2005 01 12 Wetlands Overview
2005 01 12 Wetlands Overview
2005 01 12 Wetlands Overview
Protection Agency
This forested wetland on the Chincoteague National
Wildlife Refuge on Virginias Eastern Shore is part of the
Atlantic flyway, where shorebirds and waterfowl rest
before they migrate south for the winter.
etlands found in the United States fall
into four general categoriesmarshes,
swamps, bogs, and fens. Marshes are wetlands
dominated by soft-stemmed vegetation, while
swamps have mostly woody plants. Bogs are
freshwater wetlands, often formed in old glacial
lakes, characterized by spongy peat deposits,
evergreen trees and shrubs, and a floor covered by
a thick carpet of sphagnum moss. Fens are
freshwater peat-forming wetlands covered mostly
by grasses, sedges, reeds, and wildflowers.
Good News
Often called nurseries of life, wetlands
provide habitat for thousands of species of
aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals.
Although wetlands are best known for being
home to water lilies, turtles, frogs, snakes,
alligators, and crocodiles, they also provide
important habitat for waterfowl, fish, and
mammals. Migrating birds use wetlands to rest
and feed during their cross-continental journeys
and as nesting sites when they are at home. As a
result, wetland loss has a serious impact on
these species. Habitat degradation since the
1970s has been a leading cause of species
What Is a Wetland?
Although wetlands are often wet, a wetland might not be
wet year-round. In fact, some of the most important
wetlands are only seasonally wet. Wetlands are the
link between the land and the water. They are
transition zones where the flow of water, the cycling
of nutrients, and the energy of the sun meet to produce
a unique ecosystem characterized by hydrology, soils,
and vegetationmaking these areas very important
features of a watershed. Using a watershed-based
approach to wetland protection ensures that the whole
system, including land, air, and water resources, is protected.
Two-thirds of the 10 million to 12 million
waterfowl of the continental United States
reproduce in the prairie pothole
wetlands of the Midwest. In the
winter millions of ducks like these
can be found in the wetlands of the
south-central United States.
includes all the
land that drains to
a common body of
water. Using a
approach to wetland
protection ensures that the whole ecosystem is protected.
I s there a wetland
in your
The best way t o f i nd out i f
t her e s a wet l and i n your
wat er shed or
nei ghbor hood i s t o cont act
your Nat ur al Resour ces
Conser vat i on Ser vi ce of f i ce
or l ocal publ i c wor k s or
pl anni ng depar t ment . Most
have speci al i st s t r ai ned i n
i dent i f yi ng and del i neat -
i ng wet l ands. The U.S. Fi sh
and Wi l dl i f e Ser vi ce s
Nat i onal Wet l and
I nvent or y maps can al so
hel p. The maps i ndi cat e
open wat er and l i k el y
wet l and ar eas. For copi es,
cal l 1- 888- ASK- USGS or
vi si t t he Nat i onal Wet l ands
I nvent or y web si t e at
www.nwi .f ws.gov.
Wetlands do more than provide habitat for
plants and animals in the watershed. When
rivers overflow, wetlands help to absorb and
slow floodwaters. This ability to control floods
can alleviate property damage and loss and can
even save lives. Wetlands also absorb excess
nutrients, sediment, and other pollutants before
they reach rivers, lakes, and other waterbodies.
They are great spots for fishing, canoeing,
hiking, and bird-watching, and they make
wonderful outdoor classrooms for people of all
Bad News
Despite all the benefits provided by wetlands,
the United States loses about 60,000 acres of
wetlands each year. The very runoff that
wetlands help to clean can overload and
contaminate these fragile ecosystems. In
addition, nonnative species of plants and
animals and global climate change contribute to
wetland loss and degradation.
What Is EPA Doing to Protect
EPA has a number of programs for wetland
conservation, restoration, and monitoring. EPA,
along with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(Corps), establishes environmental standards for
reviewing permits for discharges that affect wet-
lands, such as residential development, roads, and
levees. Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act,
the Corps issues permits that meet environmental
standards (after allowing the public to comment).
Working Together to Protect and
Restore Wetlands
In addition to providing regulatory protection
for wetlands, EPA works in partnership with
states, tribes, and local governments, the private
sector, and citizen organizations to monitor,
protect, and restore these valuable habitats.
EPA is helping states and tribes incorporate
wetland monitoring, protection, and restoration
into their watershed plans. EPA is also
developing national guidance on wetland
restoration, as well as constructed wetlands
used to treat storm water and sewage.
