Eno River Eele

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Eno River State Park

An Environmental Education Learning Experience

Designed for the Middle Grades
―Without life, there would still be water.
Without water no life.”
David Quammen, Natural Acts, A Sidelong View of
Science and Nature
This Environmental Education Learning Experience was
developed by Scott Hartley and Martha Woods, former
Park Rangers at Eno River State Park.
Revised May 2013 by Brian Bockhahn, Jack Singley and
Nathan Swick.

North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation

Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Other Contributors . . .
Park volunteers;
Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley, Inc.;
Riffle and Pool Naturalists; The N.C. Department of Public
Instruction; The N.C. Division of Water Resources; The N.C.
Department of Environment and Natural
Resources; and the many individuals and agencies who
assisted in the review of this publication.
1. Introduction
 Introduction to the North Carolina State Parks System
 Introduction to Eno River State Park
 Introduction to the Activity Packet for Eno River State Park

2. Activity Summary
 Correlation Chart 2

3. Pre-Visit Activities
 1 Map Trivia
 2 The Key to Water Quality

4. On-Site Activities
 1 Go With The Flow
 2 Mind Your p’s and H’s
 3 Sediment: The “S” Word
 4 Water Bugs

5. Post-Visit Activities
 1 Fragile Waters
 2 Growing Water Bugs

1. Vocabulary

2. References

3. Forms

That was in 1915. The North
Carolina State Parks System has
now been established for nearly a
century. What started out as one
small plot of public land has grown
into 67 properties across the state,
Preserving and including parks, recreation areas,
protecting North trails, rivers, lakes and natural
Carolina’s natural resources is areas. This vast network of land
actually a relatively new idea. boasts some of the most beautiful
The seeds of the conservation scenery in the world and offers
movement were planted early endless recreation opportunities.
in the 20th century when But our state parks system offers
citizens were alerted to the much more than scenery and
recreation. Our lands and waters As one of North Carolina’s
devastation of Mount Mitchell. principal conservation agencies,
Logging was destroying a well- contain unique and valuable
archaeological, geological and the Division of Parks and
known landmark the highest Recreation is responsible for the
peak east of the Mississippi. As biological resources that are an
important part of our natural more than 167,000 acres that
the magnificent forests of this make up our state parks system.
mile-high peak fell to the lum- heritage.
The Division manages these
bermen's axe, alarmed citizens resources for the safe enjoyment
began to voice their opposition. of the public, and protects and
Governor Locke Craig joined preserves them as a part of the
them in their efforts to save heritage we will pass on to
Mount Mitchell. Together they generations to come.
convinced the legislature to
pass a bill establishing Mount An important component of our
Mitchell as the first state park. stewardship of these lands is
education. Through our
interpretation and environmental
For more information contact: education services, the Division
of Parks and Recreation strives
N.C. Division of Parks and to offer enlightening programs
Recreation 1615 Mail Service that lead to an understanding and
Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1615 appreciation of our natural
919/ 707-9300 resources. The goal of our
environmental education
Website: www.ncparks.gov program is to generate an
[email protected] awareness in all individuals
which cultivates responsible
Follow us on Facebook and stewardship of the earth.
Introduction to Eno River State Park

Efforts to establish Eno River Life in and along Numerous macroinvertebrates

are also found in the river. The
State Park began n 1965 when the Eno River tiny panhandle pebblesnail,
the city of Durham proposed listed as “significantly rare”, is
building a reservoir on the Eno. Eno River State Park provides found only in the Eno River.
In response, a group of important habitat for a host of Freshwater mussels include
concerned citizens formed the animals and plants. A mixture several endangered or
Association for the of steep rocky ridges and threatened species such as the
Preservation of the Eno River bottomlands creates several yellow lampmussel, Atlantic
Valley. The Association was distinct plant communities. pigtoe and green floater. These
successful in gaining Many of the wildflowers and and other aquatic
community support for its shrubs found in the park are macroinvertebrates can be used
proposal that a state park be normally found in the as indicator species to monitor
established along the river. In mountains and foothills of water quality. The presence or
May of 1972, the state of North North Carolina. Shrubs, absence of these wonderfully
Carolina approved the idea, and including the Catawba adapted creatures tells us much
the city of Durham withdrew its Rhododendron, and about the health of our river.
plan to construct the reservoir. wildflowers, such as yellow
Presently, water quality in the
By 1975, 1,100 acres of land lady’s slipper, showy orchids
Eno River is good. The river is
had been acquired with help of and wild geranium, find
classified as a public water
the Association, the Nature suitable habitat in the river
supply and it also suitable for
Conservancy and the Division valley.
swimming, fishing and wading.
of Parks and Recreation.
The River hosts more than 61 Continuing development and
Today the park protects 14 species of fish. The Carolina water withdrawals upstream
miles of river and over 4,300 madtom (a catfish) and the give cause for concern about
acres of associated lands in Roanoke bass (a game fish) the river’s quality. Only
Orange and Durham County. appear in the Natural Heritage through sustained vigilance and
Program List of the Rare protection efforts can the
Animal Species of North river’s water quality be
Carolina. preserved.
NOTE: Weather and river The environmental education The environmental education
conditions permitting, on-site learning experience, Living learning experience, Living
activities will be held on the Water, was developed to Water, will expose the student
banks of the river and in the to the following major
provide hands-on
river. Students will wade in concepts:
environmental education
shallow rocky areas. They
should dress appropriately activities for the classroom and
 Water Quality
(long pants and tennis shoes) the outdoor setting of Eno
 Indicator Species
and bring a change of River State Park. This
 Water Testing
clothing. The students may educator’s activity packet,
 Watershed
encounter ticks, poison ivy designed to be implemented in
 River Basin
and snakes, although this is grades 6-8, meets established
not likely as long as students  Point and Nonpoint
curriculum objectives of the Source Pollution
stay in appropriate areas. North Carolina Department of
Chemical reagents are used in  Aquatic Macroinver-
Public Instruction. Three types tebrates
water quality testing. Because
misuse of these chemicals can of activities are included:  Aquatic Food Webs
be hazardous, standard  Natural Resource
chemical protection 1) pre-visit activities Management
procedures will be required. 2) on-site activities  Stewardship
Goggles and rubber gloves 3) post-visit activities
will be provided for all The first occurrence of a
students handling testing kits. On-site activities will be vocabulary word used in these
These must be worn at all conducted at the park, while activities is indicated in bold
times during test procedures. pre-visit and post-visit ac- type. Their definitions are
The educator will assist in tivities are designed for the listed in the back of the
seeing that all safety classroom environment. Pre- activity packet. A list of the
precautions are followed. It is visit activities should be reference materials used in
also the responsibility of the introduced prior to the park developing the activities
educator to be aware of visit so that students will have follows the vocabulary list.
special considerations, the necessary background and
medical needs, etc. of This document was designed
vocabulary for the on-site
participants and be prepared to be reproduced, in part or
activities. We encourage you
to take appropriate entirety, for use in North
precautionary measures. Park to use the post-visit activities
Carolina classrooms. If you
staff should be informed of to reinforce concepts, skills
wish to photocopy or adapt it
any special considerations and vocabulary learned in the
for other uses, please credit
prior to the group’s arrival at pre-visit and on-site activities.
the N.C. Division of Parks and
the park. These activities may be per- Recreation.
formed independently or in a
series to build upon the stu-
dents’ newly gained knowl-
edge and experiences.
The following outline provides a brief summary of each activity, the major concepts
introduced and the objectives met by completion of the activity.

I. Pre-Visit Activities
1. Map Trivia
Using a transportation map and river basin map, students will learn that the Eno River watershed is
part of the Neuse River Basin. They will trace the river from its headwaters to the ocean and
identify key geographic locations, as well as potential point and nonpoint sources of pollution.

Major Concepts:
 River basin
 Watersheds
 Point and nonpoint pollution

Learning Skills:
 Observing, communicating, inferring
 Reading and interpreting maps
 Estimating distances

 Interpret and use the legends on the North Carolina state transportation map to answer five
 Locate five geographic locations within the Neuse River watershed.
 Identify potential sources of point and nonpoint pollution in the Neuse River Basin.

2. The Key to Water Quality

The students will practice using dichotomous keys to identify unknown tree leaves and
macroinvertebrates found in the Eno River. Students will learn that macroinvertebrates are
important indicators of water quality.

Major Concepts:
 Dichotomous key
 Indicator species
 Water quality
 Aquatic food webs

Learning Skills:
 Observing, classifying and communicating
 Reading taxonomic keys
 Use simple dichotomous keys to identify pictures of ten unknown leaves and five unknown
 Name at least two aquatic macroinvertebrates that are tolerant of pollution and two that are
intolerant of pollution.
 Give at least two reasons why macroinvertebrates are important to humans.

II. On-Site Activities

1. Go with the Flow
Get wet while taking physical measurements of the river.
Students will use their measurements to calculate water flow
in the Eno River.

Major Concepts:
 Water flow
 Water quality
 Natural and human influences on water flow
 Aquatic habitats

Learning Skills:
 Observing, using numbers, collecting data in the field
 Measuring, averaging numbers, calculating water flow

 Calculate the rate of water flow using measurements and a mathematical formula.
 List three human actions that affect water flow.
 List three natural influences on water flow.
 Describe the important relationship between water quantity and quality.
 Describe three problems that can result from river water quantity extremes.
 Describe three problems that can result from river water quality changes.
 Discuss at least two things people can do to help protect rivers and water quality.

2. Mind Your p’s and H’s - The Power of Hydrogen (page 4.2.1)
Learn to measure pH by using hands-on methods to determine the pH values of several different
liquids including water from the Eno River.

Major Concepts:
 Water quality
 pH range (acid-neutral-base)
 Acid precipitation

Learning Skills:
 Observing, classifying
 Reading informational materials with complex vocabulary
 Expanding on information
 Demonstrate the use of litmus paper and the LaMotte test kit for determining pH.
 Find the pH of at least three common substances.
 List two natural influences that can affect the pH rating of a river.
 List two human influences that can affect the pH rating of a river.
 State the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission pH range for aquatic
macroinvertebrates (6.0-9.0).

3. Sediment: The ―S‖ Word

Through a simple experiment, students will learn one method of measuring sediment. Using
what they observe, students will discuss where sediment comes from, how it affects water
quality, and ways to control sediment.

Major Concepts:
 Water quality
 Sediment
 Sedimentation
 Water pollution

Learning Skills:
 Observing, inferring and predicting
 Reading technical information and expanding on ideas

 Demonstrate how to measure sediment levels using the Imhoff cones.
 Describe three ways sediment affects aquatic life.
 List three origins of sediment and three possible ways to control the level of sediment in the
 List the most important causes of stream degradation in North Carolina today.

4. Water Bugs
Get wet, have fun, and learn while doing it. Students
will use different methods to collect and identify
aquatic organisms.

Major Concepts:
 Water quality
 Indicator species
 Adaptations
 Ecosystem
 Energy flow

Learning Skills:
 Observing, using numbers, classifying,
inferring and predicting
 Reading informational materials; using keys
and identification guides
 Calculating stream index values
McCafferty: Aquatic Entomology. © 1983: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA. WWW.jbpub.com. Reprinted with permission.

 Describe three characteristics of aquatic macroinvertebrates that help them survive in aquatic
 Using keys and field guides, identify three macroinvertebrates in the field.
 Name three indicator species and explain how they are used to determine water quality.
 Calculate the stream index rating for a river.
 List and describe five factors necessary for a healthy river ecosystem.

III. Post-Visit Activities

1 Fragile Waters
Using a topographic map and land use cutouts, students will make decisions about the
development of a portion of the Eno River’s watershed.

Major Concepts:
 River basin
 Water quality
 Land use planning
 Resource management

Learning Skills:
 Observing, communicating and predicting
 Problem solving, respecting differences, working in groups
 Expanding on ideas, recognizing bias and persuasive techniques

 List two animal species endemic to the Neuse and Tar river watersheds.
 Evaluate the effects of different imaginary land uses on the Eno River watershed.
 List and discuss five ways to minimize damaging effects in the Eno River watershed.
 Balance the need to protect water quality with economic and other concerns while working
with a group to arrange land use cutouts on a map.
 Give at least two examples of how air and water quality are connected.
2 Growing Water Bugs
Students create a plan for growing water bugs using buckets or other containers. They will monitor
the growth of plants and animals, summarize their findings and complete an assessment form
highlighting their best practices for growing water bugs.

Major Concepts:
 Water Quality
 Adaptations
 Ecosystems
 Energy flow

Learning Skills:
 Observing, using numbers, classifying, inferring and predicting.
 Using keys and identification guides.
 Creative Writing


 Design a water bug habitat plan for your school or backyard.

 Establish habitat for water bugs and aquatic life.
 Monitor and measure growth and colonization of plants, water bugs, algae and other aquatic
 Create a summary of your findings including a comparison of habitats, results, productivity
and suggested adaptations.
NC Essential Standards Correlation Chart

Note to classroom teachers: The following Correlation Chart shows how each activity in this
Environmental Education Learning Experience (EELE) correlates with the Common Core State and
North Carolina Essential Standards objectives in science, mathematics, information and
Technology, social studies and English language arts. The activities are listed in the order in which
they appear in this EELE. The recommended grade levels are listed along the side of the chart.
Notice that only the objective numbers are listed. Use the online Essential Standards for each
subject area to get a complete description of the objectives in that subject area.


2.RP.1, LITERACY.RI.3.7, 3.RP.1, LITERACY.RI.4, 4.RP.1,

Map Trivia OA.6.1, 5.RP.1, 6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 7.G.1, 8.E.1, 8.G.1.

1.G.2, 2.G.2, 2.RP.1, 3.RP.1, OBIO.3.5, 4.L.1, LITERACY.RI.4,

Key to Water 4.RP.1, 5.L.2, OA.6.1, 5.RP.1, 6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 8.E.1,
Quality 8.L.3.

1.L.2, 1.MD.A, 2.MD.A, 2.RP.1, 3.L.2, 3.MD.A, 3.RP.1, 3.P.1.1,

Water Flow 3.P.1.2, 4.MD.A, LITERACY.RI.4, 4.RP.1, 5.P.1, 5.MD.A.1,
5.MD.B.2, OA.6.1, 5.RP.1, 6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 8.E.1.

1.L.1, 1.L.2, 1.G.2, 2.RP.1, 3.MD.A, 3.RP.1, CHM.3.2.2, 4.L.1,

Water Quality/PH 4.MD.A, LITERACY.RI.4, 4.RP.1, EEN.2.6, OA.6.1, 5.RP.1,
6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 8.E.1, 8.L.3.

2.RP.1, 3.RP.1, 4.L.1, LITERACY.RI.4, 4.RP.1, OA.6.1, 5.RP.1,

Sediment 6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 8.E.1.

K.P.1, K.L.1, 1.L.2, 1.G.2,2.L.1, 2.L.2, 2.RP.1, 3.RP.1, BIO.3.5,

Water Bugs 4.L.1, 4.MD.A, LITERACY.RI.4, 4.RP.1, BIO.2.1, 5.L.2,
5.MD.B.2, OA.6.1, 6.L.2, 7.E.2, 8.E.1, 8.L.3.

2.G.2,2.RP.1, 3.C&G.2.2, 3C&G.2.1, 3.RP.1, LITERACY.RI.4,

Fragile Waters 4.RP.1, BIO.2.2, EEN.2.4, EEN.2.6, 5.G.1, OA.6.1, 6.E.1,
5.RP.1, 6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 8.E.1.

1.G.2, 2.L.1, 2.L.2, 2.RP.1, 3.L.2, 3.RP.1, 4.L.1,

Growing Water LITERACY.RI.4, 4.RP.1, BIO.2.1, 5.L.2, OA.6.1, 6.L.1, 5.RP.1,
Bugs 6.RP.1, 7.RP.1, 8.RP.1, 8.E.1, 8.L.3.
Major Concepts: Objectives: Instructions: Part 1 –
 River basin  Interpret and use the Map Trivia
 Watersheds
legends on the North
 Point and nonpoint
source pollution Carolina 1. Provide one North Caro-
transportation map to lina transportation map and
Learning Skills: answer five questions. one worksheet for every
 Observing,  Locate five geo- four students.
communicating, graphic locations
inferring Note: The 2013 transpor-
 Reading and
within the Neuse
interpreting maps River Basin. tation map includes an
 Estimating distances  Identify potential insert on river basins. This
sources of point and map is preferred for this
Subject Areas: nonpoint pollution in activity.
 Science the Neuse River
 English Language Arts 2. Have each group of stu-
 Social Studies dents answer questions on
 Mathematics the worksheet, using the
Educator’s Information:
* See Activity Summary for map as a reference.
a Correlation with NC his activity is designed
Essential Standards. 3. After the groups have
to illustrate the concept that
finished their worksheets,
Location: Classroom the Eno River watershed is
have each group answer one
part of a larger river system–
of the questions and explain
Group Size: 30 students –the Neuse River Basin.
how they got the answer to
Students will trace the river
Estimated Time: 60 minutes the class. Continue with
from its headwaters to the
each group reporting their
Appropriate Season: Any ocean, using map legends
answer until all questions
and identifying key
have been answered and
Materials: geographic locations along
Provided by educator: discussed.
the water course. Students
Per student: One copy of will participate in a group
Student's Information and
Neuse River Basin Map activity to obtain the answers
Per group of 4 students: Map for the worksheet.
Trivia worksheet and
current North Carolina
transportation map

Maps are available through

your local tourism office or by

1-800-VISITNC or
Part 2– Sources of Water 2. Ask students to read the In addition, ask students to
Pollution Student's Information that write their answers to the
discusses point and following questions:
1. Have students use the nonpoint source pollution.
Neuse River Basin map in 1. Define point and
this activity, along with the nonpoint source pollution,
DOT map, to determine how Then, using the Neuse River giving examples of each.
many cities with a popula- Basin map and the DOT
tion over 10,000 exist in the map, teams of students 2. Explain the connection
Neuse River Basin. [An- should list possible sources between air and water pollu-
swer: eight––Durham, Cary, of point and nonpoint pollu- tion.
Raleigh, Garner, Smithfield, tion in the Neuse River Ba-
sin. (To find out about actual 3. Describe at least three
Goldsboro, Kinston, and
sources of pollution, call the ways that they, as individu-
New Bern.]
als, may be contributing to
Division of Water Quality at
water pollution and what
Ask students to find the (919) 733-5083 to receive a
can be done about it.
population growth statistics copy of the Neuse River
located on the Neuse River Basin wide Water Quality
Basin map. Note also that Management Plan. Or, see If research on the web is
one-third (33%) of all the web site given under possible, have students find
monitored streams in the ba- Extensions.) out what river basin they
sin are listed as “impaired” live in. Use the Division of
(from the 1998 study of the Assessment: Water Quality web site at:
Neuse). Discuss: If popula- As a post-test, design some http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/
tion continues to grow as questions of your own about wqs/ At this site, you can
projected, what might hap- the Neuse River Basin (or view basin statistics and
pen to the water quality in another river basin), based maps for all the river basins
the river basin? Explain. on the DOT map. in North Carolina. You can
Sample Answer: The water also find recent data on
quality of the basin would dissolved oxygen, salinity,
likely decrease due to in- pH, etc. for the Neuse
creased amounts of sedi- River.
ment and other types of
runoff from lawns, streets
and parking lots. To provide
for a growing population,
more water will be needed
for households, businesses
and industries. A reduction
in the quantity of water
would result in a con-
centration of pollutants in
the remaining water supply.
Map Trivia

