Effect of Surrogate Aggregates On The TH

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

e Scientific World Journal

Volume 2014, Article ID 939632, 9 pages

Research Article
Effect of Surrogate Aggregates on the Thermal Conductivity of
Concrete at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures

Tae Sup Yun,1 Yeon Jong Jeong,1 and Kwang-Soo Youm2

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Yonsei-ro 50, Seodaemun-gu,
Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea
GS E&C Research Institute, Deokseong-ri, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 449-831, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Kwang-Soo Youm; [email protected]

Received 11 November 2013; Accepted 23 December 2013; Published 13 February 2014

Academic Editors: G. Cai and H. Wang

Copyright © 2014 Tae Sup Yun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The accurate assessment of the thermal conductivity of concretes is an important part of building design in terms of thermal
efficiency and thermal performance of materials at various temperatures. We present an experimental assessment of the thermal
conductivity of five thermally insulated concrete specimens made using lightweight aggregates and glass bubbles in place of normal
aggregates. Four different measurement methods are used to assess the reliability of the thermal data and to evaluate the effects of the
various sensor types. The concrete specimens are also assessed at every 100∘ C during heating to ∼800∘ C. Normal concrete is shown
to have a thermal conductivity of ∼2.25 W m−1 K−1 . The surrogate aggregates effectively reduce the conductivity to ∼1.25 W m−1 K−1
at room temperature. The aggregate size is shown not to affect thermal conduction: fine and coarse aggregates each lead to similar
results. Surface contact methods of assessment tend to underestimate thermal conductivity, presumably owing to high thermal
resistance between the transducers and the specimens. Thermogravimetric analysis shows that the stages of mass loss of the cement
paste correspond to the evolution of thermal conductivity upon heating.

1. Introduction with high thermal resistance is possibly a more practicable

alternative. The thermal conductivity of concretes can be
New Korean energy-saving design standards for new build- easily reduced by replacing one or more of its constituents
ings and houses effective from September 2013 seek to with thermally insulating materials, such as lightweight
improve the energy efficiency of residential and office build- coarse aggregates or glass bubbles [4]. Lightweight aggregates
ings that occupies 19.6% of the total energy consumption in
have been used, for example, in residential buildings in Japan,
2007 [1, 2]. They aim to reduce the yearly household energy
saving 20% of the heating energy consumption to maintain
consumption for heating from its 2005 level of 120 kW h m−2
∼20∘ C room temperature compared with those of normal
to below 30 kW h m−2 by 2017. This reduction is sought by concrete [5]. Glass bubbles have also been widely used as
having newly constructed houses contain more than 200 thermal insulation in the manufacture of insulated pipes and
mm of polystyrene insulation or thicker concrete walls [1],
heat-reflective paints [6]. Concretes, as complex mixtures of
measures which had previously been deemed too costly [3].
varying composition, can exhibit a wide range of thermal
The use of inexpensive floor heating and internal insulation in
the quickly built high-rise housing of Korea erected since the conductivities (i.e., 0.6∼3.6 W m−1 K−1 ) depending on the
1980s has resulted in formation of surface condensation and aggregates used and the moisture conditions and also on
mold due to the temperature differential between the concrete the temperature range and method of testing [7–9]. The
walls and the internal insulation board. assessment of the thermal conductivity of concretes mixed
External insulation could remedy this problem, but its with different synthetic materials and its variation at elevated
installation would be costly and time consuming and may be temperature is challenging and more complicated than the
hindered by legal regulations. The development of concrete assessment of normal concrete. Therefore, the development
2 The Scientific World Journal

of methods to estimate accurately the thermal conductivity at origin: they share the same mineralogy; only the grain
different temperatures of concrete with normal or lightweight size differs (Korea lacks a distinct natural source of fine
aggregate (LWA) is a crucial part of the design of thermally aggregates such as cleaned coastal sand). Micrometer-sized
efficient infrastructure. glass bubbles (3 M, Ltd.) are tested as a partial replacement
Previous experimental and numerical investigations have for the coarse aggregate and to create artificial pore spaces
reported the thermal properties (e.g., thermal conductivity, in the concretes. Two types of LWA (Argex, from Argex
specific heat, and thermal strain) of structural concrete and NV, Ltd., and Asanolite, from Taiheiyo Cement, Ltd.) are
thermally insulated concrete containing LWA and additives tested as replacements for the remaining coarse aggregate.
such as fiber, recycled glass, and metakaolin at ambient The physical properties of the various aggregates and glass
and elevated temperatures [10–13]. The density and thermal bubbles are listed in Table 1.
conductivity of concrete often decrease upon heating. How-
ever, the evolution during heating of the microstructure of 2.2. Specimen Preparation. Thermally insulated concretes are
cement paste has not been sufficiently analyzed in concretes prepared by replacing the coarse aggregate with the glass
with either normal or lightweight aggregates. The role of bubbles and the lightweight aggregates. Detailed mixing
lightweight aggregates and other additives also remains to be proportions are listed in Table 2. K denotes a specimen
fully elucidated. Moreover, the reliability of thermal conduc- with glass bubbles; the appended number represents the
tivity measurement depends not only upon the measurement volume fraction of glass bubbles added with respect to the
method at either a steady state or during transient states total aggregate volume. The effects of aggregate size and
but also on the transducer type (e.g., hot-guarded plate, hot volumetric fraction of aggregate on the thermal conductivity
box, and thermal needle probes) [4, 9, 14, 15]. The most are explored using another group of specimens: paste, mortar,
important microstructural components of hydrated cement and concrete (Table 3).
paste are calcium silicate hydrates (C–S–H), which make up Figure 1 shows optical images of the lightweight aggre-
to 67% of the hydration products, and calcium hydroxide [16]. gates used here. Argex contains rounded particles with
These components determine the mechanical properties of randomly configured internal pores; shell-like pores exist in
the paste [17–19]. Dehydration of the calcium silicate hydrates Asanolite; both show a noticeably great variety of pore shapes.
and the dehydroxylation of the calcium hydroxide account The micrometer-scale pores observed by scanning electron
for the mass loss observed during heating. The relationship microscopy corroborate the low density of the surrogate
between the thermal conductivity and the mass loss of the aggregates.
microstructural components of hydrated cement paste has All specimens are subjected to slump testing and fresh
not been clearly determined [19, 20]. density and are then cast in different molds [22]. The
This work presents an investigation of the thermal con- thermally insulated concretes are cast into specially designed
ductivity of various thermally insulated concretes. Samples thermal molds (200 mm × 200 mm × 300 mm) and three
containing different aggregates and glass bubbles are com- brick molds (65 mm × 114 mm × 230 mm) for the measure-
pared at ambient and elevated temperatures. A reference ment of thermal conductivity. Three specimens (paste, mor-
sample containing normal aggregate is compared against tar, and concrete) are cast in B 70 mm × 100 mm cylinders. All
five different thermally insulated concrete specimens. The specimens are removed from the molds after 24 h and cured
roles of the surrogate aggregates are explored by measuring at room temperature and 50% relative humidity for more than
the thermal conductivity of the samples using four different 14 days. Density and compressive strength are independently
test methods: two that employ embedded probes (thermal measured using B 100 mm × 200 mm specimens.
needle probe and plane-source heating) and two that use
contact hot-wire methods. One of the hot-wire methods
is the ASTM C1113 standard method for the estimation of 2.3. Measurement of Thermal Conductivity. Four methods
temperature-dependent thermal conductivity [21]. The effect of assessing thermal conductivity are compared. They differ
of fine and coarse aggregates on the thermal conductivity is in the method of the heat transfer and the transducer type
also evaluated. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is used (Figure 2). The methods and their corresponding specimens
to compare the weight loss sequence during heating with are listed in Table 4.
the corresponding evolution of thermal conductivity. The
relationship between the microstructural compositions of 2.3.1. Thermal Needle Probe (Embedded Type at Transient).
the cement pastes and their thermal conductivities is then The probe (stainless steel, 60 mm long, 1.3 mm diameter)
evaluated. contains a heating wire and thermistor (East 30 Sensors Ltd.).
It is fully embedded into the specimen when it is in the
thermal mold. A DC current generates the line-source heat
2. Materials and Methods radially from the probe, and the temperature is simultane-
ously monitored every 0.5 s for 3 min. The applicability of the
2.1. Materials. Various combinations of ordinary Portland method to concretes and other construction materials and
cement (ASTM Type I), fine aggregate, normal coarse aggre- also the detailed theory can be found elsewhere [4, 23, 24].
gate, two types of lightweight coarse aggregates, and glass The probe should be embedded into the concrete before
bubbles are used to fabricate the test specimens. The fine curing, limiting its usefulness regarding the in situ testing of
and course aggregates originate from crushed rocks of similar concrete structures.
The Scientific World Journal 3

Table 1: Physical properties of glass bead, fine, normal, and lightweight aggregates.

