Finite-Difference Frequency - Domain Method: Comparison With FDTD and FEM

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Finite-difference 2. Much of the literature on finite-difference time-domain

(FDTD) methods applies to FDFD, particularly topics on

frequency-domain how to represent materials and devices on a Yee grid.

Comparison with FDTD and FEM

method The FDFD method is very similar to the FDTD method, though
Jump to navigation Jump to search there are some major differences. Unlike the FDTD method, there
are no time steps that must be computed sequentially, thus
The finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) method is making FDFD easier to implement. This might also lead one to
a numerical solution method for problems usually in imagine that FDFD is less computationally expensive; however,
electromagnetism and sometimes in acoustics, based on finite- this is not necessarily the case. The FDFD method requires
difference approximations of the derivative operators in the solving a sparse matrix, which even for simple problems can be
differential equation being solved. 20,000 by 20,000 elements or larger, with over a million
unknowns. In this respect, the FDFD method is similar to the
While “FDFD” is a generic term describing all frequency-domain finite element method, which is a finite integral method and is also
finite-difference methods, the title seems to mostly describe the usually implemented in the frequency domain. There are efficient
method as applied to scattering problems. The method shares numerical solvers available so that matrix inversion—an extremely
many similarities to the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) computationally expensive process—can be avoided. Additionally,
method, so much of the literature on FDTD can be directly model order reduction techniques can be employed to reduce
applied. The method works by transforming Maxwell’s equations problem size.
(or other partial differential equation) for sources and fields at a
constant frequency into matrix form Ax=b{\displaystyle Ax=b}. FDFD, and FDTD for that matter, does not lend itself well to
The matrix A is derived from the wave equation operator, the complex geometries or multiscale structures, as the Yee grid is
column vector x contains the field components, and the column restricted mostly to rectangular structures. This can be
vector b describes the source. The method is capable of circumvented by either using a very fine grid mesh (which
incorporating anisotropic materials, but off-diagonal components increases computational cost), or by approximating the effects
of the tensor require special treatment. with surface boundary conditions. Non uniform gridding can lead
to spurious charges at the interface boundary, as the zero
Strictly speaking, there are at least two categories of “frequency- divergence conditions are not maintained when the grid is not
domain” problems in electromagnetism.[1] One is to find the uniform along an interface boundary. E and H field continuity can
response to a current density J with a constant frequency ω, i.e. be maintained to circumvent this problem by enforcing weak
of the form J(x)eiωt{\displaystyle \mathbf {J} (\mathbf {x} continuity across the interface using basis functions, as is done
)e^{i\omega t}}, or a similar time-harmonic source. This in FEM. Perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary conditions can
frequency-domain response problem leads to an also be used to truncate the grid, and avoid meshing empty
Ax=b{\displaystyle Ax=b} system of linear equations as space.
described above. An early description of a frequency-domain
response FDTD method to solve scattering problems was Susceptance Element Equivalent Circuit
published by Christ and Hartnagel (1987).[2] Another is to find
The FDFD equations can be rearranged in such a way as to
the normal modes of a structure (e.g. a waveguide) in the absence describe a second order equivalent circuit, where nodal voltages
of sources: in this case the frequency ω is itself a variable, and
represent the E field components and branch currents represent
one obtains an eigenproblem Ax=λx{\displaystyle Ax=\lambda the H field components. This equivalent circuit representation can
x} (usually, the eigenvalue λ is ω2). An early description of an be extremely useful, as techniques from circuit theory can be
FDTD method to solve electromagnetic eigenproblems was used to analyze or simplify the problem and can be used as a
published by Albani and Bernardi (1974).[3] spice-like tool for three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation.
This susceptance element equivalent circuit (SEEC) model has the
Implementing the method advantages of a reduced number of unknowns, only having to
solve for E field components, and second order model order
1. Use a Yee grid because it offers the following benefits: (1)
reduction techniques can be employed.
it implicitly satisfies the zero divergence conditions to
avoid spurious solutions, (2) it naturally handles physical
boundary conditions, and (3) it provides a very elegant
and compact way of approximating the curl equations
with finite-differences.
The FDFD method has been used to provide full wave simulation 2. ^ Andreas Christ; Hans L. Hartnagel (1987). “Three-
for modeling interconnects for various applications in electronic Dimensional Finite-Difference Method for the Analysis of
packaging. FDFD has also been used for various scattering Microwave-Device Embedding”. IEEE Transactions on
problems at optical frequencies. Microwave Theory and Techniques. 35 (8): 688–696.
Literature doi:10.1109/TMTT.1987.1133733.

See Chapter 3 3. ^ M. Albani; P. Bernardi (1974). “A numerical method

based on the discretization of Maxwell equations in
Computational Electromagnetics (see lectures 2, and 6–
integral form”. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
and Techniques. 22 (4): 446–450.
EM Lab Poster on FDFD Bibcode:1974ITMTT..22..446A.
Simple Implementation of Arbitrarily Shaped Total-Field/
Scattered-Field Regions in Finite-Difference Frequency- Retrieved from “https:// w/ index.php?title=Finite
Domain -difference_frequency-do main_metho d& amp; o ldid=911147773″

See also

Finite-difference time-domain method domain_method

Finite element method

1. ^ J. D. Joannopoulos; S. G. Johnson; J. N. Winn; R. D.
Meade (2008). Princeton Univ. Press (ed.). Photonic
Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light, 2nd edition. pp. 688–

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