Each of us lives in a watershed. Sedimentation Air Pollution

Unfortunately many of our Sediment is the main source of Atmospheric pollutants can
watersheds today are being pollution of North Carolina's cause problems when they
damaged by pollution. Water surface waters. Sedimentation reach water bodies as wet or
pollution is generally defined as (or erosion) results mainly dry fallout. According to
human-caused contamination of from construction sites, urban recent scientific studies, 25-
water that reduces its runoff, row-cropping, livestock 50% of the nitrogen entering
usefulness to humans and other operations, and logging eastern North Carolina water-
organisms. operations. Sediment often ways each year comes from
carries other pollutants along atmospheric sources. One
Scientists divide water pollution with it. It can have a negative important source is the com-
into two major categories: point impact on recreational, bustion of fossil fuels in
and nonpoint. Point source industrial and municipal water vehicles, factories and power
pollution comes from a uses, as well as on aquatic plants. Another source is the
localized source and is fairly habitats. Sediment can fill vaporization of wastes and
easy to pinpoint. An example lakes, navigation channels and fertilizers from large farming
would be a specific type of harbors, resulting in costly operations and wastewater
chemical that a factory releases dredging operations. treatment plants. Nitrogen
through a pipe into a stream. oxides contribute to acid rain,
The factory may be the only Nutrients which increases the acidity of
source of this particular Other than sediment, the our waters.
chemical in the watershed. We pollutants of greatest concern
could prevent further pollution from both rural and urban areas It is important to realize that
from the chemical by ordering are nutrients. Nutrients are the Eno River watershed is
the factory to stop discharging compounds containing nitrogen connected to many other small
into the water. and/or phosphorous. They watersheds that make up the
stimulate plant growth, causing Neuse River Basin. If one
Nonpoint source pollution algal blooms. When the algae watershed in the basin be-
cannot be easily traced to a die and sink to the bottom, they comes contaminated, it will
specific source. It often occurs use up oxygen as they eventually affect all the water-
as runoff from large areas such decompose. Fish kills occur sheds downstream. Watersheds
as farms, logging roads, con- when dissolved oxygen drops near the ocean can be severely
struction sites, lawns, streets below levels needed by fish to degraded by the accumulation
and parking lots. Nonpoint breathe. of pollutants from many
source pollution does not enter sources.
the waterway at a single point Point sources of nutrients may
or originate from a single be traced to septic tank failures As you explore the Neuse
location. Therefore, it is much or discharges from wastewater River Basin on the transporta-
harder to manage than point treatment plants. Nonpoint tion map, consider the various
source pollution. Examples of sources include runoff from sources of pollution that might
nonpoint source pollution urban lawns and farm fields, as enter the basin from Hillsbor-
include sediment, nutrients and well as atmospheric sources. ough to the Atlantic Ocean.
Instructions: Using the North Carolina transportation map, answer the following questions.

1. What is the name of 8. What is the first town 14. What is the closest
the county where the with a population over latitude and longitude
Eno River begins? 2,000 through which to Eno River State
___________________ the Eno flows? Park?
___________________ ___________________
2. Name the 5 counties ___________________
surrounding Orange 9. What is the name of
County.____________ the sound into which 15. New Bern is closest to
___________________ the water from the what latitude and
___________________ NEUSE River flows? longitude?
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
10. Approximately how
3. Name the river that many miles are there 16. What is the name of
joins the Eno River between Durham and the national forest
near Camp Butner New Bern in a straight found along the Neuse
(northwestern end of line? ______________ River.
Falls Lake)? In kilometers________ ___________________
17. Name the river located
11. List the three state
4. List the counties the west and south of the
parks and recreation
Eno River flows Eno River near
areas located along the
through before be- Burlington.
path that the Eno River
coming the Neuse ___________________
takes to the ocean.
River near Camp To what river basin
Butner (northwestern does it belong?
end of Falls Lake). __________________
___________________ 18. Near what large city
12. What is the
approximate distance does the river from
5. Approximately how question 17 reach the
long is the Eno River? from Ranger, NC to
Whalebone, NC? ocean?
in miles___________ ___________________
in kilometers________ in miles____________
in kilometers________
19. Name the river located
6. What is the name of north and east of Falls
the reservoir into 13. A major tributary that Lake.
which the Eno River drains parts of Greene, ___________________
flows? Pitt and Wilson
___________________ counties enters the 20. List the cities with
Neuse River just below populations over
7. What is the name of what city (with a 10,000 along the Eno
the river which population over and Neuse River?
eventually carries the 10,000)? ___________________
water from the Eno to ___________________ ___________________
the ocean? ___________________
1. Orange County 8. Hillsborough 14. 79 degrees longitude,
36 degrees latitude
2. Caswell, Person, 9. Pamlico Sound
Durham, Alamance, 15. 77 degrees longitude,
Chatham 10. Approximately 120 35 degrees latitude
miles Approximately
3. Flat River 193 kilometers 16. Croatan National
4. Two - Orange and 11. Eno River State Park,
Durham Falls Lake State 17. Haw River; Cape
Recreation Area, Fear River Basin
5. Approximately 33 Cliffs of the Neuse
miles Approximately State Park 18. Wilmington, NC
53 kilometers
12. Approximately 500 19. Tar River (or Tar-
6. Falls Lake miles Approximately Pamlico River Basin)
805 kilometers
7. Neuse River 20. (Nine) Durham,
13. Kinston Note: The Raleigh, Wake
tributary, not named Forest, Clayton,
on the DOT map, is Smithfield,
Contentnea Creek. Goldsboro, Kinston,
New Bern, Havelock.
Major Concepts: Objectives: and discuss and difficulties
 Dichotomous key  Use simple encountered. Next, give
 Indicator species each student (or group) a
 Water quality
dichotomous keys to
identify pictures of copy of Aquatic Life
 Aquatic food webs
ten unknown leaves Illustrations and the Key to
Learning Skills: and five unknown Common Macroinverte-
 Observing, macro-invertebrates. brates. As a class, work
classifying, and  Name at least two through the key to identify
communicating animal #1, then have the
 Reading taxonomic students identify the rest of
keys macroinvertebrates
that are tolerant of the macro-invertebrates on
Subject Areas: pollution and two that their own.
 Science are intolerant of
 English Language Arts pollution. When everyone is done,
 Give at least two have individual students or
* See Activity Summary groups share how they iden-
for a Correlation with NC reasons why
macroinvertebrates tified one of the
Essential Standards
are important to macroinvertebrates. Ask
Location: Classroom humans. them to use the Key to
Common Macro-
Group Size: 30 students invertebrates to determine if
Educator’s Information:
Estimated Time: 50 minutes
their organism is tolerant,
intolerant or moderately tol-
his activity introduces erant of pollution. Discuss
Appropriate Season: any
students to dichotomous the importance of macroin-
Materials: keys. Students will key out vertebrates as indicators of
Provided by educator: several macroinvertebrates water quality and members
Per student or group: One using the same key that they
copy of the following–– of food webs.
will use at the park during
Student's Information; Key #