Nationally, EPAs Five-Star Restoration Program
provides grants and promotes information
exchange through community-based education
and restoration projects.
EPA works with a variety of other federal
agencies to protect and restore wetlands,
including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the
National Marine Fisheries Service. EPA is
working with these agencies and others to
achieve an overall increase of wetlands over the
next five years. EPA also partners with private
interests and public organizations like the
Association of State Wetland Managers, the
National Association of Counties, local
watershed associations, schools, and universities
to advance conservation and restoration
Li vi ng systems
cl eanse water and
make i t fi t,
among other
thi ngs, for human
consumpt i on.
Elliot A. Norse,
in R.J. Hoage, ed.,
Animal Extinctions,
1985, Smithsonian
The nation behaves well if it treats the
natural resources as assets which it
must turn over to the next generation
increased, and not impaired, in value.
Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
A fre sh wa te r p o o l
a t A ssa te a g u e
N a ti o n a l S e a sh o re
i n Vi rg i n i a .
How Can I Help?
First, identify your watershed and find the
wetlands in your neighborhood. Learn more
about them and share what you learn with
someone you know! Encourage neighbors,
developers, and state and local governments to
protect the functions and values of wetlands in
your watershed.
To prevent wetland loss or degradation, follow
these simple guidelines:
Invest in wetlands by buying duck stamps.
Proceeds from these $15 migratory bird
hunting stamps support wetland acquisition
and restoration. The stamps are available
on-line at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Services web site (www.fws.gov) or at your
local post office.
Instead of draining or filling wetlands, find
more compatible uses, such as waterfowl
and wildlife habitat.
When developing your landscaping plan,
keep wetlands in mind. Plant native grasses
or forested buffer strips along wetlands on
your property to protect water quality.
Participate in a volunteer wetland
monitoring program.
Plan to avoid wetlands when developing or
improving a site. Get technical assistance
from your state environmental agency
before you alter a wetland.
Maintain wetlands and adjacent buffer
strips as open space.
Support your local watershed association.
Plan a wetland program or invite a wetland
expert to speak at your school, club, youth
group, or professional organization.
Build a wetland in your backyard. Learn
how by visiting the U.S. Department of
Agricultures web site at
I f b o tto m la n d h a rd wo o d swa m p s a re
p ro te cte d , B a ld C yp re ss tre e s li k e th e se
ca n g ro w fo r m o re th a n 2 0 0 0 ye a rs.
We tla n d h a b i ta t a lo n g th i s I d a h o ri p a ri a n
co rri d o r p ro vi d e s fo o d a n d sh e lte r fo r d i ve rse
wi ld li fe sp e ci e s.
Wetlands can be found in every county and
climatic zone in the United States.
EPA 843-F-04-011a
Office of Water
December 2004
On the Internet
EPAs Wetland Home Page ................................................................................. www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands
USDAs Wetland Reserve Program ............................................................ www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/wrp
The Association of State Wetland Managers ........................................................................... www.aswm.org
National Marine Fisheries Service Restoration Center ..................... www.nmfs.noaa.gov/habitat/restoration
USDA NRCSs Wetland Science Institute ............................................................... www.pwrc.usgs.gov/WLI
National Wetlands Inventory Center ................................................................................... www.nwi.fws.gov
Izaak Walton League ................................................................................................................. www.iwla.org
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service .................................................................................................... www.fws.gov
Army Corps of Engineers ................................................................................................ www.usace.army.mil
USGS National Weltands Resources Center ....................................................................www.nwrc.usgs.gov
U.S. Forest Service ............................................................................................................... www.usda.fs.gov
In Print
Americas Wetlands: Our vital link between land and water. Available on the Internet at www.epa.gov/owow/
Our National Wetland Heritage: A Protection Guide, Jon Kusler and Teresa Opheim. Available from the
Association of State Wetland Managers. Call (518) 872-1804 or visit www.aswm.org.
Wetlands, 3rd edition, William J. Mitsch and James G. Gosselink. Available from the Association of State
Wetland Managers. Call (518) 872-1804 or visit www.aswm.org.
History of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States: National Water Summary on Wetland Resources,
U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2425. Available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at
wetlands.fws.gov/bha or from the U.S. Geological Survey at water.usgs.gov/nwsum/WSP2425/history.html.
National Wetlands Status and Trends Study and Report for the Year 2000. Available from the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service at wetlands.fws.gov/bha.
Recognizing Wetlands. Available from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at www.wes.army.mil/el/wetlands.
American Avocet
EPA 843-F-04-011a
Office of Water
December 2004