
smooth and stable performance. Here, for the purpose of 100
comparison, the system depicted in Fig. 1 is simulated under 0
the MIC and OIC laws, where the system parameters are 0
Contact Force (N)
chosen so that stability is ensured in both no contact and in -100
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