to 10 Common Leaves; 10 On-Site Activity 4, “Water Assessment:

Common Leaves; Key to Bugs.” Students will also Use the test found at the end
Common learn that macroinvertebrates of this activity. Can stu-
Macroinvertebrates Found at are indicator species that dents follow the “text only”
Fews Ford, Eno River State help us determine water
Park; and Aquatic Life key to identify the five un-
quality. A discussion of known macroinvertebrates?
their role in aquatic food On the back of their papers,
webs is included in the ask students to write, in
Student's Information. paragraph form, two reasons
why macroinvertebrates are
Instructions: important to humans.
Have the students read the
Student’s Information and Test Answers: 1caddisfly larva,
use the Key to 10 Common 2-scud, 3-mayfly nymph, 4-
Leaves to identify the ramshorn snail, and 5-riffle
leaves on the 10 Common beetle adult. The scud is
Leaves worksheet. As a moderately tolerant of pollution.
class, go over the answers All the others are intolerant.
Student’s Information: They Key to Water Quality

Name That ―Bug‖! How a Dichotomous Key Food Webs

Many of the macroinvertebrates
ne important method for
Practice using the Key to 10 are predators that eat other
determining water quality is to
Common Leaves first. Notice animals; for example, the
look at what lives in the water.
that the list of leaf characteristics dobsonfly larva and the drag-
When you visit Eno River State
is arranged as a series of onfly nymph. Others, like
Park, you’ll be doing just that––
either/or statements. For each freshwater mussels, scuds and
identifying water “bugs”!
pair of statements, only one will caddisfly larvae, eat detritus
be the correct description of the (decaying materials) in the
The numbers of organisms you
unknown leaf. For example, if water. Some, like leeches, are
find in the river and the diversity
you are handed a leaf from a pine parasites on fish, reptiles or
of species will tell you if the
tree to identify, you would start mammals. All the macroin-
river is healthy. Excellent water
at the top of the key with these vertebrates play an important
quality is indicated by the
two choices: role in the food web of a river or
presence of a large number of
1. Leaf long and needle-like, or stream. For example, many fish
different kinds of organisms,
2. Leaf not needle-like. depend on aquatic insects for
especially those intolerant of
food. Without them, most of the
pollution. Examples of animals A pine needle is long and needle- fish would starve and the food
that require excellent water like, so you would choose web would begin to collapse.
quality are stoneflies, freshwater statement 2 and continue to the Mussels, snails and crayfish are
mussels and water pennies. Only next pair of choices under that eaten by a wide variety of
certain kinds of animals are able side of the dichotomous key. animals, including more
to live in polluted water. If the
terrestrial species such as the
acidity of the water is too high or After you have mastered the leaf raccoon.
if dissolved oxygen is too low, key, you can try the Key to
most aquatic animals cannot Common Macroinvertebrates. A
survive. Examples of animals macroinvertebrate is an
that are tolerant of pollution are invertebrate (animal without a
black fly larvae, leeches and backbone) that can be seen with
certain types of worms. the naked eye. Many of them are
insects or insect larvae, but only
In this activity, you’ll meet some So the next time you see an
a few are true bugs.
of the animals that live in the “ugly bug” in the water, don’t
Macroinvertebrates also include
Eno River. You’ll also learn how turn away in disgust. Learn its
many non-insect groups––
to identify or classify them using name by keying it out! This little
mollusks (example: snails and
a dichotomous key. A animal can tell you what’s
mussels) and crustaceans
dichotomous key divides happening to your favorite
(example: crayfish). Notice that
characteristics that describe swimming hole or to the water
each macroinvertebrate’s name
organisms into two choices. At supply for your town. That’s
on the key is followed by a letter
each level of the key, you will why we call it an indicator
“T” (Tolerant of pollution), “I”
pick the choice that best species––its presence or absence
(Intolerant) or “M” (Moderately
describes the organism you are can be used to determine the
trying to identify. health of a particular
environment. Remember that
“beauty is in the eye of the
1.__________________ 2.____________________

4.__________________ 5.________________ 6._______________


1. ____________________

3. ____________________
2. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________ 6. ____________________
1. Willow Oak 2. Sassafrass 3. Sweetgum

4. Shortleaf Pine 5. Tulip Poplar 6. River Birch

9. Red Maple

7. Americah Holly 8. White Oak

10. Loblolly Pine


1. Backswimmer Adult

2. Crayfish 3. Water Penny

4. Stonefly Nymph

5. Freshwater Museel 6. Leech

Can you identify these five macroinvertebrates? Use the key to help you.










Which of the five animals above could live in water that is somewhat polluted?

