Healthy Eating Pregnant VV 2021

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Now that you’re pregnant it’s the ideal time to review your diet. What you eat during pregnancy
affects your own health and wellbeing, your developing baby and your baby’s health later in life.

When pregnant you only need to increase how much you eat by a small amount but you do need more of certain
nutrients. A vegetarian diet can contain most nutrients you need if care is taken to eat regular meals and include
foods from the five food groups each day (see below). However, a vegan diet needs careful planning and specific
supplements to provide all the nutrients you and your baby will need while you are pregnant.
Please see a dietitian for help planning your diet and advice on supplements.

Most women will need folic acid and iodine supplements as it is difficult to get enough of these from food alone.
Vegans also need additional vitamin B12 as this is important for the baby’s brain development (see ‘Important
nutrients during pregnancy’ section below for more information).

Tips on how to include a variety of foods in your everyday meals

To help include the right variety and balance of foods each day choose a protein, carbohydrate and some vegetables,
salad or fruit at each meal. Remember to include some dairy food or calcium-fortified plant milks such as soy or
almond milk each day.

Below are examples of food to include in your daily meals, that is, a carbohydrate, a protein and fruit and vegetables.
Choose foods from each column when preparing your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Carbohydrate + Protein + Vegetables, salad, fruit

Grain- based foods and starchy vegetables Dairy foods, eggs, nuts, nut butters, legumes

Breakfast ideas

Lunch and dinner ideas

Include nutritious snacks if you are hungry or are unable to eat enough at mealtimes.

If nausea is affecting your food choices eat what you can manage and get back on track when you feel better. See
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (morning sickness) fact sheet for more information.

Important nutrients during pregnancy

Folic acid Iodine

Folic acid (also called folate) is a vitamin needed to build Iodine is important for the developing brain and
your baby’s cells. In early pregnancy it can help reduce nervous system of your baby. As more is needed during
the risk of certain birth defects such as spina bifida. pregnancy and breastfeeding, and it’s hard to get
enough from food, a daily supplement of 150
As it’s difficult to get enough folic acid from food alone
microgram of iodine is recommended. Most pregnancy
you will need to take a supplement. Start when planning
multivitamins contain this dose.
your pregnancy and continue it for at least the first 3
months after you are pregnant. Take either a daily folic Supplements are also available that contain both iodine
acid supplement (400 micrograms per day) or take a and folic acid. Do not take kelp (seaweed) tablets as
pregnancy multivitamin. Some women with particular they may contain too much iodine. If you have a pre-
health conditions or who are overweight may be existing thyroid condition, speak to your doctor before
advised to take a higher dose of folic acid. taking an iodine supplement.
Folate is important throughout pregnancy so eat foods Protein
that are rich in folate such as green leafy vegetables, Protein helps build all body tissues. Aim to include
salad greens, fruit, wholegrain breads and cereals, protein-containing foods in each meal. Eggs, dairy
fortified breakfast cereals, legumes and nuts. foods, nuts, legumes (dried beans and lentils) and food
made from them, such as tofu are protein sources and
will help your iron and calcium intake as well.

Iron Vitamin B12
Iron is needed to form red blood cells for yourself and Vitamin B12 is needed for blood cell, nerve and brain
your baby. Lack of iron can cause tiredness and if severe development of your baby. Vitamin B12 is present
can increase the risk of premature birth and low birth- naturally only in foods of animal origin. Vegans and
weight babies. A lot more iron is needed during vegetarians who eat few dairy foods or eggs are at risk
pregnancy and it can be difficult to get enough from a of deficiency, especially as pregnancy and breastfeeding
vegetarian diet. You may need to take an iron rapidly use body stores of B12. Breastfed babies of
supplement if blood tests show that your iron level is vegan mothers are particularly at risk of B12 deficiency.
low. Vitamin B12 is added to certain brands of soy milk and
meat substitutes but the amount in these foods may
Foods containing iron include legumes (lentils and dried
not be enough if few other sources of B12 are eaten.
beans), nuts, seeds, eggs, whole grains, green leafy
Algae, yeast and fermented foods such as tempeh and
vegetables and iron enriched breakfast cereals. You will
miso are not reliable sources of B12.
absorb more iron from these foods if you eat vitamin C-
rich foods, such as citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes or It is important for women at risk to have their level
capsicum at the same meal. checked and may need a B12 supplement.
See the Iron in Pregnancy fact sheet for more If you are concerned please talk to your dietitian or
information. doctor.

Calcium Omega-3 fats

Calcium helps form healthy bones. Dairy foods (milk, Omega-3 fatty acids are needed for healthy brain, nerve
cheese, yoghurt) are a good source. If you drink soy or and eye development in the baby and may have other
other plant milks, such as almond or rice milk, check the health benefits. Vegetarian sources include walnuts,
label and choose a brand with added calcium (at least chia seeds and linseeds (also called flaxseeds) and
100mg per 100ml). Other calcium sources include bok soybeans.
choy, cabbage, broccoli, silverbeet, almonds, calcium-
fortified breakfast cereals and tofu, especially tofu set Multivitamin supplements
with calcium-based setting agent (check label). Spinach Ideally the best way to meet the increased nutrient
has calcium but it is not well absorbed by the body. If requirements of pregnancy is with a balanced diet but if
you seldom eat these foods, talk to you dietitian, you are unable to eat well, a pregnancy multivitamin
midwife or doctor about whether you should take supplement may help. A multivitamin supplement can
calcium supplements. also be a convenient way of getting enough folic acid
and iodine if you are not already taking these
Vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb and use calcium. It
Check that any supplements you take are suitable for
works together with calcium to build your baby’s bones.
pregnancy. Multivitamin supplements that are not
Only a small amount of vitamin D comes from food (it’s
designed for pregnancy may contain too much of a form
contained in egg yolks, margarine, milk and oily fish).
of vitamin A called retinol. Another form of vitamin A
Sunlight helps your body make its own vitamin D. If you
called beta carotene is safe for pregnancy. Ask your
are indoors a lot, have darker skin or cover most of your
pharmacist, doctor or dietitian for advice if you are
body in clothing, your vitamin D levels may be low. Very
low levels can cause bone weakness and muscle pain in
women and skeletal abnormalities (called rickets) in
their babies. If you are at risk you will be advised to take
a vitamin D supplement.

Foods to avoid or limit

Food-borne infections Alcohol

Pregnant women are at greater risk of some types of Not drinking alcohol is the safest option.
food poisoning and infections that can be passed on to
the baby. To reduce your risk: Caffeine
Tea and coffee contain caffeine. These are safe to drink
• Use good food handling practices such as using in moderation, for example, one to two coffees or up to
separate chopping boards for raw and cooked foods. five cups of tea per day. Energy drinks can contain large
• Don’t leave leftover food on the bench for too long. amounts of caffeine or guarana (a source of caffeine) so
Place it in the fridge once it has stopped steaming. should be limited.

• Avoid foods that may contain the listeria bacteria See the Food Safety during Pregnancy fact sheet for
such as soft cheeses (brie, camembert, ricotta, feta more information.
and blue cheese), soft serve ice-cream, pre-prepared
salads. Listeria is killed by cooking food to boiling How much weight should I gain?
point, so, when cooking or reheating foods, make Your recommended weight gain depends on your pre-
sure they are steaming hot. If you are not sure that pregnancy body mass index (BMI).
food has been prepared or stored hygienically do not
To calculate your BMI divide weight (in kilos) by height
eat it.
(in metres) squared. Check the table below for the
• Avoid undercooked eggs to limit risk of salmonella recommended weight gain for your BMI range.
food poisoning, which in rare cases can affect the
If you find you have gained a lot of weight early in
baby. Cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm.
pregnancy, aim to slow your weight gain down to the
• Sesame seeds are also a salmonella risk so avoid recommended monthly gain.
eating sesame seeds and ready to eat products such
Dieting is not recommended, instead limit intake of high
as tahini, halva and hummus. Sesame seeds that
fat and high sugar foods and do some daily exercise
have been heat treated are safe to eat.
such as walking. Speak to your doctor, midwife or
• Toxoplasmosis can be found in cats’ poo (and raw physiotherapist if you are unsure what type of exercise
meat). To reduce the risk of infection wear rubber is appropriate for you.
gloves if handling cat litter and wash hands after
See Weight and pregnancy fact sheet for more
gardening or handling pets.
information and tips on what to eat if you are worried
you are gaining too much or too little weight.

Recommended weight gain

Pre-pregnancy BMI European BMI Asian Recommended weight gain Weight gain per month
during pregnancy in 2nd & 3rd trimesters*
Underweight Less than 18.5 12.5 to 18kg 2 to 2.5kg
Normal weight 18.5–24 18.5 to 22.9 11.5 to 16.0kg 1.5 to 2.2kg
Overweight 25–29 23 to 27.5 7 to 11.5kg 1 to 1.4kg
Obese 30 and above Above 27.5 5 to 9kg 0.7 to 1.2kg

*The average weight gain in the first three months is 0.5 to 2kg.

Where to get more information
If you have questions about what to eat or weight gain Food Standards Australia New Zealand
during pregnancy ask for a referral to a dietitian. This website has useful information for consumers.
The Women’s website Search for ‘Fish and mercury’, ‘Listeria and food’ and
for more information on nutrition and pregnancy ‘Food poisoning’
The following fact sheets are also available for Eat for Health
download: Visit the Australian Dietary Guidelines website for
• Healthy eating when you’re pregnant with twins advice and resources about healthy eating.
• Coping with common discomforts of pregnancy
• Food safety during pregnancy
• Iron & pregnancy
• Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (morning
• Weight gain during pregnancy

Eat for Health: Healthy foods guide

Use the following table as a guide to foods you should include in your daily diet.

Food group Daily serves Each item is an example of a serve

½ cup vegetables
Vegetables & Legumes 5 1 cup salad
½ cup legumes (cooked)
1 medium or 2 small pieces fruit
Fruit 2 1 cup tinned fruit or fruit salad
1 tablespoon dried fruit
65g cooked meat
80g cooked chicken
100g cooked fish fillet of 1 small can of fish
Meat and
3½ 2 eggs
meat alternatives
1 cup legumes canned or cooked legumes/beans - lentils, chickpeas
170g tofu
1 tablespoon (30g) nuts
1 cup milk
Dairy or alternatives such as soy or
2½ Small tub (¾ cup) yoghurt
almond milk
2 slices (40g) cheese
1 slice bread, ½ bread roll, 1 chapatti,
½ Lebanese bread, 3 crisp breads
Grain foods (breads & cereals) 8½
1 cup cereal, ½ cup porridge (cooked)
½ cup rice, pasta, noodles (cooked)
Unsaturated oils and spreads Optional 1 to 2 tablespoons per day
Limit foods that are high in added fats and sugars, such as cakes, biscuits, pastries, high fat takeaway foods and sugar-sweetened soft drinks
and juices. While these are fine in small amounts, in large amounts they can cause excess weight gain or take the place of more nutritious

DISCLAIMER This fact sheet provides general information only. For specific advice about your baby or your healthcare needs, you should seek advice from your health professional. The Royal Women’s
Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage arising from your reliance on this fact sheet instead of seeing a health professional. If you or your baby require urgent medical attention,
please contact your nearest emergency department. © The Royal Women’s Hospital 2019–2021


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