Coarse aggregate
Properties Fine aggregate Glass bubbles
Normal Argex Asanolite
Raw material Granite Granite Clay Shale Soda-lime borosilicate
Maximum size (mm) 1.2 25 8 19 0.065
Dry loose bulk density (kg m−3 ) 1480 1680 650 800 125
Water adsorption (%) 1.0 — 19.0 12.0 —

Table 2: Mix proportions.

Aggregates (kg m−3 )

Specimen Cement (kg m−3 ) Fly-ash (kg m−3 ) Water (kg m−3 )
Fine Coarse Glass bubble LWA
Normal 288 32 175 822 934 — —
K10 288 32 175 870 732 12 —
K20 288 32 175 870 494 24 —
K30 288 32 175 870 227 37 —
Argex 288 32 175 834 — — 510
Asanolite 288 32 175 834 — — 583

Table 3: Mix proportions for paste, mortar, and concrete.

Volume ratio (%) Weight (kg m−3 )

Mix type W/C ratio (%)
Cement Water Sand Gravel Cement Water Sand Gravel
Paste 34.7 48.2 51.8 — — 320 111 — —
Mortar 54.7 17.2 29.2 53.5 — 320 175 827 —
Concrete 54.7 10.8 18.2 33.4 37.6 320 175 827 939

2.3.2. Contact Hot-Wire Method (Contact Type at Transient). the soaking period for the thermal steady state takes more
The testing system (QTM-500, Kyoto Electronics Manufac- than 4 days). The platinum heating wire is then heated and
turing, Co., Ltd.) follows similar principles to the thermal the temperature differential measured by two thermocouples
needle probe. However, the sensor sits on the surface of the is used to compute the thermal conductivity. The coupling
specimen, and the line-source heat is propagated in only between the transducers and the surface of the specimen is
one direction. This method can be readily applied in situ, not as complete as in the embedded testing types.
although a flat and polished contact surface is required for
sound coupling.
2.4. Test Procedures. The thermal mold designed for mea-
surement at ambient temperature embeds two thermal needle
2.3.3. Planar Heat Source Method (Embedded Type at Quasi- probes and five successive thermocouples at 50 mm intervals.
Steady). The heating plate provides the plane-source heat Once measurement using the thermal needle probe and
through the specimen and the sequentially embedded ther- the planar heat source is complete, the mold is dismantled,
mocouples detect the spatiotemporal evolution of tempera- and the surface of the specimen is thoroughly cleaned and
ture. The entire system is thermally insulated to minimize polished. Measurement using the contact hot-wire (i.e., the
heat loss. The recorded temperature profiles are interpreted QTM-500 device) follows. The thermal conductivities of
considering energy conservation based on Fourier’s law. The bricks are then independently obtained using the ASTM
reliability of using planar heat sources for measuring the ther- C1113 method at 45∘ C, 100∘ C, 200∘ C, 300∘ C, 400∘ C, 500∘ C,
mal conductivity of concretes has been previously reported 600∘ C, 670∘ C, and 770∘ C. Measurement is repeated three
[4]. This method can assess relatively large specimens (with times at each temperature. The furnace is heated at 55∘ C h−1 .
dimension of tens of centimeters), although the acquisition Paste, cement, and concrete specimens (B 70 mm × 100 mm
of a complete set of temperature profiles testing takes several cylinders) are tested using thermal needle probes. Water
days as the system approaches a steady state. content and unit weights are periodically measured during
curing, and conductivity values are independently assessed
after 7, 14, and 28 days of curing.
2.3.4. ASTM C1113 (Contact Type at Steady). This method was
originally designed for refractories at elevated temperatures.
Three brick-shaped specimens sandwich thermocouples and 2.5. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Thermogravimetric
heating wires in between, before being heated in a furnace. analysis allows assessment of the changing proportions of
First thermal equilibrium is achieved (for testing at 600∘ C, calcium silicate hydrate (C–S–H) and calcium hydroxide in
4 The Scientific World Journal

X-ray CT images
Aggregates Optical images SEM images
3D configuration 2D-sliced image


200 𝜇m
5 mm


10 mm

Figure 1: Images of lightweight coarse aggregates.

DC input DC input
current output current output

Embedded type at transient condition Contact type at transient condition

(a) Thermal needle probe (b) Contact hot-wire

Heating wire

Heating plate Insulation Furnace

Embedded type at quasi-steady-state condition Contact type at steady-state condition
(c) Plane heat source (d) ASTM C1113 (elevated tempera-

Figure 2: Methods for measuring thermal conductivity.

the hydrated cements of normal concrete during heating at 3. Results and Discussion
10∘ C min−1 from 25∘ C to 1000∘ C. Weight and heat flux data
are obtained as the cement paste is heated. The thermal The thermal conductivity data from the various testing meth-
behavior is then compared with the measured thermal con- ods are presented first. The reference specimens (paste, mor-
ductivity at elevated temperatures, allowing the elucidation tar, and concrete) are independently prepared to demonstrate
of the relationship between the chemical changes in the the effects of the aggregate and the curing time. The spec-
specimens and their thermal properties. imens heated to ∼770∘ C have their temperature-dependent
The Scientific World Journal 5

Table 4: Test methods and corresponding specimens.

Methods Mold Normal K10 K20 K30 AG0 AS0

Needle probe Thermal mold O O O O O O
Plane heat source (200 mm × 200 mm × 300 mm) for O O O O O O
Contact hot-wire ambient temperature O O O O
Brick mold
ASTM C1113 (65 mm × 114 mm × 230 mm) for O O O O O O
both ambient and elevated

2.5 2.5


k contact hot-wire (W m−1 K−1 )

k plane heat source (W m−1 K−1 )


1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
k needle probe (W m −1 −1
K ) k needle probe (W m−1 K−1 )

Normal K20 Asanolite K10 K30

K10 K30 Argex K20 Asanolite
(a) (b)

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0
k ASTM C1113 (W m−1 K−1 )
kASTM C1113 (W m−1 K−1 )

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
k contact hot-wire (W m−1 K−1 )
k needle probe (W m−1 K−1 )
Normal K20 Asanolite K10 K30
K10 K30 Argex K20 Asanolite
(c) (d)

Figure 3: Thermal conductivity of tested specimens measured by various methods.

thermal conductivities reported with the discussion of their needle probe method. Normal concrete shows a thermal
phase change and the associated chemical reactions. conductivity of ∼2.25 W m−1 K−1 ; the values tend to decrease
linearly with increasing fraction of glass bubbles, reaching
3.1. Thermal Conductivity. Figure 3 compares the measured ∼1.3 W m−1 K−1 in the K30 specimen. This 42% reduction of
thermal conductivities with those obtained by the thermal thermal conductivity upon the addition of glass bubbles at a
6 The Scientific World Journal

30% volume fraction of the aggregates is mainly attributed Table 5: Mass loss measured from TGA.
to the existence of sub-micrometer-sized air voids in the Temperature range 145∼400∘ C 400∼600∘ C 600∼825∘ C
glass bubbles. The density change from 2370 kg m−3 (normal
Mass loss (%) 2.75 1.80 0.87
concrete) to 2011 kg m−3 (K30) is accompanied by a decrease
of compressive strength (from 43.9 MPa in normal concrete
to 24.6 MPa in K30). The concrete specimen with Argex
aggregate shows thermal conductivities of 1.25 W m−1 K−1 to water content appears to affect the thermal conduction, with
1.54 W m−1 K−1 , which are lower than those of the specimen the more moist paste showing lower thermal conductivity
containing Asanolite. This is attributed to Argex having a than the mortar or concrete. Figure 4 shows that the unit
lower bulk density and a higher water-adsorption capacity, weight of the specimens has little effect on their thermal con-
which suggests that it has more internal pores than Asanolite. ductivity. Therefore, it is desirable to replace either aggregate
The air-dry densities of the specimens with Argex and with surrogates to reduce the thermal conductivity, provided
Asanolite are 1848 kg m−3 and 1817 kg m−3 , respectively; their that the specimens are not too greatly weakened.
respective measured compressive strengths are 37.7 MPa and
36.0 MPa. Therefore, the replacement of coarse aggregate
with lightweight aggregates more efficiently reduces the 3.3. Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity. Figure 6
density of the concrete, while minimizing the weakening of presents the results of thermogravimetric analysis of normal
the concrete, than does the use of glass bubbles. concrete specimens. During heating free water starts to
The testing methods with embedded probes (thermal evaporate from the cement paste at 100∘ C ∼120∘ C [25]. Then,
needle and planar heat source) show similar thermal con- the dissociation of water linked to the C-S-H occurs between
ductivity values, with less variation than the two contact- 150∘ C and 400∘ C [14, 26]; the dehydroxylation of calcium
type methods, owing to the minimal heat resistance between hydroxide (crystals of calcium hydroxide decompose into
the sensors and the tested materials (Figures 3(a), 3(b), and calcium oxide and water) follows at 400∘ C and 600∘ C, when
3(c)). The inherent incomplete coupling of the contact hot- the major weight loss and weakening of the concretes takes
wire and ASTM C1113 methods leads them to underestimate place [25]. The gradual reduction of weight from 600∘ C to
thermal conductivity by ∼20%; however, the two methods 825∘ C is attributed to the decarbonation of calcite to calcium
are consistent with each other (Figure 3(d)). The effects of oxide [27]. The percentage mass losses corresponding to
the lightweight aggregates and the glass bubbles on thermal the dehydration of C–S–H, the dehydroxylation of calcium
conduction are clearly represented by all the methods, but the hydroxide, and the decarbonation of calcite are summarized
embedded methods appear to provide quantitatively more in Table 5. The average thermal conductivity data for normal
accurate data due to the defined contact between the trans- concrete (measured by the ASTM C1113 method, superim-
ducers and the specimen. The contact-type methods would posed in Figure 6) gradually decrease in a way following the
likely be more applicable practically than the embedded types observed mass losses. The continuum in the hydrated cement
because the insertion of transducers is not always feasible paste appears to be lost upon heating owing to the formation
after construction. of pores—which were initially occupied by microstructures
such as calcium silicate hydrates and calcium hydroxide.
Figure 7 summarizes the evolution of the thermal con-
3.2. Effect of Aggregate Size. Fine and coarse aggregates are ductivity of the six tested specimens upon heating. The solid
compared for their effects on the thermal conductivity of line denotes the behavior of normal concrete for compar-
paste, mortar, and concrete specimens. The thermal needle ison. Each specimen exhibits a sharp increase of thermal
probes are fully inserted into cylindrical specimens (Φ 70 mm conductivity near 100∘ C; the pronounced variation is due to
× 100 mm), and conductivity is obtained after 7, 14, and 28 the evaporation of free water associated with the reduction
days of curing. Changes of unit weight and water content of latent heat during vaporization [25, 28]. Although the
are also monitored (Figure 4). The paste has the highest formation and propagation of microcracks induced by vapor
water content and the lowest wet unit weight. Both properties pressure after 300∘ C may reduce the thermal conductivity,
decrease with time owing to water evaporation. Thermal con- they are not clearly manifested here. Specimens with glass
ductivity tends to decrease slightly during curing (Figure 5), bubbles exhibit major reductions of thermal conductivity by
although curing appears to have a nominal effect. The paste 400∘ C (denoted as zone A) followed by a gradual decrease
specimen has the lowest value of ∼1 W m−1 K−1 ; the mortar (zone B). Lightweight aggregate concretes that show low ther-
and concrete both have similar values of ∼2 W m−1 K−1 . mal conductivity at ambient temperature show the greatest
Although the presence of coarse aggregate could have losses of thermal conductivity during the evaporation and
facilitated heat conduction, there is no noticeable difference dehydration phases below 400∘ C; quasiasymptotic behavior
between the samples with coarse or fine aggregate, presum- then follows (Figures 7(e) and 7(f)). These observations
ably due to the two aggregates being of similar origin, thus indicate that the chemical reactions at elevated temperatures
being similarly good thermal conductors regardless of grain do not contribute to the decrease of thermal conductivity.
size. This suggests that interfacial thermal resistance does not The presence of pores within the lightweight aggregates is
dominate the properties of the aggregates within the cement likely sufficient to lessen thermal conduction and to reduce
paste and that the volumetric fraction of aggregate in the the effects of any further changes in chemical composition
concretes more greatly affects the thermal conduction. The induced by heating. We also hypothesize that the absorption
The Scientific World Journal 7


2300 Concrete

Unit weight wet (kg m−3 )

Water content (%)


6 2100
4 2000
2 1900
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Days Days
(a) (b)

Figure 4: Changes in (a) water content and (b) wet unit weight of tested specimens during curing.

3.0 of water into the lightweight aggregates during mixing par-

tially obstructs the dehydration of nonevaporative water from
Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

2.5 C–S–H; the subsequent chemical reactions in the lightweight

aggregate concretes upon heating do not follow the analogous
2.0 behavior observed in normal concretes. Nevertheless, it is
evident that the type of coarse aggregate not only significantly
1.5 determines the thermal conductivity at ambient temperature
but also influences its behavior upon heating.
4. Conclusions
The thermal behavior of thermally insulated concretes with
lightweight aggregates and glass bubbles replacing the coarse
Paste Mortar Concrete aggregate normally used was characterized at ambient and
elevated temperatures. An increase in the volumetric fraction
7 days 28 days of glass bubbles led the thermal conductivity of the con-
14 days crete to decrease, while maintaining sufficient compressive
Figure 5: Effect of fine and coarse aggregates. strength for its practical use. Two lightweight aggregates were
tested as replacements for coarse aggregate: their macro-
and microsized pores also reduced thermal conduction
in the concrete. Four methods were compared to assess
100 2.0 the concretes. The two methods using surface-contact-type
Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

transducers (contact hot-wire method and the ASTM C1113

standard method) tended to underestimate the thermal
conductivity. The presence of regular aggregate facilitated
98 Dehydroxylation heat conduction, but the size of the aggregate was found not
Weight (%)

of calcium hydroxide
1.6 to affect thermal conductivity. Thermogravimetric analysis of
Decarbonation cement pastes revealed a succession of changes of their chem-
of free water of calcite ical compositions during heating that followed their observed
1.4 decreases of thermal conductivity. The introduction of inter-
of C-S-H nal pores into the specimens containing the lightweight
94 1.2
aggregates—attributable to the thermal decomposition of
0 200 400 600 800 1000 their constituents upon heating—likely had a dominating
Temperature ( ∘ C) effect on the thermal behavior of the concretes. This physical
change had a greater effect on the thermal conductivity
Mass loss
than did the chemical compositional changes themselves.
Normal concrete
The emergence of quasiconstant thermal conductivity above
Figure 6: Results of thermogravimetric analysis and thermal con- 400∘ C may not only be attributable to the inherently high
ductivity values for normal concrete with temperature. porosity within the lightweight aggregates but also to the
8 The Scientific World Journal

Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5 A

1.0 1.0

0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

Temperature ( ∘ C) Temperature ( ∘ C)
(a) Normal (b) K10

Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0 B

0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800

Temperature ( ∘ C) Temperature ( ∘ C)
(c) K20 (d) K30
Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1 )

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Temperature ( ∘ C) Temperature ( ∘ C)
(e) Argex (f) Asanolite

Figure 7: Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of tested specimens.

absorption of water into the lightweight aggregate during Acknowledgments

mixing and the delay of the dehydration of C–S–H.
This research was supported by a grant (Code 11-Technology
Innovation-F04) from Construction Technology Innovation
Program (CTIP) funded by the Ministry of Land, Transport
Conflict of Interests and Maritime Affairs of Korean Government, the Korea CCS
R&D Center (KCRC), and National Research Foundation of
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP)
regarding the publication of this paper. (no. 2011-0030040, 2013035972).
The Scientific World Journal 9

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