CH - 3 Self Management

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Ch- Self Management Skills

Q1. What is stress?

Ans. Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any
perceived demands or threats. These demands or threats are called stressors. Stressors are
the reason for stress.
Q2. What are four factors of stress in the modern times?
Ans. Four factors of stress in the modern times are:

1. Survival stress
2. Internal stress
3. Environmental stress
4. Fatigue and overwork related stress
Q3.Explain briefly survival stresses?
Ans. It is generated by a do-or-die crisis situation & is a common response to such dangers by
human beings & animals alike. This kind of stress put you in danger of immediate harm-
physical or psychic.
Q4.Goal setting is a very essential factor in your personal life. List all the SMART methods to
set the goals. Explain ‘A’ in brief.
Or Q4. How to Set Goals?
• Specific: A specific and clear goal answers six questions. Who is involved in the
goal? What do I want to do? Where do I start? When do I start and finish?
Which means do I use? Why am I doing this?
• Measureable: A measureable goal answers the questions “How much?”, “How

many?” and “How do I know that I have achieved results?”

• Achievable: Breaking down big goals into smaller parts will make the goal

• Realistic: A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and can

work towards.
• Time bound: A SMART goal should have a timeframe by when the goal needs

to be achieved.
Q5. Ways to find out our stress?
Ans. Some easy way to find stress are:

1. Finding out our ‘alarm response’ or signs & symptoms of stress.

2. Identify the physical & mental signs of our stress.
3. Finding out what causes stress in us.
4. Finding out what are our personal signs of stress.
Q6. What are the different stress management techniques to manage our stress?
Ans. Some of the different stress management techniques are
1. Doing yoga for breathing exercise.
2. Meditating.
3. Doing physical exercise.
4. Thought-stopping.
5. Going on vacation with family & friends.
6. Going for natural walk.
Q7. What is self awareness?
Ans. Self awareness refers to your knowledge & understanding of yourself, your emotions,
beliefs, values, knowledge base abilities, motivations, interests, etc.
Q8. What are the four kinds of self awareness?
Ans. The four kinds of self awareness are:

1. Self awareness of your strengths: Take time to discover your strengths.

2. Self awareness of your weakness: Discovering your weakness builds your humility.
3. Self awareness of your dark side: Your dark side includes your character flaws & your
hidden weaknesses.
4. Self awareness of your emotional triggers: These are your trigger points sometimes
known to you at other time not known to you.
Q9. What is self motivation?
Ans. Self motivation refers to systematic efforts to direct one’s thoughts, feelings & actions
towards the attainment of one’s goals.
Q10. What is Goal Setting?
Ans. Goals: They are a set of dreams with a deadline to get them, for example, saving pocket
money to buy a favourite mobile phone by a particular date.
Goal setting: It is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve
Q11. What is time management and how can you manage your time?
Ans. Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day
well and do all that you want to do. An example of good time management skills would be
when you decide to finish your homework immediately after school so you have time to watch
TV later in the evening.
Time management is the thinking skill that helps you to
• complete tasks on time.
• make a daily timetable.
• make a good guess at how long it will take you to do something.
• submit homework and assignments on time.
• not waste time during the day.

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