How Do We Really Love Ourselves?
How Do We Really Love Ourselves?
How Do We Really Love Ourselves?
will remove itself or shift to a positive form in our life. Like a magnet (law of attraction) life draws to us the very people and situations to mirror our own wounded places in our spirit. Some might refer to this as a form of soul retrieval. A part of our wounded self locked in another dimension of time-the past still playing out in our daily life. To Love Ones Self: How much time do you spend appreciating yourselfwe all have a blessed life waiting to be focused on! What we focus on expands whether positive or negative, explaining why bad things happen to good people. The self-sabotaging wounded places continue to control our lives until we love them/ourselves to death! How do we really love ourselves? A starting place: 1. Stop worrying about what others think of you. Whether others like you or dislike you isnt really about you, it is more about their perceptions of how they think you are. Perceptions based on their past experiences both good and bad. 2. Stop trying to be everything to everyone-insane goal. This takes you out of your lifeleaves you confused as to your direction in life and why you cant manifest your goals. 3. All judgment is self-judgment-Stop It. What we detest in others is a part of us a call for love. 4. Stay away from people who drag you down they are pulling your energy. Those who are continually whining, blaming, drama queens/kings, constant talkers, jokesters. They are only making their situation worse by focusing on the negative. Energy follows thoughtwhat we focus on expands. It is a negative addictive habit. 5. The compassion and forgiveness you to give to others give to yourself. Mistakes are opportunities to learn a valuable lesson get the lesson and move on! Dont repeat it either! 6. Stop listening to or reading the bad news from any source. You will still know what is going on in the world from others talking about it. It just doesnt have to be your focus. 7. NO negative self-talk or thought ever! Watch those subtle ways you put yourself down. At my part time office job one of our tenants comes in almost daily. In seven years I have never heard him refer to himself in a positive light. Several times a week he points out his faults - nothing I say helps. He works in a tiny office in the basement. He does not understand the Prospering Power of Love, a great book by Catherine Ponder. 8. Say no to others when your gut/intuition directs - without guilt. 9. Stop comparing ourselves to others-a subtle way of putting our self down. Everyone has a special gift or talent. Those you admire have just found their niche and worked hard to get there. Focus on what inspires you, what you are passionate aboutdont envy others. Jealousy comes when you havent taken the time to create the life you. 10. Take care of your body the Souls Homepage! 11. Heartily - Laugh, Forgive, Believe in yourself. 12. Self-Love Treatments - Reiki and Quantum Touch or any energy therapy! 13. Get a massage, acupuncture, or an energy therapy session
14. Take 50 slow, diaphragm breaths a day. Spread them out over the day5 or 6 at a time. 15. Quiet the mental white noise prayer/meditation/music. 16. Ask/pray for help. You are not alone make The Call No Call is Unanswered! 17. Do what inspires you your own special inner music! Happiness is a choicemake it NOW! No one has the power to make you sad, angry, feel guilty, etc. unless you give them permission. When you love yourself from the inside out to death, you cease being a victim of life situation. The transformation into an in-spired/spirit led life begins - heaven on earth is the result. Your gift from your Divine Self/Source/God. Ponder That for a while! Love Yourself to Death Exercise Releasing to The Alter of God Exercise: Healing From the Inside Out Miracles happen first on the level of the mind. Heal the mind and you heal your life. Your focused attention and intention are your present moment power points to change your life your Karmic Destiny. Our only power point is the present momentthe choices we make in this moment define our future moments. Healing the past allows for a fuller expression of our Divine Self in the present moment and creates a better future. This is karmic transform affecting our DNA. Change your karma - change your life. It is known by Quantum Scientists that on some experiments they must leave the room because their mental thought/feelings will change the outcome of the experiment. Our focused attention has energy on a quantum level which is where our thoughts are. Everything in the physical world started with a thought. When we dwell on negative thought (fear, worry, anger, etc.) consistently, it builds energy until it manifests in the physical level in some form. However, we can use this same principle to heal with positive thoughtsour love. As we heal/forgive ourselves and release negative emotions, we stop drawing to us (Law of Attraction) challenging situations or we find that these situations no longer push our buttons. We are free to be our True Self. Your emotions/thoughts are your best barometer and guidance system to help you understand what needs to be healed. Sometimes you cant move forward to something new in your life until you let go of something old. Releasing to the Altar of God/Source Energy If you are not a visual person just pretend that you are seeing the suggested images or imagine you are seeing a picture of yourself doing the suggestions below. When anyone or anything pushes your buttons or you just feel stressed or depressed: 1. Catch your thoughts and go to a quiet place as soon as possible. 2. Take a few deep breaths, relax and ask your Spiritual Guide to help you. 3. Close your eyes and imagine yourself with your Guide standing in front of the Altar of God, it can look anyway you wish. 4. Think of the situation and imagine pulling it out of your mind/head. The subconscious works only with picture/symbols, imagine the issues in pictures or written on something that captures pictures/images; a slide, a CD, a digital scandisk, a flash/jump drive you pull out of your personal USB port-your mind is the C Drive. 5. Put the issue on the Altar of God and feel its release. Feel free of the situation/emotions and give thanks.
6. Now imagine joining with God/Source Energy and feel expansion and freedom, which is unconditional love feel gratitude for the healing. Do this in any form you want to imagine. If nothing comes to mind, you might simply put your attention in your aura your energy field around your body. Join with this energy and breathe deeply. You will feel a peace that is your True Self send love, appreciation and gratitude. 7. Ask for help to perceive the situation in a new way. You might even ask; What purpose did this serve or What can I learn from this? 8. Repeating this exercise often helps to establish its healing/release in the subconscious mind. 9. Give thanks and gratitude for the healing that has been done.