Major Concepts:
 Water flow
Calculating Educator's Information:
 Water quality Water Flow in
n this activity, the students
 Natural and human
influences on water flow
the Eno River will learn a simple method
 Aquatic habitats
Objectives: for determining water flow.
They will then use this infor-
Learning Skills:
 Calculate the rate of mation to explore the ways
 Observing, using num-
bers, collecting data in water flow using that water flow and water
the field measurements and a quality are affected by human
 Measuring, averaging mathematical and natural factors. They will
numbers, calculating formula. also be asked to think of
water flow ways they can influence local
 List three human
actions that affect governments to protect water
Subject Areas:
 Science water flow. quality.
 Mathematics  List three natural
 English Language Arts
To prepare your students for
influences on water their visit we recommend
 Social Studies flow. Pre-visit Activity #1, “Map
* See Activity Summary  Describe the Trivia.”
for a Correlation with NC important
Essential Standards relationship between Instructions:
water quantity and
Location: quality. 1. Prior to your visit to the
Few’s Ford Access Area
 Describe three park, have students read the
Group Size: problems that can Student's Information. Lead a
8 students per group result from river brief discussion concerning
water quantity the importance of water flow
Estimated Time: 30 minutes in maintaining water quality.
Appropriate Season: Explain that in this activity,
April through October
 Describe three the students will learn how to
problems that can calculate water flow and thus
Materials: result from river
Provided by park: life jackets, be able to evaluate this as-
water quality pect of the Eno River’s
throw ropes, 100 ft. tape
measure, metal yardstick, changes. water quality.
stopwatches, tennis balls,  Discuss at least two
boundary ropes, charts, things people can do 2. Explain the method for
activity sheets, clipboards, to help protect rivers measuring water flow and
Provided by educator:
and water quality. safety procedures that must
worksheets (one per be followed.
student), pencils
3. Select three students to get
Special Considerations: into the water. Have two
See the safety message on
students measure the length
the Introduction page.
and width, and one student
measure the depth of the industrial use. These natural
flow space. Have the other 5. Have all the students de- and unnatural water controls
students write down the termine the four averages can adversely impact
measurements on their and then calculate the water aquatic organisms by
worksheets. flow rate in cubic feet/sec- reducing water flow and
ond. Discuss these results decreasing water quality.
4. Select four students to and what they might mean to See "Water Flow Basics"
measure the rate of flow. the Eno River’s water quali- under Student's Information
Have two students, each with ty. for specific examples of
a ball go to the upstream end how changes in water flow
of the flow space. Have two 6. Lead a discussion of fac- alter aquatic habitats.)
other students, each with a tors that affect water flow
stopwatch go to the (natural and human), and 7. Discuss how low (or
downstream end of the flow how these factors in turn high) water flow can affect
space. affect aquatic life. (Natural aquatic food webs. (When
factors affecting water flow the aquatic habitat changes
The student with ball should include drought, flooding as a result of water flow de-
place it in the river upstream and natural stream obstruc- crease or increase, some
from the beginning of the tion, i.e., beaver dams or log animals may die. Other ani-
flow space and hold his/her jams. Human activities in- mals that depend on them
hand in the air. As the ball clude dams, irrigation, and for food will also eventually
passes the beginning of the die)
flow space, he/she quickly
drops his/her hand. This is
the signal for the student
with stopwatch to start the

The stopwatch is stopped the

moment the ball passes out
of the flow space. He or she
will then retrieve the ball,
and they will repeat this four
more times.

The students with ball and

stopwatch will follow the
same procedure. The other
students will record the flow
rates on their worksheets as
the students with the
stopwatches announce them.
8. Ask the students how they Assessment: 4. Finally, ask your students
can influence the government Pencil and Paper Test–– to give several ways that
to protect our water re- people can protect rivers and
sources. Be sure to empha- 1. Create your own post-test water quality.
size the importance of every- by filling in the sections A,
one being involved in caring B, C, and D on the work- Extension:
for our resources (steward- sheet in this activity. Can Although water flow is more
ship). The Eno River Asso- students calculate the water often expressed in cubic feet
ciation is an organization that flow with the data you have per second, you can ask your
exemplifies stewardship. If provided? students to convert this to
time allows, the leader will the metric system. To
briefly explain how the park 2. Ask students to list three convert cubic feet per second
was created with the help of natural causes and three hu- to cubic meters per second,
the Eno River Association. man causes for changes in multiply by 0.03. Example:
water flow. 371 cubic feet per second
becomes 11.13 cubic meters
3. Have students describe per second.
two ways that low flow can
affect water quality. Repeat
for high flow.
Water flow refers to the water are diverted from the
Colorado! (Multiply 16.5
very salty. At this point, the
salt content averages 700
amount of water moving in a million by 325,850 to see parts per million, which is
river or stream. Some of the how many gallons are taken much too salty for irrigation.
ways that we express the rate from the river each year––
of flow are gallons per over five trillion gallons!) A huge delta and estuary at
second, cubic feet per Sometimes the water level the mouth of the Colorado
second, or acre feet per sec- is so low that rafters cannot used to be one of the most
ond. (An acre foot is equal to run certain rapids in the productive in the Southwest.
one acre of water one foot Grand Canyon. However, the decrease in
deep, or 325,850 gallons of water flow has caused many
water.) When you visit Eno Dams above the canyon changes. In 1922 ecologist
River State Park, you will control how much water Aldo Leopold explored the
participate in an activity to moves through the canyon. delta. He described it “as a
estimate the water flow in cu- This has had a big impact milk and honey wilderness
bic feet per second. Why is on aquatic life. For ex- where egrets gathered like a
this important? Read the fol- ample, before the Colorado premature snow storm, jag-
lowing story and discover was dammed, the river uars roamed, and wild mel-
why water flow is such an flowed cold and carried lots ons grew.” Since that time
important concept. of mud and silt during the two marine animals have be-
The river is the Colorado. It spring floods. In the fall, it come endangered––one a
begins in the Colorado slowed to a warm clear porpoise and one a large fish
Rockies and empties 1,450 trickle. Native species were called a totoaba. (The
miles later into Mexico’s well adapted to these condi- totoaba spawned in the estu-
Gulf of California. The tions. Now dams trap sedi- ary, and the tide carried their
Colorado provides water for ment in huge reservoirs and eggs up into the natural
seven western states. This constantly release clear cold nursery of the delta.)
includes water for human water from the bottom of
consumption as well as irri- the lake. This creates According to saltwater
gation for farms and domes- excellent habitat for agronomist Nicholas
tic livestock. The Colorado is introduced species, like Yensen, “The river was like
one of the most controlled trout, but is contributing to the Nile in its importance to
rivers in the world. It has the near extinction of the delta; unknown species
scores of dams, hundreds of several native species of may have disappeared...” As
miles of aqueducts and tun- fish that do not tolerate the a result of the decrease in
nels, dozens of pumping sta- cold water. water flow, entire aquatic
tions, thousands of miles of communities have disap-
canals, and more than 30 hy- By the time the Colorado peared and food webs have
droelectric plants. Water is River reaches the Gulf of collapsed.
pumped from the Colorado to California, it is barely a
cities like San Diego, Califor- trickle. At times the river
nia; Las Vegas, Nevada; dries up before it reaches
Denver, Colorado; and the gulf. Even if there is
Phoenix, Arizona. Each year water flowing, evaporation
16.5 million acre feet of has caused it to become
Water Flow Basics
You might be surprised to  During low water We have talked a lot about
learn that even the Eno is levels there is less low water levels but high
affected by low water flow. habitat for river flow levels affect us also.
Such conditions can have animals, and they Heavy rains wash exposed
adverse affects on the entire become more soil into the river. This
aquatic community. vulnerable to sediment can suffocate
predators. macroinvertebrates, kill fish
 When water levels eggs, and alter habitat. A lot
are low, the water  Low water flow also of towns and cities divert
temperature can means low water rainwater into storm drains
increase and result in volume. With less that empty into rivers. This
less dissolved water available to stormwater can bring toxic
oxygen being dilute pollutants, materials into the river: ve-
available. This can be toxic levels are hicle oil and gas from pave-
deadly to reached more ment; chemicals used in
macroinvertebrates quickly. farming and lawn care;
and fish. overflow from wastewater
 Last but not least, treatment plants; and trash
 Algae can spread you might be forced from dumps and other
rapidly during low to conserve water sources.
water flow, and these during low flow
plants use periods to make sure As you can see, water flow
tremendous amounts you have enough to is very important to us.
of oxygen as they drink and bathe. Using water wisely and pro-
decay. Fish kills can tecting our river’s water-
occur because of shed from unwise use are
insufficient dissolved two ways we can help main-
oxygen. tain a healthy and more
natural water flow.
A beaver dam reduces water flow downstream while
providing a wetland habitat upstream. How does a
beaver dam differ from a manmade dam?
10 182412 6

Average rate of flow through flow space Ball 1

1. 20 sec. + 2. 22 sec. + 3. 18 sec. + 4. 23 sec. + 5. 21 sec. = 104 sec. Ball 2

1. 21 sec. + 2. 26 sec. + 3. 24 sec. +

114 sec.

4. 21 sec. + 5. 22 sec. =
Major Concepts:
 Water quality
Special considerations: The Power of
 pH range (acid-neutral- Chemical reagents are used Hydrogen
 Acid precipitation
in water quality testing.
Because misuse of these Educator's Information:
Learning Skills: chemicals can be
 Observing, classifying hazardous, standard
n this activity, students
 Reading informational chemical protection
materials with complex will test the pH of several
procedures will be required.
vocabulary household products, as well
Goggles and rubber gloves
 Expanding on as river water. Park staff
will be provided for all
will lead a discussion focus-
students handling testing
ing on the pH scale, what
Subject Areas: kits. These must be worn at
pH ranges aquatic life will
 Science all times during test
 English Language Arts tolerate, and natural and hu-
procedures. The educator
man influences that can
will assist in seeing that all
* See Activity Summary for change the pH of a river or
a Correlation with NC
safety precautions are
stream. The students will use
Essential Standards. followed.
litmus paper to test the pH of
several items and record
Objectives: their results on the “Sample
Few’s Ford Access Area
 Demonstrate the use pH Range” worksheet. They
Group Size: of litmus paper and will also use a LaMotte test
8 students per group the LaMotte test kit kit to test the pH of distilled
for determining pH. water and Eno River water
Estimated Time: 30 minutes
 Find the pH of at and record their results on
Appropriate Season: least three common the “Sample pH Range”
April to October substances. worksheet. Park staff and
 List two natural students will discuss their
Provided by the educator: influences that can results and compare them to
pencils, student worksheet affect the pH rating the “pH Ranges That
(one copy per student) of a river. Support Aquatic Life”
Provided by the park: Test  List two human poster. They will note the
paper, LaMotte Test Kit, “pH influences that can extreme ranges of the sam-
Ranges That Support Aquatic
Life” poster, “Sample pH
affect the pH rating ples and be able to determine
Range” poster, sample items of a river. which organisms might be
(distilled water, Eno River  State the North able to live in water with
water, vinegar, lemon juice, Carolina those pH’s.
Liquid-Plumbr™, Rolaids™, Environmental
Coca-Cola™, soap, Formula Have the students read the
409™, baking soda)
Commission's pH Student’s Information prior
range for aquatic to the park visit.
Instructions: for macroinvertebrates. (photosynthesis removes
carbon dioxide, CO ) 2
1. Review the pH informa- Review how aquatic life is
tion provided in the affected by pH. Be sure to • pH increases with
Student’s Information. cover the concept of toler- aeration by riffles and rapids
Discuss what the term pH ance ranges for different or- (aeration adds oxygen, O )
means and how it is ganisms. Use an example

measured. Be sure to use such as the one on mayfly • pH decreases with an

an example––if the river's nymphs. Also, discuss the increase in rainfall (rainwater
pH changes from 6 to 5, range of pH tolerance found is typically more acidic)
this means the river is on the “pH Ranges That Sup-
now 10 times more acidic; port Aquatic Life” poster. • pH decreases with de-
from 6 to 4 would mean it composition of plants
is 100 times more acidic. 4. Discuss with the students (decomposition removes O ) 2

that the rainwater, collected

2. Have two students test the • pH decreases with
in a park rain gauge, will
pH of the Eno River water respiration (animal breathing
have a varying pH. (Results
using the LaMotte Test releases CO )
for the park have been from 2

Kit. Have one student 5.4 to 6.5.) Review the acid

read how it is done from precipitation section of the 6. Discuss the pH of house-
the instructions with the Student’s Information. Em- hold products (the pH of
test kit while the other phasize that rain is naturally many products used for
student does the test. acidic, with a pH around 5.5. cleaning is basic, while the
Have the students then Rain is buffered by the soil, pH of items that taste sour is
test the pH of the distilled resulting in stream water with acidic). Explain the test pro-
water and the pH of the a pH between 6 and 8. Note cedure using litmus paper.
rainwater using the that there are naturally acidic Note that litmus paper can
LaMotte Test Kit. bodies of water, particularly test a broad range of pH and
in the eastern part of the that each litmus paper type
3. Discuss the results, rein- state. Finally discuss what covers a specific range within
forcing the Student’s acid precipitation is, where it the pH scale.
Information. The Eno comes from, and how it
River water should fall changes the pH of the water. 7. Have one student come
between 6.0-9.0 to meet forward and pick a product to
the standards for fresh 5. Discuss other ways the pH test. Prior to testing, have the
of streams is changed, rein- student decide if the product
forcing the Student’s Infor- will be basic, acidic or neu-
mation, particularly: tral. Have the student select a
strip of litmus paper from
• pH increases with in- within the range they think
creases in effluent from appropriate and place it in the
sewage treatment plants product. Match the color on
water set by the N.C. (effluent is high in ammonia the litmus paper chart. Dis-
Environmental which neutralizes acids) cuss the results and have the
Management student mark the class poster.
Commission. Generally • pH increases with All students should mark their
6.5-7.5 is the best range photosynthesis in plants own worksheet.
8. Continue this process until Volunteers and park rangers Modification:
all products are tested. test the Eno River several
times each month for pH, If time permits, take a short
To test Rolaids™, soap and dissolved oxygen, tem- hike upriver and test the pH
baking soda, dissolve the perature, water flow and of the Eno at different sites
products with an equal macroinvertebrate population along the trail. Ask the park
amount of distilled water. and diversity. Several years staff for trail suggestions.
Remind the students that ago, this vigilant testing of
pure, deionized water con- the river identified a chemi-
tains equal numbers of H and cal spill that put the pH over
OH ions and is considered 12 for a period of time!
neutral, pH of 7. Note that Dedicated volunteers have
this will slightly buffer the also provided data to help es-
true pH of these products, but tablish water flow regulations
the products will still provide controlling the amount of
examples of basic pH’s. Point water that can be removed
out that Rolaids™ and baking from the river. The Eno
soda are both basic (pH of 9) River is fortunate to have so
and that baking soda could be many good stewards!
used for acid indigestion just
as well as Rolaids™. Discuss Assessment:
some of the foods that give us
acid indigestion. [Pizza If you have litmus paper, or
(tomatoes), chili (tomatoes), other method of testing for
orange juice (citric acid), etc.] pH in your classroom, set up
We, too, are living organisms lab stations and ask students
and can not tolerate drastic to find the pH of a variety of
changes in pH! To test “you,” substances. Then, discuss, or
have a student place the tip of ask students to write their an-
a strip of paper on his or her swers to the following ques-
tongue. Have the class decide tions:
if the student is acidic, basic, 1. Describe two events, one
or neutral prior to the test. natural and one human-
caused, that will increase
9. Sum up the activity by the pH of a stream or
emphasizing that aquatic life river. Explain why.
is affected when the pH var-
ies a great deal from neutral. 2. Describe two events, one
natural and one human-
A change in the pH of a river caused, that will decrease
can be one of the first the pH of a stream or
indicators of water quality river. Explain why.
problems and can quickly
affect the aquatic life in the 3. Give the Environmental
stream. Management
Commission's acceptable
pH range for North
Carolina fresh waters.
The term pH means
sewage treatment plants (the
The pH of rainfall is naturally effluent is high in
(p)ower of (H)ydrogen ion acidic, usually registering ammonia), photosynthesis
activity. Scientists use the from 5 to 5.5. However, many in plants (photosynthesis
pH scale to define the soils are somewhat basic and removes carbon dioxide,
degrees of acidity/basicity “buffer” the rainwater by CO ), and aeration by riffles
in soil and water. On one raising its pH, making it less 2

and rapids (aeration adds

acidic. As a result, despite the
end of the scale, a pH of 0 is oxygen, O ).
pH of non-polluted rain being 2
extremely acidic (many
+ around 5.5, the pH of most
number hydrogen ions, H ), The pH of water decreases
stream water is between 6 and
whereas at the other end of (becomes more acidic) with
8. However, you can find
the scale, a pH of 14 is each of the following:
naturally acidic water in
extremely basic (many increases in rainfall
- swamps, bogs, Carolina
hydroxide ions, OH ). (allowing little or no
bays, and blackwater rivers
in the eastern part of the buffering from the soil),
A pH of 7 is neutral (equal decomposition of plants
+ - state. There, the soils
numbers of H and OH ions), (decomposition removes O )
contain large amounts of 2
representing a factor of ten. and respiration (animal
peat (partially decayed plant
Thus, a change in a river’s breathing releases CO ).
material) which is acidic.
pH from 6 to 5 means that 2

the river is ten times more Some acidic waters are not Changes in pH can give
acidic; from 6 to 4 means it natural, but the result of acid valuable clues to water
is 100 times more acidic. precipitation. Acid quality changes. A pH
precipitation falls in the form change, either an increase or
North Carolina has estab-
of rain, snow, fog, sleet and decrease, may be an
lished water quality stan-
hail. The acidity results indication of biological
dards. For all fresh waters,
primarily from the mixing of processes such as decom-
except swamps, the accept-
water vapor with sulfur position of organic matter,
able pH range is 6.0 - 9.0
dioxide (from coal burning photosynthetic activity or an
(swamps can have a pH as
power plants) and nitrous increase/decrease in
low as 4.3).
oxides (from cars and trucks) pollutant levels.
in the atmosphere. Acid
Aquatic life is affected
precipitation can cause Monitoring the pH of our
when the pH varies a great
changes in the pH of our streams and rivers is of great
deal from neutral. Different
waterways. importance. It can alert us to
organisms tolerate varying
changes in our water quality
ranges of pH, and the popu-
The pH of water increases and help us to protect our
lation of aquatic organisms
(becomes more alkaline or waters by giving us clues to
will change if the pH
basic) with increases in the the source of the changes.
changes favor certain spe-
following: effluents from
cies. For example, mayfly
nymphs do best when the
pH is around 6.5, but they
usually cannot survive if the
pH drops below 5.0. Most
macroinvertebrates do best
if the pH is between 6.5 and

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