Module in Traffic
Module in Traffic
Module in Traffic
Practical Driving
Historical Baccckground of Land Transportation
Transsportation-is the movement or conveying of persons and goods from one
location to another.
Various Anciennt Modes of Transportation
A. Manpower- Early man, who had no domesticated animals, ccarried his
ownn burdens. More today, Manpower iss important in transportation in
manny parts of the world.
2. Carrying Pole- In china and other parts of Far East, the carrying pole,
balanced on the shoulder is a popular carrying device. On islands of the
pacific, the ends of the pole are supported by two men, with goods
suspended from the pole in between.
3. Back Load and Tumpline- In many parts of the world, goods are carried on
the back. In subtemala, pots are carried on a wooden framework supported
by a tumpline across the forehead. In the Andes, the load is held on the back
by a strap passing over the chest.
5. Sledge on Runners- a simple sledge, probably man drawn, was in use at the
end of the stone age in northern europe, as evidenced by fragment off
wooden runners whicch survived.
6. Travois – as the pole arrangement called, serves as a platform on which the
burdens are placed. The platform or crossed-beam poles are then dragged by
humans or animals.
3. Dog – the dog,, the first animal domisticated, is too slight to cary heaavy
loads. The plain indians sometimes packed light loads on dogs back, and
piled goods on a travios which the dogs dradonkeygged.
4. Donkey – the donkey or ass, first domesticated in the middle easst. Early
dogs came to use as a back animal before the domestication of the camel.
5. Llama- In pre-columbian America, the lama was the only new world
animal other than the dog capable of domestication for use un transport.