EDP2111 Assignment One The Roles of The Teacher
EDP2111 Assignment One The Roles of The Teacher
EDP2111 Assignment One The Roles of The Teacher
Submission Requirements:
1. Use 1.5 line spacing and 12 point font (Times New Roman).
2. Use APA referencing style.
3. The word count provides an explicit guideline for an appropriate response.
4. Cited references are included in the word count.
5. A complete reference list is required at the conclusion of your submission.
6. Completed assignments should be submitted via the Submit Assignment Here system.
Label the file with Surname and Name before uploading e.g. brown_joe_EDP2111.
7. For Part A, the audio format (mp3, mp2, aac, m4a, wma, wav, aif) of less than 100MB is
to be submitted with the assignment.
8. Your name and student number is to be included as a header on your submission
document. An assignment cover sheet is not required.
9. Only an Assignment Criteria document, which includes comments, will be returned to
you. Comments will not be made on your original submitted assignment. Retain a copy
of your assignment for possible future reference.
10. Please note that this assignment is to be completed progressively throughout the semester
and must be submitted for marking on or before the final date for submission. The
penalty for late submission without an approved extension (as per USQ policy) is a
reduction by 5% of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each day or
part day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten days after
the final date for submission will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment.
11. Students should familiarise themselves with the following information on the appropriate
use of referencing, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct:
EDP2111 Assignment 1 Semester 1 2018
Student name:
Part B: Discussion (400 words) Comprehensively Proficiently Effectively describes Adequately Inadequately
From the thematic analysis, identify describes one describes one one distinctive role describes one describes one
one of the distinctive roles of the distinctive role of distinctive role of of the teacher from distinctive role of distinctive role of
teacher that has emerged from the the teacher from the the teacher from the the themes. Sound the teacher from the the teacher from the
interview data. In this discussion, themes. Conclusive themes. Substantial justification of the themes. Some theme.
support your findings with literature justification of the justification of the interpretation, justification of the
sources (in-text citations) for the interpretation, interpretation, including a relevant interpretation,
significance of the teacher role including a relevant including a relevant literature source to including a relevant
identified. literature source to literature source to support the literature source.
support the support the significance of the
significance of the significance of the teacher role.
teacher role. teacher role.
Structured question:
Structured question:
Final question: