CH - 3 Self Management
CH - 3 Self Management
CH - 3 Self Management
1. Survival stress
2. Internal stress
3. Environmental stress
4. Fatigue and overwork related stress
Q3.Explain briefly survival stresses?
Ans. It is generated by a do-or-die crisis situation & is a common response to such dangers by
human beings & animals alike. This kind of stress put you in danger of immediate harm-
physical or psychic.
Q4.Goal setting is a very essential factor in your personal life. List all the SMART methods to
set the goals. Explain ‘A’ in brief.
Or Q4. How to Set Goals?
• Specific: A specific and clear goal answers six questions. Who is involved in the
goal? What do I want to do? Where do I start? When do I start and finish?
Which means do I use? Why am I doing this?
• Measureable: A measureable goal answers the questions “How much?”, “How
• Realistic: A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and can
work towards.
• Time bound: A SMART goal should have a timeframe by when the goal needs
to be achieved.
Q5. Ways to find out our stress?
Ans. Some easy way to find stress are: